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Testing Paradise 7
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Post: #1
Testing Paradise 7
02-28-2011 6:48 AM

As i notice trough some of the reviews for Paradise 7, there are many holding strong feelings agains Diane. This made me curious. Are Paradise 7 that bad?
I understand that Diane might be a rather passionate person with strong opinions and many dont agree to her stand of view. And one larger issues looks to be Androstenone. Even if i cant say i totaly agree to some of her statement about none, i actually appreciate that she do exclude none in her products if she is against it. For me as customer it feels safe to see a producer actually take stand for or against components in a product, and if their unsure, they exclude it. It makes me think they care and takes responsability for what they think is right instead of "as long as we got it, we sell it" atitude.

So this will be a test to both Paradise 7 as a company and the products.

First test : The Web Page
In my opinion, her web page is easy to navigate around. It is not a sex-commercialised site who promise way more than it can ever give. It give a decent information about pheromone and how to use her products. There is also a good information on the ingredience being used, but not any specific list of ingredience to each product. She also give a descripiont on why she dont use certain ingredients. Her description of none is in my opninon not completely correct compared to what i found on Wikipedia.
She gives a nice description on the products and what to expect of effects. It looks easy to make any order and easy to choose scents.

Second test : Customer/product support
Before making any order, i decided to check out Diane's service. I sent her some questions regarding her products and shipment. Five hours later, i recived a mail from her. She explained me her products very well with more than a page length. She was friendly and polite.

Third test : Making the order
Time to make the order. I am curious about her products and decided to go for several. Mens Game, FTL, Pursuit, Tiger Juice all for men and scented in oil. Pluss Attention unscented in spray. Attention was found at womens section, but Diane said this was an unisex product, so i decided to check it out.
Making the order was simple and without problem. I payd trough Paypal and got an payment confirmation.

Reply's after order
Making the order is done. So i decided to bother Diane again. I wrote her an email telling what products i decided to buy. And then i went on with some blabble, blabble and more blabble. Telling about my past and what pheromones i know about. What i like and dont.
A few hours later i recived a reply, also this time very polite, business friendly. Responding to my order, telling me it will be shipped within the next days. She also took her time commenting what i wrote. She asked me to be careful regarding some pheromone companies, as not everybody are to be trusted. She didnt mentioned any names.
Her reply seemed rather professional to me.

Two days later i recived another mail with information regarding shipping with tracking number.

Arrival of package
Its finally here. I had been waiting for it, like a child is waiting for christmas.
From i made the order til i got it, i had to wait 8 work days. Compare to others, i had to wait 4 days to get my Scent of Eros and 7 days from Liquid A. But i wouldnt say 8 days is either bad or good, just normal.
The mones was professional packed and it also included papers describing what it was. Could have been handy in case it would have been stoped in custom.
The bottles was actually very good, there is no way any leak could have happen unless the bottles was broken. It all looked good.

But now to the important thing : Does it work as expected? I am eager to try this out. But what should i start with? It all looks so good. This is my first day of use, i was actually thinking about Mens game as a start since i am at work right now. But foolishly me, i picked the wrong bottle and added Puruit instead. Well, well, you'll be getting reports of my impression in a while.
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2011 5:38 PM by Q-Tips.)
02-28-2011 6:48 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Testing Paradise 7
02-28-2011 8:26 AM

Testing Pursuit, first day.
I added two drops of Pursuit behind my ears. The scent was with l'homme. I liked it, not intense but rather mild, but still covering the mones rather well.
The self effect i got was the same as i get from using Scent of Eros. A real happy feeling where i find my self smiling for any reason. But besides from that i didnt notice other self-effects. No increase in social feeling and no need to chat. But i am rather chatty without mones, and i guess its a limit on how chatty you can be.
So my first impression is that Pursuit is an social mixture. But is it an attractive or sexual mixture as well?

This day, i would work with a lady i know already have a good eye for me. We have had a few flirty moments, but nothing serious. She have a good humour but is in no way a small talker. She mostly just says what needs to be said, and thats it. I had mostly been the one who had to start any converstion.
When she came to work, i was in such a uplifting mood from Pursuit, that i just wanted to go and give her real good friendly hug. But no, i had to behave my self. I wanted to see if Pursuit had any effect, so i had to act normal and acting crazy. At beginning, she looked tired. No conversation starting from her, and nothing other unusual behaviour. I didnt say much to her either. I started wonder if this had any effect at all.
After a while she managed to say goodbye to the same customer three times. I laughed at her, and she just had to answer me. From that on she starts loosen up. She starts talking a little bit, and then more and more. It also looks as she gets an uplift in mood.
The number of customers calms down, so i decided to go in and sit down at my office and see what she do. And yes, she comes in to the office as often she can, just to say something. Usually, she leaves me alone with my paperwork. Later on, she becomes more than just chatty. She also starts flirting. It looked as Pursuit just got more and more powerful to her during exposure, instead of a smash you in the face effect. But the strangest thing is, usually i get flirty eye contact from her. But today i never got any eye contact at all from her. The same goes to any other women today. I actually cought many women staring at me, but at once i took them in staring, they looked away pretending not to look at me. Very strange if you ask me and not what i am used to.

