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Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
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John Schlongfellow - Banned
Rainbow Sprinkles Adhesive Dept.

Joined: Oct 2012
Sex: Often Please
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Post: #1
Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-13-2012 9:36 AM

To whom it may concern,
I heard mention of a Beta testing setup area days ago but still don't see it.
If I'm in the wrong spot please redirect me or move my post, whatever you want. Just don't claim I was late with a review.


Brad used a Priority Mail with delivery confirmation at a cost of $5.90 to himself with only the guarantee that I would get on here and scribble out something, anything really.
I'd call that generous so I'd like to start by thanking him for the opportunity to try something new at ZERO cost. Good

Next I'd like to reiterate that I have avoided the HAX website so that I cannot regurgitate a marketing blurb.
This has been and will be my first TRULY BLIND mone use.

The placebo effect is VERY well documented and I get the feeling at least half the members here are completely full of shit.
OK that isn't quite fair, but I see many MANY things attributed to mones which are clearly a combination of normal social interaction and and the user's warped perceptions.
I also see people who watch the Jesus Channel and swear he cured their gout right after they donated $$. Rolleyes
A fool and his money are soon parted, if not soonER.

The sample bottles are glass, being reasonably new to this hobby I lack much of the paraphernalia and am always excited to receive high quality reusable items. $Cha-Ching$ $Cha-Ching$
The labels featured actual artwork :paint2: and a hand bottled scribble mark.
While I'm sure many vendors here hand bottle, KNOWING it was done makes it more personal, much like a INSPECTED BY tag with initials done by hand.
Props for not having PHEROMONE on the bottle.

My wife is my highest priority testbed and while married men wouldn't seem to be the target demographic, you need only search the "Introductions" section for MARRIED.

WOW as I write this review there is a No Knock Warrant being served on the house next door. The US Constitution prevents a standing army so the police force has been transformed into one.
Full battle gear including helmets rifles and facemasks.
ANY MAN WITH A FACEMASK AND A WEAPON IS A TARGET for every decent citizen armed with a rifle.
When will this war the Gov is waging AGAINST the American people, funded BY the American people, for the SAKE OF the American people, come to an end?
Expect to see more and more military weaponry in the hands of LEO when the defense budget FINALLY gets cut and the death dealers look for new markets. Xyxgun Our local guys have at least 2 Bradleys, WTF for? Drones? You betcha!
Expect to see more "Officer Involved Shootings" as Vets join the force, just itching to kill someone else. Bad JUJU !

OK rant off, but seriously they just hauled away my next test subject, the 92lb 18yo white trash hottie who's mail came to MY house yesterday.
So much for returning it..... to the trash it goes.
I've always wanted to see her in handcuffs but not like THAT Cry

BACK to business....

We hadn't seen each other, literally, in 4 days. I work 2nd and 3rd shift and she works 1st and most of 2nd.

Now the saying goes that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" but the author kindly neglected the sleep deprivation that 60-70 hour weeks can induce.

She came home late last night after a 4 day 54 hour stretch.
STRESSED as hell since the manager ran out a week ago and left her running the show, minus about half of the passwords LOL.

I had some dinner and wine ready and had applied two sprays of LadyKiller, one to to my wrists and rubbed together, and one to my bare chest.
The scent was fresh and clean, probably the same as the Pherocide sample provided but cleaner, maybe on account of different mones.
I added a shot of Polo Sport and it blended superbly.
30 mins allowed for die down.

Upon entering the house her first words were " I'm SO tired, I hope you don't expect anything tonight!"
Not a bitch shield, but NO generally means NO with her.

We ate (low carb) and cuddled and talked for a while with dienone type effects, slowly ramping up and relieving her stress, with a seeming synergistic effect with the wine.
She has been ready to cry and after 20 mins her mood improved markedly.
She only had one glass, but I'd have suspected 2-3.
I suggested we move the party upstairs.

While she was fussing about I applied another shot to my chest to see how easily a fresh application was detected.
It wasn't. Bravo Brad !!

