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Element X Testing
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Post: #1
Element X Testing
05-08-2012 3:31 AM

I received a bottle of Element X from HAX with my first order with them. Great company selling solid product. Very pleased.

My first experiences with the green bottle were a bit tricky. You have to really pay attention to what you are doing with this one. This is a intricate product that took me a few tests to learn how to drive it. Once you learn though its like a Lambo.

Tested out Element X again today. I'm really starting to like this stuff. 1 spray does it. No cover. It smells ok.

At first it was a bit tricky to use on the first few tests. You have to act the part or its like wearing a Brad Pitt mask, everyone will eventually figure out you are not Pitt and ghost you quick. But if you wear it like its you then you have no issues. You have to really work at opening ppl or else they will just ignore you. However if you open them, they are eager to converse as long as you drive the conversation. If you let the convo lull, they just basically wait for you to say something. Ive noticed also that body language is essential to driving green label x. Slower movements, calm, cool, relaxed is best. Fast jerky motions scare ppl especially women. It makes them overly nervous and they start getting flustered. I did notice that even if I was being steady and calm many females around me complained about the heat and being hot. It wasn't really that hot at all today. Odd.
Dudes are buddy buddy for the most part, even going out of their way to give you respect hits. I'm calling this stuff Clint Eastwood.

It also lets you be more of a dickhead. I'm not normally like that but I went there for testing purposes. The meat girl par example. I asked her for a pound of ham. No not that ham, the other one. I don't care if they are the same I want the other one. Can I taste it? No I would like the other ham, yes I know you said they were the same... can I taste that one? Yes I would like that one. A bit thinner please. Thinner. Just a bit thinner. Pretty soon I had this girl shaving paper thin ham for almost 10 minutes. Then I asked her for some cheese. LOL. She hands it to me with a smile and asks if there was anything else I would like. Amazing. Most people would have cracked by then but not helpful harriet. This is one fine daytime mix for sure. I'm thinking adding a small social to it just to help with the opening and continuity of convos. It really is tiring to keep up the flow. People will answer almost any question you ask them or perform any task you delegate but it has to be on your initiative.

Number closed a girl at the same place at around 2ish. We exchanged and she texted me about an hour later telling me she had a bf. So I said it was cool and blew her off. Around 11pm she hits me again telling me she broke up with her man and asked what I was doing tomorrow. I'm going to let it age some and see what happens. Hope I don't get some karma from that little stunt. Stupid mones... or stupid me.

I having a hard time now discerning effects from mone hits now that I have introduced game. I can't tell if its game or the mones anymore. It was alot easier when I was being passive and just observing my environment. But now I'm active in it, I think I'm adding too many variables again. Oh well, its effective. If its not broke...

CONCLUSION: Element X is strong a give noticeable hits even 8 hrs since first application with no shower. People are compliant and relaxed as long as you keep an even steady pace. No fast or sudden movements. It allows you to push buttons that would make normal ppl snap yet they seem unaffected and oddly rather happy to please. You absolutely have to wear the part and walk around like your shit smells like flowers. You cannot be humble or you will get ghosted and be invisible all day. You must work to open and maintain dialog. A social may be necessary for less socially aggressive users. Very nice product that is not recommended for betas, noobs, the shy introverts, or hyper users. Solid product if you can wear it correctly.

My .02 worth.
05-08-2012 3:31 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Element X Testing
05-08-2012 4:03 AM

Here's a small nib I cut n pasted from my journal on my first testing. I made sure not to read this one before I wrote the last posting so I would have a rather unbiased outlook. It has an eerie similarity even in the writing style and context. So for shizz n giggles I included it to stack up against today's testing so ppl can see the gap in between and the comparison and contrast. I also wanted to note the work it takes for a noob like me to figure this product out.

The major thing I noticed that was significantly different in the tests is that this one the people seemed more friendly and willing to talk to me without me yanking on their arm like today. Could be a mood induced thing or the fact it was 2 sprays not one, idk. Here it is...

WM Element X Green beta testing:

Yesterday and today I've been testing out WM Element X green bottle. This thing confuses me some and I'm having a bit of a time figuring it out. I'm new to mones but I can detect slight deviations in just about anything. I've always been a detail oriented person and I have a near photographic memory. I can't do math worth shit (I needed a tutor for calculus A B n C) but I can remember exact seating arrangements and wall posters from kindergarten. I struggle through basic algebra but if I can form a picture in my mind of it I will remember every detail of it forever. I can't make pictures out of numbers for some reason. It is what it is. Anyway, I'm starting to realize I'm going to have to pay ultra attention as the hits are not as clear as others I've tested. Here are my thoughts/observations so far:

I'm using 2 sprays and not mixing it with anything. I haven't noticed any self effects at all. Yesterday afternoon I sprayed up when I finally got out of the house. Skipped church again for the 2nd week in a row but I was still burnt from sat night fever. Went to grab a pizza. It wasn't ready yet so I hung around the foyer. I figured I'd wait where everyone is entering and exiting, nice testing ground. People take immediate notice of you. Then look away. I catch a few stealing another look or looking back when I avert away. Got opened a few times but that could have been bc I just looked bored. Idk yet.

