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Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
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Post: #1
Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-17-2022 7:17 PM

For those that do MJ, does it help with pheromone usage , have negative effects on using pheromone products, or have neutral effects on the pheromones you use? (Read: no effect).

11-17-2022 7:17 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-18-2022 1:26 AM

i was going make a post about smoking but i wonder if it make it harder for pheromone to take effect on smoker then non smokers cigarettes' or weed
11-18-2022 1:26 AM
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Marcus Antonius
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Post: #3
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-18-2022 8:00 AM

I don’t have experience with cannabis, but I do have quite some experience with kratom. Kratom is somewhat the “little sister” of cannabis:

It is not as potent as cannabis and has also different active substances, mitragynin and 7-HMG vs. THC in cannabis. But in general it acts quite similar, it calms down, reduces anxiety, induce mild euphoria and acts disinhibitory. It's also an pain killer and has anti-cough effects. Similar to cannabis it is a single-ingedient, all-natural plant product and comes in several, slightly different “strains” which are slightly different in the actions. So-called “red strains” calm you down and act sedating, while “green” and “white” strains act energizing and euphoric. In higher dosages it always act sedative, therefore I avoid that, I like the stimulation.

It is a stable component of my “club / party stack”, so I combine kratom with mones. You find it in the club night descriptions in my journal quite often. I feel relaxed, even more extroverted than usual (so it might be an answer to the question of your last post on how to become more extroverted after a day in occupational introversion). Sometimes it makes me really chatty, like motormouth chatty. I would say in the past it helped me a lot with my approach anxiety, that’s the disinhibition effect), while today I don’t need it any more for that. But of course the euphoria feels nice. With a bit more – I use about 5 gramm – it feels a bit like a alcohol buzz, but – at least that what I think – it has not the diabilitation effect on motor and verbal functions.

So how it acts together with mones. It definitely goes very well with uplifting socials, it acts in the same direction. I don’t know for sure if there is a synergistic effect, i.e. if the combination of both is more than the sum of the single effects, but I think due to the disinhibitory effect it increases the self effects. I also feel the “I’m the top of the world” feeling of BW more if I have used kratom.

I also have combined this stuff with mones for work-out, i.e. with cops, -none or BW. I think this combo it increases my endurance there, so that would be an overall dopaminergic action.

For me the usage of kratom is quite close linked to that of mones. I discovered both around the same time, they are synergistic in a lot of positive changes that I went thought.

Kratom is legal in a lot of countries (US, most of EU, CAN, as far as I know), bur please check the legal state in your jurisdiction if you what to use it. It is in low dosages fairly safe, even the WHO did not ask for a ban when they reviewed it last autum. Of course it is still an opioid, so don’t combine it with a lot of alcohol (1 or 2 beer is the most what I drink when using this stuff), don’t combine it with other drugs, don’t use it too often or in high dosages (I estimate my monthly average to be like 20 gramm max.), don’t use it if in your or your family history problems with addictions happened.

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(This post was last modified: 11-18-2022 12:41 PM by Marcus Antonius.)
11-18-2022 8:00 AM
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Post: #4
Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-18-2022 4:40 PM

My 2 cents.

Weed negatively affect hormones. It increases SHBG which binds to total testosterone levels thereby decreasing bioavailability.
If one is not careful and they are particularly sensitive to substances (like MJ) they can develop Gyno.

If MJ indirectly lowers T levels, I’d have to assume androgen levels would also be negatively affected. Higher androgen levels reep naturally higher pheromone production.

Back in the day I used to be a professional pot head. I was always anxious, lazy, etc. I actually measured my T levels shortly after cold Turkeying my weed addiction. I was at 506 ng/dL. Now 2 year free of weed, nicotine, and alcohol. My T is at 991 ng/dL.

During my peak consumption of weed I developed gyno. To the point is was quite embarrassing. Now that I’m sober, it’s gone.

