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Post: #1
New Norcal forum member
04-16-2013 8:10 PM


After stumbling across this forum late last week, joining, and then spending hours reading the various journals and product reviews, I finally decided to introduce myself.

With so many thorough and helpful reviews and personal experiences it was difficult to know where to begin and to not become overwhelmed. Buzz's "newbie links" were helpful.

I ended up going with some of SteveO's PheromoneXS products as my initial foray into Pheromones:
The ACE spray pack (Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve), as well as Connections and Bliss.

My goals are personal development and relationship repair. I'm married, mid-40's (spouse is 3 yrs younger), I'm a former college athlete who's still in great shape (6'2", 200lbs) working out multiple times per week. Advanced degrees, good job. But I have a spouse who is disinterested in sex. She is the epitome of the "great mom, bad wife". She is attractive, slender, and smart but has focused almost all of her time on our kids (2 in high school and one in grade school). Granted we have kids with learning and emotional issues, but over the years that has become her sole priority. Therapy hasn't helped.

My current personal development includes improving my alpha side for the family issues (I'm alpha at work, at sports, and socially)... much of which I acquiesced to her as she had to manage all of doctors, therapists, etc., but I can't get her to engage sexually.

I have read some of the women's section, but I can't find a response to this question: Is there a pheromone that will increase her libido that she can use? I was going to order some LFM or LFN for her, but those seem to be more focused on her attracting men or her feeling better, but while being standoffish.... She gets plenty of attention from me and I already get plenty of the "back off" from her... Thoughts ladies??

Who you guys recommend any other items for me, like Wolf, Nude Alpha, Glace, or New Pheromone Additive or do you think I have enough to start???

Thanks for any feedback...

04-16-2013 8:10 PM
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Post: #2
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-16-2013 8:56 PM

Hi and welcome. LFN definitely revs my libido.
04-16-2013 8:56 PM
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Post: #3
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-16-2013 9:28 PM

Hey FD4fun, welcome to PheroTruth! I'll leave the advice you requested to the ladies, as they know what makes their motors rev better than I, Damn them! Big Grin

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then,do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."
04-16-2013 9:28 PM
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Post: #4
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-17-2013 1:11 AM

Quote:After stumbling across this forum late last week, joining, and then spending hours reading the various journals and product reviews, I finally decided to introduce myself.

With so many thorough and helpful reviews and personal experiences it was difficult to know where to begin and to not become overwhelmed. Buzz's "newbie links" were helpful.

Welcome the the pherotruth family! Glad you found the links useful.

Quote:I ended up going with some of SteveO's PheromoneXS products as my initial foray into Pheromones:
The ACE spray pack (Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve), as well as Connections and Bliss.

Congratz on your purchase. With this set of products you have a really nice base to start out with! Phero xs is known for the especially high pheromone content in their products. Ascend will be your alpha products (it does smell a bit pungent), Cohesion will be comfort for females (high on androstadienone), evolve is the sexual product, connections a deeper social and bliss is more geared towards self effects.

Start of slow and don't use too much product (as I said, they have high pheromone content and pack a punch)

Quote:Who you guys recommend any other items for me, like Wolf, Nude Alpha, Glace, or New Pheromone Additive or do you think I have enough to start???

Well you certainly have enough to get things started. I'd first see how she reacts to the products you have ordered before considering buying other products.

Quote:My goals are personal development and relationship repair. I'm married, mid-40's (spouse is 3 yrs younger), I'm a former college athlete who's still in great shape (6'2", 200lbs) working out multiple times per week. Advanced degrees, good job. But I have a spouse who is disinterested in sex. She is the epitome of the "great mom, bad wife". She is attractive, slender, and smart but has focused almost all of her time on our kids (2 in high school and one in grade school). Granted we have kids with learning and emotional issues, but over the years that has become her sole priority. Therapy hasn't helped.

