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Aqua Vitae - my view
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Post: #1
Aqua Vitae - my view
07-06-2011 5:28 AM

I am a big fan of Aqua Vitae (AV), for me this product is one of the best performers so I decided to make my own thread.
Mainly for my own purposes so i can put my experiences in one place, but feel free to comment and post everyone.

To sum up AV:
Wearing AV gives me the vibe of "I'm da man", the Boss, the man in charge.
It amplifies confidence and cool that you have.
It gives out sexual/attraction vibes
It makes you less approachable as people may see you as being socially superior and be intimidated or afraid to talk to you.
But if you talk to them first, they will be happy to talk and will enjoy your presence.
Just wearing AV may not have much effect, you need to be active and make the first move/approach.

You may be better off wearing nutella, maybe some chick might want to lick it off
My journal http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-PheroMan
My product list http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-...#pid231407
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2011 6:38 AM by Pheroman.)
07-06-2011 5:28 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
07-06-2011 5:32 AM

reserved for previous comments
Im gonna put all my previous AV comments here so i can review them.
10-30-2010 2:42 AM

Aqua Vitae is a great product.
Always has it's effect, but it can be hard work. It's like it amplifies your mood.
If your out there working the mojo, it can be like a cobra charmer to many women, but if your not in a "go get'em" mood, not much seems to happen.
As terry0400-40 pointed out it's a mix for the "action man".
On one occasion I charmed a 35-40 woman for a couple hours, and when I kissed her goodnight
on the cheek (she tried the lips), she sped off in her car like a crazy women very pissed off
because she thought I was teasing & playing with her and not interested in any intimacy (like hell I wasn't! lol). Took a while to get her to even talk to me again.

So unless I'm out on a mission, I tend to lace it with some unscented nude which makes the ladies seem to smile a bit more.

AV is my fav product for going out socializing.

RE: Aqua Vitae
11-03-2010 2:51 AM

Continuing my recollections, after about 2 wks of using Liquid Trust, which was good for work & family, I received my LA order.
I started with only Aqua Vitae for the first week as i like the scent.
About 2 inches each side of neck, dab on wrist and rub on other one.

The first hit came day 1 and was the girl from the first post (Pherxgirl), who I see often at work, and she just went into overdrive.
It was like worship lol. After over 20 years in the entertainment industry i know that look very well: I went from rockstar to rockgod.
After a few minutes of silence she also started talking lots and faster than normal.
Aqua Vitae vs Early 20s girl, KO first round. She also came back later, and just didnt want to leave. Still at this time, I'm not taking any initiatives on this one. I have a friend who likes her and is pretty close, so I'm not going there. I overtly "friend zone" her lol.
The rest of the work day went smooth.
I talked to lots of people, everybody was nice polite and smiling.
To note that I'm always that way too, so many people respond in kind.

Day 2
A teen girl get rather close while asking some questions. I kept getting the feeling she wanted to touch me, though she did'nt.
A couple girls 25-30 one of which looked like an alpha lesbian was also staying very close.
I'd move, and within 1 minute she'd be back next me. This happened about 4 times, not exactly random I'd say.
The other one no effect at all.
Some people called me "sir" while buying things, which I mention as it it seems a common denominator with these products, and there seems to be a general vibe of respect, though i would say this to be not all that unusual.

Day 3-5
Nothing in particular to report.

Night 5
Sweaty situation in club, friend 35ish whom I like very much but due to circumstances could not approach before (Muskcloud-itis again lol), doesn't leave my side for an instant except to go to the ladies room over a 1 hr period.
I say hardly anything, just asking a few short leading questions and it was like winding up and releasing a spinning top.
She was talking fast, saying some intimate type stuff (truth serum effect I think), but seemed happy, touchy feely and lots of eye contact.
All of this was much more than usual.
We danced another 40-50mins, then the same again ie stuck to my side.
Since i really like this girl, I was very happy myself, her and AV.
But she was going through some issues, an early next morning so it was a short but wet kiss on the lips, a hug, a few compliments smiles and a "call me tomorrow" from her.
The vibe from her towards me was the best so far, by far.
She's one of the hottest and coolest women I've known, and I'm certainly no poster boy lol, of which she knows a few. But so far so good.

