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Music HITS & IDEAS 8
09-01-2014 3:27 PM


Live! From the files of "Your TOP 5 phero products?" Directed by Mister LEBRONJAMES. Clapping

These are the stories shared by some of those who took their TOP FIVE a little farther than just listing them, and what I, THE MMM, found interesting enough to share and wanted to cut through all the questions one would have to read through. Razz

I wonder what ever happened to DWR, KIMBA, V-NICE and a few others? I hope they weren't part of the HYPING UP THE PRODUCTS team. There are a lot of AWESOME POSTERS missing. I hope they're all just busy with their lives and doing swell! Ok

Anyway, here they are! COMMERCIAL FREE!!! Hunter

ALFA MASCHIO: Best lets f*ck product for clubs. Diablo 1 spray is all it takes. (OHDILLY)

ALFA MASCHIO: When I want to take a lady home or vice versa. (OLDSPICE)

Alpha Maschio + True Love (I know this doesn't count as one product, but together they are one killer combo. Instant make outs anyone?) (MISFIT101)

AMMO: All-round attraction product, easy to wear. People on this forum say it's weak, but I have closed girls with a simple Ammo/IS mix. Haven't ODed on it yet. Girls always dig the smell. Easy to combine with all other products. (HIMEROS)

AQUA VITAE (high status/value attraction): Intimidation can also work in your favor!... My very attractive intimidating aura landed me a hottie! You have to take the lead with this one because you are the dominant alpha male. Heavy attraction, lots of respect. Has nice range and hits very fast! A master of attraction once you take charge! (V-NICE)

AQUA VITAE: Love it, the best sexual product in my humble opinion. Crazy stares from women all the time but a little bit too intimidating so you'll have to work a little to turn those stares to physical escalation. (LEBRONJAMES)

AQUA VITAE: Just 1 drop. Blatant hits, mostly a lot of intense staring from females. Respect from males. Really seems like the most well rounded product I have tried. (SS108)

AQUA VITAE: Great respect. Insane attraction. Very social for me...everyone seems to love talking to me. (XTRASPECIAL)

AQUA VITAE: (most blatant hits/alphaness/sexual, BUT also intimidating/enraging) (IDONTKNOW)

BAD WOLF: It's been a while since I posted anything but man is Bad Wolf some seriously awesome stuff! I think it's safe to say Bad Wolf has become my number one product for night wear as it's all I've been using for nights out these last couple of months. There is a learning curve involved with this product but once you get a hang of it, the vibe you project is just simply bad ass!

I know Pago's been talking about how BW really builds up, making it tricky to use on a day to day basis. I would have to agree. However I think that the build-up can be used to your advantage. I have had some really great day after hits with BW, even after showering. It is really hard to wash off! The day after effects seem to transform you into this really likable guy. I mean girls will be really sweet to you, they will will smile more and it's like the ultimate bitch shield. Guys will be friendlier as well, more considerate. I'll give you an example.

A few weeks ago, this was a Sunday, I was out and about running a few errands and such. I had been using BW the previous night and had taken a shower in the morning. I stopped by a few places, getting a burger, getting coffee, I had to exchange some money etc. By the end of every exchange of words, people would very enthusiastically wish me a nice day. I mean I am a friendly guy, but this was way out of the ordinary. Not just by the words alone but by the way the said it. I mean they really meant it. Five out of five encounters ended in people telling me to have a nice day. These were people of both genders and various ages. I mean it was very obvious.

I've tried out the day after effects at work as well and saw the same kind of reactions from my coworkers. People would just go really easy on me, it's like I could do no wrong. The females would be smiling more and be significantly more comfortable around me. Also they would engage me in conversation more often.

I've also found BW works surprisingly well on younger girls (18-21). I've had a few show very clear signs of interest. One blonde girl (18) I met at a party was flirting very openly with me even though her boyfriend was there with her. It was kind of awkward. I've also been hanging with this really cute 21 year old brunette I first met when I was wearing BW. I've been taking things slow because she seems really shy, but she is clearly showing a lot of interest.

