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Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
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Post: #31
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 7:43 AM

I agree that the blogs wouldn't be used that often. I mean who got more than 10 people on their buddy list and list and writes a Blog for them?

The idea behind the journals is way more interesting. You tell others, often complete strangers, about yourself and get an unbiased and often helpful opinions.

Still i feel your journal is like your little baby. It's the thread in that you spend the most time, contribute the most, give your ideas and most importantly reveal a lot about yourself. So you should at least get full control over any post in your own journal, without having to bother, wait for and argue with an admin. More than once i edited out personal information, which would have revealed my identity, from my journal. In the past i did share very private details, as i felt i had full control over what i said at any time. And i also like the concept of updating posts, like my new year's resolutions.

IMO you can compare a journal to something like facebook, google+ or any other social network, except the journals contain a lot more private and sensitive information than most people would share under their real name. On those social networks you can delete any post you made at any time.

So i suggest to at least offer the option to make your own journal posts editable by you. While it's true that an admin can do that for you, it makes me feel a little uneasy to not have the possibility to do it myself.

(02-06-2012 3:07 PM)terry0400-40 Wrote:  
I suggest that people think about what they are doing before they post comments in a public arena and once done then have the balls to stand up and face the courage of their convictions.
Generally i agree with that statement, though i have to say that we are all human. There are guys and girls 18 years old and even younger registering on PTruth. And if you say something that pisses off people in reality, it will likely not be written down and conserved for the next ten years, or eternity.

Also i still would like to see a poll. While there are good arguments for both sides, those arguments are just opinions. I feel like the decision about edits should be made by the whole forum, in a democratic vote. Sure the admins democratically voted on it, but they are also the one's who got the most hassle when someone abuses the edit function. So admins may be biased in that regard.

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02-07-2012 7:43 AM
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Post: #32
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 7:44 AM

I know I do not post here often but I am going to add my two cents in anyways.

I agree with Mark, Terry and Renny. I think this is a good idea in that it prevents the problem of people going back and radically editing a post that has been made and responded to or quoted. If someone misunderstands your comment or you need to clarify what you said it is very easy to quote yourself (and cut out the unneccesary parts) or the other person and go on from there. I do it all the time on other boards.

When I write something I read through it carefully and do a lot of editing before I post. Some of my longer posts (like this one) can take a while to write as I read, reread and edit before I hit the "post" button. Then I always immediately read through it once again to make sure it reads well and conveys my thoughts clearly and succintly as possible. I also correct any spelling errors I catch. The key is to think about what we are posting when we post it. Is it accurate, could the wording be offensive, is there a better way to convey the idea? It is like a conversation - you cannot go back and "erase" something you said, you can only clarify.

I will admit I have done editing after a reply has been made but that is spelling only. And I think losing that ability is a small price to pay to ensure the integrity of the boards. There are boards littered with my spelling errors.

Yes - we might post something personal and then decide it was best not published, but we can easily contact one of the admins and they have said they would edit that out for us. and there is almost always one around.

Now I admit there are a couple places where this could work against us:

If there is ever a robust trading post like over at LPMP where the ladies list their products for trade/sell in the first post and then update that. But we do not really have very robust trading going on here. The flip side is that those ladies do not go back and do heavy editing and redacting of prior posts as a few have done here. They clarify in a running discussion.

The other case it seems are those individuals who use their first post as an updatable list of products and reviews. This will be an impact here but there are ways around it. Quote yourself and update from there but again I realize that that first page will not be updated. Or perhaps for those few who do this currently you could work out something with Mark and Pago and they could do an update for you. But that would require those folks to come up with a well thought out and written review before contacting Mark.

And once again that gets back to the idea that on a board like this as in a real conversation, you have to think before speaking or typing. The good news is that unlike a conversation, you can think and edit for a while before hitting the "post" button.

This post took me a while because I wanted to be sure to accurately state my opinion without offending anyone as I really appreciate the input all of you have put into this forum.
02-07-2012 7:44 AM
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Post: #33
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 7:50 AM

It's also somewhat funny that it was nearly 1 year ago from today that I was threatened with a lawsuit over a post made by a member, and told that if I didn't remove it they would sue me!

I refused, citing non-censorship, and I was willing to go to court and battle it out for the rights of our members!

After I posted a thread letting everyone know about the situation, that member went back and edited out their comments that had got me threatened in the first place.

Funny how when it was my neck in the noose they didn't have a problem with what they'd said, but as soon as they thought it might be theirs the post was edited to remove evidence against them.

Do your rights include the right to get me threatened with lawsuits, then delete evidence to link it back to you? I think not!

