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Bad Wolf Mastery
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Post: #21
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-13-2015 2:23 PM


I am trying that out. The effects is increase libido. You want to have sex more than ever. Girls look more beautiful than ever. You also feel more in your body.

More physical strength and agility. It is know to be ayurvedic viagra. It cost me a 1$ to get around 60 tablets in India. So it is way cheap and effective.

Basically , it works.

I am still trying out. I want to try this to increase my body strength. It is recommended to take vitamins during use of pheromones which I have learnt is necessary to take. I will also start taking Multi vitamins soon.

Bad Wolf drains you internally at the end of the day. You want to crash on the bed in the night. I am also experiencing better sleep with this now because I am tired of being active.

Interesting hits :

I went to first to a family place. Extraordinary respect. Had everybody serving me and serving me very well to say. Everybody was kind. This thing hits people really hard though.

After lunch went to Pooja. The minute I entered the room people want to wish me . I am like Duh. Honestly, it is new to me. When people are eager to wish me . May be because they had chance to and they use it. Nobody talks to me on Bad Wolf if not initiated which I really love. Hahah.

Also , the sister who was very nervous on the sunday was acting weird. Seems like controlling herself. I felt that I may scared have scared her off. Time will tell.

I hate to say but Bad Wolf doesn't has a huge range outside. Inside the room it is like 7 to 8 feet. Outside it is less than 2 feet and takes time to hit the target.

I am telling you this because of my next hit.

I wanted to go station to board the train. In the mid way I hired a taxi. Now this taxi driver was notorious. He said that he will go station and after 2 minutes he says that he will charge me more to take me to the station. I told him that it is not fair and I will like to leave. He told me to fare which was unfair. so i started a fight. I don't feel fear.

In the moment I realized that if I start a fight, I will lose my train. So I boarded the taxi again. Now , I started to tell him stuff. I was telling him that what he did was wrong in a calm voice. This is when things get interesting. He got very nervous. He got so nervous that he needed to light a bidi(Indian Cigarette) in between. Everything ended fine. I boarded the train.

Next hit is talking to a girl on a train. I look at a girl and saw her ass. Again, I found that she was skinny. It seems like she was aggressive as I didn't initiated talking immediately after sitting next to her.

I am coming to conclusion with Bad Wolf that if you don't hit on a girl immediately when you meet her or near her. She can become aggressive later on talking to you. It never used to happen with me. Now it is apparent. Sexual frustration.

I met to visit a relative. There was this guy who was there. Strangely he was very interested in me. This is supposed to get into hit.

At a restaurant where I went to eat I Deer in the headlights from a fat girl. It took 2 minutes of exposure though and she was lost in me. I needed to smile to let her come back.


The interesting part with this Bad Wolf is that I am realizing that it affects different people differently. Alpha guys take you as an enemy or friend . Beta guys accept your authority. I am not getting same reaction from everyone.

Humans are truly strange.

At some places I have been served very well and at some places people don't like to serve me.

It affects girl equally everywhere. For some it is overt and for some not. Still I can say that there is attraction. I am finding myself at many strange situation. It is too good to be true. It is killer thing in close proximity.

Lately , I am getting bumping from girls. I am not sure about this bumping. I don't know whether it is intentional or not intentional. It has happen 3 to 4 times till now. So I am waiting for the time when I am sure.

Now I will not be able to post next 2 days. I am at family vacation. So it is difficult to notice hits when you are engaged in being with your family. I only reported last 3 days hits. There were many more that I didn't write because I am not just trying to notice it.

Have fun weekend.
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2015 2:24 PM by kalpan56.)
11-13-2015 2:23 PM
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Post: #22
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-17-2015 8:12 AM

I have been using Bad Wolf for last 2 weeks. I got many hits from this. One of the interesting thing and a regular mix that I love to wear.

Here is the review:

Self effects:

This stuff amazing on self effects. I think there is nor products in the market which does so. It gives me immense confidence to do things. I will act even when I have fears. I will make decision that were difficult in the past with ease.

I feel in the moment much more than ever. Just love the way it is. Things don't bother me a lot. I don't even feel scared to make eye contact. No inhibition or fear. I really love who I become.

This is definitely who want to change.