My current personal development includes improving my alpha side for the family issues (I'm alpha at work, at sports, and socially)... much of which I acquiesced to her as she had to manage all of doctors, therapists, etc., but I can't get her to engage sexually.

Quote:I have read some of the women's section, but I can't find a response to this question: Is there a pheromone that will increase her libido that she can use? I was going to order some LFM or LFN for her, but those seem to be more focused on her attracting men or her feeling better, but while being standoffish.... She gets plenty of attention from me and I already get plenty of the "back off" from her... Thoughts ladies??

I'm guessing since you guys did therapy she is aware that you guys have issues. Does she know the decrease in sexual activity bothers you and is she admitting to suffering from low libido? I'm not married or in a relationship, but I've heard from enough guys around me having the same problem. Once kids come into play a lot of women go into mommy mode.

It seems genetically programmed and some have it harder then others. (makes sense from a evolutionary point of view or humans might not have become the largest species on the planet) She will tend to their every need and as soon as they give the slightest hint that something is wrong or bothering them she will go into mommy overdrive mode Big Grin (seen it happen a lot when visiting couples.. and children seem to know exactly how to push those buttons even if nothing is wrong)

As your relationship has been going for quite some years and this behavior has been progressively getting worse, she is kind of "locked" into this behavior and will probably think nothing is wrong about it. Anything you say to her about this (negatively) will probably come of as "attacking her" and will not be received well.

So you've got a bit of a situation there.. so I've been thinking about how to get things towards improving.. (I'm no doctor or psych, so don't take my "advice" as anything but advice.. don't want to be responsible for a broken relationship Wink)

Let's be honest here, the thing that is happening is she is giving all her attention towards the kids.. Maybe the kids are asking/competing for this attention, or maybe she's been into this mode so long that she has forgotten how to let go and how much fun activities with you can be. So in some way the kids have an effect on her like drugs on a junky. I think, as long as the kids are around, it will be very difficult to get her to break from the behavior and give attention to you naturally. Probably everything you do to get attention from her will get responded to negatively.

One thing i think you could try to re ignite the spark is this:

So I would advice you to create an event (maybe birthday, anniversary, any reason will do) that puts you and her together for at least one day (preferably more). This way the kid's won't be a factor and she might be able to let go of her "duty to take care of them" and tend to your needs.

I'd go on a 2 day trip to some nice town/romantic place. (Not to far away so its a long trip, but far enough so she can't take a bus and head back to the kids after their first call.) (i'd take 2 days since she might have trouble letting go and relaxing at first)

Things you could do there:

* Relaxation/massage/spa thing (get her into a relaxing mindset)
* Going out dancing
* Romantic diner

To give it most chance of succeeding:

* Plan a date for this event so you both will be free from work and any important stuff (like school related for the kids).
* Make sure the kids are with your parents/her parents then and they will be enjoying themselves. (maybe ask them to take them to a theme park)
* Make sure the place you are going to is Very nice!! She really has to enjoy these days if more are to come in the future!
* Really put in effort to goto thing you know she will like.
* If she goes into panic mode (what about the kids/ why do we need to go here etc..) Don't go into debate with her.. just laugh it off and hope her attitude turns as time passes

A nice timetable would be:


14:00 Check into hotel/motel
15:00 Spa/relaxation thing (maybe give the people there a call about having some champagne or other drinks ready upon arriving)
18:00 Romantic dinner
20:00 Some evening event (dancing/visiting something)
??:?? Come back to room (call the hotel and make sure there's a nice bottle of cooled drinks in the room/light some candles/put on some soft music)

I'm just thinking out loud here.. but if you get her to let go of her "duties" and relax, chances are she might enjoy herself after a while and the fire within will ignite again! If the trip is successful she will have a fresh memory of how fun doing things with you can be and she will probably be more receptive to repeat events/giving you more of her time.

