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My Response to Diane's Allegations
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Post: #1
My Response to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 1:01 PM

It was brought to my attention that Diane over at paradise 7 had slandered me again. I wasn't even going to bother to go over and take a look, but curiosity got the best of me and I ended up doing so.

What she had to say about me didn't really come as much of a surprise, she's hated me ever since she got on Tisha and Bella's bad side and got herself banned from this forum. What did surprise me is that she's become just like Jasmine and Michael over at PheroTalk, in attacking and slandering everyone else in the industry.

Of what I'd consider 4 of the largest and most popular pheromone companies that create and sell their own formulas, Diane has tried to defame and discredit 3 of them, and I'll venture a guess that it's only a matter of time before she attacks the fourth.

It's actually kind of funny to me: Virtually all of the legitimate pheromone companies seem to get along just fine with each other, with only 2 exceptions: Androtics and Paradise 7. These 2 companies want you to believe that they are the only legitimate pheromone company and that everyone else is either crooked or selling dangerous and/or illegal substances. And the two of them hate each other with a vengeance.

And, the only 2 vendors in the pheromone industry who don't like me are guess who? Yep, Diane at Paradise7 and Jasmine from Androtics. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Diane now refers to PheroTruth as PEEtruth, but if this forum is PEEtruth, then hers would have to be Gulag 7. She claims that we lie about being an uncensored forum. The only threads that have ever been censored on PheroTruth were one thread that involved a disputed statement between 2 vendors and the thread was pulled until the issue could be resolved, and another thread that contained a negative review on paradise 7, which Diane pressured our member to delete. So, who's really the one trying to censor? How many threads in Diane's forum do you think have been deleted or never saw the light of day, because somebody posted a less than glowing review, or said something that she didn't like?

I was actually threatened by a vendor over a thread that contained negative information about them, and told that if I did not remove the thread they would have their attorney take action against me. Even then I refused to remove or edit the thread. Yeah, I was willing to defend myself and PheroTruth in Court, rather than cave in to a censorship demand.

Diane also said that she thinks I have a couple of screws loose, which isn't the first time she's slandered me. She previously said that she believes that I have a mental disorder. Since she feels it's OK to state her own personal incorrect beliefs about my mental health, then I guess it's OK for me to state factual information about her. Diane is the one who has a son with Aspergers Disease, which is a form of Autism, and likely caused by a genetic disorder. Like mother, like son!

I should probably also advise everyone that Diane tries to pass herself off as a Microbiologist, but does not have a college degree in Microbiology.

As to Diane's allegation about questionable financial arrangements and ethics, that's laughable. If I were in this for money, greed and corruption, as Diane insinuated, then PheroTruth would be affiliated with a single pheromone company, because just a couple of months ago I was made an offer from a company that wanted to pay me $1,250.00 per month and a 15% commission on all sales generated from PheroTruth for an exclusive affiliation with them. I turned the offer down! Out of courtesy I'll not say which company made the offer, but if anyone wants to see the email I'll be glad to post it, with their name removed of course.

We do display pheromone advertisements to guests, and yes it does generate a little revenue, but very little and it's not even enough to cover the cost of leasing the server and maintenance of the forum. The ads are intended only to encourage guests to register. And, it clearly states above each ad that registering will remove all advertising.

The reason I'm able to operate and maintain the forum with little or no financial support is that I run a web design company and have the resources in place. It's what I do for a living! BTW, I built a website for Diane for free when she was first trying to get hers started, but she went with the rinky dink looking godaddy template and I didn't get so much as a thank you from her.

Most everyone here knows Chris Shraud from Alpha Dream. He is one of the vendors that I receive commissions from, which has amounted to all of $157.36 from October 2009 till now. Yeah, I'm getting rich off of those commissions.

You should also know that it's because of those guest advertisements that vendors have been willing to offer discounts and other promotions to our members. I believe it's a win-win situation, our members get the benefit of occasional discounts and promotions without being pestered with advertising, guests are encouraged to register, and it creates a little revenue to go toward the cost of operating and maintaining the forum.

