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Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #1
Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
07-26-2013 11:22 AM

So, since I've started being more experimental with new mixes I thought I'd share some of what I'm finding here. I made a few posts many months before, I'm much more experienced with mones now and know what to look for.

Most of my testing is at work. I have a very high pressure job where if people don't hit targets or if they make mistakes, they get heavily disciplined or fired. Simple. There is a lot of motivation for everyone to be a quiet little perfect employee.

We're split into teams. My team has more fun than anyone else in the office and part of it is due to camaraderie, but since getting some new XS products its gotten pretty insane. In a good way!

By the way, I'll probably add to these posts via edits as I remember more.



I've been using ascend for a good while. I feel like I know it well enough to speak about it now. It gives you major respect. Balanced respect. People look at you like you can do no wrong. Ascend can have this strange effect, like you can bring people around to your way of thinking in a conversation not so much because of the points you make, more because of the force of nature that is the ascend user. You are seen as highly competent and a man to be listened to. Ladies definitely know you're there too, you're never ever invisible to them with ascend on, even if their only reaction is respect. Can intimidate the extra timid but so can all alpha products and at that point its down to the user to work with that.
Other alpha products can bring more fear than I'd like, but I don't notice it as much with ascend. That's part of why I say it is balanced.

The self effects are more balanced too. Take AV for example. Powerful stuff. You feel like a rockstar megabeast, but not a balanced, confident man. AV self effects make me think of a musclebound guy jacked up on steroids, but not necessarily comfortable with himself. He can be shaken by a bad day and begin to downward spiral if things don't go his way. Ascend on the other hand can make you feel very comfortable within your own skin. If you were balanced before ascend, wearing it can make you feel unshakeable. If the ascend user has a bad day, he is more likely to just deal with it.

Downsides: it can make you a bit serious with prolonged use. You also need to check your temper at times. People let you get away with a lot when you have ascend on and are able to follow through with your own personality. But that doesn't mean they won't at least be taken aback a little when you start to rage over little things without realising what ascend is doing. It is good to remember what you have on when anger starts to come to the fore.

I use one spray to the chest. My theory is that certain natural pheromones would diffuse over time evenly from the body. That is how they are intended to work naturally and that is how I think other people's bodies are built to best receive and react to them. My thinking is that a spray to the chest is the closest we can get to natural pheromone diffusion with one spray - not only is it coming from center mass, but clothes can help spread diffusion further without blocking it off. A spray of a heavy alpha to the neck may hit like a sledgehammer, but it isn't exactly natural and could perhaps be offputting. When I had less experience with these products I probably would've sprayed them all on my neck, as much as possible while avoiding an OD, in an attempt to get mega hits. Now I'm more inclined to have them be perceived as naturally as possible for the most part, at least with the alpha stuff. One spray of ascend to the chest works amazingly well for me.

Incidentally, ascend gives me plenty of attraction from ladies aged 40+ (I'm in my late 20's, look younger). With some of them you light up their world and they will move mountains to do things for you! That's what I've noticed, so have my team, much to their amusement...
I have read that older ladies can handle and enjoy a lot of none. Perhaps it is due to this as I feel I give off a lot naturally (I'm sure every guy says that!) Especially with my health/supplement regimen. That plus ascend may be attracting women above my ideal age range.

One of the best things about ascend is how beautifully it mixes with SteveO's socials! Flirt and bliss are brilliant with ascend for work! I'll get to those next.
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2013 11:23 AM by phshotmaker.)
07-26-2013 11:22 AM
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Pheromone Hero

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Post: #2
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
07-26-2013 1:03 PM

Thanks for the review, I love ascend, I wear it every day to work and I work in a very similar environment, the only gripe I have with it is that once all the buffers have worn off your left with a lot of Androstadienone which can make me a bit depressed, I use the oil though because the spray just stinks too much for me.
07-26-2013 1:03 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #3
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
07-26-2013 2:19 PM

I want to try the oils. I think they'll get closer to the natural diffusion I was talking about earlier than the sprays.

The smell is significant when you first apply, but let it dry down before putting on clothes and it's absolutely fine. With a shirt over a dry application, I get the odd whiff now and again but it's no longer unpleasant. No comments from others on smell either. My ascend is scented, btw.

I'm torn for my next order between the ACE oil pack and(got ACE spray though) and getting XS111, XS100 and SOB (purely on the strength of Kimba's recommendation for SOB).

