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Sick of watching from the sidelines
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Post: #1
Sick of watching from the sidelines
11-01-2016 12:31 PM

Hey all,

I'm not particularly new to mones, though I'm certainly no expert. I've had experience with several products already, namely those from Androtics, where I started, and PT. It was about two years ago that I plunged into the phero-world, and I have been pretty much addicted since. I'm a frequent visitor of this site and look up to several other members on this forum, and I finally decided to join them.

About myself, I grew up an introverted person, but I forced myself to become extroverted over the last few years. I'm quite comfortable around most personality types and energy levels now because of that. I am 18 years old, half Asian and half White. I am just over 5'8" (roughly 173 cm) and skinny, about 132 lbs. I am often told that I am either quite handsome, or that I remind girls of their little brother. I have above average intelligence, and below average motivation to apply myself to schoolwork, basically I'm the kid that doesn't study or do homework and doesn't have the best grades because of it, but I'm an exceptional test-taker. I carry myself in a confident and respectful manner that impresses anyone 30 and older, but I sometimes struggle conversing with those my age. I am a pledge for a fraternity right now, and I am one of three being considered for High Pin, out of a class of 23. I study at a university in Michigan, USA, so my target group to affect is mainly 18-24 year olds. Deep attraction, such as imprinting, is my first interest, but social, seduction, and respect Pheromones all have a place in my heart.

I have a tendency to ramble sometimes...my next post will likely share the different mones I've tried and a brief description of my experiences. I look forward to joining this wonderful community!

-Optobots...roll out!
11-01-2016 12:31 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
11-01-2016 5:02 PM

So here is a list of every product that I've tried and can remember:

Ammo: My first ever. Definitely got attraction, I wore this back in junior year of high school. I let my more popular and attractive friend wear it one day, the ladies were insane!! Too bad I didn't know what I was doing then (as if I do now Dance)

Instant Gentleman: One of my favorites, very easy for me to be congruent with. Girls my age eat it up. Women 30+ say I smell like youth. Wore this to my dad's wedding, would've closed with his wife's best friend (hb9.5, 26 brunette) but she went to the wrong hotel. Always next time. Also I apparently stole the show because I gave two speeches (no planning) and played a song, but the impression IG made certainly amplified anything I did.

Instant Shine: I really didn't notice much from this, it made me really tired though. My friend did say I had different vibe while wearing it, but he couldn't describe it.

L2K v1: I love the smell of this. It makes me tired after a few hours. I notice some dilated pupils with it on, but nothing spectacular has happened so far. I'm not great at escalation and I may not be congruent with it, but girls do comment that it smells like "sexy man" when I wear it.

Glace: So. Much. Talking. People open me for no reason and don't seem realize what boundaries are. This works quite well.

Nude Alpha: My personal favorite, I'm saving up for the gel. Wore this any time I was with my ex (dare I call that a relationship. Her family was very strictly LDS, no PDA at all, not even handholding.) She was very emotionally unstable, and this combined with Glace and A1 (thanks as3) made her fall HARD. She said I love you after 10 days. The imprint is strong with this one.

Androstadienone (LAL): So sad that I just ran out. I can wear this daily and not get the depression so long as I shower before bed. If I sleep with it on though, it's a shit-show for two or three days. Depression runs in my family though (I'm undiagnosed, but certainly have it, not so bad now though. My mom has it, her sister has it, my grandma had it, grandpa has it, etc.) The ladies love this, super clingy super fast.

Dirty Primitive (sample): Ladies please! The copulins in this are making me horny enough to satisfy all of you, but please just three at a time!!!

The Hookup: Wore this a lot to no avail in high school. Probably too much none for those young ladies, lots of ghosting or intimidation. My ex liked it though.

Captain (sample): I liked the feeling this gave me. My coworkers respected the hell out of me, but my manager that had a particular disdain for me felt threatened and took it out on me. Would order some if I weren't a broke ass college kid.

Grail of Affection: Simply amazing. I've been wearing this around my new target for hours on end. She and her bf broke up because they went to different schools, but they got back together after a couple weeks, shortly after I met her. Since being exposed, she is always super close to me, always cuddling, very comfortable. Last weekend while drunk, she admitted that I'm such an amazing guy and always so nice, and she feels super safe and close with me, and she doesn't feel that close with her bf anymore. I'm certain I've got her emotionally hooked, but there just wasn't enough sexual tension...which leads me to my next product.

