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Topical melatonin for hair loss
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Topical melatonin for hair loss
07-21-2013 6:58 PM

Topically applied melatonin shows some interesting results in reversing androgenic alopecia. (Hormone induced baldness.)

There's a part of me waiting for the other shoe to drop here, since DHT, the leading cause of hair loss, is a hair growth promoter itself.

But who knows, maybe it works?

Quote:Incubation of anagen mohair and cashmere follicles in the presence of melatonin or prolactin showed positive responses in hair shaft growth and protein synthesis to both signalling molecules.

Quote:Melatonin may also functionally play a role in hair-cycle control, as it down-regulates both apoptosis and estrogen receptor-alpha expression, and modulates MT2 and RORalpha expression in murine skin in a hair-cycle-dependent manner.

Quote:(2004) Melatonin increases anagen hair rate in women with androgenetic alopecia or diffuse alopecia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial.

To the authors' knowledge, this pilot study is the first to show that topically applied melatonin might influence hair growth in humans in vivo.

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07-21-2013 6:58 PM
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RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
07-22-2013 9:18 PM

(07-21-2013 6:58 PM)wiserd Wrote:  Topically applied melatonin shows some interesting results in reversing androgenic alopecia. (Hormone induced baldness.)

There's a part of me waiting for the other shoe to drop here, since DHT, the leading cause of hair loss, is a hair growth promoter itself.

But who knows, maybe it works?

Quote:Melatonin may also functionally play a role in hair-cycle control, as it down-regulates both apoptosis and estrogen receptor-alpha expression, and modulates MT2 and RORalpha expression in murine skin in a hair-cycle-dependent manner.

Quote:(2004) Melatonin increases anagen hair rate in women with androgenetic alopecia or diffuse alopecia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial.

To the authors' knowledge, this pilot study is the first to show that topically applied melatonin might influence hair growth in humans in vivo.

You always bring up interesting and educational topics Wiserd,

You may have already seen this, check it out :