Day 6
Shopping for a shirt, walk into store look around, 21yr blond asks if I need assistance. I reply I'm looking for a black shirt.
She asks a few questions and somehow we end up up conversing for 5 mins about music, fav bands, common likes etc. Fair enough some chix are just talkative, and so am i really. She told me her full name, where she lives, where she like to go out blah blah. All I gave was a first name.
Eventually I find a shirt, try it on and ask "What do you think?"
She started "adjusting" the shirt, rubbing invisible, to me, dust off the sleeves, shoulders & neck area in the store with 2 other male staff trying not to make it obvious they're watching.
Now I'm a pretty confident type fellow, but a real hardass tough cynic, yet at this stage my mind is just thinking "wtf!? she's half my age, could this really be AV? HolyFvcknEurekaShit!". She was still talking of course, and I have no clue what she said for about a minute still "processing" the information overload lol.
Maybe she was desperate for a sale, lost a bet with her workmates, or who knows what. But I did buy the shirt though and walked away with a big smile.

Night 6 Day 7
Didn't wear any mones, and nothing unexpected happened.
Though by the end of the week I felt really tired and drained. Much more than normal.

PS Not sure if I should post this in reviews, but mods feel free to move what I post as I'm still noob round here.
And of course if I'm missing anything that may be important, please ask.

Forgot to add that what made me buy AV & Wolf were the reviews and posts by Snoopy & Terry. Thanx guys

RE: Aqua Vitae
11-05-2010 1:31 AM

My personal opinion after ~6mths of using these chemicals is that they are just another tool in the toolbox.
Mechanics use the same spanners with different results, musicians use the same instruments with very different results.
Words and body language are also tools we use in human interactions.
There are a ton of variables added in the equation as well including the irrational and volatile behaviour of humans.
I would'nt say it "works like magic", words, body language, actions are just as important, but it does help and I practically always flirt with every female without a ring on her finger.
But I still find I have to do the work and maintain close distance for a few minutes before the effects start.
Heat increases the effect, so sometimes I rub my wrists to warm them up.

And Based on your last journal AV was working for you, though that amount does seem a little extreme to me.
Maybe use a small dab of unscented Nude (or similar) on each side of the neck.
I find this increases the touchy feely playfulness factor.

RE: Aqua Vitae
03-18-2011 3:33 PM

I get good results with a couple inches each side of neck and a dab on the wrists spread out on arms.
When I get in close and turn up the charm it always has effect.
Of course if she's not into me to start with, nothing sexual is ever going to happen.

RE: Aqua Vitae
04-17-2011 1:01 PM

In my experience you have to work this product, but you get much more back than you put int.
for eg:
when the waitress comes back with the refill, smile warmly look at her straight in the eyes and slowly say something like "thankyou sweetie, i really like coming here the service is great".
Then second time back "Your such a babe, i like your hairstyle" then without waiting for reply ask simple questions like "how long you been working here?"
After a couple minutes she will go starry eyed a look like she's daydreaming.
Ask for her number and leave it till next time.

Same system goes for meeting new women, when you get a good hit they will be like cobras to a snake charmer.
Asking a question is like releasing a spinning top, they keep talking and wont want to get away from you.
Of course you cant make them do what they dont want to do, but if they are out looking for some fun, then you may just be the guy they gonna get it from.

RE: Aqua Vitae
04-19-2011 11:35 PM

I tired AV again, and got the usual response, after a few minutes of chit chat fairly close with lots of eye contact she (30s is my guess) went silent with a starry eyed smile while looking into my eyes and after about 30 secs (thats a long time if you count it) and said "sorry i was just daydreaming"
Being a work situation I just smiled and said "thank you".

RE: Aqua Vitae
04-25-2011 1:21 PM

Great! but be careful as you dont want to go from friend zone to lap dog that needs to be told what to do.
Believe me give her an inch and they will take 3 miles here.
Keep your alpha status (and your balls) and make it nice that she is concerned, but dont let her
give you orders and tell you what to do.
Because as soon as you do, your history and will hardly ever go back.
At it will just get worse, and worse, and worser and the first time you say the word "no"
your the biggest asshole that's ever walked planet earth...
I really think every girl will try this, it's just human nature for them and a way to sus us guys out.

Seems like she's interested and running you through some tests to see what your made of and if your comfortable being yourself (which of course you should be!).

If the next date is similar, I'd suggest a few kisses now and then from you when you feel its appropriate.
She does something for you, cook or get a drink, you give her a peck on the cheek and say "thanks your sweet" and go back to where you were. Dont ask, just do. Only one girl I ever met didnt like being pecked on the cheek.
And when you leave, dont turn your head away when she kisses you.
Turn it towards her lips making it a kiss on the lips, you will really start hearing her brain tick, unless she drags you back in of course.

