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Pheromones Since 2003
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Post: #1
Pheromones Since 2003
04-07-2016 1:00 PM

Hi there everyone,

Long time user of pheromones (since 2003), but just really starting to look at their uses. A quick background around my introduction.

Back in the 80s (I believe) there was documentary about pig sweat being a funky pheromone with exaggerated claims. I grew up seeing the ads in the back of the magazines and writing them off as spurious claims like spanish fly. Of course I was still curious, so I remembered those ads.

Flash forward to 1994. Then after college I was dating an undergrad who had a super sharp, super sexy friend who worked in a lab. She happened to mention that her friend was testing hormones and pheromones and that this really intelligent girl believed they "were the wave of the future". Since she was an ace SAT top student, I assumed the research and statements must be credible. It fell to the back of my mind, categorized as "look into" in the future.

Flash forward to 2001. I'm single hanging out with this buddy at a strip club. This stripper has this amazing effect on us. We sort of can't figure out why. Most of the time they have this cheap ass perfume that I hate. But this one gal, I don't was my shirt. It smelled that good. I wonder... what the hell is that scent. It is like a drug.

So around 2002, I start dating a former stripper by coincidence. At one point she tells me how she either puts or buys these pheromone scented drier sheets. I think it is bogus and they kind of stink. Doesn't seem to do anything for me, but I do wonder if that other stripper had something on that was similar.

Later in the relationship, I realize that sometimes I am just totally into her and other times not. Looking back, I wonder if it was scent related.

So anyhow, I am still not convinced about pheromones. But here is the crazy thing. I end up in this situation where I am dating 3 girls at the same time. I end up scoring in the morning.

Later in the afternoon, I have another one over. I'm embarrassed because I didn't wash. We were torrid.

Crazy thing is this 2nd girl gets super horny. She is all over me and smelling hard in the unclean area and just going to town. So we end up going at.

Still no time to wash, I see the 3rd girl and she wants to go at it too.... It is like something I was putting off was putting them all in a rut.

It then dawned on me - it was like a weird memory, maybe there is such a thing as pheromone and you can capture it?

So I search the internet come across Stone Labs and something called Passion. I buy it. I try it and I have some of the kinkiest, raunchy times. But then it stops working? My girl says it stinks (it does). I figure it must be some coincidence or the bottle spoiled....

For whatever reason, I don't give up because the sessions when they were on, were that memorable. I find A314. I believe the year was 2003. They have a black-capped bottle and I also buy a "mutant" white capped small bottle - I seemed to remember these bottles being half the size of the bottles they sell now.

I figured it was hyped and probably bogus. But NO. Suddenly I was like James Bond. Not as kinky as pure passion, but not rough either. And the results worked at least 3 weeks out of the female cycle. At work I was more respected as well.

When I combined it with this gel pack called PheroGel for men, I had these freakish bonding scenarios. Mind you, here are two examples and these were totally unconscious as the A314 was left on me from time with my main squeeze and the gel was scent so I was simply using it to cover the stink of the excessive A314:

I'm at work. Three of the women in the office are huddled around my cube. I can't remember why, but it is like they are high, laughing joking and flirting. One is already having an affair with the head of our branch (the big alpha male). Literally before my shocked eyes, this girl is touching herself unconsciously while she talks and this is in a group setting. She catches my shocked eyes staring nearly eye level (I was sitting down, she standing) and stops. The 2nd gal ends up having a crush, sending me pics, etc. This back in 2005! I didn't realize you could repeat this effect at that time.

In 2007/2008, I buy a new house, and I am selling stuff just to clean out the old house. The women are going crazy buying stuff left and right. This eastern european model in front of her husband wants my number. Wants us all to hook up. Calls me for months afterwards. Still every now and then I get an email from her. It was crazy. At the time I didn't realize this was the "crush effect"

2008 I'm doing Christmas shopping at walmart, again, no time to shower. But it is winter in MN. I've got a pea coat on and sweater. This 40 something women brushes past, turns around, stares at me. Asks me who I am shopping for, forces a conversation and then says "I'd like to give you my number. I don't normally do this." She is frickin' married! I see the ring. I look her up on the internet. Crazy.

And then it all goes dark for a few years. I've been burning thru the A314, the price has gone up (no more small bottles). I spill my bottle. I order up a new batch. This is 2008.

Curtain falls: I put it on faithfully with my main squeeze. She says "what is that stink? - you smell like an old man!!!" I"m whoa. Maybe wrong time in cycle??

Try again a few weeks later: "why do you put that stinky cologne on? do you think it turns me on?"

Sheesh, I figure her chemistry changed. No idea the formula was different. I only discover this because I have a little of the original bottle left and it works like a charm.

