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Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
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Post: #21
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
07-12-2021 5:50 PM

Honestly, I think it was because of the torment of reading Gladen's long winded posts I developed.... DA DUMMM:


07-12-2021 5:50 PM
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The Love God

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Post: #22
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
07-12-2021 5:59 PM

(07-12-2021 5:50 PM)dsouza Wrote:  Honestly, I think it was because of the torment of reading Gladen's long winded posts I developed.... DA DUMMM:


Ah, but why use a simple phrase when a delightfully loquacious explanation will much more suit the particular understanding of the erudite individual who peruses the posts.

“Funny guys are dangerous. They’ll make you laugh, and laugh, and laugh then boom, you are naked.”

“Charm is the way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clearly defined question” - Oscar Wilde
07-12-2021 5:59 PM
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Pied Piper of Pickup

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Post: #23
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
07-13-2021 7:44 AM

(07-12-2021 5:50 PM)dsouza Wrote:  Sesquipedalophobia


Isn't Life Actually the Kobayashi Maru? Click to Read My Journal: Gladen's Grimoire
07-13-2021 7:44 AM
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Post: #24
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
07-26-2021 11:41 AM

I’m going to miss DWR.

I read a BW XIST POST and I recalled his name.

Sadly , his login stats says he was last online April/2016.

That’s precovid….

I’m afraid the big great white has swallowed up many fine posters on here….

(This post was last modified: 07-26-2021 11:42 AM by dsouza.)
07-26-2021 11:41 AM
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Post: #25
Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 8:20 AM

I was reading this again this morning, and I can't believe no one mentioned Tacitus...the man was a genius and probably forgot more about Pheromones that all of us know.

Unfortunately, he has passed on to that phero cloud in the sky so we won't be able to experience his sage advice and graphic descriptions anymore, and most of his musings are lost forever in the now defunct Pherotalk database.

I did cut and paste some of his custom mixes that worked well for me and to this day I still use them.

Maybe there are others that saved some of his more memorable posts. If so we should maybe memorialize them here in a separate section??

Anyway, for those who never experienced Tacitus, here is a taste:

"Re: The sheer honesty that TAL unleashes in women
Also try this: Dunno exactly.... played around with P79 / P83 in a base of a -nol , a-Androsterone, and TAA .... the 79/83 combo has repeatedly led to passionate, greasy pig sex... women seem to lose all their ASD barriers with 79/83 ... they just... get... into... it...

(Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulties in three domains: communication, socialization, and restricted or repetitive behaviors, activities, or interests (e.g., hand flapping, preoccupation with parts of objects, intense interest in narrow subjects; Matson, Dempsey, & Fodstad, 2009)"


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08-02-2021 8:20 AM
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Post: #26
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 2:02 PM



I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
08-02-2021 2:02 PM
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Post: #27
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 2:34 PM

(07-09-2021 2:04 PM)Snoopyace Wrote:  AHAHAHA! I know I'll be missed because some of the guys here won't be able to cry 'SHILL!' at everything I post. Laugh1

Anyone know what happened to any of these people?

I'm glad snoopyace is still around because he being here means that someone who has been involved with androtics (as a starting point) before me is still around.
(08-02-2021 8:20 AM)VishRemma Wrote:  ...

Anyway, for those who never experienced Tacitus, here is a taste:

"Re: The sheer honesty that TAL unleashes in women
Also try this: Dunno exactly.... played around with P79 / P83 in a base of a -nol , a-Androsterone, and TAA .... the 79/83 combo has repeatedly led to passionate, greasy pig sex... women seem to lose all their ASD barriers with 79/83 ... they just... get... into... it...

(Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulties in three domains: communication, socialization, and restricted or repetitive behaviors, activities, or interests (e.g., hand flapping, preoccupation with parts of objects, intense interest in narrow subjects; Matson, Dempsey, & Fodstad, 2009)"


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I remember him. Miss him.
Maybe nobody mentioned him because he is a legend and people just assume.... take him for granted because he is so eched into our minds. I dunno
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2021 2:38 PM by Mike.)
08-02-2021 2:34 PM
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Post: #28
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 3:20 PM

I know that many of the Putatives/Molecules referred to below are no longer available, but I cant resist spreading the word from the "Book of Tacitus" for newer members here, as well as a walk down memory lane for some of the vets. He was a true Pheromeister. In his phero reporting, he painted a picture in your minds eye of what these molecules were about. Sometimes very deep, sometimes very graphic, sometimes very high, but always very entertaining.

