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Long overdue and long intro
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Post: #1
Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 9:35 AM

Hello everybody Hi

I've finally decided to write an intro to this forum on which, over the last 2 months or so, I've been reading so much and have found a lot of valuable information on the working of pheromones and specific pheromone products.

I'm a caucasian, late 20s, male, living in Western Europe, 1m85, 85kg, ok looking I guess. I like to go party at the weekends, play sports and I try to do a couple of travel holidays a year. I'm happily enjoying the single life at the moment.

Let's start at the beginning. Some time ago, I'm guessing beginning of June I was at a comedy show where the stand up comedian mentioned pheromones. I had heard about mones before, but never really read anything about it. Curious as I am I started searching on the internet and found some articles on it. Some saying they do work on humans, some saying there is no proof of it and pheremones sites are scams and a lot of sites which are just plain advertisement trying to seem a scientific. I'm pretty sceptical so needless to say, I was not convinced at all in the beginning.
I was really intrigued though, after all I figured if only there was a small chance some of the things written in these articles about mones are true, it would be worth it. So I searched for a product not too expensive and preferrably from a reliable site.

That's how the first product I purchased was PherX on Amazon at the end of June. About three weeks later the bottle arrived. I was still a complete newbie back then, almost without any knowledge of the working of mones and still believing in some kind of wonderspray attracting ladies like crazy. While this certainly wasn't the case I did get some hits from it.
It had a really energizing self effect, everytime I sprayed it on it gave me a kick and made me smile. I sprayed some on my neck and inner wrists and remember sniffing my wrists constantly during work.
Only shortly after receiving the PherX I went on holiday.
First night out, in a club I got a couple of stares, though at the time I had no idea the mones were responsible for this. I remember thinking why these girls would just stare at me like this instead of trying to jump me Mda
A male friend complimented me on the nice smell just after application.
During the holdiday to I had tons of fun and a lot of female attention. I won't go into details since I can't remember any obvious hits, but it just seemed that everything went a lot easier.
At this point, I have to mention that, when I'm feeling good, having fun and I'm enjoying myself I never had trouble with the ladies.
Although I wasn't completely convinced, I began to believe in the working of pheromones. This fact together with the nice self effects made me decide to order some more PherX so that I would never have to go without it again.
*Little side note here, I read on this forum about the PherX scam Terry expierenced. But I have to say that I ordered twice (on Amazon) and have no complaints whatsoever on the delivery or product itself.

I started searching on the internet for more information on mones and found the pherotalk forum. After spending a lot of time reading a lot on all these new and exciting products, I made my first post ever on a forum (this post being n°2) to receive a $25 gift certificate. I ordered The AD beginner kit which consists of 8 togo bottle: Instant Shine, Instant Openness, Instant Honesty, Instant Gentleman, Ammo, Instant Jerk, Turn Up The Heat and A314. Shipping was really fast and I started playing around with my new toys.

* IS works like magic on me, really does make me shine instantly. It's already empty and even tough prices at AD are pretty high I'm contemplating getting a bottle of it.
* With IO there was one possible hit. I was out having a drink with some colleagues and when I went to the toilet I passed a table where two girls were sitting. On my way back passing their table again, on of the girls asks if my friend is still single. I found this quite strange, the girls looked 22-24, but asking a question like that seems more like 14 I'd say.
* With IH I got the first obvious, over the top clear hit from mones. Went to get a haircut shortly before closing time. Girl was in the shop all by herself and after some minutes she starts talking non stop. She had cut my hair sometime before and I remember her not being chatty at all. Still, might have been coincidental, but at the end it got so obvious, I was laughing about it the entire way back to my appartment. When she had finished, she started to brush the cut hair on the floor, still talking to me while I was still sitting on the chair. After I had paid and tried to leave, literally with the doorhandle in my hand and the door already half closed she kept on rambling and I almost felt bad for cutting her of and leaving.
* I only tried IG once I think and it didn't do anything for me.
* With Ammo I never really saw obvious hits, but thinking back about it now does make me realize the times I wore it there might have been some extra attraction. Made out with a hot girl with Ammo on once, but I was pretty drunk so I don't remember anything specific anymore...
* Tried out IJ twice. Self-effects are great for me, makes me feel confident and determined.
* Didn't try Turn Up The Heat yet
* A314 didn't do anything noticeable for me, though I remember getting good, confident self-effect from it the next day. Should do some more experimenting with it.

Even in the beginning, I always found the pherotalk forum a bit weird, own people constantly promoting AD products, increased prices for no apparent reasons,...
And so, after some more searching I found this forum. Read a lot of of product reviews and journals, made an account to be able so see as3's journal and ordered Wolf, New Pheromone Additive, Glace and Androstadienone.

