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Bad to wear popular fragrance?
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Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 11:39 AM

If you go to 3:32 in this video you see the girl smelling 1 Million Paco Rabanne and complaining that "Everyone Wears It!"

Is this a bad thing? If you wear a scent that everyone else wears will it lessen your chances of getting laid in the club?
07-20-2017 11:39 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 1:37 PM

(07-20-2017 11:39 AM)metaltree Wrote:  If you go to 3:32 in this video you see the girl smelling 1 Million Paco Rabanne and complaining that "Everyone Wears It!"

Is this a bad thing? If you wear a scent that everyone else wears will it lessen your chances of getting laid in the club?

I was going to put this in your other thread, but I may as well put it here. Life - and consequently picking up women - becomes inifinitely easier and more pleasurable when you stop giving a shit what women in general think and start doing things that make you happy.

You wear a scent that you enjoy not that some ditzy blonde on a video says she likes. The fact of the matter is the vast majority of women could not distinguish a fougere from a chypre and wouldn't be able to describe the notes in a scent beyond meaningless banalaties like "It's sweet!" or "Fruity!" or "Mmm, I like it!".

If you think you're going to walk around in a nightclub and some chick is going to walk by you, turn around and say "Wow, is that Muscs Koublai Khan you're wearing? I absolutely adore how Christopher Sheldrake created the olfactory equivalent of making love on a bed of rose petals and animal hide. The way the floral notes barely conceal the most intimate of human smells is intoxicating. Your place or mine?" ... Well, let's just say it's never going to happen.

So some random girl tells you she doesn't like what you're wearing? Great, she's talking to you which gives you the opportunity to run some game. Perhaps she thinks you're cheap for wearing Brut. Tell her that you wear it because it reminds you of your dad who just passed away from cancer. Maybe your 1 million cologne isn't quite covering the piss scent from your 4 sprays of Old Edge. Tell her that you're a vet and you just saved some fox cubs from some hunters until she's blubbering in your arms. Or next her if she doesn't pass the boner test.

Similarly, if you see a girl you like give your nuts a tug (mentally) and go and talk to her. If you feel that DNA tug, and she isn't so completely vacuous that it makes you ill to listen to her talk, take her someplace or grab her number. If she doesn't like your steez, who cares? There will be another.

Get it out of your head that her opinion of you bears some special significance just because she has a vagina. It will make your life easier, you will worry less about whether you're wearing the right cologne or the right shirt, or make enough money, or drive the right car, or have an interesting enough career, and you will be able to spend your time doing something more useful than watching a random flat-chested over-makeuped airhead tell you about the 89 body language signals you MUST observe before you dare to approach her.

This rant was brought to you courtesy of 4 sprays of Alpha Q,

07-20-2017 1:37 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 2:25 PM

(07-20-2017 1:37 PM)Alphonse Wrote:  You wear a scent that you enjoy not that some ditzy blonde on a video says she likes. The fact of the matter is the vast majority of women could not distinguish a fougere from a chypre and wouldn't be able to describe the notes in a scent beyond meaningless banalaties like "It's sweet!" or "Fruity!" or "Mmm, I like it!".

Ok, so in a nutshell if I enjoy the smell of 1 Million Paco Rabanne and it makes me feel good then I should wear it. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

I think you are right. I am WAY over thinking this.
(This post was last modified: 07-20-2017 2:26 PM by metaltree.)
07-20-2017 2:25 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 3:40 PM

He's right.

Peeps can feel when someone is being inauthentic. I've got the feeling that people don't think I'm being myself when wearing mones. I can tell when someone is running PUA teachings and it's painful to watch.

Everyone needs to be more themselves in the game of love. Don't follow any set of rules so strictly such as "don't approach a girl from behind" - what do u think I'm gonna do, a lap around the parking lot and come from up front? I will do whatever is an option for me.

People don't know what they want. Most have at least a drip of self doubt and insecurity about what they're most assured in. If you can overcome the little drop of self doubt you'll be so attractive because of a rare level of self confidence.

If some chicks tryna fuck you because she likes the way your face contours and it reminds her of dad, your cologne won't matter. She'll ignore it


If you truly become high value, you no longer have to mimic the action or follow the beliefs of high-value men

Having the courage to not make hitting on girls creepy is all you need.
07-20-2017 3:40 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 4:12 PM

(07-20-2017 2:25 PM)metaltree Wrote:  Ok, so in a nutshell if I enjoy the smell of 1 Million Paco Rabanne and it makes me feel good then I should wear it. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

I think you are right. I am WAY over thinking this.

I'm saying you have a mindset issue which will sabotage your attempts at pickup before they've even begin. Your focus is on "women" when it should be on you. Once your decisions, thoughts, actions and behaviour come from your core and what you want, the rest will follow naturally.

If someone asks you why you're wearing that cologne, the answer should not be "because 7 out of 10 women like it" because what it communicates about you is you're not very interesting and you're not confident enough to make your own decisions. If the answer is "because I like the way it smells", that is better, as long as it is honest, but it still tells me nothing about you other than you like sweet smelling things - like pretty much every animal in existence.

Dig deeper and figure out why you bought it. You will probably find you really bought it because of some shitty marketing you saw somewhere. Which is fine as long as can describe why you like wearing it. If it makes you feel good, see if you can describe *how* it makes you feel. "It makes me feel really at ease with the world because it reminds me of the smell of juicy fruit flavoured chewing gum that we used to steal from Mr Khan's newsagents at lunch time and chew on the school steps when I was a kid" communicates something unique about you that is different from every other chode wearing it. If you don't know why you bought something or why you like it, bin it because it has no connection to you as a person.