Pls note this is just my opinion on what I would do...dont blame me if you get slapped.

Also check out David DeAngelo and Carlos Xuma on alpha male and Alan Pease for body language http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Alchemy-of-a-PUA

RE: Loving Aqua Vitae
06-03-2011 11:54 PM

If you can be a smooth talker a few drops of AV can make you the charmer and her the cobra.
She will look at you with starry glistening eyes and dilated pupils.
She will just nod hardly being able to reply to your hypnotizing voice.
She will welcome a soft caress on the arm or back of the neck.
She will jolt at a kiss on the cheek as if it were an electric charge.
She will appear in a trance like state, wanting more of those sweet soothing words and soft gentle touch.
She may or may not take it further than that, but when this stuff hits what can normally take hours of trying to build comfort happens in minutes.

RE: Aqua Vitae
06-25-2011 1:45 AM

AV strikes again.
Went out with 4 inch of AV round my neck and 1 inch each arm.
In my travels went to a bank at the front desk was an attractive woman mid 45ish who
came around the desk to help me with my transaction.
First she touch my arm with hers, then her breast made contact with my upper arm while she was talking
It was fun, and she was very helpful. Excellent customer service i say.

My Aqua Vitae modus operandi:
As it's been said many times AV is about congruence and confidence.
I always wear black only, black pants, shirt, leather jacket, blazer, sports coat etc.
I drive a black car with black leather seats , also black with dark tints.
I'm always cool and calm with a smile as I greet people.
I never raise my voice or get angry.
I hardly ever use crass language.
I'm always a gentleman, respectful and diplomatic.
I never have more than one drink of any type.
And I never stay in one place too long.
I never brag (or even talk) about my car or anything material, when asked I change the subject.
I been doing this long before pheromones, but throw on a few inchs of AV... Big boss

You may be better off wearing nutella, maybe some chick might want to lick it off
My journal http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-PheroMan
My product list http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-...#pid231407
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2011 8:08 PM by Pheroman.)
07-06-2011 5:32 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
07-14-2011 6:53 PM

Hey Pheroman would you wear AV to work?
07-14-2011 6:53 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
07-14-2011 8:02 PM

Yeah I have a few times, but only if i didnt have others and in small doses like 2 dabs on neck and 1 rubbed on wrists.
I used Wolf at work quite a bit, but its like "i talk you listen".
What like about Certo is that its more "when I talk you listen, then respond honestly".
With AV its a different vibe, it just doesnt always have that work vibe about the reactions i get. Some people seem distracted and i would get "what am i here for again?" type reactions.
But if I had to choose only one bottle from my chemset AV is the first that comes to mind.

You may be better off wearing nutella, maybe some chick might want to lick it off
My journal http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-PheroMan
My product list http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-...#pid231407
07-14-2011 8:02 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #5
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-19-2012 4:53 PM

Bump, I know, but I'm just hoping for a noobie clarification: what does it mean to "have a few inches" of a certain pheromone on?

[Image: emmastonedoubleblur.jpg]
04-19-2012 4:53 PM
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Street Psychologist

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Post: #6
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-19-2012 5:14 PM

A few inches from a bottle with a roller tip.
04-19-2012 5:14 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-19-2012 5:37 PM

A few inches is what you hope she does not find if she sneaks a grab LOL
04-19-2012 5:37 PM
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The Swiss guy

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Post: #8
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-20-2012 12:19 AM

Oh sweet Big Grin AV is real killer stuff. I'll post my journal entry here, hope I'm allowed to... :shy:

AV rolled to my lower back, my neck, my jawline and a bit to my chest (I know it sounds like a lot, but it seemed to work well, you'll see).
Glace Fastburn, 1 spray to each clavicular bone, 1 for each elbow and 1 for each wrist.
Androstadienone: 2 drops of the 2mg behind each ear, a total of 40mcg if I calculated that right.
Aqua di Gio as a cover.

(These were the mones I put on in the beginning, I refreshed Glace and a little AV before this happened):

Smoker's lounge of our usual bar.
I knew everyone there, except the girl with the bf to my left and the bratty one, but that's not really important.
Whiny-girl and the buddy to my right were in a relationship once and she's kinda into the second alpha there, so they are struggling a little.

