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Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
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The Modern Day Casanova

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Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-06-2022 6:30 PM

IMPI RED Spray scented

[Image: IMPI.jpg]

IMPI RED is an interesting blend, it's designed to give out a masculine manly & sexual vibe.

I've found IMPI RED to be just that, a very strong manly blend that enhances your manliness.

Summarized impression based on the below field testing

-Definitely worth taking a look at, I feel the is a high-status alpha product
-Gives this kind of a daddy vibe (like you’re daddy)
-Seems to work with various ages
-There are self effects at 2-3 spray, subtle but yeah makes you feel solid
-The smell is really manly
-Works for cold approaches
-Gets you stares and IOIs
-Gets some girls to approach you
-Gets my female friend jealous haha
-At lower doses seems to work against me, at higher doses seems to be amazing
-Even lesbians react to it
-Guys are friendly

Pheromones in the blend (as per LaCroy's website):



Field testing IMPI RED

First day of testing - one spray

Dose & application: 1 spray on the right wrist
Self effects: Not really, felt a light 0.1% tiny mood drop, didn’t feel any enhancements during the conversations with people. Felt actually kinda demotivate for cold approaches with 1 spray

Quick bus HIT

On the bus when I was sitting minding my own business I suddenly saw a woman hard staring eye-balling me. HB6 short ~30-33yo. Nothing to work here with

At a Gathering

Went to a gathering where there’s plenty of people, chill atmosphere, very casual bar.

Tried to open one girl, the light was dim and she looked like a HB7, but after a better look I’d give her a HB6 (max 6,5). Not sure if it’s a beautifying effect from IMPI or just the lighting. (age around 25) But she was sitting in the corner, easy warm up target. Opened her, she was pretty receptive. Asking questions, smiles, some IOIs. I could tell she was into me. But didn’t really wanna continue it with her.

Went and saw two women with some dog, they were definitely older than 40, I guess HB7 would be appropriate since they had really fit bodies. Those two were really receptive and smiling. Wanted to keep me in the conversation, told me to stay etc etc. But I went on.

Tried to open two young girls one HB6,5 ~24yo one HB8 ~22yo. Those were actually non-receptive, I got somehow the “challenged” face from them and not in a good way, and that’s like after 3 sentences. Kinda felt shit tested non-verbally. Anyway, it was very much like Possess Alpha reaction from girls below 25.

Sat down and tried to open an HB8 22yo girl. We talked a bit before during the evening, at first(when we met a short time before) she smiled when we spoke before, but when I returned and told some story, got the same “challenged”/”uninterested”/”non-receptive” eyes. She was really cute though.

After a while I joined a table and saw one girl I already saw in this bar, she was my acquaintance, HB8 tall blonde 25yo. Didn’t really pay much attention to me that day, I had to engage her harder to get IOIs and attention, and to be fair it was less than I had normally.
I picked her up with Possess before and got a contact close. 1 Spray of IMPI didn't seem to please her. But could be she just was into the Possess signature.

I did get the attention of the older ladies(as in ~40yo) at the table, they were pretty talkative. But not that much IOI giving.. Normal casual convo, I wasn’t in the spotlight there, wasn’t grabbing too much attention. I felt I had to work my extraverted muscles. There were 5 more girls in the table, not really my type and I don't care, but like I’m used to more attention. Without mones I get better attention then this.

Waitress wasn’t too receptive either when I talked, didn’t see IOIs all that much.

Went to the bus stop. Saw two really cute girls opened them, talked a bit, again the “avoidance” eyes.

Thoughts from this day: I don’t see any handicap this mone gives me so far. Honestly I’m reluctant to try it on a date until I will be able to use it in simple social situations.

Day 2 of testing - 3 sprays

Dose & application: 3 sprays (1 on each side of the neck, 1 on wrist)
Self effects:
Positive subtle feeling after spray 2, on third solid positive.

Went out to a convention with a female friend, the place is quite interesting, has multiple rooms, one of which you have a presentation, another room where you have people sitting and talking to each other and an underground place with a party vibe).

Oddly she reacted more friendly than usual.. suddenly realized she missed me in an unusual way(though we saw each other last week?). I saw more people coming to the place, we had a big table grabbed.

