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Post: #1
01-08-2016 4:12 PM

OK I've been harassing thundr for more info on TUSC for a few days now. He is reluctant to reveal anything at all about the pheromones and his experiences with them. All I got was a lecture on how to get the child safety lock open and how to apply mones to app points Swoon Heck, I don't even know what TUSC is supposed to mean. The picture on the bottle looks like one of thundr's petri dishes that he's trying to cultivate some kind of pheromone-pooping yeast or something. No, it's like a picture of green smoke.

His reasons are that he doesn't want to generate hype, and he doesn't want to skew the results of the testing. He's like a mad wizard sending his creations out into the world and watching the chaos from his tower or something. Mosking I'M JOKING, THUNDR.

Anyway, that leaves us to figure out this oil. So I've created this thread to FIGURE IT OUT, exactly what's going on here: what it's doing, how to steer it, what is placebo, what is hype, what kinds of targets are affected, etc., etc.

So that's why I would like everything on this thread to remain ON TOPIC. Hey, I'm King of this thread so I'm being a benevolent dictator and helping everyone out with that. Any off-topic discussion can be posted to the "Apex oils" thread


I put a drop of TUSC on my wrist to gauge self-effects. I have it in frost scent, and it's amazing. It's like oranges, a tiny hint of sweetness, but with a dry floral note. Despite all these feminine sounding fragrances, it's very masculine and natural. High-quality ingredients.

Self-effects: I feel very focused, in control, and even-tempered. It has gravitas. Look it up.

Plans to apply one more drop for an event tonight. Party
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2016 4:14 PM by NP17.)
01-08-2016 4:12 PM
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Post: #2
01-08-2016 4:14 PM

Awesome can't wait to hear your reports!

It will probably be a while before it gets here but I'm excited!
01-08-2016 4:14 PM
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Post: #3
01-09-2016 12:41 PM

I also PM thundr about this. Looking forward to the report.
01-09-2016 12:41 PM
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Minor deity

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Post: #4
01-09-2016 3:44 PM

(01-09-2016 12:41 PM)kalpan56 Wrote:  I also PM thundr about this. Looking forward to the report.

And I've been looking forward to reporting. I'm pretty excited about this, I won't lie. But I'm trying to remain objective here. Here're my initial impressions from using it last night at a party and today at work.

I can still smell the Frost scent a bit from last night's app, and that's after using soap. Thundr's new diffusion tech really sticks. So I apply 2 drops of TUSC oil. Results are in the extremes. I wonder what happens if I use 5. Anyway...

OK, let's talk about gravitas. Google defines gravitas as "dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner." This isn't really a good definition. The example sentence explains it better. "a post for which he has the expertise and the gravitas." This sentence implies that gravitas is a necessary condition of authority (post, expertise). Gravitas is a state of not being able to be moved or affected by trifles. You wouldn't want someone that is fickle or moody in a position of power of responsibility. They could be manipulated. You want someone that stands on their own two feet and stands firm with conviction, pride, and courage. That is gravitas. It is weightiness, seriousness, as a precondition of power. TUSC has that. The TUSC man is calm, level-headed, powerful, and confident in himself. Junglejuice I think it was that mentioned aggressive driving with Bad Wolf. TUSC makes me a defensive, calm driver that is comfortable waiting for the right moment to move. But it isn't lethargic or sluggish. It's just a sort of potential, anabolic power.

TUSC improves my posture significantly. It makes my voice more powerful. It is comparable to Ascend in this regard, not incredibly powerful, but noticeable through a long day. I am more eloquent and articulate because my words and thoughts don't run together.

People look to me for direction when I wear TUSC. Sometimes people just stand there perfectly comfortable doing nothing, looking at me about what to do, when otherwise they would either do something on their own or panic. It definitely levels people out and lets them pause, comfortable that I have everything under control. This happened multiple times last night. People are less likely to interrupt me or ignore me when I wear TUSC.

OK. Here's the best thing about TUSC. TUSC betas people. Like a lot. It doesn't beta everyone, but... Typical beta guys will get out of the way if they are in it. People, even my boss, finish my jobs for me at work and move to help me with whatever task I'm engaged in. People give me big smiles with rounded lips and rounded eyebrows and eyelids, with or without teeth. It's a very beta smile. All the alphas I've tried are either relatively weak or give off a bad boy vibe. This is the only alpha I've tried that people just enjoy betaing themselves to me.

TUSC garners praise. I was praised 3 times very overtly without it really being called for. By superiors and juniors.

I still get trash talk from people, though. One lady in particular, she's always talking trash about how incompetent everyone is. Yet she expects everyone to respect her. I called her out with her disrespect and constantly bashing her co-workers and how she is not doing her job completely. She was mad and later in the conversation went off her rocker about how my girlfriend is a puppet or imaginary or something like that. This points to the INFLUENCE that TUSC has. People take flattery to heart and criticism also. Be careful.

Social: TUSC establishes deep rapport. It is not like a giddy sort of Alpha Androstenol feeling, but it is also not a grave or overly serious disclosure like you can get with some mixes. People are willing to reveal their thoughts on deep issues of philosophy, religion, close relationships, or stories during their formative years. But you can steer things towards passions, desires, and likes.

Sexual: It's not sexual and doesn't give overt sexual hits like Ascend or Alpha Treasures. It may be attractive in some way, like some alphas will be very attractive without giving overt hits, but I'm NOT SURE.

Fallout: I'm sure people will be wondering about this, but so far this is inconclusive. All my reactions from potential sexual partners have been of a likeable alpha or social nature: eye contact (not DITH), talking, cooperation, following direction for a common goal.

