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Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
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Fireworks and hurricanes

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Post: #1
Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 2:59 PM

I got my order of Bad Wolf a few weeks ago, but for several reasons couldn't get a chance to run it until this past several days.

At first I thought it was a dud, except for some pretty cool selfies.

Day One

Dosage: 1 drop

Environment: At home by myself. I just wanted to get a feel for the selfies.

Selfies: Immediate and powerful upswing in mood. Presuming a possible placebo effect (I was very excited to finally be trying it, so the euphoria may have been placebo.) I will say that I felt a resounding sense of euphoria and carefree feelings came over me quickly. I felt focused, like I wanted to really DO something.

Day Two

Dosage: 2 drops

Selfies: No headache, no rage, no dizziness or other sensations that other users experience. Just good mood, alertness, subtle "ready to conquer" feelings, a bit of placebo effect for those, I suspect.

Environment: Going out with an old buddy from college for a few beers/tapas at a pretty hip little brand new tapas joint in the city after work.

Just some background: My buddy (whom I'll refer to as Bob) is SUPER alpha. Everything about his persona exudes alpha- he's a positive, mellow, charismatic, outgoing dude who understands social dynamics better than almost anyone I know... (other than me haha.)

What went down
I really just wanted to see if his alpha demeanor would change at all in the presence of Bad Wolf. This was my first time using it in public, so even though I have a lot of experience with driving difficult mones (the old A314 was my go-to for about 3 years), ultimately, I still had no idea how to use this thing.

I read all of the Bad Wolf threads before, so I figured I had a pretty good arsenal of understanding going in. After some hanging out, there were a few (very subtle) changes in how he reacted to me, but not... much.

He usually, being the super alpha dude he is, tends to want to give me advice about things, assuming I need it. There was -zero- of that this time.

He saw me as an equal. I felt that I was driving BW right, but he still would interrupt me from time to time (not with ill will, just by happenstance) but I don't know how much BW would have changed that. He also laughed WAY harder than needed at a few of my jokes. A good sign.

All-in-all, I felt it was a great time, but I was disappointed in how little perceivable effect I saw from BW. I was expecting a powerhouse; but I also knew that there's an adjustment period.

Later on the train...
I tried to get a sense of how people would react to me on the train ride home. Since rush hour was long over by that time, there wasn't the usual swarm of people packed like sardines.

Nothing really. Not even any selfies. I did feel on edge a bit after a while; a slight irritation, like wanting to start shit with people, or just imagining doing it; I was literally imagining full length made-up scenarios of fights with strangers!

I got home, and that was that. I slept with BW still on, and had no issues sleeping. Next morning, witch-hazeled it off, and went to work. To be continued...

Reporting Info:
Age: 29 | Race: black | Build: Very slender 6'0 | Strong fashion sense | High social awareness | Not as bold as I'd like to be, but working on improving myself every day.
03-13-2017 2:59 PM
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Fireworks and hurricanes

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Post: #2
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 5:56 PM

Day Three

I broke this up into two posts so as not to slam you all with an unreasonably huge wall of text to read. (Edit: ok that failed lol)

Dosage: 3 drops

Selfies: The usual euphoria- this time, it felt like a supercharged powerhouse of positive energy. This was after work on Friday, so I was feeling super pumped up, ready to get into something... I felt motivated and driven... I felt like I was ready to take on the world.

Environment: Train ride home, then a local bar, then a birthday party, then another bar

What went down: They say seeing is believing. After Friday night, you can officially call me a Bad Wolf Believer! Hold onto your hats, Bad Wolf users. This is going to be lengthy, but worth it; and at the end, I'll explain how to really make it work for you. A lot of guys buy this and fuck up the use. I completely understand why now, and I'll get into that at the end of the report.

It started on the train ride; three drops was more than I'd worn so far, and the selfies were really hitting me; I felt my brain was compulsively telling me to spontaneously start doing things I would never ordinarily do. Of course, I ignored many of them, as they were ridiculous, like at one point, I literally had an urge to move my face really close to this attractive woman standing next to me, and kiss her neck softly. What the fuck? It wasn't just a thought, it was literally an incredibly strong impulse; I felt like I was being pushed to do it.

One such instance, I got on the train (the BART we call it here) and noted that it was so much less crowded than it typical would be at that time. There was a guy next to me with headphones in, and with zero forethought, I just said to him "holy shit, this is a pleasant surprise, eh? Woo!" He kinda chuckled and agreed nonverbally.

