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Wake Up
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Post: #1
Wake Up
12-22-2015 12:02 PM

I accidentally derailed a thread with some off topic discussion. So I decided to create a proper place for the material to let the mone product have its stage back.
I will pick back up from the last convo from the atlas thread for continuity purpose.

This thread will be discussing all shapes and sizes of metaphysical thinking processes. Please do not read if you have a closed mind and are quick to argument these topics. Simply pass this thread over and go back to enjoying your life how you see fit. There are no right or wrong answers, just wild minds at work uncovering decades of deception.

The old saying 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust' is deeper than people think. During 9 months of creation our birth is from a very high vibrational state in the womb. Once we enter the world we are slowly being drawn back to the low vibrational energies of dust and dirt. Death has no vibration at all and signals the return of our physical form back to the earth.

High vibrational food items actually move you farther away from the low energy states of degenerative diseases. Eating low energy, low frequency foods gets you closer to death as your body tends to match what is put in it. Health problems begin to arise in low vibration states.

Disease states are merely low frequency states that have exhausted the body's ability to raise its own vibration internally. The low battery light comes on. Instead of correcting this energy imbalance, modern man seeks a quick fix in the form of medicine. So the docs take your money and cover up the disease with drugs so the patient can go back to being a consumer as soon as possible. Like a good sheep. Baaaaaaaaaa.

With the existing problem never being fully addressed and only masked, the patient returns to the doc and is now placed on prescriptions. The problem is again masked and the patient can return to meats, cakes, and cookies. Healthcare is huge business and many docs live extravagant lifestyles by covering up disease. Do you think the doctors in America actually care if you get well or not? It's called job security.

Wash rinse repeat and this is one of the major reasons I turned my back on the pharmaceutical industry after only 2 years in the workplace. It is all so crooked with money now.

Just like that big crooked lie started in the 1980's that "fat makes you fat."
No. Fructose makes you fat. Sugar is the body's preferred fuel source and it will burn it instead of fat. If the body is storing fat instead of burning it, fat-based hormones are not being manufactured properly within the body and we now enter the cascade of hormone imbalances and later physical ailments. Which leads to negative mindsets and depression. Which leads to the consumption of even more quick fix sugary foods, which further lowers the body vibration. Low vibration equals disease. No vibration equals death.

I will copy one of the other posts from the derailed thread to condense some of the material so its not quite so choppy.
I fully believe that energy is being transferred from the foods we eat. The energy we take from our food we express in our lives. Crappy food equals crappy lives. I can really feel it in meat moreso than anything else. I was raised a hunter and fisher and I can see the difference in the meat that I slaughter myself rather than store bought. I know that sounds obvious and alot of people say its just hormones and antibiotics. Some of it yes but it goes alot deeper than just the physical manipulation of flesh. There is some form of connection you achieve by harvesting the animal yourself for your family that is broken at the grocery store.

There is a heavy spiritual side of an animal who spends its entire life in a filth cage it cannot even turn around in. Ankle deep in its own waste, it spends its entire life hating its captors only to be quickly slaughtered and fed to a dependent population. This is what is being transferred to us. The hormones and antibiotics are merely pumped into it to increase maturity time and balm a shitty life devoid of love and affection. These chemicals are transferred to us as well. I have a hard time accepting animals were put here on this earth by our creator only to feed an ever increasing population of hungry humans. We are out of balance with the earth and it shows.

I have tried to become a vegetarian multiple times but keep regressing. Hardest thing I have ever tried to do is reprogram my body to resist animal flesh.
I lost alot of muscle mass yet I felt better than I ever have. More balanced and connected then ever. However, you can only juice so much and eat so much bread and so many bean combinations before you start craving flesh again. Our upbringing says meals need to contain more substance because that is how many of us were raised. Our bodies do not know anything else and it is very difficult to deviate from the older you get.

