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Post: #1
02-01-2014 1:32 PM

You be the judge.

Now, before you get started, I started collecting HITS & IDEAS long ago, and I was NOT attaching names to them. If you see a name at the end of a sharing, it's more recently. IF you see a report that you did, you can claim it if it pleases you. Help

Now ...

IMPRINT:TABOO: I'm still trying socials (that's where I really want to find the best mones for myself, a general social situation cold open combination) but so far the best combo I've used that really gets women to push their boundaries is Imprint + Taboo.

More than once I've had women sit by me, then suddenly crawl on my lap and make out for a bit, then sit back next to me and it's as if they come out of a trance and realize they just crawled in my lap and made out with me. (Sushi)

--- "1 spray each Imprint and Taboo."

This is the combo (my ratio was 1.5 x Imprint and 2 x Taboo) that made about every women (they were married with kids) open / engage me at my son's karate class. Not exactly a coffee shop with strangers but still out of character for how most of these women usually act. I ran the combo again later but nothing too impressive happened the second time. It is a combo that is worthy of my testing. (CockedLockedandRTR)

TABOO:XIST: Probably somebody reported this combo already (I don't fancy reading all pages of this thread) but for me 2 sprays Xist + 2 sprays Taboo yields great results. I'm at this very moment commuting with this combo and got reactions from women as young as 16 up to women around my age (44). It seems not to be too intimidating as I'm receiving lots of smiles even from the younger ones. (RJ5555 44-Y-O)


Evolve -- social sexual undertones
Cohesion -- comfort around period time
Bliss -- Cheerful, happy, carefree thoughts

I initially only ordered a bottle of Bliss and Cohesion but Steve was nice enough to throw in a sample of Evolve. I've got to say, I was literally blown away at the results. I've tried the majority of products at Androtics and a few other sites, but Steve's blends are leaps and bounds ahead. I'm telling you, spray one of each and watch women start to pull their hair out from playing with it so much. Here are a few examples at one spray each (two for the sample bottle) all applied around the neck.

Out drinking with a few friends, my buddies girlfriend blurts out, "You could definitely have sex with any girl here. Including me, let's be honest." She has never said anything like that to me before I tried this combo. Definitely the most obvious hit I've ever had. And no, I didn't act on it. Karma has gotten me back one too many times for that sort of thing.

One of my friends, that I hadn't hooked up with before that night, had a birthday party at her place and I literally could not keep her off of me. Not that I wanted her off of me, but the more she drank, the more she would refuse to sit anywhere but my lap. I thought I was for sure friend zoned by her. Turns out all I needed to do was Evolve.

My friend and I decide to hit the bars and we run into his friend (a guy) so we decide to run together that night. Halfway through the night, the guy I don't know says, "We need to hangout more often, you're the fucking man!". This combo also gets MAD respect from guys, which is mind blowing considering the massive attraction it gets from females.

After wearing Bliss, Cohesion, and Evolve for the past three weekends, eight really attractive girls have given me their number. Now for some people who can pull like nobody's business, that may not be much. However, for me that is astronomical in such a short time frame. Especially when the most effort I put in is a simple 'Hey, what's your name?'

This combo opens the door to be with literally anyone you want. Be it someone you thought was just a friend, someone already in a relationship, or someone you met 5 minutes ago.

--- I have had good results with Bliss, Cohesion, and Evolve in the past too at 1 x Bliss, 2 x Cohesion and 1 x Evolve.

--- One of my staple blends. Always an interesting night running this mix.

--- Used this mix last night at a yacht party in London. Party was kinda indoors outdoors so some good diffusion occurred.

2x Cohesion (to go)
2 x Bliss (to go)
1 x Evolve Oil

Noticed that everyone (guys & girls) were completely friendly and open. Quite a mixed crowd..some celebs i.e. Paloma Faith, chick from Pussy Cat dolls, and a few others.
Approached a bunch of people and everyone was totally open and cool....not always the case in these types of events...some people tend to have their guard up.

Girls were very smiley, keen to talk and locked eyes quite a bit.
Quite a bit of eye fucking and floating around near me from girls.
Opened by a couple of girls (always nice)

Saw a pretty cute Chinese lady whom I chatted with later on...ridiculous amounts of hair play ... plenty of kino ... touching shoulder, arms across shoulders, linking arms. Was down for the after party..but lost interest as it was taking forever for my buddies to head out...was very very insistent that I take her number.

CORE:EVOLVE:TABOO: I had 2x Core + 2x Taboo + 1x Evolve. Did you notice deep stares from other women with this combo on?

CORE:AV: Core plus some AV has been a stellar performer for me. I tend to add some NA but I think that the Core and AV are what makes the mix really tick.

Try 2 sprays of Core and 5" to 10" ( 1 to 2 drops) of AV for good times...

CORE:EVOLVE:XIST: 2 Core + 2 XiSt + 1 Evolve.This is what I have been wearing the past 2 days. Lots of arm brushing, a couple of instances of boobing, and deep stares from ladies. Went to a party last night, and a friend of my niece, about 25, kept glancing at me with her knees (she was in a mini skirt) pointed in my direction.

I observed no whiplash, just deep and long stares --- Mars82

CORE:DOMINATION: So far, half drop of Domination and Core is a sexual power house. It's a hang out then she tries to seduce you mix. --- Kimba

AMOG DESTROYER MIX: Ten inches of AV + 2 x Core.

Men avoid you. Four inches of AV, men will chat if you open them and play nice.

Men in set with girls will avoid you at all cost I find. I am more socially fluent and play with social proof and preselection in the field, and men see this and tend to close up with their girls and move them. This is the problem.

If you are sharking and see a solo girl it is easy pickings. Super High Status non-stick up his butt Alpha? Sold.

I tried to temped AV down, to less than a drop. Four inches. Very subtle in my opinion, but every so often I get some high value laughs but not enough compliance from people. It is not enough AV. With AV its one of those it will hit or it will miss for men and women.

So far I either get male avoidance and attracted women or NOTHING working with AV really. So I chalk this combination up as that, if you want Same Night Lays, this combo is boss.

Adding Nude / Nude Alpha / Imprint / Cohesion and such helps bridge comfort with the ladies, but it does not add much to the mix really in terms of hitting. I find in same night lays, which this mix seems great at, it really is not needed.

I am working on now adding Nude to the mix as another member suggested. But I find Imprint to be superior. Unless you will super load Nude, its slight ice breaker qualities only generates more 'hits'. I dont want hits when I use pheromones with the purpose of getting laid. I want compliance, investment, sexualization in conversation rapidly. That's how i get laid quick in the club or bar. Nude or comfort does not do that. I find it slows down the one night stand.

