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Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
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Post: #11
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-02-2014 7:07 PM

You are WAY overthinking this man. Lol

With all do respect Im not sure what kind of beta impression you are trying to give the product here but I have never once felt beta while wearing Imprint and I do not honestly know anyone who has reported that yet.

Actually the most beta Ive seen Imprint being talked about is right here in this thread.. by someone who doesnt own it.

Also Ive never felt beta with NA either. And Ive worn both of them. Alot.

No, Imprint is not like NA. Apples and oranges bro.

Imprint the wearer as well. Yes.
Bonding is a 2 way street and very rewarding if done correctly. Bonding and affection is NOT beta behavior in the least.

(10-02-2014 5:42 PM)dsouza Wrote:  BTW I mean no disrespect to thundr and imprint.. Convince me enough and ill buy it.

None taken but it seems as if you have already psyched yourself out of imprint or whatever you have tried to do here in this thread.

Im not going to try and sell it to you and I think its a bit foolish to expect that of someone else. Thats kinda taking their experiences and turning it into a shilling wouldnt you agree? These people dont work for me so why would he care if you bought Imprint or not?

Truthfully I would rather you go with something else and save imprint for last.

You do realize EVERY one of those four products listed above have return policies from their respective companies..

No offense here and it is meant in the best of intentions. My advice is to you is to pick one and go with it but dont ask someone their opinion who owns it then twist their answer around to fit some predetermined beta profile. Especially when you dont even own it.

Relax man. You are overthinking this. For real.

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10-02-2014 7:07 PM
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Post: #12
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-02-2014 8:02 PM


My own experience with NA is it made me clingy sometimes with strangers..One girl I number closed I felt insatiable thirst and hugged her .. Not something I normally do period with anyone I pick up. Needless to say I never heard from her again.

I know NA and imprint are two different products.. Just that clingly feelings tend to scare me a little.. don't know why.. Possibly a weakness in my own psyche (why I get so attached sometimes when I should not).

I was under the impression that imprint may lead me down the same clingy path given the fact that the wearer will also feel bonding and it contains Androstadienone . I believe kimba wrote about an Androstadienone -unless version of imprint.. Don't know if you still produce it though..

(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014 8:25 PM by dsouza.)
10-02-2014 8:02 PM
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Post: #13
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-02-2014 9:04 PM

I can tell you like this girl.
It shows you do not want to repeat the past. Totally understandable and you wouldnt be human if you didnt feel that way.

The clingyness thing is just focus. Not necessarily a phero thing. The Pheromones can enhance what we are already feeling to a degree.

Just switch your focus onto something other than her for a while until the clingy backs itself off. Do something you enjoy doing. Things that make you happy. Productive things that enrich your mind body and soul. She will see this.

This my friend creates desire. Stronger than any phero we probably will ever discover. Centered ambitious men are intoxicating to women. When you make her your focus then you are letting her lead the dance.
The power of the relationship rests with the one that cares the LEAST.

Do what makes you smile and those that are worth it will be in your life. Like attracts like. Do not lose focus of yourself in the process of focusing on her. You can eventually reach a point where you can focus on the both of you. This is boss mode. You want to be here in that relationship. A good woman will reciprocate that and you now have harmony. Add some hot ass sweaty sex in that shit and boom.

I know you said you dont want to walk down that clingy path or psyche weaknesses. Dont sweat the small stuff bro. Water off a ducks back. Work on yourself and you will know when its time to work on someone else. Just do not lose focus.

Heres a cool trick. Before bed take 2 pieces of blank paper. On one write down something you wish to improve and on the other write down something you do not like about yourself. Crumple and trash the negative one and fold the positive one and place it under your pillow. This is a great technique for creating balance.

Back to mones. There was a version of Androstadienone free imprint. I called it slide. Basically I kept the same formula but left out the Androstadienone .
Two bad things went wrong with that one and I discontinued it.

first. The Androstadienone relationship with Androstanone is some of what makes imprint special. So removing that thus removed some of the imprinting. Crappy having a product name imprint that now isnt really doing the job as well. The Androstenone the Androstanone the nols and the rones blah blah all worked fine but it was missing that trifecta effecta.

second. Unlike the hydra, chopping off one of imprint's heads didnt grow back. I had to fill that gap or reconfigure the formula. Which would suck. So I had to graft a head.
The best logical choice was Androstenone. I have problems wearing alot of Androstenone so my testing went to shit in a quick with that alteration. So I shifted my focus and something that could have been never was.

I could make it again if it had enough people willing to test it. Swap out the Androstadienone and add a turbo charge of Androstenone and Androstanone in an imprint styled body. I like.

Journal: http://pherotruth.com/Thread-Riders-On-The-Storm
10-02-2014 9:04 PM
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Post: #14
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-02-2014 10:24 PM

(10-02-2014 9:04 PM)thundr Wrote:  ...

Heres a cool trick. Before bed take 2 pieces of blank paper. On one write down something you wish to improve and on the other write down something you do not like about yourself. Crumple and trash the negative one and fold the positive one and place it under your pillow. This is a great technique for creating balance.

Seconded. Dsouza, I'd highly encourage you to do this. I do it myself and have also taught this technique in a Self Realization & Improvement course.