Wolf arrived first. Wrapped in about 5 or 6 layers of packaging and an extra sample of Nude (haven't tried it yet). I absolutely love the smell of Wolf. Just like with PherX I apply some of it to the inside of my wrists and I just can't stop smelling myself. Somehow there is more to it than just the smell, it makes me kinda feel good.
It's a really oily substance, not at all what I expected the first time to come out of the sprayer. I'm using 2-4 sprays, still experimenting on what my sweet spot is. I think it's around 2 somewhere (spray on my wrist and then smear it open behind my ear), but I find myself adding an extra spray most of the time that I split between my wrists just for self-sniffing purposes Mrgreen
The first days I tried it I had some really obvious hits.
Colleagues were being more than usual polite and helpfull.
One colleague became completely erratic when I entered his office. He couldn't look at me, he tried to say things but nothing he said made any sense. Is it possible to OD some people with the same dose that works great on others?
A new secretary, sitting next to me at lunch, touched me on the shoulder a couple of times, haven't seen her do that to anyone else.
At a club in the weekend a guy I passed was staring at me like he had seen a ghost or something. I asked him if we knew eachother and he just mumbled something and turned away.

My order from Alpha Dream took a bit longer to arrive and I had already gotten the notice that it would just be the Glace cause they ran out of Androstadienone and would let me know once it would be available again (still waiting on it Clapping).
The bottle of unscented Glace I got was neatly packed inside a bubble envelop inside a box with some soft filling inside. Good packaging. But when I opened the envelop it was completely wet. The bottle had leaked and was only for 80% full. I mailed AD about this but the only response I got was that they were aware about this problem and were very sorry. I told them I was dissapointed with the customer service but never got an answer. The problem with the leaky bottle for me is not so much the content that was lost, but the fact that I can't take it with me. I travel all the time for work, I'm only at home in the weekends, and I don't want to take a bottle that will leak on all of my stuff.
So untill now I only tried Glace on the weekend. In total I tried it three times. First two times people were pretty chatty and happy, but that had more to do with the event than the mones itself I think. Last weekend I went to a concert where I noticed a lot of people around me chatting instead of listening and watching the show. So I think it's working for me, but I'm not quite sure yet.

I also got New Pheromone Additive, but need to experiment with it some more to say something about it.

One of the most obvious hits I got so far was while going out. I had 4 sprays of Glace and 2-3 drops of New Pheromone Additive to the neck. I was at a social event but didn't notice anything in particular. When changing venues I put on 3 sprays of Instant Jerk to sides of the neck and adams apple. Like I already said, I get great self-effect from IJ. I was opened by a nice brunette. In the next bar on my way back in from the toilet I notice an attractive girl sitting by herself on the stairs. I stopped and talked to her. Seemed she was sad because one of her friends inside the bar was making out with a guy she was after. I kept on talking to her feeling incredibly confident, she even called me out on it. I could see her being influenced by the mones. I teased her for a bit, talking in her left and than her right ear. It was really clear she just wanted to kiss me. I went from meeting a girl, almost cyring on the stairs outside a bar, to making out in less than 10 minutes. After that, we both went back inside and split ways. At the end of the night, she walked by me on her way out. I stopped her, kissed her again and said she should take my number, but she didn't want to and left, never to be seen again. Up to now, I still don't know if it was the New Pheromone Additive, the IJ, the super confidence or a combination of these that got to her...

Another effect I noticed from products with a lot of -none in them is my driving. Almost everytime I wear them it's like I feel like I have to prove myself while driving and become way more aggressive. Most of the times I drive it's on the sporty side, but it seems that the none kicks it up a notch. I'm glad I discovered this driving my car. I just started driving a motorcycle and I'm pretty sure I don't have the skill to handle such aggressiveness on a bike...

I've got Aqua Vitae on the way, really excited on trying that out from what I've read here. I hope the self-effects will be somewhat similar to those I experience from IJ.
I'm really eager on trying out Corpo and L2K as well from the reviews I find, but with the leaky bottles at AD, I'm not sure on ordering.

I'm also trying out the subliminals from as3's journal. I'm not sure about the results yet, but I'm leaning to believe there is some kind of effect. The thing I am sure about though is that it makes me sleep like crap, waking up at night, sometimes with my sheets half drawn from my mattress ...confused
The really bad sleep is one of the reasons why right now I'm in bed, sick with a cold. On the other hand, I've finally found some time to write this post :mail1:

I'm still new to all of this, just past believing that 'mones actually work and thrilled to be experimenting with all of these exiting products. I'm really glad this forum with all of it's valuable information exists and I'm looking forward to reading more of all your reviews and experiences in moneworld. Thanks to all of you!

