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Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #1
Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
12-28-2012 4:43 PM

I posted more details in my journal, and I have also added my initial impressions of the products here. I am a first-time user of LAID hair products, and have also not used any pheromone products before.

Day 1 with LAID products
No Fertile Signs

Um... wow. Okay, I'm thinking I have to try this for a few more days to really make sure today was not just a fluke. Girl haha

Mentioned to husband that I was reviewing some new shampoo and conditioner, "so please don't use those little black bottles," and left it at that. I didn't mention the pheromones. He didn't seem to think anything of it.

Me: relaxed, good mood, one incidence of strong jealousy
Husband: WOW!!! (details below, lol)
Other Men: I really don't know--my husband paid me so much attention, I honestly didn't notice if any other men did!
Other Women: not particularly friendly, one dirty look, one compliment

I used the shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask (though I only left that in for about 5-7 minutes). When I got out of the shower, I towelled off and let my hair air-dry (which is what I usually do).

Initial impressions:

Shampoo & Conditioner Bottles: attractive, simple but elegant design. Very hard plastic, can't squeeze out the product, so a pump-style top might be best. Too hard to read the tiny print, but I assume that's just the sample size and full sized would have larger print.
Mask container: attractive, simple but elegant design. Easy to use; I like the screw-top lid for this one.
Shampoo: wow, I'm not normally a big fan of coconut, but I LOVE this scent. It's lovely and light, very attractive but not overwhelming. Husband also likes it--definitely a plus!
Conditioner: I really didn't like the smell of this stuff. I felt like it was meant to clear my sinuses (menthol?) and really didn't blend well with the light coconut scent of the shampoo in the shower. Fortunately, it did rinse beautifully and there was no trace of the conditioner's scent afterward. It also didn't wash out the shampoo scent. After rinsing, it made my hair feel soft even while it was still wet.
Mask: Can't tell if this is actually scented or not; it has a sort of clean scent, but very light. Silky feel; after application my hands were somewhat oily, but it rinsed off my skin easily without leaving a greasy feel.
Hair before use: very fine, straight hair without much body or volume, and it's a little dry, especially at the ends. Today it's picking up static, so I keep getting a lot of annoying fly-aways and tangles.
Hair after use: Very soft, silky, and touchable. Nice, lightly-sweet scent, just enough to tantalize my husband to lean in closer. Very few tangles all day--even in the wind! Surprisingly, I also had less trouble with static. I wasn't expecting that, as other brands of shampoo/conditioner have done nothing to help! No noticeable increase in body or volume, but no loss there (I just use styling products for that). Overall, I would use these even without the pheromones in them!

Me: age 37, pretty but overweight; somewhat insecure at times; usually reserved but friendly; often told that I'm "sweet." Usually come across as naive (even though I'm not) and not often taken seriously by others. Not normally jealous without good reason.

Self-effects: Nothing noted during shower.
After shower: I felt relaxed and my mood had lifted a bit more than usual. Caught myself humming and/or singing several times. Didn't mind doing the bills (usually mildly irritating to frustrating). After about an hour, I felt flirty and more confident. After six hours, I did a little preening, and still felt flirty but with a note of territorial feeling toward husband--more noticeable as time passed. I also felt more critical of other women. I put my arm around husband's waist once to "claim" him. When there was no "competition" around, I felt sexy and a little more confident.

