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Voodoo Combinations
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Olfactory Brainwashing Genius

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Post: #31
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-11-2015 11:37 AM

(03-10-2015 11:15 PM)t-Rex Wrote:  Hi Ricardori, any update on this mix? Have you give a try AV+VD together? I'm lil bit curious about AV+VD, it's like garry have something not to tell us and want us to give it a try this mix together, why whould he send free 5ml AV unscented while voodoo is scented? It's meant to be together right?!

Read on another thread (AV thread, maybe?) that Ricardori had no success with it one day, and awesome success on another. I asked him to report his experience here, but he didn't.

Maybe we can get him to reiterate.

Oils: Xist, Evolve, Domination, SOB, Desire Me
Sprays: SOB, Love Boat, Bliss, Connections,
Impaxs, Cohesion, Odyssey, Taboo, PSE, Limitless, Evolve, XSP96

Alpha Dream
LIIK v.1 unscented

Liquid Alchemy Labs
Oils: Nude Alpha, Voodoo, Aqua Vitae, Dirty Primitive, Bad Wolf
Other: Max-T-150
Samples: Hypnotica, Wolf, Nude Gay Alpha

Pheromone Treasures
Sprays: ETFZ
Oils: A1 50mcg, AT, GOA
Samples: Captain, THU

Sprays: Instant Openness, P83, Turn Up The Heat, Instant Honesty

NPA, NPA Touch

Imprint, CV4, Style, Dionysos, M3X, Atlas

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03-11-2015 11:37 AM
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Post: #32
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-17-2015 10:36 AM

Well I hope this update is on correct thread. For those unaware the basics for me as reported over on regular voodoo thread back in early March are .

Me - mid forties

Targets - 4 primary on different days

Mix - voodoo, hypnotica, (cos I love them selfies) and Androstadienone (cos Garry recommended it)

On my first post I indicated I wanted to see if I could deliberately imprint on one of 4 targets, L, L2, A and unknown.

L continues to be the primary recipient of exposure to the mix. She has in my view shown some interest with lots of touchy feely communication in public , other than that I can honestly say I have seen no significant evidence of imprinting on any of the other targets either due to not seeing them or no observable change in behaviour.

The other female F who subsequently began to show interest , I decided to reciporocate. I asked for her advice on a shopping purchase which involved meeting me at a venue some distance. From both our places. She agreed to a specific time at this venue ,we met and she had clearly made effort transforming from a plain 6 to a petite 8 who obviously knows how to show her butt in a pair of stylish jeans.

Over the course of the task I learned she had gone out of her way to meet me. It was 1 pm and she had to be at work some 30 miles away by 4pm. Whilst narrowing my possibilities of escalating on this occasion I was impressed by her desire to meet me and can't help feeling that voodoo is at play here.

I have agreed to meet her again and plan to ensure the circumstances are in place to escalate.
03-17-2015 10:36 AM
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Post: #33
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-19-2015 12:09 AM

Okay guys. I'm starting to dial in on a combo for Voodoo, but it'll still take at least another 2 tests

2 Sprays of Core + a dab under and around my nose
8 drops of Voodoo

I'll get straight to the point here, little fluff
Self-Effects: I felt more of the calmness and dominance of Core earlier in the day, then I became stifled and choppy, and much more in my head. After 7.25 hours I started to reach full Core like effects. I was very flowing. I'm guessing that's due to Voodoo diminishing over the time. It was still there though. Even after this, I got a bit stuck and in my head if I stayed still in my mone cloud for too long. I can see 2 Sprays of Core + 5 drops of Voodoo maybe being PERFECT without any negatives. Will see

