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Terry's Water only Fast
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Post: #1
Terry's Water only Fast
04-27-2014 2:54 AM

Hello all, today is day 7 of my strictly water only fast, i have embarked on this fast so that i may detox and rid my system of 62 years of accumulated waste by- products accumulated because of my not always so wise dietary health choices, and also rid my body of infections and last but not least to refresh my mind spirituality connection.

Consuming just a little water only when my mouth becomes dry, the first three days were the toughest as i experienced the pains of withdrawal , with body pains in stomach limbs and head, i felt completely knocked out with weak legs and only about 30% of my normal energy.

Day 4 did welcome an improvement where all pains began to lessen with a slight energy boost at times, my lungs sinus and skin have been my body's main method of expelling the accumulated waste that has been drawn out of my tissues

Day 5 i was busy and this drained my energy and also left me somewhat dehydrated and weak with strong thoughts at times of an icy cold xxxx beer appearing in my head also a cold pint of Guiness with a good slug of lemonade.

Day 7 and i feel well, i have no real hunger yet and therefore my fast shall go on until my body indicates it is ready for food, and thus real hunger shall be the determining factor in deciding the duration of my water only fast....

My average weight loss has been around 1.5 lbs per day, i started out on 140 lbs, and weeks prior to this i had lost 10 lbs because of a limited diet with the consumption of 40 drops of activated sodium chlorite per day that i had worked up to.

In years past i have undertaken 30 day juice fasts however the consumption of juice does not allow for a complete detox fast because the system never makes a complete shift over into its keytonic digestive mode where the body can survive and function on its accumulated fat reserves.

I am glad that i embarked upon the water only fast because i am now feeling free light and easy and the permanent pain i was enduring from old injuries has departed, it appears that my body is burning fat and sparing my muscle reserves, my abs are standing out like washboards.

I shall endeavor to post further with my results and observations and i also invite anyone who wishes to contribute or ask questions to feel free to participate .

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04-27-2014 2:54 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-27-2014 7:22 AM

Don't know about this one, T. The body needs nutrients. Why add fresh salads without any toppings? That should help with the flushing, and give the body some nutrients.

Don't hurt yourself, Mister. facepalm

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
04-27-2014 7:22 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 5:32 AM

Terry, did your juice fasts include fruits or did you do mostly vegetables that are organic?

Carrots are higher in sugars so i use them in small quantities when i juice.

Mmm is right. Dont hurt yourself. I tegularly consume spirulina and chlorella to assist in detoxing my body. Water only can be hard on the kidneys if youre burning a lot of fat. It helps to have other methods of elimination.

Food for thought. Big Grin

Best of luck!
04-28-2014 5:32 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 6:13 AM

(04-28-2014 5:32 AM)paradigmshift Wrote:  Terry, did your juice fasts include fruits or did you do mostly vegetables that are organic?

Carrots are higher in sugars so i use them in small quantities when i juice.

Mmm is right. Dont hurt yourself. I tegularly consume spirulina and chlorella to assist in detoxing my body. Water only can be hard on the kidneys if youre burning a lot of fat. It helps to have other methods of elimination.

Food for thought. Big Grin

Best of luck!
Thank you for your advice my friends, well i have to admit i am a rather stubborn man at times, nevertheless i genuinely appreciate your concern and willingness to help me.

Today is Day 8 of my water only fast and my friends are mentioning to me that i look drawn and gaunt, this is probably because i was on a restricted diet before i commenced upon this fast.

At the moment i have no desire for food what so ever and i am feeling very fresh calm and relaxed, actually my best day since the beginning of the fast, i probably drank three whole glasses of water today as i became very dry around eight pm.

My weight this morning was 127 lbs and this indicates that my weight loss is now around 1 lb a day which i am happy about because it has slowed down somewhat and thus allowing me to continue on with the fast until my body decides to end it by a request for nourishment.