Husband: age 41, physically small but with many Alpha qualities. Does not usually like PDA except holding hands (which we often do).
5 Minutes after use: Husband (working on windows) came over, sniffed my hair, and said, "I like that. Smells good." Walked back to the window, then grinned at me and said, "At least it doesn't smell like wet dog." (Inside joke; made me laugh.)
15 Minutes after use: Husband walked up behind me and put his arms around me. After a minute, we got started with putting plastic over windows in living room. We don't always work together well, but this time we got along great, including good-natured teasing back and forth.
1 hour after use: Husband began fixing the bathroom plumbing! Good
6 hours after use: Husband asked me to go for a ride, opened the van door for me (though he's been trying to do that more often anyway), took me shopping, and bought me flowers! I noticed that I was feeling sort of possessive of him, but couldn't seem to shake the feeling. He made a couple of suggestive comments to me, and kept his hand on my lower back almost the whole time. Also kissed me in public, which he almost never does!
about 7 hours after shower: Stopped at gas station b/c husband wanted cigarettes; he gave the impression he was in a hurry, though I knew we didn't need to be anywhere--just heading home. He made a couple more flirty & suggestive comments in the van.
Got home, got me into the bedroom and couldn't keep his hands off me! Only drawbacks were that he seemed in a rush, and didn't kiss me as much as usual. But let's just say that these products are aptly named! Girl in love Ummm... and let's just say that twice. Blush After he slept for a while, I accidently woke him when I came back to bed, and he snuggled up close, kissing my neck, looked at the clock, and then groaned and mentioned that he really wished he didn't have to get up in the morning.

Other women:
6 hours after use: It seemed like other women were trying to get my husband's attention, three (ages 40's and 50's) by asking questions like, "Do you think this is a good camera?" but none of them asked the male clerk; two were hair-twirling (both in their 30's) when they passed by and said, "Hi," to him, but not to me. Two other women (late 30's) gave him smiles that appeared (to me) to be more flirty than friendly. One of those women also gave me a dirty look. Neither of us usually gets this much attention from other people!
7 hours after use: Clerk at the gas station (whom we know fairly well; late 20's, slender and cute) gave husband and me each a hug in thanks for her Christmas gift, but I felt strongly jealous when she hugged him. I slipped my hand around his waist, and that did help ease the feeling somewhat, but it sort of unnerved me that I felt so strongly negative about a hug that I knew to be just friendly. Hoped it was just because of the women at the store that I was feeling sort of hypervigilant. Clerk also complimented me on my hair, but I wondered (to myself) if she did so as a sort of peace-making gesture to remind me that she's not a threat to me. Then I felt kind of guilty for thinking that because she's a sweetheart and probably really meant it. Blush

Overall, I'm surprised; I was expecting more subtle reactions from my husband (and myself, for that matter)! Admittedly, there really wasn't anything that husband did today that he doesn't already do at times (except the in-public kiss--that's RARE)... but I've never had so much of that happen all in ONE DAY! I felt like a princess with the royal treatment I was getting from him. Girl dance However, the jealousy towards other women was a little unnerving. Tomorrow and the next day, I plan to try the mask separately from the shampoo and conditioner, to see if maybe I get less of that jealousy thing with less product layered on my hair. Then I'll try all three together again later to check results.
I will try to pay more attention to other men's reactions next time, too--I think I was just overwhelmed that husband seemed so totally focused on me!
12-28-2012 4:43 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #2
RE: Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
12-31-2012 2:08 PM

Day 2 with products

I used just the shampoo and conditioner, no mask today. I have to say again that I love this shampoo's scent. My hair wasn't quite as shiny as it seemed yesterday, and it was more prone to static, so I'm guessing the mask is what helped with those two things--we'll see when I try the mask alone. Still, my hair was very silky soft and much less easily tangled than usual. And it smells great!

Me: relaxed, good mood, a little flirty but no jealous feelings today!
Husband: somewhat aggressive, flirty with me at times, and a bit moody & critical at times
Other Men: pleasant, gentlemanly but not too flirty (a good thing!)
Other Women: friendly, somewhat talkative, later one seemed a bit competitive

Husband: seemed a little moody all morning, going from teddy-bear to Grizzly-bear and back in hardly any time at all. Also seemed a little critical, complaining about things that didn't get done yesterday.
I flirted with him a couple times, got a smile and a chuckle but nothing else; I assumed it was his mood. A couple hours later when I got back from errands, husband was a little more flirty with me and seemed in a better mood. However, when my brother came over in the late evening, husband got more aggressive towards all of us, especially my brother. Seemed like he was trying to start an argument. Fortunately, my brother didn't respond, and didn't stay long. At bedtime, husband tried to be cuddly, but I wasn't particularly happy with his attitude today, so it didn't go further than that.