10-21-2012 9:35 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 10:36 AM

Hey there MM, welcome to PheroTruth. I love reading stories of people who didn't believe pheromones could actually do anything, then becoming skeptical, then finally seeing efects and becoming a believer. Big Grin

You're in for a lot of fun, and if you have any questions just ask.

PS, in thse situations where you're not sure whether the pheromons had anything to do with interactions with others, they probably did. The pheromones may not have been completely responsible, but you can bet they played a part. We're just pre-wired to look for negatives instead of positives.

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....
10-21-2012 10:36 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 10:49 AM

Welcome to the forum!
10-21-2012 10:49 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 10:52 AM



Acqua Vitae
Nude Alpha Sample
Alpha Maschio Sample
Lucky 7 sample
Odyssey sample

On the way:
10-21-2012 10:52 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 11:13 AM

Thanks for the welcome all

(10-21-2012 10:36 AM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  You're in for a lot of fun, and if you have any questions just ask.

Well, I did have one question already in my intro:
Is it possible to OD some people with the same dose that works great on others?
10-21-2012 11:13 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 11:34 AM

(10-21-2012 11:13 AM)MoneMau5 Wrote:  Is it possible to OD some people with the same dose that works great on others?

Yep! as an example: generally Asian cutures tend to be less tolerant of Androstenone, and the Hispanic and Black cutures tend to be more tolerant.

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....
10-21-2012 11:34 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 3:01 PM

(10-21-2012 11:13 AM)MoneMau5 Wrote:  Thanks for the welcome all

Well, I did have one question already in my intro:
Is it possible to OD some people with the same dose that works great on others?

Hey man, welcome to the forum! Glad you were able to find us, this forum is pure gold on so many different levels. It can help you with mones experiences as well as life experiences and personal growth... not to mention the fact that many people on here are extremely helpful, so if you ever have any questions, just ask. Cool

Yes, definitely possible to OD some but not all people. As mark-in-dallas mentioned above, some people depending on their ethnicity behave differently to mones, as well as their personality. If somebody's personality is more beta and you're giving off an alpha signature, some will definitley act like you descibed. Meant to post this to the wolf thread a few days ago and haven't gotten around to it yet but I was in gamestop the other day just checking some things out when one of the employees comes up and asks if I need any help with anything... now that's pretty normal for them but within a few minutes the same guy came back and said that even though they were supposed to close in 5 min. that I could take my time and not to worry about it (this was out of the ordinary seeing as I've been their at closing time before and they practically shoved me out of the store) so then when I'm talking to the same guy up front he starts to act confused and/or disoriented and is having a hard time making eye contact and carry on a conversation... so yeah, long story short is that it's very possible. Anyways, hope this helps. Take it easy and enjoy you're mones adventure my friend.
10-21-2012 3:01 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-21-2012 4:49 PM

Welcome to the forum!

[Image: 34t60p1.gif]
AM, Certo, Glace, Corporativo, L2K V1 & V2, Aquagen, AV, Wolf, Nude, Hypnotica, OD Gel, Erox, N.P.A., EoaW, TL, TA, TI, TrueTrust, XXX, TrueEssence, Wingman 7, 9, 9+O, Black, Blue, X, Extreme, X22, C4 and M512, Ascend, Evolve, Cohesion, Bliss, Vibe, Prowl, ienone, anone, Androsterone, Pregnenolone, Androstadienol, Androstenetrione
10-21-2012 4:49 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-28-2012 11:16 PM

Welcome! Looks like you're well on the path to a rollicking good time!

You're never too old to learn NuTrix! blowkiss
10-28-2012 11:16 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Long overdue and long intro
10-28-2012 11:31 PM

We welcome you MoneMau5

The best thing about women is....there's a new crop every year!

My Journal Out of the Dark to Chase Sunshine

Mind-bending Mesmerizing CaveMones:

Alpha Dream: Glace, AM, LIIK v2, Certo, FB Glace, Light Couplins*
HAX: Wingman XTreme, C4, X22*, Wingman Black Label*
Liquid Alchemy Labs: Possess, Androstadienone 10mg/10ml, Nude Alpha, Wolf*, AV*
Love Potions: Perfect Match, Teddy Man 2
Love-Scent: New Pheromone Additive
Andronics: P130, I. Openness, I. Honesty

10-28-2012 11:31 PM
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