What causes male pattern baldness (MPB)? From 1997:
"So what makes your hair fall out? Well for a long time scientists thought that DHT was the sole cause of hair loss, but this does not appear to be the case. As most of you already know, androgens such as testosterone (natural and otherwise) can convert to DHT by the previously mentioned enzyme 5AR. People who have high levels of the enzyme 5AR have higher levels of DHT and are prone to losing their hair.
Men with a congenital deficiency in 5AR show no receding of the hair line. This knowledge of the relationship of DHT to hair loss kicked off the big race to find things that shut down the 5AR enzyme and thus reduce the amount of DHT. Simple enough right? Well I have said it a thousand times before and I will now say it a thousand and one times: two plus two rarely makes four in the human body and this is the case again regarding the relationship of DHT to hair loss."
"People and researchers who used 5AR inhibitors such as Proscar and Saw Palmetto found it helped with the hair loss but in no way shut it down or regrew much of the hair that was lost. What appears to be the ultimate cause of hair loss for most people is an auto immune response where the body actually attacks the hair follicle like some kind of foreign invader thus causing an inflammatory response.
By yet unknown mechanisms, DHT causes a change in the follicle signaling the immune system to attack the follicle and your hair starts falling out (If you take a close look, you can actually see a red line of inflammation on the scalp of some people losing their hair). How do we know this? It was discovered that the hair follicles of people losing their hair look very similar under a microscope to people who experience organ rejection after surgery. And, it has been found that the immune system suppressing drug which is used to stop the organ rejection (Cyclosporine) grows hair like crazy because it shuts down the immune response in the body.
A cure you say?
NO! If you take some Cyclosporine and you grow hair it will be because you have no immune system and you will get very sick and possibly die. I shit you not-don't mess with this stuff. Anyway, though DHT is clearly important in the cause of hair loss, it is not the final cause and a new race has been started to address the inflammatory response which ultimately causes you hair to fall out.
Clearly, you have to attack hair loss from both the DHT and inflammatory response, and that's what most of this article is about....sort of. There are also other factors related to hair growth and hair loss such as nutrition, SODases, Nitric Oxide (NO) and others, but DHT and the immune response are the two biggies."
Interestingly, almost a decade later, our understanding of the cause of MPB has changed little. Androgens (e.g., DHT) and a poorly understood immune response, that has interactions with SODases, NO, and other factors, creates the environment for MPB.
1997 treatment options versus 2005:
In the previous article, I covered copper binding peptides, Nizerol shampoo, Proscar, Minoxidil, and a very promising mystery drug called RU 58841. What follows in this section are comments on each of them from 1997 followed by my thoughts now after almost a decade of experience with them:
Copper binding peptides: back when I wrote the first article a drug called Iamin had just been approved by the FDA for wound healing. Another drug similar to Iamin is Tricomin. Both Iamin and Tricomin were invented and subsequently patented by Dr. Loren Pickart. As I stated in the 1997 article about these compounds,
"These drugs are copper based compounds that have certain peptides added to them. When put on the skin they have profound anti inflammatory properties and increase the rate at which skin heals dramatically (hence Iamin700s approval for wound healing). As I mentioned earlier, chronic inflammation at the site of the hair follicle appears to be a major link in the chain of what makes hair fall out."
2005 thoughts: Unfortunately these products did not turn out to be nearly as effective for MPB as I had hoped. Feedback was lackluster at best. I believe they still have some use in multi ingredient formulas that may add some small additional benefit, but the general advice is they are minimally effective for MPB alone.
Nizoral Shampoo 1997:
"Nizoral is an anti fungal shampoo and the active ingredient is a plant derivative called Ketoconazol and is produced by Janssen Pharmaceuticals. How and why Nizoral works on hair loss in not very well understood. It might work by blocking the DHT at the follicle and/or working by reducing the amount of inflammation at the hair follicle."
Nizoral turned out to be a big disappointment. It was very popular when I wrote the article, but has dropped out of use by most people. It can now be had without a prescription in 1% strength, but it's a moot issue at this point as Nizoral is ineffective for treating MPB in my opinion. There was one small study (Pierard-Franchimont C, et al. Dermatology. Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia. 1998;196(4):474-7 )that appeared to find Nizoral about as effective as Minoxidil, so people can use Nizoral if they want I suppose, but feedback and experience says it's of no use.
Proscar 1997:
"...Proscar is a very specific inhibitor of the enzyme (5AR) that converts androgens into DHT. Its official use is for prostate enlargement which is also related to DHT levels (among other things). It was felt originally that Proscar would not be effective for hair loss because it only inhibits the enzyme found in the prostate and not in the hair follicle.
Well again, nothing is cut and dry in the human body, and Proscar has been found to reduce the amount of DHT in circulation which reduces the amount of DHT the follicle has to deal with and thus less hair is lost. Several recent studies have shown Proscar is effective for hair loss and can help regrow some hair on some people, but as I said before, the use of 5AR inhibitors only deals with a part of the problem and are generally not very effective when used as the only treatment."