At the Library:
Male, about 35: seemed in a hurry, passed me on the sidewalk on the way up to the entrance but paused long enough to hold the door for me.
Male, early 50's: noticed the desserts cookbook I was carrying and commented that there was a similar one with more pictures that he had just returned. He seemed helpful and friendly, but not flirty.
Female (mid-40's?), businesslike style: asked me for my opinion on a series when we were in the same section looking for similar books. She was pretty talkative, but caught herself rambling and thanked me for the book suggestions before she left.
The librarian (mid-50's) knows me well, and is always chatty; I didn't notice any difference with her today.

On the way in and out, where there is a long, busy sidewalk, usually most people greet me in passing, but a few (at least one or two) people either don't notice me or just ignore me. Today every person on the sidewalk greeted me with smiles in passing. Hi Some seemed as though they were not going to greet me because they were distracted by cell phones, but just as I approached, they looked up and smiled at me.

At the grocery store:
The staff is usually helpful and friendly. No noticeable differences today.

Male, about 60: got out of his car just ahead of me, kind of hurried to the door, but he heard my car door close and glanced at me, then waited to hold the door open for me. Smiled warmly when I thanked him. Later started a conversation with me in line at the checkout about the weather. Mentioned he was a farmer, acted disbelieving when I told him I have a talent for killing plants. Commented that I "must be a good cook" because I wasn't buying any convenience foods, mostly fresh items.

Young couple (mid-20's?) with a baby: both chatted me up while we shopped for fresh fruit and veggies, and shortly afterward, the husband reached a box of crackers on a high shelf for me without me asking.

As I was leaving, I happened to see the same lady whom I'd talked to at the library (businesslike style, mid-40ish) coming out of another store just next door, and greeted her. She smiled and stopped to chat for a few minutes. She seemed to get a little competitive as we spoke, bragging a bit about the "level" of books she reads and how successful her husband is. I just sort of politely ignored the invitation to compete. sideLol
12-31-2012 2:08 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #3
RE: Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
01-03-2013 10:43 AM

Note: I should probably mention that "today" in my review/journal does not mean the day it's posted here.

Had to skip today because I colored my roots. I wasn't sure if it would wash out too much if I used other products on it--hairdresser friend recommended waiting at least 12 hours before putting shampoo or hair mask on it to help the color last longer. So I figured I'd take the day "off" from using pheromone products, but still journal it.

Day Off (no pheromone products applied)

Me: calm, somewhat reserved with strangers, relaxed with those I know
Husband: brooding, later relaxed
Other Men: I felt like I was practically invisible to men today... just one opened door and smile
Other Women: seemed distant but not unfriendly, not very talkative

I really didn't need to go anywhere today, but decided to take a trip to the gas station, as I wanted a pop and didn't have any left at home. It was busy, so I took my time.

Female, 30ish: Stood near my car for a few minutes while waiting for her friend to come out of the store, but did not acknowledge my presence until I said, "hello" in passing. She gave a sort of quick, half-hearted, Hi," in return--more like a dismissal than a greeting.
Male, age early 40's: walked past me on his way to the door, opened the door, then seemed to realize I was there behind him. Smiled a little, stepped out of my way and held the door for me. I thanked him.
Female, early 30's: seemed to be looking for something particular in the drinks section, didn't seem to notice me at first. I grabbed the Cherry Pepsi I wanted, and she saw it and asked, "Do they have Cherry Coke?" I said, "Yep, right there." I would have tried to make conversation, but she quickly grabbed her pop and left. A couple minutes later in line, she gave me a sort of half-smile in recognition, but then immediately took out her iPhone and started messing with it.
Male, age mid-40's: was busy looking through his wallet while talking on his cell phone, bumped into me, glanced at me but didn't apologize or interrupt his phone conversation. (Guess he was too distracted.)
Female cashier, early 40's: seemed a little rushed, did smile at me and was friendly but not as talkative as usual; likely because there were a lot of customers and she had no other help.
Male and Female couple, mid to late 50's: I held the door open for them as I was leaving and they were entering; she smiled and thanked me, but he didn't say anything nor even seemed to notice me.