At that point, I don't have my magic. I start to look for a new job because I started to get treated like a beta work, and I use this gel called Charisma. I don't realize it but it is a beta product and while the interviews are super talkative warm, I don't get hired. This happens twice.

It dawns on my naturally that maybe this gel cologne is too strong, I need to temper it with A314 (literally the last two drops of pre 2008). So I wear that to an interview in 2013. I frigging nail it!

Maybe I was just good. But it is weird, it is like the folks who interviewed me are acting like that eastern european girl from 2008.

From all this I conclude totally definitely that pheromones are real. They work and they go beyond just getting laid. That is when I get back to reading the forums and testing and that is where I am at today.

I don't care what anyone says, they are real and effective. My only concern now, is the unknowns around the hormones themselves? What are the long-term effects on myself, others, folks around me.... are they truly safe long term.... I am concerned with this only because I have seen first hand how they work.

Since 2013, I've used them to break the ice, appear more competent, improve group dynamics, accelerate romance, chat up.... and even if this was a placebo effect, the price would be worth it when I look at the reviews I've had and the great times.

So I am pushing in new directions, hoping that this playing field advantage doesn't become widespread, but it seems inevitable.
04-07-2016 1:00 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
04-07-2016 2:14 PM

Welcome to Pherotruth! I left the pheroscene for awhile my self and am just now back about 6 months, 3 active back here on the forum. The times have changed!

The Androstenone Discussion
04-07-2016 2:14 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
04-07-2016 4:22 PM

One of the best intro posts I've seen here to date. Fascinating stuff! Bravo. Beer
04-07-2016 4:22 PM
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Post: #4
Looking Back on 2016 and Beyond
11-25-2016 9:18 PM

Thought I would follow up on some old "quick reviews" to see if my feelings about molecules had evolved the same way they do about people, jobs, life experiences.

The list is below, but first I'd like to add I came to this forum in search of something like old A314 because I linked it to some really amazing experiences. I can honestly say that while I've been pretty surprised by a few formulas, nothing has come remote close to some of the crazy reactions I had.

Maybe they were just freak moments of synchronicity that had nothing to do with what I was wearing. I remembered crazy things like this female doctor playing with my cock - just a few off the hook experiences. Not every day stuff. Just every now and then these lottery ticket fallout experiences.

I keep hoping to run across molecule or compound X. And yet if anyone has it, I'm not seeing it. So I shifted gears and figured I'd chase down the ultimate workplace and neighborhood social. I had some mixed results there but no smoking gun either. I still find the mones useful and sometimes even critical. But by and large I am losing the wind in my sails.

Anyhow, with that said, here is an update to the many mones I've played with:

Nude: no reaction, maybe positive, super talkative, confident, too honest.
Follow up: winning at strip club and with younger (under 30) confident girls. Seems slightly aggravating to 40 something men and some older women. Seems to evoke a pretty good one on one. Never closed with it. Doesn’t work with my prime demographic.

AV: ah kind of macho, a bit up tight, feeling a bit wired/alpha but sometime just confident.
Follow up: polarizing in that you can have challenging/negative or extremely positive reactions and so this one I feel like I have to always be “on” like a rear wheel drive rear engine car on slippery roads. Awesome when you have the feel of it but can get out of control. I’ve closed now several times. The trick for me was to mix it down with p96. I find the scent more suited for summer and I consider it a beach type mix.

Wolf: feels great natural. Could wear all day long. Party boy.
Follow up: This is a bit cocky and gives es me swagger some days. Great entourage effect with men. Get some doe eyes with it but never closed with it. Most women who seemed intrigued I think are probably assertive and self made. Definitely didn’t hit a lot of women for me. But my demographic is mainly late 30s up.

X22: love, love, love this stuff seems to have a scent from the early A314.
Follow up: has done nothing other than make me feel good for 22 minutes is my joke. I get a rush and then… nothing…. maybe I am not using it right. Gave up on it.

Glace: others think I am a movie star, but I get kind of irritable.
Follow up: still makes me grumpy and most of my kin grumpy so I think there must be something in this that irritates my genetic code. I’ve gotten positive effects from it from other - people turning, coming up, staring but could never get past my own wired feeling it causes.

P130: super awesome confident but a bit self-conscious.
Follow up: too much of this and I seem to be focused on others. One spray and it treats me great. Not sure what it does exactly but it calms me down and seems to make others relaxed or cooperative. It really smooths me out generally.

A314R32 Original - I'm the boss, locked in. Maybe some post use depression mild.
Follow up: definitely have to struggle with a mild come down on this but it is still great and I save it for serious Alpha proofing, debates and pursuit of alpha females. It remains successful.