At the time I wrote the above, Proscar (finasteride) came in 5mg pills and was approved for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) only. Because studies found 1mg almost as effective as 5mg for lowring DHT, I recommended people split the 5mg tabs into 4, which gave you 1.25mg. Of course the producer of finasteride (Merck) saw the marketing potential for treating MPB, and finasteride was packed in 1mg pills and sold as Propecia.
There is of course no difference between Proscar and Propecia except the dose, so people in the know still buy Proscar and divide it into 4 pieces to save money. I would still recommend Finasteride for MPB, but it is far from the miracle drug for MPB people hoped it would be when it came out. Side effects such as gyno, reductions in libido, and others also appears to be higher in the real world then the studies claimed. Finally, finasteride does appear to work topically (contrary to what Merck claims) which will greatly reduce systemic side effects. However, topical is generally less effective then oral treatment.
Minoxidil 1997:
"...Minoxidil did not turn out to be the hair growth stimulant we all hoped it would be and if it had not recently gone OTC I would not even have included it in this list. However, being minoxidil can now be purchased without a prescription and is about half the price of what it used to cost, I think it is a useful addition to a person's regimen. For hair growth, minoxidil has pretty much been a bust, but for reducing hair loss, I have found it is definitely better than nothing."
The only thing that has changed since I wrote the above is that Minoxidil comes in a stronger version for men (5% vs. 2%) and can be found as a generic, saving money for the user. I think Minoxidil makes a good carrier for other compounds you may want to use topically, such a Finasteride, etc.
1997 comments on RU 58841:
"RU 58841: This is the mother of all topical anti androgens. RU58841 is made by the Roussel Corporation of France. This stuff shuts down DHT at the hair follicle like nothing else. One of the major problems has been that anti androgens such as Spironolactone and Flutamide taken orally might be good for hair loss, but they cause all sorts of problems related to having low androgens in your body, such as loss of muscle, increased fat, loss of sex drive, gyno, etc.
When these same anti androgens have been used topically (put directly on the scalp) they do not cause the negative systemic side effects, but they did not seem to do much of anything for hair loss or growth either. Therefore, a topically active anti androgen without systemic effects would be highly desirable. RU58841 is a topical anti androgen that shuts down DHT at the follicle without any systemic side effects in the body!"
If there has ever been a drug that appeared to be close to a cure for MPB with no side effects, this was it. So what happened to it? That too is a bit of a mystery, but the general consensus is that the company never developed it for market for financial reasons after other drugs for MPB faired not nearly as well in the market place as was expected. It's a real shame. After the article came out, I knew several enterprising people with enough money to have batches made up for their personal use, and they all said it was the best thing they had used topically.
Additional possible treatments
Recently, a dual inhibitor of both enzyme types (5ar-1 and 5ar-2) that convert testosterone to DHT has been approved for BPH. It's called Avodart (dutasteride)and is made by GlaxoSmithKline. Finasteride was shown to reduce DHT by up to approximately 70+% or so, where as Avodart reduced DHT by 90-96% depending on dose (0.5mg "“ 2.5mg). So, this drug would appear more effective for treating MPB, and Glaxo's data found 2.5mg of Avodart grew 1.5 times more hair compared to 5mg Finasteride over a 6 month period with approximately similar side effects as Finasteride.
Real world feedback is that it is indeed superior to Finasteride for MPB, but side effects are more common. Several doctors I know who prescribed it for MPB told me many men stopped using it due to side effects, so the claim that it has a similar incidence of side effects to Finasteride may not be true. However, it may be worth using topically mixed into some vehicle such as Minoxidil or some custom blend. There are many of them found on the internet in fact, and feedback is generally good. As stated, topical is never as effective as oral, but the side effects are minimized.
Flutamide and Spironolactone
Flutamide is not really a new drug, but an old drug being used for MPB. It's a powerful anti -androgen used with men with prostate cancer. I consider the side effects for healthy men FAR too great to be used orally, though some men have gone that route. I think they're crazy. However, topical versions are fairly common on the ?net and this may be viable alternative "“ albeit a less effective alternative -to oral administration. Pretty much everything I have said about Flutamide goes for Spironolactone. Gyno, reductions in sex drive, etc, is common in men taking it orally, but topical formulations exist and appear to be moderately effective, especially when combined with other compounds.
Best overall multi ingredient topical formula:
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of topical formulas on the market. I have not viewed them all nor used them all. Keeping that in mind, my recommended all-in-one topical formula I recommend is Proxiphen produced by a Dr. Proctor out of Texas. Dr. Proctor is probably one of the foremost experts on MPB and one of the good guys in an otherwise shady industry. I have spoken to him many times and he knows his sh*%. Proxiphen contains minoxidil, as well as the prescription agents phenytoin and spironolactone, SODs, copper peptides, TEMPO, PBN...over a dozen active ingredients in all. Another plus is that Dr. proctor never sits on his success with Proxiphen in that he is constantly adding new compounds to the formula if he feels they show promise for MPB.