I couldn't stop smiling. At one point on the train I was listening to some fucking amazing funk (the band Snarky Puppy- let me tell you,that shit is funkier than yesterday's socks) and I just started two steppin'... and then I just started full on dancing, on the fucking train! I can't even explain to you how little of a fuck I gave. What a fantastic feeling. The selfies of this product are worth the price on their own. But I'd soon find out, I hadn't seen anything yet.

After I got off the train, I went to a local bar to see if there was anything going on. I was on the hunt for action; not necessarily for women, but just for anything. Social interaction of any kind. Bad Wolf makes you crave being where the action is. The bar was full of old guys. There was not a single woman there, so I hit up my buddy (who we will call Tom) to see what he was getting into. Turns out that he was having a small get together at a local brewery for his birthday coming up. Gold.

BW at the BP (brew pub)

Full disclosure, before heading out, I wanted to up my dose of BW; I liked the feeling and I wanted more. So I added two extra drops. I'm now sitting pretty at 5 drops (neck, wrists, and back of hands.)

There were three other peeps there, a former co-worker from WAY back and his girlfriend, and another guy that I hadn't met before, but worked for our same company long after I'd left.

We just shot the shit, re-connected, etc. One thing I noticed was that the more social I was, the more people wanted to connect with me, and wanted me to pay attention to them. If I told stories, everyone shut the fuck up and listened. If I told a joke, everyone laughed. If I gave someone some shit playfully, then they ate it up and laughed.

I tipped the bartender some extra bucks because he was extremely helpful in breaking down their very crazy selection of beers; and he seemed like I had done some great deed. He looked baffled and was like, "Dude, you know what man? Grab some free merch from our shop on me." We went to a few other places, and I felt that I was always looked to for an interesting story. Dude. I felt like I was running the show for most of the time.

Now the real fun begins...

After a few hours, we parted ways and I went home. But it was only like 12:30am, so I wanted to keep going! (I was also pretty buzzed at this point, we had had several beers.) So I knocked on my roommate's door (she's a lesbian- I'll call her Ellie) and invited her to go for a drink at a local super divey bar near our house.

We're chilling at the bar, and I'm engaging with everyone near us. I eventually notice a really cute girl at the bar who has been eyeing me/us for a few minutes sitting by herself. I just pointed to her, and I said, "you. Come sit with us instead of just ear-hustling!" and she did. She said her friend left her hanging for a cute guy and hasn't found her again. So I told her to hang with us for the rest of the night.

The bar closes, and we head to a local drug store to pick up some Pedialyte. Yes, Pedialyte. Hangover prevention/recovery. Anyway, the three of us are just hanging out, the chick and I and the chick and Ellie take turns getting touchy feely with one another. I tell her "ok we're going back to our place. Let's go." Bad Wolves don't give choices, and Bad Wolves don't make requests. Bad Wolves give orders.

So we get to our place; the downstairs area of our house has a very modern lounge vibe to it. Ellie offers to make some Blue Wine (or whatever its called- you get it in Holland and Germany) and while she makes it, we're all just talking. At that point, our other roommate (also a lesbian woman) grumpily wakes up and tells us that we woke her up. We're all drunk and don't really care, and she gets that, so she joins the party and lights up a bowl. We all decline.

The night starts to wind down, and when Ellie goes to the bathroom, I end up basically alone with the chick from the bar, but my other roommate is there passively watching the two of us, which wouldn't be a big deal, except that I have a girlfriend who has been living with us (but she's out of the country for a few months) and they are friends.

The chick asks me straight up, "So... you and Ellie are obviously together, so like, what am I even doing here?" Holy shit! That was pretty straightforward. I told her, "uh, no we're not together, she's gay, so victory is yours for the taking." I was trying to be ambiguous with my other roommate there. Major accidental cockblock! (I had lied and told her that I was trying to hook bargirl up with Ellie so as to avoid suspicion) so she said "well I've never been with a woman before" ...clearly not going in the direction that I expected. So I went with it. "Well, there's a first time for everything," I said.

