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What products actually work?
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Post: #1
What products actually work?
06-28-2010 7:18 PM

I know there's probably hundreds of these posts, but I had a specific goal in mind. I should probably start with how I came to learn about all this.

I went to EDC last weekend, for those of you that don't know its the biggest rave in the entire US, and for the first time I tried XTC. I guess it was a speed base, but it wasn't tripping out that I liked most about it, or even the amazing feeling I got. It was the fact that I felt so close to every one around, dancing and socializing and flirting and completely unrestrained with my passion. I remember social confidence that I had never had before, and remember saying things that I would usually never say like: "Would it make you feel awkward if I told you you were fucking gorgeous?" and never thinking twice about it or feeling down about getting rejected. I still feel like a changed man, because I know that the X only took away my restraint, and it was me and not the drugs that was acting like a total player.

Anyway, I search up online what helped with social confidence when using MDMA and I found out about oxitocin, "the love / trust hormone", that I guess along with seratonin is responsible for the social boost. Doing a little research I found websites that sold oxytocin sprays and cologne additives, including "Liquid Trust Spray" but so far all of them seem like scams and some research says stuff like that should only last for about three minutes and some wont even break the brain blood barrier or whatever. Due to the way I think, I'm kind of placebo proof, and I want to know is there any legit products that would either allow me to feel totally secure when flirting with girls or make the attraction on their side enough so I'm comfortable because I know they are attracted to me? I'd rather not have to pop E every time I want to boost my confidence and am in no way shy, in fact I know exactly what to say when being flirtacious, I just not exactly comfortable with it.

Here is what I know about hormones and phermones as of now:
-50% are just bullshit scams, paying people to provide false reviews and such to gain favor
-About another 45% have no effect anyway because although they actually include the phermone in it, they either still don't have any effect or the effect isn't enough to be noticeable
-Although I'm very skeptical about the other 5%, I know there are some products that actually work and I know they won't be as widely advertised as the scams and chances are I won't be able to tell the difference

What I do know for sure is the best place to find the truth isn't a review site which are usually paid to favor certain companies, and I know I'm not expert enough to judge for myself based on the chemical composition or whatever, but forums, especially uncensored ones, are probably the best place to find genuine opinions and experiences on this sort of thing.(with the exception of people paid to post false information to forums, which I can usually sift through)

So what I want to know from all you REAL people:
-What product IN YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE has improved your social ability especially in the area of flirting, and is it noticeable enough to rule out the placebo option?
-What product can you actually say has improved girls attraction to you that you know wasn't affected by a change in appearance, the way you carry yourself, etc?
-Is there anything out there that can drop my insecurities and let my true self out even close to as much as XTC did or is it a hopeless case?

I know any product that actually works only opens doors and I still gotta walk through them, I am willing and going to improve this area of my life I just could use a little help that's all.

Oh and to all you people who may think I wasn't thinking straight when EDC was going down, I may have been a little "boosted" but I remember word for word some of the stuff I said and how I said it and sober it doesn't seem that extreme, only unrestrained.
06-28-2010 7:18 PM
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Post: #2
RE: What products actually work?
06-28-2010 8:03 PM

Not trying to sound like a let down, but you won't find anything as close to that feeling. Pheromones give a slight social boost, but more ala natural. So natural that only a trained eye in people viewing skills will be able to notice the difference. Some get lucky and get a better response, but nothing like E. I've never tried it, but dude think about it. E releases serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine a plenty! Nothing legal can do that and have you have that same feeling without a fried brain 'cause of the major release of these chemicals.
06-28-2010 8:03 PM
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Post: #3
RE: What products actually work?
06-28-2010 9:18 PM

(06-28-2010 7:18 PM)IWillNotBeScammed Wrote:  I know there's probably hundreds of these posts, but I had a specific goal in mind. I should probably start with how I came to learn about all this.

I went to EDC last weekend, for those of you that don't know its the biggest rave in the entire US, and for the first time I tried XTC. I guess it was a speed base, but it wasn't tripping out that I liked most about it, or even the amazing feeling I got. It was the fact that I felt so close to every one around, dancing and socializing and flirting and completely unrestrained with my passion. I remember social confidence that I had never had before, and remember saying things that I would usually never say like: "Would it make you feel awkward if I told you you were fucking gorgeous?" and never thinking twice about it or feeling down about getting rejected. I still feel like a changed man, because I know that the X only took away my restraint, and it was me and not the drugs that was acting like a total player.

Anyway, I search up online what helped with social confidence when using MDMA and I found out about oxitocin, "the love / trust hormone", that I guess along with seratonin is responsible for the social boost. Doing a little research I found websites that sold oxytocin sprays and cologne additives, including "Liquid Trust Spray" but so far all of them seem like scams and some research says stuff like that should only last for about three minutes and some wont even break the brain blood barrier or whatever. Due to the way I think, I'm kind of placebo proof, and I want to know is there any legit products that would either allow me to feel totally secure when flirting with girls or make the attraction on their side enough so I'm comfortable because I know they are attracted to me? I'd rather not have to pop E every time I want to boost my confidence and am in no way shy, in fact I know exactly what to say when being flirtacious, I just not exactly comfortable with it.