Meat is a high vibrational food for low vibrational times. When you elevate your vibration (I call it spinning) you learn that meat will actually lower your vibrational energy. Staying at a high vibration is immensely difficult unless you begin to slowly withdraw from society. This is the overwhelm factor you experience when you begin to raise vibrational energy. It is so hard to raise vibration yet so ridiculously easy to lower it.
The lower the vibration of the food you eat the more of a hit you take to your own current spin state.

Canned and cooked foods consist of dead non moving atoms. No enzymes or life present as it is only now a 3D food item and is treated as such by the body. No 4D is present. That is what makes it last forever in a can. When you eat it the body needs to use its own energy to resurrect this non vibrating food item and get it moving again. So it raises it to the bare minimum so it can be quickly discharged from the body. At the expense of your own energies.

Live uncooked foods like fruits and vegetables each contain their own subtle vibration. This is transferred to us as life. Our bodies do not need to utilize its own energy to move dead atoms and we are able to increase our spin. Blueberries and beets seem to provide the highest spin of anything so far that I have felt. Juicing vegetables then consuming them right away while the atoms are still moving will give a glimpse of energy states. Go sit in the garden and drink your juice among the plants that produced the juice and an even greater connection is made.

My frustration is that I cannot maintain a high vibrational status for long periods of time. Its like the circus guy that spins the plates on a stick and thats why I nicknamed it spinning. You have to literally keep the plates spinning or fall into lower vibration. I know there are methods to perform this vibration increase within the mind but I am not strong enough to attain this feat. Meat absolutely destroys high vibration like nothing else. Consuming meat during a high vibrational status makes me feel sick inside and sour. You do not notice it as much during low vibration states as it is not as drastic a drop.
Im sure this takes practice and that is my personal grail. I have felt what it is like to be fully connected and at peace and I want that for the rest of my life.
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2015 12:05 PM by thundr.)
12-22-2015 12:02 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Wake Up
12-22-2015 9:01 PM

Thanks Thundr for bring up the conversation.
the hardest part about waking up is un learning everything you've learned. Uninstalling the programs that have been imposed upon us. Thinking outside the box.
If you place a small child in a room with a rabbit, does the child attempt to kill the rabbit or love it? It's not in our instincts to kill animals. When was the last time you had the insatiable desire to chase down a wild animal and kill it with your hands and teeth? How many animals could you chase down and kill? WE don't have claws or fangs.

The digestive tract of carnivores is relatively short, because you don't want rotting meat hanging around for hours or days. However the digestive tract of the human is long.
As Thundr points out, the primates don't eat meat or high protein diets, yet are stronger than 2 or three men.
If you want to know what to eat, then look at the world. It's the largest laboratory operating. Every animal eats their food RAW.

IF we were meant to eat meat, then we would also eat it raw. But nobody does. If meat tasted so good, why all the spices to cover up the flavor of what you are eating?
There's an illusion portrayed that "meat" comes from a country farm where they get to roam free and are happy. Their life is a cruel fate that is filled with torture and pain. When you eat meat, you are eating sadness. These animals are also in a state of panic when they die, therefore meat is full of adrenalin. Those with adrenal gland weakness will feel better after eating meat, replacing the neurotransmitters. Most of the population has adrenal gland issues because of simple genetics. Humans are getting weaker, not stronger.

Milk: What animal in nature drinks the milk of another? And what animal in nature continues to drink milk once they are weaned?
If you were driving down a country road and you saw five people laying down with a cow and drinking from it's teat, you might consider calling the police. Yet the milk jug is the teat. Milk and cheese are mucous forming foods.

Bread: In school we were taught that flour and water make glue. That's what bread is, glue.
If you couldn't buy bread or flour at the store, how often would you eat it? probably never. It's a starvation food. It's what you would eat when all resources have been spent. Even if a wheat field grew next door to your house, would you really take the time to harvest it, grind it and bake it?

If you want to see what the standard American diet does to you... Go visit a nursing home.
People aren't living longer... it's a myth.