I've had some of the weirdest hits the other week when I was going out for a night on the town completely sober. 3 drops of BW. On the train in, I spotted a cute brunette (she looked around 18-19) getting on the train. She seated herself close by, facing me, and she was staring at me big time. Our eyes locked and she wouldn't look away. Anyway, apparently she was not alone for she was shortly joined by two young guys. It looked as if one of them was her boyfriend. They started to talk really loudly and it sounded like this girl was having some sort of argument with the boyfriend. Being sober and wanting to relax with my music, I moved further back in the train. Just a few minutes passed and then I see this girl approaching and moving past me. 10 seconds later she comes back and stands right in front of me. I'm just chilling out, listening to my music, but she keeps staring at me so I take out one of my earpieces. I'm thinking she's going to ask me for some change or a cigarette or whatever but instead she asks me for my name. I'm completely sober and I'm like "what the hell is this all about", so I just sort of hesitate and she's pleading with me, just your first name. So I tell her my name and she repeats it to herself just as I see her boyfriend come up to her with a look that quite clearly says "WTF are you doing woman?". Then they go back to their seats. Lol, that was some comical shit right there.

Later that night, I'm in a bar hanging out with my friends. I'm standing at a table with two buddies and this girl (in her early twenties) that I have seen checking me out all night comes up and tells me "I'm going home now because nobody wants to sleep with me". "That's unfortunate" I tell her. She's not really my type but that was as clear a hit as you can get. I remember thinking what is going on tonight? Maybe I should be sober more often, lol. Anyway, I headed home early that night since I was being sober and all. Weird fucking night.

Last Friday I tried this sober thing again. I was out with a female friend and we headed out to this show, some local band playing. 3 drops BW again. I noticed I was checked out quite a lot. At one point, my female friend asks me "what did I miss?" "Every girl in this fucking place is checking you out. Are you like popular or what?". She points out a few girls that's been giving me looks. She's like "that one keeps looking in your direction every ten seconds". The girl she's talking about is smoking hot, dark hair, tight body. The problem is she's with her boyfriend. She points at another girl, a brunette in front of us, standing a little to the left. She says this one keeps turning her head to steal glances of me. This one is also with her boyfriend.

I also notice during the night that several girls that I know keep looking at me and my female friend. Like there's some jealousy going on. Well, we kind of look like an item I suppose.

I really should go out with this girl more often. It sure doesn't hurt to have a couple of extra eyes noticing all these things I might not. Being a woman, she also sees more of the subtle things I might not pick up on. Apparently I was checked out a whole lot throughout the night, she kept commenting on it.

This report is kind of all over the place but I wanted to share some of my observations with you all. (D_DARKO)

BLISS: One of my best social mones, definitely my best self effects product. Failure is not a thought with this on. IMO, should be a standard in ones' collection. (V-NICE)

BLISS: The shit makes me positive and relieves any and all anxiety within me. I have this thing where I have to be perfect while at work. I have really high standards for my work and anything that has my name on it. Bliss relieves this for me. Im less harsh on myself while wearing it. (WHATUPBRAH)

BLISS: The name says it all and the self effects are amazing. It relaxes everyone around you allowing free flowing conversation. It doesn't make people talk but it destroys anxiety and awkwardness. I use this all the time defiantly an all the time thing. I use it take the edge of Alpha blends during the day and even during the night. Works well with SOB, in combo with Evolve and Cohesion. (MONEMYNAME)

COHESION:EVOLVE:SD-9: Lately I've been using a Evolve + SXD-9 + Cohesion combo here and it seems to be working well. I put on two drops of Evolve, one on each side of my neck, then two pumps of SXD-9 (spread out across each side of my neck), then a two drops of Cohesion, one each on the far sides of my neck under my ears.