As we layed in bed studying "The 48 Laws of Power" I noticed some touching going on.
Over the course of 5-10 minutes it escalated into serious ..ahem...fondling.
After 20 mins she was asking (thought I'd be coy hehe) and 30 mins she was DEMANDING and even willing to play compliance games to get it.


We are going to a funeral tomorrow, granted a morbid place to look for hits, but emotional lability turns me on.
Later we'll go to a friend's house to schmooze her closer to a Gov job.
I'll wear LK and she'll wear Alpha Donna.

I'm exp some connectivity issues today so I can't go ahead with my normal machete edit, sorry for too many words.
I'm also going to copy/paste much of this to my journal.

My advice is only based on mistakes I've made.
I am the Edison of socialization.

Exoticaxs, Connectionsxs, Cohesion oil, Ascend oil, Desire Me oil, Domination oil, Evolve oil, Glace, Corpo, Alpha Donna, LIIK, TA oil, TL oil, TL4W spray, 7keto DHEA, DHEA, Neno, PEA, Trione, Anone, Enone, Erone, Arone, A THDOC,

Neno Neno Wherefore art thou oh Neno ???? right next to the coffee !!
rant ---> http://pherotruth.com/Thread-My-stream-o...9#pid73109
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2012 11:18 AM by John Schlongfellow.)
12-13-2012 9:36 AM
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Volunteer Phero Tester

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Post: #2
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-17-2012 11:32 AM

I had been using Holy Grail for the past week and filing reports in that thread, but yesterday, I decided to give Ladykiller a try.

I help out some business associates by doing some IT related stuff in their restaurant. I figured it'd be a good environment to test in.

While leaving the house, my significant other hugged me tightly and held on longer than usual. She was asking if I really had to go...but I did need to go, so I gave her a kiss and went on my way.

On the train ride over to the restaurant, I did get some glances from females. Some eye contact was made as well.

Once I arrived to my destination, the chef offered to make something for me and he let me tell him exactly how I wanted it customized. Waitresses were nice, lots of smiles and eye contact. Made sure my water glass was always filled up. They did keep their boundaries though, they already know me well from my visits in the past, plus I'm a bit of an authority figure there, so they kept it professional.

Other than that, the entire staff was friendly and gave lots of respect. I finished my IT work and was getting ready to leave.

Before I left, it turns out that the stapler they use to seal the take-out order bags had run out of staples. So, I ran across the street to the pharmacy to see if they carried some. They did, but it wasn't the right size. Another associate came over and he said he'll look in the employees back workroom to see if they had other kinds of staples. He brought out some, but still none fit this particular type of stapler. He asked me to walk over to the employee room to check what else they had. I looked and found one type of staples that looked like it might work. He said to just take some and try them and if it did work, he'd give me more from the box - no charge. I thanked him and told him if it worked and he hooked me up, I'd make sure we took care of him at the restaurant after he got out of work.

It turns out, the staples I took with me didn't work, so I went back and returned the ones he gave and thanked him for trying to help. He was apologetic about it not working out.

Other than that, all went well. Got home and my S.O. was waiting for me. I guess she was missing me from the morning, and it was a nice happy end to a long day. King

As John above me put it - DING DING DING !!! WE HAVE A WINNER !!!!
12-17-2012 11:32 AM
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Volunteer Phero Tester

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Post: #3
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-17-2012 7:40 PM

So, just a quick report to throw in today.

I didn't wear any mones today, but I also did not go out of my way this morning in the shower to scrub off the Ladykiller I had on my neck yesterday. I left it on last night actually to see if I would have any reaction while sleeping, but I did not. With Holy Grail, there was some reaction (see that review thread for my experience).

Anyway, I was just stepping outside of my office building when the senior head of another department was walking in. I pulled the door open and he was on the other side of it trying to get in. That particular door has a sensor type system, where you can swipe an access card from outside and it will activate a buzzer to unlock the door and let you in.

He had his access card in his wallet and was trying to swipe the wallet without taking out the access card. I opened the door for him, since I was going outside and after a few seconds right after he walked past me, he turned around and just started going on about how swiping with the wallet without taking out the access card used to work and how he had just gotten a new credit card and how it was probably his new credit card that was blocking the access card. He went as far as describing the SIM chip in the access card and stating that his new credit card had the same type most likely and that was causing the issue with swiping.