When I run deep comfort or go swinging with the big comfort products I get girls who try VERY hard to hold out on sex, for both of us, in order to lock me down and make me the husband frame guy. I have had girls stop pulling men and start going to my local spots to chat me up (Had one come back tonight who got me with NA before and Imprint a couple days before). They get clingy and want to slow down with me. If you don't run comfort and just tease and push foreword these types of additions seem to help.

Today conversation revolved around me with 2x Core and 5 inches of AV. I made jokes, people paused for my responses, women came to my table, my girl changed her hair into a style I prefer. I had attraction. But I had to work to keep it going. After a while I don't get the Core balls, so it is work from me. It is okay, but something to keep in mind.

I plan on running the 'new' Impi Red with Core, I see potential. Impi Red seems like Taboo to me. We shall see where that goes.

Core does seem to turn most products up. Nude Alpha is slightly less subtle, products that hit generate more hits.

If anyone has suggestions on what to try I have a drawer with 50 + bottles of mones. I don't know where to start or the time to quantify Core and its potential. It is amazing stuff.

Other idea's would be SOB by Steve O, SOB is a great product in my book and high none tends to work well with Core in my very little testing.

Another 'bad' idea is L2K. I know, so MUCH product. Well, AV is a power house as it is and mixing it with Core is insane. But nothing gives me sex hits like L2K. I will run it AS SOON as I am over my Flu.

Yes, I went out and testing Core and AV with the Flu. I am willing to go out on my shield to play with this one.

Happy testing. (KIMBA)

XIST:GLACE: ASIAN REPORT: Ok, so I use Xist almost every week with a certain girl, but it has the weirdest effect on her. We often watch movies and TV together, and when she's sitting next to me I can always tell when it hits her, because she starts doing this weird twitchy thing. She'll turn her head sharply look at me for a split second, and then snap her head back forward again,and again,and again. You get the idea. It's really weird and I wonder what's going through her head when she's doing this. I don't want to tell her to stop, even though it's insanely annoying. I guess she's really into me. It was really over the top this weekend when I used Xist with Glace(which is an amazing combo BTW). Anybody ever see weird responses to Xist?

I used 1 spray Xist and 2 sprays Glace. Target is Asian

API:EVOLVE: APi (4 drops) and Evolve (2 drops).

It is best categorized as John F Kennedy. He will sleep with a ten, sleep with his wife, and stop a war all before lunch. Sure he was a war hero, but he doesn't talk about it. He may be from a wealthy family but he never brags about it. That is the guy this combo makes you.

LIIK:TAA: So I've been testing L2k and altho I really liked the mix, a couple of things weren't going right for me. It was a bit too sexual and causing people to ghost after build up. Basically it was overly strong and sexual for my chemistry but when it was on...it was on. After awhile I looked for a spray that could lighten it up alittle without losing it's sexuality. I figured adding nols wouldn't do it any justice and really water it down so I bought a to-go bottle of molecule A 25 mcg. BINGO. I hit the sweet spot.

In my half a bottle of L2K, I added a bottle of TAA 25mcg to-go and BANG. Winner!

Every where I went, both women AND men initiated conversation 9 out of 10 times. Literally strangers were talking to me, smiling, at one point...almost every single person I gave eye contact and a smile too. A cashier sent me off to go find an item I had asked for and I didn't hear her properly, I remember saying "its ok ill find it" only to have a blonde woman 10 min later come into the aisle (id found it) say "oh I was looking for you, I over heard her tell you the aisle and figured you couldn't find it, I knew where it was". I got strong eye contact and socialization from this spray overtly OMG.

This spray is INSANE and hands down the best All in One (thanks to my modification) that I've ever had. I'm going to try it with Cohesion and X99 this weekend. I'll keep you guys posted.

ps. It's L2kv1 -- I am -none sensitive as I am half African American.

CORE:TABOO: CORE mixes and plays oh so VERY well with others. Please, for the sake of baby Jesus, try using this mix: 2 x Core plus 2 x Taboo!

--- Every day it is a battle for me to choose between: Core, Taboo and Nude Alpha. The secondary runner-ups are all from these makers, as well.

Yesterday morning was NA (8" on me) and two sprays of Taboo on my towel, in yoga: Wonderful conversations with two hotties, before and after class.

In the afternoon I ran 2x Core and 2x Taboo at the Apple store, at the bar in an upscale restaurant for lunch, Bass Pro and then the grocery store. Absolutely in-fucking-credible consistent, looks, multiple looks, stares, smiles and from little girls to old ladies. Never seen so much (it became almost predictable!) attention. Amplified Taboo's effects and I had the bigger-balls effect.

* IMHO, and experience if you make her wet you are doing it right!

That said, here are my panty scorchers,

1/2 a drop of AV + 2 drops A314 + 1 spray Cohesion

1-2 x MX297 (good batch) + 5mcg Androstenone or (AV, Evolve, DP, New Pheromone Additive, Turn Up The Heat are all viable options here) + 2 x Instant Honesty or 15mcg Beta Androstenol.. simple and effective.

2 x SAmmo + 1x P75 @2.5mcg + 2x Beta Androstenol @10mcg + cover scent Armani code. A 35-years-old. Within 5 minutes of getting to her place with this brew she excused herself to change panties and the yoga pants she was wearing without me noticing. The next morning she confessed and I quote "Didn't you notice? I was so dripping wet I had to even change the pants"

IMPRINT:LOVE BOAT: 1 spray of Imprint to my neck, 2 sprays of Loveboat on my crotch.

I used Imprint over the holidays in a combo with Loveboat. When I walk into a room or store, everyone will "hit" simultaneously. Guys will give weird eye contact and girls will do IOIs in unison. Now people will look at you when you walk in a room without Pheromones, but this is very different, and even felt very awkward at first because of the prolonged eye contact. I was going to get attention with the LB and make my mark with Imprint.

It seemed like it took a while to kick in, probably because it was cold, but once I was inside and warmed up a bit, this combo was a nonstop hit machine. I wore it inside a mall packed with people and was getting tons of smiles, IOIs and D.I.H.L. from women I walked by. Groups of women would walk by me and do IOIs in unison. Sometimes I wonder if I am just imagining things or looking too hard for hits when I'm testing something. After I noticed this behavior several times, I knew it was not my imagination. These are the kind of group hits that LB can give, but with the Imprint, they were turned up to 11.

These two were working well together as far as creating a big mone cloud for me. SteveO's products have a decent radius at maybe 15 feet max in my experience, but together these two seemed to go much further. Makes me wonder about the base in Imprint. Is it silicone or something weird? Cause it seemed to have quite a reach. Example: I was standing a good 20 feet from these 2 jail-bait greeters in A+F. I looked up and they kept pushing their hair behind their right ear over and over in unison while staring at me D.I.H.L. style. One of them broke out of this trance and whispered something to the other. Then they went back to staring and preening. Typical LB hits. I have found in the past that LB hits younger women much harder than older women. It's very dis-inhibiting socially for them.

