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Post: #1
05-25-2016 6:00 PM

My hand was forced by YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! *smDh*

Anyway, Ladies and Gent … HITS & IDEAS 10! *smDh again!*

And as usual, these are NOT my findings, but findings of your FORUM Family that I liked.

Due to AD’s -NONE MISHAP, LIIK and AM didn’t make the cut.

You may find some mistakes, like a double copy or something. 'Cause this was a pain in the ROOT-TOOT-TOODee being that my computer has been acting up! Wizard ENJOY!!! Girl dance

0-69: 0-69 has been a nitrous boost closer for me. 3 for 3 when used just prior to final escalation.

Stats: Late 30's male.

Targets all mid-30's.

Either first or second dates.

Used in conjunction with existing -mone base.

Two sprays to neck 10 minutes prior to final escalation.

Goal was not ONS, but neither are they ltt. This mix seems to remove any lmh (last minute hesitation).

Possible fallout/clingyness observed following use. Bears further testing with larger (n) to validate results.

Personal thoughts/notes: Hits harder than DP or NNPA (although in two cases was wearing two dabs of the latter combined with current L2K v2 @ 2 sprays). It seems to ramp up two levels past what one would normally expect on a date: i.e. If you would not have gotten a kiss close, now you will, plus OTC stimulation. Kiss close becomes BJ. Bj becomes wild sex.

Just my observations and conjectures so far. This is a nitrous boost rather than something to wear at the outset of an interaction. (TONGREN)

---- I've worked with both Z69 and straight androstenone. There is something in Z69 that steers it much more sexually than straight androstenone. It isn't as in your face aggressive towards guys but is VERY sexual for the ladies. (SNOOPYACE)

0-69:ESCAPE THE FRIENDZONE: So Thursday and Friday night, I ran ETFZ. I was meeting up with a girl from my Buddhist group, half White/Asian, very pretty, like an 8. Tight body, yikes!! But I'm also not sweating her...some women turn me on more like a curiosity, as opposed to 'heavy' sexual attraction. She got 2 hours exposure at 2 sprays. From the moment we met up, 'something' seemed to be going on. Nothing happened that night but we did end up talking for a while on her couch, and there was light kino, initiated by her and reciprocated by me. Just to reiterate, I really don't like pursuing women in my Buddhist group. I'm not against it, but knowing myself...I'd rather not!

So last night (unknown dosage...maybe 2 sprays ETFZ, 4 of 0-69 sample from earlier), we were co-hosts of the meeting (which is why we had met up) and she was dressed up. I mean, she was gorgeous and showing off those legs. Mmmm!! We were going over the agenda, and she's sitting right next to me. Leaning on me. Shit shit shit.

We go to host the meeting and during, we're sitting next to each other. She gets REAL CLOSE. Head on my shoulder, grabs my arm and interlocks it with hers, her leg is under mine. I'm like ...I know people saw it. The main speaker...I swear he was looking at us like 'what is going on over there...'

So what to make of this...well, I've seen her snuggle up like this with a woman at a meeting before and thought maybe they had a thing going on, but they don't. I get the feeling she's a very affectionate person, perhaps with boundary issues. Her energy is kinda crazy...like borderline mental issues, but I don't know. Nor do I want to waste too much time speculating, I'm just looking out for myself. On the other hand, women usually have no qualms being physically close with each other, without some sort of romantic or sexual intent. With men, its a different story. So what am I going to do...

I feel like I've stepped up my ability to calibrate (where I stand with a given woman). Not just interest level, but the consequences of pursuit. I've learned this lesson time and time again...the pussy isn't always worth it. Pussy gets old, quick. Its really about the energy! I've been in bed with women who are above average in looks but we don't have the chemistry and its bleh. I've been with women where it seems you have a lot in common and the energy is right, but after you have sex/enter a relationship, the dynamic changes. These days, I'm very cautious and usually only go for NSA opportunities.

Then again, I do like some trouble! But really, I'll just follow my intuition, since it has a better track record than 'scheming' or brooding over minutia. I have one semi-frequent sex partner right now, so that's enough to hold the beast at bay lol. I'm more excited about observing ETFZ at work than getting with this girl. Stay tuned... (NIKKIRELOADED, BLACK MALE)

BAD WOLF: It's been a while since I posted anything but man is Bad Wolf some seriously awesome stuff! I think it's safe to say Bad Wolf has become my number one product for night wear as it's all I've been using for nights out these last couple of months. There is a learning curve involved with this product but once you get a hang of it, the vibe you project is just simply bad ass!

I know Pago's been talking about how BW really builds up, making it tricky to use on a day to day basis. I would have to agree. However I think that the build-up can be used to your advantage. I have had some really great day after hits with BW, even after showering. It is really hard to wash off! The day after effects seem to transform you into this really likable guy. I mean girls will be really sweet to you, they will will smile more and it's like the ultimate bitch shield. Guys will be friendlier as well, more considerate. I'll give you an example.

A few weeks ago, this was a Sunday, I was out and about running a few errands and such. I had been using BW the previous night and had taken a shower in the morning. I stopped by a few places, getting a burger, getting coffee, I had to exchange some money etc. By the end of every exchange of words, people would very enthusiastically wish me a nice day. I mean I am a friendly guy, but this was way out of the ordinary. Not just by the words alone but by the way the said it. I mean they really meant it. Five out of five encounters ended in people telling me to have a nice day. These were people of both genders and various ages. I mean it was very obvious.

I've tried out the day after effects at work as well and saw the same kind of reactions from my coworkers. People would just go really easy on me, it's like I could do no wrong. The females would be smiling more and be significantly more comfortable around me. Also they would engage me in conversation more often.

I've also found BW works surprisingly well on younger girls (18-21). I've had a few show very clear signs of interest. One blonde girl (18) I met at a party was flirting very openly with me even though her boyfriend was there with her. It was kind of awkward. I've also been hanging with this really cute 21 year old brunette I first met when I was wearing BW. I've been taking things slow because she seems really shy, but she is clearly showing a lot of interest.

I've had some of the weirdest hits the other week when I was going out for a night on the town completely sober. 3 drops of BW. On the train in, I spotted a cute brunette (she looked around 18-19) getting on the train. She seated herself close by, facing me, and she was staring at me big time. Our eyes locked and she wouldn't look away. Anyway, apparently she was not alone for she was shortly joined by two young guys. It looked as if one of them was her boyfriend. They started to talk really loudly and it sounded like this girl was having some sort of argument with the boyfriend. Being sober and wanting to relax with my music, I moved further back in the train. Just a few minutes passed and then I see this girl approaching and moving past me. 10 seconds later she comes back and stands right in front of me. I'm just chilling out, listening to my music, but she keeps staring at me so I take out one of my earpieces. I'm thinking she's going to ask me for some change or a cigarette or whatever but instead she asks me for my name. I'm completely sober and I'm like "what the hell is this all about", so I just sort of hesitate and she's pleading with me, just your first name. So I tell her my name and she repeats it to herself just as I see her boyfriend come up to her with a look that quite clearly says "WTF are you doing woman?". Then they go back to their seats. Lol, that was some comical shit right there.

Later that night, I'm in a bar hanging out with my friends. I'm standing at a table with two buddies and this girl (in her early twenties) that I have seen checking me out all night comes up and tells me "I'm going home now because nobody wants to sleep with me". "That's unfortunate" I tell her. She's not really my type but that was as clear a hit as you can get. I remember thinking what is going on tonight? Maybe I should be sober more often, lol. Anyway, I headed home early that night since I was being sober and all. Weird fucking night.

Last friday I tried this sober thing again. I was out with a female friend and we headed out to this show, some local band playing. 3 drops BW again. I noticed I was checked out quite a lot. At one point, my female friend asks me "what did I miss?" "Every girl in this fucking place is checking you out. Are you like popular or what?". She points out a few girls that's been giving me looks. She's like "that one keeps looking in your direction every ten seconds". The girl she's talking about is smoking hot, dark hair, tight body. The problem is she's with her boyfriend. She points at another girl, a brunette in front of us, standing a little to the left. She says this one keeps turning her head to steal glances of me. This one is also with her boyfriend.

I also notice during the night that several girls that I know keep looking at me and my female friend. Like there's some jealousy going on. Well, we kind of look like an item I suppose.

I really should go out with this girl more often. It sure doesn't hurt to have a couple of extra eyes noticing all these things I might not. Being a woman, she also sees more of the subtle things I might not pick up on. Apparently I was checked out a whole lot throughout the night, she kept commenting on it.

This report is kind of all over the place but I wanted to share some of my observations with you all. (D-DARKO)

---- It absolutely works in combo, but is fantastic solo. The only combos I can recommend firmly are BW & copulins, BW & Xist, and BW/Cops/Xist. I'm sure there are others that work - some have recommended BW & Voodoo (BooWoo anyone?).

I've ran BW with AV, Xist, GOA, Posses, SXD9 and M3X. Some combos work better than others.

Hit your neck, wrists, temples...slather it on, dude. Go for6-8 drops and see how BW really works. God, I love it. (RTBOSS)

---- I'm with RT Boss regarding higher doses of BW. I can't say much here, I'm away from town and will start my own journal later this week when I return. But it has WORKED SO HARD for me just about every time at 4 - 8 drops. Don't be shy with this, if you can handle the initial self effects, bathe yourself in it!

4 drops BW (neck) + 2 drops Xist oil (inner wrists) + 1 drop GOA (back of left hand if target is to your left) + 1 squidge of SXD9 (around my balls) leaves ladies almost hypnotised by your presence. It helped me reel in an incredible chick last weekend. More details in my forthcoming journal ... (LOVE IN SPAIN)

---- BW needs at least 4 drops for the effects to shine.. you will be shocked with the results and the self effects...2 drops are great for overall attraction and social interactions (yes BW is somehow social too as long as you smile), but 4 drops will push your limits out of your comfort zone and boost your confidence significantly. You will be able to flirt and say things you would not be able to say to girls without BW... at least that is my personal experience with it. (PURPLEBLOOD 34-Y-O)

---- I normally wear "2" drops of BW which tends to be a bit runny so it's really 3...but will wear as many as 5 drops. Xist is actually a great all around IMO. I'll vary the blend based on my perception of what the day may bring. I've actually used 1 drop of BW to pump up 2X Xist, or I've used 1X zist with 6 or 7 drops of BW (very rare). Normally I'll wear 2-3D BW + 1 spray Xist. (DWR)

---- I can't even USE Bad Wolf anymore in my current main peer group, overtime it made the girls so ridiculously crazy they FIGHT brutally over me and get insanely jealous about nothing and super possessive when there's no legit reason to be. I've written about it before. After an initial hit of unhealthy external validation when starting out...I realized it caused so much drama that it would mess up my nights out, being a referee and dealing with all the endless, petty, catty competing with each other for my attention and validation of them, fighting and screaming and crying, it was ridiculous. And being a busy entrepreneur, I don't have too many LEGIT chill nights, there's usually always some crap that creeps in to take me out of my relaxation frame, curse of being a business owner I suppose. So I stopped using it around them. I will try in another group soon. Oh, by the way, they are 17-21 and some are Asian, I'm 33 and Caucasian, just to anticipate a few follow up questions lol...so much for the "OD" thing yet again.

My big doses I've used with major success, so far if it matters:

NA: 10 drops
AV: 12 drops
BW: 15 drops

I think a lot of guys, don't realize how close they are to epicness and back down. If only they pushed themselves for more!

If you have a lot of product left of something, and want to push yourself, try a super high dose consistently for 14 days minimum. Don't back down part way through, power through with the same massive dose each day for 14 days to try it fully. See what happens! You might just surprise yourself! (CATMAN 33-Y-O)

---- I figured I'd give Bad Wolf another spin tonight to add some more depth to this thread to help others see it's power again. A lot of people trash it, and I think that's because they didn't read it's webpage and are not congruent with it and NOT the fault of the formula itself at all. So I want to add a perspective of someone who has nailed Bad Wolf and gets good success with it.

Dosage: 5 bulb drops

Went to my event tonight with a group of people. One beautiful girl I like (21, 5'9, long dark hair, D cups, tight body) and haven't seen in awhile was there, and one I bought (and tested on in my A4NA thread here) Asian to use on was there. The one I haven't seen in awhile I sat with and started talking to, getting caught up and having fun. The other one, the Vietnamese (20, 5'4, long dark hair, real thick, tight body, VERY unusual for a pure Asian, breathtaking physique), I've written about her jealousy and bullying of other girls around me before. She's gorgeous, she's not the type of girl who takes winning the silver medal well, if you know what I mean. She's used to getting HER way and that's that, it's obvious. So, the first girl, she goes to get me some food in the kitchen. The second girl, the Vietnamese sees that, and goes in. The second one is like "Um honey...THAT'S wrong." First one says: "Um honey...NO it isn't, this is how he likes it, this is the same way I always make it for him!" Second one says: "Um honey...I KNOW him better than you could ever hope to...that's not the way *I* make it for him. WRONG!" First one is like "Sure whatever you say baby, but I don't CARE how you make it, this is the way he likes it!" Second girl then goes and makes me something extra to go with the original meal, RIGHT in front of the first, then brings it over to me and says the whole thing about how she corrected the first one and fixed it for me and how nobody does it for me like she does and how if I sat with HER at the start instead like I always do, everything would've been fine etc. etc. lmao. To be honest, the drama was about how MANY of something I like. First made 3, second made 6, to be honest I'm cool either way it's more of if I'm hungry enough for 6 or not. But with the Vietnamese I've tended to eat 6, with the first 3, I've started eating 6 more recently, it's totally not a big deal and technically both we're right. It was such an irrelevant thing lmao, it was PURELY a territory thing between the girls IMO, not about the food at all.

Later, after NumberGate...I was teasing the first one about not making me enough, she was like "OH CatMan...are you going to DO ME like that NOW? Is that the way you want to DO ME NOW?" Then started being all shy and redfaced and awkward, giggling like crazy. Obvious signal bigtime haha.

After that, I was talking to a blonde there that's nice. She's cute, but I'm not interested. Not to sound arrogant, but with the hot girls already fighting to the death lol, a cute girl is nice, but somewhat gets lost in the noise. But I do enjoy talking to her! I was telling her how I was a cook at a restaurant once, but I sucked and got canned, so I have massive respect for anyone who works in the restaurant industry because I think it's a tough job and you get worked hard and treated like crap. She was stunned and was like "Wow...I can't believe that! I can't picture YOU ever being bad at something EVER! I mean you...I can't think of you...sucking on anything...I MEAN...thinking of sucking on you anything...WAIT OH MY GOD!" and then bend forward covering her mouth, beet red and shuddering lol. I teased her a little and comforted her so the awkwardness wouldn't make her have a breakdown lol. Later she asked if I was going to spend more time coming over to talk to her, as she really likes it and was so happy I came to see her, she appreciates it so much blah blah.

Finally, another lovely Asian I like a lot (18, 5'1, shoulder length dark hair, petite), I was talking to her before I left. I actually got her details about a month ago, but never contacted her. I've been so busy running my business, that days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, time flies when you're TRULY living your purpose and all about it, and not being needy chasing every hot little skirt around. She was teasing me about not contacting her all this time, but also I could see a bit hurt that I didn't contact her. I don't know if she believed me about being busy, or if she just wanted to make SURE I have her details, she made me pull out my phone and show her to make sure the info is correct and made me promise to contact her tomorrow and how much she's looking forward to it lol.

Another thing. A real hot girl I don't know, was eye****ing my BRAINS out for an hour or so. I was so busy I didn't go talk to her, she seemed like she wanted to do the *walk by me so she's close enough for me to open her thing*, but at the last minute she veered away and went out another way when I was near the closest exit. I think she was nervous, and/or she didn't want to risk walking by and me not talking to her and her feeling rejected. That's too bad, she was really hot and I would've talked to her, and she's my type. Cute, thick tight figure, blonde. Of course then, the Vietnamese probably would've brutally murdered her though.

Other random girls I know (but aren't attracted to) all night long, "You're amazing!" "I missed you!" "You're the best!" "When are you coming again?" "Thank you SO much for talking to me, I love it when you do this!" "You make me SO happy! " all sorts of status boosts and IOIs like that. Tons.

I also had the issue of every time I look into each girls eyes and spoke about something I deeply cared about, each of their faces would get red and they would have a big smile and huge puppy eyes and put their head down in what might be a subconscious signal of attraction to a masculine man, something along those lines, it's noticeable every time. And each of them teared up when that all happened. The first one I mentioned in the post, she wiped a couple tears away and she's like "Why am I crying? I always do this when I'm with you." and it's true, she does. She does it bigtime when I use NA/Androstadienone too. But, back to the others doing all of this, I mean it. Every. Single. One. There. Each one I posted about earlier. I'm going to have to be careful about eye contact now, I'm doing it way too intensely maybe.

Overall, this is a normal night with me wearing Bad Wolf. (CATMAN 33-Y-O)

---- I have gotten laid with just bad wolf alone. This was in a bar situation where alcohol was at play but bad wolf put it over the top as she got so turned on and came in for the close. Age of the female was 28, white. I was using six drops. She was just sniffing my neck where the bad wolf was applied. FYI: I did the original approach but played it cool and allow her to get comfortable chatting with me. No matter what product you're wearing, you'll need to be able to open and keep them interested long enough to build rapport and have the mones assist you. (PIPER23)

---- Alright i finally got my Bad Wolf to meld well with me....or at least be able to utilize it now..
I love nude.. it so friendly and slightly attractive. so what i did is take about 5ml of bad wolf and 10 ml of Nude.

Results have been outstanding for me. think i want to run this for a while now and see how consistent it is. been running for a week now. everyone is super friendly like always with nude but also women are showing signs of being super attracted and comfortable.

i put all that into a 30 ml roller and just roll it on not trying to worry too much about dosing. even put some in my hair.

anyways for me its the best mix i have used so far. dinner plate eyes and smiles and openings from women of all ranges.

anyways if anyone tries it let me know how you like it. everyone is different though with what works. (KENJHOW)

2 drops of GOA two to neck one to hands
2 sprays of CAPTAIN to hands
3 sprays of Prada la rosa

Went to Denny's cute brunette 7 20's looked me in the eyes longer than usual. I noticed she flashed her eye brows at me and she was taking my order. I was just waiting for my order, she said are you ok babe. This is new she has not said that before. I have been to this location a few times. She told me there was no rush for me to pay the check.

I wore this mix the next day at Walmart. I was checking out a hb7 blonde 20's. I saw she had these short blue jogging shorts on. I was enjoying the view. I saw her look around then look back I could feel her eyes staring at me. I can usually tell if it is in anger or interest this was interest. After she looked at me, she leaned over the cart with her ass sticking out and she stayed that way until I left. I noticed she kept looking back every couple seconds to see if I was looking.

This mix is promising I will try it out again!

---- 2 sprays of CAPTAIN the to neck
2 drops of GOA to neck
3 sprays of Paco ravine invictus
This girl came over she was hb7 20's. I took her to dinner I noticed the entire time huge dilated pupils, when she stared at me during dinner.

We got back to my place and I kissed her, it was on. This girl told me she had never came like this on more than one occasion. She was down for everything, she was super soaking wet. I made her squirt for the first time tonight. I had her head pushed in the pillow and she was loving it. My neighbors actually knocked on the door and asked her to quite down.

After the three hour marathon, she kept telling me how cute I was. I had a aura about me that she really liked, and had not seen before.

This mix is awesome. The consistency in it is amazing!

---- I would have to say this mix has deep crush then imprinting. I have had a few women who have been exposed multiple times with this mix. The bond only gets stronger the more you wear it.

The biggest example is in one of my previous posts. I wore the above mix for two days and a the girl was completely hooked on everything I said. She wanted to take me house shopping on our second date. I also noticed she took me around to a bunch of places that were really personal to her. She kept saying to me "where have you been all my life."

I have had more women tell me "I have never dropped me guard so quick" Dare I say it knocks out bitch shields? I think this stuff makes women more emotionally open. How does one attract a girl? With her emotions. I have noticed that when I have sex with this on women feel a lot more connected. After they are exahusted they cannot stop kissing me, I had one who would not let go of my hand. I feel like the ladies want me to know I'm there's, if that makes any sense.