-No noticeable difference in behavior from M today while around her
-Ran into MP and decided to hang with her for a bit, about 30 min. Moderately dilated pupils. Besides that nothing out the ordinary. She has never been exposed to me with mones before
-Got on a shuttle to head over to a friend's place to work on a project. The bus driver was joking with me (apparently he's like that), a gay guy helped me figure out which stop to get off at. A girl who was with her bf was also chiming in a bit too. It all happened so fast that I literally felt stifled, but at the same time comfortable. Weird feelig. That girl was attractive, but her bf was right there and I wouldn't do anything. I sat between two girls, didn't feel sociable at all, so I didn't say anything. I did ask the bus driver a couple of questions though about the stops. The asian girl to my left answered the first time. The second time, both she and the guy who was a little further away answered. What ended up happening is that everyone but that guy who answered the second time ended up getting off the bus and I had to ride the route again since I missed my stop. Even the girl with the bf who got off at my stop didn't say anything. Wow. Next time around I catch the stop.
-Get to the apartment that me and a few others have to work on a group project, it's a video that's being recorded for infotainment purposes, but it's a grade. The girl who greeted me at the door was very attractive, I'll call her K3. She went to get changed and came back and I noticed just how big her boobs were. Not only that, but she was the "victim" in the video and she was supposed to be tied up. So she got a belt and the other girl who isn't attractive (I'll call her C) tied her hands. K3 asked if she should have her hands tied in front or behind her, I said behind and that's how she had them tied whistle
-K3 looked at me a lot of times, and once even gave a little smile. This happened throughout the time we were there filming. Also I saw her bite her lip twice. One time I specifically remember being after the other girl mentioned her being tied up, interesting timing...
-Moderately dilated pupils from K3. Hugely dilated pupils from C. I wondered if it was the lighting, but the other guy who was there had regular sized pupils so it wasn't Smoke
-I thought to myself that I was definitely going to leave with K3's number and plans to hang out. We didn't have much time to talk since we can't make extra noise when recording. As we were leaving, the other guy hung around me so close as I was walking towards the door, and even waited next to it. We weren't leaving together or anything. Anyway I had already suggested that we have a "cast party" after this is over. Everyone in the group agreed, so I am planning to see K3 again then.
-Also K3 asked the group if we would stay in the same group for doing the next video project. I said we should and I confirmed with her as I was walking out the door that she wanted to.

So, I'm walking downstairs about to leave and I think to myself "I'm going back in there". C and the guy were still nearby. I made up a story about leaving my government homework paper inside. Funny enough, C had left her iPhone in there. We both go back up and before we can knock on the door K3 opens it with iPhone in hand. She hands it to C and then I say that I think I left my assignment. C leaves, but I see K3's suitemate is in the living room now. I look around really quick and say that I can't find it. K3 said that C had some papers and it might be in there (doubt it Big boss) then says good luck and I leave.

As an afterthought, I wondered if K3 intended for the iPhone to be left so she'd have to come outside and I'd see her before I left and she'd be there alone after returning the iPhone. It was in plain sight, that's the only reason I thought about it. I came back to campus and I was pretty frustrated at myself. That whole event happened within an hour. I'm hoping I imprinted. Later, I thought to myself that if I was wearing Core+Imprint, I feel things would've been different and I'd know without a doubt that I'd linger in her mind. By the time I got there, I really did not feel sociable, but I did get into a social mood soon enough. I also noticed my pupils were moderately dilated even 20 minutes after that took place.

Went to hang out with my guy friends. We all enjoyed talking. They had dilated pupils (but we were getting food and I read that can be normal). I saw one friend I haven't seen in a year walk in. I said hey to him, he says hey and comes over and we talk a bit. Then he asks me to hit him up if I'm doing anything on the weekends. My other friend works at the place, but I didn't say anything since he was busy with the orders. Once he walked by I said hey and just like the last guy, he comes over and we talk for a bit. Honestly these are the smoothest interactions I've had while wearing Voodoo. This was at the 7.5 hr mark after initial application. For a moment it reminded me of Core+Imprint.