The next OTT group of hits came in a underwear store. I go in and three female workers pretty much pounce on me. The greeter was pretty cute, came over and just looked at me kind of dumbfounded. A saleswoman came over, was super friendly, and wanted to chat rather than actually show me anything. The latecomer to this party was a 6'2" sassy black woman. I just come in the store, and all of a sudden I'm chatting with a group of 3 women. It's always cool being Mr. Popular. The black woman had a very dominant personality and took me by the arm and whisked me away from the other two. She then proceeded to sell me underwear. I have never had any salesperson so eager to please me. She wanted to know everything about my likes and dislikes in underwear. She spent so much time with me doing this. Showing me all the different colors and styles. Real personal attention. I felt like she was trying to sell me a luxury car instead of underwear. When I was up close with her, I think that was when the Imprint hit her. I saw my first really solid hit with Imprint. Her entire personality changed and she started acting like a shy schoolgirl hanging out with her crush. I guess that was the Androstadienone hitting her up close along with whatever else is in there. As I made for the door the greeter actually looked at me with a "oh no, he's leaving" glance. Her mouth was hanging open.

The last big hit I had was with a cashier at a department store. She is a total clone of Noomi Rapace in the face and that's what made me notice her. I'm very attracted to her and about a month ago I wore some Impi just for her. I made conversation with her and the Impi hit her very hard. I was wearing an OD on purpose and it actually put her into a heavy trance state. It was like her mind was running in some kind of loop. She would run the same IOIs over and over in the same order. Heavy hair preening, blank stare, then big smile. I found it amusing and started smiling. She went further into a trance when I did this and was unable to talk or concentrate on anything but me. It was my most intense hit ever. I saw her again with the LB and Imprint on Black Friday. the LB grabbed her attention right away. I think that Impi experience had some real fallout because she left her cash register(on Black Friday no less!) and came over to talk to me. We played with some tablets together showing each other how to do things with them and having a lot of fun. She realized customers were lining up at a empty register and ran over to check them out then ran back over to me. Without my asking, she then told me she was single but she had a child. She was really trying to please me and was sad when I left. She is primed and ready at this point. I won't even have to buy her coffee the way things look.

DOMINATION:LOVE BOAT: Hi guys! Just thought I'd let you know about a mix I have been testing over the last few weeks that I'm calling FUCK BOAT. 1 drop domination + 2 sprays LOVE BOAT. I've tested this in many different environments, including work, but what I have found is it is highly effective in seducing women in night clubs. Love boat seems to be the perfect LMR buster, it provides just enough comfort so your advances are much more likely to be accepted, I have taken this mix into 5 different clubs on separate occasions, and it performed fantastically on 4 out of 5. Lots of innuendo, dreamy looks and kino, the love boat lets the domination creep up on your target so it feels much more natural. I'm going to be using this at the office party this month so expect a more in depth report soon, if anyone decides to test this please let me know how it went.

CORE HARDCORE: 2 sprays of Core and I head down the shops. Seems to be attention getting, women move closer or don't move away. Smiles & convo seem easy. Definitely something there, so it makes round 2.

Out to club, 2 sprays Core each side of neck. Everybody seems upbeat just like Impi for the first hour. Very easy talking and meeting anyone, everybody is uber friendly. Hot woman walk in 35-40 and we lock eyes for about 10 secs. We exchange glances and smile over the next 30mins.

I just walk up and start talking, sit very close and she seems very interested and starts kino immediately.

She's trying to hold back, but after a few drinks its not working very well. Time to see what Thundr has up his sleeve...

So i talk some more, act all sweet and innocent while returning and escalating kino. She is sitting close in a short dress with her legs crossed towards me. As this happens, within about five minutes from "hello" i have my hand up her dress and between her legs while looking in her eyes and keeping the convo going smooth and our faces almost touching. Shes smiling of course.

I remove my hand, still seated give her a hug and put her hand on my boner. She feels it and pulls back, though her face is still just about touching mine and she keeps the kino going.

I stay for about 15 mins and move away and talk to others. Easy convos, lots of kino and suggestive and sexual words with the women. About half hour later i go back and shes kinoing hard, I bring her closer and she starts rubbing against my boner. She plays a little coy about as we play "my place or yours", but eventually decides that her bed has enough room for two.

ORGASMS: If you want to enhance orgasms though, buy some Domination and use 1 drop plus 20mcg TAC from Androtics.

LIIK v1: All my lovers have been between 18-24. I'm 24 athletic build, if that helps at all. The younger they are (18-19) the dis-inhibiting effects seem to hit them more and just can't get enough of me in a deer in the headlights kind of way. Also got more kino from the the younger girls. The older they are (20-24) don't get as dis-inhibited but they've been more in tune with the sexual side of L2K. I've heard it from all ages but the older and/or more experienced girls just could not get enough after we did the deed. Don't get me wrong, I've always heard that I'm good but whenever I have on L2K, that's when I hear "this is the best sex I've ever had" the most. Seems to almost come in waves and more often than not we'll go until they can't take any more and even then, they want it. This is some amazing stuff. I've had a couple girls turn borderline stalkerish after spending a night with me when I had this stuff on. Good for ONS or fuck buddies as well as friends (girls and guys alike). Not really a good choice if you're looking for a relationship imo but if you're already in one, it def spices things up. If you're looking for a relationship, I've had good results with adding SteveO's Cohesion at a 1:1 ratio. Although it should be said that when you add cohesion to the mix it seems like it takes longer for the sexual side to come out and then it's somewhat diminished because of the androstadienone. Only downside I've had with L2K is that it does make me tired if I wear it too often and it does cause build up over time (thus changing the way it acts and it's effects) so I can't wear it all the time which actually works out better in the long term I guess, makes this magical stuff last longer and gives me time to use other mixes. No problem man, hope this helped. I digress, got a little sidetracked and detailed there, but I call it how I see it and this sums up my experiences with L2K pretty well.

After the initial warm up time it turns more and more sexual and has gotten me "This is the best sex I've ever had" on multiple occasions.

--- After a lot of research I decided to try out LIIK Leather and Steel scent. And the amount of sprays I'm using are a lot more than other people actually recommend. THREE SPRAYS: One spray on the wrist (rubbed together), and two sprays on the neck, one on each side where my artery is. I do this before I put clothes on, directly out of the shower. Then I'll do some pushups to warm up my body.

I don't go out with it right away, what I've noticed is that it takes a minute. So I wait a while until the scent dies down a bit (about an hour) then I go out, and that's what has been working really well for me.

Here are my very awesome and very noticeable results. I'll start off with LIIK, because that is the most effective one.


I went down to Savannah, GA to get my tattoo worked on and ended up running into a girl I haven't seen in a long time. She came over to my hotel room just to have a beer and hangout (I wasn't expecting much) and then inched closer to me on the bed and we ended up having sex. I had totally forgotten that she was in a serious relationship until afterwards.

