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my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
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my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-02-2016 8:37 PM

So I've been pretty interested in the subliminals that have been posted here, my own experience with them was about 6 years ago and they were very effective but they were custom made for just me and included my name. They were silent subliminals and it seems that including an identifier besides "I am now" is much more powerful.

That's not to say regular/mass produced subliminals don't work, but I only ran those for 10 days and quickly got over the issue that was bothering me and never had to use them again. But mass produced subliminals have the same effect, usually people will see initial results within 1-7 days and then after 30 days the changes are permanent. So maybe slower to start out, but cheaper since you don't have to customize a script for a specific person.

My own experience with ASC which is free has been great and I even played around with creating my own subliminal audio. I've been stalled on my weight loss for months but after a few days of creating a subliminal for weight loss and better skin I'm losing 0.5-1 lb per day without any changes and my skin has a nice golden glow after about 2 weeks of nightly use.

I wanted to give am6 a spin but before I made the $500 purchase I tried to get feedback from a few people who have gone through the program and then spent a few days reading each and every journal entry at a few different sites. These notes are my own but maybe they will help anyone else who was thinking about using subliminals.

It's all subjective opinion so don't take it as the gospel, I just figured it may help others so why not post it?

Do they work?

Maybe I'm biased, but yes.

I had the opportunity to see 3 different logs belonging to 3 different people who ran AM6, none of whom know each other, aren't members of pherotruth, and 2 weren't even aware subliminal shop had subliminal talk as a separate forum on a separate website.

Their experiences through each stage was very similar and their experiences were the same. One of the guys only kept very basic logs like "woke up today and realized i despise by job and everyone there" but it matched up with what the other 2 guys were writing in detail.

The 3 journals of those guys also lines up what has been mentioned here, at subliminal-talk, and on another private forum where a couple of users have detailed their experiences. 2 of 3 the three also ran SM3 and again, very similar experiences for both of them, public journals @ subliminal-talk, and journal entries at the private forum.

What about the piracy protection code?

Doesn't seem to be an issue at all. At the private forum most people had downloaded it for free, saw results, and continue to see results. After seeing the results a few shelled out the money anyway because they believe in supporting things that work but I think that's their own mentality. The people who downloaded it for free and refused to pay continued to see results.

One user was not aware of the copy protection code and was getting results, until he discovered that it was included in all products. He was under the assumption that am6 didn't have it but everything else did, when he found out he lost results for a few days until he ran the refresher and thought to himself "copyright, schcopyright" (basically saying to himself "it's bullshit" for you non english speakers) and after a week he was back to his old (am6 working) self.

I wouldn't recommend downloading the product for free anyway, especially if it's something that changes your life for the best and ends up making you more money in the long run. Just reading through journals and the smooth experience people have with am6 you can tell it's something that took a lot of time, effort, and careful attention to detail to create so it's good to support the people who make these types of products so they can continue to make more similar or better things in the future.

What about people not getting results?

A few on the private forum did not see results, but after contacting them via pm they had one of the following things in common:

they used bad speakers (cell phone, tablet, laptop)
gave up after 3-4 days
had unrealistic expectations

#1 and #3 being the most common, maybe some high quality laptop speakers would be enough but no way would cell phone or tablet speakers do the job especially for the ultrasonic versions.

subliminal shop says you need 20khz but the ultrasonic output is at 17.5khz. It seems they suggest 20khz just to provide extra buffer room for things like old equipment, bad connections, faulty wires, etc. As long as your speakers are rated for 20khz you will be fine.

Real subliminals audio peaks at 14.5khz which is slightly lower but again if your speakers are rated for 20khz you should be good to go.

The best way to test your equipment is with the app called "frequensee" available for both android and iphone. It will show you the audio output as well as the volume, this is a very helpful app if you're using ultrasonic since it will tell you exactly the audio being put out as well as the volume. You do not want the ultrasonic too loud otherwise you could damage your hearing.

The app uses your cell phones microphone to get sound levels and the output spectrum so it's a good way to test the ultrasonic.

In terms of people having unrealistic expectations, I think most people here will know better than to assume that you can just stand there like a log and have women approach, seduce, and lead you to the bedroom. Seeing the journals of certain users and then looking at their other posts it seems clear that the guys not getting results due to unrealistic expectations are also very inexperienced with women and were probably hoping for something that required no effort/game/social skills but I think you guys know better than that.

A few also did get results, but they did not like the results because it made them rude, arrogant, and way too cocky. I only talked to 2 of these guys but what they had in common is that they had a bad image of what being an "alpha male" meant to them. They had the idea alpha males were criminals who pop steroids, deal drugs, and abused women. Before you start it would be a good idea to confirm what you think an alpha male should be and more importantly what type of alpha male you want to become because it doesn't look like am6's script is "i am now becoming a more sociable, friendly, empathetic alpha male who still enforces boundaries and holds himself accountable" but just rather "i am now becoming an alpha male" along with 1,000's of other related suggestions.