Husband: seemed distracted or withdrawn most of the day; I figured he was thinking about work. I did get a little irritated at his indirect way of asking/telling me things today, like it was an observation rather than a request or demand: "It's about time for dinner," and, "Looks like she [the baby] needs a diaper change." After dinner, I gave him a hug and he did hug me back, but didn't extend it or anything. He did seem more relaxed for the rest of the evening, though, and wanted me to play a game online with him. We didn't have the opportunity, because the little ones were fighting me about going to bed. Husband was asleep when I came to bed.

Today was a prime example of what I hope pheromones can help me with. From what I can tell, this only happens about once a month, for a day or couple of days just before my period starts. Women seem to keep their distance or ignore me unless they know me, and men--if they acknowledge me at all--generally only seem to open doors, let me go first, or help me in some way because it's socially expected or it's habit, and not because they seem to be showing interest, protectiveness, or friendliness. Kwim?
01-03-2013 10:43 AM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #4
RE: Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
01-04-2013 1:02 PM

Think I'll need to break this one into two parts.

Day 3 with products - part 1
First day of period

I used just the hair mask today, left it on ~10 minutes and then rinsed. (Would have left it in longer, but I could hear that my preschooler and toddler were up, so had to hurry before they started getting into trouble!) Towelled off, then let my hair air-dry. Love the shine in my hair, and static did seem more under control today, although I did have to brush my hair 2-3 times more today (more tangles) than when I used all three products together, even though it wasn't as windy.

Me: laid-back, good mood
Husband: a little more flirty with me, but otherwise normal
Other Men: LOTS of glances in my direction, one flirt
Other Women: friendly, somewhat chatty, one seemed intimidated

Took daughter to breakfast, then shopping for boots. Had to go to three stores before she found any that fit right.

Me: I wasn't feeling particularly talkative, but did enjoy being around people in general. I enjoy shopping with my daughter, but it can be frustrating to find what we need sometimes; however, today it didn't bother me that we weren't finding much. I was enjoying the experience more than worrying about the results as much. I also sought husband out for hugs and kisses a couple times, where usually I would just stop him in passing throughout the day.

Husband: Got up a little grouchy, but nothing unusual. Took a shower (where I'd just rinsed my hair ~7 minutes before). Was in a better mood when he came out of the shower. Flirted with me a couple of times, teasing me. Didn't seek me out, but did return my hugs, kisses, and touches when I initiated and took it a little slower than usual. Was not aggressive or critical today, so that's good! When we got home, he asked daughter and me about our day (as per usual). He had to go in to work an hour early next day, so no playtime; he was already asleep when I came to bed.

Fast Food Restaurant: When daughter and I went to breakfast, she chose a table in the middle near the back, so we passed by three tables where men were sitting, and one table where a married couple was sitting. Oh, and I should probably note that my daughter is 15, but looks like she's 18 or 19.