P83 has the feel of the P74 , and a cousin to P86 , friendly approachable, endorphin gentleness to it... sort of belly rub nature... tacitus

P83 is sexy by itself.... I found it was a good orgasm enhancer... sorta took it to another level. and P88 is an "awareness enhancer" ... you will be unusually aware of facial nuances.... put them together and you should be waaay focused....tacitus

"Quick tech note on P106.... it is one of the greats IME, for anything that requires focus and convergent thinking.... a subtle issue I've had with my wilder phero sex mixes is that they sometimes result in "mind splay".... strands running off here and there like precocious ivy vines... p106, which initially didn't look like a good candidate in a sexmix has actually succeeded beyond expectations... b/c it maintains a strong in the moment grip on the situation, a necessary element of masculine command without any primitive forcefulness.... when combined with the opening-up pheromones, the communicators, it is sort of like the final focus tweak on a fine lens that gives just the needed delineation, the touch of crispness to the proceedings, where you have a sense of the factors all coming together... it seems like it might be an excellent integrator element in many purposes of phero mixes.."

"I sprayed on 50 mu of P100 on to my forearms earlier, and am experienceing a good quality lightness of mood and clarity of thought at the moment too.. I calculate P100 to be the TAH of the series"

P75 P76 P77
mixed reports of none breed of animal, can veer into the turfy, edgy, irritable, impatient... in minute doses can add a male depth, if more than that can put everyone on edge... - tacitus

Took myself a hefty shnurt, 100 mu sprayed on my outer layer right below my nose and a big whuff right from the bottle.... nothing too emotive... although as I'm walking up the sidewalk a guy is letting his dogs do their business right there in the street... one of his critters, a pit bull mix suddenly raises his head up as if to get a maximum scent intake and looks at me with fascinated doggie love... his owner was sort of surprised.. There was no aggression... the dog was sort of entranced... I've have this happen with other Pheromones in the - nol category with horses... like, hey, let me sniff you man, you want to hang out with us horses ?

Then I did notice a good mental energising, I could "reach down" into the lower layers of my though processes where I do meditative practices and easily take them to the next level of meditative sophistication... there is an intensely useful, and not too easy to master process of inner direction, and what should have been a difficult step to the next level of practice happened spontaneously and gracefully... so this is a valuable tool, and I have heard of other meditators using beta -nol as a potent meditatiogen...

On another level I'm trying to combine intense meditation with intense fucking to see if one can do both simultaneously until they megre into a satori-gasm... which is both really pornographically fuckuous in the moment and has long term mind tuning value as well.... how, like, not neo-conservative can you get? - tacitus

Seems about right for both P84 and P85 .... P85 feels like a stronger version of P84... P84 was my "talk show host" pheromone... you have this confidence exuding, let's discuss the matter, active listening, getting through-ness.... - tacitus

P87 P85 P84
definitely cleaner uppers, perception refiners, focus without tension, kind of flow state enhancers, with P87 being the high octane brother of this group - tacitus

the P84 looks like a "mouth accelerant" too, so it may be another beta-whatever... - tacitus

my toob of 50 mu p112 arrived yesterday.... have been abusing it ever since..... in high doses it is almost speedlike... actually think I experienced a bit of racing heart for a few minutes... has profound and strange effects on dreams... as if it enhances the REM sleep state....in lesser doses feels like a brain tonic...in a neo-sexmix,.... clearly added a novel edge... a hard to define emotional condition I'd call "emo-traction" ... the ability to track someone else's emotional satate w/o needing to break free an go off in personal headspace... maybe something in the p130 department... in bars and clubs ? Time will tell... - tacitus

P112- def. seemed to intensify the sense of connection... in an energized way - tacitus

One final note for the day, decided to retest P115 @ 100 mu sprayed on the back of my t-shirt to lessen self effects.... went to gym.... noticed a VERY excellent hang out/shoot the breeze male oriented guy talk with other males there... seemed to put us on a high rapport male wavelength.... not competitive or sweaty dude like.... no authoritarian invisibility.... but quite comfortable even keel conversation. I'm thinking that my initial effect may have been OD combined w/ mind machine.... seems to have a smooth, sort of focused, at ease quality at lower doses, almost like a pure form of A314 at the intentional level, w/o the "commanding" aspects.... might be a good ingredient for a version of A314 ... might also have good team building aspects... I'm beginning to rather like this stuff.... could be a hidden gem - tacitus

P119 got a temptingly seductive report in from Tisha, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Tacitus, as you know, starts with a high dose and works his way down. Usually 100 mu applied to the left wrist and shnuffled deeply is the stardard
first round experience...