I love GOA it's a real creeper of a product you don't see it coming, when you do the woman has dropped her guard and she is yours. You have to pull the trigger, last night this girl was waiting on me. I pulled it and she basically attacked me.

The real question does this work on every woman? Not in my experience, at my work I have two females who basically avoid me. Wearing GOA hasn't changed this one bit, if a woman has a closed mind nothing will work. (SMELLYMEN2002)

COHESION:CONNECTION:XIST: I've been using an Xist + Connections + Cohesion combo. This has been working extremely well on younger women.

- 2 or 3 drops of Cohesion behind/under the ears

- 2 sprays of Connections to the front of neck

- 2 sprays Xist on bare chest, barely below collar

All of them are in FXS scent, but the Xist still has a "chemical" smell that lingers. So I apply two small sprays of Cool Water to my chest, and sometimes a small spray of a "powder" smelling scent I have with tons of silage.

End result is young women, 18-28 range, are all giving tons of IOIs and generally put me on a pedestal. No shit testing from guys either, though I've had one or two boyfriends teleport in and start making out with the girl I was talking too before they rushed her out of the club. There is definitely a status and threat level, but it's more of a "Joe Cool" then "Alpha Gorilla" vibe.

I should also note women are rubbing against me and smelling their clothing for my scent days later. They then tell me about it with something like, "MmMmmm, my sweater still smells like you! When can I see you again?". I'm 33 and it's had me picking up hot 18-25-year-olds very consistently. Just be aware they will get extremely attached. (VOGAR EOL 33-Y0)

CORE:ORBITAL: One of these or possibly both are certainly a really good woman attractant, last week i received my Core and Orbital both with gold scent.

Have not attended any parties or any close up social group gatherings, only just went mall shopping three times, with one spray Core applied left jaw line and one spray Orbital applied to right jaw line.

The results more impressive than i would have thought with women passing me in the store isles then walking on about 10 - 15 paces turning to look back and then doing a complete U turn and then just about taking over my personal space some women looking directly at me close up, these ones are the type that i would have usually started a thing up with, however considering that i am only interested in my wife i offer no encouragement and they then drift off or take another look if passing me again later on. (TERRY0400)

---- Glad you are having fun with with Core and Orbital....It kind of freaked me out when people would literally follow me around with Orbital. There was a guy who got off of work and he followed me around a store. I was like didn't you just get off of work...He was like..."yeah". Fun stuff. (DARKLORD1)

CORE:M3X: Core + M3X is rather remarkable. 2 sprays Core, 1 spray M3X gets noticeable IOIs, women opening you, takes minimal effort. (TONGREN)

---- Add 1 or 2 daps NNPA to it for the sexual ... Its like a bomb.

Core to get attention
M3X as dis-inhibitor
NNPA as sexual impact to close (HORIZON)


2 drops of GOA
2 sprays of THU
3 sprays of Legend Spirt

I met a girl off of tinder this weekend I drove two hours to see her. Yes I know I'm an idiot, but man I made a good choice.

This girl was a bigger blonde 36, both days I was with her, she completely opened up to me. I heard multiple times how we have a great connection, I have never opened up this quickly before. I was going to leave on Saturday, she asked me to stay another night.

She said she has trouble sleeping, I helped her sleep a lot better.

The physical stuff was something from the exorcist. This girl screamed and moaned so hard I thought the neighbors would say something to her. She told me she never cums like this with other guys. I know she wasn't faking because I have had girls try that before and sat them straight. I also had her cum in positions she doesn't get off on. She says she only likes it on top, I took control and showed her something different.

I also noticed where she took me she showed me her parents house, where she went to high school and college. We spent the whole day just driving looking at houses. She would put her hand in my leg and then slid it on my dick and rub it every 5 minutes. This is the first tim I have ever been asked if she minded if she gave me a bj in the WalMart parking lot.

This woman wanted to hold me and not let me go. She held my hand for 6 hours and wouldn't let go. When we got out of the car, she wanted to hold my hand. She said she felt safe with me and she trusted me. I have never had that type of behavior.

I went to a Waffle House hb6 brunette,20's. I noticed she turned beet read when she walked over. She had a Deer in the headlights and tried to make an excuse by how she was distracted. I noticed and felt constant eye contact from her. I could tell she was shy, if I would have pushed it I could have easily number closed. (SMELLYMEN2002)

HOLY GRAIL: With HG, I've noticed hits from as far as 10ft. + (3-4m) which always blows my mind.

I usually wear 5-6 sprays solo, less if I'm combining it. I'm sure 3 works great as well.

Crazy projection, hits hard and fast but also increases with prolonged exposure. Selfies are great! You're a rockstar, ready to party. It's consistent. Definitely worth a try! I love how it makes women melt. (NIKKIRELOADED, BLACK MALE)

IMPRINT: I have an office here in the U.S. that I work with that is all Hispanic....When I wear 2 sprays of Imprint (I know this is about M3X) or Wolf ... I have a hard time getting out of there. They didn't respond as well to other mixes that I wear

Yes...Only 1 Hispanic male works in that office, the rest are Hispanic females between the ages of 20 - 48.

I feel like a fucking rock star when I walk in that place. If I wear imprint, I get touched...If I wear wolf, I have to initiate. (DARKLORD1)

MX3: Yeah, Core is king! MX3..a Juggernaut!

2 sprays every time, good things follow...

* My girl's-friend's-mom from building never conversates, just hi and bye. With MX3 chats me up now asking ME questions? Like what gym I go to?..., Now everytime I see her she's takes prolonged looks at me with intrigue.

* Young black woman on street totally stares me down all the way, as she approaches and NEVER takes her eyes off me...as if she's amazed by my presence. That would have been Toooooo easy! Where have I seen this before? (MAG and Core)... something about me is very intriguing!

* lady in supermarket decides to ask where I get my latte from... As if she doesn't know! lol (There's a dunkin donuts on BOTH corners! Everyone starts laughing in unison as I joked(really? I'm THAT funny?)

* Cashier gives me a candy and kino...and the very next day AGAIN, gives me candy! (why is she doing this?)

* Laundromat girl, lower 20's, hangs, I chat with her, find out she's my niece's best friend.. Chats me up as if she doesn't want me to leave **(back to this later...)

* Later in the week,
Other Latina Cashier from a distance turns around to say hi, making sure I see her. (this is becoming a trend, people are happy to see me) so I go to her register... My name pops up and she asks if that's my name, I told her "husshhh! Lol...
she asks, "do you remember MY name?"... I failed miserably! But she kept giving me hints to make sure I remembered!

*Black woman, Makes conversation, she ends up asking my age, if that's my daughter I'm with, oh, and that familiar attraction giveaway, about the child's mom, "are you still with her?? "

* Was able to literally sweep a beautiful Russian customer (late 30's early 40's) off her feet and got a kiss on the cheek, just by flirting... ON THE JOB! (this mx3 has some serious attraction)

* JUST MOMENTS LATER , off that same job, Number closed a banging hot Latina in 7 eleven while flirting, as SHE punches in her number in my phone and calls her phone directly. HOLY SHIT! Wish it was always this easy! My coworkers were amazed how easy I made it look... SO WAS I!!... I mean this chick had the total package! Tits, ass, beautiful hair etc...

* passed by a week later to the Laundromat, my niece (full of excitement, and astonished) with a huge smile, tells me, "what did you do to her?? (girl in the laundromat)? What did you say to her?? Tell me, tell me!"... I told her "nothing, we just had a conversation.. Why?... She tells me," SHE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU!!, she can't stop talking about you!"... I'm like, "whaaaaat??!!“ totally shocked, and IMMEDIATELY MX3 came to mind! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a huge flirt! But I did NOT flirt with this girl whatsoever! I find out that she's indeed admiring me and right now waiting for me to seal the deal. Lol.. too funny!

This is a classic case of a lethal pheromone blend doing its job!

Instantly opens people
Interactions are superb!
You're attractive as hell!!
Even a Lady with baby is so at ease with my presence that she walks back up to me(a total stranger) to say bye... seems like no big deal but the presence, the aura of MX3...Juggernaut!

It's loud as hell!
Good range.
People WANT to open me.
As I said before, women dare and don't care!
I speak so assured and everything comes out smooth (I had to pause and think to myself one time, "did I just say that?" lol


Writing this report does no justice to the actually interactions that took place. Hence, why I don't usually write this much...

[There are some things you know and some things you don't know. My gut feeling with this, is that EVERY single women I dealt with are number closed if I wanted to... Their reactions told me so. This formula simply makes things easy.]

The stage is yours Thundr! What's the method to your madness?! I'm still not sure what the idea behind mx3 is ... But BRAVO! (V-NICE)

---- 3X Recap
After using almost 10ml
2-4 sprays solo

- People want to talk to me and be with me
- Women are comfortable being close and being touchy feely. Not always sexual, but like southern European.
- It's upbeat and playful, unlike some other sexuals does not have a dark serious vibe.
- Comfort & closeness
- Medium Imprinting & memory effect

A phrase Ive heard often from different women wearing 3X is "You're like a father figure" including naked under the sheets lol.
And a couple "Lets get married!"...

M3X also has a beautifying effect, and women will hold eye contact.

Self effects:
I make me also touchy feely which can get awkward with people you know and their wives/gf for eg one gave me a goodbye hug and turned to her side and I end up rubbing my hand across her breasts...

Mixes well with Core for adding more upbeat vibe, and Imprint for date nights

And contrary to what even thundr states, for me it works great with women under 30 or even half my age. (PHEROMAN)

---- Tried to stay away, but I got bored ...

Wore 1 spray and had two really good hits. I went to a health store and started talking to a patron...Asking her advice on a product that she was eyeing. White female about 30. The conversation flowed and I noticed the dilated pupils.

So we stand there talking for about 40 minutes and all of a sudden she reaches into her blouse and adjusts one of her boobs. She did this nonchalantly and didn't miss a beat of our conversation. I asked "Is she ok now?"...She said, "Yes, but this bra is hurting her." We spend the next 10 or so minutes talking about boobs in general and her boobs. She got a phone call and had to go, but I'm putting that one in the dis-inhibition category.

Second one is in a book store. White female, early 20's....We start talking about a biography and things are flowing. Again, dilated pupils are my favorite indicator. We sit down in the book store and she kept complimenting me. She lives with someone and kept saying how he is not the right one and she needs to find someone like me....Granted, we have similar taste in books....I'm twice her age, but she touched me several times and asked could we stay in touch....I told her "too much temptation" and she said "it would be too much for her too".

Our cat does not like M3X. It runs from me. I use his dilated pupils (or not) to see if I cleaned my app points well enough. (DARKLORD)

---- My initial impressions of M3X after a couple weeks of use are that this mix is climbing up my Top 5 rankings fast.

I usually wait till I use a product for a while before reporting anything so after I finish my bottle I'll be more specific, but as of right now I feel like this one fits me like a glove.

---- 2 sprays (one on each side of neck) each time.--
Haven't felt the need to re-app later in the night yet.

To me it just feels really natural when engaging in conversation with anybody. Men, women, one on one, groups,... whatever just flows smoothly.

Anyone coming in expecting the shock & awe of AM will probably be a little disappointed at first with M3X.

I really like AM and I think it's great for instant impact in fast paced club environments, but there seems to be something about M3X that makes for a natural progression from intro to "let's get out of here".

I'm not good with words and I don't have much game, so I've always had trouble sticking the landing. M3X has helped me land a couple in the short time I've been testing it so I think it deserves more thorough testing before saying "don't believe the hype". (FLOYDIANONE)

---- Floy have you been able to get a handle on the mechanism so to speak? We're both feeling/experiencing the same thing yet I truly don't fully understand it yet. Early on it has none of the "shock and awe" of AM and I've been bitch slapped into the cheap seats a time or two. That actually doesn't bother me since it lets those who have no genuine interest disengage easily early on ( a flaw in AM's impact IMO) yet those that do choose to engage become totally enamored within 15 or 20 minutes.

Somehow totally different then anything else I've worn so far... (DWR)

---- I've been testing it for awhile now and any/all hype is very well deserved. Truly an epic blend as long as you understand Thundr's mindset. All of his mixes are basically chemical wingmen of some variety. They will help you immeasurably IF you do your part...but if your passive by nature you'll be left wondering WTF and mumbling abut fanboi's...

M3X is a homerun mix but requires you to lead...and trust me she will follow. It's almost the total opposite of mixes like AM that seem to shine early on and require you to hit hard and fast or go home. With M3X just let her marinade in the mix for a bit, you can and will stand the test of time.

M3X gets stronger the longer the exposure and creates a sort of desire. I've found in testing that it does not generate a lot of obvious kino but tat women will respond very well to your advances. I'd some it up as a kind of man of mystery effect that will create vibe where a woman is waiting to be seduced by you.

I'm 2 for 2 now in cold pick up make out sessions that I could have easily escalated to a ONS. Both gals have texted and followed up repeatedly so it's got moderate to high imprinting as well (for me at least).

2 SPRAYS AT ALL TIMES. Thundr made it pretty clear that it's optimized for that amount and it worked out of the gate exceptionally well so I didn't test at other doses outside of running it in combo with emperor once or twice... (DWR)

---- Ok thundr, what's the deal with MX3? You don't rave about it! When Core came out, you raved about it with so much confidence that I and many quickly ordered a bottle! And Since then, Core has been my favorite...still testing huh? Hmmmm, let's see... What's going to give Core a run for the money? Hmmm.. How about... ANOTHER Apex product!

When Core hit the scene, my first thought was, now here's a guy, who's definitely trying to change the game and trying to separate himself from the pack. Core is evidence of that. MX3, indicative!

From my sample before, (I had reported on Pheroman's thread) I spoke about how impressed I was with MX3 (triple x) and how I was able slap a female employee on her ass... Because she ALLOWED me!

Yeah, Core is king! MX3..a Juggernaut!

2 sprays every time, good things follow...

* My girl's-friend's-mom from building never conversates, just hi and bye. With MX3 chats me up now asking ME questions? Like what gym I go to?..., Now everytime I see her she's takes prolonged looks at me with intrigue.

* Young black woman on street totally stares me down all the way, as she approaches and NEVER takes her eyes off me...as if she's amazed by my presence. That would have been Toooooo easy! Where have I seen this before? (MAG and Core)... something about me is very intriguing!

* lady in supermarket decides to ask where I get my latte from... As if she doesn't know! lol (There's a dunkin donuts on BOTH corners! Everyone starts laughing in unison as I joked(really? I'm THAT funny?)

* Cashier gives me a candy and kino...and the very next day AGAIN, gives me candy! (why is she doing this?)

* Laundromat girl, lower 20's, hangs, I chat with her, find out she's my niece's best friend.. Chats me up as if she doesn't want me to leave **(back to this later...)

* Later in the week,
Other Latina Cashier from a distance turns around to say hi, making sure I see her. (this is becoming a trend, people are happy to see me) so I go to her register... My name pops up and she asks if that's my name, I told her "husshhh! Lol... she asks, "do you remember MY name?"... I failed miserably! But she kept giving me hints to make sure I remembered!

*Black woman, Makes conversation, she ends up asking my age, if that's my daughter I'm with, oh, and that familiar attraction giveaway, about the child's mom, "are you still with her?? "

* Was able to literally sweep a beautiful Russian customer (late 30's early 40's) off her feet and got a kiss on the cheek, just by flirting... ON THE JOB! (this mx3 has some serious attraction)

* JUST MOMENTS LATER , off that same job, Number closed a banging hot Latina in 7 eleven while flirting, as SHE punches in her number in my phone and calls her phone directly. HOLY SHIT! Wish it was always this easy! My coworkers were amazed how easy I made it look... SO WAS I!!... I mean this chick had the total package! Tits, ass, beautiful hair etc...

* passed by a week later to the Laundromat, my niece (full of excitement, and astonished) with a huge smile, tells me, "what did you do to her?? (girl in the laundromat)? What did you say to her?? Tell me, tell me!"... I told her "nothing, we just had a conversation.. Why?... She tells me," SHE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU!!, she can't stop talking about you!"... I'm like, "whaaaaat??!!“ totally shocked, and IMMEDIATELY MX3 came to mind! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a huge flirt! But I did NOT flirt with this girl whatsoever! I find out that she's indeed admiring me and right now waiting for me to seal the deal. Lol.. too funny!

This is a classic case of a lethal pheromone blend doing its job!

Instantly opens people
Interactions are superb!
You're attractive as hell!!
Even a Lady with baby is so at ease with my presence that she walks back up to me(a total stranger) to say bye... seems like no big deal but the presence, the aura of MX3...Juggernaut!

It's loud as hell!
Good range.
People WANT to open me.
As I said before, women dare and don't care!
I speak so assured and everything comes out smooth (I had to pause and think to myself one time, "did I just say that?" lol


Writing this report does no justice to the actually interactions that took place. Hence, why I don't usually write this much...

[There are some things you know and some things you don't know. My gut feeling with this, is that EVERY single women I delt with are number closed if I wanted to... Their reactions told me so. This formula simply makes things easy.]

The stage is yours thundr! What's the method to your madness?! I'm still not sure what the idea behind mx3 is ... But BRAVO!

Ok, loving MX3. One of the things I really love are the interactions! And it seems to to make women ready willing and able. Women are attracted. SIMPLE!

Just one issue. Not sure what all the pheromone components are, but can it also make for a sticky situation?

I purposely wore MX3 AGAIN around my niece's best friend (21, Latina), and she wants me in the worst way! Like she's totally infatuated since the first time. Simply put, she wants me to be her man. She's hot and any guy would want her, but I told her my life is complicated right now, so we can just be friends. She doesn't want that. She insisted we get together, like real soon, like ASAP!

My niece tells me the things she says about me, and how she wants me to TWIST and BEND her in many ways! (my niece is a little uncomfortable and doesn't want to get into too much sexual details). Says she doesn't know how to explain it, but the girl gets turned on whenever she sees me, and wants to do any and everything to me. She even offered to do my laundry! Lol

Geez... Is MX3 causing this SERIOUS attraction??

OK, I'm not a bad looking guy, but my niece and I are both confused as to why she's like this and I jokingly said "yeah, I put a magic spell over her",... but we agreed, if she's like this and we haven't even done anything, just image if we Did?

Thundr, I think you are on to something...

Yes, I'm bad. I don't want to commit to this girl, but I still wear MX3 around her...still testing... Or teasing, I should say.. Lol

I confront her today, and Ohh boy! Is she looking Amazing! (this doesn't help) I tell her, my complicated situation, and ask why she still wants to be with me? Why do you want to deal with such drama? There's so many guys out there that would jump at the opportunity... She tells me, she doesn't want any other guy! Just wants me! That she's soooooo turned on by me, and I make her nervous everytime she sees me.

She's looking so good and making it hard to resist, and she grabs me with the warmest hug and kisses my lips!!! I don't fight it lol... And I'll admit, it was good! And all I'm thinking is "what am I getting myself into?"

Yes, my hand (with a mind of its own) slipped down her back, and grabbed her ass in the process. "what am I doing??"

Note... So far I'm confident in this mix getting me the panties! All the random hits AND feedback from those hits, is what I'm judging off of. My interactions have ALL been positive. In such limited use, I've gotten more numbers in such a short time using a pheromone blend. The women all seem willing and able.

Little note about V-nice... I do interact a lot. I am big flirt. So with any mix I'm definitely not just sitting around. With mx3 I don't have do much of my usual interacting to see positive reactions. But either way, I'll still make conversation, and then Oooohh boy!

Pheromones that I've done the least amount of work with in order...

L2K V1

MX3:COHESION: So I went to watch the Redskins vs Eagles blowout and had some interesting observations. (GO COWBOYS --- MMM)

I wore 1 spray of each ... M3X on left andCohesion on right.

I sat next to two ladies and one guy (bar was packed). Ladies are to my left. One is Ukranian (35 ish, MILF) and the other is her late 40-ish (white female) friend.