Went to some wrasslin PPV thing at my friend's house. Zero ladies and fistful o dudes. I like MMA better but I like the camaraderie. Whatever. Noticed alot of my guys trying to impress and show off. Played to their strengths more. The joker joked more, the smart guy was full of more random treasure than normal. That's about all I could place that was different. However, the thing that stood out most was that I was able to break conversations easier. When I spoke everyone listened. That is unusual bc we are all usually talking over each other and laughing. It was like I had a megaphone, when I talked they listened. Odd.

Today I have been running alot of errands for clients. Drive drive and many stops. I'm beginning to name this green bottle "compliance in a jar". Almost like mind control. I talk everyone listens. I delegate and volunteers abound. I ask they do. People offer advice or tasks before I even open my lips. It's a strange feeling bc it's male and females both. No intimidation I don't think, it's just like this stuff makes everyone into a helpful harry or harriet that actually open YOU. Power of suggestion seems magnified.

The major thing that is starting to bother me abit is the potential of an experienced NLP user to really be able to do some damage with this stuff. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. To use the starwars monicker everyone uses, There are sithlords out there and even though I like to remain on the jedi side, they are def out there. Believe that.

These are preliminary observations so far. Like I said, this mix is complicated and I feel it will take some time to learn how to drive it.
05-08-2012 4:03 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 12:04 PM

I have wingman element x green label

please can someone tell me how to use it.

i use 2 sprays

one on the pulse and the other on the neck

and i don't feel anything,

nor do i feel that women can smell the scent, nor did women give me the time of day to talk to them. They just blew me off.

Please help[/u]
05-16-2012 12:04 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 1:03 PM

(05-16-2012 12:04 PM)jaytop21 Wrote:  I have wingman element x green label

please can someone tell me how to use it.

i use 2 sprays

one on the pulse and the other on the neck

and i don't feel anything,

nor do i feel that women can smell the scent, nor did women give me the time of day to talk to them. They just blew me off.

Please help[/u]
me too.. i used 1 spray until 6 spray, no result even the self effect... help please
05-16-2012 1:03 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 1:03 PM

drop down to 1 spray see if that helps. stuff is strong and lasts forever. I only do 1 spray now
05-16-2012 1:03 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 1:14 PM

Where do u spray it.

Is it on ur neck?

R u sure that girls can smell this stuff. I really don't think they can dude.

What sort of results u getting.

How have u approched girls.

Thanks need some tips bro
05-16-2012 1:14 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 1:35 PM

I spray it on the suprasternal notch between my collarbones then put on my shirt

(05-16-2012 1:14 PM)jaytop21 Wrote:  What sort of results u getting.

See my posts/review above, that pretty much sums it up so far

Everyone can smell it not just chicks. Dudes move and the girls are shy unless you flap gums
Its more of a day game product so you really have to sling some mojo out there but the results pull in upscale female easy

You have to wear it a few times to get a good gauge on the VIP aura is projects
05-16-2012 1:35 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 2:31 PM

My question is

I thought u said u only put on one spray

1. So should i put it on my between my collerbone

2. should i also put it on my shirt

should i put 2 sprays or only 1?

U said u get complience so in theory u could get same day says right?

But i really don't think that they can smell it dude? I didn't see any heads turn or anything and when i approached a couple gals, i got blown out straight away.

i don't get why this thing isn't working

its annoying paying $120 and it doesn't work. Why is it working for u and not me

please help dude
05-16-2012 2:31 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 3:42 PM

I'd like to help out with the Element X questions if I can. EX is a loaded formula and one that needs more time/experimentation than usual to get right. There's definitely a sweat-spot dose, BUT we've found that even that varies from person to person. What works for me won't necessarily work for you.

I know that's vague, so here's what I personally do. 1 spray to wrists, then excess on neck in the morning. 1 wrist spray and 1 to back of neck at night prior to going out. Nothing complex - 3 a day. No more for me.

What I sometimes do is add X22 oil to the equation, again 1-2 drops in the AM.

Bottom line, we have an iron-clad 2-year money back policy on EX - so feel free to try it, combine it, find the over-dose limits for you and then work backwards. If it doesn't work, shoot us an email and we'll replace it with another product or give you a full refund!


(05-16-2012 2:31 PM)jaytop21 Wrote:  My question is

I thought u said u only put on one spray

1. So should i put it on my between my collerbone

2. should i also put it on my shirt

should i put 2 sprays or only 1?

U said u get complience so in theory u could get same day says right?

But i really don't think that they can smell it dude? I didn't see any heads turn or anything and when i approached a couple gals, i got blown out straight away.

i don't get why this thing isn't working

its annoying paying $120 and it doesn't work. Why is it working for u and not me

please help dude
05-16-2012 3:42 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Element X Testing
05-16-2012 4:05 PM

When I said put on my shirt I really meant I was actually putting my shirt on. lol Was still 1 spray (for me at least). Try from there and work up. You need a small bit of game to activate it though as no mone product is magic. It enhances.

I agree with Brad, it takes some time to figure out for your own person. Don't get discouraged right out of the gate bro, its a sweet product. Could you do wheelies the first time you learned to ride a motorcycle?
05-16-2012 4:05 PM
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