I want to talk about flirt and bliss, especially after seeing the most concrete proof of the power of bliss possible today, but I'm being moaned at because I was meant to be at a birthday thing an hour ago. I'll get into it later.
07-26-2013 2:19 PM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #4
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-01-2013 1:48 AM


What I will say about this product is that it seems to work best in mixes, in my experience. 1 spray of ascend to chest, 1 X flirt to neck works really well, there is great synergy. You are still treated like the boss, but people can definitely have a laugh around you as well. It's like they were designed to go together. All the positives of ascend are kept, with none of the downsides (much less seriousness/losing of temper is apparent). People around me at work were noticeably happier when I had ascend + flirt on and we would laugh a lot.
My opinion is that flirt mixes with ascend more naturally than anything else out there.
08-01-2013 1:48 AM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #5
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-11-2013 7:55 AM

Looking back, I don't feel like I've done justice to flirt at this point in time. It would be useful to do so since there isn't much info on it and I recently bought a 15ml bottle due to the strength of ascend +flirt. I think I'll have to return to it later, but I do have a lot of different products from a lot of different companies to work my way through so it may not be soon.

However - one product I do feel I know quite intimately now is bliss...


I feel like I have tested a lot of products over the past year. I have what I would call a sizeable collection, including most of the big products from:

Alpha Dream
Pheromone XS
Liquid Alchemy Labs

And a few products from Love scent and Androtics.

The reason I mention this is so that you know where I'm coming from when I say that for me, Bliss could well be the most powerful product I've ever used in terms of sheer hit you over the head with a sledgehammer effects. From a social as well! I cannot get across how amazed I am by the strength of this stuff at only one spray. It is insane.

I had previously believed that all this power came with a serious downside, but now I'm not sure of that. Keep reading for more details.

Pretty much summed up by the name on the bottle - sheer bliss. You know when you and everyone around you end up laughing so much that you're all doubled over in tears, your faces hurt? Those laughing fits you remember for months or years later when you're reminiscing with old friends about the good times? The first week I used this at work, this happened to me and everyone else around me sitting within a 10 foot radius. Every. Single. Day. Over the dumbest things! I'd like to reiterate once again that where I work is extremely high pressure to the point where people will have one 10 minute break over a 12 hour day in order to meet quota. The job does not lend itself to a fun atmosphere at all.

Bliss made everything much lighter and carefree anywhere I used it, in any mix. Everyone is just a whole lot happier. The team I work with, we all got on with each other before Bliss. After Bliss we just plain love each other! Everyone around me has noticed how awesome the recent couple of weeks at work were and have been commenting on it. They didn't know what was going on, I do.

Here is a prime example of what Bliss can do. There was a day at work where our team were all going to go out for drinks afterwards. I was wearing a single spray of Bliss and everyone was super, super excited to be going out after work, it was all anyone on the team was talking about. We were all in a fantastic mood, it was simply a great day.

It was one of the rare occasions when I was quite a bit ahead of target so about half an hour before finish I stepped out for a while, leaving my team who were still incredibly excited about what was only a few drinks after work. I came back 5 minutes before we were due to leave. Half my team had gone home! One of them came up to me and said "yeah we're not going out anymore... one person said they didn't really fancy it and then it just kinda... fell apart..." - WHAT. Everyone had pulled out literally just before we were meant to go. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But I knew exactly why I was hearing it.
One spray of bliss, coupled with the right outside factors (few drinks after work) had everyone was ridiculously happy. Exposure was taken away for a half hour and it was like walking into a morgue! The power of Bliss.

I was wearing Bliss, cohesion and evolve that day, one spray of each. Hell of a mix like others have said. I went out anyway with some friends with and had a hell of a good time that night. So did they.

If I was to compare bliss to anything it would be a bit like summer ammo from Androtics, which makes sense. Apparently summer ammo has the same molecule in it that makes instant shine what it is. Now, I've never tried instant shine, but I loved the hell out of summer ammo. It was my go to feelgood product and I still love it now. However, Bliss is so much more refined. Summer ammo makes me crash after 5-6 hours and all I want to do is sleep. Bliss does not. Bliss also manages to be not only more powerful, but also feel more natural/smoother than summer ammo. I believe that the ratios have been really well considered here and the result is a very balanced, but incredibly powerful product.

While I was using Bliss it was easily my all time favourite. Every day I used it was an amazing day! I thought I'd be using it every day for life. I did use it every day for a few weeks. Which led to...