You're supposed to sweat... you don't need to apply aluminum to your underarms where it's absorbed into your lymph nodes
You don't need fluoride, it's a toxic chemical

If you want your health back, if you want to be vibrant and healthy and full of energy. If you want to live long. Then eat the foods you were meant to. Simple raw fruits and vegetables.
If a part of your body isn't working properly, then try using some herbs. Every plant, tree, leaf, fruit and root has healing properties for the human species. It's not a coincidence. You don't need all the pharmacuticals.

Meat, dairy and bread cause an acid environment in the body. That's where dis-ease comes from.
Acids cause inflammation. That's why you take an ant acid for heartburn. When you have pain you take an anti inflammatory. It covers the symptom but doesn't heal.
When your body becomes extremely acidic, the body will start to send cholesterol. It's a lipid that is meant to counter the action of acids. The body will do what it needs in order to keep the blood from becoming acidic, that leads to sudden death. How many "healthy" thin people have you met with high cholesterol? It's the bodies response to keeping you alive.
If that doesn't work it sends out calcium. Like Tums. It's an ant acid. In order to keep you alive the body will steal calcium from the bones. All of this because of eating acid forming foods.

When is the last time a doctor cured anything?
Fruits are alkaline, even lemons. It's not just the vitamins and phytonutrients, it's the pH of the fruits water. It's alkaline and will help your body to heal from the damage of acids.
Raw fruits are the highest vibrational foods one can eat.

And it's okay to not eat. When you get sick you lose your appetite. Like animals, they do the same thing, except they listen to their instincts. By not eating your body can devote all it's energy to healing and not digesting.

Appreciate this thread Thundr... Looking forward to more stimulating conversation

Hold onto your beliefs loosely, and hold onto your truths tightly.
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2015 9:03 PM by RussianWolf.)
12-22-2015 9:01 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 4:21 PM

I'll play...

I am a type 2 diabetic. My blood sugar was so high when it was discovered that the doctor said that I should be in a coma.

The only symptom that I had was that I had to piss A LOT.

Doctor told me that I would be on drugs the rest of my life...He prescribed an ACE (kidney), statin (liver), blood pressure meds, long and short term acting insulin, etc...All because I had diabetes.

I read a book call The End of Diabetes by Dr. Fuhrman. Basically, vegans lower if not eliminate the amount of drugs that they take. Dr. F gets the hard cases.

When I asked my doctor about going vegan, he pushed the meds and said that I wasn't big enough (IE not fat enough to lose and or control my diabetes with diet) to get a benefit from using a diet gimmick.

I did it anyway and was off insulin in 2 weeks. I still had to take a pill (Metformin)...I was off of that too in 6 weeks.

The doctor was so amazed that he said that he didn't advocate that path because most people want a quick fix and he didn't think anyone would give up all those things for their health.

I told him that here is how you sell it. You can take a bunch of medication for the rest of your life and have your condition get worse and lead you to an early grave or you can try and see if changing your diet will help.

Bottom line - I had the insulin and meds so if I tried and it didn't work, I could ALWAYS take the drugs. Well the drugs are in my fridge (insulin) and the rest are in my medicine cabinet.

Every time I want to reach for some junk food, I see that insulin and grab something else. Diet can cure some shit.
12-23-2015 4:21 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 5:34 PM

That's awesome DarkLord...
I know Gabriel Cousins filmed a documentary about doing just that. I believe it was called Simply Raw reversing diabetes in 30 days.

It's amazing how powerful the body is when it comes to healing. all we have to do is give it the right fuel and nutrition.

Good job man! You're an inspiration and living proof

Hold onto your beliefs loosely, and hold onto your truths tightly.
12-23-2015 5:34 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 6:48 PM

Along with feeling, thinking, eating, and living healthy, one needs to also bring their body back into balance. This is how to do it:

Great thread and thoughts thundr! Good

Btw, nano-coating and GANS making should be right up your alley, thundr. Give it a go and see what you experience.

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(This post was last modified: 12-23-2015 6:57 PM by kimosabe.)
12-23-2015 6:48 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 7:00 PM

(12-23-2015 4:21 PM)DarkLord1 Wrote:  I'll play...