She kept telling me how great I smell, and I couldn't get her off of me. In fact -- get this -- as I was heading out to the bus station the next day to leave, we met up for drinks briefly.

She literally pulled on my arm at the station, told me not to leave, and said I should spend the night with her. I told her I didn't want to buy another ticket the next morning, and she offered to pay for everything -- my drinks, my bus ticket, my food, if I would just stay with her that night, which I did.


I went to Macy's to buy some new shirts and jeans. I needed to go into the changing room. I walked up to the girl behind the counter, and she just stared at me. She looked super surprised and wide-eyed, and I thought that must be the "deer in the headlights" thing everyone was talking about.

I had to ask my question three times, and on the third time she didn't answer me either she just said, "You look like you stepped off the cover of GQ". All I had on was a leather jacked, t-shirt, and jeans.


I'm walking out of the grocery store, and I have to pass two sets of automatic doors. As I walk through the first set this really attractive girl walks in. She immediately stops, and stares at me, looks down at my junk, then looks back up and smiles and bites her lip.

I Just say "Hello" and she giggles and touches my arm!

I actually had to go somewhere so I say by and walk away and she turns around to watch me walk out. Crazy.


This is the most recent one. Last night I head to the bar. There is a server who is walking around and then the girl directly behind the bar that's serving my drinks.

I had only intended to have a couple of beers, but the bartender wanted to buy me shots. Then the other girl came up and wanted to take shots with me.

The server walked away after the shot and some small talk. Then, as she passed by again, she came up and touched my arm and smiled.

Over the course of an hour I had four shots with these girls, because they kept coming back to me and asking to take another (I wasn't paying).

At one point, when I was talking with the server, who kept coming up and touching my hair, and brushing my arm, the bartender said "Don't you dare forget about me" with a smile.

Eventually I just had to go because I had to wake up early in the morning. As I leave, the server comes up to me and says that she will be back tomorrow just to hang out (not working) at 2PM and says here's my number, come see me then.

This was all completely unprovoked. I didn't start these conversations. I didn't ask for numbers. I didn't ask to see the girl the next day.

EVOLVE:LOVE BOAT:XIST: 2 sprays XiSt + 2 sprays Love Boat + 1 spray Evolve. Went to the mall i the early evening. As I was walking, I saw cute store supervisor (same girl in my previous entries) walking towards my direction. As soon as she saw me. she held my hand while saying hello. She said that she just got off work early as she opened the store that morning. I invited her to dinner ans she readily said yes. We went to a restaurant outside the mall and frequently held hands while talking during dinner. After dinner, I said that I didn't want to leave yet. So she asked what I was planning. I said that I wanted to go to a place where we could be alone. She asked which place. I said that the only place I could think of was a room, and to make her comfortable, I said that I wouldn't do anything that she would not like. We could just talk and spend time getting to know each other.

So we spent a few hours alone getting to know each other...intimately. And I found out that she was a virgin.

COREBig GrinP:NA: So for the last few days I've been rocking a mix of DP, NA, Core at 2x2x2 and it's been killer. With this mix you have women and gay men on your jock. You must be the initiator of a conversation though as you will likely look to be of to high value for them.

I was out shopping again with my girlfriend and we walk into A/X and I break from her to go to the men section. Two women look to be in their twenties come over by me and tell me "I'm sorry but you're just hot" all I tell them is "thank you" since my girl is lurking in the store. They oddly seemed respectful while saying it, almost didn't sound sexual at all. Moments later I find my girl and shortly after I see these two women again. They are staring at me blatantly. I walk over to the register to make a purchase and there these two ladies are again, yep more staring. The register girl holds eye contact for 3 seconds too long my girl was there so I could feel her holding back. As I left the store I look back and the register girl was staring at me then smiled once she saw me looking at her.

As we leave my girl says to me "did you see all those bitches looking at you?" I play stupid and she says "god I hate these bitches" haha score!

YOUNG WOMEN: I think I found a nice mix to attract the younger ladies. Core and Bliss together reduces my social anxiety plus attracts women under 30. I personally love the 30+ pussy so I'll still rock my none heavy mixes here and there but for the guys that want younger tale Core and Bliss blend very nicely.

--- Was just comparing Evolve and Turn Up The Heat. Evolve has 37.9mg of mones and Turn Up The Heat has 5mg. In each spray, Turn Up The Heat contains 2.5mg of Androstenone and evolve contains 20mg.

Was thinking of going for this party mix tonight:
2X Ammo (5mg of buffered Androstenone)
4X P83 (40mg)
1X Evolve or Turn Up The Heat

I've used this mix before with 1X Turn Up The Heat and the results were great. I actually made out with girl and took 2 girls home (threesome). However I've OD'd with Androstenone before and it wasn't a fun experience.

--- YOUNGER WOMEN: What product is best for attracting women in their late teens/early 20's?

Wolf and Glace, or Wolf alone

--- AM + GLACE more looks from younger women (when used 2 x glace on 1 x AM)

if you still have glace I recommend trying glace+l2k ( 2x glace + 1x l2k) you'll get reactions from a wider age range, sometimes even up to the point that YOU start to be intimidated like I had a couple of days ago ; I was wearing 2 glace + 1 l2k (v2 in this case) when I entered the light train. inside I found myself in between a large group of foreign teens ( my guess 16 to 18 girls) they were Danish so almost all were blond and blue eyed so they got plenty of looks from the local Spanish boys, but guess who the girls were looking.... right they were looking me (and I'm 44) some were hidden looks but many were straight face to face, prolonged eye contact followed by smiles. I was trying to ignore them but, as I was in the middle, every direction I looked I was getting intense eye contact. I also was "accidentally" bumped several times. I really started to get uncomfortable to be "eye-raped" by so many girls so young they could be my daughters. I decided to get of the ride and wait for the next.

ASIANS: I had been using Asian 4 Non-Asian to great effect for the past several dates and the results were so successful that I was afraid not to use it. So I put on about 4 sprays of A4NA(it's hard to overdose) and added 2 shots of Xist on top of that. One on my forearm, one on my neck.

The results were really interesting. I put these on around 6pm and the usual effects from A4NA were present: super chattiness, upbeat mood, crushy/flirty but not overtly sexual. BUT around 9pm the A4NA either dissipated in potency or the Xist fully took over. I noticed self effects first: my jaw was clenched up/some tight face muscles, it put my face into a involuntary grin, which is pretty cool I thought. Then I noticed the effect on her, which came in at about the same time. We were watching a comedy, having a few laughs and suddenly I notice out of the corner of my eye she's looking at me. Not in a normal way, but every 2-3 seconds she'll turn away from the movie and look at me. It was ridiculous, like all she wanted to do was stare at me, and the movie was just a distraction.