My chronic sinus infection is still painful, i took my scan results to a GP on the 22 nd and he took one look and said that i should be hospitalized immediately, i responded and told him that i am already on the waiting list for around the last six months.

Ok cheers for now and i will paste a link to a water fasting info site, sometimes the link becomes inactive however it usually comes back on line after a time.
At the bottom of each long page there is a link to go to the next chapter....

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04-28-2014 6:13 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 9:14 AM

Terry have you consulted a Doc well versed in TCM? Remember that you go from "detox" to nutrient deficient very quickly. It's entirely possible to overdo a good thing. If you view it from the view point of TCM and the five elements it's more about a lack of balance and harmony then it is "toxins". Since the natural flow is disrupted things pool up and stagnate, restore the flow and that stagnation disappears. Two specific herbal treatment formula's for sinus problems are Bi Yan Pian and Pe Min Kan Wan...a third Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan is specific to sinus infection with significant mucus discharge.
04-28-2014 9:14 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 3:30 PM

(04-28-2014 9:14 AM)DWR Wrote:  Terry have you consulted a Doc well versed in TCM? Remember that you go from "detox" to nutrient deficient very quickly. It's entirely possible to overdo a good thing. If you view it from the view point of TCM and the five elements it's more about a lack of balance and harmony then it is "toxins". Since the natural flow is disrupted things pool up and stagnate, restore the flow and that stagnation disappears. Two specific herbal treatment formula's for sinus problems are Bi Yan Pian and Pe Min Kan Wan...a third Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan is specific to sinus infection with significant mucus discharge.
I thank you heaps for the info on the Bi Yan Pian, Pe Min Kan Wan and Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan herbals DWR i have recorded this information and just as soon as i begin food consumption i will endeavor to obtain these herbals.

About a doctor well versed in TCM i think this is a great idea and that it would be well worth my while pursuing, however at the moment i am unemployed and receiving only a meager pension thus making this option out of my reach, although in the mean time i shall certainly ask around for advice to the where about,s of locating a good TCM practicioner.

I have now awoken to my 9 th day of water only fast, the sun is just appearing over the horizon and i feel comfortable light and free
and only lacking in strength and endurance, one benefit is i do not have to shave, because after hearing comments about my drawn gaunt look i decided some whiskers could give my face some bulk, am i clever or what, ha ha you don't have to answer that Wink

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04-28-2014 3:30 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 4:31 PM

In thinking about fasting from another vantage point, I look to the intestines. They are home to zillions of bacteria. When you change your (you and your can apply to anyone reading this) you change the environment that these bacteria are living in. On a human time scale, fasting can appear to bacteria as an ice age.

Fasting is not the only way to send a "Shock and Awe" message to the bacteria in your gut.
Instead of an "Ice Age" you could send "Godzilla to Tokyo" by changing your diet drastically. By switching from 1-2 days of carbs only to 1-2 days of protein only, to 1-2 days of High Fiber/Low Calorie, to another highly specific food (beans, carrots, gummy bears)... etc.

When you eat a well rounded diet, all the bacteria thrive.
Switch to an exclusive diet, only certain bacteria thrive.
Switch to a different exclusive diet, the previous bacteria who were thriving are upset, and another set of bacteria are in an environment to thrive, but they are at reduced capacity due to the previous upset.
Continual switching will diminish the amount of bacteria in your gut.

Why do I say this? Well, you already have bacteria in your gut, zillions of them. They are already there. But they eat the food you ate, and excrete byproducts into your intestine. These byproducts pass thru your intestines into your blood stream quite easily. We know from pheromones how very tiny quantities of chemical can steer biological systems, namely people. Bacteria can steer our systems as well, some by making us sick, some by not making us "SICK" but slowing us down and diminishing our capacity. These toxins can slow you down a little bit at a time, or from some bacteria the toxins will make you very sick very fast.