Here is what I know about hormones and phermones as of now:
-50% are just bullshit scams, paying people to provide false reviews and such to gain favor
-About another 45% have no effect anyway because although they actually include the phermone in it, they either still don't have any effect or the effect isn't enough to be noticeable
-Although I'm very skeptical about the other 5%, I know there are some products that actually work and I know they won't be as widely advertised as the scams and chances are I won't be able to tell the difference

What I do know for sure is the best place to find the truth isn't a review site which are usually paid to favor certain companies, and I know I'm not expert enough to judge for myself based on the chemical composition or whatever, but forums, especially uncensored ones, are probably the best place to find genuine opinions and experiences on this sort of thing.(with the exception of people paid to post false information to forums, which I can usually sift through)

So what I want to know from all you REAL people:
-What product IN YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE has improved your social ability especially in the area of flirting, and is it noticeable enough to rule out the placebo option?
-What product can you actually say has improved girls attraction to you that you know wasn't affected by a change in appearance, the way you carry yourself, etc?
-Is there anything out there that can drop my insecurities and let my true self out even close to as much as XTC did or is it a hopeless case?

I know any product that actually works only opens doors and I still gotta walk through them, I am willing and going to improve this area of my life I just could use a little help that's all.

Oh and to all you people who may think I wasn't thinking straight when EDC was going down, I may have been a little "boosted" but I remember word for word some of the stuff I said and how I said it and sober it doesn't seem that extreme, only unrestrained.

Well I used to love to take my vitamin 'E', LOL!! However, it's literally been years! I would suggest maybe not taking it anymore, if you want to get the best self effects from pheromones. I do use them when I drink & I've noticed an extreme amplification of my intoxication level & also 10x the hangover the next day! I would imagine an even more exaggerated sitch if you replaced the alcohol with X. Honestly I do enjoy the self effects I get from the right 'mone blend as much as I used to enjoy ecstacy, also I know that a majority of the people smelling me are getting the same exact feeling toward me Smile -the trippy sh**. Anyway, just something to think about. If you're not ready to go 'balls out' & invest in full sized bottles, you might check out Paradise7 & go for a sampler kit.
06-28-2010 9:18 PM
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Post: #4
RE: What products actually work?
06-28-2010 9:33 PM

Well I wont say pheromones will give you that kind of boost you got from XTC but they can cause enhanced social effects.
Alcohol XTC and most drugs for that matter block social inhibitions and impair judgement. Pheromones just signal and influence but the rest is still up to you. Yes they make socialization easier but not effortless.

There are a few companies that are favored here to help start you out. There are reviews in the "where to buy pheromones section" as well as the mens section here for more info.

Take a look at Androtics. Products like AMMO Instant Shine and IO They sell small sample size bottles.

Love scent has some good and some bad so be more careful in your choices there. Scent of Eros , The edge, Alpha 7 are some of the favorites there.

Liquid alchemy has been getting good feedback.

Paradise 7 is new but an experienced pheromone user started it up and she offers samples to so you can try them out. Good feedback so far coming from here.

These are the places I would check out first. I know there is alot to choose from so if you get confused or have questions just ask.

06-28-2010 9:33 PM
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Post: #5
RE: What products actually work?
06-28-2010 11:05 PM

from personal experience...

possess alpha from liquid alchemy works... its pretty strong so less is more.. i had one guy get in my face like he wanted to fight me, i notice the older women react better to it and have had some in your face advances. you definitely have to walk the walk with this pheromone mix and not just talk the talk, you will get challenged by both male and female...

ive used instant gentleman from adriotics and i noticed more respect from coworkers. im 33 but i look young, so i get treated young from older people like im a teen or something. when i used instant gentleman i got a lot more sorries, thank yous, excuse mes, etc. and they wouldnt talk to me like i just graduated high school and use words like cool, dude, etc.

it is subtle, and hard to pick up on total strangers, but in a work environment, school, etc. you have a better chance of noticing the effects.
06-28-2010 11:05 PM
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Post: #6
RE: What products actually work?
06-29-2010 12:20 AM

Thanx for the responses so far.
I wasn't thinking phermones could change the way i feel or even come close to the openness with drugs, and to relate them to XTC in terms of major mental effects is pretty absurd, but as some of you had mentioned I was asking about phermones / hormones with subtle yet noticeable effects, preferably the ones with THE MOST noticeable effects, nothing to do with how I felt when on E but more to do with how i just spoke my mind with confidence. @Beccah1: I completely understand how it fries you and as great as it was I will probably do it every now and then, close to rarely, since I am looking for a "natural" way to have the same social openness. @Tisha: It wasn't that the drugs boosted my social ability, ur right it was actually pretty dulled but since I already have great converstaional skills and all that it actually helped because of the lack of restraint, instead of leaving me unable to speak proper english or something. @spamz: that instant gentleman thing and some of the other similar ones seem to be just the thing (if it indeed works). I am normally a pretty mellow, layed back and happy guy, and I also look pretty young for my age and I appear even younger in some peoples eyes because of the stereotypical view: "real men don't show emotion". I'm actually a pretty expressive guy so it doesn't help much. But I dunno, maybe people challenging me is good for me at this point in time.