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10-02-2014 10:24 PM
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Post: #15
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 3:55 AM

(10-02-2014 10:24 PM)kimosabe Wrote:  Seconded. Dsouza, I'd highly encourage you to do this. I do it myself and have also taught this technique in a Self Realization & Improvement course.

I will give that technique thundr mentioned a go starting tonight.

Anyone know the science behind why this technique works so well....
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2014 3:59 AM by dsouza.)
10-03-2014 3:55 AM
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Post: #16
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 4:45 AM

I'm gonna re-arrange the steps mentioned by thundr to what I teach in the course, denoted in italics in the quotes below.

(10-02-2014 9:04 PM)thundr Wrote:  Before bed take 2 pieces of blank paper. On one write down write down something you do not like about yourself...
Start off with no more than 5 items, 3 is best. Too many, just like listening to subs, can confuse your inner self.

This step brings limiting beliefs that are held in your subconscious to your conscious level, so that you can notice them, acknowledge that they are holding you back, ...

(10-02-2014 9:04 PM)thundr Wrote:  ... and on the other something you wish to improve.
... and consciously decide what it is that you'd like to be/do/have. A good technique to use is to write the opposite of what you've written on the first sheet of paper. Also write it in the present tense, such as "I AM healthy, fit and strong", "I AM abundant in life, wealth and love", "I HAVE dates with at least 3 gorgeous kind-hearted women each week", etc. You get the idea.

Then finish off with the line "this or something even better for the highest good of me and everyone else involved." This line by itself changes your paradigm from one of limits to infinite possibilities.

This then becomes the new paradigm for your subconscious to become congruent with.

(10-02-2014 9:04 PM)thundr Wrote:  Crumple and trash the negative one...
...and consciously let your subconscious know that you're letting the old paradigm go.

(10-02-2014 9:04 PM)thundr Wrote:  ... and fold the positive one and place it under your pillow. This is a great technique for creating balance.
You have given your subconscious the new paradigm by writing on the 2nd sheet of paper. By placing it under your pillow, you're consciously letting your subconscious know, "Hey, chew on this and make it your own!" And it will do just that, over time.

Every night, before heading to bed, pull out the sheet of paper from under your pillow, read it, SEE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND'S EYE AS ALREADY BEING LIKE WHAT YOU'VE WRITTEN, AND FEEL IT for 2-3 mins, re-fold it and replace under pillow. Do the same when you awaken first thing in the morning.

Your subconscious takes in EVERYTHING it is given. In order for it not to take in garbage anymore, your conscious MUST play the role of gatekeeper to filter out the unwanted and let in the desired.

The science behind it is the re-wiring of the mind, supercharged by the heart of hearts (soul/spirit/chi/prana/Kingdom of God/Higher Self/etc.) Mind isn't the brain, btw. It is in each and every single cell within you.

When you think it, see it & feel it, you're sending an energetic signal to ALL the cells in your body. This causes the "re-wiring" process to supercharge & sustain. It takes between 30-90 days. Scientifically proven. Google NASA's experiment where they had astronauts wear goggles that literally turned their world upside down.

In the 1st section, you'd notice that I bolded the words be/do/have. This is actually a crucial point, since change has to come from within.

Most people operate from the upside-down paradigm of have/be/do. For example, most people think that they need to HAVE a lot of money in order to BE rich and DO the things that the rich do.

The opposite is in fact true. One has to BE wealthy within themselves first. This then sets up the correct ATTITUDE (composite of thoughts, feelings & actions) for one to DO things in a certain way that attracts wealth. Then and only then can one HAVE wealth.

This is why I mentioned thinking, seeing & feeling your new paradigm. When your thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent, they will supercharge your attaining the desired results.

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(This post was last modified: 10-03-2014 5:02 AM by kimosabe.)
10-03-2014 4:45 AM
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Post: #17
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 6:35 AM

Thanks Kimosabe and thundr! I'm going to give it a try.

Quote:Every night, before heading to bed, pull out the sheet of paper from under your pillow, read it, SEE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND'S EYE AS ALREADY BEING LIKE WHAT YOU'VE WRITTEN, AND FEEL IT for 2-3 mins, re-fold it and replace under pillow. Do the same when you awaken first thing in the morning.

Do you have to write down the thing that you don't like every night on a paper and trash it or just once?


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10-03-2014 6:35 AM
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Post: #18
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 6:40 AM

Just once.

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10-03-2014 6:40 AM
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Post: #19
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 6:35 PM

Just want to add to the self improvement notes here for staying out of friend zone:

There's a new sub from real sub called "stop being mr nice guy" which is aimed at one this in particular: keeping you out of the friend zone.

I just ordered it and listened to it for the first time tonight. I will post any new changes in my behavior I notice after listening for a period of 1-2 weeks.

I have a feeling it all about increasing your confidence and not supplicating, and stating your true intent with honesty.. Not about being a bad guy, or a jerk, but rather a STRONG man of personality and character.

Check it out folks!
10-03-2014 6:35 PM
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Post: #20
RE: Love products... Pheromone Shootout!
10-03-2014 7:52 PM

Wish i had come across this forum a lot earlier. Lots to learn.
10-03-2014 7:52 PM
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