I don't know, what do you folks think, should we keep showing advertisements to guests and continue being able to offer you discounts and promotions, or appease Diane and drop the ads but never see another discount or promotion? BTW, I'd be willing to bet that if we displayed a banner ad for her website, she wouldn't have an issue with it.

We do not promote any company or products over any other, as Diane alleged. You'll notice that I haven't even posted a product review in over a year, for that very reason. I don't want it to look like I am recommending or endorsing anyone. I rarely even give advice to those seeking it, unless it's been awhile and nobody else has stepped in to do so. And again, that's because I don't want it to look like I or PheroTruth are showing favoritism.

Truth be told though, I do have pheromones and pheromone companies that I prefer over others, as do all of you. And, I would like to be able to at least occasionally post about my phero fueled adventures, but realize that because of my position here it could be construed as endorsements, therefore I do not.

I guess you have to look at the source of the allegations though. Diane's forum exists only because of and to promote and sell paradise7 products.

Personally, I consider it unethical to defame, slander or try to discredit legitimate competition, and I believe that for those that do it speaks volumes about their character and the confidence they have in their products.

I should probably also let you folks know that many of the early Paradise 7 reviews on this forum were posted by one or more shills that Diane sent in to post reviews and promote her company, after she had been banned from PheroTruth and couldn't do so herself. How ethical is that?

It's up to you folks to decide, you can drink Diane's coolaid, and let her steer you down the same path that Androtics wants you to walk. Or, consider that maybe, just maybe, the lies, defamation and slander that she spews about everyone is not true and not because she's looking out for your best interest, but because she's greedy, morally corrupt and mentally deficient.

BTW, who here likes pig pheromones (AndrostEnone)? Big Grin

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
04-30-2011 1:01 PM
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Post: #2
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 4:42 PM

Such a shame Diane isn't spending more time making new products instead of pointlessly attacking you and the forum. Guess it gives them something to new to talk about since it appears on her forum everyone has only one single opinion that has to be shared amongst all the members. Apparently the scents are great.

Her crusade against Androstenone is becoming somewhat tedious, fine if you believe it is from pigs don't use in your mixes, outside of her forum (and for the world in general) it may surprise her that other people do have differing views, unless you happen to live in dictatorship and you're lucky enough to be the dictator. Whilst accessing academic journal publications for results of pheromone testing is a perfectly fine way to aide research, I don't believe (J V Kohl will probably correct me if I'm wrong here) there has been as extensive testing on None as Androsterone and Alpha nol? Perhaps, with future testing a more conclusive result can be obtained, that which may or may not align with the current anecdotal evidence. I can access a pretty large range of academic journals so I may do a quick lit search and see what comes up.

One point though Mark, I can understand your frustration in having to face these allegations but bringing up Diane's son in the matter is not in good taste mate. You're definitely better than that.

On lighter note, you're fast becoming the most talked about person in the pheromone world Wink

PS. I think you should posting reviews again.
04-30-2011 4:42 PM
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Post: #3
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 5:08 PM

Yeah, I agree with everything Rattlesnake said.

Any sponsorship/advertising deals are a-ok as long as you're transparent about it and don't end up censoring as a result. And you should definitely start posting reviews again.
04-30-2011 5:08 PM
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Post: #4
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 6:53 PM

I think you ought to delete the P7 section on this forum. She is too much trouble and not worth the drama. Besides, do you really want people putting their credit card number in her website because of a link from here?

I have no idea what Ass-burger Syndrome is but I hope it doesn't spread through pheromones.
04-30-2011 6:53 PM
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Post: #5
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 8:05 PM

(04-30-2011 4:42 PM)Rattlesnake Wrote:  One point though Mark, I can understand your frustration in having to face these allegations but bringing up Diane's son in the matter is not in good taste mate. You're definitely better than that.