I saw one girl around ~35yo old HB8, quite tall girl, she was walking and stared at me, so I just waved her to come over lol (though there were a lot of empty places). And she came, all smiley like and sat down near us. I was running the conversation, there were nice IOIs, questions from her side, and we all started to talk smoothly. I could tell she was really into me.

Suddenly I see a second girl, HB7 walk up the stairs and once she gets near the table, suddenly her head turns to me and another deer in the headlight, and I was like "you can join us, we’re friendly" and suddenly I’m introducing the girls to each other. And we all talk, this one had given me even more IOIs than the other one. Really positive reaction.

Presentation started, after some time decided to check room #2

Saw two girls, talking to each other, one HB7 tall black-haired, and one HB8 killer blond! Decided to open them, they opened like a charm! Very similar setting like in the previous day testing mentioned but a very different reaction! The girls were super positive to me. The blond looked really intrigued in me and was sending seductive IOIs, while the other girl felt shy near me but both were really interested. Closed both their numbers.

Interesting part: My friend saw me going and walking the blond to the door saying goodbye. She got ultra jealous, I will state this is VERY UNUSUAL, she’s normally reserved introverted, whenever I approached people to talk as a social thing she reacted positive to it, she was happy about it like "wow it's so cool you can talk to people like this bla bla".

This time she called all my social talking shallow, fake, etc with no basis (she didn’t even see what I talked about with those girls). We had a small fight and she acted like some toxic jealous girlfriend.
The thing that I didn’t like about it was that I somehow took it to the heart for some reason after the evening. Dunno if it’s some reverse imprint hit or just somehow I felt it bothered me (next day is fine though).

Thoughts till now: 3 sprays is a whole different world. Get my female friend, who didn't reacted to any other mones I threw at her, jealous af. Girls seem to love it. It's a chick magnec.

Day 3 of testing - 3 sprays (+one drop of Bad Wolf under the nose)

Dose & application: 3 sprays of IMPI (1 on each side of the neck, 1 on wrist) + 1 drop of Bad Wolf under the nose just for the self effects
Self effects: Very positive,energetic, etc.

So went out to a gather at one of the local pubs. Put a bit of BW under my nose for self effects. Gonna put this into chunks:

3 girls' set

Immediately after entering I saw a nice set of 3 cuties:
HB8 brown haired ~25yo ~167cm
HB8 black haired 22yo ~167cm
HB7 blond haired ~173cm

The set opened VERY positive, all girls sent good IOIs. My target was smiling at me all the time. I closed her number later in the night. It was very dynamic and group were often mixing. Will say a few words about the effect on the girls.

On all girls: All of the 3 listened to me with big eyes, when I told something they barely blinked. Definitely there was a huge amount of receptiveness.

HB8(target): She was the most smiling haha, I guess since I gave her a bit more attention. Tried kinoing her also a bit and she received it very well. She behaved like “omg it’s so cool this guy is talking to me”

Second HB8: She was more like a groupie, like this kind of fan girl, like getting excited over everything in the conversation. And projecting this towards me

HB7: She was more reserved, smiled and looked with a lot of curiosity. Later during the night she loosened up a lot more with me and even kinoed me.

The Mystical HB9

This girl was really amazing, actually her body was perfect, her personality as well was great, she had such an energy and like this sort of almost mystical aura around her (not hinting I fell in love here) but really the way she talks is worth mentioning.
She was a friend of the HB7 from the previous group. This girl attracted a lot of attention, I saw guys come in proximity and stand near with their drinks. But somehow she was just too much for those guys, one look from her with a slight disinterest from her and guys would go running away. The disinterest was delivered in such a direct honest non-cruel way. Like a goddess's judgment which you just had to accept.

Anyway, let’s get back to business, since this is not a novel lol.

This girl I saw her a couple of times talking to the HB7, so I thought it’d give me an easy entry.

Saw them at some point with like 2 other girls. So I went over to talk to them. All girls were receptive in the group but the HB9 was not sending IOIs immediately actually. She didn’t give me any dis look, she was in the conversation, just looked like she was GENUINELY interested in the outcome of our convo, but she didn't take sides (receptive/non-receptive).

Decided to leave for some time saying I’m gonna go hang out with some friends there. As I was leaving, she kept looking at me with this curiosity, a slight sadness that I left? Well that worked well for me

[Time passes, stuff happens and we meet again during the night]

Met her again later that night sitting laid back on a table alone and I greeted her with a smile again. She asked where have I been, saying it was super interesting to talk to me and she thought that she might have said something wrong but was happy I came back.