P91: Meh
Follow up: in a few words - couch potato. My kids seemed to really like hanging out with me when I wore it but it makes me sleepy all day. Like getting stoned without the high.

Turn Up The Heat: nothing that I can tell, maybe a bit irritable.
Follow up: exactly the same. Can’t use. Ordered a new bottle to rule out batch issues.

MX297: just kind of solid. The man.
Follow up: batch issues. Ordered a 3rd bottle. I’ll give both a final test. I felt like the butt of a joke on this stuff and out of sorts whether I got positive or negative reactions, the self effects were just disconcerting to me.

New Pheromone Additive (brown bottle silver label but not frosted bottle) love it, reminds of early A314 (white capped mutant bottle), but a bit intense - makes me a bit tense later (aka rush, then fall off)
Follow up: same. Its the bottle I’d grab in a fire for sure. Works sexual front for me nearly every time. When I say pheromones are 10% of your game max, I can honestly say that when they are used right they can help close with 50% greater success.

Stone Labs Perfect 10: P10. Confident as hell but also ready to throw down. Hate the stink.
Follow up: same. Good closer. Epic nasty sex. Only bad part is smell and wear down the day after.

T150 Cops: solid, horny.
Follow up: a must have great to amp up the kink. Great for applying to her nipples during the act. Will generally amp it from romantic to primal. Seem to get positive results from many people with this on but feels dirty.

Master: irritable
Follow up: pushes me to be aggressive but works to motivate.

P96: Maybe a titch up tight. Smell reminds me of A314 early and rev32, but seems to wire me up a bit, make me want take charge and shit test folks. In a word: snarky.
Follow up: used to supplement -none heavy mixes, this stuff is great and helps me sleep well.

APi: dud. Irritable at worst.
Follow up: same was expecting A314 and got i don’t know, a mix of manly pheromones that I can’t steer.

Xist: Confident as hell but seems to have let down side effects later.
Follow up: niche for me. Observed positive results with men and women and tested the reset effect. Worked. But there aren’t many I want to reset so this is limited use for me.

Passion: again super confident, macho but a tendency to become pissed.
Follow up: great when she is in the mood - super nasty.

Scent of Eros: I have this on now with P96 and I believe it is causing a lack of focus, lethargy and bit of depression, 2 hours in.
Follow up: can’t seem to wear.

Other works in progress:
Alpha Treasures

Nude Alpha

L2KV1 2016
L2KV2 2016
Alfa Maschio*


Barely legal

Mark’s Girl Nip
Perfect Match

Instant Female Magic
Instant Gentlemen
Instant Shine
New A314 Spray
Shine 2x
Honesty 2X
Scentless MX297

And about a dozen more plus another 60 or so perfumes and 20 or so attars....

And another dozen on my "must get" list....
11-25-2016 9:18 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-26-2016 6:18 PM

Thanks heaps for this report Jimmy. This is super useful. Lots of info so much I've actually bookmarked ur report. (Am serious)

(11-25-2016 9:18 PM)Jimmycrack Wrote:  New Pheromone Additive (brown bottle silver label but not frosted bottle) love it, reminds of early A314 (white capped mutant bottle), but a bit intense - makes me a bit tense later (aka rush, then fall off)
Follow up: same. Its the bottle I’d grab in a fire for sure. Works sexual front for me nearly every time. When I say pheromones are 10% of your game max, I can honestly say that when they are used right they can help close with 50% greater success.

I need ur help on New Pheromone Additive. The one u've used is it nnpa? As in the lacroy version? I've attached a photo of New Pheromone Additive versions I've got. Both Love Scent and lacroy.

Am doing the New Pheromone Additive lacroy build up these days. And am seeing some strong hits but am not quite there yet. I've followed the same routines amd same info as "JhonnyHard" , "TheDoctor" , "Pheroman" and "Pago" (Pagodeiro I think his user name was) and they're correct, it gets better with time thru the build up, but it's not quite there. Not yet that is, so I haven't given up yet. I can do it till the 15th of December as I have to go overseas but till then I have time to play with it. After the 15th I'll be over seas visiting me family and then come back and start me full time work. I gotta fly in and outta Brisbane on a 1 week on 1 week off basis. On me week on at me mining job, I only ever use social and status mones, with the exception of checking the sexual mones every once in a while. Very rarely. So till the 15th I have enough time to test a lot of things. But after that I have to come to a dead line and am gonna write a massive report about nnpa build up. But I need a few suggestions and opinions from others. And I thought I can do the build up routine now, cos am on annual leave atm.

