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My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
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Post: #1
My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-02-2016 3:26 PM

Hey guys!

Was really trying to put together 35,000,000 paragraphs of detailed information but the ADHD is really kicking my ass here.

So you are going to have to settle for this scattered review. P

Okay, so before you read this, I want to remind you that you should always lead first and let the pheromones follow, and not let it be the opposite because if you don’t lead it, you are only going to get disappointed. In other words, forget you have the mones on you the moment you step out the door and these molecules will act like ninjas for you in the background.

Yes, we all have targets or that special someone we want to use this magic on etc, and with mones, it’s too easy for things to go very wrong. It’s even easier to blame the mones when it was probably your fault to begin with because you are too busy overthinking about how not to screw things up which results in you screwing things up, or you are just too focused on the mones that you miss everything going on in front of you. There are also other factors involved as well which you are probably unaware of and other things that are simply out of your control. If all that is scratched off the list, then it’s probably that one particular mone that just ain't doing it for you (f**k you API). 

So don’t be discouraged and don’t beat yourself up over this. Just have fun, do a lot of testing, and most importantly, BE HAPPY!

Now I know these things can be a bit pricey, but think of mones like supplement mixes of a workout regimen (the creatine, protein, bcaa, Lipo9000, the alpha-stackin-HGH-nitrous-whatever-the-fk) where some brands respond well to your body and some do not. Eventually you will find your magic, but what good is it if you don’t lead it? With supplements you have to workout to get it all going. Well it’s the same thing with the mones. 

How you carry yourself will determine that outcome. I’m speaking in terms of confidence where simple adjustments such as maintaining and walking with good posture can really have a dramatic effect, and looking someone in the eye every time they or you begin to speak. SMILING every now and then! Little stuff like that.. I know topics like this are covered in other threads, but it's always good to be reminded.

Oh and one more thing: The three women I bedded this past month are all single. I’m not into married women and women who are in relationships regardless of how complicated their own relationship statuses are. I do find there is a balance of several married women leaning my way since throwing this nuclear cloud mix together.

SOB Unscented 1 drop,  XIST Unscented 2 drop, XS100 2 sprays, Turn Up The Heat 2 sprays

Now I’m a diehard Ascend XS user but wanted to try something new. I had taken a break from using mones for a while, then jumped back into it recently.


End of June - Month of July

No prior sexual history with the two women I already knew. 

Woman #1 - 35, Latina / athletic build /  mutual friend / Personal Trainer

Ran into her at a grocery store. We have the same group of friends and only hung out when with the big group was together, and even then, we never talked to each other. There was no conversation, and everything was always dry. This time, however, we ended up walking around the store and shopped for things together, then exchanged numbers before leaving. I was surprised she actually talks. Lol I was already 4 to 5 hours in with Xist/Sob/Celeb/Turn Up The Heat mix before doing this last minute stop to the store. After 4 days of hanging out with her, sex. Continued throughout the month.

Woman #2 - age 40, Latina, athletic build / former coworker / divorced / Registered Nurse

Ran into this one at the library. She never really liked me very much to begin with, and she still doesn’t but she tells me that I’m just so different. Lol Had sex with her two days later (July 2) and continued it up until a couple of days ago.  

Woman #3 - 22, Latina, slim (new friend), Psych Grad

Met her at a coffeeshop I have been going to for 8 months to finish up work related stuff. She started going there about 2 months ago most of the time with friends or by herself doing her own thing on her netbook, and always sat far away from me. She never payed any attention to anyone. My first trial of SOB (1 drop) Xist (2 drops) Turn Up The Heat made it interesting. The constant confused staring began, and after the 3rd time I saw her througout the week, I touched it up with the sample of Celebrity I had received. Well that third time, she made it a point to sit at the same table I was at. Hardly anybody goes to this coffee place during those hours, so she could have sat in her usual spot. Always the same table and same seat.

After about 5 minutes, I finally initiated the conversation by saying something stupid and funny and that broke the ice. We stayed there for about 3 hours, and in the end, it really did feel like a blind date that went good. She was volunteering information (nothing that sexual, but just personal stuff) and even stopped herself several times telling me that she doesn’t normally do that. 