Some bacteria can be beneficial, making nutrients from food we could not otherwise digest. Some unlock calories that weren't accessible with our digestive abilities alone. Some bacteria wage war on other bacteria by competing for the same nutrients or by killing other bacteria with their excreted byproducts. These beneficial bacteria will also take a hit when diet goes "ICE AGE" or "GODZILLA" or "VOLCANO". I like volcano, which includes large amounts of hot sauce going into my gut.

But timing is important with gut bacteria, you will never get them all, but after a certain amount of time you might be wasting effort, as you've killed all you can of that type. With fasting you may have wiped out the ones that can be starved, but not the ones that will eat your intestinal wall. After you have reached the threshold of an exclusive diet segment, switching to another segment can introduce an environment that will shock the bacteria that were surviving the previous segment and add the competition between bacteria that thrive in the current segment and the previous segment to further reduce the population of bacteria from the previous segment.

Terry, I think you did this with segment 1 of restricted diet, and segment 2 of water fast. But I worry if you go too long, you may pass the point where the bacteria (I know you may have non-bacteria toxins you are concerned with as well) are as low as they will go due to lack of food, but the only ones left may be the ones that can survive by eating your gut.

Good luck with the fast, and I pray that you will be guided to know when it is time to move to the next segment.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." -Jesus, Matthew 10:34
AD-Glace, Certo, DHEAS, single mols
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2014 4:36 PM by dexter.)
04-28-2014 4:31 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 5:06 PM

Have those cock pills made you a madman? Drink some beer at least or go on a vodka cleanse .

04-28-2014 5:06 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-28-2014 5:38 PM

(04-28-2014 4:31 PM)dexter Wrote:  Good luck with the fast, and I pray that you will be guided to know when it is time to move to the next segment.
Yes thank you Dexter i did read in my fasting advice where it was mentioned that the digestive lining of the gut tends to dissipate during a protracted fast and now thanks to you i know the reason why.

The removal of the digestive lining of the gut is the primary reason why some persons who have undergone a long fast have begun food consumption in an unwise manner by consuming foods that are not conducive to the gut situation and thus have resulted in suffering and in some cases even death, and i am aware to some degree of the correct feeding procedures that have to be implemented upon my resumption of food consumption upon completion of my fast, also i will be making every effort to introduce good bacteria and enzymes into my system.

My current weight is 126 lbs and at the moment it appears that i am losing about 1 lb per day and therefore in effect at this rate this gives me another 26 days which i could fast for until i get down to 100 lbs and thus making for a total of around 38 days in total possible fast time considering that i am on day 9 today.

However i am not going to let numbers or stats or predictions be my guide for finishing the fast however long it may be in duration is going to be determined by my body alone and when it returns to natural hunger and not phycological hunger or appetite.

I understand from what i have read that when real hunger returns this is the end time of the fast and the beginning of starvation, true hunger is experienced in the mouth and throat and is very noticeable even sometimes causing the mouth to water however it is calm and not in a mode of panic thus recognising that the resumption of nutrition substance should not be rushed neither extreme.

This site is sometimes not online however it returns, from it i have gained valuable information regarding Water fasting and also the knowledge of what i am doing is really no big deal because hundreds have undertaken water fast for long and protracted periods of time and therefore i am just like a needle in the water fasting hey stack, Hey Sun bespectacled

I of myself are far from an expert on anything, i experienced a limited schooling during my upbringing and when still young left a bad home situation to live alone in the bushlands of northern Australia


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04-28-2014 5:38 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Terry's Water only Fast
04-29-2014 3:50 PM

(04-28-2014 5:38 PM)terry0400-40 Wrote:  [color=#0000CD]Yes thank you Dexter i did read in my fasting advice where it was mentioned that the digestive lining of the gut tends to dissipate during a protracted fast and now thanks to you i know the reason why.

Don't quote me on being "THE" reason, maybe just "A PART OF" the reason. Good luck. I cringe thinking of you going down to 100. But it isn't the number, 125 may be the number.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." -Jesus, Matthew 10:34
AD-Glace, Certo, DHEAS, single mols
04-29-2014 3:50 PM
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