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Love Potions
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Post: #1
Love Potions
08-13-2009 6:56 AM

First let me say that something I have discovered after getting involved with mones that there is a tremendous amount of competition between companies and they can do and say nasty things about each other while battling for supremacy. Some times the pheromone user can get sucked into the darkness of these battles. To support the mud slinging is to become part of that darkness and it almost swallowed me whole.

I am here to share my knowledge and experience with mone products. To give you my honest opinion as a consumer. In the past in other venues I have been unable to express or share my opinion on these products. I urge anyone interested in mones to judge the products on there own merits and ignore the competitive mud slinging you may see occurring in other forums.

That being said ..........................

The ladies over of LP started out with selling amazing perfume oils with a purpose. Using various EO's and with there knowledge of each of these EO's energy's they have created some of the best "potions" I have used on the net or anywhere for that matter.

Incredible scents unique from any you have ever smelled.

Call me crazy if you like but they do work when used correctly.

Fabulous art work. Being a girl I love pretty bottles I know the men probably don't care about that part. LOL

They saw a need for more women's products in the mone world and branched out adding the power of Pheromones to there already powerful potions and have come up with some fabulous products that I use all the time and enjoy. Still relatively small in the mone world they have carved out a unique spot for themselves in the industry.

I have many of the products .................

My favorites are

Blatant Invitation



Cuddle Bunny

I will be sharing more on my experiences good and bad with the products from LP in future posts and look forward to hearing about others experiences with them as well.

(This post was last modified: 08-13-2009 6:58 AM by Tisha.)
08-13-2009 6:56 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Love Potions
08-13-2009 12:40 PM

I saw that forum, but it looked like a "girl's club' and I didn't want to disturb the aura.

Looks like they have sme nice stuff though.

To stay young requires unceasing cultivation of the ability to unlearn old falsehoods.
---Lazerous Long
08-13-2009 12:40 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Love Potions
08-13-2009 1:07 PM

(08-13-2009 12:40 PM)Mtnjim Wrote:  I saw that forum, but it looked like a "girl's club' and I didn't want to disturb the aura.

Looks like they have sme nice stuff though.

They do have stuff for guys there too, check it out!

Off the top of my head, Woodland Man, Miss Right...Now
08-13-2009 1:07 PM
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The Phero Faerie

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Post: #4
RE: Love Potions
08-13-2009 1:19 PM

Hi Tisha! I'm glad we could be able to review LP stuff here freely. This is fantastic.

I will post my reviews on their phero products shortly as well.
08-13-2009 1:19 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Love Potions
08-13-2009 1:46 PM

Jim, don't worry about the girl's club vibe. I'll be honest, I felt a little girly when my package originally arrived, but the results speak for themselves. My favorite seems to be Dominance. It works very well for me. The application style is like A314, so it lasts all day and doesn't disperse allll over, makes it nice for hot areas like Riverside. If you have your own perferred scents, they may not mesh well as they are scented, but that's okay for me. I recommend giving them a try. Even their samples last a long time.
08-13-2009 1:46 PM
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The Phero Faerie

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Post: #6
RE: Love Potions
08-13-2009 5:45 PM

My reviews for LP pheromone based products. - I copied some of my reviews from their forum since I couldn't tell all of my opinions...so here ya go!

Please please please...Keep in mind that what may not work for me, might work for you. We all have different body chemistries, live in different parts of the world so that makes a big difference when we use Pheromones.

I'm not usually successful with oil-based pheromones since I live in a cooler climate almost half the year (yea winters here are so long) so most of the time it's hard to get the diffusion going unless I pull my sweater sleeves up or wear a boat neck shirt and sweat like mad lol. However, I have noticed that when I am very warm and start perspiring, oil-based pheromones seem to work their magic. I've also noticed that LP Pheromones work a little or not at all during the winter. I'm obsessed with winter because the winters are soooo long and freezing cold here!! So diffusing them properly is important.

With LP's products it has been a hit or a big miss for me. I'll try to make my reviews short and sweet lol.