We went to some friends' house and we were Mr. and Ms. personality. We dominated all the conversations, told nonstop jokes, everybody was having a great time.(She is usually very reserved) I guess our friends started huffing the Xist and what was left of the A4NA and everybody had a awesome time and we ended up staying over there until the wee hours. It just turned the whole night into a party.

--- I had 1 spray of instant gentlemen and 1 spray of Instant openness and went to the bank, had a Asian teller, as soon I came near here, her face changed, as if she got more anxious or something, like some sort of important person came and she has to respect me, and then I gave her the cash I was depositing, told her it was (X) amount, and I looked away for a few seconds and she was like "okay, is there anything else I can do for you?" SHE DIDN'T EVEN COUNT THE MONEY. I think the instant gentlemen and instant honesty hit her hard or something cause that's her job on the line.

Then this other day I go to the bank, and I get a different teller, and I look around and we both notice each other and she keeps eye contact with me, and giving me that look again.

I think this combo works great on Asians or something.

--- Instant Gentleman + Instant Openness is an excellent classic combo for attracting Asian ladies,throw in some IS and it's gold.

--- Instant Gentleman is crack for Asians in Japan but I use MX297 more often though lately as I love the celebrity vibe (needs game to pull off, but when it works and someone says you're a god or should be on TV and everyone else is nodding in agreement it's quite the feeling).

I personally prefer Instant Gentleman + Instant Honesty over Instant Gentleman+Instant Openness most nights but they're both solid combos.

--- ASIAN FOR NON ASIANS: So, after multiple tests, I figured this stuff out. You can be pretty liberal with the application, it is missing the funky mones that Asians don't like. Like I mentioned before in another post, I put mine into a small sprayer(if you try to measure drops out, you'll just make a big mess).

I have been applying 3-4 sprays (a lot of liquid) and have had consistent results. Non-stop laughter, goofiness, and general good cheer for about 4-5 hours. Self effects are noticeable too. I always start singing!

This stuff will not turn that shy lady into your love slave, but will keep her giggling and chatting in a super fun mood all night long. It's a super social and she will have so much fun, that she might become more interested romantically. You become the cool, fun guy that always makes her laugh.

It's hilarious to watch them laugh for no good reason too.

I've tested it on 3 different women, and same fun laughing and chatting every time. Very consistent. Don't be tempted to go mad scientist either. It works very well on its own and could be good for a Long Term Relationship I think.

NA:COHESION: Just to confirm, NA + Cohesion is the bomb! Ran 2 drops NA and 1 spray Cohesion and it was nothing short of amazing. But let it age about 7 hours and you have a total game-changer on your hands. I shit you not! I am sporting the same mix tonight and will be peaking around midnight. If I can replicate the hits I got back in Prague that one night, I don't think I'll need any other products for clubbing for a long time.

XS113:XIST: 2 Spray Xist with 2 Spray XS113, I was getting Deer in the headlights by almost every girl I came across even little girls, it was kinda disturbing actually. I'm going to test this again to see if it was a fluke.

I know it's 5mcg of Androstenone per spray, but I'm 31 and I've worn 3 prays of 113 with 1 30 ml spray of Xist. I've seen the whiplash effect with this from *all* ages and no sign of OD. Go ahead and try it. I don't know what Steve has done here, but he is a genius. Though it may be a waste of product. 1-2 sprays does the trick.

XS113:ASCEND: I have been using this for 3 days now. Really like it. It definitely packs a punch with the ladies, gets me respect from the guys and I feel great with it on. I tried it with 1 drop of ascend oil today (I wanted some cops on to match the temptress i asked my gf to put on when we went out).

very pleasant evening and lots of people kept commenting on how my gf and I made such a great couple. The ladies definitely hung around too. All in all a very pleasant evening.

ASCEND:XS1131 spray of XS113 scented with sultans oud coupled with 1 drop of Ascend oil hits the spot perfectly for me. I am getting consistent hits throughout the day. Be it in the morning on the train to work , at lunchtime , in the evening etc. I am THE man with this magic potion on.

I took a break from ascend and XS113 for about a week and a half and boy did I miss it. Wore that today and all I can say is I had a magnificent day. Went to watch the football . Ended up at this marketing gurus house with his phenomenally stunning cougar wife showing wild attraction towards me. She walked me to the tube station too and I have a feeling that if I tried it on with her I would have got somewhere. oh and I stuck on 1 spray of bliss too which I now quite like a lot. the marketing guru guy gave me mad respect too.

all in all XS113 really is a top blend especially with a good dose of ascend (all covered in sultans oud)

DOMINATION: I bathe in my mones, I'm a maniac.....Smile I generally use like 3-5 drops of Domination. The touch sensation and overall "horniness" was much greater than what I've seen with New Pheromone Additive. I was shocked at first, but it happened more than once. Harder, quicker, multiple orgasms. Strong attraction as well.

OVER DOSE:New Pheromone Additive: My wife's best friend knew I was a nice guy and all, but didn't think I was a god. She is 28, 5'10 Gorgeous Blonde with a perfect bikini body...a solid 9. She visited NY for a few weeks so we hung out with her about 6 times in the past few weeks. I generally hit her with a LAL alpha products: Wolf, OD, AV, or NA, and a sexual product like New Pheromone Additive or Domination. Although I was able to see more and extended eye contact from her, and a strong interest in maintaining a conversation with me ... no real amazing hits.

One evening for dinner I did wear like 3 full pumps of OD, and 3 drops of New Pheromone Additive, where I had amazing reactions from her. She couldn't stop staring at me, and kept saying, "There's something different about you today, what did you do different today? Did you get a haircut? You look very different today?" I'm just thinking to myself, "I'm hitting you with some OD." LOL

Anyhow last night my wife begins to tell me in almost disbelief how her blonde friend loves me, and can't stop talking about me. She tells me that her friend thinks that I'm the most amazing guy in the world, and how she's the luckiest woman ever. Then my wife started telling me how her cousin also loves me and thinks I'm the most amazing guy ever. What was strange was that my wife was almost telling me this with doubt in her mind, as to why everyone including her friends think I'm the most amazing guy ever. Like she almost couldn't understand their reactions.

SOB:MX111:XSist: 2 sprays SOB and 3 of MX111 and 3 of XiSt. This was at the insistence of Dancing Joker and it was the perfect night to test.

Okay so show is over and she gets separated from her friends and wants to go to the world famous Tootsies honky-tonk. Now I don't usually say this but I was out of my league with metal leather girl. There was no way in heck I was going to get anywhere with her. We danced for a while and like a hobo on a ham sandwich it hit the both of us where we actually did know each other. I see this girl nearly every 4 weeks but never I would have guessed Ms Leather tattoo girl was so hot. Its amazing what the right clothes can do!

She was drinking, I was not after the last one I cried over. Then she mentions to me she should stop because she needed to drive.............HIT THE BREAKS BABY! Drive? To Memphis? Tonight?