She’s also gym rat. So invited her to the gym I go to the following day. She assured me twice that she would never sleep with me because I was too old for her even though I never brought up any sexual topics. she was just throwing it out there. I teased and picked on her a lot where she was always laughing telling me what a “meany” I was and she couldn’t see how people could stand me. Lol…  Well that “never sleep with me” lasted about 72 hours, and we continued playing throughout the month. 


XIST - one thing I immediately noticed was the frequent volunteer of information (non-sexual). Talked desires, goals, deep personal feelings, all their disappointments etc. There was a lot of opening up and comfort. Even before and after sex. I have never heard this much talking as I did with these three.

As I experimented with this further.. I removed xist from the mix while leaving the SOB/xs100/Turn Up The Heat on for two days when I hooked up with two of these women again (the 40 and the 35 year old), and XIST was the culprit. They focused on more sex with less talking. When adding xist again, it went back to endless talking and more emotions.  

XIST on me = Felt more openesses from them and a lot of deep leveled too soon personal talk

SOB on me = they know I’m a piece of sh** a**hole but please don’t leave so they could open up to me more (xist)

Celerbity on me =  approachable and fun 


S.O.B.’s wonderful smell...

I am almost convinced that somewhere in the XS office, there’s a naked ovulating woman with a lab coat who has been given specific instructions to workout for three days straight without showering. Let her twerk on your your chest /neck for 5 minutes and congratulations: You now have 1 drop of SOB on you. 

So Steve-O if I exposed the secret formula, sorry man lol 

This stuff reeks to hell.  In my opinion, the cops on S.O.B. are stronger than the 2 drops of Ascend XS unscented / Dirty Primitive mix I used to splash on back in the day.

I haven’t had any negative comments yet from the women I’ve slept with even though they have their heads buried in the area where it’s applied, but 2 of the women (the older one’s) have commented on the uniqueness saying I have “great sweat” and there’s something about it. To me it’s disgusting, but it’s hitting. So 100 points there..


Workplace of melancholy work-a-holics…

First round: SOB Unscented 1 drop ,  XIST Unscented 2 drop

Well the constant staring began from female coworkers, and they would really light up when I would approach them for any little thing. Ages 23 - 40... Since I had been off of mones for a while, I noticed the changes immediately. With this mix, though, my Male coworkers would talk to me more but in a way where I felt they needed my validation. They didn’t know how to act around me, and were constantly looking for approval. 

SOB Unscented 1 drop ,  XIST Unscented 2 drop , Celebrity 2x changed that.

The added Celebrity gave the opposite effect. My female coworkers lightened up a bit more and now they are the one’s doing all the approaching, and the overall mood in the workplace is much happier and not so serious. Even though the female staring thing is getting worse, they still make their way to my personal space feeling more comfortable.. The validation thing I was experiencing with the men faded away after adding this. 

And my boss, well he is a guy who is really serious and reserved. The changes with him were noticeable as well since including Celeb. Everybody in the workplace is starting to laugh and joke around more with him included, which is something that doesn’t normally happen there. So yes, the work days before this were super long! My coworkers are now more at ease while getting stuff done. 

Another major thing I notice is my boss is asking me for feedback on stuff which is something he NEVER does. He can give the slightest f*** about anything we bring to the table, and it was something that coworkers were shocked about and very quick to point out. He’s done this multiple times this month with only me, and again, his mood has really loosened up. He is acting more buddy buddy with me, and is becomeing more likeable around other coworkers. 

There is one female co-worker who can’t stand me at all. If you hold a door for her out of kindness, she will make it a point to tell you that she’s happily married. She always complains about me even in front of me. Complaints escalated after adding SOB/Xist. 

I noticed this after adding Celebrity, though, she still complains and gets really bitchy with me, but now she smiles at me, which she has NEVER done. I have always tried to avoid her but this past month she’s been making it a habit to make her way towards me when she doesn’t have to. Every time she bitches at me, she smiles at me in the end. SOB is a love me/hate me, so I will call it a WIN. Maybe? 