A word of caution:

If you are looking for not to change yourself than this is not good for you. If you are looking to advance in life. Take on bigger opportunity than this stuff is for you.

This stuff makes you get up from the bed for your better future

Some people do feel aggression. I agree with that. It doesn't affect me due to several reason. If you are naturally very aggressive person than may be not for you.

This is for the beta guys too. Just hang on there you will turn into alpha.

I don't know alpha who cannot control his anger.

Effects on other:

The effects on others really what an alpha product should do. Scare them off.


After wearing Bad Wolf , you become some like Jordan belfort from Wolf of Wall street . In the eyes of the girl you become like Mr. Grey from 50 shades of grey.

With this on you are someone who is perceived to be really very high status person. Someone as a big celebrity or Politician. Extremely powerful person. People will be scared off with slightest of your bad expression.

With this pheromone on , you will never be bothered if you don't want.

The moment you smile everybody would like to come near you. The moment you open someone , they will not be able to shut up.

If you just act bit slight disinterested, the person will just stop. It is really good if you are a boss.

Part with girls:

I have never seen anything like this in the past. Girls become aggressive to get your attention. I have seen girls taking a compliment even when I am not giving one.

I would suggest someone to watch 50 shades of grey. Look at the reaction of actress when she meets Mr. Grey. You will get similar expression from girls.

So take that carefully.

Also, you will find girls starting to fight with you. It is because of attention problem. Girls do usually try to find mistakes and correct them in the person who they like. They act as if you are their child. The nurturing will be there.

I know this from the past experience where one girl who was attracted to me always started to point towards my mistake even though other didn't care.

Take that as a sign of attraction. Just calm them down and see.

It happened to me more than 4 times in my testing to come to the conclusion. Wear this and stand next to a girl for more than 15 minutes. Don't approach her. 2 things will happen :

1) She will either leave
2) She will try to start a fight.

Do a favor to this product and talk. She wants you to talk.

Tips of testing:

As I have used this product so long I have some suggestion for other folks to test this product.

1) Use at least 5 drops in the beginning. Most of you will be ghosted with that much. Be okay with that. Smile a lot during this phase or you will be tagged as a bad alpha. You know that alpha who is bad guy. A bad alpha portray in many pictures. So smile. No matter what.

Do this for at least 5 days. The reason why I am saying for 5 days is that you will see all the hits with this during this period. All sort of reaction . It will also include Bad hits. Someone starting fight and other stuff. Be cool with it. Try to smile as much as you can.

All this reaction will give you an understanding how people will perceive you. You will also learn and will script in your mind about various situation to come.

Try to test it that way for more days if you didn't test this for all the situation in life. Test it wherever you regularly go.

2) Reduce it to 1 or 2 drops. You should test this for lowest dosage possible. Test till you get hits but not intimidation. It will have no outright intimidation. You will get similar hits. You will now be able to drive this product as you wish. You will also get the results you were looking for.

Also , you will know how to react in each moment with this. It is more of getting a personality change. So you have to adapt yourself a bit.

This testing method will help you to get control over your anger and also on the intimidation .

If you smile then you are a good alpha. If you don't then you become a bad alpha. The result is based on user. It is a user driven product. An Alpha that can be turn good or bad depending on your action.


Interpretation of Garry's sales letter:

While there is so many interpretation of the sales letter for this product. I feel most of us has taken it wrong. It is pretty simple. We have made it much complicated than it is.

If you read the first few lines, then you will see that he decided to make this product after spending time in customer service. That means after getting feedback from his products from his customer, he made this product.

Thus it is clear. It is a product for people who has some social skills and some game. You must have used this some product from LAL in the past.

So Garry made a product which makes a man like character of romantic novel. You are dream for many girls with Bad Wolf. A truly Bad boy which girls like to throw them on.

What if I am noob?

If you have good social skills , then you can use it. Pretty simple. I had. I have not used phermones a lot. I had very good social skills. It worked for me.

Note: I will post my hits over here as they happen. I posted most of them. Now , I will start mixing this with other alpha product when I need to. Thus , solo test result will be less.

I hope this helps.

Also, Garry has send me an empty bottle. It has not yet received. I don't care for that much either. Just a gesture was enough for me that he has great customer service. Going to order more from here.

* forgive the typo. It is a long post and will edit later.


