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Post: #1
05-02-2014 2:46 PM

The names have all changed to protect the innocent. Crazy Yeah, right! Spiteful

Alfa Maschio: 1 spray under my shirt, 1 spray across neck area

AM leather and steel is an Alpha product for Alpha males, end of story. I am an attractive, fit, healthy male, age 34. And for my 1st experiment with my new AM Leather and Steel ... I wore it to work. I know, I know.....why, right? My answer ... why NOT!

I work in an office where there is rowed seating, very close quarters, and frequent interactions with women of all ages, and of varying degrees beauty. I consider this to be an ideal environment for the experiment. In my 4 hour shift, there wee some odd, out of character...even borderline bizarre behavioral changes in the women in my scent radius.
I had a supervisor of mine, quite attractive.. "accidentally" rub her breasts and butt on me at my desk! I was totally shocked, and this is somewhat out of character for the woman..however we have engaged in adult conversation over the course of my 12 years. This, however, was a total surprise. It was obvious.

The girl I sit next to is cute, 23, sociable...newbie I have been sat next to , to assist with training....AGAIN....VERY BIZARRE behavior, and manners. These range from repeatedly bending in her seat to expose her backside to me, thong included...stretching to expose her bellybutton, dropping things and standing to pick them up showing and practically sticking her ass up at my face, and so on. She repeatedly made sex references, and talked frequently about how single she is, and how she has an apartment close by, and how she likes to walk around naked. WOW......just Wow....people...I am not making this stuff up. This is legit!

So as my day wrapped up, her ride was supposedly a no show...and was hinting...not really a very subtle manner, that she needs a ride home...etc...no ride now.....etc,etc,etc....

The signals were totally there, the body language was totally there, the look in the eye was totally there......this girl wanted me to drive her home after work and have sex with her. Very clearly. I did not, however...because The Game has just started. Well, at least with this one. lmao

The Game ends, hopefully....with me in the middle of a circle of flesh starved, sex crazed girls and women...who want nothing more than to be the lucky one(s) that got to mate with the Alpha Male. Primal...right? This stuff is the real deal...more to come in later posts...I promise. (MR. POPULAR 34-Y-O)

BLISS:COHESION:EVOLVE: Bliss + alpha is a great combo. I personally, use Bliss + Cohesion + Evolve ... Its given me great first dates, including getting laid. Even with those women that don't usually do that on the first date. (RJ5555)

BLISS:NA:SOB: Bliss+SOB+NA ... Instant Sex mix. 1 sp Bliss, 2 drops NA & 2 sprays SOB from sample bottle to forearms.

Hits cougars pretty damn hard. Million thanks to Kimba for the SOB+Bliss part. A late 30 masseuse suddenly started removing all her clothes off during an initially legit massage. I initiated the conversation and she responded well. She tried hard even though her English is not that good.

Never seen her before, it was told by the owner that she's new. Of course I asked her myself during the session to be sure. Not really good at picking up non verbal signals, but the way she massaged me is kinda sensual, like it was a meant for a special someone. I know this because I'm a regular. A little flirt here and there, and half an hour later I had the chance to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Works great for ladies in their late 30s or early 40s, if you're into that kind of range. (MAEVE)


Some badass (for me, anyhow) combos:

---- 2x Core + 2x Taboo: Confidence with eyeball rapes off the scale.

* Add 4 drops of Nude (20" from 30ml roller) to the above. Similar results as above but more kino and a sexier vibe. I need to keep testing it.

---- 2 x Taboo + 1 to 1.5 Imprint:
I did this one once and need to do it again, as, it was incredible at getting woman who barely notice you (normally) to come up to you and initiate conversation.

---- 2x Core + 1x NA + 1x AV: I need to play with the ratios of NA and AV.

Tough using AV as it seems the general consensus is that you need to give it a break after a day or two. I agree, as, I can never seem to get as good of results, even after only one day of usage. And if I use too much trying, the younger chicky poos look anywhere but at me.

---- 2x Wolf + 20" Nude: Only tried it once, but, thought it was interesting enough to mention. My -ex and her sister did a hair flipping show, nearly nonstop, for about an hour. The they kept their eyes on me most of the time and it felt like a very sexy vibe. (COCKEDLOCKEDANDRTR)

CONNECTION:EVOLVE:XIST: I tried 2 Connections, 1 Evolve, and 1 Xist around a couple females yesterday at work and it was crazy. (1 spray connections to front side of both forearms
1 spray xist to back of either forearm, and 1 spray evolve to front of neck).