Ascend XS with COPS Unscented (2014 - 2016) at the previous job - 

This one is MAD RESPECT and lives up to it’s reputation. You lead the way into the workplace with Ascend behind you kickstarting your day into a very productive one. Male and female coworkers really do go out of their way to do favors for you even the stubborn “my way” types. I also had many male/female coworkers trying to please me but not to the point where they became total pushovers. It’s a very badass product, 5 stars all the way!  2 drops worked perfect for me. Never experienced any OD buildups with this one.

Always received compliments on how good I smelled from women over 30, hot attractive cougar types especially. Every time I would lean in for a hello cheek kiss, I would get that response multiple times “you smell so good, what are you using??” 

I always had this stuff on my neck, raw cops and all and never layered it with cologne or directly with a cover scent etc. A couple of these cougars would even go out of their way to get the name of cologne I was using later on throughout the week. Now I never had those questions before throwing on Ascend. So yes, without a doubt, people are getting hit by the smell. The older women became friendlier especially the one’s I least expected. I’m talking about the hot difficult older bitch looking types who ended up being the coolest people.. They would act so different with me but continue acting like a bitch with everybody else. On a professional level, it helped. 

The intimidation on my AscendXS was also non-existent compared to the A314 (2009, 2010, 2012, 2014) I previously owned. I'm putting the dates of purchase because I never cared to look at the rev numbers. 

2 drops Ascend XS unscented cops / 1 drop Dirty Primitive (6 months) - 

Lot of cops, yes. 

The Outcome: Level of respect remained the same, but it also brought in a whole bunch of admirers and stalkers which resulted in a lot of problems in and out of the work place. Never screwed around with any of the women there, but I eventually had to shy away from adding Dirty Primitive after 6 months of using it, and everything went back to normal after about a week. The multiple stalker problem was getting to the point where upper management would ask me what the hell I was doing to the women. It wasn’t a “you’re going to get fired” talk. They were really concerned because the behaviors from these women (20 - 30 years old) were escalating in a negative way. Wasn’t worth the trouble, but the experience itself was interesting.


API Uncented (1 month) - 

I really wanted to love this one, and I used it like a champ, but I will never ever purchase this mone again. Lol.. Even if I win this one as a prize, I will happily send it to a forum member here who has had success using it free of charge. Yes, feel free to quote me on that. 

1 - 5 drops standalone, 1 - 5 drops with different mixes (androtics experimentals p83 p75 etc) gave me the same result: total bitchiness each and every time from both males and females from family to acquaintances. Males trying to one up me when they had no reason to. It was annoying as hell. Now, if we look at this from a glass half full standpoint, at least I didn’t get ghosted... lmao 

Every added drop supercharged their level of bitchiness. I added drops every now and then telling myself, “Oh, what the hell?.. Let’s see what one more drop will do.”

It didn’t.

This one buried me six feet under, but I was still able to stick my hand out and throw the finger. 


Well anyways.. Tonight my friends, I am unconditionally surrendering myself. The 35 year old and I are... Connecting. Bonding. The word “relationship” was thrown in. It could be love at 9th sight. So gonna tone it down and possibly strip the SOB for now, and use xist every other day. The over extended one night stands with the other two ladies have officially ended as of yesterday. I told this one I would quit my shit.  

Going to try an Ascend/Celebrity combo and see how it measures up at work, and PSE can wait patiently in the bedroom.

Limitless was stripped from it's potential when I mixed it with the rest of the mones. Tested for two days alone and it rocks. The self effects give you a sharper edge, imo.

If none of this was helpful, apologies. And if it does help a couple of members or at least one then very awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May your quest for sexy phero mystery mixes continue to be successful and absolutely rewarding!

Later alligators! =D
08-02-2016 3:26 PM
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Post: #2
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-03-2016 12:28 PM

(08-02-2016 3:26 PM)MMMMMMM Wrote:  Hey guys!