Went of on kind of a massive post there and I really have to head of for work Dirol I hope I didn't bore you to death and have actually given some good advice you can use. Like I said, I ain't no doctor and I don't even consider myself an expert on relationships.. I can only hope my views/advice will help you out.



My journal: http://pherotruth.com/Thread-And-so-it-begins
New to pheromones? =>>> http://pherotruth.com/Thread-The-equation

My bag of goodies:
Alpha Dream: Alpha Mascio, Certo, Corporativo, Glace
Pheroxs: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, Blizz, Flirt, Connections, Vibe, Domination
Hax: Wingman black label, Wingman element 7, Wingman element 9, Wingman C4 oil, Wingman 512 oil, Wingman X22 oil
New Hax: Pherocide, Holy grail, Element x, Alien, Black ops, Ladykiller
Love Scent: New Pheromone Additive, Alpha 7, Impi red dot
04-17-2013 1:11 AM
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Post: #5
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-17-2013 7:05 AM

I too am married and my sexual relationship with wifey dwindled down to an unacceptable level. Firs off read my journal. You are an attractive male and sexual being and you wife is an attractive female and also a sexual being. I have used pheromones with great success in the bedroom and in my relationship. The self effects from using alpha products have changed my behavior and outlook and the effects on her from the sexual products have given me amazing results in the bedroom. More sex drive from wifey and more wetness and better sex in general. I have also taken advice about how there are man women to admire in this world.

I can't stress this enough. If you want your wife to be a sexual being and a woman you must first display that you are a sexual being and a stony male. You need to become the sun to her moon. By becoming the sexual alpha male she will naturally become more sexual and the polar opposite of you like nature intended.

Touch her more tell her how sexy she is every day. Be sexual and flirty in your dealings with her. Def try some of the products suggested here they work. Use pick up techniques like kino and eye contact. When you look at her look at her like a piece of meat tha you want to ravage. She will pick up on your intent. Read some alpha male books that you can find here once you are admitted into the journal section as3 has some great shit as well as buzzy.

I have used these tecniques with great success.

Some of the products you can buy will drive her wild not to mention smelling good all the time works wonders. Dress better and never walk around the house like a slob. Always be clean and fresh with a good hair cut. She will notices. Stay well groomed is all I am saying.

Turn yourself into a desirable male not just for wifey but for all the women you encounter. Women checking you out and flirting with you on a daily basis will give you great cinfidence and it will reverberate through your relationship.

Read my journal.

Do these things and I guarantee results. Almost lol
The more sexual alpha male you become the more sexual feminine female she will naturally become. I am 38 years young and this has worked for me. I have changed myself ins


If she bites you, you did it right.

Androtics. IS. Ammo. TuTh. Molecule C.
Lal. AV. Nude sample, wolf, dirty primitive sample,
Alpha dream. Certo. Glacé unscented, dirty primitive sample.
pheromonexs ascend oil, evolve, odyssey. Evolve oil, desire me, temptress,
Love scent npa impi red dot
Hax: element 9+o. Black label sample gel packs, element x, m512, x22, holy grail.
Singles. Androstadienone, pregnenolone
04-17-2013 7:05 AM
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Post: #6
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-17-2013 6:59 PM

Thanks Buzzy and thanks Nicola!!!

Buzzy, your advice is very similar to what one of the therapists suggested!!! Just to be clear, mine is not a marriage totally devoid of sex, but it is heading towards the definition of a sexless marriage (once per month or less).

I have done the weekend getawys that you suggested... one weekend at Sonoma Mission Inn included almost everything you listed. But that's what everyone calls "vacation sex"... and it is difficult to maintain that level of interest once you "return to reality". BTW, even that weekend and another trip where she met me in Wash DC (where I was on business), only resulted in sex once... and she still wouldn't get too adventurous. I am hoping some of these pheromones will allow her to awaken that part of herslef that she is denying.