Both had dilated pupils and are fans of different teams. So we talked about football. I sat closest to the Ukranian and she initiated touch several times. She also kept asking if I was rich (I'm not) which kind of threw me. They both were animated and touchy....The Ukranian is married with two children and told me that her husband is out of town with the kids. I say ok....She grabs my phone and tries to put her number in...I say, "Hey we are both married." She says, "Oh, we can be friends, I have other male friends...it's ok." I say "I'm too attracted to you to just be friends and I would want more...Sorry, it's too much temptation." She said, "Please can we try."I didn't.

Her friend asks me if I want to watch a movie and I say that I have to get home. So those were the best hits that I saw.

Next is the hottest bar tender that works there...She has been exposed to everything and is always friendly...This time she gave me two hugs...long hugs, which were nice. Dilated pupils. She dates another bar tender. While I was hugging her, one of her girl friends comes by and says "She has a nice ass, doesn't she?" and grabs the girls ass.

She does have a very nice ass. We talk for a little while longer and then she has to head back.

The guy that sat to my left tried to buy me several drinks...He also won money on the game. The guy that replaced the Ukranian lady also was very cool.

Last hit was by a black girl in her early 20's. The bar was crowded and wedged herself in between my seat and the bar with her ass to my crotch. She wasn't attractive at all....By that time, it was time to head home.

Bottom Line - I don't wear Androstadienone (except in a mix)....and wanted to see if it might add something. Alcohol obviously has some play in the interactions, but I think that trying the combo might be worth it. I had several other minor interactions with ladies that were positive...The ladies I mentioned above, had a conversation with me that lasted at least 5 minutes or more (usually more). Pupil dilation was nice and everyone seemed very comfortable. All of the women were also exposed for about 4 hours (except the bar tender...she rotated stations). Some mentioned how arguments happen when they wear M3X, so I wanted to see if maybe an Androstadienone blend could make things easier. The only thing that I wish I had done differently is maybe order the cohesion without a scent. Pepper nutmeg and the Fury scent seemed to clash. I put it on right before walking in...(DARKLORD1)

M3X:IMPRINT: This is the 2nd day that I'm wearing M3X + Imprint at 1 spray each. I still try not to actively interact with people just to observe how the combo works. Yesterday, I noticed that it was highly social. Today though, I found out that it is a kino generator as well. Here's what happened.

I went out to lunch at a fastfood store near where I work. When I got there, I saw two female colleagues having lunch. While I was waiting for my order, I sat at their table beside the girl that was new in the company, but has been actively trying to befriend me since day 1.

They finished their lunch while I was having mine. I told them that it was ok if they went ahead as it would take me time to eat. The new girl told the other girl to go ahead and that she would stay with me. She told me that she was still single and many other things about her. When I finished lunch, we walked to the office.

While we were walking and talking, she was very close to me with her left breast on my right arm. To test her, I made a sexual joke and when she laughed, i put my arm around her. She didn't object or move away. I removed my arm slowly, sliding it down her back, brushing her ass then continued to walk as before, with her boob on my arm. She then invited me for lunch tomorrow (actually insisted) and made sure that I said yes before she let the issue go.

So yes, in addition to my observation in the Core of Mars thread, I think this combo is also sexual. I'll see how this goes today and tomorrow.

---- A very disturbed milf came to my room with a problem about a colleague she had a disagreement with yesterday. Instead of going to the other superiors, she came to me, which was very unusual as this was the first time. She showed me her phone and the text messages of one of our colleagues. But instead of staying at the other side of my table, she went around and stood beside me (with her boob on my ear) while dictating the contents of the messages, although I can read it for myself. Not one to take advantage of her agitated emotional state, I just read the messages without comment. Although I noticed her hand on my shoulder and her leaning towards me without any space between us.

Is this due to the combo?

---- As I was leaving work, the girl from 2 posts above asked if I could drop her off somewhere along the way. While we were in my car, I noticed that she was kinda nervous (this was only the 4th or 5th time that we interacted since we got to know each other) and I was thinking that the M3X+Imprint was affecting her. Then she started talking (blabbing really) about how she was attracted to me, held my hand and pressed it on her breast. I told her about my status, but she said she understood and didn't mind. She said that she has fallen for me. So upon her request.....well....

I noticed also that other ladies (20 and above) would put themselves very near me when I talk to them.

A surprising thing about this combo is that I don't experience lethargy similar to my use of Core+Imprint. Probably the M3X balances out this negative self-effect. I would not go over 1 spray of each though as I think that this would start giving me negative self-effects. (MARS82 - 50+)

M3X + IMPRINT: 1 spray each, neck, separate sides

Disinhibits, allowing free flowing thought, increased playfulness, increased comfort, and sexual body language that may be normally repressed.

Won't get into specifics other than a young lady, not my wife, sitting on the couch across from me laid back, hooked arms underneath legs and pulled her knees to her chest while gazing at me in a naughty way - while wearing yoga pants. It didn't leave anything to the imagination. Twice for a 10 second duration. It's like she was daydreaming, because I feel like she didn't even realize I noticed, even though I was clearly looking.

Won't discuss details outside of my journal, so if you have any questions, you can address them there.

+1 endorsement on this combo.

---- Pretty much, I just left out the identity of my research assistant. Went on vacation with my in-laws (MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL) and wife & son. Had two huge 2 bedroom condos next door to each other, but we all hung out together/ate meals together in one.

This mix was attractive, it definitely puts sexual thoughts in the young ladies heads (though I really didn't notice anything with my wife). My SIL negged her husband quite a bit, and stared me down while putting her kitty on full display in her yoga pants, TWICE, for about 15-20 seconds a piece. No self-conscious, shy, or even prudish woman would EVER put herself in such a position of self-display unless she was wanting instant-dicking.

It was a sight to see. I also noticed the kinky jokes everyone was throwing around. Even my prudish MIL. I wanted to see how far I could take it, and so I joked with her about pole-dancing and how I bet it's in her nature. Yeah, I essentially told my MIL she's a stripper, lol, and she said it WAS (her nature)! Didn't blink an eye, never was offended. The experience was fun/sexual comfort without inhibition in a bottle.

Would really like to hear more reports from others testing this combo. (RTBOSS)

M3X:ORBITAL:VOODOO: I'm not a combo guy normally, but I decided to try it today.

I tried 1 spray of M3X + 1 Spray of Orbital + 2 drops of Voodoo.....And things got interesting.

I went out to eat and a table full of ladies kept looking at me. They were on the large side and not attractive, but one of them kept bouncing her legs up and down and opening and closing them too....She also kept rubbing her thighs and looking at me (I have seen such reactions before with NNPA, Evolve, Turn Up The Heat, and DP). She stayed sitting down and the conversation at their table got much louder. I didn't engage, but it was fun to watch.

Second location was in a store...I start talking with a really attractive, 30 something, brunette....She is nice and we have similar taste, apparently....Her pupils are dilated and she has that A-nol like energy as she talks a mile a minute. She is wearing yoga pants and crosses her legs with that bouncing top leg while we talk. At one point she stands up and at least twice adjusts the crotch of her yoga pants. I didn't look at it directly, but saw the movement while looking at her face.

She then brings a friend over to "meet me"...They work together...A blonde in her late 40's. She is also talking a mile a minute with dilated pupils, but she touches my arm and shoulder after shaking my hand.

The 40+ year old goes and grabs her two daughters and says that they need to meet me...One is 18 and the other is 20. So I'm talking to 4 women in this store for just over an hour.

All have dilated pupils and one (30+ year old) is showing strong signs of sexual attraction. She is married and her husband is in another store.

None of them moved to go until I said that I needed to leave....And then they invited me to join a volunteer group (for moms) that they both volunteer for...

They told me their names and I never told them mine. It was smooth and intense at the same time. (DARLORD1)

MANIMAL: Got my order this morning (a day early) and grabbed the Manimal on impulse. I got all three (Manimal, Tusc & Atlas) in the new Frost scent. Someone else commented on the similarity to Aventus and I agree ... similar but by no means identical. Bottles are colored glass with bulb dropper...which I like.

I'm going to keep this brief, my initial reporting on M3X was all in the test forum but I decided to do this one in the general forum. I'll add to this over time as my thoughts solidify.

Happened to settle on 3 drops instead of 2. One to each side of neck and one split between both wrists. Cover scent was a spray of aventus.

Initial results were mixed but positive. A lot of positive interaction but a few puzzling event's. I had one young lady (maybe 20?) sit directly across from me (lots of open seating) but then stare 45 degree'so away from me but with her body pointed right at me. She was twirling her hair 'bouncing ' her feet with her hand tightly clamped between her legs literally at her crotch. When I looked away she'd stare at me then look away the moment I moved my head.

All in all 80/20 during a very passive test drive, I'll cut back to 2 drops for the next couple of days.3X requires a proactive mindset to get the most out of it and I think Manimal will as well. On one hand I do think some women will respond aggressively more often than not this mix will require some finesse since I felt that the attraction wasn't entirely comfortable in some way. When I opened with a light hearted banter/flirting (market, doctors office, bank) body language and interaction were relaxed and playful while when I remained passive I sensed a very uneasy interest/attraction.

The slower diffusion of the oil should help here since it will allow you to engage someone before manimal hits them to hard.

I noticed no negative effects with other guys....again this is a very limited initial set of impressions.

---- Took Manimal out at 2 drops yesterday. Overall results were consistent with my initial reporting. If your not actually interacting with someone they seems to be some significant variations in how the effects are perceived. Manimal really seems very consistent if you initially open anyone, nothing special required. ..how bout them Mets probably works great . Doesn't feel like it generates the same intense curiosity/interest that M3X does but has a much higher attraction. I always feel like 3X sneaks up on someone a bit, here you feel like the attraction arrives all at once so it might be a bit to much at times. I can see this being very effective at 1 drop for certain personality types while others will kill it at 4 or 5 drops.

I'm going to hit the local SC for lunch today, I'm good friends with a bunch of the gals and have a pretty good baseline on their behavior with various mones.

I've had some very interesting experiences so far with this stuff. After reading some stuff Thundr posted I made it a point to get rid of the build up and to be careful not to over do it. I actually ended up at 1.75 drops today and had an entirely unexpected interaction with someone I've known for awhile but haven't seen much of recently. (DWR)

---- Broke this guy open yesterday. Ran it at 3 drops sue my successes with TUSC at 3 and along with 2 sprays Core and a little bit of OD gel. The OD was for self effects. I'm in a retail environment and I like that strong alpha effect of DP right under my nose. The Core was just to keep things light and the conversations smooth. I had run Core with DP at Pheroman's suggestion the day before and I enjoyed that run. Manimal had been taunting me lately haha.

Anyway, hits yesterday: I had exceptional success (arguably the best sales day I've EVER had) and connections with customers. The women demographic that makes up my peer group in the store were all super polite and smiley. At one point, I was in the office conveniently trying to bring up work material with my crush. There was another women in the office, a 7 in her 30s, takes off her work shirt to reveal a see through top underneath. My crush states "Just take your clothes off! Spars doesn't mind!" And this girl states "well my undershirt IS see through" and they just carry on their conversation. I held up my document that I needed to make known with my crush and she snaps a picture of it with her phone, after making a fake sulking face that I had to involve her in the issue I was trying to solve. The other chick asks if we were gonna go to lunch together, and my crush says no because she brought lunch. The other chick reminds her that it's okay to have work friends in a soft tone.

Later on, I asked my crush when she had available to hang out again. Once I make eye contact with her and call out to her, she makes a swift change in direction and awkwardly moved past a row of shopping carts in an inconvenient but quicker route to get to me. She generally gets pretty close so no craziness here. We proceed to walk towards the door because I was on my way out. She goes to show me her schedule and I get really close to her to look at her phone to see her schedule. She just won't stop talking! I find this to be huge because it always seems like I can't get enough Face Time with her to put in the work.

Finally today: same combo same doses. A 20s girl I've been kinda just bsing with as I do when it's slow. I'm a personable guy. Not interested in her at all but SCIENCE! She spent a little bit of time right in my personal space in my department due to a customers issue. Things went as expected. She spent time in my space during a double count of a larger cash transaction I accepted, as procedure. After, I made my way up front to grab a soda. She is normally stationed up there. Sitting down in an office chair I happen to turn around, we make eye contact, she's biting her bottom lip, spinning side to side in an office chair, with high eye brows!!! Biggest hit for sure! (SPARS)

NUDE: I'd say about 5-8 drops, spread across my forearms wrists, top of hands and neck. It's dries fairly quickly and I like to top it off with a nice Cologne. Not sure if that helps with diffusion, but in my mind it does.

It's social and sexy in a bottle. Women are always twirling their hair or stretching to show their midriff, and it stimulates conversation to the point they hate to see you leave and get excited when they see you again. Almost is trance like, where they expose things you wouldn't tell a stranger the first time meeting them. Doesn't have any depressing side effects either. [b](RUSSIANWOLF

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
05-25-2016 6:00 PM
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Post: #2
05-25-2016 6:06 PM




I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
05-25-2016 6:06 PM
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Post: #3
05-25-2016 6:33 PM

NUDE ALPHA(NA): I would go with NA. Pheroman got me onto it. I used to prefer Nude over it but that was because I was using 4-5 drops of Nude solo but only 1 drop of NA solo due to the consensus that 1 drop NA was sufficient. 1 drop NA will give you the imprint effects over time but when you go 3-4 drops you start to see the dilated pupils and kino, ime anyway. It's beautifying like regular Nude but goes deeper than Nude does.

I preferred SXD9 over Nude. When emailing Garry he said Nude and SXD9 were essentially different formulas trying to do the same thing - one will work better for some people and one for others. He said if 1 of them work for you there's no need to get the other. NA on the other hand is a different ballgame. He said you need to keep things light when wearing it or they can get "serious quick" - i.e. they will develop serious emotions for you.

Nude+Voracious for me was a good combo, lots of attraction. But NA goes deeper.

I was browsing LAL the other day and noticed that for normal NA he claims it's just Nude + 2mg -none... but for Nude Alpha Gay he says it's: "2mg of androstenone above the already potent NUDE formula, as well as other secret ingredients." I'm guessing these "secret ingredients" are in both versions and explain why just Nude + -none doesn't work the same as NA. (KENPACHI)

NA:A-1: 1 dr NA+ 20 mcg Androstadienone

Ah this trusty combo.. I wore this a few times around my ex/friend whike I was with her, and the whole night she started hugging me and telling me how she felt. I was trying to watch netflix, but also trying to listen to her at the same time so as to not seem insensitive, and the whole night was just made up of a deep talk about how she feels about me.

Note: the "wife" and I are somehow separated. Long story, but got into a fight and she said something she should not have said and I moved out of the house back to my parents', which she was extremely upset about. But I wanted to preserve whatever self respect I have left, and to have her understand the gravity of her statement.

3 dr NA+ 30 mcg Androstadienone + 5 sp glace

Occasion: NYE

I was already back from Vegas and was not gonna spend it with wife. We had a fight (again )about where to spend it. She wanted to spend it with her friends, I wanted to spend it with mine. I felt she always wants things her way and I always spent time with her friends that I barely got to see mine, so I put my foot down.

Drove to my family first to have a quick dinner before heading out to my friend's party. I usually get attention obviously from my family when I show up as we're all in good terms, but I felt like everyone was jst entertained by my presence and wanted my attention. They laughed at everything I said, more than usual, and this was considering I wasn't talking much as I have been sick and can barely talk without sounding like I swallowed sandpaper.

After an hour or so, I told them I had to leave as my friend was expecting me at her party. They didn't want me to leave but I eventually said my goodbyes. Wish I had stayed..or had two bodies lol.

Got to my friend's house NYE party, and she had some cousins and friends over, more girls than guys. I felt slightly awkward but I think it was just me being self conscious from not being able to talk much.

What stood out was that when I got there, people weren't necessarily drunk even though they've already had at least 5 shots and I supposedly had a lot of catching up to do. But when I got there and g out my food and drinks and sat down, two girls kept trying to open up to me as soon as I start with some small talk about their work. Instead of the usual "oh it's going ok, it just gets tiring, " they talk to me about their frustrations over and over, and felt as if their really wanted me to understand how frustrated they are. They are both nurses, so maybe they also know I'd know where they're coming from.

This other girl also talked to me about being at the party and blowing off another friend of hers to come. She was surprised I knew about it since the hostess told me about it the night before. After an hour, she was sitting next to me again and she repeated the story about her blowing off another friend and why she wanted to come to the party we were at instead. I was too polite to tell her she already told me about it, so I jusy listened and engaged her.

I have to note that at this point, the girl was not drunk at all.

Much later we played rage cage. And she had some beer. After one round, I decided I wanted to sit down. She follows me to the couch, and so did the other girl who was talking to me earlier. After talking to me for a bit, she all of a sudden rests her head on my shoulder and rests her hand on my arm. I'm not very close to this girl, and I've gone to a few parties with her before, but never had she gotten this close to me. I should also note that it's been years since I last saw her.

While she was doing that, a bunch of people kept calling us to play another round but she said she didn't wanna play and that she was tired, and repositioned her head more on my shoulder, as if she was very comfortable in this position. I, on the other hand, was getting a bit excited with this interaction that I didn't wanna stand up either. Lol I took a picture of this scenario and will upload it later when I get a chance for all you fine folks.

I thought it was just me who thought thag this was out of the ordinary, but a friend who saw the picture posted on social media texted me later asking who the girl was, insinuating that the pic looked like there was something else going on there.


NA:THE HOOK UP: I just revisited my THU+NA combo again last night (3 sprays: 1 spread across wrists, 2 on the back of neck/ 1 drop spread behind ears) and I suddenly remember how potent it was. Girl I have known for about 5 years now, saw from across the bar and came and talked to me(normally doesn't happen). Normally we might pass each other a couple times a year and simply greet each other. This time, she was all in my space. KINO-KINO-KINO right in front of her boyfriend who is obviously beta by nature and did not seem to want to interfere. She left with him and came back by herself. Kept talking to me and getting closer as I backed away. He came back outside and when he was not looking she looked at me and said, "We need to hang out more, we do not hang out enough"…whoa.Another girl that I see out maybe once a week and normally exchange greetings and not that much congo either, got really close to my face and draped her arms over me. It was one of those scenarios where the girl was close enough to where you feel like she is trying to initiate a kiss(never ever happened with her). She kissed me on the cheek because I turned away and did not want to really entertain that nor did I want anyone else to see this going down. She was about to walk away, said something else, and kissed me on the cheek again. ODD.

What do I gather from this combo: KINO, both girls were kinoing hard. Dis-inhibition, I think the moral compass goes out of the window. Flirty, girls will blatantly flirt.

This mix reminds me of the 2 Core+2 Taboo combo but maybe a little more sexual and a little bit more kino.

Very solid mix, I would highly suggest for you guys to try this if you have both products.

---- Wow! 1-2 drops NA and 3 sprays of THU again. Lady that is maybe earlys 40s and tipsy, walks up to me out of nowhere, puts her nose behind my ear(na app) smells and says, "OMG you smell amazing". She looks like she has a mini orgasm or something and then smells it again and tries her very best to initiate a kiss. We did not even talk. I most def could have taken her home right then and there…but not my cup of joe to be honest. Tops maybe 40 just for the bucket list. (SEEKINGSUCCESS)

NA GEL: “The gel is exactly one to one with the oil. Meaning, If you look at the size of a drop of the oil before it falls, the same size amount of gel is the same as the drop. One pump is like 8 to 11 drops, so you went way over what you normally use.

Androstadienone will work great with Nude Alpha Gel or regular Nude Alpha. You can't overdose with Androstadienone if you use too much it just makes girls loopy.”

Thank you, (Garry Nelson)

NAG: 1-2 splodges. One woman has rapidly changed what she wants around me - Changing from short/fast-escalating encounters to wanting to spend long, lazy periods in my presence. Good in cars though!

I'm also getting that its very prone to buildup, needing a lot harder washing to keep breakdown under control between proper baths.

Dear God, this stuff is potent! After a six/seven exposures, the woman mentioned above can hardly bear being away from me. Four exposures were with LAL Androstadienone 30mcg, and the rest without. After a trip in the car yesterday it was very hard for her to let go of me.

Another woman, who I've left off for a while, greeted me warmly, with a hug, then stood there running her hands slowly up and down my torso as we talked. The P83 oil I've also been playing with may have helped too. It was quite a surprise to her. (POLARVOID)

---- I have used 40 mils or the regular NA to date to compare to but have been quite surprised.