A different reaction, the receptiveness was a lot lot more open. We talked a lot more openly and connected. And then just the usual nice IOIs, some kino, giggles, laughs, and a phone exchange. We have similar passions & chemistry so that definately is a plus.

The semi drunk HB8 that came out of nowhere to me

This was pretty cool, this was pretty late that night, I was just sitting there and chilling a bit and this HB8 curvy girl came to me and just smiled at me widely and asked me how I am. Cool, IMPI brings the babes to me. So we talked, she sent me great IOIs. Ah worth mentioning she had 2 glasses of wine that night(as far as she claims). At some point we came to sit on the couch and she layed her head on me. Was pretty chill. Got her contact as well.

A guy and a girl (on a date?)

Those two seemed to be on a date, they sat down together, weren’t really in the whole gathering mindset, as I was going to the toilet I caught a glimpse of that the girl, an HB9 blond girl, she was checking me out, I caught her eye and a quick smile appeared on her face but quickly disappeared as she had to turn back to the guy.

Ok now it’s on. I went to open them when returning to that area. Guy was really positive respectful, etc. Girl was smiling widely as if I'm some celebrity (no comparison intended to AV Smile ). So we talk talk and it's all nice, the guy goes away to get some beer, not sure if they're on a date or not, but as soon as he left she challeneged me to thumb wrestling... ok? (she's 26 lol) . So I we did the little thumb wrestling, which of course I won, and then we talked a bit, after 5 min of talking she asked me if I use instagram, I don't but I have an account for stubborn girls just in case I don't get the number. So we exchanged instagram. Guy returned we talked more and he was all like "well, it's cool and all but we wanted to talk privately". And I'm like say no more, you're welcome to join us later.

The two lesbians (Read this like a poem)

In the most farest darkest corner of the room they sat
Yet everyone knew they came there for more than a chat
Two Hb8s, who say no to men
Kissing each again and again

As I walked beside them, IMPI RED hit
Deer in the headlights.. they stopped to kiss

One smiled widely, yet the other would hiss,
Why has her partner stopped for this..

Has IMPI RED, turned her straight
God only knows what was in her head

Didn’t close them though, we talked for a bit. One was sending me smiles and indicators of interest, the other was smiling but had the “go away already I want to make out with my girl look”. Didn’t close them, but it’s funny because I was observing them and even if guys would walk by they wouldn’t reacted, they were in their world, but when I walked the stopped kissing... and I wasn’t that close. It stopped with the interested girl just eyeballing me and then smiling , cute.

An Average Frustrated Chump guy and a girl (casual talk)

I saw this guy talking to this really nice blonde girl quite curvy HB8. I could tell by the body language he was boring the shit out of her as she was looking around (at first she was a bit interested, then I guess he blew it). They were talking like 3h or so.

So I came in to chat with them to bring a new spirit to the convo. The girl was receptive and smiled, but the guy surprised me the most, he was like an instant buddy lol. Everything I said he would go wow, enhance the topic and somehow he was increasing my value near the girl.

The girl was receptive, giving IOIs and smiling. It was like the night end, and I actually told them I was gonna leave. Suddenly the girl said “oh me too!”. I asked which direction she’s going, and we’re going the same way so I offered to walk her a bit, she was very happy with that and agreed.

We had a nice long walk with a great connection convo, some flirty kino. Got her contact as well. But I don’t think I’ll be dating her, too serious.

Favorite product: Bad Wolf
My products: AV, Wolf, ETFZ, Unresistable, Casanova,NA, TL, BW,PA
Testers: Voodoo, Evolve, Taboo, Xist , Ascend, Vibe
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2022 6:31 PM by TracerX.)
03-06-2022 6:30 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-06-2022 6:56 PM

Did you order from Lacroy?

You want to know the truth, but then when it's given to you; you don't know what to do with it.
03-06-2022 6:56 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-06-2022 10:57 PM

Nice reporting mate!

Did you not feel tired after few hours with Impi ?
I feel the same with 1 spray in that it works against me and i cant put a finger on why it does that. Any thoughts?