There was ALOT of flirting and sex jokes/stories all day and one was kinda touchy feely. i.e i work with these females on the regular and I've been using 2 Xist 2 Love Boat and 1 Ascend for a few weeks and have been getting decent hits. they just seemed amplified yesterday after the slight switch up. From other females i just noticed a lot of staring and d*** watching lol.

The females are from about 24 to 34. I noticed the younger females seemed to get hit harder n made things more obvious than the older females. (RICH 29-Y-O)

CORE:ORBITAL: I wasn't really sure how it was going to turn out but I have to say, 2:1 Orbital to Core was absolutely wild. By far the most potent social mix I've ever worn. A very different vibe compared to 2:1 Core to Orbital.

When engaging people and having a good time it was almost unreal. It was a high energy party mix with the status element.

Rapport was so easy, it didn't even matter if the rapport dropped. You could go do something else and come back and as long as they are not deeply engaged, you are in. I definitely felt the fluidity with this mix, with the things that I said and what I did.

My boss bought me a shot of Fireball whiskey and then somebody else wanted to join it, stuff like that happened all night long. As long as there was something that people could slightly relate to they were absolutely engaged and ready to chat.

I had a hard workout but then showered, I don't know if that affected anything. 2 Orbital 1 Core was like an instant party mix, people needed a little warming up and then you can relax because its going to be a great time.

The self effects of being smooth are ramped up with this mix, I felt fucking smooth. The mix of your fluidity and people opening up to you, get you in a fun conversation loop with you and different groups and it is just a great time.

This gives you tons of social status when you come into groups, you should've seen how this how girl just followed everything that I said. I can't do too much because she was right there with her boyfriend and I can't create problems in this situation but it definitely adds to your reputation and social status in a group.

2:1 Core:Orbital was more respect/attraction/status while 2:1 Orbital:Core was just wild with social aspect but potent when it came to interactions with other people.

You have to prepared to go out and have a blast with the orbital core mix. People pick up on it and amplify it

One mix wasn't better than the other but it was more of what do you want in a situation.Do you want to go and have a great fun time , with lots of laughing and talking or do you want more status/attraction for the evening (LL21)

EVOLVE: 2 drops

It's just too much to report it all, l don't know how I'm gonna put down this. I'm in my hometown for eastern vacation and this was my first night out. I cant imagine a night mix being any better. This thing is a fucking NUCLEAR. My girl is immune to none and I didn't test it enough in general, except a few times in day time.

I was out for the night with my friends, plenty of alcohol as usual. This was a common scenario I do with the same friends, trust me Evolve was the only addition, I didn't hit on any of the girls, either.

It started with increased attention and ioi from all 3 girls. Then came the kino, then the dirty dancing, then the aggressiveness. A few scratches, one bite on my neck. 2 of the 3 keep wanting me to subdue them, if I use the correct word, to immobilize them with my hands, to show them my power. I ended up in bed with the 2 of them and plenty of jealousy. The few hours we slept I was in the middle with both of them hugging me with their noses on each side of my neck smelling me on the exact spots I put the Evolve.

Dosage: 1.5 to 2 drops . I put 1 drop and then swiped the sides below the euro dropper's mouth which should have been like another drop in volume. Im 24 btw.

I've known them for many years, and we go out like yesterday a lot, I would never imagine a pheromone could have such a strong impact on those girls.trust me I missed many details of what exactly happened but the absolute conclusion is that with evolve on it's just not fair. (STEFDUDE 24-Y-O)

EVOLVE:TABOO: 2 sprays of Taboo and 1 spray of Evolve

Mixing Evolve and Taboo has never been a problem for me, as I don't apply them at the same time. I apply Taboo first, which generates the initial sexual attraction. Once I determine that the situation can be taken "farther," I put on a spray of Evolve about 30 minutes later, and the bedroom door opens (or closes). (MARTIAN)

XIST: 2 sprays

I have never shared my experience from pheromone reactions on any forum in the past because, sure I see some results, but not so obvious like I did with this product (own a bunch). I felt the need to give the community an update of my experience using Xist at the workplace. 2 sprays of Xist (one on each side of neck covered with A&F Fierce cologne 1 spray each side neck). I get to work not thinking anything and I was very skeptical of even ordering the products because a lot of the reviews are so positive. Let me say this ... EVERY single customer I dealt with showed huge responses, and I was non stop busy for 10 hours strait no breaks ... customer after customer. They all talked non stop about random shit ... it was like I was in a different world. LOL. Anytime I said anything in a conversation people agreed with me like I was a celebrity, or if I said something a little bit funny they would laugh like I was a comedian. EVERY single women I helped, played with their hair and this is not normal ... even a married one with her husband. Every guy showed huge amounts of respect to me I felt like the alpha male in every interaction full of confidence.