Executive Summary: Holy Shit!

Dosage: 1 to 2 drops max thus far. If I used two globs one day then would do 1 glob second day due to build up with these gels. Tested 1 glob on it's own at work today (discuss further down) after a 4 day break so no build up (NA anyways). In the evenings I scrub my app points down with an abrasive pad topped with a mix of body soap, borax, and witch hazel. Best I can do.

Delivery system: A pump containing a greyish get that is less viscous than OD or SXD-9 by far. It feel smooth like lube and spreads across the skin very easily. I like to app my neck and then residual over my chest for a large surface area and maximum self effects. Gels work better then oils for this. This gel also contains some alcohol since I can feel a mild coolness due to it's evaporation. Like you feel with the gel hand sanitizers but not so strong. So the gel is very different than that of OD and SXD-9. I asked for a sample of Kane but have yet to try, may be the same?

Self Effects: regular NA gives me minimal self effects but gel does hit me hard at two drops within half hour, Max at the one hour mark. Nothing negative but high confidence, smooth, and a good feeling of well being. I often get strongest self effects from new mones since I'm not accustomed to them. Yes I know this gel is not new mix but must be the delivery.

Effects/Affects: I'll give a few real example but will summarize most interactions as observations.

First off I was not expecting much difference with the gel than with the oily NA.

Started fresh off a few weeks ago with two big full pump globs smeared on neck and chest. Admirable self effects, much to my surprise.

Christmas shopping and people definately took a notice of me, instant and far projection. Never got that from the oil. Like many users we wonder when the NA is kicking in, slow burn, never burn, OD? But the gel hits instantly like your best attraction/attention getting mix does.

Christmas shopping , standing to pay, an Asian man turned around and just opened up a conversation . This happens often with the gel, I fling people opening me up at two globs and talking. I'm an A314 lover and like to control any interaction but the gel really had people loving me. I had to think to myself, are these just one offs but it keeps happening . I know that low none can act as a social, but I can smell the none infiltrating my nose.

Shopping is a great way to experiment with mone propagation distances. I like to slowly walk up and always notice fierce penetration when people realize I'm behind them. That sounds perverted.

Need to write more but I have to go out for New Years. This is very good stuff and I'm sure we will love it. I do.
Two globe tonight.

---- Done with NAG till the weekend. Turns out that 1 max pump glob is all I need and anymore seems like a waste.

Again I feel that there is quite the social aspect and could be Beta Androstenol? Always thought that NA was mostly nol and Beta Androstenol anyways since it does give me that empathetic feeling that Beta Androstenol products do.

NAG (as opposed to NA) delivers social yet plenty of none 10 mins after application, rubbed on my neck and over my chest.

---- I worked Dec 31 and came in with just a single glob applied like I described. I figured it's safe to try at work that day since my manager was away and just 4-5 people in the office. Also, here is were I wear my A314/Xist oil mix daily so I can do some comparison. I walked in my 30 mins so was plenty heated up.

One of me professional female peers, bubbly blonde, mid 30's, 7/10 walked by my office and noticed I was in, stepped in to chat. I suggested we meet in an hour and head to Starbucks across the street and catch up. She was very excited to. She is single and looking and would not think twice about hooking up with someone she worked with. I already know she's hot for me so I have that going in.

At SB, we get our goods and have a seat. She would not stop talking, in no way intimidated, and her pupils almost entirely filled her iris. I had her 100% and she was more mesmerized than I'd ever seen her. This morning (First workday 2016), I sent an email to ask her if a certain software license was available for her use. One minute later I hear a rush of footsteps come towards my office and it was her to give me an update. Most attention I have ever gotten from her and have used A314/Xist on it's own or combo-ed with SXD-9, style, or glace for those days when I want to lighten the oli mix up. Especially further in the week due to possibility of oil buildup.

I feel that the extra attention/attraction from her was the sexual component since I never wear anything overly sexual to work. Fridays I may add 1/4 glob of OD to my chin but haven't run into her with it.

---- Also notable that day was a manager talking to one of the staff (fun visit) in the staffers office doorway, leaning against one side. I stopped by and joined the conversation, leaned against the other doorway. I'm greeted, looked at by the smaller Asian man (5'5, 45ish) and he steps back a foot without me even looking at him. Then comes back to lean in against his side of the door jam and we carry on our friendly conversation. A few minutes later he stops to talk to me which he seldom does and we chat about oil prices and our industry. He proceeds to tell me that if oil remains under $40 for Q1 then we'll have layoffs for sure. He never talks to me that candidly and managers shouldn't be telling staff that we will have layoffs for sure anyways.

Those were the most notable work experiences I've noticed out of the norm for the morning I worked.
Keep in mind, that although I have only my work oil mix with these people for a year and a half so they already have preconceived feelings about me.

---- Checkout lady at Safeway was very chatty with me again with the above 1 glob NAG 8-9 hours after application. She's 50's late. I can smell the none but apparently the social aspect is still there. The Asian man in front of me at another lineup commented how he always chooses the slowest teller. The none not keeping the Asian men away either but I have noticed in past experiences that Asians appreciate Beta Androstenol. Important observation since it shows me that the social (almost giddy) effect is still there 8-10 hours after 1 glob application.

---- That evening I showered and applied 2 full globs and went out to New Years with a girlfriend. Dinner and comedy show mostly. A mid 30's couple was sat with us but really uneventful. The mans wife was attracted and plenty of respect as I loudmouthed a little. Got them some shooters to loosen them up. My lady on many occasions told me she can't believe some of the things I'm saying, but without repercussions so all is good. This was my strongest application at two globs plus whatever was left over from mornings glob after just a simple soap wash. So no OD thus far.

---- The following day out for brunch with one glob, plus leftovers, and great interactions with staff both male and female. Had many coffees out also. Have noticed that If I had a brief interaction with a staff or walked by a table and lightly smiled, that these people, both male and female would continually glance at me if I was near their line of sight even when out of range. So there is some quick imprinting or memory effect.....hmmmmm,,, something about him. But not a negative affect on them as they would just ignore me.

I have not yet combo-ed NAG much other than adding a drop of New Pheromone Additive over previous days 2 glob residue and WOW. Woman came over and was full of energy, a sexual kitten as well as cracking jokes. Don't always get that out of her.

---- Ran 1 glob yesterday with similar effects turning this product into a very predictable fast hitting and healthy range one. On younger to mid 20's females I have found it to be too much at my dosages. At Starbucks, cracking a quick joke with the younger bar baristas and nothing, even eye contact unless I force it. Plenty of respect and some possible nervousness on their sides.

NAG builds up and lasts. Last night I showered with my none removal mix and I can still smell some none emanating off my chest.

A single glob seems to work as well or better than two globs for me. I'll need to try half a glob Saturday after being off NAG for a week, then add some New Pheromone Additive in the evening. Needs to be tested with some Androstadienone too.

NAG does show characteristics of NA but seems to be consistent, works all day, and has mixed with another sexual in small doses.

I've never had these obvious and consistent experiences with NA oil but have had them. I can see that they are related but the gel just works and works consistently. I've not gone nuts with it nor do I intend to.

I like it more than NA and surely we'll get plenty of years use if used a glob or less. (FISHDUDE)

---- Exposure to NAG has quite quickly (couple of weeks) turned my main target from a woman who responded best to medium/long layoffs and short/fast passionate sessions, to wanting to be around me near-constantly and behaving like the sun shines out of my arse for everything.

She's in her 40s and still bloody good-looking enough to have recently done a very revealing/nude video for a rising Indie artist.

---- And today, it was very much a case of "Lets take the long way home" from a sculpture event followed by dinner in an old country inn - as in a way that would add a good two hours to our journey whilst she just snuggled dreamily beside me, hand on my arm all the way. Except for a romantic stop on a high road amongst the moonlit mountains outlined with the last hints of snow.

I'll clean-up the car tomorrow!

NAG:A-1: 2 globs NAG/30mcg Androstadienone.

---- After doing so well the other day, I surprised her with dinner and a night in a rather nice mountain hotel (cheap last minuter really)

She took all of about one second to say she would drop everything for me and after a nice long drive, exposed to me with two globs NAG and 40mcg Androstadienone, she was showing some serious slow burn - It was "Can we just check-in and go straight to the room, get the bags later!"

I'm in the bar, enjoying the last heavy snowfall of winter with a stiff drink, she's floating lazily around the pool for a while before going for dinner and round two. (POLARVOID)

[b]NA GEL:BAD WOLF:[/b] One full pump of Nude Alpha Gel and three drops of Bad Wolf have got me some pretty impressive Deer in the headlights from the two redheads here tonight - Both thirties, one - the manager did a "whole body" blush when we started chatting. ie She was wearing a very skimpy tank top and her chest, shoulders, arms and face went from very fair to just about as red as her hair in about ten seconds flat - and plenty of cleavage on-show as she leaned right-in to talk to me and monopolies the conversation I was having with her waitress - A student (half Thai) who did a placement at my work a while back. She remained very polite and deferential.

The other - passed her waiting for her blonde friend at the door, she then sat near me and looked, looked away, snapped her head right back and flat-out stared, then as she stared, the hair play (dragging more like) started. Then her friend arrived, she moved but still kept checking me out from the corner of her eye.

---- I did it again - Same place, but she wasn't a redhead.

She was texting me at nine the next morning, wanting to meet-up again whilst I was looking for a bit of rest/recovery time! Same mix/dose - got a window-seat on a sunny evening, which I think helped maximise the impact.

Not quite an all-nighter. I slunk-off just before dawn.

She's been back in-touch and we are a way to take her puppy for an evening stroll on a beach.

40s, dark, tanned, curvy but fit as fuck, mostly vegetarian but likes the occasional bit of meat! (POLARVOID)

[b]NUDE:TABOO: [/b] I went home, took a fast shower, applied20" Nude to one side of my neck and top of opposite hand and two sprays of Taboo to the opposites. Then I went somewhere where I tend to meet women and see them somewhat regularly there over time, whenever I return there. I'm being ambiguous to protect the guilty. I saw a young girl that I hit it of with a few weeks ago. She is about a 8.5 and very smart and mature for her age (just legal). Second time now that we could just not run out of stuff to talk about. Last time we talked for about 1.5 hours, and tonight it was well over an hour. She has a live-in boyfriend, and I didn't plan on it going anywhere, because of this. Well tonight it went somewhere. I am no home-wrecker, but, tonight my duty was being called upon to help a young girl find out what an older man can do for her prior to her apparent life-long journey with her young boyfriend. I wouldn't want her to go through life not knowing what an older man could show her. Last time I met her, I was sporting a combo of 2 x Core and 2 pumps of SXD-9. Also an attractive, sexy combo.

I will see her tomorrow night where she works, and, I'm thinking of adding some Evolve and Cohesion to this combo. Any advice on tomorrow's combo would be highly appreciated! (COCKEDLOCKEDANDRTR)

ORBITAL: So after telling my friends about Orbital and touting the benefit of socials, I realized that I may have never posted a review myself...about Orbital.

One day while selling, I wore two sprays of Orbital. The self effects for me is that I feel fucking awesome and I feel social without feeling like that I have no control over my own mouth...

I go into this place and the decision maker is a 65 year old lady...Her pupils are dilated and the first thing she tells me is how handsome I look and how nice my shirt is...She continues talking to me about how nice and how good looking I am even when I talk about the product. So I shut up and just let her talk. I pulled out the paperwork and she signed and just kept telling me how good I looked and everything in between. The meeting was supposed to be 30 minutes....I had to go after 1.5 hours. She is a white lady and a self described redneck...She told me that she doesn't usually find black men attractive, but I am different.

Same day at another appointment...Front desk lady is captivated by mones. That appointment didn't go as well as the first one...The decision maker had other more pressing issues and wanted me to talk another time...Her front desk lady...wouldn't let me leave...kept talking...pulling my arm when I tried to go...invited me to her church...gave me her email and phone number (I didn't ask)...she said to call her cell to make sure I get another appointment with the decision maker...OK.

Third thing that happened that day is that I was in the grocery store looking at a product that I had never bought before. I said out loud..."Which one should I buy?" Talking to myself really. A lady was behind me and used that question to strike up a conversation....Some how that conversation led to her surviving breast cancer. She asked me to "look at her breast"....Ok...Size D's....she manipulated them with her hands to show me what happens during a mammogram and how she does an exam in the shower. They caught it early so she still has both of her amazing breasts. She doesn't know my name and I don't hers and we are standing in a grocery aisle talking at length about her breast....I tell her how nice they look and that I am glad that she kept them. At the end of the conversation, she shakes my hand and thanks me....I'm thinking...I still don't know which product to buy and spent about 15 minutes talking about breast....and I'm the one getting thanked. Ok.

Bottom Line: I'm amazed that I don't see more reviews for Oribtal...And I stand by the idea that leading with socials with people you don't know (especially in sales) is a great way to open up people and get them going in the direction that you want. I got a sale without ever really going in to detail on my product...I got the cell number for a front desk person that gets NOTHING for helping me out....The women in the sales situations were not what I would call attractive, but my goal was/is sales so I'll take it. The breasts lady IS attractive and it was a nice cap off to the day. All of these ladies were strangers and they didn't act like strangers. (FORGOT WHOSE POST THIS WAS. SORRY!)

[u]ORBITAL:IMPRINT:[/u] Tried this combo out yesterday...Again, I don't normally combo products, but what the hell...I have so many.

So 1 spray of each...I spray on each side of my neck and then rub it all over with the opposite wrist.

I go to on of the offices that I work with and the two ladies are pleasant and both have dilated pupils. Both ladies are asian and one is very extroverted and the other only mildly extroverted. Both mid 40's.

So we talk about business first and then the weekend...They gave me some more leads, etc. And then the better looking one (6 out of 10..the quieter one is like a 4 because she is heavy...more than just a little) says out of the blue, I'm surprised you are not out trying to get into some panties. I'm going to mark that one down as a hit.

They have never talked about sex with me before...I normally wear just a social on business visits, but sometimes a social/sexual on Fridays.

The conversation goes straight to talking about fucking. The heavy set lady is not getting any at home and thinks that it is because of her weight. She bought a toy and keep dropping hints. She may be right and dropping pounds might be the ticket. The other one get it, but not as much as she wants. The 6 is not bad and I'm a bit surprised.

We talk about all kinds of shit...It's like you might talk about with your dudes. Anyway, they both give me a hug because I have other offices to visit.

Next hit is in the same building...different floor....black lady...30's....flirty and touchy. She goes and gets her boss (they are a prospect and not a client....yet) and we have a nice visit. Both are flirty and helpful and the boss tells me what I need to do to earn the account.

Last hit (of note) was from a white 30's lady in my last office visit of the day.....She starts talking about her week and then talks about needing a boyfriend. She shows other signs of attraction...I ask her what type of guys she likes and after her description, I say that sounds like me. She starts blushing and puts her head down and away. I tell her that I am flattered. After a pause, she says too bad that you are married...do you have any friends?....I told her that I would check and see...She gives me a nice hug and I whisper something and she smiles at me....

I have been in all of the offices before...2 are clients and 1 is a prospect...All have seen Orbital alone (which worked very well)...the addition of Imprint moved things into a different vibe. No one seemed offended (which is my goal).

Only bad part is that I crashed hard at the end of the day/night...Went to sleep before 10. Couldn't help it. slept like a rock. Maybe there is melatonin in there.

----- Wore it (Imprint + Orbital) last night again and not only did someone open me...at one point she started rubbing my arm. Late 30's lady out with some friends. I was talking with another patron about NFL free agency and she chimed in...She asked what I thought about RG3 and his prospects. So people will open you, if you give them an opening to work with... (DARKLORD1)

OVERDOSE (OD): The attention getting aspects of OD is probably the best of any phero I use. Even more than Core. I'm not sure if it's because of diffusion, but this stuff even works well in the cold. Women just stare intently like they can't help themselves. Also noticed huge pupils. And when I'm intimate with a woman they are consistently really wet and super turned on. I have mixed this with AV before and it was killer but lately just one pump of OD solo I found it's a pussy killer.

Pussy Killer = pussy gets so wet it drowns. There is something in OD where they get really turned on quickly.

I'm late thirties and the women mid twenties to early thirties. (KENJHOW 30+)

P75:P83: 2.5 to 5 mcgs of P75 to the neck covered by about 40 mcgs of P83 is about the most sexually intense a mix as I think you're likely to find. Let's called it being eye fucked by hot women. The blatant IOIs like touching, exposing skin and sexual talk. Anytime a women takes your hand or other body part and puts it on her, sure thing she's turned on. She wants to be touched. (MONESMADEMEDOIT)

P96:SXD-9: Just met 20 of those students (the course is projected to be 40). These 20 are all sixteen year old teens. I was not expecting to meet them today so had on SXD-9 (one pump shared behind both ears) and three sprays P96 (15 TOTAL MGS) (one to each forearm, and one to front of neck).

I only spent an hour with them them. If this is how it will be during the actual course, I will not be able to wear any mones. All I could see and sense today was that this is a bunch of horny 16 year old teens. Three or four of them wanted selfies with me, and I had to ask them to keep their hands to themselves. Several were staring at me and I could see large pupils. Smiles, and smiles.

Nice to see but way too young. Damn. Hope the other half are older, but need to stay away from this group. Maybe no SXD-9 and P96? (SUNNYDAY)


DP + Hypnotica: This is my favorite for Bars and clubs. This is The ONE NIGHT STAND KING for me. I don't close all the time with the others, but this combo Always delivers for me.

DP 1 X 2 HS.
DP: just 1 drop to the neck/chest, then use my index finger to rub some of it behind the ears.
HS: 1 drop on my wrists (rubbed together) and 1 drop to my jaws and rub the other side as well.

P.S. No other mixes (yet) have these wow effects for me. some work, just not Wow for me.

---- Based on your collections alone, i`m going green with envy here , anyway my suggestion: AV + DP + any pure social that you have (i usually use Hypnotica), I normally use 2.5 drops of AV + 1 drp. DP + 2 drp Hypnotica Social, but any pure social (not socio-sexual). All you have to do is smile and say hi. Then look for the nearest pliers and chisels. You`re gonna need them to pry people away from you, both guys and girls. Best for High energy places like clubs or lounges with loud music.

I Don`t smoke much often, but smoking pits in bars and clubs are my best hunting ground. I swear there must be something about cigarette smoke and pheromones that make women go crazy. In smoke pits, guaranteed, i don`t have to open, but inside and in the dance, i have to put the effort of smiling and saying hi for it to be game-on.

i never go empty handed wearing this combo (unless i`m too drunk and wasted lol)

---- Most of my tests were carried out mainly on university campus, bars, parties and night clubs, so women of all adult ages (From 18 to 56 were exposed continuously)

Personal Magic Combo's / mixes for me

---- Wolf + Hypnotica: (Discovered this combo by accident, because i initially felt they wouldn't go together, Boy was i wrong?) Well this is my Warlock spell lol. I use 3 sprays of wolf and two drops of HS.You can get away with almost anything with this mix if you are in customer/ client oriented biz. But be prepared cos ppl will tell you stuff you might not have the patient to hang around for. I used this combo at school and work and everybody likes and want's to please you. I went to a job fair and one recruiter( A woman in her mid to early 30's, 8.5 - 9) took my resume without really asking and started explaining how i should edit in other for them to call me for an interview. Her colleague, (a 7-7.5) had to tell her that she wasn't supposed to do that, AND THEN turned to me, blushed and started smiling in a goofy way.

Another recruiter offered me a job that i wasn't qualified for. It was only when i was called for the interview that we all discovered that they needed someone with past experience on geology, and i'm in business. But the guy told me that i came highly recommended by the lady who i met there, and that he could see why (i couldn't see why for the life of me), took my resume, put it in a file, called his PA and asked her to forward it to their Marketing department. i barely talked with that recruiter lady for about 4 mins, she was just ticking off forms, took my contact info and still called later on to wish me luck .

I have a friend who used to work there and knows the man that interviewed me, he told me that that was unlike him, that he never does that.