Can you compare Impi to any other products on the market especially the LAL range?
03-06-2022 10:57 PM
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The Modern Day Casanova

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Post: #4
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-07-2022 3:51 AM

(03-06-2022 6:56 PM)RussianWolf Wrote:  Did you order from Lacroy?

Bought this one from a local redistributer of some companies.

(03-06-2022 10:57 PM)zeroman Wrote:  Nice reporting mate!

Did you not feel tired after few hours with Impi ?
I feel the same with 1 spray in that it works against me and i cant put a finger on why it does that. Any thoughts?

Can you compare Impi to any other products on the market especially the LAL range?

Hmm nope not at all, next day also I don't. Feel great.

Well the instructions say use 2-3 sprays for a reason I guess. Maybe it's not just about ratios here but about a minimal amounts. I have two theories on this (anyone welcome to debunk either one)

So it's either you need 2-3 sprays to override your own phero signature so it won't come in conflict with the blend

Or perhaps it's about a minimal amount to make it work, too little of one specific molecule is perceived as unattractive like too little of it could be interpreted as having a very low testosterone.

Hmm good to me it's a good AV and AQ alternative. Yet it's still not beating Bad Wolf, both in terms of self effects and in building sexual tension (though it's a bit early to claim this last one).

It reminds me of Possess Alpha, just without the intimidation of it. You're a lot more approachable. It does a good job in keeping attention a bit like NA but with training wheels.

And lastly I think it'd be easier to use than LAL products. Most LAL products in my humble experience do require you to have some game/congruent behavior. With this one I didn't feel that, rather an enhancer.

Favorite product: Bad Wolf
My products: AV, Wolf, ETFZ, Unresistable, Casanova,NA, TL, BW,PA
Testers: Voodoo, Evolve, Taboo, Xist , Ascend, Vibe
03-07-2022 3:51 AM
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Telling it how it is.

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Post: #5
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-07-2022 2:04 PM

Looks a bit different then the one I got


Recommend: Taboo, Ascend w/o cops

Great for Sex: Evolve

On the fence about/Still testing: GOA, TAC

Liking/Loving: Captain, Ascend w/o cops, Scent of Eros

Combo testing:
03-07-2022 2:04 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-08-2022 1:14 AM

(03-07-2022 3:51 AM)TracerX Wrote:  Bought this one from a local redistributer of some companies.

(03-06-2022 10:57 PM)zeroman Wrote:  Nice reporting mate!

Did you not feel tired after few hours with Impi ?
I feel the same with 1 spray in that it works against me and i cant put a finger on why it does that. Any thoughts?

Can you compare Impi to any other products on the market especially the LAL range?

Hmm nope not at all, next day also I don't. Feel great.

Well the instructions say use 2-3 sprays for a reason I guess. Maybe it's not just about ratios here but about a minimal amounts. I have two theories on this (anyone welcome to debunk either one)

So it's either you need 2-3 sprays to override your own phero signature so it won't come in conflict with the blend

Or perhaps it's about a minimal amount to make it work, too little of one specific molecule is perceived as unattractive like too little of it could be interpreted as having a very low testosterone.

Hmm good to me it's a good AV and AQ alternative. Yet it's still not beating Bad Wolf, both in terms of self effects and in building sexual tension (though it's a bit early to claim this last one).

It reminds me of Possess Alpha, just without the intimidation of it. You're a lot more approachable. It does a good job in keeping attention a bit like NA but with training wheels.

And lastly I think it'd be easier to use than LAL products. Most LAL products in my humble experience do require you to have some game/congruent behavior. With this one I didn't feel that, rather an enhancer.
What molecule you suspect thats causing the letargy with IMPI?
I used The Edge Man from lacroy and according to the website and listed ingredients both seem to have A1 so i doubt its that.
03-08-2022 1:14 AM
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The Modern Day Casanova

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Post: #7
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-08-2022 4:49 AM

(03-08-2022 1:14 AM)zeroman Wrote:  What molecule you suspect thats causing the letargy with IMPI?
I used The Edge Man from lacroy and according to the website and listed ingredients both seem to have A1 so i doubt its that.

Usually, it's the A1 that's causing the issue. Could be that the Edge has buffers that help you smooth it out. You'd have to try out the single molecule and see how you react to it.