My friend K2 had wanted me to go to the bellydancing club with her. I told her yesterday to remind me today. She sent me a text to remind me. I said I'd be there soon and I showed up. Once I came in the instructor welcomed me, asked me my name, then said that she remembers me, the other girl also said she remembered me. (First girl is K4, I forgot the second's girl name, I'll call her X). I see R2 is there as well as A. It's me and a room full of girls. I try to join them with their dance, but I totally have no idea what I'm doing. The instructor asked if anyone would show me the moves they already learned. Believe me, all the girls noticed I was there from the moment I walked in (read my journal for my first appearance). They all gazed at me for a decent amount of time. After a second silence, one girl volunteers to show me, she's M2. The instructor says that she can take me into the hall, some girl in there said "Ooh" sideLol Then K2 and R2 are telling me to get her number (not out loud, but by making movements and motions lol, seemed like it was a bit obvious though).

We're out in the hall and she's teaching me the moves. I do the best I can in the short amount of time and she's saying that I'm getting it. I don't feel to sociable at the moment (small hallway), but I deal with it. She physically adjusted me a couple of times when I needed it. Her eyes were moderately dilated. X was out there and I saw her glancing over to watch and she also commented that I'm getting it. After awhile of teaching me, we go back inside. One girl comments that we're coming into the fire, I groaned. We all do the dance and I'm doing what I can. Sometimes M would help too. I talked to the other girl to my left a couple of times. Her name is L2. At the end, we all get in a circle and we dance and everyone has to do whatever dance the person who is "it" is doing. Freestyle. The first person goes to the left of me and she passed it on to me. I was like Shok for a second or two and then they said it's my turn to dance. Then I did it and it was awesome Dirol A couple of girls even complinted my dancing. That dance circle was the shit!

After that, I did what I could to talk to the 3 girls I found attractive. They were X, M2, and M3. I look at M3 and ask her what her name was (this was when we first officially met), she's the girl who said I'm going "into the fire". She replied back with a hi. I'm thinking she's shy/nervous. She stared at me the first time I came a couple weeks ago, and she stared again today when I came, so I think that's the case. I was gonna engage her more, but she soon left before I did. I was just talking to whoever's nearby. I met probably 7 girls there. They were all excited and happy to meet me and for me to be there and they would definitely like me to come again.

I talked to X for a bit, we had a decent convo. I would say that there was definitely attraction. After a little while she said that she had to go because she was a friend's ride. I soon said "We can exchange numbers if you want to hang out". There was a pause, like hesitation and she said something like "Maybe wednesday at the next meeting", I replied saying "My friend told me about a party this weekend", she said "Well then you have plenty of time to recover for wednesday". Soon we said bye.

I turned to the group that M2 was in. We were all talking and having fun. I thanked M2 for teaching me the moves and then we hugged. I noticed that everyone had pretty much left and it was just 4 of us left. The others were already heading out, but I had to get my shoes on. I get them on and then go out and catch up with A, K2, and R2. K2 asked if I got any numbers lol, I said no. We talked about some other things and soon after we got outside I started feel more social again. There was a frog on the ground and K2 pointed it out. I kicked it in her direction, but I knew it wouldn't get on her. Then she's surprised and comes over and hits me on my arm (the way a girl would). I tell her that I knew it wouldn't touch her but she was upset that I kicked an "innocent" frog. I just kept on talking and she got over it quickly. I made a joke about how life is like a movie (at least mine is) and about why I procrastinate with my homework (they wanted me to stop procrastinating). I joked that Chuckie waited until his dad was at the wedding to protest about it in the Rugrats movie. We all laughed hard about that one sideLol

Soon, I hugged R2 and K2 goodbye. I open my arms and wait for the girl to come to me when I hug. K2 asked me to come to her and I said that I'll use the force to bring her to me. She came over and we hugged. Then I walked with A back to the housing community we're both in. I mentioned to her that I hung around M (she lent me $5 and I was gonna give it to her) and I didn't give it back to her today. Then she hit me just like K2 did! Then I thought about it and said that I would the next time. We talked a little longer, hugged, then said goodnight.