Idea here is that SXD-9 is a strong social with lots of pull (wearing it by itself at work made groups of people spontaneously gather around my desk to talk to me, almost a bit scary), the Evolve adds in the sexual side, and Cohesion has the androstadienone (buffered, so it doesn't make me depressed) which helps with bonding. Girls get touchy and flirty when I wear this mix, and it seems to have a good blend of social and attraction. I've probably had the most success with this mix than anything else (several hookups and got current FWB) but it's also the most recent mix I've been wearing (since mid-January this year when SXD-9 came out), and I'm not sure how much is the pheromones and how much is me improving my game and becoming more confident and alpha that's led to the successes. (OMEGA41)

CORE: Mix's well with everything, improves all other products, and is a SHARK for approaching ladies. Men love you. (KIMBA)

CORE (social dominance): This unique blend feels so natural. No congruence needed. Gives me a clear advantage with my own persona and goes as far as I choose to take it. EVERYONE responds well to my presence. Hits right away! Great base, great amplifier, great standalone. I never really got into mixing until Core came along. Outstanding product! (V-NICE)

CORE: (ELVIS in the building...thank you very very much)

No other way to describe this amazing product. No selfies and no immediate noticeable effects on others but holy shit the stuff just works. HOWEVER this product requires both intent and action and is useless if you don't have both. This is the one product I will not be without and will eventually work it's way to #1 but it lacks the innate compliance Glace generates and the rush of Wolf so it forces you to work it. This is a wonderful product for anyone who has some natural drive and game or is experienced with mones. (DWR)

DOMINATION: Seemed to work even better than New Pheromone Additive, and since it's an oil its a slow release, and lasts awhile. I just think New Pheromone Additive hits faster, but this hits harder. (XTRASPECIAL)

DOMINATION: This is my go to sexual enhancer. It is string and lasts for a long time. Great blend that diffuses slow. I usually use two drops and at 38 I use it quite frequently. I have one scented in oud which is perfect I fel For this blend and I have one unscented so I can use it with any combo. It is hard not to put dp here but I can only choose one right? (ALPHAVITEA)

EROX: (Strong arousal, but not much attraction) (IDONTKNOW)

EROX: Melts first-contact barriers, incredible attraction. (DEJA VU)

EVOLVE: This stuff is sex in a bottle and hits hard and smells good in royalty. Makes girls horny for sure or so I have been told by girls. (ALPHVITEA)

EVOLVE: I have used this for a long time now and it can easily take the place of Domination or DP except i feel it is a complex blend on its own and lately I have been wearing a lot of products designed for specific purposes so adding this might add too much to the combo. (APHAVITEA)

GLACE: I've dropped this to one spray at work cuz I can'tget anything done with people find reasons to talk to me. (PARADIGMSHIFT)

GLACE (Social Grease): Without a doubt this product has the most blatant and consistent effect on others. Elsewhere I called it social grease and I'll stand by that. As I continue to learn more I firmly believe that the "Social" products are the most powerful and far reaching for any use/need. Glace is by far the easiest product to use since it doesn't require any ability to "drive" the product. Both my wife and I noticed tangible immediate effects on others resulting in both monetary reward and social gifting/status from others. It makes you more likeable & more approachable and clearly compels others to try and make you happy. I know many here are looking at mones for romantic and/or sexual conquest and happiness. To me both of those start at a social level and while many other products are specifically designed for those goals they tend to require a certain amount of game and self confidence. I think anyone who is new to mones and/or is not naturally energetic and outgoing will benefit greatly from using Glace. It will up your social interaction significantly without any need for you to act any differently....it just happens. (DWR)

IMPRINT: I take this as being Nude Alpha + Beta Nol + Dienone in terms of effects, except its a very blatant Nude Alpha! This replaced Nude Alpha on my top product chart! (KIMBA)

INSTANT SHINE: Instant Shine - use this in almost all my mixes. Gives me a confidence boost and makes people around me very happy. When I spray too much I can crash hard though. (HIMEROS)

INSTANT SHINE: The self effects of shine are what make me love it, just instantly puts me in a happy go lucky attitude ready to do whatever. (MONEMYNAME)

L2K v1 (Attractive and seductive): The best standalone I have so far...I don't have to worry about getting social here, getting sexual there, a little comfort over there...No! It touches all bases so I can just spray and go!

Hard to beat, it's always gonna be atop my list because it's a great standalone, and I don't get depression. Women open me a lot with this and I get blatant hits... Simple! For me, personally, it works like magic... Hits are fun to watch! Great at disabling b***h shields, and breaking ice. I see consistent blushing and dilated pupils with this. A master of seduction if you take it there!