Was really trying to put together 35,000,000 paragraphs of detailed information but the ADHD is really kicking my ass here.

So you are going to have to settle for this scattered review. P

Okay, so before you read this, I want to remind you that you should always lead first and let the pheromones follow, and not let it be the opposite because if you don’t lead it, you are only going to get disappointed. In other words, forget you have the mones on you the moment you step out the door and these molecules will act like ninjas for you in the background.

Yes, we all have targets or that special someone we want to use this magic on etc, and with mones, it’s too easy for things to go very wrong. It’s even easier to blame the mones when it was probably your fault to begin with because you are too busy overthinking about how not to screw things up which results in you screwing things up, or you are just too focused on the mones that you miss everything going on in front of you. There are also other factors involved as well which you are probably unaware of and other things that are simply out of your control. If all that is scratched off the list, then it’s probably that one particular mone that just ain't doing it for you (f**k you API). 

So don’t be discouraged and don’t beat yourself up over this. Just have fun, do a lot of testing, and most importantly, BE HAPPY!

Now I know these things can be a bit pricey, but think of mones like supplement mixes of a workout regimen (the creatine, protein, bcaa, Lipo9000, the alpha-stackin-HGH-nitrous-whatever-the-fk) where some brands respond well to your body and some do not. Eventually you will find your magic, but what good is it if you don’t lead it? With supplements you have to workout to get it all going. Well it’s the same thing with the mones. 

How you carry yourself will determine that outcome. I’m speaking in terms of confidence where simple adjustments such as maintaining and walking with good posture can really have a dramatic effect, and looking someone in the eye every time they or you begin to speak. SMILING every now and then! Little stuff like that.. I know topics like this are covered in other threads, but it's always good to be reminded.

Oh and one more thing: The three women I bedded this past month are all single. I’m not into married women and women who are in relationships regardless of how complicated their own relationship statuses are. I do find there is a balance of several married women leaning my way since throwing this nuclear cloud mix together.

SOB Unscented 1 drop,  XIST Unscented 2 drop, XS100 2 sprays, Turn Up The Heat 2 sprays

Now I’m a diehard Ascend XS user but wanted to try something new. I had taken a break from using mones for a while, then jumped back into it recently.


End of June - Month of July

No prior sexual history with the two women I already knew. 

Woman #1 - 35, Latina / athletic build /  mutual friend / Personal Trainer

Ran into her at a grocery store. We have the same group of friends and only hung out when with the big group was together, and even then, we never talked to each other. There was no conversation, and everything was always dry. This time, however, we ended up walking around the store and shopped for things together, then exchanged numbers before leaving. I was surprised she actually talks. Lol I was already 4 to 5 hours in with Xist/Sob/Celeb/Turn Up The Heat mix before doing this last minute stop to the store. After 4 days of hanging out with her, sex. Continued throughout the month.

Woman #2 - age 40, Latina, athletic build / former coworker / divorced / Registered Nurse

Ran into this one at the library. She never really liked me very much to begin with, and she still doesn’t but she tells me that I’m just so different. Lol Had sex with her two days later (July 2) and continued it up until a couple of days ago.  

Woman #3 - 22, Latina, slim (new friend), Psych Grad

Met her at a coffeeshop I have been going to for 8 months to finish up work related stuff. She started going there about 2 months ago most of the time with friends or by herself doing her own thing on her netbook, and always sat far away from me. She never payed any attention to anyone. My first trial of SOB (1 drop) Xist (2 drops) Turn Up The Heat made it interesting. The constant confused staring began, and after the 3rd time I saw her througout the week, I touched it up with the sample of Celebrity I had received. Well that third time, she made it a point to sit at the same table I was at. Hardly anybody goes to this coffee place during those hours, so she could have sat in her usual spot. Always the same table and same seat.

After about 5 minutes, I finally initiated the conversation by saying something stupid and funny and that broke the ice. We stayed there for about 3 hours, and in the end, it really did feel like a blind date that went good. She was volunteering information (nothing that sexual, but just personal stuff) and even stopped herself several times telling me that she doesn’t normally do that. 