Ellie came back from the bathroom, and it was bargirl's turn to go to the bathroom. My other roommate went to bed finally, and I said to Ellie, "hey, so I think this chick might actually want to hook up with you" and she said "Oh Idunno, plus I gotta wake up early." I said "whatever, just go with it. Otherwise, let me walk her out" Ellie, being the sweet considerate clueless person she is, says "Oh no, that's okay, I will walk her out." Right then, bargirl comes back, as I'm trying to whisper with a wink, "Nonononono, I will walk her... Ell- I will... oh heyyyyy."

So Ellie tells her she's going to bed, and the chick just lunges at her, and they start making out right in front of me! Even though I did all the ground work, I took that as my cue that I was a good wingman, and that Ellie was gonna get some. Then later, I hear them walk outside, waiting for her Uber? Wtf? The chick left! Ellie says "I am too tired, and it just didn't feel right so I turned her down." and I was like, that's great, but... WHAT ABOUT ME? (Which incidentally is a great Snarky Puppy song lol)

Man, I got so angry! ANY wingman would have caught all of the hints; if you can't close, let me finish what I started in the first place! Fuck, I set her up perfectly for a score, and she whiffs on the slam dunk?! At least pass me the ball, player! I felt the full-on BW rage... it was way out of character for me. I kept it to myself, because I can control my anger flawlessly, but I was so much more angry than I should have been. That, plus- I don't wanna cheat on my fucking girlfriend!

Guys, BW makes me completely lose control of my inhibitions. I literally cannot hold it back; it makes me hornier than all hell, and it pushes me to fuck any woman I see. All rational thinking just flies out of the window. The next day, I stayed insanely horny for the entire day. It was absolutely insane. It's fucked up man, I cannot control myself around females with this shit on. People who know me know that I would never cheat on my chick. I entertain the idea, I play around with the idea, but I wouldn't ever actually do it. But with BW on, it wasn't even an issue; it wasn't even an afterthought, I would have fucked that chick with no hat on and busted a cool one in her without any second thought whatsoever... and I would have regretted it severely the next day. I'm so happy I didn't do it, but Jesus Christ, this shit is dangerous.

Guys, this was my second attempt at using BW in public; I hadn't even figured out my sweet spot dosing yet and this is already the kind of effects I'm getting with it. I'll keep sharing (shorter reports lol) if I use it again, but honestly, I'm afraid of what I will do when I wear this out at night.

What so many guys are not understanding about Bad Wolf:

You can't just fuckin' put it on. I know you have read that over and over again, but it's deeper than just that. Bad Wolf is an animal voice that will whisper things in your ear. It will literally tell you, "hey... you should spank that chick's ass" or "Go up and tell that chick you want to ride her like Seabiscuit" or even in my case, "Start dancing right now, and insist that the sexy woman on the train dance with you."

The trick to Bad Wolf is, you have to listen to the voice, and do what it tells you without hesitation. If you don't, the power will disappear. Every instance of ignoring the Bad Wolf will create a pattern for how you behave, which will in turn create an incongruent awkward shape that people will see you as. Every time Bad Wolf tells you to do something and you ignore it, you're training your brain to remember that you are a weak man. That is literally science. Every time you have a trigger, if you respond to that trigger the same way you always do, you are strengthening the neural pathways responsible for that knee-jerk reaction, and it makes it that much harder to resist next time. It is a snowball effect. Don't believe me, ask a neuroscientist. This is how this works.

Contrarily, if you listen to the voice and do what it tells you (obviously use discretion here guys, we're not 12 year olds, we all understand what I'm talking about) then you will literally rewire parts of your brain for those behaviors. This isn't only true with pheromones, but in every day life; this is true of how we see the world. This is true of how we think of ourselves, the actions we decide to take or not take. This is true of our addictions. You must understand this and be ready to act on it when you wear Bad Wolf. If you let it guide you, you will see a better version of yourself; even in just one use! After that night, I already feel my actual personality changing again; it happened to me when I used A314 for a long time, and I sense that it will happen again if I regularly use BW (which I'm hesitant to do because it works a little too well lol).

Good luck out there fellas. I will let you all know what happens next with BW!


Reporting Info:
Age: 29 | Race: black | Build: Very slender 6'0 | Strong fashion sense | High social awareness | Not as bold as I'd like to be, but working on improving myself every day.
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2017 6:09 PM by Corveus.)
03-13-2017 5:56 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 6:10 PM

Sweet BW report. Very well written, the story flows nicely, grammar is on point and you're using BW correctly. I could feel my personality change with months of A314 usage. I haven't had that experience with many other mones. I feel it a bit with Wolf, I walk with extra swagger, but it isn't as strong.