I knew mentioning her sons condition wasn't in good taste, and I was a little hesitant to state it, but remember, I was responding to an attack from Diane, who has made her disdain toward me very clear, so I feel no need to pull punches or watch what I say when it comes to her.

It was Diane that opened that door with her personal opinion about my mental stability. I called her's into question, not based on opinion but on factual information. She had to expect that I would respond, if and when I found out what she said.

And, I didn't say anything bad about the son, and it's certainly not his fault that he has Aspergers, but it very well could be his mothers fault.

(04-30-2011 5:08 PM)dbot Wrote:  Any sponsorship/advertising deals are a-ok as long as you're transparent about it and don't end up censoring as a result. And you should definitely start posting reviews again.

That was why I turned down the exclusive affiliation offer, and why I don't post reviews. If I were to post a great review on something, it could look like I am endorsing the company, especially so if it were on a company who's banner ads are displayed to guests. And on the other hand, if I were to post a negative review, that could look like I'm trying to attack or harm the company, even more so if it were on a company that doesn't pay anything or run promotions with us. So, to avoid any conflicts or accusations, I just don't post reviews.

We have never censored a review and never will, good or bad. And, as I said above, the only thread that I ever censored concerned a dispute between 2 vendors.

As stated in our Posting Policy: the only cause for censorship in this forum is making slanderous or liable statements toward ANY individual, and abusive or offensive behavior. Trolls and spam are of course excluded. Smile

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04-30-2011 8:05 PM
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Post: #6
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 8:18 PM

(04-30-2011 6:53 PM)JAYCEE Wrote:  I think you ought to delete the P7 section on this forum. She is too much trouble and not worth the drama. Besides, do you really want people putting their credit card number in her website because of a link from here?

I agree completely and would love to do just that, but it would not be in the spirit of what this forum stands for, or inline with our non-censorship policy, So it remains and we'll continue sending her business.

As to the credit card thing, she doesn't even have a merchant account, but uses paypal buttons on her website for collecting money, and it's impossible for her to get those credit card numbers.

But, just to let you know how ignorant she was in attacking me and the forum, we have had over 1000 visitors who have clicked on the link to her store from our forum, which is more than any other vendor has had.

How many of you would bite the hand that feeds you and attack someone that's sent you over 1000 potential customers?

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
04-30-2011 8:18 PM
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Post: #7
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 9:39 PM

I dont think anything should be deleted and forum is as is.
She is obviously very insecure about her products and feels rubbishing others will gain her customers.
Unfortunately some people are like that, however we cannot judge on genetic disorders, it may well not be her fault although maybe the cause of her bitchiness.

My journal http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-PheroMan
My product list http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Diary-of-a-...8#pid36108
You think I am crazy? I know i am!
04-30-2011 9:39 PM
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Post: #8
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 10:58 PM

(04-30-2011 9:39 PM)Pheroman Wrote:  I dont think anything should be deleted and forum is as is.
She is obviously very insecure about her products and feels rubbishing others will gain her customers.
Unfortunately some people are like that, however we cannot judge on genetic disorders, it may well not be her fault although maybe the cause of her bitchiness.

Yup. I know she tends to be friendly with people for a bit, then a switch flips & blam, bitch puddin'! I experienced that on two separate occasions. The first being when that stupid computer virus was going around and she got it, I had forwarded an email containing a political view she didn't cotton to. Instead of simply politely saying I don't agree with you, please don't further forward emails to my address; she sends me an email attacking me for signing her address onto a spam mailing list & giving her a computer virus (uh I didn't, my BOMB-ASS McAfee security caught it & warned me before I clicked on the bogus "security" update, or whatever it was). I just want to reiterate that it was the former, not the latter that had happened. The second was over a product she had sent me that had leaked excessively. I posted about it on her forum, prefacing my issue with " I know this isn't your fault", she was nice about it on her forum & then sent me a nasty email, telling me not to do that because I could hurt her business. She rectified the problem for me, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Honestly, the only person hurting her business in that situation was her. She may not have a degree, but she is a genius when it comes to formulating pheromone blends. I just chalk this all up to some genius's being extremely temperamental. Rolleyes