P119, somewhat akin to P114 , is a rapid onset pheromone... there's no beating around the bush with respect to where your head will be repositioned.

P119 is also a wowza @ 100 mu ... however, in contrast with the "sativa" archetype invoked byP114 ... P119 is distinctly closer to the "indica" camp... the mind is both awakened and dissociated, as if the perceptual parts of the brain have been freshly windexed, and the assessment parts of the brain did a stiff shot of freezing cold premium vodka....

In lower doses P119 might behave differently, in combination with A314 it might be an entirely 'nother animal... I didn't pick up on any erotic energies with it... au contraire, it would appear to have a distancing, de-escalating effect, a high quality wide angle lens as opposed to the beam-in macro mindset of the eroto-social factors... at full Phaser strength it seems almost deglamorized and bureaucratic, diminished emotional charge, but also lessened judgementalism... perhaps a bit Kafka... - tacitus

I consistently move toward the visual mode? noticeable sharpening of perception however a lowering of internal dialog... - tacitus

Gave myself a high intensity shot 100 mu sprayed on my arm and deeply inhaled by nose...
V. bizarre stuff.... one one level detached, almost dissociated, but perceptions quite sharp...
NOT erotic in high concentrations, prob. v. good for professional poker players...
Lower doses may be entirely different - tacitus

Have been probing the full potential of TAL in various mixes.... particularly in combination with alpha -nol.... started with 60 mu mixed in a tube with other stuff, then doubled that to 120 mu ,... so probably 12mu per squirt... combined with a alpha -nol and p74 rich mix and p126 in as a "liberator".... was quite surprised as the TAL fraction increased how much hidden core information was being surfaced... sides of the personality that were normally disguised, areas of concern that were never discussed, coming to the surface in a way that wasn't exactly like the TMI geyser that beta -nol can elicit... - tacitus

So it is written....
08-02-2021 3:20 PM
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Post: #29
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 3:33 PM

Tacitus "Pulsating Pussy Mix"

In a Togo bottle:
  • 1/2 full TAL 10u
  • 1/8 TAC 10u
  • 5 sprays P74
  • 5 spray P78
  • 3 spray P130
08-02-2021 3:33 PM
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Post: #30
RE: Which PT Posters will you miss the most?
08-02-2021 4:02 PM

I wanna play!


There is a perfumer's ingredient called Iso E Super... sold at premium outlets as Molecule 01.... Iso E is particularly interesting because it seems to be a "para-pheromone"... no pheromone effects by itself, however has some impact when mixed with active pheromones... makes them better accepted as a natural bodily signal instead of a UFO implantation from far out... Iso E/Molecule also reduces the scent perception of pheromones so they lose the strong... overly biological, animal thing..

luckyscent has written this blurb about it:

Aroma chemicals are used in virtually all modern fragrances to bring to recreate scents like jasmine or violet or cedar or a host of other familiar olfactory favorites. Molecule 01 is the first of its kind to pay homage to just one of these hidden delights—the not so sexy sounding Iso E Super. You know it as a sweet sandalwood/cedar-like smell…a base note prevalent in many legendary perfumes, and it finally gets to shine all on its own. The velvety woody note is highly sensitive to body chemistry and twists and turns as it evolves, enticing the wearer with an almost pheromone-like fascination. The science of scent is finally on display and is sure to delight those woody fragrance aficionados who love to venture forth and discover something devastatingly unique. There’s nothing like it in the world

(non-disclaimer: I normally add in Molecule 01 to my mixes to "humanize" them... the Young Witch says it smells "like a lot of people got together")

You want Methoxyestratetraenone .... I tested it in a massage setting, I had booked a one hour, the gal massaging me fully lost track of time, near told me her entire life story, gave me a mind expanding massage, ane we both staggered out of there 3 hours later and got the funniest look from the guy at the desk... MEO- EST and massage like cookeis and milk....