She’s also gym rat. So invited her to the gym I go to the following day. She assured me twice that she would never sleep with me because I was too old for her even though I never brought up any sexual topics. she was just throwing it out there. I teased and picked on her a lot where she was always laughing telling me what a “meany” I was and she couldn’t see how people could stand me. Lol…  Well that “never sleep with me” lasted about 72 hours, and we continued playing throughout the month. 


XIST - one thing I immediately noticed was the frequent volunteer of information (non-sexual). Talked desires, goals, deep personal feelings, all their disappointments etc. There was a lot of opening up and comfort. Even before and after sex. I have never heard this much talking as I did with these three.

As I experimented with this further.. I removed xist from the mix while leaving the SOB/xs100/Turn Up The Heat on for two days when I hooked up with two of these women again (the 40 and the 35 year old), and XIST was the culprit. They focused on more sex with less talking. When adding xist again, it went back to endless talking and more emotions.  

XIST on me = Felt more openesses from them and a lot of deep leveled too soon personal talk

SOB on me = they know I’m a piece of sh** a**hole but please don’t leave so they could open up to me more (xist)

Celerbity on me =  approachable and fun 


S.O.B.’s wonderful smell...

I am almost convinced that somewhere in the XS office, there’s a naked ovulating woman with a lab coat who has been given specific instructions to workout for three days straight without showering. Let her twerk on your your chest /neck for 5 minutes and congratulations: You now have 1 drop of SOB on you. 

So Steve-O if I exposed the secret formula, sorry man lol 

This stuff reeks to hell.  In my opinion, the cops on S.O.B. are stronger than the 2 drops of Ascend XS unscented / Dirty Primitive mix I used to splash on back in the day.

I haven’t had any negative comments yet from the women I’ve slept with even though they have their heads buried in the area where it’s applied, but 2 of the women (the older one’s) have commented on the uniqueness saying I have “great sweat” and there’s something about it. To me it’s disgusting, but it’s hitting. So 100 points there..


Workplace of melancholy work-a-holics…

First round: SOB Unscented 1 drop ,  XIST Unscented 2 drop

Well the constant staring began from female coworkers, and they would really light up when I would approach them for any little thing. Ages 23 - 40... Since I had been off of mones for a while, I noticed the changes immediately. With this mix, though, my Male coworkers would talk to me more but in a way where I felt they needed my validation. They didn’t know how to act around me, and were constantly looking for approval. 

SOB Unscented 1 drop ,  XIST Unscented 2 drop , Celebrity 2x changed that.

The added Celebrity gave the opposite effect. My female coworkers lightened up a bit more and now they are the one’s doing all the approaching, and the overall mood in the workplace is much happier and not so serious. Even though the female staring thing is getting worse, they still make their way to my personal space feeling more comfortable.. The validation thing I was experiencing with the men faded away after adding this. 

And my boss, well he is a guy who is really serious and reserved. The changes with him were noticeable as well since including Celeb. Everybody in the workplace is starting to laugh and joke around more with him included, which is something that doesn’t normally happen there. So yes, the work days before this were super long! My coworkers are now more at ease while getting stuff done. 

Another major thing I notice is my boss is asking me for feedback on stuff which is something he NEVER does. He can give the slightest f*** about anything we bring to the table, and it was something that coworkers were shocked about and very quick to point out. He’s done this multiple times this month with only me, and again, his mood has really loosened up. He is acting more buddy buddy with me, and is becomeing more likeable around other coworkers. 

There is one female co-worker who can’t stand me at all. If you hold a door for her out of kindness, she will make it a point to tell you that she’s happily married. She always complains about me even in front of me. Complaints escalated after adding SOB/Xist. 

I noticed this after adding Celebrity, though, she still complains and gets really bitchy with me, but now she smiles at me, which she has NEVER done. I have always tried to avoid her but this past month she’s been making it a habit to make her way towards me when she doesn’t have to. Every time she bitches at me, she smiles at me in the end. SOB is a love me/hate me, so I will call it a WIN. Maybe? 