One of the 3 guys who had the best results said he printed out a big bullet point list of the qualities he thought an alpha male should have and read through it every couple of days. He no longer had the list but here are a few of the points he told me about:

an alpha male can talk with anyone, be friends with anyone, empathize with anyone, and always appreciates everyone as they are
an alpha male always enforces his boundaries and expects people to bring their best self, even if he's the one that has to bring it out of them
an alpha male seeks nothing from anyone but has appreciation for everything they do
an alpha male marches to the beat of his own drum and doesn't need the approval or validation of others
an alpha male is always ready to take charge and deal with problems head on
an alpha male is adored by women not for his muscles or money but because of his unshakable confidence, character, and natural born leadership

There are many such lists on the internet of the good socially well adjusted "modern alpha male" so don't be afraid to look stuff like that up.

Interesting detail, he also had a few sexual ones, one being "an alpha male deserves sexual fulfilment because the onus of manhood rests on his shoulders" and funnily enough a few of the women he's been with have one way or another said something similar. A few things off the top of his head:

walking into a burger king after the club, a guy had already pulled a girl and was about to take her home but she left burger king with him after only a 5 minute convo. After sex she said "that other guy was ok, but I think you deserve it more". He wasn't even trying to score just taking his cousin out for a night and winging for him.

a friend of a friend was at his house and the guy asked his gf for a massage, she said he doesn't do shit all day and doesn't need one, walked up and started rubbing his shoulders instead and said "he deserves this, you can tell he carries a heavy load in life". He didn't even know her name, the boyfriend/girlfriend broke up a few weeks later and he started banging her.

his girlfriends/fwb have all been very eager to make sure he is sexually satisfied, one fwb even texted him daily asking if he needed a bj. After a week or so of this he asked her what the fuck is up and her exact words were "i just want you to be happy, a guy like you deserves whatever he needs and I want to be the one to give it to you"

and a few other such incidents but that word "deserve" keeps popping up when it comes to his sexual relations with women and he's had more women offer to rub his shoulders in the past year than he has in his entire life.

Food for thought...

Which is better, masked or ultrasonic?

The answer is actually both.

The people who seem to get the best results use a mixture of two, they might not split them both 50/50 but they will try to get both of them in every single day. Many had success just with ultrasonic, or just with the masked tracks, but people who do both seem to get the more intense dreams and more noticeable results.

The theory is that ultrasonic is "loud" while masked is more "quiet" meaning they "hit" different parts of the subconscious.

Real subliminal says both are good but that ultrasonic doesn't contain all of the audio because in order to make it a silent/ultrasonic track they use a simple audio editing trick, they basically just cut out all the audio below a certain frequency (14.5khz for real subliminal, 17.5khz for subliminal shop) and your left with somewhat incomplete audio.

The sentence "i am an alpha male" in ultrasonic could sound like "m n alph mae" (misspelled on purpose). Your subconscious can still put it together so it's not a big issue and many get results on just ultrasonic, but it is something to consider.

Masked tracks on the other hand just mask the audio by adding another audio track over the subliminal suggestions. The advantage is that 100% of the audio is there, it's just being covered up by an overlaying sound. The downside is that they are annoying as fuck, but it if you can get in 2-3 hours of masked audio per day along with the ultrasonic then that would be ideal, but again not completely necessary.

When using masked tracks it's helpful to use the equalizer, in general subliminal shop doesn't recommend playing around with things like treble/bass BUT Shannon himself has said that he's seen the best results when using a "jazz" preset:

I'm personally using the "laptop/headphone speaker" preset on winamp which is very similar

The reason I'm using this one is because it makes hours of the trickling sound tolerable, it tones down the annoying part of the water sound and kicks up the subliminal audio.

If using the trickling sound you can hear some buzzing, that's the 500 words per second subliminal audio and it has given me the most intense dreams. Using this preset with the ultrasonic you can also hear some chirping coming from the speakers, since the 16khz band is at max level it would make sense. Without this equalizer setting I hear nothing on the ultrasonic track but that's totally normal. Not required, but Shannon says he saw the best results with the jazz preset and this preset in winamp gives me pretty good dreams.

Which track (ocean surf vs. trickling is better)

I would go with whichever one lets you listen to the most amount of audio comfortably, for me that is the trickling track and it seems it's the track that is working best for most people. Everyone is different and either way your subconscious will hear it, but I really like the trickling track.

Which product should I start with?

Honestly i think people should start with one of the free tracks, EPHRA or ASC

EPHRA = emotional pain relief and healing
ASC = absolute self confidence

ASC itself has given me good results, in the 10 days of using it I have had 1 woman and 2 guys both tell me that I'm confident and it's greatly reduced procrastination and decision making.

