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Alpha Treasures in the workplace
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Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-28-2015 7:17 PM

I've been using Alpha Treasures in isolation as my workplace product for over a month now. It's time for a full review.

Summary: Alpha Treasures is a useful workplace product. It helps generate respect from men, and attraction from women, including young women.

Dosage/application points/cover

I bought Alpha Treasures with Musk Cybilla cover scent added. The scent isn't amazing like a high-end fragrance, but I find it pleasant and long lasting. Despite being a somewhat subtle smell, it masks the smell of the 'mones extremely well. I've never known the cover to run out before the mones do. This makes the product extremely convenient to use, which is a key reason I've been using the product so regularly.

If you want more intense cover, I've noticed that all of Pheromone Treasures' cover scents seem to come from brambleberry.com, so if you wanted to make any of their scents more intense, you can buy some fragrance oil from there.

My typical dose is two or three drops to the neck.

Background Context

I'm white, male, early thirties, a little shorter than average and in a long term relationship.

I work in a mid-sized office, with a mostly female staff. I tend to report to the very top of the organisation and am usually the point of liaison between my organisation and others in the sector. In this job, and in previous jobs, I'm generally viewed as a whiz kid. I've got a reputation as someone who is smart and who gets results quickly but, in my own self-diagnosis, my problem is that I lack an aura of authority.

Office performance

The results Alpha Treasures bring are pretty consistent: increased respect from senior men and women, and increased attraction from women in general, including younger women. The respect is not overwelming, but it is present. Similarly with the attraction.

Of the two senior women in their fifties who I de facto report to (the head's of the organisation) they are always pleasant to me when I'm wearing AT, and respectful. I get a hearing and they smile like they are enjoying my company. One of the women has a reputation for being difficult, but I get a relatively easy ride. They are both often full of praise for me.

The one senior man who I am supposed to report to (the head of department), and sometimes actually report to, also consistently treats me with respect when I'm wearing AT. In fact, I don't think I've heard a disrespectful word from him on any day I've worn it. This contrasts with other products like M3X that didn't hold him at bay so much!

The two young women I work with (both late twenties) show mild/moderate signs of attraction to me. I get mild chattiness, kino, unusually close proximity from them and boobing. Both know I'm in a relationship, and it is possible they quell their attraction signals because of this.

An attractive older woman (approx late 40s) who works close to me shows signs of interest and attraction, but not to the same extent as when I wear evolve.

Another attractive older women (approx 50s) who I frequently liaise with kinos me regularly. This contrasts to when I wear evolve, where she shows greater agitation and flirtatiousness, but doesn't kino.

Younger men in the office are respectful to me.

I also get general attraction/respect reactions from the large number of other people I have to deal with within the organisation and with the organisations I have to liaise with.

Overall, Alpha Treasures (esp with the Musk Cybilla cover) is convenient to use and helps make my day go smoothly. It helps boost the aura of authority that I often lack. Bumps and conflicts often arise in jobs like mine, but with AT I seem to be able to ride them out more easily, with people giving my the benefit of the doubt and being less likely to cross me.

None of this, however, is iron clad. I don't always get my own way. Although people are more likely to bend to me with AT than without, they do not roll over in front of me. Also, although AT seems to generate attraction, this is on the mild/moderate end of the spectrum rather than the strong

Comparisons to other products

Other products I've used on multiple occasions in the work place are Evolve spray and M3X.

Compared to Evolve Spray
Both Evolve and AT generate respect. If I was to choose, I'd say Evolve does that slightly better. Also, Evolve makes people of both sexes chatty and pretty sticky. Meetings sometimes go on forever with Evolve and people come to my desk and talk and talk. That can be annoying, but also allows me to end interactions first, which itself is good for my authority. AT doesn't have that effect, people will still talk to you and may be sticky due to attraction/respect, but it doesn't have that extra chattiness generation that Evolve has.

I also think that the balance of attraction between Evolve and AT is that Evolve has a greater effect on older women, and AT has a greater effect on younger women.

Given I bought my Evolve unscented, it's more of a pain to cover, which is why I now wear AT more; however, this is my fault as I could have ordered my Evolve with a cover scent included.

Compared to M3X spray
AT generates a lot more respect than M3X. I get talk-back when I'm wearing M3X that I don't get with AT. M3X does, however, seem to generate more attraction from the younger women.

Will I keep wearing it?
For now, definitely. At the moment it's my default work product. It brings me the kind of results I'm looking for and is convenient to use - much more convenient than my unscented Evolve spray. However, whether I'd choose it over Evolve if I'd got that with a built in cover, I don't know. I've found them both to be useful.