You have me almost convinced to buy a full bottle of BW and I have three sample vials sitting in my cabined.


If you truly become high value, you no longer have to mimic the action or follow the beliefs of high-value men

Having the courage to not make hitting on girls creepy is all you need.
03-13-2017 6:10 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 6:44 PM

Hey Corveus,

Hate to be an asshole about this, but it needs to be said:

Your posts read like an infomercial, but you have nothing to show for it.

Quote:What so many guys are not understanding about Bad Wolf:

Literally your second post using BW, and you want to tell other members how to use a product.

Not only did you not close......you helped a lesbian close.Dodgy

Quote:The trick to Bad Wolf is, you have to listen to the voice, and do what it tells you without hesitation. If you don't, the power will disappear. Every instance of ignoring the Bad Wolf will create a pattern for how you behave, which will in turn create an incongruent awkward shape that people will see you as. Every time Bad Wolf tells you to do something and you ignore it, you're training your brain to remember that you are a weak man. That is literally science. Every time you have a trigger, if you respond to that trigger the same way you always do, you are strengthening the neural pathways responsible for that knee-jerk reaction, and it makes it that much harder to resist next time. It is a snowball effect. Don't believe me, ask a neuroscientist. This is how this works.

Sounds like you're much more interested in writing, and giving advise than actually testing a product properly.

Here is a summary of what actually happened when you wore BW based on your own posts above:

-noticed an improved mood while home alone

-felt that your friend saw you as an equal.......but then noticed signs that he didn't....and he laughed more at your jokes

-noticed an improved mood prior to going out

-talked to a stranger and received normal response

-danced on the train

-actively engaged others, and they responded by being more social

-tipped the bartender extra, and he gave you some "free" stuff

-engaged aggressively with a girl at a bar, and she joined you and your lesbian roommate

-helped your lesbian roommate hookup with the girl that you picked-up (doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your earlier aggressive pickup)

So after nearly 4 pages........nothing but some good vibes and a close (for someone else).

Maybe more testing......less fan fiction.

Just my $.02 - Best of luck!Big boss

Signatures are forum-cancer.Scout
03-13-2017 6:44 PM
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Fireworks and hurricanes

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Post: #5
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 8:29 PM

(03-13-2017 6:44 PM)theLaw Wrote:  Hey Corveus,

Hate to be an asshole about this, but it needs to be said:

Your posts read like an infomercial, but you have nothing to show for it.

Literally your second post using BW, and you want to tell other members how to use a product.

Not only did you not close......you helped a lesbian close.Dodgy

Quote:The trick to Bad Wolf is, you have to listen to the voice, and do what it tells you without hesitation. If you don't, the power will disappear. Every instance of ignoring the Bad Wolf will create a pattern for how you behave, which will in turn create an incongruent awkward shape that people will see you as. Every time Bad Wolf tells you to do something and you ignore it, you're training your brain to remember that you are a weak man. That is literally science. Every time you have a trigger, if you respond to that trigger the same way you always do, you are strengthening the neural pathways responsible for that knee-jerk reaction, and it makes it that much harder to resist next time. It is a snowball effect. Don't believe me, ask a neuroscientist. This is how this works.

Sounds like you're much more interested in writing, and giving advise than actually testing a product properly.

Here is a summary of what actually happened when you wore BW based on your own posts above:

-noticed an improved mood while home alone

-felt that your friend saw you as an equal.......but then noticed signs that he didn't....and he laughed more at your jokes

-noticed an improved mood prior to going out

-talked to a stranger and received normal response

-danced on the train

-actively engaged others, and they responded by being more social

-tipped the bartender extra, and he gave you some "free" stuff

-engaged aggressively with a girl at a bar, and she joined you and your lesbian roommate

-helped your lesbian roommate hookup with the girl that you picked-up (doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your earlier aggressive pickup)

So after nearly 4 pages........nothing but some good vibes and a close (for someone else).

Maybe more testing......less fan fiction.

Just my $.02 - Best of luck!Big boss

Whoooooa okay then. Alright, true enough, I could do without all of the sparkly shining shit- point taken, and condescension much appreciated! I'll tone down on that next time lol. I also tend to ramble. I was in the mood for some silliness at the time, my bad. I haven't been out in a while (been tied down for a while now; which is the reason that I chose not to close, which I mentioned repeatedly) so it's exciting to get back in.