One thing that was crazy is this one girl was waiting to do an insurance claim, and I told her I was going to be a long time and explained to her how she could do it on her home computer. She was like "I don't mind waiting for you to do it" she was literally non stop playing with her hair almost the whole time she was waiting). Finally like 1 hour later I finished, start helping her, and tell her that she needs to pay a $200 deductible. She didn't want to do that, so I sent her to some place to fix her problem at a cheaper price. I get a phone call from her a couple hours later, and she calls me just to tell me that she got it fixed for $150. I didn't even ask her to call me, and I send people there all the time and no one EVER calls me just to tell me it was fixed. 2 girls I helped were adjusting their bra in front of me one of them had big boobs and was noticeable she also showed me how to get free mp3s (random?)...stuff like this isn't normal in my work setting. I am just blown away, and I am now a believer in pheromones...Can not wait to try out the other products and see what kind of results they have! I want to also thank everyone else on the forum for your feedback on Stevo's products because if not for them, I would have never placed my order. I might post updates of how the other products respond to my body chemistry, but this is just my 1st work experience from today. (KUDAVA)

XIST:ASCEND: Target ages = 35 to 50

Magic = meeting a very attractive blond, very slim, athletic (also a runner), who makes it very clear she's attracted to me after about 60 minutes of first contact and chatting at a bar, going back to a friend's house, making out, sex. I was wearing Ascend and Cohesion, both in oil. She says she wants to see me again, but lives 2 hours away. Next 2 times we meet I stupidly switch to Ascend with Evolve. She's seems to be almost permanently turned on, so I don't know why I thought I needed to use Evolve! On these occasions we still made out & had sex, but something was missing; she seemed to be backing off a little. The next 3 times we met (it's always over a weekend, so 2 - 3 days for exposure) I went with Ascend and XiSt. Suddenly, each time, she was much more affectionate, kept saying how much she liked me, how she'd never met anyone like me before, how she didn't want me to go, long kisses and hugs standing by the car when I finally made it out of her house.

Over those last 6 weeks I have also been wearing the same mix (Ascend oil 2 drops w/out cops, XiSt spray x 2) at work and socially. Suddenly other women I sort of know socially are asking me out for drinks, wanting to know where I've been and where am I going tonight, dropping hints that they want to see me. Two other women have asked my (female) friends if I am single, and said that they want to go out with me.

This has not happened to me before, neither in the years before I started using 'mones, nor in the last 12 months when I have. I've been through most AD products, (including the Kotov Mix), and quite a few of SteveO's. Ascend on it's own or with Evolve never seemed to do much. Ascend with Cohesion seemed to create some initial interest and friendliness. XiSt on it's own seemed to generate familiarity but with a certain lack of respect. But Ascend with XiSt seems to have hit the magic button. It works for me.

As I said above, nothing else has done much more than create a bit of a stir; A314, P83, Turn Up The Heat, Connections, Crush, Cohesion, Evolve, SOB, Odyssey. The only thing that has come close is Taboo.

So my go-to 'mones are now Ascend with XiSt for attraction and relationship-building, and Taboo at work for a simple, stand-alone dose of respect and attraction.
Hope this helps. Probably more than you wanted!! (RAGNAR 57-Y-O)



Within minutes of walking in, I had a waitress boobing me she pressed them into me for a good 10 or 20 seconds while I was standing and had my arm on top of chair. Later on she was practically humping my leg and knee that was to the side. The second time she apologized and since she apologized a lot for touching me, i asked her why she always apologizing. And she said something along the lines of, "well I'm humping your leg." Haha! She caught me off guard, and i didn't say anything, but shrugged maybe a minute later, and she walked away. I dunno if she saw the shrug, but she seemed to try to keep her distance after that, but it was busy. She also seemed to almost lay her butt on my leg at some point. She flipped her hair pretty often when she walked by me. At least 6 times.

The girl who got jealous last time was hanging all over me again. At one point I told her how good she smells that she doesn't wear it often and she was getting very close to me mini conversation and she said she'll let me smell the other one she has next time she sees me. She was also riding my thigh, but sometimes I felt like she was pushing her crotch into my leg. This girls bf is a pro body builder but she is so touchy with me!!! Later she asked me if I was coming in Friday(today) and i said tomorrow or Saturday. She thought i said tomorrow is Saturday cause she kept telling me it was Friday tomorrow. She thought that was hilarious and was hysterically laughing while hanging on my arm shoulder again and her face buried into me. I caught her looking at me several times from the other side. Another girl the bartender from last time was bringing up stuff from a few weeks ago. She can get flirty but almost seems nervous in a "I like you" kind of way My two friends were cracking jokes all night some at my expense but normal behavior at this point. (CJW255)

XIST:EVOLVE:NA: As for true hits, my last one was a gal who literally blurted out "God I'm horny today" while stroking my thigh (this after about 20 minutes of really good conversation + very moderate kino), and then blushed beet red and left. (2 Xist + 1 evolve + 2 smears NA).