Anyway, someone else passed by and was also walking out of the building and I took the opportunity to walk out with that person. Meanwhile this senior department head was still kind of waiting around like he wanted to continue the conversation.

This is someone who has literally no dealings with my group and has passed me by before without saying a word ever. Maybe a slight nod once in awhile, but never any exchange of conversation. Since he has no work with my group, there's no need to meet or discuss anything. He seems to be a quiet person overall, older and wiser type, and basically just a cool and calm demeanor. So, him standing there and chatting is something very, very unexpected.

So, that brings the question - some leftover mones from last night caused the reaction? Seems almost like a Glace kind of hit in terms of how he got motormouth. Or, am I getting a mone buildup on my neck from all of the Holy Grail I used last week?

Just want to edit this to add - had on cologne - trying something new - Kenneth Cole . It does have good sillage, so it could open up the mone receptors of others nearby.

Thoughts? Comments?
(This post was last modified: 12-18-2012 8:43 PM by deker0.)
12-17-2012 7:40 PM
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Volunteer Phero Tester

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Post: #4
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-24-2012 5:01 PM

Just want to type in another report -

Dosage: 2 sprays LadyKiller - one on each side of my neck.

Cover scent: A couple of sprays of Diesel Only The Brave to my chest.

Self-effects: None

Had a holiday luncheon to go to at an Indian restaurant yesterday afternoon with the S.O. This is a group of people we've hung with before, but a relatively newer social circle. Interesting group - some decent/kind people, but some are more dramatic and pains in the ass to deal with (initial impressions).

Anyway, they decided to do a gift pool so everyone can contribute a gift and at the end of the luncheon, everyone gets to pick a gift out of the bag.

So, before going to the luncheon, went to the department store to pick something up. The lady helping us (white, mid-late 40's, pretty face) was very nice and made some small talk. Ended up just getting a gift card and leaving. Upon walking out, I remembered that some of those "pains in the ass" of the group had said a gift receipt was required, to allow people to return gifts that they did not like.

Went back into the department store and the lady helping us smiled when she saw me and said "oh, you're back again?" So I explained about the gift receipt and she said "sure, just pick something you like and use the gift card to pay for it and I'll make sure to give you a gift receipt"

So, we picked out something, went to pay for it and she rang us up. She also bought out a gift bag and gift tag and wrapped it up all nice. Told her colleague that she couldn't ring anyone else up till she was finished helping us. Made more small talk, smiled alot with me in front of my S.O. and was asking questions about where we're going, what restaurant, how she loves Indian food, etc...and touching my arm here and there. As we said bye and left, she called out a few times saying bye as we were leaving.

At the restaurant, warm reception from the gents at the luncheon and hugs from their wives/girlfriends. Some stares, but nothing blatant, as their guys/husbands were around. Everyone was nice and respectful. It was a buffet (3 course - appetizer, lunch, dessert), so everyone could eat as much as they liked.

I tried to pull a waiter aside to request something specific for dessert, but as I got closer to tell him (didn't want others around me to hear me requesting something specific for myself), he backed away a few times - he was too intimidated. After he finally heard my request, he passed me along to the manager, who said they already had pre-set things for the dessert menu, but he was very nice about it and said I could get it as an add-on for an extra charge if I really wanted it. I mentioned this convo with the manager in casual conversation to a few of the guys in the group.

Other than that, food was very good, got to eat quite a bit of some really good chicken dishes. It turns out a few people from the social circle knew the manager and other higher-ups in the restaurant, so we got treated real well, the waiters kept checking up on us and brought out fresh hot bread even though the baskets still had a bunch left.

At the end of the meal, one of the guys I told about the dessert actually got the manager to throw in the specific dessert I wanted for free (special order since it wasn't offered as part of the buffet). As I was walking towards the buffet table, the manager walked over with a small plate of the dessert. Wow, impressive. Big respect hit there....my buddy had talked to them and ensured that they'd hook me up. He ended up asking for a plate for himself and kept agreeing with me that it was a great choice (it was "ras malai" for those who know Indian food).