Escape the Friend Zone: Wore this at two sprays with two drops GOA last night with my target. We were at a party, but there was no alcohol and it got shut down quickly. Went back to my frat house, a brother bought alcohol for me, everyone from the party and more showed up and we threw our own party on the fly. Danced with my target all night. One second, it was close and intimate. The next, it was dirty and sexual. Went like that all night, then I made out with her for a while. Score! Walked her home (we live on the same floor of the same dorm) and she asked if she could stay with me. Not the first time she's slept in my bed, but we never cuddled before when it was just GOA. Last night, she couldn't keep her hands to herself. If my roommate hadn't been there, very well may have been more...to be continued ;)

Zero to 69: Never got to use this in a situation I wanted before I spilled it. I wore it to high school a few times to fuck with people. Flushed faces, confusion, dark spots on yoga pants...yum. No aggression. I was ghosted a lot though.

Core: I know it's doing something, but I can't tell what. It's trickier than the others for me, further testing necessary.

Imprint: An interesting smell. A female friend was sniffing all of my cologne and happened upon this one. She said she didn't like the smell, but it made her feel funny, very relaxing, so she liked it. It certainly lives up to the name though, unfortunately it worked too well on someone I didn't want it to Eek

Titan (sample): So upset that I spilled this too!!! I was on top of the world wearing this. Mad respect, but not a single fuck to give. Will buy if I ever have any money.

M3X: Didn't notice much with this. Gonna wear it out to the next party I go to if I have no plans to be with my target.

I'm certain I've forgotten a thing or two, but it'll come to me. The target that I mentioned multiple times is very pretty, intelligent, witty, sarcastic, and emotionally sound. Like me, she's introverted by nature, but loves to socialize too. Truly wife material. 18, blonde, fair complexion, green eyes. Irish ancestry.
11-01-2016 5:02 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
11-02-2016 1:07 AM

Nice testing! I am surprised by your age. You seems to be very mature.

Can you elaborate on GOA and NA? What are you thoughts on them? Did you get ghosted with NA ? What are your dosage and app points ? Can you share your aha movements with your mix?

11-02-2016 1:07 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
11-02-2016 2:18 AM

Did you have any male agression with ZT69?

I feel the same way about core.

You know your blends very well.


If you truly become high value, you no longer have to mimic the action or follow the beliefs of high-value men

Having the courage to not make hitting on girls creepy is all you need.
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2016 2:18 AM by BigDickBandit420.)
11-02-2016 2:18 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
11-02-2016 11:26 AM

(11-02-2016 1:07 AM)kalpan56 Wrote:  Nice testing! I am surprised by your age. You seems to be very mature.

Can you elaborate on GOA and NA? What are you thoughts on them? Did you get ghosted with NA ? What are your dosage and app points ? Can you share your aha movements with your mix?


In my experience, GOA and NA are similar in the fact that they both create a deep imprint on women, but the way they go about it is different. NA commands more respect from both genders and more sexual attraction from women and gay men, it feels darker in a way. GOA has a lighter, crushier vibe for me and hits a bit quicker and more obviously than NA does, but sometimes without an added none product girls will get extremely comfortable without feeling that raw lust, leaving you in the friend zone. That is usually easily solvable by adding in NA or any sort of sexual. GOA does welcome more kino from girls that I'm not in a relationship with, but with NA my ex was superglued to me whenever her parents were out of sight. I only noticed ghosting one time with NA, and I was at about 25" that day. Never with GOA.

App Points:
GOA I usually roll with 2 drops spread between my forearms, but I've worn as many as 5. I love putting it on my neck if a girl is sleeping in my bed, direct delivery all night long ;) Careful with that though, if I wear it on my neck while sleeping without a girl, I get lethargic or maybe even depressed the next day. There must be something, probably hormonal, about sleeping with a girl (not necessarily sex) that counteracts any negative effects in the morning.
NA I would roll about 3" on each forearm and along my jawline, which I estimate to be roughly 6". Sometimes I would add some on my neck too. A streak right below my nose too, for the selfies. Overall, it'd be 10-20" with an average of roughly 12-14".

