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OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
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Post: #21
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-27-2012 7:42 PM

@EmmaStone: Stay your weapons, sir! Looks like Eeyore is the 1st one outta the blocks with OD, so we're gonna have to wait and see what his initial take is on it. From my count on this thread, at least two others (thundr and chaotic) have OD enroute to them as well, so intel will be forthcoming this week. But yeah, I am hella intrigued as to what the initial reactions are gonna look like.

@xxx: I 2nd your opinion that the potential for buyer's remorse is real, especially given the heightened expectations everyone has regarding this new product. I myself am a big believer in AV and Wolf, and since Walter White claims that OD is an attempt to best AV, that is setting the bar pretty high. Still, it isn't like they're releasing this product to the public blind; they clearly have tested it in the field, per se. I've got my powder dry, just in case.

I'm also looking forward to some others offering their reviews on this product. I think we can expect to hear from the usual suspects who like myself and others, have experienced success with the LAL line. I'm looking squarely at you, terry0400, as33156, idk, etc., etc.!

Looks like I'm gonna have to e-mail Walter White again. Now that he's mentioned the product's potential longevity on clothing (which would be huge for me, personally), I've gotta ask him about that aspect of OD.

Eeyore... ball's in your court!
05-27-2012 7:42 PM
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Post: #22
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-27-2012 11:16 PM

I couldn't wait. I'm wearing it at work right now and I'll have something for you all in the morning.

Right now all I can tell you is " I AM ALL THAT IS MAN " lol!
05-27-2012 11:16 PM
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Post: #23
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 1:14 AM

[Image: happy0045.gif] I know this stuff is for men but I can't wait for ur review!

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05-28-2012 1:14 AM
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Post: #24
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 5:57 AM

(05-27-2012 11:16 PM)Eeyore Wrote:  I couldn't wait. I'm wearing it at work right now and I'll have something for you all in the morning.

Right now all I can tell you is " I AM ALL THAT IS MAN " lol!

it's mean not to tell us more now ...


on the court instead of on the stands
05-28-2012 5:57 AM
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Post: #25
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 7:53 AM

OK. Here we go.

Time: 21:00 hours EST.
Dose: 2 dabs. I'm guessing that's about 4 liquid drops.
Points 1 dab smeared on temples and neck. 1 dab smeared on forearms.
Cover scent: Aventus
Clothing: My super hero costume.

The first thing I noticed was that I didn't notice anything. I couldn't detect the slightest trace of raw mone smell.
10 min. I'm getting that good feeling that I get from Wolf.
20 min. As I'm driving to work that good feeling is increasing and a sense of confidence is starting to creep in.
30 min. I arrive at work. I am a supercharged manimal. I have masculine energy oozing out of my every pore " Bring out the women and measuring tape!" I know that sounds ridiculous but that's what I was feeling.
1 hour. I'm feeling absolutely euphoric and supremely confident. I had to stop and calm down for a few min.to repeat my mantra" This is not a movie and I am not John Wayne" again "This is not a movie and I am not John Wayne". Back to work. I was keenly aware my environment and nothing could shake my confidence. No one could stare me down. No drunk could push my buttons and piss me off. No ghetto trash talker could ruin my good mood. Awesome. Around 02:00 I was hungry and headed to the cafeteria at the local ghetto hospital. Now before you scold me for wearing a heavy sexual product at a hospital I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. The graveyard shift at an inner city hospital is one of the most uninhibited work environments that you are ever likely to experience. There is no language restriction. No topic that is out of bounds. The atmosphere is usually filled with tension and that tension is dealt with by way of gallows humor, crude sexual humor, sexual innuendo, and actual sex. I love those people with all my heart. On with the story.

I get to the hospital and passed on the cafe. I went straight to the E.R.. I strolled around for a few min. looking for a few of Nurses' that I knew. I propped myself against a counter, looked around and a very cute Doctor walked past without acknowledging me. 30 sec. later she came back, looked at me with her eyes twinkling and shyly said "hi". Awesome. I was stoked so I just walked around chatting up every Nurse I could get near. Everyone of them was receptive to me. None were giving me any overt IOIs but that was coming. I went up front to the triage area and saw 2 girls {about 18 or 19 years old} standing in the doorway talking to 3 Nurses'. I squeezed passed them and leaned against a counter. The taller girl locked on to me.
She had her body facing the Nurses' and was talking to the Nurses' but she was looking straight at me. She then announced the she and her friend just got matching fake tattoos. Then she pulled her shirt up to just under her bra, cocked her hip out, looked me square in the eyes and said "seeee"
Awesome. Instaboner. If I were still in my 20's that would be no big deal but I'm 51 years old. Next up was the med.tech. She looked me over and said " You look like my abnormal psych. professor...that's a good thing"...wink. Awesome. I moved on to the Charge Nurse desk and found Blondie. Blondie was the victim of my first N.P.A. test but that's another story. Well Blondie just got bitch slapped straight into the labidosphere. Within seconds of opening her eyes were as big as dinner plates, grinning from ear to ear, leaning in to hang on my every word, squirming in her chair, and tugging on the legs of her scrubs as if she wanted to pull them off. Awesome. Time to get back to work. As I was walking out something dawned on me. The entire night I never once felt social anxiety. It didn't matter who I talked to, a dirt-bag, a Doctor, a Nurse, a civi., a 4, a 10, I just didn't care.