With Voodoo solo, dilated eyes wasn't that common. Core+Voodoo, every girl at the bellydancing club had dilated eyes (or almost all of them). I'm just hoping I imprinted on one of the attractive girls I saw today. I texted 3 girls that I met wearing Voodoo solo and none of them responded today.

However, I got a text from D today (who was originally exposed to Core+Imprint, but I've only worn Voodoo combos around her and N for the past 2-2.5 weeks). This is the text exchange:

Her: (Asks about my schedule tomorrow)

Me: (I tell her I should be free around 5pm)

Her: (Mostly word for word)-I shall be ever so blessed if thy would bestow your company onto my friend N and I until another dawn of day (We hang out for a LONG time on the weekends, latest has been til 5:30 am). 5 sounds swimmingly, I shall be graced with thy presence. Until tomorrow, farethewell

I thought that was definitely worth mentioning. She said something similar one time when we hung out (It's in my journal), but to get a text saying this, THIS is SO NEW TO ME! And I like it! Dirol
03-19-2015 12:09 AM
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Post: #34
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-20-2015 2:44 AM

I have found a SOLID Voodoo combo!

Core x2 (+a dab under nose) + 5 Drops of Voodoo

I feel the same as I normally do wearing Core+Imprint.

Quick Hits (it's super super late):
-First class, I respond to the teacher when he asked about movies, it's funny, class lauhgs, he later asks me again about it
-Everyone in the class I looked at had dilated pupils. Everyone.
-S is behaving sort of standoffish (I think it's on her own accord though)
-D treated me like royalty, pulling out my chair for me when we sat down to eat (me, her, and N)
-Me, D, and N talked about our dynamic. At first I was the "player", but I told her I didn't like that. Then I was the pimp, but N said she didn't wanna be a "ho". I said we can discuss it later, but N went on to say that we're all fuck buddies (none of us have fucked each other yet)
-N blew kisses to me and even asked if I wanted a kiss to "make it better" when she called shotgun before me. Later, when it was me and her for a minute or 2, she looked at me and it was almost like she wanted to kiss me
-N and I got into a tickle fight. D started to join in tickling me
-When we got to my apartment, they started moaning and saying my name as we walked towards my door (they planned to do this, it was their idea)
-N wanted to touch my butt, so she offered "If I can touch your butt, you can touch mine"
-Solid service from the waitresses working at this new restaraunt we went to. They were all very helpful and willing to serve. It seemed to me, like especially me, but I wasn't paying attention to how they treated the others. They just seemed really happy to be of service
-N and D planned to get on my arm and then fawn over me when someone walked by
-I didn't hear this, but D said that she heard two guys we all walked by call me a player
-We had to keep working on the group project. I saw C outside, walked out there to bring her in. Her pupils were regular sized, I saw it. Within a couple minutes after being inside, they're massively dilated just like yesterday. One guy's pupils were dilated too.
-Apparently N had a dream about us about to have sex. She said she woke up before we started. I said "Yeah, you were probably like oh my god, maxx55 is making the sex with ME? I MUST be dreaming!" sideLol (This is the best "imprint" hit I'm SURE about)

FYI, this interaction took place from 5:15-3:00 AM, application was at 2:30 pm, absolutely no negative self-effects at all Beach
03-20-2015 2:44 AM
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Post: #35
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-20-2015 12:45 PM

Voodoo+Androstadienone :4-5 drops + 40mcg.I noticed some long stares and some of them seemed to have much of their attention on me.There wasn't an age limit on the hits.I was out shopping in IKEA so this is the only thing I noticed.Not many people or females that day.I spend about 10 minutes very close to the female cashier, 26-28, but didn't notice any hits.