---- AV + Hypnotica: My favorite when going to house parties, weddings and occasions. A lot of heads must turn if you enter, and it's as if a cross between Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Will Smith walked in. You're the shit and you know it. ANY single opportunity they have, people will line up to talk to you. I love this mix because all the time it gets me "at-least" a kiss close if i put the effort. You ever seen a 9.5 blurt out "geez i can't believe you're even talking to me!!" yeah, it happens to me sometimes in wearing this combo. dosage can be tricky though.

---- L2k v2: Now this is where things started getting Interesting. after testing different dosages, i finally hit my sweet spot of 2.5 sprays. What i discovered with L2k v2 was that no girl (most of the time) will open me. But once i open them, they are hooked, in the sense that the conversation will go on and on,and a few of them will have a sort of wistful look on their face when i end it.

Conclusion: L2k v2 (no hedione or whatever it's called) is a good product, not a blatant hitter, but if you are on a date on hitting on a stranger, It's one dependable animal. Get's women to make out fairly quickly too. Younger women (18 - 23) might take a bit longer in some case. Girls 25 and over eat it up once they are fully exposed. dependable product.
score for me 7.5/10.

---- [u]Aqua Vitae[/u]: My- oh- my: This product reminds me of a vicious Rottweiler crossed with a Giant Old fashioned pit-bull. it could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Trust me, i have the scars to prove it (lol). But before i continue, i'd like to point out that this is one of the pheromones i've decided will always be in my arsenal. It can frustrate me some times, but when it hits, You're mister wonderful. That alone makes up for me when it doesn't.

I apply about six inches of roll on behind my ears, down my neck and about 2 inches on my wrists. It's one of the products that makes me feel like the shit. The hits are instantaneous. There is almost always attraction there. When a beautiful 9 or 10 wouldn't look you in the eyes when she's talking with you, but tells you stuff you have no business knowing. When you test for IOI's hold a girl (stranger's) Hands and she's reluctant or hesitates to let it go. The thing with this product is that you can feel the attraction/ sexual tension there.

Now I've Noticed that beautiful girls (8's, 9's and 10's) react differently. The Confident ones will subtly shit test you. These girls are used to guys fawning over them so when they get attracted to you for no reason, they'll try to shit test you, both in body language and conversation. If you fail this test,(and they happen to be in a group), then AV is your worst enemy. My advice is to leave that location ASAP, and maybe return later. It acts as a reset button, but they'll still test you again if you open them. The not-so confident one's will feel insecure in your presence but still give out Clear IOI's or steal looks at you when they feel you aren't looking. some might even feel Unworthy of your presence.

It's intimidating. Everyone subtlety treats you like a movie star. I learnt the hard way that this is not something to wear around campus all the time if you are always surrounded by 18 to 23 year old girls. At events, parties, This is one of my weapon of choice. I only mix it with something when i'm going to the bars and clubs. Once in a while (rarely) it does nothing for me i've noticed, but most times, this is the shit.
Conclusion: A must have for me. a potent product, in a room full of strangers it's hits can broadcast up-to 18 feet all round for me. But you must do something about it. it rarely get's people to open you up. My score fore it 9.5/10.

---- Wolf: Ahaa..!! One of my in your face products! i don't need to say much here, except that this is mr all rounder for me. Everyday product. It does every thing i want it to do very well. I've read here that some people find that it makes them beta, For me, that can't be further from the truth.

Respect, trust, openness, attraction and yes sexual as well. Not to the degree of other specialized products, but is a jack of all trades for me with respect and friendliness, followed by attraction being it's prominent features. Wolf get's girls to open me half of the time. If it doesn't, all i need to do is smile, and it's on. It's weaker than AV in pure attraction/tension, but can hold it's own against most other products. Everyday wear for me. Just love it.

Conclusion: A must have for me. Mr all rounder. My motto now is: When in doubt: go with wolf!! My score for this 9:5/10.

---- Dirty Primitive: Wow... Mister sexy Boy...!! You smell like glorious sex.. These are words i'm constantly told while wearing this product. A lesbian i met through a mutual friend actually told me that if there was ever a guy that she'll be tempted to screw, that it was me. (I made out with her at a wedding, but unfortunately, that's as far as it got, and guys; she was hot!!) I literally cursed her all night on my way home for being a lesbian. I just love this product. I discovered that the best dosage for me was 0.5 - 1 drop, any higher and it backfires in public.

In the bedroom, i can go as far as 2.5 drops, but i noticed that girls get super honey-aggressive with that in the bedroom. 2 of them have bruised my engine room (Lol) while giving me BJs. It can be scary sometimes. So nothing more than 1 or 1.5 for me in the bedroom anymore. Talk of wet-panty-scorcher! that should be it's name!! but using anything more than one in public is counter productive for me.

My sweet spot is one. If this product works, for you, I don't care who that girl is, once she get's under your phero-cloud, she's in Trouble. Not that she'll necessarily do anything about it, but There's a 98% chance she will get wet. Girls who are bi's just go bananas, I've noticed with this product. It's as if all their inhibitions just fly out the windows (especially if they are girls you are somehow acquainted with).
Whenever i wear 0.5 drop on campus (lol, i know, couldn't resist) it's become customary to expect girls sitting around me to go to the bathroom, in the midst of a conversation within 2 minutes of my sitting down. It's so predictable, that i laugh most of the time.

Conclusion: What more can i say. Mr one night stand for me. With my potent mixture, since i discovered them, I've never gone out with it at night and not hit a home-run. It's that good!! My score for it, 9.9/10

---- Hypnotica Social: This product, gentlemen, brought me to the promised land where pheromones are concerned. I no longer use mixes much, but HS is one that amplifies every single product that i have. But i just love using it alone. If this product works for you, and girls don't open you, then something is wrong with your appearance, personality or demeanor. I can't remember whenever I've worn this product that people (NOT JUST GIRLS, EVERYBODY) wants to talk to you.

The first time i tested it out happened to be in the club. You start attracting people like flies to shit in the summer. I notice sometimes when i leave a group (I've had to sneak away many times) it's as if my Phero-cloud is still briefly there for like 7 secs, and then they start frantically turning their head and searching for me. and then the cycle repeats itself.

"IF THIS PRODUCT WORKS FOR YOU," then it's a must have. this is the best product in my opinion, if you can't pick up girls with this, then your game needs work, because i believe you'll still blow an opportunity with a naked girl in the room (if you know what i mean). I find with this product, at 2 to 3 drops, people get motor mouth with me. I just remain cool and chill and it's as if everybody (guys & Girls) just want to impress me and can't stop talking.

By far my favorite mixer and solo at 2 drops.

Conclusion: This is the best product I've discovered since i started buying mones. It goes with every product that i mix it with. Don't need to say much. my score for it 10/10. (RAZOR CAGE)

DP + Hypnotica: DP + HS just got me laid. Great combo. I was riding an XiSt + Kane + BW app, but it was mostly DP + HS. Disinhibition plus strong sexual is where it's at.

Met her a few months ago so medium-long term target. Have gone on a date, have cared for her in a bad situation she's in, we cuddled, kissed, started grabbing her boobs, and she went for me, and we went for it. She was really wet at first and then kind of dried up but never needed lube. I know you're interested in those details lol

She was never "horny"...just...willing. 4 dabs of DP from the sample vial, 2 drops of HS in wolf scent.I am a 30 yo white male. She is a 25 yo white female. She's on birth control. Does that complete your medical report? (NP17)

SWOON:EVOLVE: Ran 4 drops Swoon, 2 sprays Evolveto work. I know some are thinking wtf? I say what the hell. Swoon delivered her reliable awesome selfies. The evolve mixed in got me several interested long looks from some passers by and a lot of lady chatter,etc. The best was later when I got home from work I pretty much got mauled by my SO after we'd had a few drinks. Damn I am talking got literally mauled and she was like huffing the scent from my neck. Whew....and nice! Gonna repeat this one soon....for science!

App points were swoon to neck 1 left side, 1 right, 1 back of neck. Evolve 2 sprays upper chest. (JIMMY42 - 46-Y-0)

SWOON:GOA: Ran 2 drops of Swoon with 2 drops of GOA and went out and about with my bride. As for app points- all Pheromones split between the tops of my hands and sides of my neck, my usual spots. i covered it all with the Dirty English Type I got from The Fragrance Shop. My bride was practically hanging off of me the entire time. She is a bit more reactive to androstedienone to begin with and she does react well to Swoon so this combo worked very well for me. I noticed that the people around me were also very happy to be in my presence and as I'd interact with women in particular, they would really get happy and CHATTY with me.

Oh, after we got home my bride gave me a nice surprise by giving me her best impression of a Dyson vacuum. I am going to wear this again today, purely in the name of science, of course. (SNOOPYACE)

SWOON:THE HOOKUP: Gentlemen, in the past I've mentioned some decent results with a combo involving Swoon and Evolve spray. Today much surpassed the norm.

I toned down my usual 4 drops swoon to 3. One drop each side of neck and one drop to the back of neck. Then I choose to employ a sample of The Hookup spray I'd received with an order from Pheromone Treasures. I used 3 sample bottle sprays to my upper chest and wore this to work.

I had attraction hits all day long! Literally the best daytime combo I've tested to this point. I had 3 DIHLs from different women even from a fair distance. As soon as they'd round the corner, boom the eye lock, blank stare of........? A super cutie who's married but I think likes me was out of the norm a little chattier with me and made a point to make eye contact much longer than usual.

Hours later at home after I'd all but forgotten about "the test" my GF and I were chilling out watching tv and she out of nowhere grabs my hand forcefully and says "let's go to bed" and " I wanna fool around and suck you and stuff lets go".....there was no option she wanted it bad.....so she got it.

So needless to say there is NO way in hell I am not gonna retest this one tomorrow!!

Edited to report for those that wonder... I'm white 46, GF white, sexy and 46 and pre-menopausal. (JIMMY42 - 46-Y-0)

SXD-9: Oh boy, I used SXD-9 sat night (4 sample pumps = 2 pumps) on my jawline and I think it worked really well! Oh boy, I know how there's some products that are supposed to work with making your woman really wet (Evolve, SXD-9), but I'd have to say SXD-9 shined here. Oh boy was she soaking or what last night when I used it.

If you're doin' stuff down there, definitely in your face. If you're looking for the other purported effects (social interaction) it's a little more subtle. I can't say for sure, but that's just me. (CPTLEON)

---- In my experience SXD-9 makes them go drooling in the pants. I have seen similar wet effects with THU, maybe it has even been more juicy for my targets. Oh, and I have also observed they come faster with SXD-9.

The girls range from 34 to 40, and I'm using 4 blobs of the sample pump... according to what I have read that's like 2 pumps of the regular one. (MORNYONE)

---- Definitely SXD-9. Possibly the best standalone out there of them all. Another alternative would be Black Ops. Man it is just criminally underrated! Don't know why it never really caught on over here. People don't know what they are missing. Since you are Asian I would go with SXD-9 though. (D_DARKO)

---- I do have to agree that SXD-9 is a solid product (pardon the gel pun). It works very consistently and at 2 pumps is a lot more sexual than 1 pump. At least in my experience. At 1 pump, you have a social/slightly sexual/attractive product that makes people upbeat and happy to be in your presence. (SNOOPYACE)

---- I don't recall having any trouble pulling it off in any environment at 2 pumps - a more agreeable sexual vibe. Would you consider SXD-9 to be work-safe at this dose, Snoopy? (EKSCENTRA)

---- SXD-9 is very attractive to Asians. It also has comfort, and disinhibition effects.If you have primitive(another sexual might also work), smear a drop(or half) on top of SXD-9 and you can see them flipping their hair like crazy.I think you should try New Pheromone Additive and SXD-9 combo to find out how much work was actually done by M3X. (JB20)

TITAN: Wore Titan the last couple of days and lets say that I see things more clearly now.

Wore it to prospect and I felt fucking awesome...I normally just wear socials, but I couldn't find my orbital...My kids moved one of my containers (they can't get in it)....Anyway, I felt social and cheeky as all hell. I was assertive and had this IDGAF attitude and people were still very responsive.

While I had read that there were copulins in this mix, for some reason they decided to start hitting me. I was hornier than a mother fucker. Not to the point where I couldn't do my job, but lets just say that I forgot how powerful copulins can be.

While I crashed the first day that I wore Titan (2 sprays)...The second day = no crash.

Respect, stares, hair flips and friendly deference was there....

Hispanic cutie is a personal trainer...she kept playing with her hair and then put it in a pony tail. Very nice. She saw me looking at her ass and started posing....I went up to her and we talked for 40+ minutes...she wouldn't leave until I told her that I had to go.

A couple of other MILFs stared at me and the one that I chatted up was beaming and flirtatious.

I know that others have said that Titan makes them quiet...Maybe I even thought that, but it didn't these last two times that I wore it.

My wife did think that I smelled too strong and I normally tell her that I have on copulins just in case...This time, I forgot.

While, I probably won't be wearing this every day....It damn sure is a nice "Friday" mone.

---- My wife, who is the least responsive to pheromones and thinks that they have a placebo effect, responded to Titan.

Submissive jealousy....My wife is anything but submissive, but she has been for the last few days while I have worn Titan...I don't normally wear wolf or A314 for multiple days in a row because of reasons that I have stated earlier, but Titan is so fun that I have worn it multiple days.

This shit is freaky and only underscores the power of pheromones when you are not sure that they are working...I have seen her eyes dilated, but only a couple of products gave me a BIG response and neither was consistent.

Maybe it is the consistent use of a Androsterone product....Anyway, she didn't offer me the BIG response I was hoping for, but the submissive jealousy has been consistent every day that I have worn Titan.

To the point that she hovers around me...She doesn't hover with other blends...Oh and the cats do too...They hover like a mother fucker and I am Samuel L Jackson.

- pouts and asks me to bring her when I go on errands

- asks me not to leave her alone and I'm going in another room of the house

- said I was hers in a baby voice when her friend hugged me good bye

- head down, eyes looking up asking me if she was good enough for me

Many more that I simply didn't think about until I realized that the only Androsterone blends that I wear are wolf and A314 and I don't wear them for multiple days. I wear two sprays of Titan and I've worn it a lot.

She never acts like this. I wore New Pheromone Additive to bed when I did the buildup and she didn't even roll over. She said that I stank. Androstenone didn't make her combative. She was normal.

Here is what I'm liking most about Titan:

1. I'm not worn out at the end of the day when I wear it (now)

2. Many erections at the most random times. Feels like high school.

3. Compliance without fear even with two full sprays ( I have to cut back because I'll be out soon)

4. I'm still social. (DARKLORD1)

TITAN:ORBITAL: Good ! You like it. The only problem I face is people hanging around. People will not want to live your side with this. I am not a group person. Use orbital with this and you will find magic where people will be all around looking for you.

2 spray Titan + 2 spray Orbital. Also keep the orbital dosage away from your nose or you will hit b-nol introversion. It happened twice. Works amazing. Keep smiling and you will be center of everything. (KALPAN56)

Voodoo: Solo 4 euro globs 5 days ago

Application 3 hours prior.

Had to drop off wife & coworker to the airport for a trip to an out-of-town conference. Never met coworker - she's 38, but seriously looks 25. Amazing body, gorgeous blue eyes. She sat in the back seat. Within 5 minutes, she became a chatterbox. She also negged my wife, to which I played along. Luckily, wife took it all in with good humor. With Voodoo on, my wife has negged other women around me before, so this is kind of interesting.

---- Voodoo 5 globs - 2 hours prior Nude Alpha 1 bulb drop

Yesterday evening.

Picked up wife, coworker, and another coworker (male physician) from airport after returning from conference. Wife wanted to sit in back with our son, so her female 38 y/o hottie coworker sat next to me in the front. Within 5 minutes, she playfully grabbed my right bicep with both hands while smiling and giggling - major kino. We don't even know each other! She then shifted her body so that she was leaning into the center console (this put her left arm an inch from my right arm that was resting on the console), and she began to play with her hoodie's string. She stroked it over and over the entire ride, eventually alternating with playing with her hair.

Chatterbox the whole drive. Commented about how her hair didn't look as good as it should have, and how my wife looked better than she did when they went out at night. Also mentioned she got hit on by a chick, which apparently was a first for her. Asked me many questions, and when I would glance anywhere/move my head, she always looked at me and looked into my eyes many times. She was extremely attentive, and I frankly I was so shocked by it that I stuttered my words a few times during the ride. I was actually nervous. WTF? I wish I had spy-cammed this stuff.

Finally, was supposed to do a walk for a fundraiser for their hospital this coming Saturday. My wife said we were both going. Well, I forgot that I'm going out of town and will miss it. When I voiced this aloud, hottie coworker was visibly disappointed.

Male physician was extremely friendly, not at all acting like he was higher-value. He felt comfortable, laughed a lot, and it felt like we had all been friends for a long time.

---- Voodoo Solo 6 globs Wedding, alone with my son.

Over the weekend I had to go to a wedding, and since my wife was out of town, had my son with me. Son stole the show, and women accused me of fabricating my wedding ring and using my son to get women. I had three tables of wedding guests giving us major attention. Most of the attraction I noticed was either from very young girls (younger than 20) or women over 35. One slightly overweight, but gorgeous, 22-25 year old blonde took to my son, danced with him, and while she didn't say too much to me - her pupils were fully dilated. It was dim inside, but compared to other women, they were dilated abnormally large.

Young 18 year old cute-nerdy chick at my table seemed shy, so I opened her so she didn't feel left out. Her parents weren't talking to her much, so I figured I'd help her feel like she wasn't invisible. All she could do was peep out one-word answers and nervously giggle/laugh. I'd call this giggling-Deer in the headlights.

It felt like everyone was my own family the way they took to helping me out with him, bringing him desert or candy that was for the kids, picking him up, dancing with him on the dance floor. We had to spend 20 minutes saying goodbye to everyone who was so friendly to him/us.

Yet another Voodoo solo experience: Wore Voodoo solo to see a certain female relative of my wife's (I've decided to wear Voodoo around her exclusively to see what repeat effects will do). My regular journal readers know who this is. 3rd repeat Voodoo exposure in 3 or so weeks. She initiated texting me two days ago to join her on a walk around the lake near my house. In the past, she would have gone without saying anything to me. She has also been snapchatting me all week. Voodoo definitely gets you into people's heads. (RTBOSS)

---- After trying on about 5 women, this is my final though of voodoo.

I don't know how to say anymore about Voodoo, but this thing definitely real mysterious magical voodoo juice like I've seen on tv. the imprint effect is DANG! make girl jealousy, deep talk, turn her on, insecure, dreamy. I do love Certo but Voodoo take all out of Certo from me. It's an all around tools for every things i need. It can be use in family, around friend, first date and work.

- around my family: i know how they love me esp. my mother, but with voodoo, there is something different, my mother more support me and help me to whatever i want to do with my live. they more relax and chatty

- around my friend: more respect, they love to hangout with me talk and talk with me, asking to give a suggestion for them, when bounce to another place-they priority asking me where i wanna to go.

- first dates: this is where Voodoo is magical. Girl look at you in dreamy eyes, eye contact all the time, for the girl you + Voodoo is like song from lana del rey - tv in black & white

- work: I have same effect like wolf without self effect. (T-REX)

---- BOOM, baby! In a good way. 3 drops of Voodoo and 2 sprays of SOB. I through in some PSE around another chick, and she started leakin' down her leg. Needs replication for confirmation. Perhaps it would have occurred regardless of PSE's presence. (RTBOSS)

---- I'm going to tell you something that happened to me two weeks ago, a long time ago trying to seduce a girl 7/10, but could not get over that conversation and hugs, that day I used 2 AM, Voodoo 4 and 2 Glace. BOOM!! HUGS, KISSES PRETTY DEEP, I FELT HER TITS, ASS, ANYWAY, STRONG VERY STRONG. (RICARDORI)

---- 19 year old male (Black) Toned muscle type about an 7.8 in attraction.