I am a type 2 diabetic. My blood sugar was so high when it was discovered that the doctor said that I should be in a coma.

The only symptom that I had was that I had to piss A LOT.

Doctor told me that I would be on drugs the rest of my life...He prescribed an ACE (kidney), statin (liver), blood pressure meds, long and short term acting insulin, etc...All because I had diabetes.

I read a book call The End of Diabetes by Dr. Fuhrman. Basically, vegans lower if not eliminate the amount of drugs that they take. Dr. F gets the hard cases.

When I asked my doctor about going vegan, he pushed the meds and said that I wasn't big enough (IE not fat enough to lose and or control my diabetes with diet) to get a benefit from using a diet gimmick.

I did it anyway and was off insulin in 2 weeks. I still had to take a pill (Metformin)...I was off of that too in 6 weeks.

The doctor was so amazed that he said that he didn't advocate that path because most people want a quick fix and he didn't think anyone would give up all those things for their health.

I told him that here is how you sell it. You can take a bunch of medication for the rest of your life and have your condition get worse and lead you to an early grave or you can try and see if changing your diet will help.

Bottom line - I had the insulin and meds so if I tried and it didn't work, I could ALWAYS take the drugs. Well the drugs are in my fridge (insulin) and the rest are in my medicine cabinet.

Every time I want to reach for some junk food, I see that insulin and grab something else. Diet can cure some shit.

What was your main source of foods, Lord?

12-23-2015 7:00 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 7:49 PM

To add-on, by using The Cup of Life from the video above, I've pretty much reduced by use of Lung Cleanse to almost nil. Asthma medication? Not a drop of it.

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12-23-2015 7:49 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 8:15 PM

I swear we all have some form of synchronicity here. Great start to a deep thread. PT has always been more than just mones and one of our greatest strengths has been the constant pursuit of self improvement. My chick busts my balls all the time and tells me I wont be satisfied even when Im glowing in the dark.

Welcome back Kimo! Man I thought you were gone. So many members disappear never to be seen again. Good to see you back bro.

As RW hinted at earlier, unlearning what has been pushed onto us since birth is a daunting task but it can be done with effort. Darklord provided a fanfuckingtastic success story of the dedication of change.
The docs are out to make cash plain and simple. Im sure they would take extra care for their family members but in all honesty, your sickness is their cashflow. It sucks but thats the bottom line. It is not in their best interest to make you healthy. Bad for business. It benefits them to hook you on prescriptions and follow up visits to pay for their timeshare in Boca. I have worked around enough physicians in my life to flat out say that the majority of them are greedy quacks and fakes. That 2016 vette he's driving? Leased. That new home he just bought on the river? He's getting butchered on mortgage payments. Look up how much they pay in med school tuition repayments plus yearly malpractice insurance costs. THIS is why you pay so much to goto the doctor. So he can maintain his image despite all these extra costs. They try to blame it on the poor and that is the main reason everyone has to pay the high costs of healthcare? Bullshit. Im sick of corporate America blaming the less fortunate for societies ills. How about this, blame the 1% that is sitting on all the money...
Ever wonder why the docs have their own big word jargon? So they can intimidate the less educated into asking fewer questions and doing as they are told. Like good sheeple. Baaa.
Oh you have a headache? It may be a possible brain aneurysm lets run some tests. Come back tuesday at 9AM and bring your wallet bitch. No money? You probably have a headache then. Call us if it gets worse (call us when you get some money)
People fear what they do not know. So lets add a mysterious long lipped health issue so they are willing to shell out hard earned blue collar money to "get well."

I know it sounds bitter. That is because I am sick of it. All of it. The greed, the lack of compassion for EVERYTHING, the blame game finger pointing, the class wars, race baiting, the worship of talentless false idols, plastic food, social media addicts, dudes getting awards for cutting off their pecker from the same people that shit on michael jackson for his feminine face augmentations.

I started this thread because we are slaves to a system that lies to us every chance they get.
It's time to break free of the deception game by using our minds as keys.
12-23-2015 8:15 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 8:38 PM

^Voted for most in-you-face truthful post of the year. Friends

Mr. Keshe, in his teachings, makes specific reference to 3 areas of dis-ease. They are the physical, mental and emotional.