Anyway, it was good overall - nice day with some good people. Handshake and lots of respect given upon leaving from the manager - I thanked him as well for taking care of us. Oh, and the gift thing - I ended up with a crappy gift that did NOT come with a gift receipt. Oh well...the guy who picked my gift liked it alot though...
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2012 5:09 PM by deker0.)
12-24-2012 5:01 PM
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John Schlongfellow - Banned
Rainbow Sprinkles Adhesive Dept.

Joined: Oct 2012
Sex: Often Please
Posts: 405

Post: #5
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-25-2012 12:42 AM

Last night we had a large party on property.
The attendees were either Puerto Rican or Dominican of all ages, mostly couples.
The place was jumping when I showed and the Cupid Shuffle is a party staple.
huh embeded no worky...
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pZ-i_F6Lwvo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I applied 2 shots of LadyKiller on my wrists with no cover.
I did this on the way to the bathroom (nothing suspicious about cologne and the bathroom)
No self effects.
I walked into the bathroom and the host was taking a leak, someone in a stall was buying a QP of weed for the afterparty and discussing prices and quality with host through the stall door. He didn't hear or see me come in and kept talkin while the host made some funny sounds to try and silence him.
In Spanish I told him to "shut the fuck up nigga" and he got mad while the host started laughing.
"Who da fuck is dat?" OH Eek
I told him to wash his hands before going back to the party and he complied nicely. Respect?

The host invited me to go get a plate of food and I went through the crowd instead of the rear entrance.
I saw two heads turn and follow me. This isn't uncommon as I wade through crowds.

Since these were mostly couples it's a bit dangerous trying to turn women's heads. Hispanic males are prone to excessive posturing if they even think you're checkin out their lady.
It's 3x worse if the lady is checkin you out. Girl sigh Treaten

I stashed my plate and was standing near the bathroom but behind a counter so min distance was 4 ft and people were hurrying back and forth.
Most everyone was ignoring me.

I decided to put one spray on a bit of paper and hung it on the front side of the counter with BATHROOM ----->
Now the cloud was closer and it started to catch people going by.
The first hour I'd had two words said to me, after the sign trick I got lots of hellos and smiles, comments on the party.
I'd say it shifted the dynamic, or the Heiny was really kickin. Drunk
or both

Upon the second pass through the cloud one chika stopped, looked around and who did she see standing there with a shit eating grin?
Oh yeah.
She asked for the bathroom, like she hadn't just been there LOL. (and standing next to the sign)
Most people haul ass as soon as you point to the bathroom, not her.

We didn't get to talk because a scuffle broke out over a stolen something or other. She left.

The fight broke itself up, not my job anyway.
While surveying the gathered crowd for weapons being produced, I noticed someone staring at me. She saw me seeing her and looked away quickly.
I like traps, so I kept watching her.

5---- 4-----3-----2-----1 -----BINGO she looked right back at me and I caught her. Redface

Dominican 5'1" 100lbs red dye in her black hair, 6" heels, high waist black spandex pants with XX cameltoe and a pleated leopard print tube top.
I'd give her a 0/10 HOW THE HELL DOES THE GIRL RATE A 0/10 ? I'll tell you later.

So the fight was over but there was still some noise and I noticed a few women had moved to my area, like I was SAFE in a game of tag.
Maybe an excuse to get closer and talk while the men were posturing.

The host came over to apologize and I couldn't help but notice that Dominica was shadowing him. I caught her looking at me again.
Host asked if I'd gotten a plate. I confirmed and complemented the food. One item in particular.

It was clear the party was over and people slowly shuffled out, most saying bye but a couple tried to hug me over the counter.
Like I had ever seen them before........or ever would again.

I have some stuff to do, when I turn around guess who's there?
Dominica. Girl sigh
She had filled a plate with the item I mentioned to the host and said " You look HUNGRY".
oh boy you have no idea......... drool

the good
respect from the men
no aggression even from a culture prone to it, no ghosting, or anything negative from men.
They seem friendly and interested in what I have to say.

I got eye contact and stalkers at a party after only walking through, signaling fast effects.