I really didn't see this as an opportunity because I was already way above my head here, but I was like I got a hotel room. You can stay in my room if you want but... pause...there's only one bed.

Then she said well that's cool but....pause.... (she's playing my game here) I sleep in the nude.

I say, well only if you take a shower first....

It was actually a very funny exchange and we both crack up laughing.

I'm meeting her at 1:30 after she moves her car to the hotel lot. I'm thinking no way, no how is this girl showing up but like clockwork she does. Again though this girl is amazing body just built for bikinis, jello wresting, dancing and hula hooping. There's no chance in hell I have. Well she actually says she wants to take a shower and its funny because I hear her yelling about freaking leather pants. LOL serves her right, wearing skin tight leather. 20 minutes later she's out and is in a towel. She drops it just before she gets into bed and I only have the light of the TV and I really didn't want to look but my eyes shot out of my skull. Unbelievable. She climbs in and I'm like rolling over to the other side facing away. Why is she going to kill me like this.

After about ten minutes she says I don't know what you got on but whatever it is its making me fucking horny. I roll back over to face her and say fucking horny huh? She says yeah like fucking all night horny! I then say did I mention its my birthday? She said yeah, numerous times.


Again this heavy mone mix is 2 sprays of SOB, and three each of XS111 and XiSt.

I'm going to meet her tomorrow like I do every four weeks and when I told her she set it up so she can take a two hour lunch break. I think I'll wear the same blend. (STEVEO)

New Pheromone Additive:L2K:A-1:GLACE: 3 drops New Pheromone Additive + 2 sprays L2K + 6 drops Androstadienone 10mcg per drop + 2 sprays of Glace fast burn and cover scent by Tom Ford Noir.

i wore this combo and went out to the local pub in the new city and the amount of attraction i got from women was unbelievable. the men were also treating me with respect. I ended up getting a beautiful woman's number who said she would take me around the city and help me get to know the place as well as her. She kept true to her word and took me out last weekend and we ended up going to a club just to dance and socialize with her friends. i was wearing this combo. so when she picked me up her body language towards me changed within about 5 minutes of her being exposed to my cologne. she got very friendly with me and was very open. she was wearing jeans and a nice top but decided to go to her place and change before heading to the club. I had been observing her and her friends and was having a positive effect on most women.

i was sweating so i excused my self and reapplied the combo that i had brought with me in a to go bottle. we got into Allana's vehicle and instead of driving us home she drove us to an after party but by the time we got there she was pretty worked up and horny because she was blatantly making moves on me. i guess it was the alcohol and the mones combined. we ended up making out in her vehicle and entered the party later and danced and drank some more. I had never been to this kind of party before everyone were open with each other and decided to get down to business right there. I was surprised and Alanna decided to take me home since it was a long drive back. she handed me the keys because she was a little over the limit to drive. she decided to crash at my place since it was closest to the place we had partied at. I brought her back to my place and since I'm still waiting for my furniture and everything else to arrive i only have one bed and nothing else. I decided to let her sleep in my bed while i slept on the ground in a sleeping bag like a gentle man would but she refused to let me sleep on the ground and insisted i sleep on the bed with her. i agreed and we cuddled and i thought she fell asleep so i didn't want to make any moves about 20 minutes later i was woken up by her kissing me. so i replied in kind and before you know it sh had me stripped completely and she was naked too. lets say we got to know each other pretty well over the next few days.

I again tried the same combo when i went out couple of days ago and bumped into one of Alanna's friends at the mall and we hit it off pretty well and went out for lunch. she had a couple glasses of wine and i had a few beers and we got talking and she decided to drive me to her place and cook some dinner since i didn't have anything at home as yet. this combo effected her the most out of all the women in the group her blatantly switching seats and being restless in her seat shifting a lot and sweating a little even with the AC on was what caught my attention. she decided to make a move on me and whispered in my ear how wet i make her. I played along and replied i don't believe you you are just joking. she replied i can prove it to you and placed my hand on her crotch...boy was she wet! anyhow i had a great dinner and her for desert.

Evolve:Cohesion:Bliss: (1 Evolve, 2 Cohesion, 1 Bliss) I would recommend adding Cohesion and Bliss to Evolve if you don't like the idea of being laid back, I had girls I knew who'd never paid attention to me trying to get into my pants with this combo. I'm not a big game guy, I just know what works from my own experience.

--- I second this combo. Its does a number on my wife and I have worn it around her friends and one of them asked me if I have a twin


Okay, I ran Love Boat + XiSt yesterday cause I had a bbq/get together with my family and friends. There were several girls who are/were interested in me stop by flirting and of course my fwb.

Well... the first thing that comes to mind is that I was extremely horny... I mean I jumped my FWB's bones all night and was in friendly rapist mode when we finally got alone. You can guess how that ended.

During the day from other friends of friends/girls coming with their folks/sisters friends, I received a lot of IOI's like eye contact, hair twirling, and my sisters slutty friend at early in the morning. She came in to the bathroom in her panties and a singlet with a bathrobe and exposed it several times... she was "fixing it up" haha. I asked my fwb what was different tonight and she said she was getting horny too lol.

The self effects were cool and smooth, it seems like I was very focused yet relaxed at the same time. I had used 2 sprays of XiSt and 2 sprays of LB from the 10ml bottles. I say this because I'm finding the 30ml seems to hit a little differently, but I'm not sure exactly of the reason why yet. I've posted on SteveO's forum to get more clarification though.

On a side note, I got told that I looked particularly handsome yesterday by several women I think there may be a beatifying molecule in it. Possibly Etrione, but I haven't run it enough to know as a good guess.

XiSt + XS111 + Evolve gave me great results. Got me laid too.

I have used 2 sprays XiSt + 2 sprays Love Boat + 1 spray Evolve with nice results. But then I'm in my late 40's with a low Androstenone output. Makes me and my SO horny. I think I posted it over at Pherotruth a while back.

L2K:XIST: Just wanted to confirm that Xist and L2K v.1 at a 1:1 ratio (2 sprays of each) is indeed an awesome mix. Tried it twice more at various clubs and it is the real deal. Have seldomly been checked out so much, had chicks brush by and touch me from behind on my arms and chest.

Picked up this cute 37 year old brunette one night and brought her back to my place. She was instantly hooked as soon as I opened her, no effort needed at all.

I applied everything to the neck area, but kept the products separate so no layering. I'm 34 and most hits were girls 25 plus.