Recently had an Asian nurse extend the banter we were having, and then in a pharmacy with a staff of 6 females, one of the bolder ones stands up on a chair in front of me to reach an item... The fact that she had a short skirt that kept riding up didn't seem to bother her from putting on a show! All 6 girls say bye to me in UNISON as I leave, with the bolder one saying "bye boo!" Lol (V-NICE)

L2K v1:P83: Went to a crab feed with a bunch of 8-9/10 women, and did not leave empty handed that night. Works 9/10. (OLDSPICE)

L2Kv2: Women are greeting me even if I don't look at them - wow! But I can forget to focus on work with this one. It just makes me too excited and jittery. Can't sit still anymore. (DIMARCO)

L2K v2 (+glace in combo very good): That combo gives me insane hits on some women and hits many age ranges.[b] (JOJJE)[/b]

MX297: When they make this one right, it hits like a machine for me. Self effects are giddy, happy, and sarcastic. I get great effects from younger women. If they are under 25, this is golden. I had a girl close me at a party, and had her friend wing for her. I do not get these results with anything else. Very social, can be beta. For those who want to run it I advise using New Pheromone Additive with it, removes that awful lack of closing. That is an over reported phenom from my experience, but it is a bit tricky as it is not standard LMR. Minimum Effective Dose (MED) is 2 sprays. (KIMBA)

MX297: Just edited my post after ordering this amazing mix. This is seriously challenging my all time favorite which I taught will never be approachable: a314. Mx297 is the mix everyone would like, it's really the LIFE OF THE PARTY mix, add a little none product(Heavy Ammo works best for me) and you're the star everyone want to be and every girl want to date and if you want to top that, add a little True Love and TAA and you become Eddie Mora(Bradley Cooper) in Limitless if your game is up to the challenge. (LEBRONJAMES)

MX297: Hands down the best product in my arsenal. Friends and strangers treat me like a celebrity, everybody loves me. Self-effects are insane as well. Usually I'm a laid back guy, but this stuff gives me a kick and makes wanna be the social alpha male. When acting congruent the effects are amazing. (HIMEROS)

MX297:P96: 3 Sprays MX297/MX390 and 20mcg P96 will do the trick .. the attraction is increased and the comfort as well ...

that's dangerous ...

the girls are simply melting away with it ... (PAGO)

MX297: God/Celebrity in a bottle. The ONLY mone that lets me add more to my harem consistently. (WYATT)

NEW PHEROMONE ADDICTIVE: Makes everybody horny. Girls become DTF and you get an increase in sex drive. Winning all round. (SIX)

NEW PHEROMONE ADDICTIVE: This kicks everything up a notch into sex mode. (ALPHVITEA)

NUDE ALPHA: "OMG I can't believe how sexy you are" (PARADIGMSHIFT)

NUDE ALPHA: This makes women I know act like they are on Extacy, wanting to rub me all over with a warm look on their face. (SHAKES)

NUDE ALPHA: This could easily be number one or two bit I am speaking from where I am right now in life. If used in the right circumstances it can create an amazing effect where the girls feel really bonded to you and the vibe I lays get is deep attraction and it absolutely leave an impression that will stay with the women for a While after. Great for one in one where you really want them to remember you. Doesn't have extreme pull so I got mine in av scent which aids in this area. (ALPHAVITEA)

NUDE ALPHA: This year has mainly been NA unscented or very very light cover.

4-6 drops. Sometimes more.

I have 30ml roller, so i will roll it down each side of neck, about 6-8 in or 2 drops.