Ascend XS with COPS Unscented (2014 - 2016) at the previous job - 

This one is MAD RESPECT and lives up to it’s reputation. You lead the way into the workplace with Ascend behind you kickstarting your day into a very productive one. Male and female coworkers really do go out of their way to do favors for you even the stubborn “my way” types. I also had many male/female coworkers trying to please me but not to the point where they became total pushovers. It’s a very badass product, 5 stars all the way!  2 drops worked perfect for me. Never experienced any OD buildups with this one.

Always received compliments on how good I smelled from women over 30, hot attractive cougar types especially. Every time I would lean in for a hello cheek kiss, I would get that response multiple times “you smell so good, what are you using??” 

I always had this stuff on my neck, raw cops and all and never layered it with cologne or directly with a cover scent etc. A couple of these cougars would even go out of their way to get the name of cologne I was using later on throughout the week. Now I never had those questions before throwing on Ascend. So yes, without a doubt, people are getting hit by the smell. The older women became friendlier especially the one’s I least expected. I’m talking about the hot difficult older bitch looking types who ended up being the coolest people.. They would act so different with me but continue acting like a bitch with everybody else. On a professional level, it helped. 

The intimidation on my AscendXS was also non-existent compared to the A314 (2009, 2010, 2012, 2014) I previously owned. I'm putting the dates of purchase because I never cared to look at the rev numbers. 

2 drops Ascend XS unscented cops / 1 drop Dirty Primitive (6 months) - 

Lot of cops, yes. 

The Outcome: Level of respect remained the same, but it also brought in a whole bunch of admirers and stalkers which resulted in a lot of problems in and out of the work place. Never screwed around with any of the women there, but I eventually had to shy away from adding Dirty Primitive after 6 months of using it, and everything went back to normal after about a week. The multiple stalker problem was getting to the point where upper management would ask me what the hell I was doing to the women. It wasn’t a “you’re going to get fired” talk. They were really concerned because the behaviors from these women (20 - 30 years old) were escalating in a negative way. Wasn’t worth the trouble, but the experience itself was interesting.


API Uncented (1 month) - 

I really wanted to love this one, and I used it like a champ, but I will never ever purchase this mone again. Lol.. Even if I win this one as a prize, I will happily send it to a forum member here who has had success using it free of charge. Yes, feel free to quote me on that. 

1 - 5 drops standalone, 1 - 5 drops with different mixes (androtics experimentals p83 p75 etc) gave me the same result: total bitchiness each and every time from both males and females from family to acquaintances. Males trying to one up me when they had no reason to. It was annoying as hell. Now, if we look at this from a glass half full standpoint, at least I didn’t get ghosted... lmao 

Every added drop supercharged their level of bitchiness. I added drops every now and then telling myself, “Oh, what the hell?.. Let’s see what one more drop will do.”

It didn’t.

This one buried me six feet under, but I was still able to stick my hand out and throw the finger. 


Well anyways.. Tonight my friends, I am unconditionally surrendering myself. The 35 year old and I are... Connecting. Bonding. The word “relationship” was thrown in. It could be love at 9th sight. So gonna tone it down and possibly strip the SOB for now, and use xist every other day. The over extended one night stands with the other two ladies have officially ended as of yesterday. I told this one I would quit my shit.  

Going to try an Ascend/Celebrity combo and see how it measures up at work, and PSE can wait patiently in the bedroom.

Limitless was stripped from it's potential when I mixed it with the rest of the mones. Tested for two days alone and it rocks. The self effects give you a sharper edge, imo.

If none of this was helpful, apologies. And if it does help a couple of members or at least one then very awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May your quest for sexy phero mystery mixes continue to be successful and absolutely rewarding!