P.s. I have tried Ascend and titan in alpha categories. My reviews of them can be found in the respective section.

I will not compare this with other product. I will create a new thread comparing this products soon.

Keep this thread for only Bad Wolf.
11-17-2015 8:12 AM
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Post: #23
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-17-2015 8:48 AM

(11-17-2015 8:12 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  The effects on others really what an alpha product should do. Scare them off.

I rarely noticed any guys being scared by this product, in fact I never saw somoeone being scared by that product alone, only when I add something to it.

Some girls seems to get scared but I think it's not fear but attraction, or getting really horny

(11-17-2015 8:12 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  After wearing Bad Wolf , you become some like Jordan belfort from Wolf of Wall street . In the eyes of the girl you become like Mr. Grey from 50 shades of grey.

This is the perfect comparison with Grey, I felt like that a lot of times with BW, Jordan belfort is a joke, I wouldn't like to be like him. He is a good laugh but nothing else.

(11-17-2015 8:12 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  It happened to me more than 4 times in my testing to come to the conclusion. Wear this and stand next to a girl for more than 15 minutes. Don't approach her. 2 things will happen :

1) She will either leave
2) She will try to start a fight.

What I noticed is that they get horny, most of them start to get horny when I do that. They only start a fight when they know me or they try to get free drink to get drunk and party.

(11-17-2015 8:12 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  1) Use at least 5 drops in the beginning. Most of you will be ghosted with that much.

What do you mean by ghosted, it seems to me BW is one of those product that no matter how much you use ghosting is impossible. Sometimes I'm wondering if adding more change something, maybe girls get horny faster.

(11-17-2015 8:12 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  2) Reduce it to 1 or 2 drops. You should test this for lowest dosage possible. Test till you get hits but not intimidation. It will have no outright intimidation. You will get similar hits. You will now be able to drive this product as you wish. You will also get the results you were looking for.
I'll try that maybe I didn't noticed the intimidation. Good review

Do you get tired sometimes? Do the self effect stay the same after 1 month? In what kind of environment do you think BW is the more useful/Effective?
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2015 9:09 AM by InnerPower.)
11-17-2015 8:48 AM
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Post: #24
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-17-2015 1:09 PM

No , I never get tired of this. Self effects to be same in last 2 weeks. I will report after one month use.

Effective use of Bad Wolf:

I can use Bad Wolf in most of the situation. Once you learn to use it, you can use it everywhere. Still some mones are good for some peculiar situation. I will love to use this stuff in the following situation:

- Any time that I need to spend time around girls. The reason is that it makes girls feel more upbeat. As they are getting horny. They can be asked to do anything. They will do it for you.

You will need to maintain distance with this stuff. Just let them think about the carrot. It is amazing.

- Any negotiating situation. You can drive someone mad at stuff. I reported about the incident with an auto driver. He was very scared. I have seen similar fear in many man. It works extremely well.

Just stand and shout with this stuff and people will get scared to death.

- Social situation. I feel it is bit difficult to get people open up around you. I needed a lot of patience and skills to get people open up in social situation. It goes towards higher side of alpha.

I can use this when meeting alphas. Like attending party of rich and affluent. It will be really great to meet people. You will be straight up accepted into it.

where can I not use this :

-When likability is key in an event. You can be liked or can not be liked. It depends on the other person and his views about alpha people. Some people just can not like alphas. They just can not stand. I will not like to use this in any situation where things depend on me being liked.

It includes job interview for mid level manager to going to poor people party. Getting a lower status social network. It is very hard to be accepted by some beta. They see you as bully.


Yes, I have seen people scared of me. They think twice in disappointing me. They try to serve me best or would ignore me. I would better use the term intimidated than scared. It is sign of alpha.

Ghosted means people ignore you because of your very high status signature. Also, they might not like to stay near you because you have power to harm them.

I have been not answered by junior person because he think his boss needs to answer me.

You don't need to lower to dosage if you don't see intimidation. May be you are very jovial person. Are you ?
11-17-2015 1:09 PM
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Post: #25
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-17-2015 3:27 PM

Wow, someone that knows how to test a mix and write a report. Thank you.
11-17-2015 3:27 PM
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Post: #26
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-18-2015 3:10 AM

(11-17-2015 1:09 PM)kalpan56 Wrote:  - Social situation. I feel it is bit difficult to get people open up around you. I needed a lot of patience and skills to get people open up in social situation. It goes towards higher side of alpha.