ETA Mark, my lovely. Please clarify about Autism for people who may not know. I know that Dianne is attacking you, & I would be upset if she were attacking me publicly as well, but I have a brother with Autism & people making fun (even though they don't know better) is putting mah panties in a bunch, lol. Know one knows what causes Autism, I highly doubt that it's genetic, if there were a way to prove or disprove what causes it, & I were allowed to bet on two causes I would bet the rest of my life's earnings that it was between vaccines & ultrasounds, personally.
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2011 11:08 PM by Beccah.)
04-30-2011 10:58 PM
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Post: #9
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
04-30-2011 11:58 PM

No problem Beccah.

Autism is a neural disorder which affects a childs ability to develop social and communication skills. Children with Autism are generally very bright, but may not percieved so, due to their underdeveloped communication skills.

Asperger Syndrone is a form of Autism, which affects non-verbal communication skills, may cause physical clumsiness, obsessive behavior and limited empathy toward others.

Neither of these disorders are the fault of the children, and they don't deserve to be ridiculed or made fun of. Actually no child deserves to be made fun of!

There is no cure and no standard treatment for either, and what works for one child may not work for another.

And yes, it is very possible that vaccines may be a cause of Autism, and there's been much speculation about it. But, research also supports the genetic disorder theory as well, and they have actually identified a number of genes associated with Autism. I really don't think Ultrasound could be a cause though, because unless you're talking about pregnancy scans most children probably weren't exposed to ultrasound scans, before developing Autism.

What should probably be done, but to my knowledge hasn't, would be a study on Autism rates in different countries, especially third world countries were vaccines aren't universally adopted and may not be readily available. But you can bet your bottom dollar that Big Pharma would fight it tooth and nail, cause if you could prove vaccine A, B or any combination of vaccines causes Autism, they'd have the biggest class action lawsuit in history on their hands.

Regardless, Autism Aspergers, PDD-NOS, ADHD and the likes are not the fault of the children, they didn't ask for it, can't do anything about it, and certainly should not be made fun of for having it.

BTW, I loved the term "bitch puddin'!"

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04-30-2011 11:58 PM
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Post: #10
RE: My Resonse to Diane's Allegations
05-01-2011 1:34 AM

And just a couple more things to add to the original post:

As to Diane saying that 2/3 of the admins left in a rage, it was actually 2 of 4, and an explanation was posted on the reasons why, back when it happened last October. The post can be found here: http://pherotruth.com/Thread-An-Unfortun...nouncement

The fourth administrator was Renny, before he got married, moved to the edge of the world and fell off the radar. Smile But, Diane refused to acknowledge him as an administrator, because she didn't like him.

Data4's comment about my snippy remark to JVKohl referred to a post I made that I'll admit was actually on the snippy side, in which I pointed out that with him now having 2 pheromone products on the market, and providing affiliate links on his website to purchase them he was now smack dab in the arena of a marketeer, and he had repeatedly made it very clear how much he disliked marketeers.

By the way, that comment opened the door to a series of PM's between James and I, and in the end I think that he realized that he was now wearing 2 hats, one of a scientist and another as a marketeer. And I believe that he even decided to change an abstract he was going to present to AChemS and remove some cutting comments he had made about an individual.

James is a brilliant guy, and I have the utmost respect for him. But, as has probably happened to most of us at one point or another, I think he had let himself get sidetracked for a little while and was attacking and chasing after things that didn't really matter or do anything to help him or his career.

He's not posted a negative inferrence about a marketeer in some time now, and I believe that he's diverted his focus back to more positive and constructive activities. So yeah, I did snipe at him, but it turned into a great conversation and I believe that something positive came from it, and I'd hope that he would agree as well.

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
05-01-2011 1:34 AM
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