Because it contains prescription agents, Proxiphen can only be dispensed on a physician700s diagnosis of hair loss. This is not as big a deal as you may think, but you will have to see your doctor to get an official diagnoses of MPB. You do not have to travel to TX to get it, but your Doc will have to communicate with Dr Proctor for you to obtain Proxiphen. Dr, proctor does produce non prescription products that may also be worth a try, but none of them will be as effective as his prescription based product. Dr. proctor can be contacted at 800-926-1752 or 713-960-1616. Web site:
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
99% of the time, something that looks like a scam and smells like a scam, is a scam. There is that 1% of the time when what looks rather scam-ish at first actually may work as claimed. Such may be the case with LLLT. Makers of LLLT devices have claimed for years they grew hair but there was no hard data to support it, and what the mechanism was was never really explained. Thus, I was very skeptical say the least.
I have had to alter that opinion however as a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology ( Vol. 5, Number 2, 2003.) found LLLT may actually work as claimed. The study found increased hair counts and improved tensile strength in 28 men and 7 women who used the LaserMax Hair Comb for 6 months. The results were impressive and no side effects were reported as one would expect. I have also spoken to the director of one clinic that does many hair transplants and they find greatly increased healing rates post op using the laser comb. So, my opinion of this gizmo is guardedly positive and it may be worth incorporating into your hair loss prevention plan.
If All Else Fails!:
Ok, so you have tried most of the above, don't want to try the above, or don't have enough hair left on top of your head for the above to really make a difference, and you want information on transplants. As you know, when transplants first came out, they were pretty crude and looked pretty damn bad. Things have changed for the better in the last few years with some truly impressive results.
So, the good news is there are procedures that now look totally natural. Bad news, none are going to give you the hairline you had before you started losing your hair. You have to have realistic expectations here to begin with.
Ok, after a great deal of research I am of the opinion that the laser method is superior to other methods. There is a great deal of confusion out there regarding the laser method propagated by people using outdated information or fear of competition. People who put down the laser method claim all sorts of things that are simply not true today with the right laser being used by an experienced medical professional.
Before we get to that, a little background. Lasers are finding new applications in the medical and cosmetic field almost every day such, such as their use in surgery and the use of lasers in skin rejuvenation and resurfacing. It700s been slower in the field of hair transplantation using lasers. The reason for this is simple, the first generation of lasers used for hair transplants were non-pulsating CO2 lasers which caused damage to the local blood supply (dry hole) and poor hair growth resulted.
Keep in mind, blood supply to the transplanted follicle is essential for any growth to take place. Without adequate blood supply, the transplanted follicle simply dies. These older lasers caused thermal damage to the area (burned the area due to excessive heat from the laser), which of course is not what you want. This is the main criticism of the laser approach.
However, newer generation pulsating CO2 lasers showed a vast improvement in maintaining blood supply resulting in improved graft growth and survival of the transplanted hair. Later improvements added the Super Pulse laser which is a big improvement over older lasers that caused extensive thermal damage. Another type of laser that is used is the Erbium laser.
Both lasers appear to have their strengths and I have seen excellent results with either. The right laser in the hands of a doctor who has experience with this method does not hinder blood supply at all, and excellent graft growth follows after the hair follicle is transplanted. The laser greatly reduces actual surgery time and trauma to the area, so post op pain is reduced and recuperation time is also reduced.
Some other reasons the laser method is superior to having someone cut holes in your head with a scalpel or needle punch: every time a laser hole is made, bald tissue is actually being removed. This reduces the total amount of bald area present. This advantage is not seen when using a scalpel blade or needle to prepare recipient sites. Lasers also decrease the incidence of what is called "postoperative epidermal inclusion cysts." These are ugly little bumps that often show up in the area of the transplanted hair, and they look like sh*$ to be honest.
There are yet more advantages to the use of the laser versus the "cold steal" methods (e.g., scalpel, needle punch, etc.) that I don700t have the space or need to cover. It's the only method I have personally seen where I simply could not tell that work had been done on the person's head until I saw the before pictures!
The clinic with probably the most experience with laser transplants is the Hair and Scalp laser Clinic in Clearwater Florida. The clinical director is John Satino and the doc doing the work is Dr. Markou. They can be reached at 1-800-883-4247 or 1-727-572-9344. Web site is
Now, if you can find someone in your area using the laser method who has real experience with it and can give you referrals to speak to regarding their work, by all means use them, but not many people are currently using the laser method for transplants. On a final note, I don't want people to think there can't be satisfactory results with some of the more traditional scalpel and needle punch methods, but in my opinion none of them are superior, or more natural looking, than the results achieved with the laser in the hands of an experienced medical professional.
- See more at:
07-22-2013 9:18 PM
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I'm so meta, even this acronym