At first I thought there was no fear with TUSC. But then I was walking up behind a short man, and he was walking slowly, kind of aimlessly moving off to the side. I was in a hurry, so I said, "Excuse me," and walked past him. He replied with, "Oh, are you just gonna run me over?" I think he was a little scared that I moved past him so quickly. I'm not the kind of person to get in someone's face, but I feel that this MIGHT have the power to intimidate if you WANT it to and can pull that off. I'm not sure about this.

Hitting time is moderately slow. You might not see an immediate reaction, but if you pass by someone and then come back to them, they will show respect. It might be that the mones hit hard but the brain takes time to process such a weighty status signature. WEIGHTY is a key word with TUSC. Things are HEAVY in the abstract sense of force or importance.

I wore this at a beach party with 2 drops, 1 drop 4 hours before and the other right before. The beach was windy, and it was a big crowd of people. While on the beach, no one was hit. However, in the parking lot, sheltered from offshore winds, in small groups of people, it did hit some people that I was very close to or walking with for a while. These people looked to me for approval and beta'ed them in ways that are subtle but unique to TUSC. I write this because thundr is very interested in how it diffuses. Yes, it diffuses very well with good sillage and traceability to the source in small groups, even outdoors in winds. This sounds far-fetched, but I saw subtle but unique hits that I've only seen with TUSC, so I do not believe that can be completely explained with posture, body language, or social cues.

I will try to explain something that TUSC does that I call neutering. It's like a defanging of people. There's this girl that is a very tough girl. She is always talking trash to me and won't let me have any status for myself. She tries to break me down, but hey, I love her. She's just a tough, dominant girl. Motorcycle rider and strong, independent woman. She was trying to start a fire at the beach, and some girl said I was gonna do a rain dance (because I was joking online about going swimming if it rains...it's cold where I live but not freezing). Anyway, strong girl is mad at the idea of me making it rain while she's building a fire, so she said that she'd throw me in the fire if I did a rain dance. Well, the way she said it kind of threw me off. She didn't say it with dynamic pitch inflection in her voice as if she was joking, but she also didn't say it in a threatening or forceful way. It was just kind of... flat. It was a very subtle hit and hard to describe, but it was enough to throw me off and just stare at her a bit. And she just sat there looking back at me, waiting to reply. Lol that's the "waiting for direction or input from NP17" effect. Normally I would have no problem saying something cocky/funny, but I could tell that she was neutered or disempowered by the mones, so I just said something like, "No, I'm not trying to make it rain." I felt like the best thing to do was to be gracious or merciful.

People are always asking for approval with TUSC! They like to hear things like, "I forgive you," "Good job," or "No problem!"

Back to neutering, there's this punk at work. He's always staring me down, and he talks a lotta shit but maybe 80% joking, 20% being a punk. He busts my chops a lot. This time, when he was in my way, he moved out of the way and said, "I'm sorry." But it wasn't a sincere apology; it wasn't sarcastic either. It was just FLAT. Kind of a wooden quality... but it is not emotionally flattening I can tell from the self-effects. It's like they're habituated to being disrespectful, but something short-circuits in their brain as the smart-assery heads to their mouth that it loses its power. It's neutered or defanged. Also, when I was in his way, he ran up real close to me and gave me a big, beta smile. It NEUTERS people.

There's my report so far. If I'm mistaken about anything, I'm willing to edit it out or change my position, but I am pretty confident in everything I've written because I've traced 2-3 hits for each of these points and at least 1 really good, obvious hit.
01-09-2016 3:44 PM
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Post: #5
01-09-2016 4:09 PM


01-09-2016 4:09 PM
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Minor deity

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Post: #6
01-09-2016 5:13 PM

I'll add things as I remember them or figure them out.

It's slightly to moderately beautifying. Things just take on an artistic, beautiful quality. Also, I'm into checking out hot girls. I don't know if this is my changing body chemistry with my cortisol-lowering supplement (it gives me lots of erections at night when I take it) or the TUSC, but that would be the biggest indication of something sexual going on here.
01-09-2016 5:13 PM
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Post: #7
01-09-2016 6:55 PM

Thundr, is the diffusion of the TUSC ( or Atlas, separate thread topic) altered or diminished at all when using the other scent packages? I went with Fury for both since that was the scent I had everything else. Is the new diffusion tech the same across all scents or specific to Frost?
01-09-2016 6:55 PM
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Post: #8
01-09-2016 7:17 PM

Diffusion will be the same regardless of scent pack.
Some scents naturally carry a bit different due to the variables in weights of ingredients used (sandalwood and amber will be heavier than lighter notes like citrus or mint.)
However, this is very minor and easily overcome with the use of balanced scent notes due to what is already built into the product before scenting even occurs.
The different scents have not affected overall performance. No worries mate, fury is gonna blast.
01-09-2016 7:17 PM
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Post: #9
01-09-2016 11:45 PM

I hate reports like these! I didn't know that Apex now has oils....fuckin' shit. Damn Thundr you're making me broke.

NP17 good write up bro!

The Dude abides...
01-09-2016 11:45 PM
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Post: #10
01-09-2016 11:55 PM

(01-09-2016 5:13 PM)NP17 Wrote:  I'll add things as I remember them or figure them out.

It's slightly to moderately beautifying. Things just take on an artistic, beautiful quality. Also, I'm into checking out hot girls. I don't know if this is my changing body chemistry with my cortisol-lowering supplement (it gives me lots of erections at night when I take it) or the TUSC, but that would be the biggest indication of something sexual going on here.

Curious what supplement your taking to lower cortisol?
01-09-2016 11:55 PM
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