Another of my co-worker who was not working today, but came in just to have look at the time-list. Just to see when she's going to work next week. This lady use to be more outgoing in her feelings. While she stood there, she turns around towards me and asked me all kind of weird questions. Then she asked how i am doing and gave me a hug. She took me with surprise. Not what i was used to from here. She left, and came back an hour later. Then she left just to come two more times during the day. All times being in a great mood.

At customers, i also noticed several female customers returning during the day both twice and three times. This realy could be good for my business Good

Ohh, by the way, in case you wonder. I am running an convenience store.

Conclusion? This is just what i see from one day of use, so its for shure early making any conclusions of of Pursuit. I will use it again, as i like what i have seen. From first responds i tought this was just a social mone. But from what i can see this day, women are responding way more than men. But i am not shure i get it all right yet, the effects is nothing i can compare with other mones. And actually, some women didnt either seem as they are getting it. Women seen to be either lurking at me with an need to be close to me, but without making any initiative (The shy type). Or they are being very extrovert and behaving unusual friendly. One female customer was actually starting to dance and sing along from a background music while she was standing in front of me.
I am not shure, but i get a feeling that besides from the social elements, there are some attraction as well. Something with memory bonding who makes them want to come back. And there was so many of them coming back. Just imagine yourself, do you visit same convenience store 3-4 times during the same day?
During this day, i could not see any sexual attraction.

Edit : I actually have been editing this posts for at least five times now. Its not that the English is that hard for me, but actually the oposite, its so close to my origin Norwegian that i get confused. For example the Norwegian name for "Bus" is "Buss". And the Norwegian name for "Stop" is "Stopp".
So when reading this i constantly find alot of wrong spellings. I promise you, it realy freaks me out.
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2011 5:50 PM by Q-Tips.)
02-28-2011 8:26 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Testing Paradise 7
02-28-2011 9:23 AM

Great reporting Q-Tips. I tried to rep you, but the system tells me I've got to spread some love around first.

[Image: vipersig.jpg]
In the end, your legacy should be what you've accomplished and what you left behind, not what battles you fought and who you drove into the dust.
02-28-2011 9:23 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Testing Paradise 7
02-28-2011 6:00 PM

(02-28-2011 9:23 AM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  Great reporting Q-Tips. I tried to rep you, but the system tells me I've got to spread some love around first.

Dont worry. Love is a fine thing to spread. Even a little smile can work like a transmission towards other.
02-28-2011 6:00 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Testing Paradise 7
02-28-2011 6:49 PM

Great Report! Reps! I look forward to more of your testing.

Don't set boundaries, discover them.
02-28-2011 6:49 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Testing Paradise 7
03-03-2011 8:17 AM

So i have been wearing Pursuit for three days now at work and once when meeting a friend. I get the same results as i wrote from the first day. It looks to be a very potent stuff and this three days have been the most amusing three working days in my life. jumpy
Maybe a bit too great description, but what else can i say, when thats how it have been?

It looks to me as Pursuit gives the women an pleasant feeling that makes them want to stay with me, but with an feeling not known to them before. So it makes them excited, qurious, wondering and sometimes with an awe to me, as i am a kind of super hero.

So far it looks to give results towards almost every women, but with unpredictable results / reaction from the women. It looks like i can put the reactions in four categories :

Cat 1 : The show-off
Some women needs to do something, so they can get either my attention or to impress me. For instant i have seen : Show cleevage (My fav), dancing, singing, model like catwalk, jumping, lifting, aerobic moves, helping me out or in general noticable behaviour.

Cat 2 : The shy ones
Some women and only so far those who dont know me, have a strange shy behaviour. They can stare at me but are affraid of eye contact. They try getting excuses for getting closer to me or coming back to see me. They dont start initiative for any conversation. I get the feeling of being stalked by groupies.
If i start talking to them, about above half of them get relived from the shyness and start taking initiatives for talking. And in that case they get removed from cat.2 and goes to cat.3.

Cat 3 : The chatty ones
This is the ones who get very social. They get a space reducer and have no problem being real close to me. They actually looks to have a need for being close. They love talking with me and try find excuses for conversation. Some actually looks a little sad if i am leaving.