I've tried the combo of Wolf (2 sprays) and Voodoo (2-3drps) a couple of times, the hits that i've experienced were from a co-worker(19-yo) girl and a Manager. To note me and the coworker have had history mostly involving us flirting and prolonging a relationship with each other. Now I'm single and she has a BF but i can sense she still has feels for me; I'm going off of memory so I'll keep it simple. While I was working I didn't notice anything different until I went on my 10 (lunch break). I was sitting by myself enjoying my meal and as I look up from taking a bite from my food there she is with her food, asking if she could sit with me. I say no in a playful manner and she proceeds to sit down and we have a conversation. As we are talking she begins to play footsies with me while acting causal during conversation and I go along with the flow because whatever happens happens not trying to pursue her. Another hit i noticed while in conversation she blanks out while I'm talking to her, I ask her what was that about and she says nothing...

The second encounter involving the manager about 43-50 was also during my 10, I get my food and they find a place to sit and eat but what was strange is that I went to a corner where it would be hard to find me, so it's like she was looking for me like a lost puppy. When I look up the manager ask if she can sit with me and I say sure. I had a plate and she had a thing of egg rolls but as we're sitting together she's asking me alot of personal question while looking at me with eyes of fascination. Haven't tried it in awhile but these encounters are note worthy of a good combo. (MR. ETC)

---- Think i finally found my sweet spot with voodoo. just two drops i think i was oding anything more than that.

Voodoo def works. attraction and comfort.. seems both men and women just want to hang around but def notice dilated dreamy eyes from the women. kind of like they are stoned at times.. lol anyways happy to see some obvious effects. i knew something was going on before but it felt like a weird vibe given off. going to stick to two drops for a while and see where it takes me. (KENJHOW)

---- I love Voodoo, it does everything it was designed for and more. Have you tried it solo? I only wear one to two drops and get sexual hits from it in clubs and other crowded environments. There's nothing missing from Voodoo that would have me reaching for other mixes to start combining it with. Social, sexual, some VIP like status.

I've been wearing it for months almost exclusively now. I've wrote previous posts describing the overall effects. But basically, girls think you are completely magical. You are number one, no one else can compare. Guys give you respect and assume you to be cooler and more worthy than them. Your social circle will grow exponentially and you'll have an abundance of girls coming into and out of your life. I'm a bit depressed this mix has slipped under the radar, and it's time other people started to give it a fair go.

---- I wore two drops of Voodoo on a date last night, which went really well. The girl was hooked, really giddy and happy, kept giving me the look, telling me that she was trying to seduce me, etc. The bar closed, we had a nice little kiss then parted ways. Off I went back to my apartment. It was about 2 am.

When I got back to the apartment I noticed what sounded like a party coming from the kitchen, so I went in to take a look. It was my flat mate sat on the knee of some guy who, from how he was dressed, was obviously gay, and together they were smoking shisha. Both were clearly drunk. Anyway, the point of this post is to say that it works on gay people. This man was totally under the Voodoo spell.

'Your cute,' he kept telling me, 'your really cute, quite handsome.' I don't suppose that would be too unusual, however he then repeatedly telling me how I was so 'genuine.' Genuine, genuine, genuine. What make him think I was genuine? I had barely said anything. He wouldn't let it go, though. 'Most people are so fake and pretend, but you are really genuine, I trust you.' I can only assume this is the vibe that Voodoo is radiating out. Oh, and he told me that I smelled really nice a few times too. (JAGENAU)

---- I've come back to Voodoo recently after leaving-off it for a good while because I was not really getting anywhere with it.

After finding I don't get-on with the scent very well and larger doses simply gave me an uncomfortable/edgy headache, I took the sose right down and that's when things started happening.

Pretty much a half drop, swiped from the dropper as it forms (getting a reliable/accurate full drop still remains a challenge) up to one drop will get me results with all sorts of sexuals - Particularly SOB, Bad Wolf and Domination.

Add-in some of AD's P93 and the amount of dirty-talk goes right-up too! I've been using about 15mcg alongside Voodoo and whatever sexual and its been releasing all sorts of fantasies and "do-me this way" requests in the bedroom.

pp points are mainly around my neck/throat lower jawline. Voodoo mostly goes on each side towards the back of my neck to help minimise scent issues - Sometimes it goes on my wrists but never quite the same results there. It helps a lot when they start getting close in to you. Bars, clubs and movies are the mainn arenas for this.

My age is 51 so the sexual proportions can get quite high. Younger guys would use what's appropriate for them.

Womens age range is mainly mid 30s/40s with the oldest and filthiest being the same age as me.

Think I'll be using it with New Pheromone Additive this weekend - not done that one yet.

Yes - Age is maybe against me here because I was up to 4-6 drops before I started to get much by way of sexual effects (the closeness/connection appeared much earlier) and by then, my scent issues were becoming a problem.

So dropping the Voodoo back to low dose in support of a non-problematic sexual seemed to make all the difference. The outpouring of sexy/sharing secrets and maybe the trust thing was what struck me most from this way of using it. (POLARVOID 51-Y-O)

[b]VOODOO:NA:[/b] I've been using NA and Vooddoo, and the imprinting qualities are profound, especially the after effects. 2 drops of Voodoo, 1 drop of NA. Voodoo, to me, acts like a social with some hidden imprinting qualities in it. NA, kept at 1 drop, amplifies the imprinting and makes the next interaction more hypnotic. (JJ54)

VOODOO:NA:A-1: I've commented before, but my wife doesn't react to much. With Voodoo and NA (and with VD/NA/A-1), it's like we're dating again. 2-3 bulb drops NA to 4-6 globs of Voodoo. More Voodoo than NA each time. I've also successfully added A-1 oil, and also Imprint at 1-2 sprays. She looks at me with dreamy eyes, her attitude becomes "girlish," and it just feels like there's magic again. W

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2016 6:35 PM by MMM.)
05-25-2016 6:33 PM
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Post: #4
05-25-2016 6:37 PM

NUDE ALPHA(NA): I would go with NA. Pheroman got me onto it. I used to prefer Nude over it but that was because I was using 4-5 drops of Nude solo but only 1 drop of NA solo due to the consensus that 1 drop NA was sufficient. 1 drop NA will give you the imprint effects over time but when you go 3-4 drops you start to see the dilated pupils and kino, ime anyway. It's beautifying like regular Nude but goes deeper than Nude does.

I preferred SXD9 over Nude. When emailing Garry he said Nude and SXD9 were essentially different formulas trying to do the same thing - one will work better for some people and one for others. He said if 1 of them work for you there's no need to get the other. NA on the other hand is a different ballgame. He said you need to keep things light when wearing it or they can get "serious quick" - i.e. they will develop serious emotions for you.

Nude+Voracious for me was a good combo, lots of attraction. But NA goes deeper.

I was browsing LAL the other day and noticed that for normal NA he claims it's just Nude + 2mg -none... but for Nude Alpha Gay he says it's: "2mg of androstenone above the already potent NUDE formula, as well as other secret ingredients." I'm guessing these "secret ingredients" are in both versions and explain why just Nude + -none doesn't work the same as NA. (KENPACHI)

NA:A-1: 1 dr NA+ 20 mcg Androstadienone

Ah this trusty combo.. I wore this a few times around my ex/friend whike I was with her, and the whole night she started hugging me and telling me how she felt. I was trying to watch netflix, but also trying to listen to her at the same time so as to not seem insensitive, and the whole night was just made up of a deep talk about how she feels about me.

Note: the "wife" and I are somehow separated. Long story, but got into a fight and she said something she should not have said and I moved out of the house back to my parents', which she was extremely upset about. But I wanted to preserve whatever self respect I have left, and to have her understand the gravity of her statement.

3 dr NA+ 30 mcg Androstadienone + 5 sp glace

Occasion: NYE

I was already back from Vegas and was not gonna spend it with wife. We had a fight (again )about where to spend it. She wanted to spend it with her friends, I wanted to spend it with mine. I felt she always wants things her way and I always spent time with her friends that I barely got to see mine, so I put my foot down.

Drove to my family first to have a quick dinner before heading out to my friend's party. I usually get attention obviously from my family when I show up as we're all in good terms, but I felt like everyone was jst entertained by my presence and wanted my attention. They laughed at everything I said, more than usual, and this was considering I wasn't talking much as I have been sick and can barely talk without sounding like I swallowed sandpaper.

After an hour or so, I told them I had to leave as my friend was expecting me at her party. They didn't want me to leave but I eventually said my goodbyes. Wish I had stayed..or had two bodies lol.

Got to my friend's house NYE party, and she had some cousins and friends over, more girls than guys. I felt slightly awkward but I think it was just me being self conscious from not being able to talk much.

What stood out was that when I got there, people weren't necessarily drunk even though they've already had at least 5 shots and I supposedly had a lot of catching up to do. But when I got there and g out my food and drinks and sat down, two girls kept trying to open up to me as soon as I start with some small talk about their work. Instead of the usual "oh it's going ok, it just gets tiring, " they talk to me about their frustrations over and over, and felt as if their really wanted me to understand how frustrated they are. They are both nurses, so maybe they also know I'd know where they're coming from.

This other girl also talked to me about being at the party and blowing off another friend of hers to come. She was surprised I knew about it since the hostess told me about it the night before. After an hour, she was sitting next to me again and she repeated the story about her blowing off another friend and why she wanted to come to the party we were at instead. I was too polite to tell her she already told me about it, so I jusy listened and engaged her.

I have to note that at this point, the girl was not drunk at all.

Much later we played rage cage. And she had some beer. After one round, I decided I wanted to sit down. She follows me to the couch, and so did the other girl who was talking to me earlier. After talking to me for a bit, she all of a sudden rests her head on my shoulder and rests her hand on my arm. I'm not very close to this girl, and I've gone to a few parties with her before, but never had she gotten this close to me. I should also note that it's been years since I last saw her.

While she was doing that, a bunch of people kept calling us to play another round but she said she didn't wanna play and that she was tired, and repositioned her head more on my shoulder, as if she was very comfortable in this position. I, on the other hand, was getting a bit excited with this interaction that I didn't wanna stand up either. Lol I took a picture of this scenario and will upload it later when I get a chance for all you fine folks.

I thought it was just me who thought thag this was out of the ordinary, but a friend who saw the picture posted on social media texted me later asking who the girl was, insinuating that the pic looked like there was something else going on there.


NA:THE HOOK UP: I just revisited my THU+NA combo again last night (3 sprays: 1 spread across wrists, 2 on the back of neck/ 1 drop spread behind ears) and I suddenly remember how potent it was. Girl I have known for about 5 years now, saw from across the bar and came and talked to me(normally doesn't happen). Normally we might pass each other a couple times a year and simply greet each other. This time, she was all in my space. KINO-KINO-KINO right in front of her boyfriend who is obviously beta by nature and did not seem to want to interfere. She left with him and came back by herself. Kept talking to me and getting closer as I backed away. He came back outside and when he was not looking she looked at me and said, "We need to hang out more, we do not hang out enough"…whoa.Another girl that I see out maybe once a week and normally exchange greetings and not that much congo either, got really close to my face and draped her arms over me. It was one of those scenarios where the girl was close enough to where you feel like she is trying to initiate a kiss(never ever happened with her). She kissed me on the cheek because I turned away and did not want to really entertain that nor did I want anyone else to see this going down. She was about to walk away, said something else, and kissed me on the cheek again. ODD.

What do I gather from this combo: KINO, both girls were kinoing hard. Dis-inhibition, I think the moral compass goes out of the window. Flirty, girls will blatantly flirt.

This mix reminds me of the 2 Core+2 Taboo combo but maybe a little more sexual and a little bit more kino.

Very solid mix, I would highly suggest for you guys to try this if you have both products.

---- Wow! 1-2 drops NA and 3 sprays of THU again. Lady that is maybe earlys 40s and tipsy, walks up to me out of nowhere, puts her nose behind my ear(na app) smells and says, "OMG you smell amazing". She looks like she has a mini orgasm or something and then smells it again and tries her very best to initiate a kiss. We did not even talk. I most def could have taken her home right then and there…but not my cup of joe to be honest. Tops maybe 40 just for the bucket list. (SEEKINGSUCCESS)

NA GEL: “The gel is exactly one to one with the oil. Meaning, If you look at the size of a drop of the oil before it falls, the same size amount of gel is the same as the drop. One pump is like 8 to 11 drops, so you went way over what you normally use.

Androstadienone will work great with Nude Alpha Gel or regular Nude Alpha. You can't overdose with Androstadienone if you use too much it just makes girls loopy.”

Thank you, (Garry Nelson)

NAG: 1-2 splodges. One woman has rapidly changed what she wants around me - Changing from short/fast-escalating encounters to wanting to spend long, lazy periods in my presence. Good in cars though!

I'm also getting that its very prone to buildup, needing a lot harder washing to keep breakdown under control between proper baths.

Dear God, this stuff is potent! After a six/seven exposures, the woman mentioned above can hardly bear being away from me. Four exposures were with LAL Androstadienone 30mcg, and the rest without. After a trip in the car yesterday it was very hard for her to let go of me.

Another woman, who I've left off for a while, greeted me warmly, with a hug, then stood there running her hands slowly up and down my torso as we talked. The P83 oil I've also been playing with may have helped too. It was quite a surprise to her. (POLARVOID)

---- I have used 40 mils or the regular NA to date to compare to but have been quite surprised.

Executive Summary: Holy Shit!

Dosage: 1 to 2 drops max thus far. If I used two globs one day then would do 1 glob second day due to build up with these gels. Tested 1 glob on it's own at work today (discuss further down) after a 4 day break so no build up (NA anyways). In the evenings I scrub my app points down with an abrasive pad topped with a mix of body soap, borax, and witch hazel. Best I can do.

Delivery system: A pump containing a greyish get that is less viscous than OD or SXD-9 by far. It feel smooth like lube and spreads across the skin very easily. I like to app my neck and then residual over my chest for a large surface area and maximum self effects. Gels work better then oils for this. This gel also contains some alcohol since I can feel a mild coolness due to it's evaporation. Like you feel with the gel hand sanitizers but not so strong. So the gel is very different than that of OD and SXD-9. I asked for a sample of Kane but have yet to try, may be the same?

Self Effects: regular NA gives me minimal self effects but gel does hit me hard at two drops within half hour, Max at the one hour mark. Nothing negative but high confidence, smooth, and a good feeling of well being. I often get strongest self effects from new mones since I'm not accustomed to them. Yes I know this gel is not new mix but must be the delivery.

Effects/Affects: I'll give a few real example but will summarize most interactions as observations.

First off I was not expecting much difference with the gel than with the oily NA.

Started fresh off a few weeks ago with two big full pump globs smeared on neck and chest. Admirable self effects, much to my surprise.

Christmas shopping and people definately took a notice of me, instant and far projection. Never got that from the oil. Like many users we wonder when the NA is kicking in, slow burn, never burn, OD? But the gel hits instantly like your best attraction/attention getting mix does.

Christmas shopping , standing to pay, an Asian man turned around and just opened up a conversation . This happens often with the gel, I fling people opening me up at two globs and talking. I'm an A314 lover and like to control any interaction but the gel really had people loving me. I had to think to myself, are these just one offs but it keeps happening . I know that low none can act as a social, but I can smell the none infiltrating my nose.

Shopping is a great way to experiment with mone propagation distances. I like to slowly walk up and always notice fierce penetration when people realize I'm behind them. That sounds perverted.

Need to write more but I have to go out for New Years. This is very good stuff and I'm sure we will love it. I do.
Two globe tonight.

---- Done with NAG till the weekend. Turns out that 1 max pump glob is all I need and anymore seems like a waste.

Again I feel that there is quite the social aspect and could be Beta Androstenol? Always thought that NA was mostly nol and Beta Androstenol anyways since it does give me that empathetic feeling that Beta Androstenol products do.

NAG (as opposed to NA) delivers social yet plenty of none 10 mins after application, rubbed on my neck and over my chest.

---- I worked Dec 31 and came in with just a single glob applied like I described. I figured it's safe to try at work that day since my manager was away and just 4-5 people in the office. Also, here is were I wear my A314/Xist oil mix daily so I can do some comparison. I walked in my 30 mins so was plenty heated up.

One of me professional female peers, bubbly blonde, mid 30's, 7/10 walked by my office and noticed I was in, stepped in to chat. I suggested we meet in an hour and head to Starbucks across the street and catch up. She was very excited to. She is single and looking and would not think twice about hooking up with someone she worked with. I already know she's hot for me so I have that going in.

At SB, we get our goods and have a seat. She would not stop talking, in no way intimidated, and her pupils almost entirely filled her iris. I had her 100% and she was more mesmerized than I'd ever seen her. This morning (First workday 2016), I sent an email to ask her if a certain software license was available for her use. One minute later I hear a rush of footsteps come towards my office and it was her to give me an update. Most attention I have ever gotten from her and have used A314/Xist on it's own or combo-ed with SXD-9, style, or glace for those days when I want to lighten the oli mix up. Especially further in the week due to possibility of oil buildup.

I feel that the extra attention/attraction from her was the sexual component since I never wear anything overly sexual to work. Fridays I may add 1/4 glob of OD to my chin but haven't run into her with it.

---- Also notable that day was a manager talking to one of the staff (fun visit) in the staffers office doorway, leaning against one side. I stopped by and joined the conversation, leaned against the other doorway. I'm greeted, looked at by the smaller Asian man (5'5, 45ish) and he steps back a foot without me even looking at him. Then comes back to lean in against his side of the door jam and we carry on our friendly conversation. A few minutes later he stops to talk to me which he seldom does and we chat about oil prices and our industry. He proceeds to tell me that if oil remains under $40 for Q1 then we'll have layoffs for sure. He never talks to me that candidly and managers shouldn't be telling staff that we will have layoffs for sure anyways.

Those were the most notable work experiences I've noticed out of the norm for the morning I worked.
Keep in mind, that although I have only my work oil mix with these people for a year and a half so they already have preconceived feelings about me.

---- Checkout lady at Safeway was very chatty with me again with the above 1 glob NAG 8-9 hours after application. She's 50's late. I can smell the none but apparently the social aspect is still there. The Asian man in front of me at another lineup commented how he always chooses the slowest teller. The none not keeping the Asian men away either but I have noticed in past experiences that Asians appreciate Beta Androstenol. Important observation since it shows me that the social (almost giddy) effect is still there 8-10 hours after 1 glob application.

---- That evening I showered and applied 2 full globs and went out to New Years with a girlfriend. Dinner and comedy show mostly. A mid 30's couple was sat with us but really uneventful. The mans wife was attracted and plenty of respect as I loudmouthed a little. Got them some shooters to loosen them up. My lady on many occasions told me she can't believe some of the things I'm saying, but without repercussions so all is good. This was my strongest application at two globs plus whatever was left over from mornings glob after just a simple soap wash. So no OD thus far.

---- The following day out for brunch with one glob, plus leftovers, and great interactions with staff both male and female. Had many coffees out also. Have noticed that If I had a brief interaction with a staff or walked by a table and lightly smiled, that these people, both male and female would continually glance at me if I was near their line of sight even when out of range. So there is some quick imprinting or memory effect.....hmmmmm,,, something about him. But not a negative affect on them as they would just ignore me.

I have not yet combo-ed NAG much other than adding a drop of New Pheromone Additive over previous days 2 glob residue and WOW. Woman came over and was full of energy, a sexual kitten as well as cracking jokes. Don't always get that out of her.

---- Ran 1 glob yesterday with similar effects turning this product into a very predictable fast hitting and healthy range one. On younger to mid 20's females I have found it to be too much at my dosages. At Starbucks, cracking a quick joke with the younger bar baristas and nothing, even eye contact unless I force it. Plenty of respect and some possible nervousness on their sides.

NAG builds up and lasts. Last night I showered with my none removal mix and I can still smell some none emanating off my chest.

A single glob seems to work as well or better than two globs for me. I'll need to try half a glob Saturday after being off NAG for a week, then add some New Pheromone Additive in the evening. Needs to be tested with some Androstadienone too.

NAG does show characteristics of NA but seems to be consistent, works all day, and has mixed with another sexual in small doses.

I've never had these obvious and consistent experiences with NA oil but have had them. I can see that they are related but the gel just works and works consistently. I've not gone nuts with it nor do I intend to.

I like it more than NA and surely we'll get plenty of years use if used a glob or less. (FISHDUDE)

---- Exposure to NAG has quite quickly (couple of weeks) turned my main target from a woman who responded best to medium/long layoffs and short/fast passionate sessions, to wanting to be around me near-constantly and behaving like the sun shines out of my arse for everything.