BTW, I’ve always been lean. Even during peak laziness with weed I would at least half ass the gym 2 times a week no matter what.
11-18-2022 4:40 PM
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Marcus Antonius
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Post: #5
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-18-2022 5:23 PM

@ nickels: you wrote "back in the days", 2 years back, you where a heavy MJ user. According to your profile you are 21 now and therefore of barely legal drinking age in the US. Even as of today your brain (especially the frontal cortex) needs another 4 years to fully maturate. Typically an age of 25 is given as final maturation state of the brain.
Of course high consumption of opioids and canabinoids in childhood and early adolescence are dangerous. The body is most sensitive to hormonal disruptors in that age. Some of us are around 50, that's a bit different from 15 or 16.
You describe that you used alcohol and nicotine back than as well. How young did you started and what were the dosages you used - if I might ask and if you are willing to share?

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(This post was last modified: 11-18-2022 5:27 PM by Marcus Antonius.)
11-18-2022 5:23 PM
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Post: #6
Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-18-2022 10:36 PM

2-3 years back I was smoking and drinking occasionally. (My cold Turkey statement is a bit dramatic) I started around the age of 15. My addiction peaked 16-17 and slowly stopped doing those things less and less.

Also I grew up in a big city and there seems to be a common thread with low income parents giving their kids alcohol(my friends). My dad only let me drink on special occasions.

I’d say out of MJ, Nic, and Alc. nic was my worst addiction. I never had a major issue with alc. MJ was still an issue but not as bad as Nic.
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2022 10:41 PM by nickels.)
11-18-2022 10:36 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-19-2022 2:12 AM

Well I'm on a medication called clonazepam for chronic anxiety. I have been on it for over 20 years. The medication sedates me so I sleep at night. O.w. I would literally not sleep and fall very ill. Be very careful, clonazepam slows down the heart rate to induce relaxation and sleep, it cannot be combined with alcohol or any depressants. I have to make sure any legal drug or supplement I take helps invigorate my mind and motor skills to faster movement without causing any anxiety or heart problems.

I would like to add MJ or Kratom to increase three major things in my life: sex drive and sexual performance, Increased creativity, multitasking, and in the moment thinking when playing the electric guitar *esp at concert venues where there is a lot of distractions competing for your attention* , and improving the performance of pheromones (or at least not inhibiting them).

I notice amongst Gladen and Marcus there is a vast difference in creativity in the written form in their journals compared to the rest of the PT population. I would think part of the parcel has to do with the substances, and of course their natural gifts / talents as well.

I am naturally talented at the guitar but need to reach much higher levels of performance under high pressure situations (like a crowd of 3000 screaming women in the audience, bright lights from the stage, and sometimes darkly lit stages areas where you can barely see the strings.). Whatever happens I can't afford to panic or make a single technical error during a performance (like hitting a bad note, being off time etc.)

I have been using pheromones to help me out with music in past and found they didn't do so well. They made me think more instead of playing by feel and in the moment. Also I couldn't wear them everyday. I have since stopped pheromone usage for music and turned to nootropics. I used a stack recently that did increase mental power but the problem is it is not designed for musicians but rather a general design for all brain activities: phd doctors, musicians, writers, artists, public speakers, mathematicians etc.

I don't want that.. I want to know what kind of legal drugs the top guitarists are taking that are safe that don't necessarily inhibit the use of pheromones , which I also like to use at least on weekends. Something that would make my brain and cognitive functions perform 100% better even if for short duration *6 hrs min*. Something that can be consumed daily not just at concerts. Even for practice. And something that gets me learning at lightning speeds. Even with my daily 6 hrs of practice, and natural gifts at music, I have trouble producing fast enough or accurately enough to compete at the highest levels of competition here in my city. The competition in saturated markets like the music industry is stiff as hell as you'd imagine compared to smaller markets like MMA etc when it took off.

I am giving myself 3-5 years to record another 20-30 complex cover tracks that I should be able to rehearse DAILY (in 6 hrs time) and perform live at concerts on weekends. These 20-30 tracks need to be called up at a moments notice for a concert situation and be played note perfect even after a hard day travelling many miles to concert venues.