This is sold out. But I'll review it anyways. I had to use 1-2ml of this stuff to even give me mild hits. If I used a few swipes I got nothing. I also didn't like the fact that when I applied it I got white streaks on my skin (I have a dark tan complexion so it's more obvious). Therefore, I need to apply somesort of lotion to make the white marks go away...For $40 US it was not worth to me since I would finish the bottle in 1 week with mild or no reactions. However, what I liked about this product is that is was a piece of cake to cover, sometimes I didn't even need a cover and I wouldn't smell any stank. I wish the concentration could be higher to see more results.

Blatant Invitation (unscented)
This is pretty awesome if you know how to cover. It takes a bit of practice when it comes to oils and I have come to learn that I'm not that great in covering oil-based Essence of Woman . Anyhow, I just couldn't use this... Anyhoo, with blatant invitation, I couldn't cover it unless I took a bath in perfume. I just couldn't do it. I felt self-conscious and a bit smelly.

Essence of Woman oil form
Aww righty, same problem with BI but even worse. I just couldn't cover it up (I used like a few dabs), I even let it dry down for 1/2 hr and it bled through like mad. When Dad told me to go take an f'n shower, I was thinking oh wth duh - daddy doesn't want to smell that kinda stuff! But when my guy/girl friends told me I stink. I started getting really worried. So this isn't for me... however, I've heard other people having better luck than this, so don't let my review discourage you, maybe it might work for you.

Pherogirl (Essence of Woman ) - I like
Okay, to begin with the scent at first it may smell waxy or urinous (sorry for the info) - but this smells like sex. Prepare to smell like sex. Prepare to get attention. People WILL want to know who is wearing this. When I wore it to school, and walked in the classroom believe me everybody smelled me across the room lol and I don't think I took a bath in it. My skin amps on the smell of honey. My teacher complimented me that I smell nice like "roses", don't know about the roses part since there is no roses here at all maybe it's the pollen. But she also said, "Oh so that was you! I was wondering where that scent came from across the room!" I will never forget that lol, it was the first time somebody ever thought about my scent! The Essence of Woman is perfectly covered, I can't smell it at all and the honey diffuses it really well. Mind you, I didn't have a TG so this was just a stranger test. The guys and girls were friendly in class. But I noticed that the guy sitting behind me inhaling - taking deep breathes all the time. LOL!!! So yes this is a winner. Plus the scent lasts a really long time, I could smell something floral and skin-like the next morning, very sexy. This is a very unique perfume, I never in my life had a honey based perfume smell similar to this ever.

Money Honey (swimming with sharks) - I like
Scent-wise I love this one as well. If I only had the money! *sigh* I get sweet gooey honey'd grapefruit with a tad of patchouli in the background. It's soooo nice! I even wear this at home just for the perfume. It's wonderful. Plus the honey in this makes the Pheromones diffuse well. Pheromone-wise, it makes me feel good. I feel calm and collected, I have a need to get things done, I feel like I need to direct, and I tend to talk more straight-forward. I'm not shy with this baby. I'm more business oriented, so I like having this. Very good self-effects from this. I felt strong self-effects because I was perspiring, otherwise I doubt it would work during the winter. But I think it is a great wear for the summer

Cuddle bunny 2009 scented
I LOVE the way this smells, I'll need a second job to afford a bottle of this. Seriously, this smells sooo good, forget about the Pheromones! Well phero-wise, this is not sexual to me at all, it's pretty mild-subtle reaction. I feel good when I wear it, and I get compliments on the perfume, it smells "angelic" in a way.

But phero-wise, I only feel self-effects: I feel so good, and light-hearted. My guy friend (he reacts to pheromones pretty well)... but nope, nothing from him and he's pretty explicit about sexual stuff with me (I can see if a cops product works on him, because he reacts right away to it in an obvious way). People in general are just nice and helpful. I asked my mom and sister to try it but both of them got nothing from the Pheromones (even when they were in a warm environment).