EPHRA also has many good reviews and would probably be a good overall subliminal to run just to deal with the bullshit everyone has in their life.

From there most people would probably be interested in either alpha male 6, sex magnet 3, or women magnet 2. Subliminal shop says you need to run am6 before you run sm3 or wm2 but based one what others have told me this is not completely necessary and they got results running sm3 or wm2 without am6 but am6 would lay a very good foundation.

Shannon included the leadup to sm3 in am6 so that's the natural path to take but even if you only run am6 you will still get more than enough attention and attraction from women. Based on all the feedback I've gotten both in private and via public journals here is how I would summarize each program.

alpha male 6

It does help you with women, but it helps you with every other aspect of life even more. It definitely makes you alpha but not "pickup artist alpha" more like "my life is under control and women are a part of it". It ends procrastination, fear, guilt, shame, neediness, makes you decisive, take charge, gives you leadership, accountability, ambition, and really does make you your overall best self. You'll cut ties with friends you hate, find new friends you love, quit the job you hate, get the job you really want, earn more money, go to the gym more, upgrade your wardrobe, take bette care of yourself, etc. It's more focused on life rather than women but still brings you results that are on par with pheromones including:

eye contact smiles from women
women being more submissive
minimizes and negates shit testing
more respect from men
kids will love you
strangers will love you
peers will admire you
boyfriends are more on guard around you

If am6 was a pheromone it would probably be IG, core, or wolf. Some may have hoped for a314 but the "typical batch" of a314 is that people do what you say but it's out of fear and compliance, am6 people do what you say out of love and admiration. If it was a style of pickup I think it would be daygame. If you want to upgrade your your life and have the ability to meet women anytime anywhere as you walk your path in life then am6 would be my suggestion. Of course it will also help you in nightgame but am6 is so much more than just women.

woman magnet 2

feedback suggests it's a lighter version of am6 with a little bit more social side tuned in. Women will love you and so will men, but not that in that way, more of a "this guy is awesome" type of way. Users seem to get more help in other areas of life too like working out, procrastination, confidence, social anxiety, etc but not as much as am6. If wm2 was a pheromone it would be instant shine or glace. If it was a style of pickup it would be social circle. Again, not that's it's limited to social circle but the feedback on this one is that it's more "social alpha" rather than "all over alpha" like am6. If you already feel alpha enough but want to throw champagne parties then go with this one.

sex magnet 3

I honestly don't have a good grasp on this one yet because the reports on it are all over the place, overall yes you will get more sexual attraction but due to the way SM3 was created it also seems to make you have less need for sex which just makes women want sex more. It also has some "protections" in it so that YOU yourself reject women who may be trying to use you, have an std, or are trying to get pregnant by you. Not really a believer in claims like that, but several people have reported that they had a woman they found attractive throwing herself at them and for whatever reason they just weren't in to her. But then again other women would throw themselves at them and they were totally down so who knows? And by "throwing herself at them" I don't mean "sit back and do nothing", you still need some idea of what you're doing for this sub.

The feedback I got via PM from one guy suggested that women will send blatant IOIS and even "self isolate" such as "hey come checkout my artwork, it's at my apartment" or "do you think I could crash here tonight, im kinda tired/tipsy" but you would still need to approach, lead, and escalate. He says blatant IOIS because it's more obvious, longer eye contact, bigger smiles, them initiating light kino (chest touching being the biggest one) but you still need to "seal the deal". I think this is why reports on it are so mixed, the guys who need SM3 the most are probably the ones who would benefit from it the least. Quite a conundrum.

Downsides include uncontrollable boners in public, female friends avoiding you (think of a -none OD), younger women being intimidated, and it seems a lot of guys sex life goes from "normal" to zero while on the sub but once they actually finish it they start seeing the positives. If this was a mone it would be dirty primitive or anything super sexual. The pickup style would be last minute caveman game on the streets as the club/bar is closing.

All the subs will require you to approach, lead, and escalate, but with sm3 I think you would need more social skills in order to manage it. If you can handle the hard hitting mones (av, DP, IJ, OD) then this is a good sub to use.

Become irresistible to Beautiful women

have not done much research on this one. This one takes less time, 1-2 months.

Develop an aura of sexiness

same as above, didn't do much research, but it takes 1-2 months

AM6 vs AM5, which is more effective?

AM6 is the newer program and AM5 is of course older, some people have mentioned that AM5 is more powerful but that's only because they go through wilder swings, more depression, more anger, etc. What's different about them is that am6 is supposed to contain something Shannon calls "the naturalizer" which means you'll get less emotional swings and people have confused this with "effectiveness" but that's not the case.