I'm just getting used to this product, but this is far from my first rodeo with "difficult to steer" pheromones. People said the same things about [the old] A314 that they say about this, and my experience is that it also functions similarly; do what the "voice" of the mix tells you. I have a YEARS of successful experience with that, and I applied that knowledge to this, and best I can tell, it worked. I'm new here but been doing this a long time. If my summary of why I see people complaining about Bad Wolf not working came off preachy to you, that's not what I was going for, so again, my bad. What I said isn't specific to BW in any way at all, so it being my third time using it is kind of a moot point to make. Sad

As far as not closing, I definitely don't need to validate my abilities to you someone who spends that much energy tearing down an anonymous stranger on an internet forum for over post they didn't like. Lol, it's just not a good use of time. If you didn't like it, I definitely respect that, but you won't catch me coming to others' threads trying to tear people down for trying to contribute. You spent all that time JUST to hate on me. I'm almost honored lol. Oh well, some people like it, others don't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Reporting Info:
Age: 29 | Race: black | Build: Very slender 6'0 | Strong fashion sense | High social awareness | Not as bold as I'd like to be, but working on improving myself every day.
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2017 8:42 PM by Corveus.)
03-13-2017 8:29 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 9:05 PM

Quote:As far as not closing, I definitely don't need to validate my abilities to you someone who spends that much energy tearing down an anonymous stranger on an internet forum for over post they didn't like. Lol, it's just not a good use of time. If you didn't like it, I definitely respect that, but you won't catch me coming to others' threads trying to tear people down for trying to contribute. You spent all that time JUST to hate on me. I'm almost honored lol. Oh well, some people like it, others don't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Called it! A victim.......right out of the gate.Dodgy

Don't worry.........enough members on this forum will eat this up, so you'll have no problem getting an audience.Scout

I won't hijack your thread any further. Best of luck to you!Hi

Signatures are forum-cancer.Scout
03-13-2017 9:05 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-16-2017 1:20 PM

@corveus your reporting was epic and very interesting . keep it coming with any flavour and delivery method as you like ! most awesome posts I've read in a while .
03-16-2017 1:20 PM
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Fireworks and hurricanes

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Post: #8
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-16-2017 10:37 PM

BigDickBandit420 Wrote:Post: #3 RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-13-2017 4:10 PM

Sweet BW report. Very well written, the story flows nicely, grammar is on point and you're using BW correctly. I could feel my personality change with months of A314 usage. I haven't had that experience with many other mones. I feel it a bit with Wolf, I walk with extra swagger, but it isn't as strong.

You have me almost convinced to buy a full bottle of BW and I have three sample vials sitting in my cabined.

Thanks, dude. I see a lot of similarities between this and A314- the primary difference in my limited experience with BW being that BW makes me uncontrollably horny. As others failed to note, and I will reiterate, I didn't get BW to get laid; I am in a committed relationship, and don't want to cheat on my SO. I got it because it seemed to be the closest super drivable mone to the selfies that A314 gave. I'm in it for the self-effects. It feels fantastic, you feel bulletproof with it on, just like with A314, but A314 can come off as way too domineering. Great for work, not as great for being the fun guy. BW seems to be a balance of both. But it also makes me want to fuck almost every remotely attractive woman I see. Definitely can't afford to have that be a part of my changing personality, if that's what's gonna happen! That's why I haven't used BW since then. I'll be running it again tomorrow at work where it's safe lol. I'll let you know how it goes.

But yeah, I can definitely feel it having an impact on my behavior that lasts much longer than the actual pheromones do; even a few days after using it, I still speak out more than I typically would, or act more aggressively with people than I normally would.

theLaw Wrote:Called it! A victim.......right out of the gate.
Mm, no, you didn't, a.) and b.) What I said was 100% for your benefit, not for mine, since literally no one besides you would get a "victim" out of anything I said, lol. I even agreed with you at one point and admitted I over did it on the fonts (which, incidentally, I was actually using as a way to highlight interesting parts so that people could skip through the long post if they wanted,) and everything else I said directly challenged and contradicted nearly everything in your first super-agro post. Amazingly, (and predictably) you managed to opt not respond to those parts. And so you took ONE line of my reply and tried to frame it like I'm a "victim" which everyone can see through. Maybeeee you weren't man enough to acknowledge your super embarrassingly over the top aggression and admit you were wrong, which is why you subsequently immediately excused yourself from the thread? Called it! Called it outta the gate! Negative Drop the "Look how edgy I can be" bullshit, man up and admit you were over the top. Or don't- again, for your benefit, not mine.