Happy Water (alpha androstenol) - not bad
I'm not a big fan of the scent but my skin amps it. But the Alpha Androstenol makes me feeel soooo cheery. I get strong self-effects, I'm in a good mood and get more chatty. It's quite nice! Other people around me have also been funny during conversations. It's a fun phero. Gotta love the -nols!

Tamashii No Tomo (soul mate Pheromones)
Soapy light scent. Pheromones did not do anything for me.

Forever After (Soulmate blend)
Light floral scent. Pheromones did nothing for me.

Neanderlicious (androtics tah + LP Essence of Woman )
I think I'm not a fan of civit...but it's a sexy perfume for a mature woman. As far as the self effects go: I didn't like it that much because I'm a TAL girl, tah makes me feel a bit ditzy and vulnerable and I hate that feeling. However, the ladies who love tah should give this one a go ;)

Miss Right...now (blatant invitation)
The scent didn't work for me since my skin doesn't like spicy ginger scents it kind of amped it and my sinuses started going insane.

Self effects: none really, I just felt normal. But reactions from others were interesting, when I was in the car with my aunt, her guyfriend, her husband. I noticed her husband staring at me (I know ewwww, that's just disturbing). However, her guyfriend was really super friendly with me in a friend way - or so I thought. So this phero-perfume blend did for for me to a certain extent. I just didn't like the perfume that much.

La Vie De Boheme (Intellectual women)
The diffusion for this was EXCELLENT!! I hope the diffusion for other phero-blends can be at this level! Seriously, this stuff could have worked if I loved coffee, but I don't like smelling like strong coffee...I like sweet stuff but not sickly so. Self effects: Felt calm and collected. Reactions from others: they did get very friendly. It's like a subtle social phero.

Mara's Rocket Fuel (SS4W double the concentrate)
Okay the scent itself will turn any man on. It smells like somesort of baked good with strawberries on me. yuummm. I will buy this perfume for any price because I love the smell. The scent diffuses pretty well if I wear a few strips on my arms (no white stuff on my skin). I don't need to use 1-2ml like I had to with the unscented version. This is good, self effects were pretty good (exactly the same with SS4W above) and I had pretty nice hits. Not blatant, but nice mild ones. I like that fact that there is twice the amount of Pheromones in this bottle because at one point if I really want to spice up things hey - I will slather myself in this. Worth the money (for the perfume) but I will not buy often...

Like A Magnet (original) - I like
First of all this smells awesome, if you think pherogirl is too strong for you or made you too self-conscious. Give this a go, it is extremely light compared to phero girl and there are other scent packages. I didn't try the others but the honey and vanilla one is my favorite, it smells really good not strongly urinous during the wet stage, there is something sweet and sugary (I think it's the vanilla). The diffusion is great, and self effects were good, I felt in a good mood.

And reactions from others? This stuff really works. Men love it. I've had guys staring at my breasts and flirting excessively. Enough said, it works, I ain't complainin' about this one! But I'm not sure if it would work as good in autumn or winter.

Tail (Essence of Woman )
I usually don't like tropical scents but since this has Essence of Woman , I had to try it! It's a very close to skin scent on me.
The scent itself is not too tropical, its nice a fruity on me, during the wet stage I do smell a little stank but then it dies and I can hardly smell anything bad Self effects: none. Reactions from others: guys were friendly with me but not overtly flirty. I think it needs more cops...Tested it near my guy friend who reacts to cops and he was just slightly friendly-flirty but nothing over the top. This is pretty mild reactions-wise as well. I'm not sure if it would work as well in the winter.

Beth's Blushing Milkmaid (Essence of Woman )
Smelled really yummy, but my skin ate the vanilla scent. Other than that I got nothing from the Essence of Woman in there.

Hope it helped! When I receive my OCCO I will review it as well.