Also have had some NICE skin-to-skin things happen with P96 and TAH(watch the dose, don't go to high on TAH , a little is nicely entactogenic, TAH and P96 together is profoundly entactogenic... you become a sensuous touch bunny with those two paired up)... P96 is pretty forgiving.... I've never ODd, except to feel like I had a couple of really good artisanal beers with a high hops content, I'd roughly say between 10-25 mu would be good to go, and TAH .... mmmm... 5-10 mu,

Luckily I stocked a good supply of MEO- EST .... that stuff is magical when you learn how to work it in to a mix just right... seems to love being paired with TAC... the two work off of each other in some fascinating romanto-erotic ways... plus the communication can be extrordinary.... I'm only now at this late date really getting an intuitve feel for the nuances of MEO- EST ... if you haven't figured it out yet, don't worry, your not alone... some of these ingredients don't shine until you pair them correctly...

P96 , another great oddball, is out of stock and we hope to see it again soon.... as far as pairings go, P86 + P96 have a special thing between them, they make a nice couple you could say.... this duo is HIGHLY integrative, as if you've been meditating all day, all and everything just fits together better...

I have made a most fascinating discovery that relates to breathing oxygen and a specific nutrient supplement... when the two are combined there are dramatic positive effects. handheld O2 dispenser... no prescription or anything.... it takes little cylinders that look like modified aeorsol cans, you can get several deep breaths of pure oxygen with each can.... maybe ten lungfulls total... the first 3-4 are definitely the strongest hits until the pressure fades...

Like, how am I not going to check this thing out ? So I set up the dispenser by my bed in order to test it's wake up power.... wake up the next day, take about 6 lung filling breaths with a slow exhale....

Strange... marvellous... nothing so noticable at first as you would imagine from watching too many movies... the o2 effect is sort of delayed actually, then this crystal clear sparkly freshness comes over the body-mind... nothing stimulating, only as if the o2 metabolic pathways have been flushed clear, definitely more energy to the step, more coherent, sharper thinking....

VITAMIN PQQ AND BEE POLEN: bee pollen may have up to a million different compounds in it containing MASSIVE health benefits. You can feed generation after generation of living thing only on bee pollen and water without ever having any genetic defects. Bee pollen contains every known element and unknown, every ormus mineral, every enzyme (0ver 5000), ever essential fat, almost all protein contained in living things on earth (not the crazy fucked up proteins found in meteorites that keep falling). Anyways, why not try some bee pollen?

Montale ? Stuff is liquid desire... esp. their oud series... expensive and wicked... normally rose make me think of old ladies... Montale's Black Oud has a rose note, orgasm-at-a-distance though...

L'Artisan makes as sophisticated as you'll find, generally a level more transparent than Creed...

In any situation where you are repeatedly in the company of another person or group of people, if there is any mental state you want to consistently trigger, always make sure to have a specific sensory anchor for that state (that's why judges put on those scary black robes when they are officially in the role of a judge, or cops out on highly distinctive uniforms, or you behave in a particular way when you see a red light when driving your car)... the critical thing is that you don't contaminate that trigger, so only use your special trigger as exactly as possible, so it remains very sharp and clean... better yet is when you "stack" two or three triggers, specific fragrances, lighting, music which suggest intensely explosive long orgasm

This blend rocks, baby... a multi dimensional, deep, emotive, social, sexuous, all around mind expanding.... I'm thinking 50 year old Bas Armagnac from sand rich Gascon soils, both soft, rich, fruity, and firey... but wait, we're talking pheromones, not black oak and pot stills.... however... there is a degree of artistry here...

On the feminine/lunar/empathetic side we combine:

Alpha- Androstenol

On the masculaine/solar/trog side we combine:


One the alchemic/binding/mysterium conjunctionis side we combine:

P86 , the great fabric softener
TAF , the focuser

everything going in at about 50 mu , except the Alpha Androstenol at about 100 mu , dissolved into 2 ml. of Creed's awe inspiring, world class fragrance Angelique Encens which has been blended with Montale's smokin' fine Black Oud

Holy Moley.... what can I say

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
08-02-2021 4:02 PM
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