Table 1: six men, ages 40ish to 60ish, seemed to be a club or group of some kind. Didn't pay us any mind as we (or I) walked by each time, though about a minute after I'd walked by the third time (carrying our food), one guy (~40) glanced over, and then gave us several more glances within five minutes or so. He didn't seem to focus on either my daughter or I separately, though. None of the others seemed to notice us.
Table 2: two men, both around 50. Were only there a few minutes, as they were finishing up when we arrived. Didn't seem to notice when we walked by the first time, but both glanced at me when I went by on the way to the counter to pick up our order, and when I headed back with the food, they both kept glancing at me, but kept their conversation going.
Table 3: married couple, around mid-40's. She smiled at me each time I went by, but he was very much focused on her (so sweet!), and didn't pay me any attention at all.
Table 4: two men, one early 40's, the other around 60-65? The younger guy was ~10 feet away from me, the older slightly further. They looked up as we went by the first time, but the older gentleman paid no attention after that. After several minutes, the younger man glanced at me but continued his conversation. Then he glanced at me several more times while we were there, and once seemed to forget what he was saying. After another few minutes of glances, he seemed to be confused/annoyed as to why I was distracting him. From what I caught of some of their conversation (overheard, not trying to listen in) about women, I don't think I was his "type," but he couldn't seem to keep from glancing at me. He finally looked me over somewhat directly (turned his head but not his body toward me). At first I ignored it, but after several seconds, I looked directly at him, and he looked away, seemed to be embarrassed to be caught staring. He didn't look at me after that until we left about 5 minutes later.

(continued in next post, part 2)
01-04-2013 1:02 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #5
RE: Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
01-04-2013 1:58 PM

Day 3 with products - part 2
First day of period

Me: laid-back, good mood
Husband: a little more flirty with me, but otherwise normal
Other Men: LOTS of glances in my direction, one flirt
Other Women: friendly, somewhat chatty, one seemed intimidated

Shoe Store 1: "Country and Western" style, laid-back, casual atmosphere. Had never been in here before. Most customers were focused on shopping, trying on boots, etc. and didn't pay us much attention. This is the first shoe store I've ever been to where no employee greeted or approached us. They stayed at the counter, and if you wanted help, you simply asked. The employees seemed friendly to customers, but as it turned out, we didn't need any help, but also didn't find any boots daughter liked that fit.
Male, age late 30's-early 40's: walked past us twice at a normal pace while we shopped, then walked by a third time, slowly, kind of surreptitiously glancing at me several times. Also seemed to be eavesdropping on our conversation at one point. Undecided
Two females, around late 20's: were ~7 feet away for several minutes while looking for boots. They didn't speak to us, but they did go from quiet, short sentences to giggling, chatty conversation while we were there.

Shoe Store 2: Just us and one employee. She started out friendly but professional; she checked the back for us but said she didn't see anything else in daughter's size. After 5 minutes, she was getting quite chatty, and then suddenly remembered a pair of boots in the right size in the back that had been marked down because they were last year's, so she brought them out. They were $3! They didn't fit daughter, but they did fit me, so I happily bought them.

Shoe Store 3: a few scattered customers, four employees all hanging out near the registers (one female, three males). One of the male employees (age ~25) went to help another customer, so we didn't interact with him.
Female Employee, age ~20: greeted us with a friendly smile, showed us where the boots were, started helping us to find the right size. After two pairs did not fit right, she stopped looking, seemed embarrassed or intimidated (like it was her fault?), and just told us to ask "at the register" if we needed any more help.
Male Employee, age ~20: stood a few feet away while stocking a shelf; when he finished, we had found some boots for daughter, and he came over to tell me that we should wait another minute or two before going to the register, because they were about to announce a special deal.
Male Employee, age 27: smiled at daughter as we approached, but while we were paying, his focus was on me. Even when the other male employee asked him a question, he still looked at me while answering him, like he was trying to include me in the conversation. Took his time and chatted with me, seemed to forget that my daughter was there (and probably didn't realize she was my daughter, either). Then just as we finished up, he noticed my wedding ring, and asked, "Are you married?" I said, "Yes," and he answered, "Oh, that's too bad. I was going to ask for your number, but I guess your husband wouldn't appreciate that," and grinned, looking sheepish. I laughed and thanked him for the compliment.
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2013 1:59 PM by raven9653.)
01-04-2013 1:58 PM
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LAID Brand

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Post: #6
RE: Women's Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask
01-08-2013 6:12 PM

WOW! What amazing reviews! Thank you so much, Raven!
01-08-2013 6:12 PM
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