* 3 sprays FB Glace + 4 Drops of Androstadienone + 2 sprays of AM
Cover Spray : DB decibel by azzarro

Application Points:

1 spray FB Glace behind each ear + 1 spray split between the inside of my elbows and wrists

1 drop Androstadienone behind each ear+2 drops on the back of my neck

1 spray of AM behind each ear

I was wearing a Polo t-shirt with my top 2 buttons undone ( the AV could be smelt)

We arrived at the casino approx 6pm and my co workers and I headed to eat. while in line i kept getting blatant looks from a lot of women and respectful looks from the men. I was allowed to go before some of the people in line. My Server hat a cutie...showed us our table and brought us our drinks and she would not break eye contact with me. I was being eye f++ked by her the whole time. she would keep walking by our table and purposely linger near me. her third time around i noticed her hair was no longer tied up and her top 3 buttons on her shirt were undone. damn she looked sexy. i decided i would try flirting with her and it was a big hit by the time we were done eating she had gotten off shift , changed put on some perfume called a couple of her friends to join us in the casino. I ended up getting he number without asking for it and getting laid that night. she made sure all her friends gave my co workers company so she could get to know me. I ended up playing the slots and won 800 dollars which i though was not bad for my first time in the casino. her name was jess. we spent a few hours having a few drinks and talking while my co workers had disappeared. jess had also called her best friend katie to come to the casino but katie didn't have anyone to hangout with so she was accompanying us. oh right i have to describe what they look like.. both of them 23yrs old 34 DD and had really toned athletic bodies. jess was a redhead and katie was a brunette. really interesting women to hang around and ladies in the street but freaks in bed. I couldn't find my co workers so i decided to call it a night and head back to my hotel the 2 women decided to accompany me back to my hotel. while i was driving i could see both the women keep shuffling in their seats and katie decided to roll down the window and stated it was getting hot in the vehicle but i had the AC on. long story short they decided to make out in front of me and decided to get me involved leading to my first 3some experience.

* 3 Sprays MX297/MX390 and 20mcg P96 will do the trick .. the attraction is increased and the comfort as well ... that's dangerous ... the girls are simply melting away with it.

* For a couple of women I've frequently exposed to NA + Androstadienone , adding P83 seemed to affect them the way NA + Androstadienone + a shot or two of tequila does. Their space, touch and conversation filters all got dialed down big time.
* Currently 2 sprays of Cohession and 2 sprays of Xist works wonders for me, and I gets lots of hits. I'm in my 40's and date younger women in late 20's to 30's. I was spraying on neck and wrists.

The hits were very good all my dates ended up in bed with me very soon after.

* Just wanted to share what I have been doing lately for good results. OD has been good. It's so easy to use and consistent because of the gel suspension. AV is a great product for me but seems to be too strong or inconsistent so I was thinking maybe it can be metered better. So what I did was take a small sample spray and filled it with OD and then put about 10 drops of AV in there. It gets milky but it def mixes well. The sample spray spits it out surprisingly well in consistent doses. I put about 3 squirts on at the usual places. Results have been outstanding... Stares out the yinyang and every woman I talk to is very friendly, laughs at every stupid thing I say, and has pupils like a lost puppy. I definitely recommend trying it. :-D

DOMINATION:SOB: 2 sprays SOB + 2 drops Domination. Her reaction was after an hour and a half in my cloud, she needed me to DO HER IN THE CAR. She couldn't wait to get home. Also another girl attacked and molested me last week with the same mix. Plus another girl couldn't stop complimenting on my smell. Sultans Oud mixed with Majmua. This is a very sexed up combo.

BLISS:SOB: My favorite that I made was SOB XS and Bliss XS. Insane mood and self effects. And the attraction is off the charts. It's the ONLY mix women open me with.

* At night, 25mcg P83 and one spray of the Love-scent Edge + Super Primal oil (musk flavor) starter kit. Makes women really horny.

* Best hits I have got so far are NA + AV + COHESION oil one drop each. You feel like the man thus everyone is staring..... or everyone is staring thus you feel like the man.. dunno but end = AWESOME!

* Well I officially got laid with COHESION and EVOLVE last night, but the girl in question and I always hook up so it's not real conclusive proof it was the mones. I will say the sex was off the charts hot, and she came much more then she usually does, so I would definitely say the mones had an effect.

I'm over 35, and she's 29. One spray of each directly to the neck, and I also wiped a little on my upper lip so when we kissed she would get a nose full.

* I used 3 NA, 2 sprays COHESION, 3 sprays of Glace, and added a drop of DP because I'm an incorrigible experimenter. I was worried that the DP might mess it up, but the interest was noticeably more pronounced than before. That might have happened anyway, as it seems the trend. She's 28.

I'm still impressed with what it's done with no effort from me.

Put on some Androstadienone or Cohesion with NA, and she will dropped those worries faster than a groupie drops a broke football player.

WOLF: I've been testing Wolf at work with some noticeable hits on one particular coworker. She started working at my company a week ago, now mind you I've only exchanged smiles and some small talk. I would occasionally see her twirling her hair but that could be her thing and not necessarily connected to pheromones. Last Friday, she tells me she needs a drink and my reply was that there's a bar across the street and we can go there after work. She says she has to drive home but suggested we do something some other time. I agreed and asked for her number and I gave her mine. When I came home she started texting me, we talked about work and other things, but the big surprise was that she sent me a picture of her in a bathing suit, which led to talking about sex. Now this woman hardly knows me at all so it was a major surprise to me, it has to be Wolf.

Confirmation came yesterday in a text she sent me and I quote- "Every time you come around me I feel hot and bothered, like I wanna take my clothes off."

She's divorced has a nice body and her age is 27 (I'm 46). Used two spray of Wolf in the front of the neck in the morning, and one spray in the afternoon.


I had residue of A314 and IS from morning application. Applied 1 spray of MX101 on neck in the front and headed to a strip club. Saw a hot stripper on the stage and we immediately locked eyes. Chatted for a bit and I asked her for a lap dance. During the lap dance she looked noticeably aroused and was whispering sweet nothings in my ears throughout the dance. I asked her to meet me outside and she asked me if I had protection. I said yes. She walked out with me from the lap dance booth to pay off the manager so she could leave with me. The manager said that if she leaves he won't take her back next time. So we decided to meet the next day and she slyly gave me her phone number.

I texted her the next evening and we continued our back and forth for few hours while she was cooking and eating at home. Then she took a cab and met me at my hotel. After some chit chat we had sex. I had to wake up early so she left after that. It was quite easily the best sex I have ever had mostly because she had a perfect body, an amazing German accent and was very playful and active during sex.

I wonder how much of this had to do with MX101, but it definitely helped with initial attraction.

Two days later I was supposed to meet a colleague and his wife and another colleague for dinner. I applied 1 drop A314 + 1 drop PI and 1 spray MX101 to neck. The colleague's wife was immediately attracted and was touchy from the beginning. Surprisingly for such a high -none she showed no adverse reactions and seemed very comfortable. Throughout the evening she just ignored her husband and another colleague and proceeded to just chat with me, kept laughing with me and repeating my jokes back to me. Didn't leave my side for the entire evening and wanted to continue to hang out with me. Her husband had to go to bed for early work the next day so they had to leave. She proceeded to give me a hug and invited me to stay over at their place next time I visit.