Go at the physical with scant regard for mental and emotional and all you're doing is treating symptoms. This is what medical science does today.

On the other hand, hit the mental and emotional FIRST, and follow-up with treating the physical and you'll find a whole new world of difference. Patients have seen their diseases fly away when their emotions and mindset change for the better. But they must DESIRE to change these in the first place, otherwise zilch, zero, nada.

Case in point - darklord. He refused to accept his doctor's dogma and went on a quest to improve his health. Ergo, positive results.

This is also why CO2 pads in Renan's video above is so effective. It hits the emotional body of a person directly, and healing comes from within. Health pens attract and concentrate ambient energy and send it to where it is needed in the body. The body never takes more than it needs. Whatever is unneeded is simply not delivered. Whatever is unnecessary gets taken away and re-converted to ambient energy.

This is the beauty of magnetical-gravitational (Magravs) plasma technology. It's how Nature does Her work.

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(This post was last modified: 12-23-2015 8:52 PM by kimosabe.)
12-23-2015 8:38 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Wake Up
12-23-2015 10:10 PM

I totally agree with the mind, body, spirit connection. Balance is key because it limits the growth of the other areas.
Example. The nerd who prides himself in his intellect usually leaves himself weak in the physical. His devotion toward mental acuity leaves his body frail. He fails to realize that his physical weakness ultimately limits his mental growth potential.

Vis a vis the bodybuilder. He hits the gym with fervor and determination yet leaves his mind weak. The intelligence he does manage to acquire is often just supplement knowledge to ultimately increase his physical. He can tell you what beta alanine does because he read it in muscle and fitness but really has no real concept what it actually does in the body. And he doesnt care because he can beat you up. His physical growth is actually limited by his weak mind.

I can speak from experience here because I learned this balance at an early age. I was a bright kid growing up and enjoyed playing chess, dungeons and dragons, puzzles, video games, etc with my "nerdy" friends. However, I also enjoyed contact sports and martial arts very much and had to leave the scholar me behind for a bit so I could perform as an athlete with the "jocks". But did I really have to leave it behind or could I take the nerd me onto the athletic field?

Here comes the fun part. I quickly noticed that the more diverse I was, the better I got in ALL areas. Scholastic mental pursuits were being additionally fed by the endorphins and hormones that my body was making from intense sporting activities. Contact sports, being extremely physical, and having high blood circulation was increasing my learning capacity in the mental realm.
The eye hand coordination from nerdy video games, the brain stimulation and problem solving from the puzzles, the free thinking strategies of chess, were increasing my athletic abilities in the physical realm.

With the 2 mind and body areas growing at the same time, my spirit raised as well. It really didnt have much choice and was all seemingly interconnected at the same time. I couldnt understand why people could not see this. The more I spoke up about it, the more my words fell on deaf ears from both jocks and nerds. No one would listen even though I was walking proof of what I was talking about. Whatever.

Why did the jocks refuse to increase their intellect and seem content with being called "dumb jock"? They were not really content and physical bravado replaced mental and spiritual growth and was a defense to the intellectual attacks.
Why were the nerds satisfied with constant weakness of body even to the point of being bullied and hurt? Not doing shit but complaining isnt really being satisfied. So why didnt they do something about it? Witty one liners and quips replaced spirit growth and physical development which wasnt really a defense to physical attacks.

I learned over time that each area fed another during growth and that a bit of mental was needed to push past the boundaries of the physical realm. A bit of physical was required to break free from mental plateaus. Unexpected results were coming in unrelated fields based on my efforts in all the areas. Hope that made sense. Lol

In order to push one strong area past the average level, one must address the other area weaknesses first. Once this is brought to harmony, you can achieve above average growth in all areas of mind body and spirit. I think this concept cannot be taught or preached and must be discovered by oneself though the dedication to enact the change.
12-23-2015 10:10 PM
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