The only mone that makes me tired a bit is Casanova, between 5-10% tired the next day, sometimes some throat discomfort. But I learned to counter it haha. But if I train hard in the gym and then use Cas, it gives me a bit more lethargy, bearable of course but still no pleasant.

Favorite product: Bad Wolf
My products: AV, Wolf, ETFZ, Unresistable, Casanova,NA, TL, BW,PA
Testers: Voodoo, Evolve, Taboo, Xist , Ascend, Vibe
03-08-2022 4:49 AM
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The Modern Day Casanova

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Post: #8
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
03-12-2022 6:15 AM

Not much IMPI reports so I'll add two more interesting HITs I had (both had dosage of 3 sprays)

So the first one I was at this local mini concert at a bar where a band was playing. It's actually a bar I come to quite often with friends but this time came alone, immediately saw on my left on a pretty large table (table is for like 8 people haha), a guy and a girl sitting, girl was giving me the deer in the head lights, and like I just asked them if I could sit there. The girl reply SURE! with a big smile, guy was smiling too.

Again like in the initial post here , the guy was ultra friendly, at some point he even offered me to give me a giorgio armani full cologne lol (cause he got two of them). So like we talk talk and those two were boyfriend and girlfriend, did held hands at times. So like after the concert I told them I would be leaving, the guy went for a beer, and she asked me if I know like cool places around town, and I said yeah, then she asked if I have a Whatsapp, said we should keep in touch. Quickly took her number, guy came back we talked for another 10 min. She didn't mention anything to him about taking my contact. Funny.

Another situation was in the outdoors, it was pretty windy and cold in the evening and I was waiting for the bus. And had those 3 sprays on me and I noticed a nice slim hottie was come in closer proximity to me, making it look so innocently as if she wants to get a better view if the bus is coming. But it's a wide area lol. and she came like really close haha. Decided to open her, she reacted very very positively and smiled. So we talk, and talk for like 10 min, turns out we have the same bus, got some IOIs there and when the bus arrived we were sitting together, already had some comfort there. She was actually going on a date with someone she met online(first meeting). Kinda felt ashamed to talk about it with me. So we talk talk, everything seems smooth, like one stop before she was supposed to get off I said we should keep in touch and just asked her contact.

She was smiling and saying well I dunno... don't know.. maybe..not sure Smile but at the end couldn't make it to get the number. Should've done it sooner and in a different way (to offer something more precise, but yeah decided to try this appraoch). You can't always win P But it was really a nice experience, this vibe was something I think is what many people look for when getting some mones on them, just this ultimate chill talk when the girl just opens up.

Favorite product: Bad Wolf
My products: AV, Wolf, ETFZ, Unresistable, Casanova,NA, TL, BW,PA
Testers: Voodoo, Evolve, Taboo, Xist , Ascend, Vibe
03-12-2022 6:15 AM
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The Modern Day Casanova

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Post: #9
RE: Tracer's IMPI RED Review (2022)
05-14-2022 5:46 PM

Went running with a female friend today, took 3 sprays of IMPI RED. Was a sunny nice day, when she saw me she smiled more than usual ( never tried using mones on her). She acted a bit more shy, looked down a lot and smiled, giggled. So we start running, it's a slow long run so like she smiles and tell me about her day and all.

So during the actual run I got lots of those IOIs. So we run this circle and we ended up pretty close to my house. So I offered her if she wants to take a shower at my place. She also commended I smell even nicer after running (lol).

Fast forward I showered first. Later reapplied one spray of IMPI. Went out in a bathrobe. And gave my female friend a spare clean bathrobe. So like she showers. I close the curtains and all, started playing some acoustic guitar while waiting for her, she comes out and compliments the playing, and asks why is it so dark. I'm like "for inspiration". Later I did some massage on her, which she enjoyed a lot the bathrobe definitely gives it a different twist. IMPI makes me horny, started to get hard and I moved her hand slightly so she'll end up close touching it, didn't seem to resist.just kept her hand there and got closer to my dick, did a bit of rubbing. Then I had it exposed and she gave me a blowjob, funny cause we didn't kiss Mrgreen

Favorite product: Bad Wolf
My products: AV, Wolf, ETFZ, Unresistable, Casanova,NA, TL, BW,PA
Testers: Voodoo, Evolve, Taboo, Xist , Ascend, Vibe
05-14-2022 5:46 PM
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