Quick edit: on beth's blushing milkmaid: the Essence of Woman worked for me when I applied more of this. I used 4" of this in each arms once (which wasn't enough) but when I used around 16" it did give me a subtle-mild reaction. So yep, I need to use more of this!
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2009 4:47 PM by esmeralda.)
08-13-2009 5:45 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Love Potions
08-18-2009 5:58 PM


Your favorites are some of mine as well! Blatant Invitation is a MUST for me! It makes me feel so playful and fun, in a sexy way! Cuddle Bunny has seen me and my fella through some rough times, and kept us afloat during them.
Esmeralda, I agree with you about the self effects of Happy Water, I ADORE how it makes me feel! I do like the scent too, however, it took awhile to grow on me.
I wear La Vie De Boheme to school, and get comments on the yummy smell, but also I get alot of respect. Not the bow to you reverential respect, but the "you can be a part of this academic discussion we are having and also have a laugh with us" respect. I like the diffusion also, it is one of the best for that.
I adore Like A Magnet and BAM in all the scents, they both do exactly what they say they are going to. I would love the option to do a double strength in the Alpha and Betanols in these.
I just ordered Tail with cops, and I amped it with Beta Androstenol. I am not much on just putting the cops out there, I tend to like to steer them a bit. I can't wait to get this one!
Mara's Rocket Fuel is a definite yowza for me! I put it on and within a few minutes I see a sly smile on my fella's face. He uses LP's, and knows about the Pheromones, but he never knows what's being aimed! It is so fun sharing the scents and the pheromones with him. I am afraid if we ever break up neither of us will be fit for anyone else, because we have sealed our sexual and emotional bond so tightly with pheromones!
I will review some more LP Pheromones later. I am having such fun browsing the forum, I hate to stop and review!
08-18-2009 5:58 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Love Potions
08-20-2009 6:24 AM

I had a friend jumping me while wearing Like A Magnet Spicy Brown Sugar the other day. He didn't know what hit him and I didn't either! One moment we were just being silly and the next moment he pushed me against the wall with lust in his eyes. Really interesting stuff. I'm wearing it today because it's really hot and humid here now and I wanted to see if the cops were going to bleed through but they simply don't, not even after a half hour bike ride in this weather!

The scent of Mara's Rocket Fuel is simply to die for. It's so gorgeous. Soft, sweet, sexy, purrrrrrrrr! Mrgreen

I'n my secret drawer you'll find:

AD's: IS/A, IS/B, MX135, CTTM2, IO, IH, IS, P78, P79, P83, A-nol
LP'S: Blatant Invitation, Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, Lace, Heart & Soul
P7: Cops in alcohol and oil, Rock Star Red Carpet, Sexiest Sex Kitten Heart
Other: PPA/w, PCC
08-20-2009 6:24 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Love Potions
01-05-2010 4:00 PM

I have some Naughty, Sweet and Dirty on the way and will review it when I get it.
01-05-2010 4:00 PM
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The Love God

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Post: #10
Star RE: Love Potions
01-05-2010 8:51 PM

I have the mens sample pack and I am very impressed with the quality of the colognes I've tried.  I also liked the 'Charisma' (aka- Actors Magic) phero blend that is in Miss Right... Now.  It seems to be a better, more balanced phero blend than what is in Ammo even though it is supposed to be the same pheromones.  I saw a lot of interest/attraction but it seemed more natural.  Some phero blends almost seem like the person is in a trance or acting in a sort of unnatural way.  I'm looking forward to trying the 'Charisma' phero blend out in the PE I had made (Mark's Tonka Tobacum). 

I wasn't very thrilled with the Teddy Man, however.  Whatever Pheromones are in there seemed to make me a verbal punching bag.  I haven't had that many put downs thrown at me since I was in grade school.  I don't know why but that one just didn't do it for me.   It was wild how people were telling me things like, 'Maybe you ought to let me do that.  I don't think you are going to be able to.'  Now that I think about it, I did have something similar happen quite a while ago when I OD'd on Scent of Eros.

“Funny guys are dangerous. They’ll make you laugh, and laugh, and laugh then boom, you are naked.”

“Charm is the way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clearly defined question” - Oscar Wilde
01-05-2010 8:51 PM
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