I also get the sense that both Evolve and AT could be bettered. Given my personality, I might need something a bit scarier. I may try pairing AT with P75 to see what happens. Also, I've got a bottle to Titan that I haven't tried yet, so I'll probably take out on a test run soon.
11-28-2015 7:17 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-28-2015 9:36 PM

Excellent report...

I am currently looking for a staple work mones that i can use everyday.
I work in a small office with 4 other people. 1 male 3 female (one of them is my boss).

I have used up my wolf sample vial, i like it, but still feel not satisfied enough, have tried dosage 1 to 7 dabs. However, i might purchase the full bottle during LALs sale this December. I believe the spray dosage will give me much more noticeable self effect and others.

Now i'm on testing ascend sample spray, but so far nothing i can notice.

I am also interested in AT or Captain, both are appealing for daily work. Eventhough captain's androstadienone might prevent me to use it everyday.

Reading your report and also snoopy, and considering 20% sale on PT, i think i cant hold to pull the trigger on AT.
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2015 9:38 PM by satria.)
11-28-2015 9:36 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 1:43 AM

Nice report.

It is the only status product that I haven't tried. I have some question. Please answer them.

How long you been using it ? How much time it last ? Any other day hits ? How does it work when you go to a restaurant ? How your juniors treat ? How long the diffusion take ? Did you tried it in social situation ? What were the results? What dosage you used ?

It would be also good if you mention more about the hits. It helps to compare with other products.

11-29-2015 1:43 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 5:23 AM

Great report Ancillian,

This pretty much matches my experiences with testing AT solo at work in a similar environment to yours over the last month or so. I use 2 drops, one neck, one wrists.
The way this product can tame hard bosses and supervisors is quite incredible to experience. Rather than submitting to you, they sort of just try and be your friend and ask your opinions way more. Its great stuff.

Ive also noticed this product makes me more outspoken, more DGAF attitude, more looking people directly in the eyes when normally I am rather quiet in the office.

Owns Mones:
AD: Instant Openess 2x, Ammo 2X, A314 rev32
Alpha Dream: Alfa Maschio, Glace
PheromoneXS: Taboo, Bliss, LoveBoat, Xist, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, SOB, Evolve
Pheromone Treasures: Alpha Treasures, Aura of Aminity, Grail of Affection
11-29-2015 5:23 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 7:12 AM

Thanks guys.

@lunch, I like the description of taming bosses. I think that's right. I haven't seen them become completely supine and agree to everything I request, but they are a lot easier to deal with.

I haven't noticed myself become more outspoken though - perhaps because I'm generally outspoken to begin with. Also, I haven't detected any change in my attitude.

@kalpan I've been wearing AT for most working days for roughly six weeks. I typically wear 2-3 drops, but sometimes up to 4-5 drops. I haven't noticed much difference at the higher dose, but maybe I haven't tested enough.

I've been able to notice hits for 6-9 hours after application. I seem to get my very last 'hits' during my commute home via train and subway. It's hard to say how long it takes to hit, because reactions tend to be subtle rather than blatant. I don't get immediate head snapping like I get with M3X. At a guess, reactions occur after roughly 30 seconds in my pherocloud.

In terms of non-office 'day' hits, I get reactions on public transport. I get more hair-flipping than average by women close to me and slightly more leg squeezing/jiggling (and yes, I do record how often this happens when I'm not wearing any 'mones at all!). Also a small, but noticeable number of young women who end up in my pherocloud on one subway line, end up following me and getting eerily close to me when I change to the next line. However, I can't remember ever being opened by anyone whilst wearing this - or even receiving approach invitations like I get from M3X.

In terms of restaurants, I usually eat out for lunch rather than at my desk. Male wait staff tend to be friendly, and I seem to get slightly more flirtation from the female staff than I'm used to.

In terms of juniors... I'm part of the management team, but unlike most of the other managers, I don't directly manage anyone! So the juniors in the office are not directly 'my' juniors. However, the junior guys in the office treat me with friendly respect, not fear. They have no issue saying things like "Hey man!" and calling me over to their desks to catch up. I've got no problem with that, as they seem genuinely interested in who I am and the work I do. They treat me a bit like a cool guy in high school, but who's not so far above their station that they don't dare to talk to me. I think this indicates that AT does not put out an unassailable scary vibe.