Aha! Moment:
What sold NA for me was the fact that I was never really the attractive guy in high school, but I was a great friend. Once I started wearing NA, I noticed girls would look more fascinated, they would hang on every word I said, and people never interrupted me anymore. After about two weeks, it was obvious both at my work and school that something was different about me, I was intriguing. Come the third week, I was asked out by two coworkers and three friends that had no prior attraction. I was sold then. Most got super jealous and distanced themselves for awhile once I started dating one, but one of them got somewhat stalkerish instead.
GOA proved itself first with the amount of kino it instigated. Hugs were more affectionate and longer, personal space didn't exist, lots of light punches or placing their hands on my chest. In the case of a notoriously horny coworker, kino became ass slaps, ear biting, and ab rubbing. After the kino came the confessions: "you're soooo nice, your gf is lucky to have you, I feel like we're connected emotionally, like you just get me." It also helped calm my mom down while she was in a particularly low point, so for that I'm grateful.

(11-02-2016 2:18 AM)BigDickBandit420 Wrote:  Did you have any male agression with ZT69?

I feel the same way about core.

You know your blends very well.

My cousin (he's more like a brother) got pretty testy while I wore it, but he's a mouthy beta by nature. No aggression noticed in public though. I think it just surprised people, like they didn't know how to react because I'm not physically imposing and I suspect I naturally produce less none than most guys my age. Applied to neck and chest, I wore 1 spray most of the time, but I've gone up to 4 Heat

I appreciate your compliments guys! They really mean a lot to me!
11-02-2016 11:26 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
10-11-2017 6:28 PM

So I've been gone for awhile...Hi there?

I actually have been testing still, though not nearly as often or extensively. I think my only new products are Orbital, Evolve, and NNPA. I hadn't known about the Lacroy/Lovescent debacle until after ordering, so my NNPA is Lovescent (blue bottle). I've noticed nothing from it so far, but haven't tested much outside home with my girlfriend. Worth mentioning, I do only smell oil. I thought I could smell Androstenone, but perhaps I had been mistaking the scent of Androsterone for Androstenone, as I've read several people have.

That reminds me, the target from my initial posts is now my girlfriend, so success there! Much thanks to GOA and ETFZ ;)

I (kinda) recently moved into the frat house, and I still haven't brought all of my mones from home, but I have enough to test in a perfect party environment. Also, another order on the way to stock up on some long-missed favorites of mine.

I plan on posting more regularly as I test further. I don't think I have anything to say about Orbital or Evolve that hasn't been said before, just that evolve makes my gf really (REALLY) horny and that Orbital makes people hover. Not quite Glace-level motor-mouth, but people are more intrigued.

I believe that's all of my news for now.
10-11-2017 6:28 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
10-12-2017 2:51 AM

HI Optimist,

Do you have the Evolve in oil or spray form? How long does it take to make GF horny?

thanks in advance.
10-12-2017 2:51 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
10-12-2017 11:32 AM

(10-12-2017 2:51 AM)TheManInTheFedora Wrote:  HI Optimist,

Do you have the Evolve in oil or spray form? How long does it take to make GF horny?

thanks in advance.

Spray form. I typically apply 1 spray on the neck 10-15 minutes before seeing her, but I've gone as high as 3 sprays. At 2 sprays she was still comfortable and got more sexual, but at 3 she started to seem a bit off-put. It hits quickly, usually taking about 5-10 minutes to start turning her on, and another 5-10 minutes until she's digging her nails in my back Big Grin

She has a naturally high libido, but Evolve turns her into a complete animal drool
10-12-2017 11:32 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
10-12-2017 8:43 PM

Welcome, OptimistPrime. Wow you sound like a bright kid! What are you studying in school?

Thanks for the reviews. They were helpful. I'm considering buying Glace. You mentioned that it makes others talk a lot around you, but do you notice that it makes you talk a lot and/or drop your filters?
10-12-2017 8:43 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Sick of watching from the sidelines
10-13-2017 12:50 PM

(10-12-2017 8:43 PM)LogicWoman Wrote:  Welcome, OptimistPrime. Wow you sound like a bright kid! What are you studying in school?

Thanks for the reviews. They were helpful. I'm considering buying Glace. You mentioned that it makes others talk a lot around you, but do you notice that it makes you talk a lot and/or drop your filters?

Thanks Logic! I'm majoring in Finance and minoring in German Language and CIS.

I don't really have any filters naturally and I'll talk about just about anything, I just don't open people very often. With Glace, I do open a bit more frequently and I feel more relaxed while opening, but I usually don't have to because other people will just open me instead Dont mention
10-13-2017 12:50 PM
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