Dominica was jailbait like a mofo
incredibly attractive and well aware of what she was doing
I hate jailbait so 0/10 and 17 years 11 months is still jaibait.
(for now MUHAHAHA ... is that wrong?...)

This is very close to her look, she had more T&A WARNING NWS naked images (but NOT jailbait) sweet Nella..... yum.....

there were some old ladies kinda checkin me out but Dominica wanted to climb over the counter...... or under it..... might as well ..... Suicide2

If I'd posted it 32 days from now this would be a VERY positive review (and would come up in Terry's thread ) Rofl

Dominicans come from the Island of Hispanola in the Caribbean. They are at the darker end of the Hispanic spectrum since Haiti on the eastern half of the island.
They are known for being plump and feisty.

My advice is only based on mistakes I've made.
I am the Edison of socialization.

Exoticaxs, Connectionsxs, Cohesion oil, Ascend oil, Desire Me oil, Domination oil, Evolve oil, Glace, Corpo, Alpha Donna, LIIK, TA oil, TL oil, TL4W spray, 7keto DHEA, DHEA, Neno, PEA, Trione, Anone, Enone, Erone, Arone, A THDOC,

Neno Neno Wherefore art thou oh Neno ???? right next to the coffee !!
rant ---> http://pherotruth.com/Thread-My-stream-o...9#pid73109
(This post was last modified: 12-26-2012 5:58 AM by John Schlongfellow.)
12-25-2012 12:42 AM
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on the court .. not on the stands

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Post: #6
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-28-2012 3:37 PM

Well .. yeah well ... when i came home from work a package was there in front of my door ...

opened it and was really happy to see a Ladykiller and a Pherocide sticker on the bubble wrath envelope inside ..

very nice labels on the bottles .. nothing leaked .. a hand written note .. NICEEE

sniffed both samples and Pherocide scent is the one from Element X ( citrus very classy ) and the one from Ladykiller is similar to the scent from X22 ( fruity )

alright ... my last mone app was C4 at 6 AM and i went then to test it at 8 PM to MC D ..

usually crowded at Friday evenings .. they have a large Mac Coffe there .. good place to test out stuff because i know the location very well and the good side is that it's only a few min's from my home !

alright ...

put on 3 sprays on my neck and went in .. scent is really stealth ... that's good ..

ordered some coffe and a few fries and some Chicken Nuggets ( no idea why i did buy the food ??? )

staff was intimidated and i was served really quick .. hehe ..

Boss was intimidated even more .. did i put on too much ... next time i take 2 sprays ;)

went to a free seat close to the window and a couple of a Thai women ( late 20's i think ) and an guy mid 40's ( ugly yeah we know this ) somewhat southern Europe type .. Turkish .. no idea .. was sitting there
i sat facing the women .. the guy had his back facing me .. well this way i was able to see her reactions on him in my phero cloud ..

Ladykiller has some strong beautifying effects ... somewhat along the lines of Androstatrione .. makes chicks adoreable .. well not the ugly one's of course ..

body shape of women seemed to look better as well ..

self effects were really chillin .. area was perceived really peaceful .. just like you sit in your living room on the couch with a bottle beer watching TV .. haha

Groups of peeps there were in peace mood .. i did not hear some loud behaviour .. yes some laughing .. good mood .. but not what you could expect from a crowded place ..
here it's very similar to Element X

Ladykiller is somewhat energizing .. motivating .. food tasted better than usual .. the Chicken Nuggets were delicious .. the fries a bit dry .. coffee tasted better than usual as well ..

I saw women behaving more confident than usual and children behaving really good as well .. some Christmas Atmosphere where everybody dig's out his best behaviour ... hmmm

saw this many times with Element X before as well ..

back to the couple ..

the Thai Lady lit up and started to flirt with her guy .. rarely see with Thai women here .. she always showed her hands .. hmm

the guy's body language shifted into some beta posture .. legs pressed together .. ??