She's in her 40s and still bloody good-looking enough to have recently done a very revealing/nude video for a rising Indie artist.

---- And today, it was very much a case of "Lets take the long way home" from a sculpture event followed by dinner in an old country inn - as in a way that would add a good two hours to our journey whilst she just snuggled dreamily beside me, hand on my arm all the way. Except for a romantic stop on a high road amongst the moonlit mountains outlined with the last hints of snow.

I'll clean-up the car tomorrow!

NAG:A-1: 2 globs NAG/30mcg Androstadienone.

---- After doing so well the other day, I surprised her with dinner and a night in a rather nice mountain hotel (cheap last minuter really)

She took all of about one second to say she would drop everything for me and after a nice long drive, exposed to me with two globs NAG and 40mcg Androstadienone, she was showing some serious slow burn - It was "Can we just check-in and go straight to the room, get the bags later!"

I'm in the bar, enjoying the last heavy snowfall of winter with a stiff drink, she's floating lazily around the pool for a while before going for dinner and round two. (POLARVOID)

[b]NA GEL:BAD WOLF:[/b] One full pump of Nude Alpha Gel and three drops of Bad Wolf have got me some pretty impressive Deer in the headlights from the two redheads here tonight - Both thirties, one - the manager did a "whole body" blush when we started chatting. ie She was wearing a very skimpy tank top and her chest, shoulders, arms and face went from very fair to just about as red as her hair in about ten seconds flat - and plenty of cleavage on-show as she leaned right-in to talk to me and monopolies the conversation I was having with her waitress - A student (half Thai) who did a placement at my work a while back. She remained very polite and deferential.

The other - passed her waiting for her blonde friend at the door, she then sat near me and looked, looked away, snapped her head right back and flat-out stared, then as she stared, the hair play (dragging more like) started. Then her friend arrived, she moved but still kept checking me out from the corner of her eye.

---- I did it again - Same place, but she wasn't a redhead.

She was texting me at nine the next morning, wanting to meet-up again whilst I was looking for a bit of rest/recovery time! Same mix/dose - got a window-seat on a sunny evening, which I think helped maximise the impact.

Not quite an all-nighter. I slunk-off just before dawn.

She's been back in-touch and we are a way to take her puppy for an evening stroll on a beach.

40s, dark, tanned, curvy but fit as fuck, mostly vegetarian but likes the occasional bit of meat! (POLARVOID)

[b]NUDE:TABOO: [/b] I went home, took a fast shower, applied20" Nude to one side of my neck and top of opposite hand and two sprays of Taboo to the opposites. Then I went somewhere where I tend to meet women and see them somewhat regularly there over time, whenever I return there. I'm being ambiguous to protect the guilty. I saw a young girl that I hit it of with a few weeks ago. She is about a 8.5 and very smart and mature for her age (just legal). Second time now that we could just not run out of stuff to talk about. Last time we talked for about 1.5 hours, and tonight it was well over an hour. She has a live-in boyfriend, and I didn't plan on it going anywhere, because of this. Well tonight it went somewhere. I am no home-wrecker, but, tonight my duty was being called upon to help a young girl find out what an older man can do for her prior to her apparent life-long journey with her young boyfriend. I wouldn't want her to go through life not knowing what an older man could show her. Last time I met her, I was sporting a combo of 2 x Core and 2 pumps of SXD-9. Also an attractive, sexy combo.

I will see her tomorrow night where she works, and, I'm thinking of adding some Evolve and Cohesion to this combo. Any advice on tomorrow's combo would be highly appreciated! (COCKEDLOCKEDANDRTR)

ORBITAL: So after telling my friends about Orbital and touting the benefit of socials, I realized that I may have never posted a review myself...about Orbital.

One day while selling, I wore two sprays of Orbital. The self effects for me is that I feel fucking awesome and I feel social without feeling like that I have no control over my own mouth...

I go into this place and the decision maker is a 65 year old lady...Her pupils are dilated and the first thing she tells me is how handsome I look and how nice my shirt is...She continues talking to me about how nice and how good looking I am even when I talk about the product. So I shut up and just let her talk. I pulled out the paperwork and she signed and just kept telling me how good I looked and everything in between. The meeting was supposed to be 30 minutes....I had to go after 1.5 hours. She is a white lady and a self described redneck...She told me that she doesn't usually find black men attractive, but I am different.

Same day at another appointment...Front desk lady is captivated by mones. That appointment didn't go as well as the first one...The decision maker had other more pressing issues and wanted me to talk another time...Her front desk lady...wouldn't let me leave...kept talking...pulling my arm when I tried to go...invited me to her church...gave me her email and phone number (I didn't ask)...she said to call her cell to make sure I get another appointment with the decision maker...OK.

Third thing that happened that day is that I was in the grocery store looking at a product that I had never bought before. I said out loud..."Which one should I buy?" Talking to myself really. A lady was behind me and used that question to strike up a conversation....Some how that conversation led to her surviving breast cancer. She asked me to "look at her breast"....Ok...Size D's....she manipulated them with her hands to show me what happens during a mammogram and how she does an exam in the shower. They caught it early so she still has both of her amazing breasts. She doesn't know my name and I don't hers and we are standing in a grocery aisle talking at length about her breast....I tell her how nice they look and that I am glad that she kept them. At the end of the conversation, she shakes my hand and thanks me....I'm thinking...I still don't know which product to buy and spent about 15 minutes talking about breast....and I'm the one getting thanked. Ok.

Bottom Line: I'm amazed that I don't see more reviews for Oribtal...And I stand by the idea that leading with socials with people you don't know (especially in sales) is a great way to open up people and get them going in the direction that you want. I got a sale without ever really going in to detail on my product...I got the cell number for a front desk person that gets NOTHING for helping me out....The women in the sales situations were not what I would call attractive, but my goal was/is sales so I'll take it. The breasts lady IS attractive and it was a nice cap off to the day. All of these ladies were strangers and they didn't act like strangers. (FORGOT WHOSE POST THIS WAS. SORRY!)

[u]ORBITAL:IMPRINT:[/u] Tried this combo out yesterday...Again, I don't normally combo products, but what the hell...I have so many.

So 1 spray of each...I spray on each side of my neck and then rub it all over with the opposite wrist.

I go to on of the offices that I work with and the two ladies are pleasant and both have dilated pupils. Both ladies are asian and one is very extroverted and the other only mildly extroverted. Both mid 40's.

So we talk about business first and then the weekend...They gave me some more leads, etc. And then the better looking one (6 out of 10..the quieter one is like a 4 because she is heavy...more than just a little) says out of the blue, I'm surprised you are not out trying to get into some panties. I'm going to mark that one down as a hit.

They have never talked about sex with me before...I normally wear just a social on business visits, but sometimes a social/sexual on Fridays.

The conversation goes straight to talking about fucking. The heavy set lady is not getting any at home and thinks that it is because of her weight. She bought a toy and keep dropping hints. She may be right and dropping pounds might be the ticket. The other one get it, but not as much as she wants. The 6 is not bad and I'm a bit surprised.

We talk about all kinds of shit...It's like you might talk about with your dudes. Anyway, they both give me a hug because I have other offices to visit.

Next hit is in the same building...different floor....black lady...30's....flirty and touchy. She goes and gets her boss (they are a prospect and not a client....yet) and we have a nice visit. Both are flirty and helpful and the boss tells me what I need to do to earn the account.

Last hit (of note) was from a white 30's lady in my last office visit of the day.....She starts talking about her week and then talks about needing a boyfriend. She shows other signs of attraction...I ask her what type of guys she likes and after her description, I say that sounds like me. She starts blushing and puts her head down and away. I tell her that I am flattered. After a pause, she says too bad that you are married...do you have any friends?....I told her that I would check and see...She gives me a nice hug and I whisper something and she smiles at me....

I have been in all of the offices before...2 are clients and 1 is a prospect...All have seen Orbital alone (which worked very well)...the addition of Imprint moved things into a different vibe. No one seemed offended (which is my goal).

Only bad part is that I crashed hard at the end of the day/night...Went to sleep before 10. Couldn't help it. slept like a rock. Maybe there is melatonin in there.

----- Wore it (Imprint + Orbital) last night again and not only did someone open me...at one point she started rubbing my arm. Late 30's lady out with some friends. I was talking with another patron about NFL free agency and she chimed in...She asked what I thought about RG3 and his prospects. So people will open you, if you give them an opening to work with... (DARKLORD1)

OVERDOSE (OD): The attention getting aspects of OD is probably the best of any phero I use. Even more than Core. I'm not sure if it's because of diffusion, but this stuff even works well in the cold. Women just stare intently like they can't help themselves. Also noticed huge pupils. And when I'm intimate with a woman they are consistently really wet and super turned on. I have mixed this with AV before and it was killer but lately just one pump of OD solo I found it's a pussy killer.

Pussy Killer = pussy gets so wet it drowns. There is something in OD where they get really turned on quickly.

I'm late thirties and the women mid twenties to early thirties. (KENJHOW 30+)

P75:P83: 2.5 to 5 mcgs of P75 to the neck covered by about 40 mcgs of P83 is about the most sexually intense a mix as I think you're likely to find. Let's called it being eye fucked by hot women. The blatant IOIs like touching, exposing skin and sexual talk. Anytime a women takes your hand or other body part and puts it on her, sure thing she's turned on. She wants to be touched. (MONESMADEMEDOIT)

P96:SXD-9: Just met 20 of those students (the course is projected to be 40). These 20 are all sixteen year old teens. I was not expecting to meet them today so had on SXD-9 (one pump shared behind both ears) and three sprays P96 (15 TOTAL MGS) (one to each forearm, and one to front of neck).

I only spent an hour with them them. If this is how it will be during the actual course, I will not be able to wear any mones. All I could see and sense today was that this is a bunch of horny 16 year old teens. Three or four of them wanted selfies with me, and I had to ask them to keep their hands to themselves. Several were staring at me and I could see large pupils. Smiles, and smiles.

Nice to see but way too young. Damn. Hope the other half are older, but need to stay away from this group. Maybe no SXD-9 and P96? (SUNNYDAY)


DP + Hypnotica: This is my favorite for Bars and clubs. This is The ONE NIGHT STAND KING for me. I don't close all the time with the others, but this combo Always delivers for me.

DP 1 X 2 HS.
DP: just 1 drop to the neck/chest, then use my index finger to rub some of it behind the ears.
HS: 1 drop on my wrists (rubbed together) and 1 drop to my jaws and rub the other side as well.

P.S. No other mixes (yet) have these wow effects for me. some work, just not Wow for me.

---- Based on your collections alone, i`m going green with envy here , anyway my suggestion: AV + DP + any pure social that you have (i usually use Hypnotica), I normally use 2.5 drops of AV + 1 drp. DP + 2 drp Hypnotica Social, but any pure social (not socio-sexual). All you have to do is smile and say hi. Then look for the nearest pliers and chisels. You`re gonna need them to pry people away from you, both guys and girls. Best for High energy places like clubs or lounges with loud music.

I Don`t smoke much often, but smoking pits in bars and clubs are my best hunting ground. I swear there must be something about cigarette smoke and pheromones that make women go crazy. In smoke pits, guaranteed, i don`t have to open, but inside and in the dance, i have to put the effort of smiling and saying hi for it to be game-on.

i never go empty handed wearing this combo (unless i`m too drunk and wasted lol)

---- Most of my tests were carried out mainly on university campus, bars, parties and night clubs, so women of all adult ages (From 18 to 56 were exposed continuously)

Personal Magic Combo's / mixes for me

---- Wolf + Hypnotica: (Discovered this combo by accident, because i initially felt they wouldn't go together, Boy was i wrong?) Well this is my Warlock spell lol. I use 3 sprays of wolf and two drops of HS.You can get away with almost anything with this mix if you are in customer/ client oriented biz. But be prepared cos ppl will tell you stuff you might not have the patient to hang around for. I used this combo at school and work and everybody likes and want's to please you. I went to a job fair and one recruiter( A woman in her mid to early 30's, 8.5 - 9) took my resume without really asking and started explaining how i should edit in other for them to call me for an interview. Her colleague, (a 7-7.5) had to tell her that she wasn't supposed to do that, AND THEN turned to me, blushed and started smiling in a goofy way.

Another recruiter offered me a job that i wasn't qualified for. It was only when i was called for the interview that we all discovered that they needed someone with past experience on geology, and i'm in business. But the guy told me that i came highly recommended by the lady who i met there, and that he could see why (i couldn't see why for the life of me), took my resume, put it in a file, called his PA and asked her to forward it to their Marketing department. i barely talked with that recruiter lady for about 4 mins, she was just ticking off forms, took my contact info and still called later on to wish me luck .

I have a friend who used to work there and knows the man that interviewed me, he told me that that was unlike him, that he never does that.

---- AV + Hypnotica: My favorite when going to house parties, weddings and occasions. A lot of heads must turn if you enter, and it's as if a cross between Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Will Smith walked in. You're the shit and you know it. ANY single opportunity they have, people will line up to talk to you. I love this mix because all the time it gets me "at-least" a kiss close if i put the effort. You ever seen a 9.5 blurt out "geez i can't believe you're even talking to me!!" yeah, it happens to me sometimes in wearing this combo. dosage can be tricky though.

---- L2k v2: Now this is where things started getting Interesting. after testing different dosages, i finally hit my sweet spot of 2.5 sprays. What i discovered with L2k v2 was that no girl (most of the time) will open me. But once i open them, they are hooked, in the sense that the conversation will go on and on,and a few of them will have a sort of wistful look on their face when i end it.

Conclusion: L2k v2 (no hedione or whatever it's called) is a good product, not a blatant hitter, but if you are on a date on hitting on a stranger, It's one dependable animal. Get's women to make out fairly quickly too. Younger women (18 - 23) might take a bit longer in some case. Girls 25 and over eat it up once they are fully exposed. dependable product.
score for me 7.5/10.

---- [u]Aqua Vitae[/u]: My- oh- my: This product reminds me of a vicious Rottweiler crossed with a Giant Old fashioned pit-bull. it could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Trust me, i have the scars to prove it (lol). But before i continue, i'd like to point out that this is one of the pheromones i've decided will always be in my arsenal. It can frustrate me some times, but when it hits, You're mister wonderful. That alone makes up for me when it doesn't.

I apply about six inches of roll on behind my ears, down my neck and about 2 inches on my wrists. It's one of the products that makes me feel like the shit. The hits are instantaneous. There is almost always attraction there. When a beautiful 9 or 10 wouldn't look you in the eyes when she's talking with you, but tells you stuff you have no business knowing. When you test for IOI's hold a girl (stranger's) Hands and she's reluctant or hesitates to let it go. The thing with this product is that you can feel the attraction/ sexual tension there.

Now I've Noticed that beautiful girls (8's, 9's and 10's) react differently. The Confident ones will subtly shit test you. These girls are used to guys fawning over them so when they get attracted to you for no reason, they'll try to shit test you, both in body language and conversation. If you fail this test,(and they happen to be in a group), then AV is your worst enemy. My advice is to leave that location ASAP, and maybe return later. It acts as a reset button, but they'll still test you again if you open them. The not-so confident one's will feel insecure in your presence but still give out Clear IOI's or steal looks at you when they feel you aren't looking. some might even feel Unworthy of your presence.

It's intimidating. Everyone subtlety treats you like a movie star. I learnt the hard way that this is not something to wear around campus all the time if you are always surrounded by 18 to 23 year old girls. At events, parties, This is one of my weapon of choice. I only mix it with something when i'm going to the bars and clubs. Once in a while (rarely) it does nothing for me i've noticed, but most times, this is the shit.
Conclusion: A must have for me. a potent product, in a room full of strangers it's hits can broadcast up-to 18 feet all round for me. But you must do something about it. it rarely get's people to open you up. My score fore it 9.5/10.

---- Wolf: Ahaa..!! One of my in your face products! i don't need to say much here, except that this is mr all rounder for me. Everyday product. It does every thing i want it to do very well. I've read here that some people find that it makes them beta, For me, that can't be further from the truth.

Respect, trust, openness, attraction and yes sexual as well. Not to the degree of other specialized products, but is a jack of all trades for me with respect and friendliness, followed by attraction being it's prominent features. Wolf get's girls to open me half of the time. If it doesn't, all i need to do is smile, and it's on. It's weaker than AV in pure attraction/tension, but can hold it's own against most other products. Everyday wear for me. Just love it.

Conclusion: A must have for me. Mr all rounder. My motto now is: When in doubt: go with wolf!! My score for this 9:5/10.

---- Dirty Primitive: Wow... Mister sexy Boy...!! You smell like glorious sex.. These are words i'm constantly told while wearing this product. A lesbian i met through a mutual friend actually told me that if there was ever a guy that she'll be tempted to screw, that it was me. (I made out with her at a wedding, but unfortunately, that's as far as it got, and guys; she was hot!!) I literally cursed her all night on my way home for being a lesbian. I just love this product. I discovered that the best dosage for me was 0.5 - 1 drop, any higher and it backfires in public.

In the bedroom, i can go as far as 2.5 drops, but i noticed that girls get super honey-aggressive with that in the bedroom. 2 of them have bruised my engine room (Lol) while giving me BJs. It can be scary sometimes. So nothing more than 1 or 1.5 for me in the bedroom anymore. Talk of wet-panty-scorcher! that should be it's name!! but using anything more than one in public is counter productive for me.

My sweet spot is one. If this product works, for you, I don't care who that girl is, once she get's under your phero-cloud, she's in Trouble. Not that she'll necessarily do anything about it, but There's a 98% chance she will get wet. Girls who are bi's just go bananas, I've noticed with this product. It's as if all their inhibitions just fly out the windows (especially if they are girls you are somehow acquainted with).
Whenever i wear 0.5 drop on campus (lol, i know, couldn't resist) it's become customary to expect girls sitting around me to go to the bathroom, in the midst of a conversation within 2 minutes of my sitting down. It's so predictable, that i laugh most of the time.

Conclusion: What more can i say. Mr one night stand for me. With my potent mixture, since i discovered them, I've never gone out with it at night and not hit a home-run. It's that good!! My score for it, 9.9/10

---- Hypnotica Social: This product, gentlemen, brought me to the promised land where pheromones are concerned. I no longer use mixes much, but HS is one that amplifies every single product that i have. But i just love using it alone. If this product works for you, and girls don't open you, then something is wrong with your appearance, personality or demeanor. I can't remember whenever I've worn this product that people (NOT JUST GIRLS, EVERYBODY) wants to talk to you.

The first time i tested it out happened to be in the club. You start attracting people like flies to shit in the summer. I notice sometimes when i leave a group (I've had to sneak away many times) it's as if my Phero-cloud is still briefly there for like 7 secs, and then they start frantically turning their head and searching for me. and then the cycle repeats itself.

"IF THIS PRODUCT WORKS FOR YOU," then it's a must have. this is the best product in my opinion, if you can't pick up girls with this, then your game needs work, because i believe you'll still blow an opportunity with a naked girl in the room (if you know what i mean). I find with this product, at 2 to 3 drops, people get motor mouth with me. I just remain cool and chill and it's as if everybody (guys & Girls) just want to impress me and can't stop talking.

By far my favorite mixer and solo at 2 drops.

Conclusion: This is the best product I've discovered since i started buying mones. It goes with every product that i mix it with. Don't need to say much. my score for it 10/10. (RAZOR CAGE)

DP + Hypnotica: DP + HS just got me laid. Great combo. I was riding an XiSt + Kane + BW app, but it was mostly DP + HS. Disinhibition plus strong sexual is where it's at.

Met her a few months ago so medium-long term target. Have gone on a date, have cared for her in a bad situation she's in, we cuddled, kissed, started grabbing her boobs, and she went for me, and we went for it. She was really wet at first and then kind of dried up but never needed lube. I know you're interested in those details lol

She was never "horny"...just...willing. 4 dabs of DP from the sample vial, 2 drops of HS in wolf scent.I am a 30 yo white male. She is a 25 yo white female. She's on birth control. Does that complete your medical report? (NP17)

SWOON:EVOLVE: Ran 4 drops Swoon, 2 sprays Evolveto work. I know some are thinking wtf? I say what the hell. Swoon delivered her reliable awesome selfies. The evolve mixed in got me several interested long looks from some passers by and a lot of lady chatter,etc. The best was later when I got home from work I pretty much got mauled by my SO after we'd had a few drinks. Damn I am talking got literally mauled and she was like huffing the scent from my neck. Whew....and nice! Gonna repeat this one soon....for science!