After that I went for barbecue in a friend's house, 6-7 people and my friend's gf.The house wasn't warm because we had the door open to come and go to the barbecue on the balcony.She was wearing a jacket and at some time she got up, removed it and then sat to the only position that was across me, her body was looking directly at me and only me and bent enough that I could see her cleavage (which I admit surprised me about its size as she is very thin).She doesn't talk much, although not at all shy.I didn't see anything else but she was the only female I had contact with.

They've done studies you know...60% of the time, it works every time
03-20-2015 12:45 PM
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Post: #36
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-20-2015 10:51 PM

(03-20-2015 12:45 PM)stefdude Wrote:  Voodoo+Androstadienone :4-5 drops + 40mcg.I noticed some long stares and some of them seemed to have much of their attention on me.There wasn't an age limit on the hits.I was out shopping in IKEA so this is the only thing I noticed.Not many people or females that day.I spend about 10 minutes very close to the female cashier, 26-28, but didn't notice any hits.

After that I went for barbecue in a friend's house, 6-7 people and my friend's gf.The house wasn't warm because we had the door open to come and go to the barbecue on the balcony.She was wearing a jacket and at some time she got up, removed it and then sat to the only position that was across me, her body was looking directly at me and only me and bent enough that I could see her cleavage (which I admit surprised me about its size as she is very thin).She doesn't talk much, although not at all shy.I didn't see anything else but she was the only female I had contact with.

The long stares and no action from the girls sounds EXACTLY like the responses I got when I tested Imprint solo. This is very promising Music
03-20-2015 10:51 PM
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Post: #37
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-21-2015 1:34 AM

Tested the combo again, but this time I didn't use a facial cleanser on the Voodoo app point during the previous night's shower. I should have done this. I felt slightly more emotionally vulnerable than usual. Didn't like that AT ALL. It was easier for me to think about the smallest "mistakes" I made during the day or to worry about why so and so didn't text me back, etc.

2 Core+ 5 drops Voodoo

Really quick, hits:
-D2 was a bit more social today, possibly moderately dilated pupils
-D texted me first today, a bit minor, but technically it's a text after a prolonged Voodoo exposure from the previous day
-Today, K2 did a few things. She wanted to see if my hands were cold so she went to touch my hand (this came up in our group conversation) without asking. She kept saying that she was cold, then she stood with her arm against mine because I was warm. Earlier in the day, she asked me to get a snapchat and add her so we can snapchat each other. She was persistent about it too. She even knocked over my empty water bottle (playfully, but still). She asked if she could go through my phone, she said I could go through hers as well. I really didn't care about going through her phone and I have never let anyone go through mine so I said no. She was persistent about this too and she knows I do hang around a variety of girls. She said she wanted to go through it because it's so interesting (she is a psych major I think).
-My friend A specifically asked me today what does it take for me to see a girl as more then a friend. Then she specifically said "What if I liked you and you only saw me as a friend. What would I have to do for you to see me as more". She said that it was question she asks her guy friends

My Thoughts:
Make sure the previous days mones have worn off/I have washed them off. Also, I now REALLY wanna see Core+Voodoo+Androstadienone as a combo! The Voodoo+A-1 reports are coming in sounding just like my results with Imprint! This sounds promising! Still, I have yet to see Voodoo do exactly what Imprint does. I'm hoping the A-1 is the difference. If so, that'd be great.
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2015 10:56 AM by maxx55.)
03-21-2015 1:34 AM
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Post: #38
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-22-2015 2:44 AM

Wolf+Voodoo today

3.5 drops of Wolf on neck, 1 drop around nose
5 drops of Voodoo to back of neck

Self-Effects: I was perfectly okay. Didn't feel the dominance feeling like I do with Core, but the calmness and flowing feeling was there from Wolf. Absolutely no negative effects, I'm definitely functional.

I wasn't around girls for any decent amount of time today. I did however spend a lot of time with the guys.