Then roll around collar bone, another drop. A couple dabs on wrists and maybe elbow crook. Scenting lightly means I a few dabs or Dad or GIT on neck and 1 between wrists.
If a little more comes out the roller, I just spread it around with my finger. I doubt very much that a little extra glob of NA will suddenly ruin my "congruence", mojo or whatever some people seem to think. And I get plenty IOIs and kino using much more. (PHEROMAN)

NUDE ALPHA: The imprinting effect with this is AMAZING. But the catch is this only works with people that u are planning to meet with repetitively, not so much for ONS. (MAEVE)

OVERDOSE (OD): Very social and Alpha... works like a SUPER Wolf. Using this alot lately, and seems to be better for me since it's stronger on the none than Wolf. I mix it with a sexual when in the bedroom for some real magic. (XTRASPECIAL)

P83: The nitrous boost to almost any mix, adds an extra "oomph" to the mones. (DEJA VU)

SOB: Women open me when I wear SOB XS. It gives me very outlandish aggression, it is sexual and alpha. I always feel the need to tackle someone, either sexually or to get into a good ol fashion fight when I wear it. It is essential to add Bliss in as my number two, as alone SOB is very dick like from my extensive experience. MED is one spray. (KIMBA)

SOB: I will always have sob s long as I am a phero user. Some of the beat hits and attraction I have ever experienced were using sob. For me it really makes me LPGA NF confident. (ALPHAVITEA)

SOB (arrogant, sexy s.o.b.! ): A weird mix for me that I don't completely understand...But one thing's for sure, It gets me attention, is very sexual, and the women don't mind their business because they want to be in mine!

Very sexual, it definitely arouses women and causes sexual frustration. I notice that I have a little anger at times wearing this. I'm cocky and arrogant. But I'm also a chick magnet...Women seem to find me interesting and good looking. For some reason I get a lot of compliments when I wear it. (V-NICE)

SOB: I love the self effects with this one. Good for sex, good for SNL, gets you approach, filters through women, and combo's well. Very well, see the Xist + SOB/Taboo + Love Boat combo. Can be very potent. On its own still great! Best product Steve has made in my opinion. And I have all his products and enjoy them all! (KIMBA)

SOB: Starting to love this juice, even though I only have the sample. A few sealed deal made with a combo of this, and easier to approach, and to be approached, esp. in clubs. (MAEVE)

TABOO: 2 sprays from the 10mil sprayers. Good hits, my boss (45+-years-old) touches your body on mine always i use taboo, yes, tits includingkkkkkkkkkkk! (RICARDORI)

TABOO (sex appeal): This handy-mone is all sexy and all purpose. Easy to get into a woman's space and comfort zone. VERY good at grabbing attention! Has a very appealing aura, and women gravitate around me. They are comfortable and socially enthused while you are sexy and interesting. Easy to use, and mixes easily. I notice women find a reason to invade my space. (V-NICE)

TABOO: Alright this one should be tied for #1.. But due to Androstadienone I can't use it much anymore which is why its gets my #3 spot. Taboo is like candy to young women. Women invade your space, they're bitch shield are gone, it has great mood boosting capability on both wearer and target. You feel like you can be humorous. Its an IOI generator like crazy. Women open you. Even married women and underage girls check you out.. don't know if this is a good thing but it does feed your ego when it seems the world take notice of you. (DSOUZA)

TAC: This is an odd one I am sure but this works wonders with my girlfriend especially when using any sexual mone she can't resists. (MONEMYNAME)

TRUE LOVE: This is as close as you can get to the crush feeling, I wore it around my girlfriend for the last 2 months and I've seen a major change in her demeanor. Kind of weak, I'm up to 5 sprays. (LEBRONJAMES)

TRUE LOVE: TL x 4 sprays. I always apply TL on clothing (cuffs of my shirts) Comfort/happiness in a bottle (for women). Got me laid more than any other mone that I ever used in the last few years. Works much much better than -none. Guess women do need to be comfortable before they open their legs . Hits women of all ages.

A few years ago when my game wasn't that good, I use to mix it with NA and it was a deadly mix on females. NA x 1 drop, TL x 4. I still use it at high end nightclubs where the women look like ice queens and their bitch shields are sky high. Works like a charm on them.