App points were swoon to neck 1 left side, 1 right, 1 back of neck. Evolve 2 sprays upper chest. (JIMMY42 - 46-Y-0)

SWOON:GOA: Ran 2 drops of Swoon with 2 drops of GOA and went out and about with my bride. As for app points- all Pheromones split between the tops of my hands and sides of my neck, my usual spots. i covered it all with the Dirty English Type I got from The Fragrance Shop. My bride was practically hanging off of me the entire time. She is a bit more reactive to androstedienone to begin with and she does react well to Swoon so this combo worked very well for me. I noticed that the people around me were also very happy to be in my presence and as I'd interact with women in particular, they would really get happy and CHATTY with me.

Oh, after we got home my bride gave me a nice surprise by giving me her best impression of a Dyson vacuum. I am going to wear this again today, purely in the name of science, of course. (SNOOPYACE)

SWOON:THE HOOKUP: Gentlemen, in the past I've mentioned some decent results with a combo involving Swoon and Evolve spray. Today much surpassed the norm.

I toned down my usual 4 drops swoon to 3. One drop each side of neck and one drop to the back of neck. Then I choose to employ a sample of The Hookup spray I'd received with an order from Pheromone Treasures. I used 3 sample bottle sprays to my upper chest and wore this to work.

I had attraction hits all day long! Literally the best daytime combo I've tested to this point. I had 3 DIHLs from different women even from a fair distance. As soon as they'd round the corner, boom the eye lock, blank stare of........? A super cutie who's married but I think likes me was out of the norm a little chattier with me and made a point to make eye contact much longer than usual.

Hours later at home after I'd all but forgotten about "the test" my GF and I were chilling out watching tv and she out of nowhere grabs my hand forcefully and says "let's go to bed" and " I wanna fool around and suck you and stuff lets go".....there was no option she wanted it bad.....so she got it.

So needless to say there is NO way in hell I am not gonna retest this one tomorrow!!

Edited to report for those that wonder... I'm white 46, GF white, sexy and 46 and pre-menopausal. (JIMMY42 - 46-Y-0)

SXD-9: Oh boy, I used SXD-9 sat night (4 sample pumps = 2 pumps) on my jawline and I think it worked really well! Oh boy, I know how there's some products that are supposed to work with making your woman really wet (Evolve, SXD-9), but I'd have to say SXD-9 shined here. Oh boy was she soaking or what last night when I used it.

If you're doin' stuff down there, definitely in your face. If you're looking for the other purported effects (social interaction) it's a little more subtle. I can't say for sure, but that's just me. (CPTLEON)

---- In my experience SXD-9 makes them go drooling in the pants. I have seen similar wet effects with THU, maybe it has even been more juicy for my targets. Oh, and I have also observed they come faster with SXD-9.

The girls range from 34 to 40, and I'm using 4 blobs of the sample pump... according to what I have read that's like 2 pumps of the regular one. (MORNYONE)

---- Definitely SXD-9. Possibly the best standalone out there of them all. Another alternative would be Black Ops. Man it is just criminally underrated! Don't know why it never really caught on over here. People don't know what they are missing. Since you are Asian I would go with SXD-9 though. (D_DARKO)

---- I do have to agree that SXD-9 is a solid product (pardon the gel pun). It works very consistently and at 2 pumps is a lot more sexual than 1 pump. At least in my experience. At 1 pump, you have a social/slightly sexual/attractive product that makes people upbeat and happy to be in your presence. (SNOOPYACE)

---- I don't recall having any trouble pulling it off in any environment at 2 pumps - a more agreeable sexual vibe. Would you consider SXD-9 to be work-safe at this dose, Snoopy? (EKSCENTRA)

---- SXD-9 is very attractive to Asians. It also has comfort, and disinhibition effects.If you have primitive(another sexual might also work), smear a drop(or half) on top of SXD-9 and you can see them flipping their hair like crazy.I think you should try New Pheromone Additive and SXD-9 combo to find out how much work was actually done by M3X. (JB20)

TITAN: Wore Titan the last couple of days and lets say that I see things more clearly now.

Wore it to prospect and I felt fucking awesome...I normally just wear socials, but I couldn't find my orbital...My kids moved one of my containers (they can't get in it)....Anyway, I felt social and cheeky as all hell. I was assertive and had this IDGAF attitude and people were still very responsive.

While I had read that there were copulins in this mix, for some reason they decided to start hitting me. I was hornier than a mother fucker. Not to the point where I couldn't do my job, but lets just say that I forgot how powerful copulins can be.

While I crashed the first day that I wore Titan (2 sprays)...The second day = no crash.

Respect, stares, hair flips and friendly deference was there....

Hispanic cutie is a personal trainer...she kept playing with her hair and then put it in a pony tail. Very nice. She saw me looking at her ass and started posing....I went up to her and we talked for 40+ minutes...she wouldn't leave until I told her that I had to go.

A couple of other MILFs stared at me and the one that I chatted up was beaming and flirtatious.

I know that others have said that Titan makes them quiet...Maybe I even thought that, but it didn't these last two times that I wore it.

My wife did think that I smelled too strong and I normally tell her that I have on copulins just in case...This time, I forgot.

While, I probably won't be wearing this every day....It damn sure is a nice "Friday" mone.

---- My wife, who is the least responsive to pheromones and thinks that they have a placebo effect, responded to Titan.

Submissive jealousy....My wife is anything but submissive, but she has been for the last few days while I have worn Titan...I don't normally wear wolf or A314 for multiple days in a row because of reasons that I have stated earlier, but Titan is so fun that I have worn it multiple days.

This shit is freaky and only underscores the power of pheromones when you are not sure that they are working...I have seen her eyes dilated, but only a couple of products gave me a BIG response and neither was consistent.

Maybe it is the consistent use of a Androsterone product....Anyway, she didn't offer me the BIG response I was hoping for, but the submissive jealousy has been consistent every day that I have worn Titan.

To the point that she hovers around me...She doesn't hover with other blends...Oh and the cats do too...They hover like a mother fucker and I am Samuel L Jackson.

- pouts and asks me to bring her when I go on errands

- asks me not to leave her alone and I'm going in another room of the house

- said I was hers in a baby voice when her friend hugged me good bye

- head down, eyes looking up asking me if she was good enough for me

Many more that I simply didn't think about until I realized that the only Androsterone blends that I wear are wolf and A314 and I don't wear them for multiple days. I wear two sprays of Titan and I've worn it a lot.

She never acts like this. I wore New Pheromone Additive to bed when I did the buildup and she didn't even roll over. She said that I stank. Androstenone didn't make her combative. She was normal.

Here is what I'm liking most about Titan:

1. I'm not worn out at the end of the day when I wear it (now)

2. Many erections at the most random times. Feels like high school.

3. Compliance without fear even with two full sprays ( I have to cut back because I'll be out soon)

4. I'm still social. (DARKLORD1)

TITAN:ORBITAL: Good ! You like it. The only problem I face is people hanging around. People will not want to live your side with this. I am not a group person. Use orbital with this and you will find magic where people will be all around looking for you.

2 spray Titan + 2 spray Orbital. Also keep the orbital dosage away from your nose or you will hit b-nol introversion. It happened twice. Works amazing. Keep smiling and you will be center of everything. (KALPAN56)

Voodoo: Solo 4 euro globs 5 days ago

Application 3 hours prior.

Had to drop off wife & coworker to the airport for a trip to an out-of-town conference. Never met coworker - she's 38, but seriously looks 25. Amazing body, gorgeous blue eyes. She sat in the back seat. Within 5 minutes, she became a chatterbox. She also negged my wife, to which I played along. Luckily, wife took it all in with good humor. With Voodoo on, my wife has negged other women around me before, so this is kind of interesting.

---- Voodoo 5 globs - 2 hours prior Nude Alpha 1 bulb drop

Yesterday evening.

Picked up wife, coworker, and another coworker (male physician) from airport after returning from conference. Wife wanted to sit in back with our son, so her female 38 y/o hottie coworker sat next to me in the front. Within 5 minutes, she playfully grabbed my right bicep with both hands while smiling and giggling - major kino. We don't even know each other! She then shifted her body so that she was leaning into the center console (this put her left arm an inch from my right arm that was resting on the console), and she began to play with her hoodie's string. She stroked it over and over the entire ride, eventually alternating with playing with her hair.

Chatterbox the whole drive. Commented about how her hair didn't look as good as it should have, and how my wife looked better than she did when they went out at night. Also mentioned she got hit on by a chick, which apparently was a first for her. Asked me many questions, and when I would glance anywhere/move my head, she always looked at me and looked into my eyes many times. She was extremely attentive, and I frankly I was so shocked by it that I stuttered my words a few times during the ride. I was actually nervous. WTF? I wish I had spy-cammed this stuff.

Finally, was supposed to do a walk for a fundraiser for their hospital this coming Saturday. My wife said we were both going. Well, I forgot that I'm going out of town and will miss it. When I voiced this aloud, hottie coworker was visibly disappointed.

Male physician was extremely friendly, not at all acting like he was higher-value. He felt comfortable, laughed a lot, and it felt like we had all been friends for a long time.

---- Voodoo Solo 6 globs Wedding, alone with my son.

Over the weekend I had to go to a wedding, and since my wife was out of town, had my son with me. Son stole the show, and women accused me of fabricating my wedding ring and using my son to get women. I had three tables of wedding guests giving us major attention. Most of the attraction I noticed was either from very young girls (younger than 20) or women over 35. One slightly overweight, but gorgeous, 22-25 year old blonde took to my son, danced with him, and while she didn't say too much to me - her pupils were fully dilated. It was dim inside, but compared to other women, they were dilated abnormally large.

Young 18 year old cute-nerdy chick at my table seemed shy, so I opened her so she didn't feel left out. Her parents weren't talking to her much, so I figured I'd help her feel like she wasn't invisible. All she could do was peep out one-word answers and nervously giggle/laugh. I'd call this giggling-Deer in the headlights.

It felt like everyone was my own family the way they took to helping me out with him, bringing him desert or candy that was for the kids, picking him up, dancing with him on the dance floor. We had to spend 20 minutes saying goodbye to everyone who was so friendly to him/us.

Yet another Voodoo solo experience: Wore Voodoo solo to see a certain female relative of my wife's (I've decided to wear Voodoo around her exclusively to see what repeat effects will do). My regular journal readers know who this is. 3rd repeat Voodoo exposure in 3 or so weeks. She initiated texting me two days ago to join her on a walk around the lake near my house. In the past, she would have gone without saying anything to me. She has also been snapchatting me all week. Voodoo definitely gets you into people's heads. (RTBOSS)

---- After trying on about 5 women, this is my final though of voodoo.

I don't know how to say anymore about Voodoo, but this thing definitely real mysterious magical voodoo juice like I've seen on tv. the imprint effect is DANG! make girl jealousy, deep talk, turn her on, insecure, dreamy. I do love Certo but Voodoo take all out of Certo from me. It's an all around tools for every things i need. It can be use in family, around friend, first date and work.

- around my family: i know how they love me esp. my mother, but with voodoo, there is something different, my mother more support me and help me to whatever i want to do with my live. they more relax and chatty

- around my friend: more respect, they love to hangout with me talk and talk with me, asking to give a suggestion for them, when bounce to another place-they priority asking me where i wanna to go.

- first dates: this is where Voodoo is magical. Girl look at you in dreamy eyes, eye contact all the time, for the girl you + Voodoo is like song from lana del rey - tv in black & white

- work: I have same effect like wolf without self effect. (T-REX)

---- BOOM, baby! In a good way. 3 drops of Voodoo and 2 sprays of SOB. I through in some PSE around another chick, and she started leakin' down her leg. Needs replication for confirmation. Perhaps it would have occurred regardless of PSE's presence. (RTBOSS)

---- I'm going to tell you something that happened to me two weeks ago, a long time ago trying to seduce a girl 7/10, but could not get over that conversation and hugs, that day I used 2 AM, Voodoo 4 and 2 Glace. BOOM!! HUGS, KISSES PRETTY DEEP, I FELT HER TITS, ASS, ANYWAY, STRONG VERY STRONG. (RICARDORI)

---- 19 year old male (Black) Toned muscle type about an 7.8 in attraction.

I've tried the combo of Wolf (2 sprays) and Voodoo (2-3drps) a couple of times, the hits that i've experienced were from a co-worker(19-yo) girl and a Manager. To note me and the coworker have had history mostly involving us flirting and prolonging a relationship with each other. Now I'm single and she has a BF but i can sense she still has feels for me; I'm going off of memory so I'll keep it simple. While I was working I didn't notice anything different until I went on my 10 (lunch break). I was sitting by myself enjoying my meal and as I look up from taking a bite from my food there she is with her food, asking if she could sit with me. I say no in a playful manner and she proceeds to sit down and we have a conversation. As we are talking she begins to play footsies with me while acting causal during conversation and I go along with the flow because whatever happens happens not trying to pursue her. Another hit i noticed while in conversation she blanks out while I'm talking to her, I ask her what was that about and she says nothing...

The second encounter involving the manager about 43-50 was also during my 10, I get my food and they find a place to sit and eat but what was strange is that I went to a corner where it would be hard to find me, so it's like she was looking for me like a lost puppy. When I look up the manager ask if she can sit with me and I say sure. I had a plate and she had a thing of egg rolls but as we're sitting together she's asking me alot of personal question while looking at me with eyes of fascination. Haven't tried it in awhile but these encounters are note worthy of a good combo. (MR. ETC)

---- Think i finally found my sweet spot with voodoo. just two drops i think i was oding anything more than that.

Voodoo def works. attraction and comfort.. seems both men and women just want to hang around but def notice dilated dreamy eyes from the women. kind of like they are stoned at times.. lol anyways happy to see some obvious effects. i knew something was going on before but it felt like a weird vibe given off. going to stick to two drops for a while and see where it takes me. (KENJHOW)

---- I love Voodoo, it does everything it was designed for and more. Have you tried it solo? I only wear one to two drops and get sexual hits from it in clubs and other crowded environments. There's nothing missing from Voodoo that would have me reaching for other mixes to start combining it with. Social, sexual, some VIP like status.

I've been wearing it for months almost exclusively now. I've wrote previous posts describing the overall effects. But basically, girls think you are completely magical. You are number one, no one else can compare. Guys give you respect and assume you to be cooler and more worthy than them. Your social circle will grow exponentially and you'll have an abundance of girls coming into and out of your life. I'm a bit depressed this mix has slipped under the radar, and it's time other people started to give it a fair go.

---- I wore two drops of Voodoo on a date last night, which went really well. The girl was hooked, really giddy and happy, kept giving me the look, telling me that she was trying to seduce me, etc. The bar closed, we had a nice little kiss then parted ways. Off I went back to my apartment. It was about 2 am.

When I got back to the apartment I noticed what sounded like a party coming from the kitchen, so I went in to take a look. It was my flat mate sat on the knee of some guy who, from how he was dressed, was obviously gay, and together they were smoking shisha. Both were clearly drunk. Anyway, the point of this post is to say that it works on gay people. This man was totally under the Voodoo spell.

'Your cute,' he kept telling me, 'your really cute, quite handsome.' I don't suppose that would be too unusual, however he then repeatedly telling me how I was so 'genuine.' Genuine, genuine, genuine. What make him think I was genuine? I had barely said anything. He wouldn't let it go, though. 'Most people are so fake and pretend, but you are really genuine, I trust you.' I can only assume this is the vibe that Voodoo is radiating out. Oh, and he told me that I smelled really nice a few times too. (JAGENAU)

---- I've come back to Voodoo recently after leaving-off it for a good while because I was not really getting anywhere with it.

After finding I don't get-on with the scent very well and larger doses simply gave me an uncomfortable/edgy headache, I took the sose right down and that's when things started happening.

Pretty much a half drop, swiped from the dropper as it forms (getting a reliable/accurate full drop still remains a challenge) up to one drop will get me results with all sorts of sexuals - Particularly SOB, Bad Wolf and Domination.

Add-in some of AD's P93 and the amount of dirty-talk goes right-up too! I've been using about 15mcg alongside Voodoo and whatever sexual and its been releasing all sorts of fantasies and "do-me this way" requests in the bedroom.

pp points are mainly around my neck/throat lower jawline. Voodoo mostly goes on each side towards the back of my neck to help minimise scent issues - Sometimes it goes on my wrists but never quite the same results there. It helps a lot when they start getting close in to you. Bars, clubs and movies are the mainn arenas for this.

My age is 51 so the sexual proportions can get quite high. Younger guys would use what's appropriate for them.

Womens age range is mainly mid 30s/40s with the oldest and filthiest being the same age as me.

Think I'll be using it with New Pheromone Additive this weekend - not done that one yet.

Yes - Age is maybe against me here because I was up to 4-6 drops before I started to get much by way of sexual effects (the closeness/connection appeared much earlier) and by then, my scent issues were becoming a problem.

So dropping the Voodoo back to low dose in support of a non-problematic sexual seemed to make all the difference. The outpouring of sexy/sharing secrets and maybe the trust thing was what struck me most from this way of using it. (POLARVOID 51-Y-O)

[b]VOODOO:NA:[/b] I've been using NA and Vooddoo, and the imprinting qualities are profound, especially the after effects. 2 drops of Voodoo, 1 drop of NA. Voodoo, to me, acts like a social with some hidden imprinting qualities in it. NA, kept at 1 drop, amplifies the imprinting and makes the next interaction more hypnotic. (JJ54)

VOODOO:NA:A-1: I've commented before, but my wife doesn't react to much. With Voodoo and NA (and with VD/NA/A-1), it's like we're dating again. 2-3 bulb drops NA to 4-6 globs of Voodoo. More Voodoo than NA each time. I've also successfully added A-1 oil, and also Imprint at 1-2 sprays. She looks at me with dreamy eyes, her attitude becomes "girlish," and it just feels like there's magic again. W

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2016 6:38 PM by MMM.)
05-25-2016 6:37 PM
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Post: #5
05-25-2016 10:33 PM

Holy shit. You have no fucking idea how much I love this post. Thank you

23 year old, Asian, Filmmaker

My arsenal

AD: L2Kv1 2016, AM 2013, Glace
LAL: Wolf, Bad Wolf, AV, Nude, SXD-9, Dirty Primitive, Asian 4 Asian, Voodoo
Apex: Core, M3X
PT: Swooon, Grail of Affection, The Hook Up
PXS: Taboo
LS: Impi Red Metallic 2016
Samples: Xist, Evolve, Ascend, The Hook Up, Alfa Maschio, Corporativo, Aqua Vitae, Possess Alpha, Nude Alpha, Dion, Orbital, Scent of Eros,
05-25-2016 10:33 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #6
05-26-2016 1:50 AM

Hey MMM:

Thank you so much for this post! It served to confirm some of my own findings as well as give me a few other combos to take a run at. You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

My Pheromones:

Liquid Alchemy Labs: Wolf, Bad Wolf, Aqua Vitae, Nude Alpha Gel, Voodoo, SXD-9, Hypnotica
Alpha Dream: Corporativo, Certo
PheromoneXS: Ascend (w/ copulins), XiSt, Cohesion, Evolve
Androtics Direct: Instant (Shine, Openness, Honesty, Gentleman), Come Talk To Me, MX297, MX353
Apex: Core
Single Molecules: Androstadienone, P74, P83, P86, P93, P96
05-26-2016 1:50 AM
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Post: #7
05-26-2016 3:43 AM

05-26-2016 3:43 AM
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Post: #8
05-26-2016 6:59 AM

(05-26-2016 1:50 AM)KoiBecomeDragon Wrote:  Hey MMM:

Thank you so much for this post! It served to confirm some of my own findings as well as give me a few other combos to take a run at. You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

No problem!


I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
05-26-2016 6:59 AM
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