I am turning now to every advantage, especially legal and safe drugs in low dosages that could help me out as a guitarist and pheromone user. Of course as a performer I want to get sex from the hot women that attend the events after every show. Substances that aid in sexuality without causing increased anxiety are a bonus for me. Also if they improve or at least have a neutral effect on pheromone usage that's a plus.

(This post was last modified: 11-19-2022 2:31 AM by dsouza.)
11-19-2022 2:12 AM
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Marcus Antonius
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Post: #8
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-19-2022 5:39 AM


Thanks for sharing your experience!
I'm glad you overcome it. That alone indicates higher than average maturity.
Interestingly you mentioned nicotine. This is probably the most addictive substance of the 3 you mentioned, yet the one most available worldwide (as there are some muslimic countries that ban alcohol).

As for the alcohol given/allowed to kids in low - income families. I see it as kind of reverse. Their mental/cognitive state is not elaborated enough to allow them to obtain a higher income and at the same time it does not allow them to recognize that alcohol to early in life it is bad for the mental/cognitive development of their kids. An so the circle perpetuate. That is kind of tragic, and I don't blame them, as nobody chooses their brain capacity.

I think that for a large number of people moderate substance use is OK and part of the human condition, but unfortunately for some it is detrimental. And you often do not know on which side you are.

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(This post was last modified: 11-19-2022 5:39 AM by Marcus Antonius.)
11-19-2022 5:39 AM
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Marcus Antonius
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Post: #9
RE: Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-19-2022 6:11 AM

@ dsouza

Wow, that is quite a complex situation to deal with.

Allow me some comments, but of course I don't be able to recognize the whole situation.

As for the kratom use. With your anxiety history you might be in special risk for addiction development. Especially if it works for you. Kratom is anxiolytic, but if it helps you, you might use it and form resistance (one always does), than the dosage needs to be increased and the addiction cycle starts.
I would see the same risk for MJ.
You mention long-term daily use. I'm afraid that this might be problematic. Please consider some measures :
- Maybe you find an good open physician. Canada is pretty liberal with those substances as much as I know, so maybe the medical community is willing to discuss it. Here I would just get a "Dont use it"

- You seems to be highly disciplined. If you use it, maybe a journal helps you to keep track of the amount you use. That would allow to detect the addiction cycle and break out of it if required.

- Don't use any combination of substances at the same time. This is usually ask for trouble.

- Maybe cycling through different substances helps to reduce substance resistance. In the Kratom world they cycle through the different strains instead of using always the same. If you put in MJ and have some dry days in between their is a better chance to find a long-term sustainable solution.

- Maybe some kind of non-substance therapy is also an option like cognitive behavioral therapy or so (I'm not a specialist). Endurance training, autogenic training, yoga, bio-feedback training, whatever

Finally I believe that we are all individuals, and that non of our traits exists in isolation. The situation you describe is part of what you are. You are that great musician that you are (I watched some of your videos) because you are most likely a sensitive (as in able to feel, to sense the people around you and so on, positive) artist. The same mental/cognitive configuration of your brain (your mind and soul so to speak) makes you more sensitive (this time it's negative) to outside stimuli that trigger anxiety. Other of us (like I) are less triggered by negative emotions, but we are not that good as an artist (or none at all like myself).

So maybe we somehow need to come to accept or even embrace what we are, while of course we should always thrife to improve ourselves to the highest level of what we can achieve.

BTW: Just listened to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast #1842 with the Stanford professor Andrew Huberman (I love his own podcast also very much) on things related to the thread: substances, creativity, anxiety, the brain...
Highly recommend....

Don't blame gravity for your stumbling - learn to walk!
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2022 12:42 PM by Marcus Antonius.)
11-19-2022 6:11 AM
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Post: #10
Marijuana Usage and its effects on Pheromones
11-19-2022 2:49 PM

I have listened to almost all of Andrew Hubermans podcast, amazing fellow with lots to learn from!
11-19-2022 2:49 PM
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