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Post: #3
RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
07-22-2013 9:50 PM

Thanks SS,

Interesting article, though I've honestly heard a lot of it before. Maybe I'll see what laser combs do... I went the "don't make DHT" route a long while back. I hated it. While Nizoral (Ketoconazole) seems effective (it both prevents the production of DHT and is also an anti-fungal which can help kill the yeast that lives off of sebum) it reduced my sex drive. I wasn't sure if the issue there was liver toxicity or reduced DHT. Probably it just reduced DHT a bit but since the stuff is hepatotoxic when taken orally I don't use it often.

I suspect that anything which can penetrate the skin will end up having some systemic effects. And anything that doesn't penetrate the skin will have no effect. So the best attack is probably something indirect but systemic. Like finding a way to Increase SHBG, for example. That way, Testosterone is only free and converted to DHT when a person needs it.

I'm surprised the article didn't include saw palmetto extract, which also inhibits 5AR-1 and 5AR-2 though doesn't penetrate the prostate like avodart and finesteride, so won't prevent DHT production there.

A third type of 5AR has been discovered in the prostate, btw.

Resveratrol looks like it might have some potential for hair preservation. Resveratrol-like extracts were used historically in China for hair preservation (see He shou wu/polygonum multiflora.) And the stuff has gotten a lot of interest from the life extension community. It seems like it might upregulate DNA repair enzymes in small doses, Kindof like how a really small dose of radiation can increase lifespan. It also, increases sperm production, may increase the conversion of vitamin D to its active form (both good and bad) and has some kind of interaction with the estrogen receptor.

The stuff gets around.

Plants like grapes make it when exposed to fungus. The anthocyanadins from grape skin probably work well with resveratrol.

... I'm surprised they can't just clone hair yet, really.

Best to you, dude.

[Image: Example.jpg]
07-22-2013 9:50 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
07-22-2013 9:58 PM

(07-22-2013 9:50 PM)wiserd Wrote:  Thanks SS,

Interesting article, though I've honestly heard a lot of it before. Maybe I'll see what laser combs do... I went the "don't make DHT" route a long while back. I hated it. While Nizoral (Ketoconazole) seems effective (it both prevents the production of DHT and is also an anti-fungal which can help kill the yeast that lives off of sebum) it reduced my sex drive. I wasn't sure if the issue there was liver toxicity or reduced DHT. Probably it just reduced DHT a bit but since the stuff is hepatotoxic when taken orally I don't use it often.

I suspect that anything which can penetrate the skin will end up having some systemic effects. And anything that doesn't penetrate the skin will have no effect. So the best attack is probably something indirect but systemic. Like finding a way to Increase SHBG, for example. That way, Testosterone is only free and converted to DHT when a person needs it.

I'm surprised the article didn't include saw palmetto extract, which also inhibits 5AR-1 and 5AR-2 though doesn't penetrate the prostate like avodart and finesteride, so won't prevent DHT production there.

A third type of 5AR has been discovered in the prostate, btw.

Resveratrol looks like it might have some potential for hair preservation. Resveratrol-like extracts were used historically in China for hair preservation (see He shou wu/polygonum multiflora.) And the stuff has gotten a lot of interest from the life extension community. It seems like it might upregulate DNA repair enzymes in small doses, Kindof like how a really small dose of radiation can increase lifespan. It also, increases sperm production, may increase the conversion of vitamin D to its active form (both good and bad) and has some kind of interaction with the estrogen receptor.

The stuff gets around.

Plants like grapes make it when exposed to fungus. The anthocyanadins from grape skin probably work well with resveratrol.

... I'm surprised they can't just clone hair yet, really.

Best to you, dude.

As far as Saw Palmetto, see this, I should have included earlier, maybe you have already seen:

The following study comparing Saw Palmetto with Propecia ( 1 mg finasteride) in its ability to regrow hair in a fairly sizable subject pool. Not surprisingly. both produced hair growth effects, with Propecia being the better of the two. What this study also does is confirm the hair growth effects of Saw Palmetto, which has been a question mark in many minds over the years.

Int Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2012 Oct-Dec;25(4):1167-73.
Comparitive effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens in male androgenetic alopecia: a two-year study.
Rossi A, Mari E, Scarno M, Garelli V, Maxia C, Scali E, Iorio A, Carlesimo M.


The objective of this open label study is to determine the effectiveness of Serenoa repens in treating male androgenetic alopecia (AGA), by comparing its results with finasteride. For this purpose, we enrolled 100 male patients with clinically diagnosed mild to moderate AGA. One group received Serenoa repens 320 mg every day for 24 months, while the other received finasteride 1 mg every day for the same period. In order to assess the efficacy of the treatments, a score index based on the comparison of the global photos taken at the beginning (T0) and at the end (T24) of the treatment, was used. The results showed that only 38% of patients treated with Serenoa repens had an increase in hair growth, while 68% of those treated with finasteride noted an improvement. Moreover finasteride was more effective for more than half of the patients (33 of 50, i.e. 66%), with level II and III alopecia. We can summarize our results by observing that Serenoa repens could lead to an improvement of androgenetic alopecia, while finasteride confirmed its efficacy. We also clinically observed, that finasteride acts in both the front area and the vertex, while Serenoa repens prevalently in the vertex. Obviously other studies will be necessary to clarify the mechanisms that cause the different responses of these two treatments.