Women was clearly trying to bond with him .. behaviour would have fit good in a candlelight dinner .. but only from her .. not from him

the Thai women + Guy couple left and a min later a young Girl did sit there ..

nice make up

few secs later a somewhat average guy followed .. age range of both in early 20's

well the couple did sit down the same way as the couple before ... women with face in my direction .. guy with his back to me .. facing the women as well

this girl chatted up the guy a lot .. and as well he was overwhelmed by her seduction ..

she did get laaaarrrrggeee eyes .. the longer she was exposed the larger they became .. she was opening clearly up and as well she had her hands always exposed .. showing the inside of her forearms .. hmm Ladykiller seems to produce very nice hits concerning the body language ...
for those who can read them it's golden ..

the girl clearly went into motormouth and the guy was overwhelmed by that much attention ..
Hell she was talking about all crappy stuff ... like her new I-phone .. her Appartement Heat ... her neighbours ... etc etc ..

many times she apologized ... great hit as well ..

she was giving him that obvious IOI's that if i would have been on his place i would have made a home run here !!

clearly this stuff is mega bonding and needs a bit time to show his effects .. but they creeple in and then the women are ON ..

was both couples had in common was that the women started to take over and to seduce the guy .. and a lot of talking ..

the guy's both behaved very beta ..

had to leave the scene because my Coffee was empty and it was not bearable anymore to see the women getting turned on more and more and that guy profiting from the Mones !

both women made strong strong eye contact with her guy ..



on the court instead of on the stands
12-28-2012 3:37 PM
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the Sun God

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Post: #7
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
12-28-2012 4:44 PM

Again, thanks to HAX.

Been mostly testing Pherocide because I thought it was "more work friendly". But the last few days I've been wearing Ladykiller.

The scent is really nice, Light and crisp/clean fresh. I'm not good at describing scents, but it reminded me of wingman Black Label's scent package.

I didn't notice much in the way of self effects, but I often don't unless I put something under my nose.

So far I like it! Some key notes:
Interactions with a hostile female co-worker (caucasian 7-8/10 - 25 years old)were much smoother. Usually there is a sort of general animosity. A vibe of "I dislike you" that broadcasts clearly without ever being said. Wearing Ladykiller around her has seriously improved that. The vibe was gone. No "typical hits" from her, only the lack of palpable dislike.

At a Christmas party it seemed to have a tractor beam effect on an older lady. She seemed to be following me, turning up everywhere I went. Joining the conversations I was engaged in, the tables at sat at, etc. Everyone seemed to enjoy my presence with Ladykiller.

Hispanic MILF (31 7-10) was positively affected. She's usually really shy but she was actually engaging me in conversation. Notable difference if you know her. There must have been some afterglow because she texted me the next day out of the blue, using something we had talked about at the party as an opener. She also mentioned that she owed me a dance.Big Grin

I got an email informing me that I would have to work on christmas eve and day. Well that kinda pissed me off, everyone else would be getting the day off, just not my crew. It darkened my mood. I had been folding laundry with a female co-worker (28 6/10). About five minutes after I got the email she says "You know what - you need to get laid. I can tell things about a guy and what you need is to get laid." Totally blew me away. My angry body language and facial expression coupled with the sexy vibe of ladykiller must have translated into "sexually frustrated" in her mind. hilarious, but good data nonetheless.

Also - the "you need to get laid" girl wore makeup to work the next day, and pretty earrings. First time I've ever seen her wear eyeliner, let alone to work.

So far I like Ladykiller. I need to test it more, and in more appropriate circumstances; but it has already shown potential in my limited workplace testing. Hopefully I'll be hitting the town with some buddy's soon and I'll be able to provide a real "nighttime" report.

[Image: 3TCy.gif]
12-28-2012 4:44 PM
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John Schlongfellow - Banned
Rainbow Sprinkles Adhesive Dept.

Joined: Oct 2012
Sex: Often Please
Posts: 405

Post: #8
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
01-06-2013 2:06 AM

Sprayed two shots of ladykiller on my chest the other night before she got home and was waiting up for her.
Passed out instead OOPS !

Woke up an hour later and she was in the bed kissing me while I was asleep WTF?
Told her she'd have to finish what she started. (lol can't rape the willing)

OK Flirt

My advice is only based on mistakes I've made.
I am the Edison of socialization.