Cat 4 : The trusted ones
It looks to be some real bonding elements in Pursuit. I dont feel it but it looks like the women feel it. A few have started telling me things they normally keep as secret. After talking a while and being exposed to Pursuit for 2-3 days, they seem to think we have become very close to each other. It could look like Pursuit is a kind of "Bonding on Speed".
For instant i got comments like : "Now that we have become so close, i have to tell you something". Or this i now get frequently : "You are the best boss in the world" Eek

I would say Pursuit have social and uplift in mood elements that work for both male and female. Besides from that it have elements that give females an awe and exciting feelings they love. It also looks to be bonding. Females also looks like they find me attractive. As mentioned before i dont find any sexual elements in Pursuit, but the fact that they find me more attractive can of course also lead to sexual attraction. But for a strange reason, they are not very flirty and that can explain why i am not getting increase in eye contact. I am actually glad there is no big sexual in this, as i think it would have been hard using it at work in that case.
Pursuit is deffently something i will like use.

I will take a break from Pursuit now, so i can try out "Mens at Play"
After tried it out on myself, i did not notice any self-effect. Not even the uplift in mood i get from Pursuit.
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2011 8:24 AM by Q-Tips.)
03-03-2011 8:17 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Testing Paradise 7
03-03-2011 9:42 AM

Mrs. Robertson definitely knowns what she doing. I've notice that the effects of her blends are different then any other pheromone mixes too. When one of my targets said "you're doing something to me" I knew these Pheromone mixes of Paradice7 were keepers.

Great Report!

The minute you think you know everything is the minute you stop learning.

Alpha7, NPA, Alter Ego, LS Chem Set, ChiKara, SOE, Edge, A314,
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03-03-2011 9:42 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Testing Paradise 7
03-04-2011 9:17 AM

Cat 1,2,3,4 and this:

(03-03-2011 8:17 AM)Q-Tips Wrote:  I would say Pursuit have social and uplift in mood elements that work for both male and female. Besides from that it have elements that give females an awe and exciting feelings they love. It also looks to be bonding. Females also looks like they find me attractive. As mentioned before i dont find any sexual elements in Pursuit, but the fact that they find me more attractive can of course also lead to sexual attraction. But for a strange reason, they are not very flirty and that can explain why i am not getting increase in eye contact. I am actually glad there is no big sexual in this, as i think it would have been hard using it at work in that case.

That's are all Androstanone effects. Great Report. You nailed it! I don't have Pursuit, only Androstanone, but I find that 20mcg-30mcg Androstanone are very difficult. (Jesse said 1 spray Pursuit is more as 10mcg Androstanone).

I test also Androstanone with None, but I don't get it... To take umbrage

@ Q-Tips

What is your opinion, how long holds the Androstanone (Pursuit) effect?

IH,A314,IG,IS,IJ,IS A & B,Cttm,IO
AV,Possess Alpha,Wolf
Alfa M.,Certo,Glace
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(This post was last modified: 03-04-2011 9:18 AM by JohnnyHard.)
03-04-2011 9:17 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Testing Paradise 7
03-06-2011 5:17 PM

(03-04-2011 9:17 AM)JohnnyHard Wrote:  Cat 1,2,3,4 and this:

That's are all Androstanone effects. Great Report. You nailed it! I don't have Pursuit, only Androstanone, but I find that 20mcg-30mcg Androstanone are very difficult. (Jesse said 1 spray Pursuit is more as 10mcg Androstanone).

I test also Androstanone with None, but I don't get it... To take umbrage

@ Q-Tips

What is your opinion, how long holds the Androstanone (Pursuit) effect?

I think your comparing against Androstanone makes sense to me. Well at least from the little i can find about it, and its not much. Do you have any links to some info?

I get a little confused about how long effect pursuit have. A woman being exposed to it, can come back 8-10 hours later and be all over me. Maybe it have a memory effect? But how can i tell when Pursuit still make effect or it is just a respond to an earlier effect?
But if i should compare it with my self effect, it looks to fade away already after 3-4 hours, and sometimes even earlier. Because of this i have often reaplied with Pursuit. Usually that have not been a success and made the effect not as usually.
03-06-2011 5:17 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Testing Paradise 7
03-06-2011 5:53 PM

Sorry, my promises of testing "Mens at Play" will have to wait for a while. Things havent gone very well lately and i stoped using anything during the last days. There's been a tradegy in our town. I live far north in Norway with harsh unpredictable weather. Thursday evening, it blowed up a big storm with wind compared to strong hurricane in the mountains. Nine youths being out on scooters in the mountains where lost, and three of them died, all three only at age of 18. This is a small town where everybody knows everybody. So it is of course a big shock. Even tough i didnt know them in personal, i knew who they where. The entire town are realy emotional right now. And of course wearing Mens at Play wouldnt make any sense right now, or for the next days.
03-06-2011 5:53 PM
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