You don't have to repeat this for every item you possess and for every interest that you have, but making a little concerted effort to figure out what things you actually like goes some way to forming a stable core sense of who you are as a person. This is who you are as a unique individual minus the influence of advertising, the opinions of other people, and what you think women want. Do it well enough and long enough and you end up with "inner game", you are an interesting person without having to learn longass NLP stories, and you can follow the advice given by most women and "just be yourself" and still get laid.

I would honestly stop wearing mones for a while until you at least get a grasp of the mindset of putting your needs first. Mones, especially (but not only) ones containing none, can up your anxiety and prolong the process of gaining that solid core personality first. If you don't get that bit right first you end up like many people chasing that one magical combo that will do all the work.

(This post was last modified: 07-20-2017 4:15 PM by Alphonse.)
07-20-2017 4:12 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 4:44 PM

(07-20-2017 4:12 PM)Alphonse Wrote:  I would honestly stop wearing mones for a while until you at least get a grasp of the mindset of putting your needs first. Mones, especially (but not only) ones containing none, can up your anxiety and prolong the process of gaining that solid core personality first. If you don't get that bit right first you end up like many people chasing that one magical combo that will do all the work.

No way I will stop wearing mones at least in nightclubs and for dates. There is no way I am willing to go back to my invisible self without mones. Pheromones make too big of a difference for me to give them up.
I just came back from Sephora. I saw the following four fragrances there that I knew from my research were strong enough to cover SOB and last a long time.

1 Million
Eros Versace
Armani Code Profumo

I decided to forget about all the reviews I read and decided to smell the fragrances for myself. I sprayed all four on test strips and right off the bat I didn't like 1 million or Armani Code Profumo. They both had a really weird smell that that I really didn't feel good about.

So the two finalists were Eros and Spice Bomb. I sprayed Spicebomb on one wrist and Eros on the other wrist. I liked both of them and couldn't decide which one to buy. So I picked Eros because I hate the Spicebomb bottle.
(This post was last modified: 07-20-2017 4:45 PM by metaltree.)
07-20-2017 4:44 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 5:23 PM

+1 Alphonse. I agree.

This is why I blend me own essential oils, amber patchouli sandlewood vanilla coconut is me. It just projects me. I couldn't give a flying fart about what women think or what men think. It's just me. If they don't like it, my answer is "then go away, why're ya still sniffing me if ya don't like me? " with a smile of course. For some reason humans do the opposite of what ya tell'em to do. When I tell'em to go away, they stick around and keep sniffing me. Lol. Funny to watch. And then they go "oh yeah, it kinda grows in me" this was replicated a good coupl'a dozen of times in me personal experiences. With people who don't like that blend.

None of the commercial cologne scents smell like it. And am getting compliments for it left right and centre.

Also, going from what Snoopy amd Ekscentra posted long time ago, attars, musks and other aromas do a way better job than commercial smells. I do like Aventus I got from PSX. And I wear it cos "I" like it. Not cos other women or men like it. YOU r unique to urself. Make YOURSELF happy and everyone around ya, will follow ya.

Don't follow the rat race of others. Create ur own rat race. Smile

Hope this helps.
07-20-2017 5:23 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 5:34 PM

(07-20-2017 5:23 PM)DrChocolate Wrote:  This is why I blend me own essential oils, amber patchouli sandlewood vanilla coconut is me. It just projects me.

This is a great idea! How long does this scent last on you? Is it strong enough to cover SOB?

I think I will come up with my own scent too. I love black pepper essential oil and I love the fresh musk scent that pheromone treasures has. I also love the smell of ceder wood. I'm thinking about using these three things as a base and adding a few other things too it.
07-20-2017 5:34 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 6:05 PM

(07-20-2017 5:34 PM)metaltree Wrote:  This is a great idea! How long does this scent last on you? Is it strong enough to cover SOB?

I think I will come up with my own scent too. I love black pepper essential oil and I love the fresh musk scent that pheromone treasures has. I also love the smell of ceder wood. I'm thinking about using these three things as a base and adding a few other things too it.

That's defo a good idea. Cos then u're creating ur OWN signature smell. And that's unique to YOU. Not ur neighbour not ur friend not ur dad not ur uncle not people from base note or any other forum or any other commercial line. But YOU. Smile
(the above statement is NOT meant to offend anyone, the only hope in that statement is to push each and everyone to create their own self)

Yep. It's fairly strong in raw oil. I only put 2 dabs on me hair. I hold it with a fair bit of pressure on me side of me head and turn to the other opposite sides to get a dab on me head and then massage me head. This in turns give me a good flow of blood on me head and increases positive feeling for me. Hence am smiling like am high all the time. And believe me that smile is contagious. To EVERYONE around me. Smile

If u're worried about the cops smell in SOB, "TRUST" me, ya don't have to. Lol. Watch how they come close to u to check if it's YOU that projects that sweet stank of pussy. And while they're at it, they get a good wiff of the other molecules in it. Just take that plunge, you'll see. Smile
07-20-2017 6:05 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Bad to wear popular fragrance?
07-20-2017 6:11 PM

Oh. And the length of it is a good half a day on others noticing it, but a good 20 hours + me noticing it. After about a half a day, the sillage decreases.
07-20-2017 6:11 PM
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