Later alligators! =D

Good report. Few questions;
1. In your earlier report you included Limitless & PSE. How did dropping these 2 change your mix? Did anything change say in the way of blatant hits, self effects on wearer ?
2. At what time of the day do you normally have "weird " hits? Daytime or Nightime?
3.When you throw in the Turn Up The Heat (turnup the heat ) there what happens to your encounters with women? Didn't they find your vibe creepy, say during Daytime? I know DWR or BlackyChan ?? once reported here about the amazing experience he had with one chick while spotting XIST & Turn Up The Heat one night but would like to hear about your Daytime obserrations.
08-03-2016 12:28 PM
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Post: #3
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-03-2016 6:58 PM

@MMMMM??? Thanks for the post. Little unorthodox reporting, but who's counting. I'd recommend you take a look at as3's journal, particularly the beginning about a chick he code named "Alpha b". (You can find his profile under top posters...he's number one still.)

@Zeky Maybe I'm old or maybe I'm just cranky or exhausted from all the n00bs with their ramblings on old posts, but did you really have to quote his entire book of a report??
Not trying to come across any sort of way, it just unnecessarily adds pointless text when you're referencing the post directly prior to yours.
08-03-2016 6:58 PM
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Post: #4
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-04-2016 6:54 AM

@Zeky Maybe I'm old or maybe I'm just cranky or exhausted from all the n00bs with their ramblings on old posts, but did you really have to quote his entire book of a report??
Not trying to come across any sort of way, it just unnecessarily adds pointless text when you're referencing the post directly prior to yours.
Goodles point Spars. I realise l shouldn't have but somehow l did. A howler on my part.
08-04-2016 6:54 AM
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Post: #5
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-11-2016 2:12 PM

Spars, appreciate the tips. Will check his posts out!! Thank you!!

Zeky! I think adding the Limitless and PSE was overkill and a big waste. The only thing different that I noticed was a little self effects kick. Little more focused, but no other difference when i added it.. Now, when i use Limitless as a stand alone on things i need to get done or my gym sessions, it's been real effective.. I feel more alert and focused. I saw on the XS store that the team released a Sports Phero, so will probably look into that in a couple of weeks and will probably mix it with limitless..

PSE with 2 sprays Turn Up The Heat has been my current bedroom mix. It's super awesome on every level! Lot of deep fantasy and pleasing talk.. Now it's just a matter of me putting everything into action, but PSE has really gotten her to open up on that level..

Your Question #3..

When I threw that other big mix, I would add Turn Up The Heat on my days off work along with xist, sob, celeb. So I did have that on during the day some days, and of course at nighttime

First 2 hours, BIG time pulling people left and right.. And the creepy vibes, heck yea!! I got a couple of those vibes from women around 30's and 40's, but it was not as bad as i thought it would be. I got more UGLY looks than I did with the creepy.. It's those eyes along with that look of disgust that follow you around the room.. Their eyes were like knives man lol.. but it was only a couple.. I survived! P

Around female friends and female mutual acquaintances, it was a lot of unbreakable eye contact, very playful and flirty vibes especially from those women who were very reserved and shy, and those who were already outgoing, well they were just a little too comfortable (sexual bluntness wise) like throwing things out there at me indirectly. A lot of that from those I least expected..

With female strangers, several deer in the headlights but more faces lighting up when I would wave because they would keep staring or even more lit up when I would approach to say something to them. I like to approach, its fun... =) Then there were those occasionally big time hits where some didnt know how to act around me and it was just bad with looks of confusion, blushing and smiling. I experienced that at the stores, a church, and at a restaurant within first 2 hours of the mix...

But the creepy and the ugly looks, i experienced that during the day time...

Im going to start checking out BlackyChan & DWR posts later on tonight when I get a chance
08-11-2016 2:12 PM
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Post: #6
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
08-15-2016 9:17 PM

complainer i def into you.

think of it this way she is constantly thinking about you

lol id even joke with her about it
"wow...you REALLY need to stop thinking about me all the time"
08-15-2016 9:17 PM
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Post: #7
RE: My experience with Ascend, Celebrity, APi, Xs100 SOB Xist
01-11-2017 8:34 PM

Very good reports! 7xM's
Thank you bro!
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2017 9:16 PM by RedEyes.)
01-11-2017 8:34 PM
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