Here's a link to the thread discussing the lawsuit threat: http://pherotruth.com/Thread-PheroTruth-...mber-Posts

The fued between AD and PheroTruth was not caused by me, and when this forum was started I'd hoped for a peaceful coexistance with PheroTalk, filling in a gap for being able to discuss products and companies that could not be discussed over there. The fued began after a couple members who were here mainly to bash AD and did so at every opportunity (something else I'm sure Renny could attest too), and has gone on ever since. Many of those posts were later completely edited out by the members who wrote them.

Was that fair to the forum? I think not!

I understand that some of you feel that you have every right to change your opinion or anything you've said, and nobody is taking tht right away from you. We've just changed things around a little to prevent you from retroactively changing your mind and removing evidence of it, and only after somebody has seen and replied after your post.

Was everyone abusing the editing ability? NO! But, rules, regulations and laws are not made because of the many, but the few who would and do violate them.

In any civilized society there are going to be a few people to cause problems, and actions enacted to try to prevent them. Are those rules/policies/laws always the most beneficial to everyone? NO! But, they are enacted to try to preserve and protect the rights of others.

Preventing members from editing posts after there have been replies may seem unfair to some of you, but there were mnembers abusing it, and something needed to be done to stop it. The only other solution would have been to moderate EVERY post edit, which seemed too intrusive, less fair, and would have required a huge commitment and effort on the part of the admins.

Like it or not, whether you were one of the people abusing the edit privelege or not, it was being abused and needed to stop.

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02-07-2012 7:50 AM
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Post: #34
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 8:01 AM

(02-07-2012 7:43 AM)idontknow Wrote:  The idea behind the journals is way more interesting. You tell others, often complete strangers, about yourself and get an unbiased and often helpful opinions.

Still i feel your journal is like your little baby. It's the thread in that you spend the most time, contribute the most, give your ideas and most importantly reveal a lot about yourself. So you should at least get full control over any post in your own journal, without having to bother, wait for and argue with an admin. More than once i edited out personal information, which would have revealed my identity, from my journal. In the past i did share very private details, as i felt i had full control over what i said at any time. And i also like the concept of updating posts, like my new year's resolutions.

That I could get onboard with, although even then there is potential for abuse. But it is a fair compromise and if members abused their edit ability would probably cause others to stop following or participating in the journal.

But, that's something that I think we could live with, and to help protect the journal owners from potential abuse I think that only the owner of the journals ahould be able to edit posts after there have been replies.

It would probably take a huge edit to the plugin, but I'll check into it and as long as Pago and Terry are onboard, we will attemtpt to incorporate ASAP.

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....
02-07-2012 8:01 AM
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Post: #35
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 11:53 AM

Sounds good to me! Hope the plugin isn't too difficult to edit.

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02-07-2012 11:53 AM
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Post: #36
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 3:07 PM

Well guy's ..

suffering from a heavy Grippe ..

so i'll make it short ..

Whilst i'm pro a restricion of the editing function i see the con's as well and they have brought up here on the table in this thread ..

It will in my eyes definately serve the quality of the forum and something has to happen because of what happened in the past !

I think we're all mature enough ( at least i hope so ) and i appell to all members here on the board that this is a place that lives from the quality of the posts !!

The compromise discussed above looks very acceptable for most of the members and as well for me .. and you'll have my vote for this solution !!

I welcome everybody to be creative and bring in their thoughts on how to find a solution to the problem discussed in this thread ..

But i'm sure that we will find a good solution with that everybody should can live with !


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02-07-2012 3:07 PM
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Post: #37
Posting Policy Modification Complete
02-07-2012 4:24 PM

As anticipated Jrocks suggestion was approved by all 3 admins, and the plugin has now been modified to incorporate the change in posting policy.

The revised posting policy now allows for journal authors to edit or delete posts in their own journals, along with the ability to delete the opening post and their entire journal. Members posting in journals other than their own will still not be able to edit posts after new replies have been posted.

This gives members full control over everything they post in their own journals, while keeping in spirit with the intent of the revised posting policy in maintaining the general integrity of threads.

This change to the policy has also been applied in the Trading Post forum.

The other forums still adhere to the original policy change of members only being able to edit or delete posts until new replies have been posted in the thread.
02-07-2012 4:24 PM
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Post: #38
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 5:11 PM

Glad it all worked out !

I think that's a very fair move, and I think everyone benefits from it.

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02-07-2012 5:11 PM
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Post: #39
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 10:45 PM

Very nice! Thanks to everyone who voiced their opinions on this, as well as the admin team.

I was going to post earlier that the idea to allow edits in their own journals would have been good enough, but it's already been changed! Fast acting admin team. Good deal... Smoke

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02-07-2012 10:45 PM
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Post: #40
RE: Member Notification of Change to Posting Policy
02-07-2012 11:52 PM

A wonderful compromise. I for one am happy with this solution.


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02-07-2012 11:52 PM
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