With girls yes but with guys no, I have been approach by a lot of guys during my night with BW. Waiter, stranger, drunk guys. It doesn't seems to affect all guys the same way but the amount of guys who approach me with that is crazy. If you are gay this product is a must Sun bespectacled or if you want to make some friends. I met guys who gave me free beer with that on and not only one time, and no they are not gay guys.

(11-17-2015 1:09 PM)kalpan56 Wrote:  You don't need to lower to dosage if you don't see intimidation. May be you are very jovial person. Are you ?

Yes I am in some ways but not always. I can get very mean when I have BW on but guys doesn't seem intimidated, quiet the opposite. In fact I would love to see some intimidation on guys because sometimes I don't want to be bothered. But no matter what I do I don't get intimidation, respect and awe yes, they want to talk to me but fear or intimidation Dirol never seen it.

I have seen it with AV though.
11-18-2015 3:10 AM
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Post: #27
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-18-2015 4:31 AM


Gay thing may be true. I stay in a conservative society. Homosexual marriages are banned in India . I am not sure about it. I never encountered a gay who claims it publicly. I have got Deer in the headlights from man many times with this stuff on.

Pheromones work differently on everyone. It depends on body chemistry. I got intimidation. Many in the forums get that too. Members can get conclusion from this.

11-18-2015 4:31 AM
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Post: #28
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-18-2015 9:33 PM

Thanks for this awesome review!
I've been thinking about purchasing Bad Wolf myself.
I have two sample vials I ordered.
I tried it out a couple times.

First time was during a court appearance. I was going to wear Wolf at first, but decided to surprise myself and see what would happen if I wore Bad Wolf.

I got shit tested by the Judge. He was the nicest judge I've met, meaning that he was really generous and gracious with all others. However, when it came to me, he shit tested me like crazy! I felt like gunshots were being fired at me! Haha! Oh, well! His generous side still prevailed and penalty fee was still lowered significantly (which had nothing to do with Bad Wolf).

I don't consider that a bad hit! I am still planning on buying Bad Wolf next. I noticed and observed a lot about the way it works that day!
I saw so much potential wearing it.

I've tried it other times. I won't get into the hits. They were really nice ones to see!

I am getting Bad Wolf for myself. Not for anyone else, nor for the ladies. That will be a bi-product.
I hunger for change in my life. I want more and more! I am a very ambitious person, but sometimes I lack energy or charge to pursue my goals.
I want to change that. I want to change my current mindset. I want to grow!
11-18-2015 9:33 PM
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Post: #29
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-19-2015 3:41 AM


Great idea. Ambitious person should wear it.

Being shit tested is good. Once you pass them, you are their beloved person.

A bit of smiling and flattering can do wonders in that situation. Just a comment that your face is looking good would be enough to do the job. The judge may had feel insecure with your presence and wanted to re-establish his presence. It is quite common behavior between alphas. I wished that I knew when I started taking big steps.

You may have watched movies where one alpha talk to another. Both of them is trying to establish higher edge. Look at some president's conference or Prime minister meet. Both of them are smiling a lot. The reason of that is because they don't want to intimidate other alpha.

Just read this book :

Download here : (not my link, found it on google)

It contains all of the tips and suggestion to keep your tone a bit lower.

Wish you luck !!
11-19-2015 3:41 AM
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Post: #30
RE: Bad Wolf Mastery
11-19-2015 7:57 AM

(11-19-2015 3:41 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  Look at some president's conference or Prime minister meet. Both of them are smiling a lot. The reason of that is because they don't want to intimidate other alpha.

If they are alpha they won't be intimidated that's all. If they are smiling it's for another reason, my guess it's due to the crowd. President or minister are most of the time trying to please the crowd, make a show. Most of them are lying, like most Pua out there. They don't care about others but themselves. So they are certainly not Alpha, at least most of them. How many president out there care for the people they are supposed to serve? Very few of them. Most of them would kill their own citizen just to make some money.
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2015 7:59 AM by InnerPower.)
11-19-2015 7:57 AM
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