Target: Obviously the hookup-girl. I know her for about 10 days and she's 21, so really a different type of girl than usually.

Effects / report: I noticed the amazing effects of self improvement and mones just from the moment when I got in. Everyone stood up or at least moved a little to say hi and totally focused on me and everytime I said something everyone listened.. Simply amazing.
I think it did not matter what I said, everyone was amused, especially the girl to my right. Everytime I talked directly to her, she looked me in the eyes and then switched to looking at my lips and back. Really clear IOI if you ask me. She was really touchy and came close to me. Also we all talked about sex really obvious, I'm not really used to that except with close friends, but nothing against it ;)
The hookup-girl said a few times before that she finds me attractive, but I couldn't really figure out if she was just joking or if she was serious. Her body language anyway said "SERIOUS!!!"
What made me insecure were things like:

hookup-girlie: "Aw man, I wanted to hunt some guys today but there are no pretty ones around..."
Me: "Err, please? I think you forgot _who_ sits next to you?" (with my best "bitch please"-face).
hookup-girlie: *checking me out* "Hmm, yeah maybe.. ";)

Anyway. The time run by and we changed our location to another bar, we were only 5 people know. buddy, second alpha guy, me, hookup-girlie & her friend. The later it got the more she seemed to like me, I mean, she didn't bother to search a chair. I was her chair. Buddy and second alpha went home too after an hour or so, so I was alone with the 2 girls. Luckily her friend met a guy she's keen on, so I was alone with hookup-girlie finally (at about 4 AM, phew...).
Well, long story short, we talked for about a minute and came closer and closer until I found myself making out with her. A 21 year old girl which I know for less than 3 weeks and have seen the third time that evening. I would never have imagined that last year...! I've never had a girl which was older than me. It may sound lame in here but it's really an achievement for me. Smile

She had to work at 1PM, so we went home alone this evening, but she already asked if, next weekend, we can start again from where we stopped on saturday night... (I wrote a little further in the "Edit").

Well, there's only one problem... I've got a date with another girl (Link to the report which includes her ) on friday P

Hope you enjoyed reading !

EDIT after a few feeks:
That girl is my fuckbuddy now. I've never been around her without mones, she must really dig the AV, cause I've seen her last boyfriends and well... It's about the same comparison as in Big Bang Theory, when Leonard meets one of Pennys other boyfriends Big Grin



Journal: A captains logbook

Current Stack:

Max Attraction Gold, Scent of Eros

Alpha Dream
Alpha Maschio, Glace, A1 by Alpha Dream, FB Glace,

Liquid Alchemy Labs
Wolf, Nude Alpha, True Love Oil, Aqua Vitae, Corporativo, Possess Alpha, Nude (Dropper), Hypnotica Social

New Pheromone Additive

X22, M512, C4, WMB

Tatrione, Moet-nol, Tenetrione
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2012 12:22 AM by captain_alex.)
04-20-2012 12:19 AM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #9
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-20-2012 2:29 AM

(04-20-2012 12:19 AM)captain_alex Wrote:  Oh sweet Big Grin AV is real killer stuff. I'll post my journal entry here, hope I'm allowed to... :shy:

AV rolled to my lower back, my neck, my jawline and a bit to my chest (I know it sounds like a lot, but it seemed to work well, you'll see).
Glace Fastburn, 1 spray to each clavicular bone, 1 for each elbow and 1 for each wrist.
Androstadienone: 2 drops of the 2mg behind each ear, a total of 40mcg if I calculated that right.
Aqua di Gio as a cover.

(These were the mones I put on in the beginning, I refreshed Glace and a little AV before this happened):

Smoker's lounge of our usual bar.
I knew everyone there, except the girl with the bf to my left and the bratty one, but that's not really important.
Whiny-girl and the buddy to my right were in a relationship once and she's kinda into the second alpha there, so they are struggling a little.

Target: Obviously the hookup-girl. I know her for about 10 days and she's 21, so really a different type of girl than usually.