There was a big write up here about how I believed Bliss caused feelings of depression and super beta feelings when used a lot over a long period of time without breaks. Now I'm not so sure it was Bliss. Now I'm thinking that other pheromones may have been involved (no, nothing involving Androstadienone ) after revisiting some of them. The side effects I was describing were very serious, so I don't want to attribute them to a mix unless I'm absolutely sure. Spreading misinformation is no good for anyone. If I do later discover that I was originally right after all, I will describe my experiences in full in a later post.
For now, I will leave it at this - I had thought that Bliss (ab)use over a period of weeks caused it to have a potent negative effect on mood, but as of now I am declaring the link between Bliss and negative mood to be inconclusive.

The only downside I know of for sure - it does tend to lose some effectiveness after some weeks of use day in day out. You and those around you tend to become a bit desensitised, but this does take hours of exposure day after day. Just cycle its use. That is all you need to do.

Now someone just needs to release something that is as guaranteed for attraction as Bliss is for mood! Yahoo
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2013 6:18 PM by phshotmaker.)
08-11-2013 7:55 AM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #6
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-18-2013 6:37 PM

I edited my last post. Read it to see why.

SOB will be next. It is very, very strong. But the smell... good lord, the smell! I'm not sure sultan's oud is enough. Anyone have a good recommendation for a cover that will work with the oud?
08-18-2013 6:37 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-19-2013 10:07 AM

I have recommended it before but pick up a small bottle of majmua oil. If you like oud you'll like majmua. Stronga as shit
And lasts forever. Needs about twenty minutes of calm down time before leaving the house. I get great compliments wearing it as it is very distinct and original. Very middle eastern and manly.

If she bites you did it right.
08-19-2013 10:07 AM
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Prodigal Son
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Post: #8
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-17-2018 3:52 AM

Hello all,

Novice here, you can see my introduction in the new members’ Area.

The first thing I have observed is that the Sultan Oud scent works best with 1 spray, which is actually what Steve O recommends on the FAQ section of his website anyway. 2 sprays is too much already, and anything above that is overpowering.

I quite like the dyrdown and basenotes of Sultan Oud, while I find the topnotes a little domineering. I think I will make future purchases unscented.

There is a girl who sits next to me at work. She is new to the company. She is Italian, cute as can be, with a little puppyfat in the cheeks, sparkling blue eyes, and wavy long brown hair that cascades over her shoulders. Just a tiny bit overweight. “Juicy” is how I’d describe her. An HB9, if you must.

I am in love with her.

Obviously, she is not in love with me. But you knew that.

Day 1

In the morning I come to the office without putting on scent. Frankly, I forgot, but it sets a good baseline for comparison.

At lunchtime I go home and return after lunch with 2 sprays of Taboo. The Italian girl almost immediately takes an interest in my work. “What are you working on?” she asks, and when I show her the excruciatingly tedious market share report I am developing, she scoots over to my desk and tucks her legs under, next to me. She has me take her through it in detail. I skeptically ask about her interest in my work. “It’s just so different from what I do”, she says.

Day 2

I put on 2 sprays of Taboo and 2 sprays of XiSt. No effect whatsoever.

Day 3

I put on 1 spray of Evolve. First thing in the morning, something is wrong with my computer and the Italian girl comes and “helps” me with it, dangling her hair on me and putting her glorious neck right next to my face.

It was all I could do not to grab her then and there.

Nothing for the rest of the day.


1. Strongest effects appear to be just after I have sprayed – Day 1 afternoon and Day 3 morning.

2. The Italian girl appears to enjoy teasing me.
08-17-2018 3:52 AM
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Prodigal Son
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Post: #9
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-20-2018 4:15 PM

Does anyone know whether you can get not very well from wearing either Evolve or Crush?

I had both on today and am not feeling very well. Most likely a complete coincidence. Lack of appetite, digestive trouble, nausea.
08-20-2018 4:15 PM
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Pied Piper of Pickup

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Post: #10
RE: Thoughts on SteveO's mixes
08-20-2018 4:33 PM

(08-20-2018 4:15 PM)Prodigal Son Wrote:  Does anyone know whether you can get not very well from wearing either Evolve or Crush?
It can happen. the different ingredients in these affect users differently. Most have no effects, but some report acne, itching (SteveO's stuff makes me itch a bit as does AV). Depending on one's application and how their body reacts, nausea and other sickness type symptoms may be experienced.

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08-20-2018 4:33 PM
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