-As usual dilated pupils from the guys. I'm honestly gonna have to see if they're eyes are always like that. One day when I'm not wearing mones I'll see
-At one point while we are all in my friend's car, I wanted to change a setting one way, and the guy in the backseat wanted it another way. My friend who's car it is and who is driving simply says "Well maxx55 is the captain"
-I led the guys around campus to have some fun after we got back. Normally, we eat and maybe go somewhere. This was our first on campus adventure

My Thoughts
It makes sense that Wolf + Voodoo would have a sort of "compatibility" or synergy the way Core+Imprint does. I will say however that Core+Imprint has a better synergy than Wolf+Voodoo. I do like this combo, but I also enjoy seeing some blatant hits daily. I will have to see how Wolf/Core+Voodoo+A-1 behaves. If it behaves like Core+Imprint, then I have an alternate daily combo that I can wear. If it doesn't hit the mark, then Core+Imprint will remain my daily and Voodoo will only come out when I know I will definitely be around a girl for an extended period of time.
03-22-2015 2:44 AM
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Post: #39
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-24-2015 9:48 AM

NA 2 drops, Voodoo 4 drops (2 euro globs), Androstadienone 50 mcgs (1 drop PTres)

Mother-in-law was staying at the house - she is a busy-body, gets cleanin' and organizing and tries to put me to work (in my own house, lol). I've gotten pretty insistent that's not gonna happen anymore. Whether it was the combo, or not, she didn't ask for my help, just informed me of what she was doin' - almost like a child telling their parent about their hard work, wanting to hear "Good job!" Very friendly interactions.

6 hours later, 3 drop NA, 3 drop Voodoo, 100 mcg Androstadienone reapplication before heading to dinner with MIL, wife, kid, SIL, and her fiance.

This combo hit my SIL like a freight train. Huge, dilated pupils. It hit my wife also, in an odd way I've never seen...She started neggin' my SIL hard core (playful, but it was like when an alpha dude neggs in a competitive fashion to demonstrate domination/superiority). SIL started whinin' to her mother about being picked on...but it was all light-hearted, and everyone was giggling.

Within 15 minutes in the phero-cloud, my SIL was SUPER-HYPER. Laughing, talking excitedly, talkin' a lot with her hands, even emphasized her excitement by slamming hands on the table at one point. I've only seen this once before while wearing 'mones, and right now I can't put my finger on what it was, but I'm pretty sure PXS Domination were combo'd in some fashion. It's extremely rare behaviour from her.

She laughed at everything I said, and when she spoke about anything, she looked at me to make sure I was listening. By the end of dinner her fiance was much livelier, joking and in good spirits. My wife displayed possessive body language at the end of dinner, hanging on me like she was saying, "He's MINE, bitchez!"

Synergistic combo. Use with confidence.

PS - As I write this, my wife just asked me how I liked my food last night, haha...She's already reminiscing the experience!

Oils: Xist, Evolve, Domination, SOB, Desire Me
Sprays: SOB, Love Boat, Bliss, Connections,
Impaxs, Cohesion, Odyssey, Taboo, PSE, Limitless, Evolve, XSP96

Alpha Dream
LIIK v.1 unscented

Liquid Alchemy Labs
Oils: Nude Alpha, Voodoo, Aqua Vitae, Dirty Primitive, Bad Wolf
Other: Max-T-150
Samples: Hypnotica, Wolf, Nude Gay Alpha

Pheromone Treasures
Sprays: ETFZ
Oils: A1 50mcg, AT, GOA
Samples: Captain, THU

Sprays: Instant Openness, P83, Turn Up The Heat, Instant Honesty

NPA, NPA Touch

Imprint, CV4, Style, Dionysos, M3X, Atlas

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03-24-2015 9:48 AM
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Post: #40
RE: Voodoo Combinations
03-24-2015 10:02 AM

After reading all of the solo Voodoo reports, it appears that the only consistent claim is overly-friendly preferential treatment in social situations.

Perhaps, Voodoo only truly shines in combination with other products.

Possible accelerant or social buffer?

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03-24-2015 10:02 AM
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