People who have done both am5 and am6 like am6 better and it says it gives them more natural results, it isn't until they look back where they used to be and where they are now that they see "wow this is working". This may also make the subs more effective, without you having to breakdown emotionally every couple of days it makes it more seem like this is your core and absolute reality and how you've ALWAYS been so in this regard am6 wins no doubt.

What can be done to see the best results?

The people who get results are patient, follow the directions, and get at least 12 hours with a mix of both ultrasonic and masked tracks. Aside from that it may be helpful to print out a list of your own affirmations for what you want to achieve or what you want to become. As I said the guy who gave me the best feedback and the most results made a long list of the attributes he identified as "alpha" and he's seeing many of those things in his results.

I'm also taking 2 supplements, ZMA which is known to give you crazy dreams due to the b6 and valerian root, a supplement that has been known to put you into "deeper sleep" faster and for longer periods of time. I don't know if these 2 are making a difference since I've been taking them for a long time now but I do not feel exhausted or worn out from subliminals until the end of the day when it's about time to go to sleep anyway. That is a change for me, usually I have to try and make an effort to go to sleep so I am getting more tired than I should be but since it's towards the end of the night it's not an issue for me. I don't know if others would experience this but they are 2 great supplements everyone should take before bed anyway.

Again, just my own notes after doing some research and reading journals so take my 2 cents for what their worth. Mosking
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2016 8:40 PM by blitz.)
05-02-2016 8:37 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #2
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-02-2016 11:27 PM

Interesting stuff. I've been using Overcoming Fear 5g for two weeks and have had noticeable results. They certainly work the only problem is there are so many that seem worth doing so you must be patient!

I have been only using ultrasonic but I'll heed your advice and crank my trickling stream on occasion.
05-02-2016 11:27 PM
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Post: #3
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-03-2016 12:43 AM

Really amazing Blitz!!

Thanks for summarizing. This subs work. It is giving me phenomenal changes. I will try to make a list of alpha traits. My sole purpose is to remove guilt, fear and negativity in life.

Posting the results in my journal on weekly basis. We will surely see what happens.

Thanks for the information. Helps a lot.
05-03-2016 12:43 AM
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Post: #4
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-03-2016 1:54 AM

wow, Blitz, this is an amazing review!!!
Many thanks!!!

Is there a way to make your own sublimals?
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2016 1:58 AM by pinacolada.)
05-03-2016 1:54 AM
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Post: #5
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-03-2016 3:51 AM

Holy crap this is intense and thorough! I've never thought of using subliminal and I'm not sure if I need to or not, but there is always room for self-improvement in one's life. I've seen a few threads pop up and there seems to be a general consensus that subliminals work. Time to research it a bit and see what the hype is all about.
05-03-2016 3:51 AM
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Blacky Chan
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Post: #6
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-03-2016 9:02 PM

This thread deserves a bump
05-03-2016 9:02 PM
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Post: #7
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-04-2016 3:11 PM

I'm interested in alpha male 6, but at that price I would prefer to read a book!

(This post was last modified: 05-04-2016 3:12 PM by Futureman.)
05-04-2016 3:11 PM
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Post: #8
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-04-2016 3:14 PM

I have tried subliminals a few times because the topic interests me....In previous attempts, I didn't feel anything happening nor did I have an idea of how long I should try it before reasonably expecting results.

Once I even got headaches and didn't really understand why....So I tried listening to ASC 5 just through my computer because the website says how different Shannon's program is compared to other programs.

Not saying that this is standard, but I felt something and I didn't listen to it through headphones....I played it on my computer. Because I felt something, I looped it on my ipad last night and I'm not sure if it is placebo or not, but I could feel something....An event happened today that normally really gets to me, but I couldn't bring myself to be angry or sad about the situation...I just was calm and focused and powered through.....That I don't see with pheromones.

My personal opinion is that the subliminal forum could be more user friendly....maybe I am so used to this forum being easy to find what I need that my expectations are too high.

I will say that many of the reviews that I looked up on the site were very short....As in a good start, but not too much after that....And that makes me pause a bit.
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2016 3:17 PM by DarkLord1.)
05-04-2016 3:14 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #9
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-05-2016 11:45 PM

Thank you for your excellent post. I am trying out the free subs from Shannon and will report any feedback (positive or negative) shortly
05-05-2016 11:45 PM
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Post: #10
RE: my own thoughts, notes, and musings on subliminal audios
05-06-2016 12:01 AM

Am6 is kind of hard on you.So it is better to buy/try part of stages before jumping the gun.I was running stage 5 and it made me bit obsessed about sex and was bit too hard on me,so I kind of stopped it.Have to finish that stage and start the last stage(stage 7 is the refresher).IMHO $500 is too much.
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2016 12:04 AM by jb20.)
05-06-2016 12:01 AM
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