This was totally out of the blue at Panera, I was talking to my bro on the phone and we briefly discussed Crimea. She was at table next to me and commented on my conversation to my bro. I moved over and we spent 20 minutes discussing military realities and Germany's economic positioning and the effect of German "peace keeping" troops potential deployment in support of NATO.

I'm a natural touchy feely type with women (always within 30 seconds or so) so we ended up in a "chevron" with my hand on her forearm and her hand on my knee.

What's funny is that while she very easily met the "wow I'd" factor I didn't have a single sexual thought, she was an amazing conversationalist and I was entirely hooked while absentmindedly stroking her forearm. (DWR)

THE END Party Tease Heat Good Search yoohoo Cry

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2014 2:47 PM by MMM.)
05-02-2014 2:46 PM
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Checking out the place

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Post: #2
05-02-2014 7:13 PM

Nice job putting this together Good
05-02-2014 7:13 PM
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Serious Poster

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Post: #3
05-02-2014 11:56 PM

"---- 2x Core + 1x NA + 1x AV: I need to play with the ratios of NA and AV.

Tough using AV as it seems the general consensus is that you need to give it a break after a day or two. I agree, as, I can never seem to get as good of results, even after only one day of usage. And if I use too much trying, the younger chicky poos look anywhere but at me."

Dude, thanks a lot man. I have a question about AV. I noticed the same ghosting effect, when I was only wearing 3-4 inch. Ive done more before and im sure its not OD. the young girl next to me in class would not talk to me at all. I was wearing AV+1 taboo+5 glace. not until almost the end of the class, idk if glace finally kicked in or what. the motorboat starts. but I dont recognize any real IOIs. she revealed she has a bf right before or right when glace kicked in, when I asked her a question about her flashlight on the key chain. why do you think this AV "ghosting" effect happens? is she afraid or just confused at the mone sig?

My Arsenal:

Apex:Core+, Dionysos+, Orbital~, Titan, Praetoria~
LAL: AV, A4A+, Wolf+, Nude, NA+, Max-T 150
PheromoneXS: Ascend*, Bliss~, Celebrity*, Cohesion, Evolve~, Loveboat, SOB+, Taboo*, Xist, Odyssey, Approach Confidence*, Barely Legal*, Exotica*
PheroTreasure: Alpha, Captain+, THU+, GOA, Auraental, Treasureful Shine~, Dunamis Duo~
AD: L2K v2~, AM*, Glace
Androtics: A314~, P74, P86, TUTH*
Love Scent: NPA, Dienone
True Pheromone: TA*, TJ*, TL-, TI*
Erox: Erox-

(*):DUD (-):more negative than positive personally (~):still testing (+): strongly recommended
05-02-2014 11:56 PM
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Just Noob

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Post: #4
05-03-2014 12:27 AM

yo bro thanks for u thread i already read from Hits & Ideas episode 1 - 5, make me learn more from here....

keep it going bro...
05-03-2014 12:27 AM
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Joined: Feb 2013
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Post: #5
05-03-2014 10:50 AM

Please before you do combination. Single test first until you get the sweet spots.

05-03-2014 10:50 AM
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Post: #6
05-03-2014 12:30 PM

(05-03-2014 10:50 AM)NaughtywillCRY Wrote:  Please before you do combination. Single test first until you get the sweet spots.

Ive done more before and im sure its not OD.

This meant my AV solo, I could never find a sweet spot, but it works within quite a large range for me.[/color]

My Arsenal:

Apex:Core+, Dionysos+, Orbital~, Titan, Praetoria~
LAL: AV, A4A+, Wolf+, Nude, NA+, Max-T 150
PheromoneXS: Ascend*, Bliss~, Celebrity*, Cohesion, Evolve~, Loveboat, SOB+, Taboo*, Xist, Odyssey, Approach Confidence*, Barely Legal*, Exotica*
PheroTreasure: Alpha, Captain+, THU+, GOA, Auraental, Treasureful Shine~, Dunamis Duo~
AD: L2K v2~, AM*, Glace
Androtics: A314~, P74, P86, TUTH*
Love Scent: NPA, Dienone
True Pheromone: TA*, TJ*, TL-, TI*
Erox: Erox-

(*):DUD (-):more negative than positive personally (~):still testing (+): strongly recommended
05-03-2014 12:30 PM
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07-19-2015 7:01 PM

My wishlist is growing every second!
07-19-2015 7:01 PM
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