However at pubs and bars where women are generally open and friendly TL works fine on it's own with no added -none required specially now that my game is half decent as well. (OCD)

WOLF: All around great respect, VIP moviestar image and vibe, everyone thinks you're an amazing person that they love being around. (XTRASPECIAL)

WOLF: (Attractive and alpha but a little weak sexually) (IDONTKNOW)

WOLF (Get r Done juice): Amazing selfies + respect and a call to action. Wolf has replaced my morning coffee, who needs caffeine when you've got nuclear chemical intervention. Wolf gets you up and going and unleashes the wind em up and move em out as your army of one goes to war. I'm sure it has effects on others but to me the biggest element is how it enables me to effect others proactively and on my agenda. Exactly what the name implies, my way, my way, my way or the marks on your ass will come from me but in a subtle and non confrontational way. (DWR)

XIST: Amazing product for getting you out of the friend zone. (ANDROMUN)

XIST: This is what I usually mix with Taboo, 1 spray of each seems to make you stand out from the crowd just enough to look like the social guy. This combo is what built my confidence in mones, it attracted a female fairly easily or at least helped attract her to come onto me without me giving any sort of IOI's. But its been the type of product that everyone I know or sort of know from somewhere comes up to me to at least say hi during the night. (BEASTMODE)

XIST: I'm beginning to think this is the universal mixer. Great as a daily stand alone that has measures of trust & respect mixed with a social vibe and a hint of sexuality. Works well all the time and everywhere and many (including me) report outstanding selfies. (DWR)

XIST: It's affect on women is HUGE! This is something special in the world of pheromones! Increases women's interest. And I've noticed an INCREASE in new female friends... Hmmm. This gets a LOT done behind the scenes! You don't even realize that you're being thought about and talked about.

I've been using Xist sparingly at my job and there have been strange happenings lately. But most recent was when my friend (a dyke) says she has some scoop to tell me. She comes up to me and whispers in my ear "A LOT of women in here like you!" I was shocked to hear that and not sure who these women are, but it's obvious hearing this news that I'm at a clear advantage at my job. This means I'm being talked about... And remembered!

I have a feeling there's something about Xist... Hmmm! (V-NICE)

09-01-2014 3:27 PM
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Post: #2
09-01-2014 3:29 PM

YES! ! ! finally the return of hits and ideas! Lol thanks bruh!

Alpha Dream: Glace, AM.

APEX: Core, Imprint, Pretoria sample

LAL : AV, Nude, NA, DP, Wolf and 2mg Androstadienone.

Love Scent: Alter Ego sample, Chikara sample

TruePheromones: TL oil, Cops.

PXS: A.C.E, Xist, Taboo, Odyssey, XS106b, Cohesian Oil, Love Boat sample, Flirt sample.

Fragrantica profile:

Journal : http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Ak4d4-presents-The-Journey
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2014 3:33 PM by ak4d4.)
09-01-2014 3:29 PM
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Post: #3
09-02-2014 1:31 PM

wow! Smile
09-02-2014 1:31 PM
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Post: #4
09-02-2014 4:47 PM

I knew you would offer us another HITS and IDEAS triple M!


Pheromone Xs:
Ascend, Evolve, Mascot, Barely Legal, Taboo, Flirt, SOB, Connections, Love Boat, Bliss
Alpha Dreams:
AM, Corpo
Liquid Alchemy Labs:
NA, Wolf, AV, DP
Apex Pheromones:
Core, Style, Emperor
A314, P130, TAC
Pheromone Treasures:


Journal: Moe++

09-02-2014 4:47 PM
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Post: #5
07-19-2015 8:34 AM

Man thanks for that!
07-19-2015 8:34 AM
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Post: #6
07-19-2015 1:01 PM

Yeah, I'm always in anticipation of triple M's "HITS and IDEAS".

It's great insight for the hottest mones out and what's working for us. Triple M has been a gem on pherotruth!

"The man that knows he doesn't know, is a wise man."
07-19-2015 1:01 PM
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Post: #7
07-19-2015 2:17 PM

You write all that? I repped you.
07-19-2015 2:17 PM
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Post: #8
07-19-2015 3:03 PM

(07-19-2015 2:17 PM)Fishdude Wrote:  You write all that? I repped you.

Nope. Copy, pasted and highlighted, Dude! Lone ranger
07-19-2015 3:03 PM
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