So far what I can see is nnpa solo is a heavy sexual with a social hint. But it's polar. And am assuming it's got to do with the monthly cycle of the ladies I expose it to. But I personally feel that, that can be compensated with an additional social product combined with the build up routine.

I agree with A314. It was one of the best products ever produced. I was VERY new back then for pheromone use when I used it, and I could still see the results it gave me. It's a pity we can't get it no more. But I have faith that Ekscentra will make a replica of it with the exact same hit power. Smile I have faith in ya E! Keep up the good work. In me personal experience what I could find as close as possible to A314 (with all aspects of mone use being social sexual and status all at the same time) was heart throb. It's good but not as much as A314. I personally think that a modified version of nNpa could come close to A314.

Jimmy, could u help me out with the nnpa please? If u're okey with me writing what I found so far with nnpa here in detail, I'll go ahead here. But I thought I should ask first. I personally think, nnpa could be modified with a few things and make it as close as possible to A314. While Ekscentra is replicating A314, I thought we could all help each other with different products to get this A314 back. If that's a negatory I ll shut up. Lol. But if u guys give me the green light, I'll upload me personal writings of what I found so far in nnpa. Thanks in advance. Cheers. Smile

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11-26-2016 6:18 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-26-2016 6:33 PM

They changed the formula ,so buildup is not working anymore.La cory version is the real deal.
11-26-2016 6:33 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-26-2016 7:51 PM

(11-26-2016 6:18 PM)DrChocolate Wrote:  Thanks heaps for this report Jimmy. This is super useful. Lots of info so much I've actually bookmarked ur report. (Am serious)
The one u've used is it nnpa? As in the lacroy version? I've attached a photo of New Pheromone Additive versions I've got. Both Love Scent and lacroy.

Thanks for posting the pics. My version is a brown glass bottle not frosted - I can see thru it but it is brown with a silver label - and it said it was from LaCroy. I will try to post a pic. As I recall it came in a black box I think with a red label.

It is neither of the bottles you have. But I like it so much I was thinking of stocking up for the future and I was just trolling lacroy and other sites and what was weird is the bottle seems to match their current female version.

I've always assumed it was nNPA because I ordered after the formula was changed. It is possible it is not, I suppose.

I'd like to be more helpful. I'll take some shots in the next few weeks.

A few things, I think I have a slightly different chemistry than a lot of guys on this forum. I can't lather up like most (except on the Androsterone type mixes like A314). Main reason is I get fairly aggressive on the nones and irritable and I hate the smell of none.

If I go more than 3 days with mones on, I seem to get a burn out. I sometimes get reactions from Androstadienone and sometimes not at all.

A few words of caution: I am also not super accurate in reporting and I leave out some details.

I'll give you an example. I've been testing Swoon and I really like it. But I left one thing out because it doesn't happen all the time: I can get antisocial on it after a few hours. It is like I go from the life of the party to impatient with the slightest irritants.

A related weird side effect I get is fairly horny. For instance last night after running it during the late day, I was half-mast all night long. It really felt like I had taken an anti-estrogenic. I was in go mode with no where to go.

If you read some of my reports it comes across as this kid friendly social. And it is for me. But it has a dark side for me that I haven't reported much on. But for me I don't consider it a negative because my motto is "Slow Your Roll" and it is perfect for doing that. I love to take a mone and forget I have it on. That is when the magic can happen. So follow the slow roll and hours later when you take it to the sheets, the test boost for me is rockin'. I pretty sure on here no one has ever reported this type of effect. Maybe it is just me. Maybe just in my head. I just know what works for me.
11-26-2016 7:51 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-26-2016 9:19 PM

(11-26-2016 7:51 PM)Jimmycrack Wrote:  Thanks for posting the pics. My version is a brown glass bottle not frosted - I can see thru it but it is brown with a silver label - and it said it was from LaCroy. I will try to post a pic. As I recall it came in a black box I think with a red label.

It is neither of the bottles you have. But I like it so much I was thinking of stocking up for the future and I was just trolling lacroy and other sites and what was weird is the bottle seems to match their current female version.

I've always assumed it was nNPA because I ordered after the formula was changed. It is possible it is not, I suppose.

I'd like to be more helpful. I'll take some shots in the next few weeks.

A few things, I think I have a slightly different chemistry than a lot of guys on this forum. I can't lather up like most (except on the Androsterone type mixes like A314). Main reason is I get fairly aggressive on the nones and irritable and I hate the smell of none.

If I go more than 3 days with mones on, I seem to get a burn out. I sometimes get reactions from Androstadienone and sometimes not at all.

A few words of caution: I am also not super accurate in reporting and I leave out some details.