Effects / report: I noticed the amazing effects of self improvement and mones just from the moment when I got in. Everyone stood up or at least moved a little to say hi and totally focused on me and everytime I said something everyone listened.. Simply amazing.
I think it did not matter what I said, everyone was amused, especially the girl to my right. Everytime I talked directly to her, she looked me in the eyes and then switched to looking at my lips and back. Really clear IOI if you ask me. She was really touchy and came close to me. Also we all talked about sex really obvious, I'm not really used to that except with close friends, but nothing against it ;)
The hookup-girl said a few times before that she finds me attractive, but I couldn't really figure out if she was just joking or if she was serious. Her body language anyway said "SERIOUS!!!"
What made me insecure were things like:

hookup-girlie: "Aw man, I wanted to hunt some guys today but there are no pretty ones around..."
Me: "Err, please? I think you forgot _who_ sits next to you?" (with my best "bitch please"-face).
hookup-girlie: *checking me out* "Hmm, yeah maybe.. ";)

Anyway. The time run by and we changed our location to another bar, we were only 5 people know. buddy, second alpha guy, me, hookup-girlie & her friend. The later it got the more she seemed to like me, I mean, she didn't bother to search a chair. I was her chair. Buddy and second alpha went home too after an hour or so, so I was alone with the 2 girls. Luckily her friend met a guy she's keen on, so I was alone with hookup-girlie finally (at about 4 AM, phew...).
Well, long story short, we talked for about a minute and came closer and closer until I found myself making out with her. A 21 year old girl which I know for less than 3 weeks and have seen the third time that evening. I would never have imagined that last year...! I've never had a girl which was older than me. It may sound lame in here but it's really an achievement for me. Smile

She had to work at 1PM, so we went home alone this evening, but she already asked if, next weekend, we can start again from where we stopped on saturday night... (I wrote a little further in the "Edit").

Well, there's only one problem... I've got a date with another girl (Link to the report which includes her ) on friday P

Hope you enjoyed reading !

EDIT after a few feeks:
That girl is my fuckbuddy now. I've never been around her without mones, she must really dig the AV, cause I've seen her last boyfriends and well... It's about the same comparison as in Big Bang Theory, when Leonard meets one of Pennys other boyfriends Big Grin



Alex, I TOTALLY understand what you mean! I'm gonna be 19 in May, so this was definitely a good read for me. How much do you think this was related to the other pheromones? Or was it mainly Aqua Vitae that you think did the work?

Also with the body comparison, I'm pretty much skin and bone with a little muscle thrown on a 5'6" body -- so I feel ya. Glad to hear you had great success! How'd the OTHER date go? You dog! Big Grin

[Image: emmastonedoubleblur.jpg]
04-20-2012 2:29 AM
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The Swiss guy

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Post: #10
RE: Aqua Vitae - my view
04-20-2012 7:22 AM

(04-20-2012 2:29 AM)EmmaStone Wrote:  Alex, I TOTALLY understand what you mean! I'm gonna be 19 in May, so this was definitely a good read for me. How much do you think this was related to the other pheromones? Or was it mainly Aqua Vitae that you think did the work?

Also with the body comparison, I'm pretty much skin and bone with a little muscle thrown on a 5'6" body -- so I feel ya. Glad to hear you had great success! How'd the OTHER date go? You dog! Big Grin
*smile* thanks ;)
I'm working on my body but because of the issues I have with my eating habits, I don't build up muscles really fast. But good Game is more important anyway... Big Grin

Well, long story short I cancelled the other date because the first girl (21y.o. mentioned above) wanted to come over P. But no problem, I know this second girl since 2-3 years and I can set up something at almost any time.

AV can make you appear socially superior, so others may be a little afraid of talking to you (it was mentioned somewhere above). Glace reduces this effect and makes you appear more approachable, without loosing all the attraction AV creates. I think the initial attraction was created only by AV and Glace, because I haven't worn anything else around here until now and we're still "friends". P
But don't missunderstand me, I think she would still find me attractive if I'd stop using mones, I mean, I'm still the same person.

I don't think it was because of the -none. I don't like this stuff because I get really anxious and get nightmares sometimes, but that may be different with the -none of a different vendor... I don't wear it anymore. I've got the LA - none, I want to try out the one Alpha Dream sells.

Hope I could help you, keep rockin'!


Journal: A captains logbook

Current Stack:

Max Attraction Gold, Scent of Eros

Alpha Dream
Alpha Maschio, Glace, A1 by Alpha Dream, FB Glace,

Liquid Alchemy Labs
Wolf, Nude Alpha, True Love Oil, Aqua Vitae, Corporativo, Possess Alpha, Nude (Dropper), Hypnotica Social

New Pheromone Additive

X22, M512, C4, WMB

Tatrione, Moet-nol, Tenetrione
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2012 7:28 AM by captain_alex.)
04-20-2012 7:22 AM
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