I don't often wear AT socially or around my SO - apart from seeing her at home after work, but that's often 10-11 hours after application. On the very few times I've worn AT socially I've noticed that attractive women that I'm talking to as part of a group seem to get closer to me and orient their body language in my direction.

Also, when hugging women goodbye, two women, one ~30, the other ~60 gave me kisses on the neck, right on top of the application area! Who kisses anyone on the neck when saying a friendly goodbye? Sure these are just pecks... but on the neck? That's odd. The ~30 old did that twice.

Anyway, as I said, I don't often wear AT socially, so I don't feel in a position to come to definite conclusions.

As for fleshing out the office 'hits', it's hard to provide examples of incidents that sum up broad trends, but I'll give it a go.

- The big boss (female) of the organisation has a reputation for liking things being done in exactly her own way. That's fair enough, she's in charge... but, her opinion often differs from mine on what is best. So say if I write something for her to go out in her name - she'll often say she wants to change it. I'll then tell her it shouldn't be changed for X, Y, Z reasons. Whilst wearing AT she frequently defers to my judgment and allows things to go as-is.

- My male boss (head of department) will ask for opinions on stuff, and usually defers to my judgment too. He seems to just let me get on with things and do thing my way. He doesn't boss me about.

- The late twenties black girl who I sit next to touches me on the arm and shoulder. Recently she scooted over to talk about a spreadsheet, her boobs were pressed firmly against my arm.

- With the late-twenties white girl who I sit opposite, she gets unusually close when I'm talking to her about stuff, or if we're going to an external meeting together. Also, the other day she looked at me for a very extended period of time, with her lips parted and a big grin on her face, with just the tip of her water bottle in her mouth (without drinking from it). I'm not sure how intentional that was, but it looked incredibly sexual and workplace inappropriate!

Anyway, these are just examples that illustrate the broad trends I've been observing. Alpha Treasures isn't a product that just gives me hit-hit-hit, or something that turns women into uncontrollable giggly, horny wrecks. As I mentioned in my previous post, it's more something that makes my working day go smoothly, makes people defer to me more often than they usually would, and generates mild/moderate attraction. I'd also need to test more around my SO to be able to gauge how well it works in the bedroom.

Maybe the best way to describe AT is that it's a well rounded workplace product - a kind of Jack-of-all-trades in the office. It gets a useful degree of respect and compliance, without being so scary people don't want to talk to you. It gets attraction, without that attraction becoming so intense that your life could become problematic. It allows friendliness from other male members of staff, but without your day being dominated by endless chatter.
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2015 8:20 AM by Ancillian.)
11-29-2015 7:12 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 9:42 AM

(11-29-2015 7:12 AM)Ancillian Wrote:  I'd also need to test more around my SO to be able to gauge how well it works in the bedroom.

If not mistaken, i recall SnoopyAce reported that AT is excellent in bedroom, give SO quicker orgasm, as good as Evolve.

11-29-2015 9:42 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 11:40 AM

(11-29-2015 7:12 AM)Ancillian Wrote:  Alpha Treasures isn't a product that just gives me hit-hit-hit, or something that turns women into uncontrollable giggly, horny wrecks.

And what does this in your experience? You know, for science...

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11-29-2015 11:40 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 12:11 PM

(11-29-2015 11:40 AM)Phyros Wrote:  And what does this in your experience? You know, for science...

Scent of Eros + New Pheromone Additive has probably come closest.
11-29-2015 12:11 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
11-29-2015 2:36 PM

@Ancillian ,

It is a really good report. It explains a lot. It is not just work mix. You can steer up any way. I would say just cross the lines. You can pursue a lot of people in your favor with this.

I would not suggest not to underestimate the mix. I did that mistake when I started out. Read your own report, your bosses like you. May be it is time to bring up a new project or ask for bonus or better roles. I would suggest you to try.

You will be at least surprised.

All the best !
11-29-2015 2:36 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Alpha Treasures in the workplace
12-01-2015 4:33 PM

(11-28-2015 7:17 PM)Ancillian Wrote:  (...)
I've noticed that all of Pheromone Treasures' cover scents seem to come from brambleberry.com,

Thanks for that info.
I will order my PT products unscented since those fragrance oils contain phthalates Negative


Pheromone Xs:
Evolve, Mascot, Barely Legal, Taboo, Flirt, SOB, Connections, Love Boat, Bliss
Alpha Dreams:
AM, Corpo
Liquid Alchemy Labs:
NA, Wolf, AV, DP
Style, M3X, Atlas, Tusc, Titan
A314, P130,TAC
Pheromone Treasures:

12-01-2015 4:33 PM
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