So what I've gathered I should probably try...
-possess alpha
-instant gentleman
-Paradise 7? -Can anyone tell me what effect his has?
-Instant openness sounds good i guess but is the effect pretty much what it says?
-maybe one of the love things tisha said, but its not that i'm not good with words or not good at flirting or whatever, its that I always hesitate at the chance.

Oh and on a more personal note, not to do with phermones: My problem isn't so much the attraction or anything like it... I don't know how to put it. I'll try though. I made a profile for myself on hotornot.com as a sort of personal social experiment, its a site where you upload pics of yourself and people rate you from one to ten and your average score is displayed. Well i've gone as high as a 9.9 / 10 and never lower than a 9 so I know i'm an attractive guy. And from the people I know they tell me I have a likable personality. I have pretty much all the personality traits of the stereo typical perfect guy except for being buff or athletic: I'm smart, funny, caring, deep, etc. All this just adds to the big WTF in my head, since for some reason I've never had a steady girlfriend to speak of. After a lot of thinking I've come up with the core issue: the initiation of a relationship. I rarely flirt, and when I do its usually under the influence of something just to break my self restraint. I pretty much have never asked a girl out unless I knew there was no attraction between us, a sort of self defeating action so the people I had feelings for would never know and I still got rejected anyways. Even overcoming my shyness from high school and diving into the crazy world of college has not really dented my maddening self control that keeps me from saying what I really want to, aside from more parties and drugs and alcohol to loosen my lips. So now you see why I want this, why I need to let myself go more often. Oh and BTW this is not a poor me story, I hate it when people just sympathize instead of helping by giving advice. So if you do have any advice on stopping me from holding myself back that doesn't involve drugs or phermones, its also appreciated.
06-29-2010 12:20 AM
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Post: #7
RE: What products actually work?
06-29-2010 1:08 AM

Okay I've decided to give it a shot, i figure what the hell its not that expensive. But after a bit of research I'm trying to decide between Possess Alpha and Aqua Vitae, could anyone with experience with both tell me which will best help my situation?
06-29-2010 1:08 AM
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Post: #8
RE: What products actually work?
06-29-2010 3:45 AM

That's a question that probably no-one can answer. I have both Possess Alpha and Aqua Vitae and gave them a good try. The thing is, both are pretty high in androstenone, which for me just doesn't seem to work, so I didn't have any luck with them (which is a pity as they are really great smelling). On the other hand some other people on here gave great reviews for both. So in the end you'll only know if it works when you've tried it for yourself.
06-29-2010 3:45 AM
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Post: #9
RE: What products actually work?
06-29-2010 7:56 AM

Petrucci called it right! In the end using pheromones is such an individual matter that no one can tell you that product A will work for you while product B won't. It sounds to me like you are a good candidate for the more social pheromones that contain androstenol and androsterone. I think you might stay away from androstenone for the time being.

First on my list for you to try would be Scent of Eros from Love Scent, I think Luv Essentials also carries it. Instant Openness, Instant Honesty, and Instant Shine from Androtics are also top of the list. All of these are highly social and help bring attention to you.

You might also do an online search for a book called "The Mystery Method" It's a book on seduction that really breaks down the steps of attraction. It's almost clinical in the way it does it, but it's a short read with lots of graphs.

You don't need a drug to help you...you need to learn the structure of socializing and practice it to gain the confidence the X gave you. Pheromones are a toy to help you learn and practice these things. Have fun and welcome to the forum.

The Androstenone Discussion
06-29-2010 7:56 AM
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Post: #10
RE: What products actually work?
06-29-2010 8:24 AM

Hey, welcome to PheroTruth IWillNotBeScammed!

You've been provided some great choices on pheromones to try. Both Possess Alpha and Aqua Vitae are getting great reviews here, and Renny's suggestions are also great products. And, even though I personally don't like her and she doesn't like me, Daine's Paradise 7 products are getting great reviews too. She's a smaller company and promises to formulate custom mixes tailored to customer requests, so that might be a good option for you.

Most importanly though, I'd look into self improvement books. My reasoning is that your mention of only asking women out when there's no attraction, and not not wanting anyone you actually have feelings for to know, plus needing to be under the influence to break your self restraint, suggests to me that your self-esteem and self-confidence level is not very high. And, from everything you've said, my train of thought is that if you can learn to think more highly of yourself and boost your confidence, everthing else will fall into place.

I hope you're not offended at my suggestion, but from everything you've said, it sounds to me like you've got everything else going on, except for the ability to taake advantage of your traits. Start within and improve your social skills and quality of life permanantly.

Stop striving for PERFECTION, because the closer you get to achieving it the further away the goalpost moves. Instead, concentrate on PROGRESS, because you that you can meet and surpass every day!

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....
06-29-2010 8:24 AM
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