Nicola, your comment was spot on to what I've been reading in Athol Kay's, Married Man Sex Life Primer. So I am focusing on improving myself and improving on how flirtatious I am with her. I have done the texting and flirting throughout the day, only to have it result in nothing. We've done the date nights, movie nights, etc., only to have it result in nothing that night. Perhaps if I'm lucky, there might be some sex in the morning, but usually work, school, and kids stop that opportunity.

The other day she and I were trying to explain to our son he has to build some muscles for the sports he plays, and she said... "look at your dad, he has a gorgeous body". So clearly she sees me as a sexual being.... did we have sex that night???.... no.

So I am trying a variety of things to see if I can re-ignite her sexual being, both by changes to me and (hopefully with these mones) her attitude as well. But like Athol Kay mentions in his book, I may improve myself and not want tolerate the relationship I have now. We shall see how this progresses...............

Thanks for the feedback guys, not too long at all.
04-17-2013 6:59 PM
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Post: #7
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-18-2013 8:11 AM

Welcome to the forum!

I hope you are able to find products that will be successful for you. I've only just begun to get my husband into the experimentation of pheromones. I know I wanted to ravish him in Love Potion Voracious (which has their Wanted Man phero blend in it) and to up the steaminess the first night he wore it I wore a blend with their Sexpionage pheromones in it and we "enjoyed" each other thoroughly that evening! (I have VERY MUCH liked Sexpionage for ME) It would not be fair for me to offer what gets a woman's engine revving...apparently mine is idling all the time just waiting for a slip of the gas peddle....I would think finding a product FOR YOU for her would be a good place to start and the guys here won't steer you wrong.

Good luck to you both! Big Grin

You're never too old to learn NuTrix! blowkiss
04-18-2013 8:11 AM
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Post: #8
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-22-2013 6:27 PM

Received my order from SteveO very quickly... Thanks Steve...

I ordered Ascend with Pepper Nutmeg, Cohesion with Nobility, and Evolve with Sultans Oud, plus Bliss and Connections... all sprays.

Tried 1x each of Ascend and Cohesion before a couple short business meetings in the morning... no obvious impact or change. At lunch added 1x of Evolve... slight increase in attentiveness of female friend, but nothing obvious.

Later in the day, 7-yr daughter didn't like the smell. No one else in family mentioned anything (I don't normally wear cologne). In bed that night, no change in wife's no-sex attitude.... but after a night sleeping next to me wearing Evolve, I noticed she was noticeably moving in bed and in the morning quickly and enthusiastically welcomed my advances for sex. Much better!!!

Next night she crashed early, but a put a small amount (1/2 spray) when I went to bed so she would smell the Evolve during the night again.... and while she wasn't as worked up/aroused, she was still receptive to sex.

Following night I did a test. I did not wear any mone to bed... next morning.... no response to my advances.

Question: Other members have said that the smell of Ascend and Evolve is strong... I have ordered each of the ACE mones with a cover scent, but Bliss and Connections without. If I'm using the ACE mones together... am I overdoing it on the cover scent(s)?

One member was mentioning they had success with ABE... anyone else have success with that combo? Or with ACE, but the "C" is Connections?

Thanks NuTrix,

I will look into some of the Love Potion products some more.

(This post was last modified: 04-22-2013 6:28 PM by FD4fun.)
04-22-2013 6:27 PM
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Post: #9
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-22-2013 6:46 PM

Check out Journey to Mars. Its the name of the journal or just look in the pheromone XS review. Mars has tried enough different combinations of SteveO's formulas to blow your mind. He also has the most in depth and varied testing of XS products like the ones you have through mixing and matching different products.

Also your new to mones and your excited about it but testing products one at time to see what they do won't hurt. Some people get results over time and through continuous testing.
04-22-2013 6:46 PM
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Post: #10
RE: New Norcal forum member
04-22-2013 6:51 PM

Thanks LL21. I thought I looked in Mars' journal, but I must have just missed it.
04-22-2013 6:51 PM
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