The rest of the night was pretty slow activity wise but the good feeling and confidence remained all night, even now. I'm exhausted right now and I'm gonna scrub this stuff off so I can get to sleep. nighty night.

P.S. I'm gonna wear this juice again tonight to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
05-28-2012 7:53 AM
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Post: #26
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 10:15 AM

As if the product itself wasn't already as appealing as they come, this review made it a MUST...
05-28-2012 10:15 AM
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Post: #27
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 1:09 PM

Okay, Eeyore, that's what I'm talking about!

Finally, an initial review of OD with some teeth to it. Good to see you cave in to the pherotruth peer pressure cooker and wear this to work. All in the name of research... for science!

Now that we know you're going for 2nds with the OD tonight, we'll get to see if your results are consistent. Personally, I'd like to know how OD affects your brothers/sisters at work, because they should be reacting to it as well, albeit probably in a more awkward fashion.

Glad to hear that the self effects sound very positive, a la Wolf. Any pheromone that works ought to have some effect on its wearer, good or bad. But ultimately, I'm not in it for the self effects; it's all about the projection.

At some point, I'd be curious to see what your observations of OD's effectiveness are, minus a cover scent.

Just as importantly, I'm looking forward to your experiences while you're in plainclothes, off-duty, average Joe mode. A good mone should work, regardless of context.

I don't know how much experience you've had with a couple of LAL's flagship products, AV and Wolf, but I'd be curious to learn what your take is on OD if you have. Obviously, it's way too early to tell. But I am very much looking forward to the future opinions from AV veterans the likes of terry0400, Pheroman, etc. etc.

If memory serves correct, thundr and Chaotic are due up in the batter's box.
05-28-2012 1:09 PM
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Post: #28
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-28-2012 2:07 PM

Fantastic review Eeyore. Reps. Well played with the attention to detail. Life is in the details. I also can agree first-hand about your take on the dimly lit sex-coated underbelly of the medical profession's night shift. Memories.

(05-28-2012 1:09 PM)Dafixisin Wrote:  If memory serves correct, thundr and Chaotic are due up in the batter's box.

I'm actively anticipating this monster's arrival with open arms and a cheeky evil grin...
05-28-2012 2:07 PM
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Post: #29
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-29-2012 3:40 AM

Thank you for the review Eeyore. We are waiting for further details, although I agree that Garry would not speak so highly of it, if it didn't performed that well!
Unfortunately the did not make samples of it... (I asked)
So I guess I will go right ahead and buy it, if more good reviews are posted!

Thank you again!

Big boss Xyxgun

It is always a good idea, to shoot at the boss first!
05-29-2012 3:40 AM
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Post: #30
RE: OVERDOSE Pheromone Gel... uh, oh, what the heck is this?
05-29-2012 6:49 AM

Before i start, thanks for all the thanks and reps. Makes a guy fell good dont'cha know.

Also, round #2 is not as interesting as round #1, but all information is important.


Time: 20:30 hours EST.
Dose: 1 small dab. I'm guessing that's about 1 liquid drop
Points: Neck, temples, forearms.
Cover scent: None.

Not much sleep yesterday. My mind was racing a mile a min. I tossed and turned for hour after hour. No time for breakfast, no time for coffee, I'm grumpy as hell. Fuck work! I took a quick shower, smeared the OD on, and dragged my grumpy ass out the door. About 30 min. later I'm pulling in to the parking garage at work. " Damn, I feel pretty good " Not the man-beast from round #1, but pretty good. I managed to grab a sandwich,and a huge cup of coffee { What would I ever do without that stuff? } shortly after roll-out and started to feel like the " King of the road " again.

The night went by very smoothly. I dealt with all of the nights bullshit in a very calm, confident manner.

Right now I'm a little disappointed that i didn't get a chance to socialize with other folks, but at the time I really didn't want to. I was very content just dealing with whatever and cruising the mean streets of Hooterville . sorry, that last part was an inside joke.

Dafixisin: I didn't work with any of the women so I can't comment on that. None of the guys said anything, but I got a few " What the hell has
gotten into Eeyore?" kind of looks.

No noticeable difference with or without a cover scent.

I'm also itching to try this stuff out in a pure social setting on my days off. I have a couple targets in mind.

Compared to Wolf. 3 drops of Wolf is my ever day work dose. 2 dabs { about 4 liquid drops } of OD. was like Wolf turned up to 11 with a couple shots
of pure oxygen. That was a freeking powerful feeling. 1 small dab { about 1 liquid drop } felt very much like 3 drops of Wolf.

Compared to AV. The first time I used AV. I spilled half of sample vile into my hand. I had no idea how much I was supposed to use so I just
slathered all of it on my neck and arms and went out to eat. I had no self affects at all but it sure affected the restaurant staff.
I was lucky I got any food because they all looked terrified and didn't want to come within 10 feet of me. Since then AV. might
as well be water. I get nothing at any dose and can't get a feel for what I'm projecting.

That's it for now, and thank you all again.
05-29-2012 6:49 AM
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