Surprisingly even with these heavy -none mixes I wasn't noticing any attention from women while just walking outside, but did seem to be very attractive when I engaged someone in close conversation. It was quite cold outside and extremely crowded which could be a reason.


It's 1 mg/ml in a 10 ml bottle.

To make a to-go with 25 mcg/spray output I will need to add 1 ml of Androstadienone with 4 ml of Cologne.

To make a to-go with 50 mcg/spray output I will need to add 2 ml of Androstadienone with 3 ml of Cologne.

To make a to-go with 100 mcg/spray output I will need to add 4 ml of Androstadienone with 1 ml of Cologne.


I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
02-01-2014 1:32 PM
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Perputual Noob

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Post: #2
02-01-2014 1:52 PM

Great Thread!

The SOB Bliss comment was mine. Yes

90% of my posts are from my phone on the fly.
02-01-2014 1:52 PM
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The Pussy Crook

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Post: #3
02-01-2014 2:01 PM

I saw a couple of my reviews in the this thread. Good shit bro!

I got a sign on my dick "Bad Bitches Only"

My Karma is amazing
02-01-2014 2:01 PM
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Contributes Regularly

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Post: #4
02-01-2014 2:04 PM

(02-01-2014 1:52 PM)KIMBA Wrote:  Great Thread!

The SOB Bliss comment was mine. Yes

Yes, this is a great thread! Thanks for compiling it.

There is some magic in the 2x Core + a touch of AV and a touch of NA but it has been impossible for me to lasso and tame this mix. Wish I could make it work consistently at a given dose. Testers wanted! I will keep playing with it. Perhaps substitute AV (AV being so temperamental or inconsistent) with A314? Don't know if AV could be substituted...
02-01-2014 2:04 PM
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Post: #5
02-01-2014 5:07 PM

(02-01-2014 2:04 PM)CockedLockedandRTR Wrote:  Yes, this is a great thread! Thanks for compiling it.

There is some magic in the 2x Core + a touch of AV and a touch of NA but it has been impossible for me to lasso and tame this mix. Wish I could make it work consistently at a given dose. Testers wanted! I will keep playing with it. Perhaps substitute AV (AV being so temperamental or inconsistent) with A314? Don't know if AV could be substituted...

After all the years of testing and asking questions, you YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPERS coming in here and explaining mixes down to the molecule just pisses me off! Nana Just makes me feel that I've been missing something meaningful.

With that being said, Cocked ... when things change, or you can't find consistency, try adding a tad bit or a heaping teaspoon of A-1. Just saying. Dirol

Not to worry! I'm keeping a keen eye on all of you young trouble makers!!!! Beee

Now, carry on! Smartly! finger

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2014 5:08 PM by MMM.)
02-01-2014 5:07 PM
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Perputual Noob

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Post: #6
02-01-2014 7:31 PM

I would say add IMPRINT over Dienone. Beta - Nol seems to act like a vibe producer and bridge molecule and lets people know the signature is from you!

Also, Evolve API Oil was me. I have made a lot of posts over my days here, not surprised much.

90% of my posts are from my phone on the fly.
02-01-2014 7:31 PM
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Leon226 - Banned

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Post: #7
02-01-2014 10:53 PM

Post of the month or post of the forum for me

My stash and rating:
-AscendXS(spray+oil) 8, EvolveXS(spray+oil) 6, CohesionXS(spray+oil) 7, DominationXS(oil)6, BlissXS6, Xist 7, LoveBoat 7,
Thundr Core 7.5 M3X 8
- Corporativo: 7, Alfa Maschio 8.5, LIIK 9, Glace 6
-Wolf:7.5, Nude Alpha 9, Aqua Vitae 7.5, SDX-9: 5, T150, Nude:7, Hypnotica Social:6, Bad Wolf: 9(self effect only),7.5.
-Scent of Eros:6, Alpha 7:7.
- A314 rev 32:9, Instant Honesty, MX297:8
02-01-2014 10:53 PM
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Post: #8
02-01-2014 10:54 PM

(02-01-2014 7:31 PM)KIMBA Wrote:  I would say add IMPRINT over Dienone. Beta - Nol seems to act like a vibe producer and bridge molecule and lets people know the signature is from you!

Also, Evolve API Oil was me. I have made a lot of posts over my days here, not surprised much.

That could/should work, too. For the sake of Science, and sticking to my guns, A-1 COULD work, and so could IMPRINT, with IMPRINT owning the possibilities of being THE BETTER product. Party

TESTING! TESTING! TESTING! Isn't it fun!?!?!? Training1

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
02-01-2014 10:54 PM
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Leon226 - Banned

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Post: #9
02-01-2014 10:54 PM

Most of the hit was for girls over 30, what do you think is best for 18-22?

My stash and rating:
-AscendXS(spray+oil) 8, EvolveXS(spray+oil) 6, CohesionXS(spray+oil) 7, DominationXS(oil)6, BlissXS6, Xist 7, LoveBoat 7,
Thundr Core 7.5 M3X 8
- Corporativo: 7, Alfa Maschio 8.5, LIIK 9, Glace 6
-Wolf:7.5, Nude Alpha 9, Aqua Vitae 7.5, SDX-9: 5, T150, Nude:7, Hypnotica Social:6, Bad Wolf: 9(self effect only),7.5.
-Scent of Eros:6, Alpha 7:7.
- A314 rev 32:9, Instant Honesty, MX297:8
02-01-2014 10:54 PM
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Post: #10
02-01-2014 11:14 PM

(02-01-2014 10:54 PM)Leon226 Wrote:  Most of the hit was for girls over 30, what do you think is best for 18-22?

--- YOUNGER WOMEN: What product is best for attracting women in their late teens/early 20's?

Wolf and Glace, or Wolf alone

--- AM + GLACE more looks from younger women (when used 2 x glace on 1 x AM)

if you still have glace I recommend trying glace+l2k ( 2x glace + 1x l2k) you'll get reactions from a wider age range, sometimes even up to the point that YOU start to be intimidated like I had a couple of days ago ; I was wearing 2 glace + 1 l2k (v2 in this case) when I entered the light train. inside I found myself in between a large group of foreign teens ( my guess 16 to 18 girls) they were Danish so almost all were blond and blue eyed so they got plenty of looks from the local Spanish boys, but guess who the girls were looking.... right they were looking me (and I'm 44) some were hidden looks but many were straight face to face, prolonged eye contact followed by smiles. I was trying to ignore them but, as I was in the middle, every direction I looked I was getting intense eye contact. I also was "accidentally" bumped several times. I really started to get uncomfortable to be "eye-raped" by so many girls so young they could be my daughters. I decided to get of the ride and wait for the next.


I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
02-01-2014 11:14 PM
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