Exoticaxs, Connectionsxs, Cohesion oil, Ascend oil, Desire Me oil, Domination oil, Evolve oil, Glace, Corpo, Alpha Donna, LIIK, TA oil, TL oil, TL4W spray, 7keto DHEA, DHEA, Neno, PEA, Trione, Anone, Enone, Erone, Arone, A THDOC,

Neno Neno Wherefore art thou oh Neno ???? right next to the coffee !!
rant ---> http://pherotruth.com/Thread-My-stream-o...9#pid73109
01-06-2013 2:06 AM
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on the court .. not on the stands

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Post: #9
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
01-06-2013 10:22 AM

Additional observations after several days of testing ...

This stuff has a nice stealth scent .. even when you reapp it is barely not detectable .. no negtive mone smell detected as well !

i like the small glass bottles because they deliver a nice small spray that you can direct onto your neck and it will not get you showered with liquid ..

i'd say the amount of liquid put on is somewhere at 25% of a normal togo spray ( you know the plastic one's )

this means i can spray on the product and ONE finger is enough to rub the product in or to smear it around to fasten the drydown .. but a few mins are enough as well to let it dry when you do not smear it around with a finger .. i mean you spray it on and let it dry ..

self effects are really strong and the product zones me out pretty fast ( 2 sprays ~ 3 sprays )

it makes me talkative and the one's around me as well .. makes me cocky and funny . words do easy come outa my mouth and i'd say except from the lil stoned effect it put's me in one of the best out there in self effects !

What i find very interesting that peeps forget what they had to do and instead they chat and chat ... as well it makes peeps spill the beans .. is this a truth serum ?

be careful with what you say when you have this on ... it clearly makes you say what's on your mind ..

i do not mean that it makes you bla bla nonsense ... it clearly put's you in the mood to follow your desires !

Ladykiller has a very strong hornyfying effect on it ... Brad you put some really good cops into it .. did you Big Grin

This stuff is not the fast hitting one .. do not misunderstand me .. it hits fast but it builds up on it's effects ..

this means that when the targets are exposed a bit more time the effects become over the top ... this shit gives women really hard times ..

Mood change is extreme and what i've described in my former post with the couples at McD happened to me as well when testing it on one on one situations with women ...

one example .. have been out and was chatting with a nice tall women ( actually 10cm taller than me ~ add her high heels and you get the pic )

women engage really much to get the convo going .. i posted about this before as well.. this time i really put some energy in how far you can go with this and i tell you it's nice with what stuff women can come up to talk to you !


there was another girl .. sitting there with a guy that had his arm around her .. maybe on a date or in a relationship ..

took a bit but after a few min's she clearly started to look a bit sad and glanced over and over .. then she started to look over and had that clear look of envy on her face ..

watching me and the tall one ...

well the evening went nice for me ;)

This stuff is not for noobs .. it's like good old rum or like some expensive champagne ..

Me lovey Ladykiller Brad !


on the court instead of on the stands
01-06-2013 10:22 AM
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Silver Tomcat
pheromone woman teaser

Joined: Mar 2014
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Post: #10
RE: Beta Testing LadyKiller reviews.
03-14-2014 1:01 PM

[font=Tahoma] I bought Ladykiller for fun at work. It made for several Deer in the headlights looks from the ladies. It made my latina friend (7/10) 19 years old more chatty and if I told her something funny her jaw would drop and she would close her mouth and it seemed she tried to shake off whatever what was hitting her, lol it was the mones, after talking for a few minutes. I met a cute petite latina at Walmart (8/10) maybe early 20's and she kept glancing at me when she was showing me new toys for children. I got closer to her (2 feet) to tell her I'm hard of hearing and she took a big whiff of Ladykiller from me and blushed. Lol! Then she had the look like she wanted to hug me and stay closer to me. I told her I have to get going and she says to come visit her at work because she gets bored.
I didn't feel any self effects wearing this, but I got easiest respect from males and more stares from ladies in their late teens up to mid 20's.
I didn't detect any cologne scent from it just the spicy scent of copulins.
03-14-2014 1:01 PM
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