I'll give you an example. I've been testing Swoon and I really like it. But I left one thing out because it doesn't happen all the time: I can get antisocial on it after a few hours. It is like I go from the life of the party to impatient with the slightest irritants.

A related weird side effect I get is fairly horny. For instance last night after running it during the late day, I was half-mast all night long. It really felt like I had taken an anti-estrogenic. I was in go mode with no where to go.

If you read some of my reports it comes across as this kid friendly social. And it is for me. But it has a dark side for me that I haven't reported much on. But for me I don't consider it a negative because my motto is "Slow Your Roll" and it is perfect for doing that. I love to take a mone and forget I have it on. That is when the magic can happen. So follow the slow roll and hours later when you take it to the sheets, the test boost for me is rockin'. I pretty sure on here no one has ever reported this type of effect. Maybe it is just me. Maybe just in my head. I just know what works for me.

Oh true? Cos the description u just mentioned is exactly what it is, from my end too. Brown see thru bottle, black cap/lid, silver label (shiny silver) and the box is black with red print. Mines a 5ml bottle. And it's from LaCroy and it's from South Africa. I'll wait for ur photo please. Thanks.

I agree with ya on the testosterone boost. It happens to me too. And that's a good thing cos somehow the chicks can pick it too. The ones who're at the peak of the cycle am assuming. Only an assumption cos I can't say it for sure cos I don't know many of the chicks I sleep with on a long term basis. But the smell of THEM down there, I can defo get some hints that they're at the peak. I can defo distinguish, at least if they're in the peak half of the month or the drop half of their month. To me when they're in their peak I can smell the lemony melon smell, but when they're at the drop I can smell the contaminated blood (this blood smell I can smell it from close proximity, so I avoid them ladies) And almost every time I got lucky they're at that lemony melon smell time, while the perfect synchronization of me testosterone boost level.

The few friends with benefit I have respond well on heavy sexual and heavy status products. Except when it's the wrong time.

ALSO, I could be imagining things, but I can see a massive repetitive pattern on full moon days. On full moon days if I use a heavy none (heavy sexual) product, I get the least amount of success EXCEPT for Alfa Maschio.

This is why I think nNpa has a time synch sensitivity, and that's why it's polar on some ladies. I personally think if we can add a social with it, we can compensate the polar effect. So far nNpa build up with GOA (PTres) and BTB(Lacroy) is the best I've seen. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE gets hit by these 2 combos. I've tried Cohesion as well cos I thought it's an androstadienone driven product kinda like GOA, but it's a hit and miss again for Cohesion..

Luckily I haven't got the burn out effect. I did read a few members get that. But am lucky in that department.

I've loaded the pic's of me personal journal. Am a bit too lazy to type the whole lot here. But if ya can't read it, let us know, I'll explain in as much details as possible. Smile

I hope this can be useful to others as well. Smile

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11-26-2016 9:19 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-27-2016 11:05 AM

(11-26-2016 9:19 PM)DrChocolate Wrote:  So far nNpa build up with GOA (PTres) and BTB(Lacroy) is the best I've seen. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE gets hit by these 2 combos. I've tried Cohesion as well cos I thought it's an androstadienone driven product kinda like GOA, but it's a hit and miss again for Cohesion..

Hello Dr Chocolate,

I saw you used BTB from LaCroy. How would you describe the effects of this little-known product? What does it for you?
11-27-2016 11:05 AM
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Post: #10
RE: Pheromones Since 2003
11-27-2016 3:03 PM

(11-27-2016 11:05 AM)Fiedler Wrote:  Hello Dr Chocolate,

I saw you used BTB from LaCroy. How would you describe the effects of this little-known product? What does it for you?

BTB to me is very social. I got 2 wipes from LaCroy for free, when I ordered nNpa.

BTB has a nice smell, it's a fairly strong social in me humble opinion. Didnt give me no selfie, but others wouldn't quit talking (in a good way) there is a little status in it, but it's hard to tell for sure cos I was combining it with nNpa. But it's social for sure. Not necessarily sexy talk but more like chatty about everything.

Hits all target demographics.

And the app point was me arms. I've used one whole wipe on both of me arms. I've simply wiped both of me arms from it.

But this is a fairly half accurate assumption of BTB cos I didn't run it solo. I ran it with nNpa combined. But it defo ramps up the chattiness of people.

Hope that helps. Smile

Edit: forgot to mention. It also has a giggly factor and a mood uplifter. But again, can't credit BTB alone cos it's a combo.

My journal: http://pherotruth.com/Thread-DrChocolate-s-data-entry
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2016 3:19 PM by DrChocolate.)
11-27-2016 3:03 PM
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