(03-16-2017 1:20 PM)right_mr Wrote:  @corveus your reporting was epic and very interesting . keep it coming with any flavour and delivery method as you like ! most awesome posts I've read in a while .

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

One thing I forgot to mention- BW smells fucking amazing. I don't know if it's just that I like the scent, or of it's something in the mones, but I keep feeling an impulse to smell my app points. It's weird, no other mone has had that effect. Wolf has a pretty similar scent, and I get zero of that with Wolf. Anyone else experiencing that? I read that people often have that same effect when they are wearing DP, but as I understand, BW doesn't have cops in it.

Reporting Info:
Age: 29 | Race: black | Build: Very slender 6'0 | Strong fashion sense | High social awareness | Not as bold as I'd like to be, but working on improving myself every day.
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2017 11:07 PM by Corveus.)
03-16-2017 10:37 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-16-2017 11:22 PM

Well, I tried to walk away, and respect your thread.....but since you want to keep it going........

Let me know when you actually achieve anything with a mix other than an emotional boost, and I'll be happy to listen.Dodgy

Until then, feel free to keep writing "Corv's wild adventures" for your new fans........a few are already eating it up!!!popcorn

On the bright side.........looks like there will be a bunch of discounted bottles of BW for sale in a few months...........for anyone who wants to actually use it properly.Big boss

In the meantime.......

Corveus tries to get the girl:

Quote:The chick asks me straight up, "So... you and Ellie are obviously together, so like, what am I even doing here?" Holy shit! That was pretty straightforward. I told her, "uh, no we're not together, she's gay, so victory is yours for the taking." I was trying to be ambiguous with my other roommate there. Major accidental cockblock! (I had lied and told her that I was trying to hook bargirl up with Ellie so as to avoid suspicion) so she said "well I've never been with a woman before" ...clearly not going in the direction that I expected. So I went with it. "Well, there's a first time for everything," I said.

Ellie came back from the bathroom, and it was bargirl's turn to go to the bathroom. My other roommate went to bed finally, and I said to Ellie, "hey, so I think this chick might actually want to hook up with you" and she said "Oh Idunno, plus I gotta wake up early." I said "whatever, just go with it. Otherwise, let me walk her out" Ellie, being the sweet considerate clueless person she is, says "Oh no, that's okay, I will walk her out." Right then, bargirl comes back, as I'm trying to whisper with a wink, "Nonononono, I will walk her... Ell- I will... oh heyyyyy."

So Ellie tells her she's going to bed, and the chick just lunges at her, and they start making out right in front of me! Even though I did all the ground work, I took that as my cue that I was a good wingman, and that Ellie was gonna get some. Then later, I hear them walk outside, waiting for her Uber? Wtf? The chick left! Ellie says "I am too tired, and it just didn't feel right so I turned her down." and I was like, that's great, but... WHAT ABOUT ME? (Which incidentally is a great Snarky Puppy song lol)

Man, I got so angry! ANY wingman would have caught all of the hints; if you can't close, let me finish what I started in the first place! Fuck, I set her up perfectly for a score, and she whiffs on the slam dunk?! At least pass me the ball, player! I felt the full-on BW rage... it was way out of character for me. I kept it to myself, because I can control my anger flawlessly, but I was so much more angry than I should have been. That, plus- I don't wanna cheat on my fucking girlfriend!

And then later......after he fails to get the girl.....he claims:

Quote: I didn't get BW to get laid; I am in a committed relationship, and don't want to cheat on my SO.

Seems legit.Dodgy

Signatures are forum-cancer.Scout
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2017 11:37 PM by theLaw.)
03-16-2017 11:22 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Unleashing the Bad Wolf from it's cage
03-16-2017 11:40 PM

(03-16-2017 10:37 PM)Corveus Wrote:  One thing I forgot to mention- BW smells fucking amazing.

If you like BW scent, check out armaf derby club Blanche. Smells very similar

Correct a fool and he will hate you; correct a wise man and he will appreciate you
03-16-2017 11:40 PM
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