Comment: As significant, hair growth was produced using the weakest form of Saw Palmetto, the 320 mg dose of lipid sterolic extract. More concentrated, critical extracts of Saw Palmetto, particularly when combined with higher doses of Beta Sitosterol, above and beyond what naturally occurs in Saw Palmetto, are documented to produce better treatment outcomes for BPH compared to the standard, lipid sterolic extract. If prostate research (which provided the original hair growth cues for both Propecia and Avodart) is any indication, these newer, multi-component formulations will invariably produce better hair growth results as well.

L'Oreal uses 100mg of Beta Sitosterol, extracted from Pine fiber, in its multi-component oral hair loss treatment sold in Europe under the name " Hair Mass for Men," specifically to "neutralize" DHT. L'Oreal found what it termed "significantly positive results" in in-house trials evaluating the effects of Beta Sitosterol alone on men's hair loss.

Triarco's patented prostate formula, ALPHASTAT combines Saw Palmetto Extract/Phytosterol complex with Astaxanthin, which they have documented and published, drops serum DHT, Estradiol, and raises Testosterone- all beneficial for both hair and health.

Astaxanthin Supplement lowers DHT

The bioavailability of Astaxanthin has been optimized with the addition of phospholipids, which enhance its absorption by a factor of 12.

Those wishing to cost effectively benefit from the documented Testosterone raising and DHT lowering and binding inhibition effects of ALPHASTAT can simply combine 1 capsule of Super Saw Palmetto with Beta Sitosterol along with 1 capsule of Astaxanthin with phospholipids.

The bottom line is that Saw Palmetto is definitely worth using as an adjunctive hair loss intervention, particularly in light of this recent study that showed it produced an increase in hair growth in about 40% of the subjects over a two year period. The hair growth effects were achieved by only using a standard lipid sterolic extract. If Prostate research offers any indication, these hair growth effects would be much more pronounced by using a more powerful patented CO2 critical extract of Saw Palmetto, particularly in combination with Beta Sitosterol. Add Astaxanthin, and the picture gets even better. Not only will you hair respond positively, but your Prostate function, skin, libido, and overall health will as well.
07-22-2013 9:58 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
09-01-2013 11:35 PM

A potent antioxidant hormone naturally produced in hair follicles and other body sites. The deficiency of water, iron and magnesium. Stay hydrate, use a branded shampoo and apply conditioner after shampoo. Place olive oil on hairs after shampoo. It reduce hair loss.
09-01-2013 11:35 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
10-13-2014 7:42 PM

As to hair loss and DHT.

Awhile ago when Laid had there hair products I looked into the DHT thing. It turns out that DHT in the hair follicle is made in the hair follicle. It is converted from Androsterone.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=242]
From 3-28-2012

also see this thread after 3-29-2012
(03-28-2012 7:07 PM)dexter Wrote:  Wow, how do I miss these threads. I'll be reading and see what the responses are so I can order some for myself and my wife.

Are these kid safe? Just wondering if I leave them in the shower and my kids use them for whatever reason. I know that they are around me when I use mones, but with Beta-Androsterone being Androhard/, I don't want my girls bulking up too much.

I also scare myself sometimes thinking about transdermal applications, and going bald from the process. Mixing A-Androsterone and B-Androsterone in a shampoo sounds like a great way for getting a transdermal application, then the DHT conversion in vivo, but the baldness....? Can you show some info on how you can avoid transdermal absorptions of Androsterone? Please?

I stole all the quote below from a muscle forum

from wikipedia, not that they are always right, just big
Quote:DHT aka Dihydrotestosterone aka 5α-Dihydrotestosterone, CAS# 521-18-6
DHT is the primary contributing factor in male pattern baldness.
Prostate growth and differentiation are highly dependent on sex steroid hormones, particularly DHT.
[Image: 220px-]
DHT is converted to 3α-Androstanediol and 3β-Androstanediol.
(5α-Androstane-3α,17β-diol CAS# 1852-53-5) is an androstanediol derived from DHT in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme 3-α-HSD.
(3β-Androstanediol CAS# 521-18-6) is an androstanediol derived from DHT in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme 3-β-HSD.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." -Jesus, Matthew 10:34
AD-Glace, Certo, DHEAS, single mols
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2014 7:49 PM by dexter.)
10-13-2014 7:42 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Topical melatonin for hair loss
10-24-2014 8:38 AM

More power to you guys looking into possible solutions for MPB. I gave up long ago and embraced it.

[Image: 300.JPG]

Of course, if an accessible, non-invasive, and inexpensive solution for MPB were available, I wouldn't hesitate.

10-24-2014 8:38 AM
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