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Sex magnet = a good add on
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Post: #21
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
11-25-2016 9:16 PM

I just got a sample of this. As someone interested in others' experience, I checked threads for SOLO reports. Reports with all these ridiculous combos do nothing for the community. I had a sample of Dionysos and tried it solo with not much results, THEN I combo'd it with M3X and got a result that made me curious enough to buy a bottle. Once I have a good idea about what it does for me solo, I will report on that and maybe try a combo. But I don't understand this endless fascination with combos. Aside from layering A1 or cops with something else, everything else is just silly and likely a waste of good product.

Some of us know how to mix our own molecules/putatives/etc., which is very admirable (and really a different kind of combo). But its disappointing to see people lacking the patience to do any kind of solo testing for products with such great potential. The reports are very unreliable. Its one thing if there's a plethora of information on each product in a combo, but there are many with relatively scant reporting..that need solo reports. This being one of them, especially since it isn't offered on Apex's site.

"Where do you go from the top? You go OVER the top." Kobe
11-25-2016 9:16 PM
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Post: #22
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
11-25-2016 10:23 PM

(11-25-2016 9:16 PM)NikkiReloaded Wrote:  I just got a sample of this. As someone interested in others' experience, I checked threads for SOLO reports. Reports with all these ridiculous combos do nothing for the community. I had a sample of Dionysos and tried it solo with not much results, THEN I combo'd it with M3X and got a result that made me curious enough to buy a bottle. Once I have a good idea about what it does for me solo, I will report on that and maybe try a combo. But I don't understand this endless fascination with combos. Aside from layering Androstadienone or cops with something else, everything else is just silly and likely a waste of good product.

Some of us know how to mix our own molecules/putatives/etc., which is very admirable (and really a different kind of combo). But its disappointing to see people lacking the patience to do any kind of solo testing for products with such great potential. The reports are very unreliable. Its one thing if there's a plethora of information on each product in a combo, but there are many with relatively scant reporting..that need solo reports. This being one of them, especially since it isn't offered on Apex's site.

True... I was too lazy to report the pattern in sex magnet solo testing. Sex magnet was extremely polar to me, from me observations. And the test was run on ride share customers.

Environment was inside the car with average temp and humidity. Test subjects were either in the back of the car or the front passenger seat. So the phero cloud has a good thickness to be exposed. Every once in a while I put me hand near the air con vent, showing that am adjusting it, but me intention is to send the Pheromones to the back. And the time that they get exposed to the phero cloud is roughly between 5 to 15 minutes in average. Depending on the individual trip.

App point was near me wrist, inner side of me arm.

Optimum performance dosage was 4 sample dabs. So am assuming 2 standard bottle dabs. I did ask Thundr if he sells the standard size bottle. But unfortunately I didn't get a reply. So am assuming either the mail got vanished in the cyber space or he was busy with his full time work. Which I understand and appreciate. So I did as many tests possible till am about only half of the sample bottle. And because I personally like this product, and because it ain't available in full size or standard size bottle, I thought I should save it for special occasions and concluded that it's polar. Meaning it hits some and it doesn't others. Also it's polar on the same subject.

From me observations, this is NOT a solo driven product. U need socials or status mones to elevate her emotinal side and u need to make her understand that it's u, but no one else who's doing it. So u need to START with ur personal favorite product or products and THEN apply sex magnet when the time is perfectly synchronized. And that's why I used it on that brunette I got lucky that night. Like I said when it hits, it hits deep. So when I JUST applied it and when she sniffed it, her LMR was completely dropped. That's what this product does in me humble opinion.

Hits many random demographics. But ghosts the other rest of the demographics. It hits the ones that does pretty deep. But it was polar on the same person sometimes. Meaning one minute she's all worked up. And the next minute she's completely silent.

I aint really technical, am more into field work but from me observations, seems it's heavy on -none, but am only assuming so don't quote me on it (I would really value Thundr's opinion on this one, or Ecksentra's opinion. Thanks in advance )

And because the ride share test subject can't really understand what the hell is going on with her physical and mental reaction, shes extremely confused. Hence the silence. Not necessarily awkward silence, but more of a confused silence. Cos the same subjects have the big smile on their face when they get to the destination and say thank u. And that puts a massive grin on me own face knowing that she might'a leaked a bit down there. Lol. Only an assumption cos there were no visible wet patches on the seat. Smile

It's all fun and games to me while I test these awesome products. Am usually a guy who likes to share things like these products, and sometimes I do. But SEX MAGNET? Is defo one of the ones I'd keep it to meself. Cos I know the power of it. To me it's a very strong LMR dropper. And that's the main reasons I would use it, if I have to.

I'd really appreciate if ya can run it from ur end as well. Am pretty sure that's the same experience u'll have. If ya do report, do u rekon u could send us a link of that report please? Thanks in advance Nikko. Smile good luck.
11-25-2016 10:23 PM
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Post: #23
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
12-27-2016 3:48 PM

Received a well packaged phero drop this morning.

Sex Magnet scent is, IMO, the best scent from the house of Apex! It reminds me of Aqua Di Parma. It has the "powdery" scent that reminds me of men products like after shaves and the like.

I've decided to lock this one in as an ONLY until "I get it." I struggled wildly with Solomon, probabaly mostly due to not getting down the dosing. And I was too quick to combo. I owe it to my man Thundr, too!

Ordered Fivecrux w/ A-1 and asked for a sample of Chamber. Exciting things to kick off my new phero year!

“I read a theory once that the human intellect was like peacock feathers. Just an extravagant display intended to attract a mate... Just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn’t matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons...”

— Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins),
12-27-2016 3:48 PM
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Post: #24
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
12-28-2016 7:50 AM

(12-27-2016 3:48 PM)Spars Wrote:  Received a well packaged phero drop this morning.

Sex Magnet scent is, IMO, the best scent from the house of Apex! It reminds me of Aqua Di Parma. It has the "powdery" scent that reminds me of men products like after shaves and the like.

I've decided to lock this one in as an ONLY until "I get it." I struggled wildly with Solomon, probabaly mostly due to not getting down the dosing. And I was too quick to combo. I owe it to my man Thundr, too!

Ordered Fivecrux w/ A-1 and asked for a sample of Chamber. Exciting things to kick off my new phero year!

Yeah. I've tried this solo but was inconsistent. But when I used it in the last bit of the night AFTER I've established a certain amount'a rapport, that's when Sex Magnet shines.

And yeah the smell is pretty good too. Smile strong as well. Lasts a fair bit.
12-28-2016 7:50 AM
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Post: #25
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
01-17-2017 4:52 AM

A member on this board, who in me head is dearly loved and respected like a brother asked me to compare the two. So I thought I'll copy paste what I wrote him here for others to see and make up their mind to make the choice if they're planning to get'em. If ya reading this u know who u are. ;)

That's a pretty damn good question mate. Lol. N.p.a and SM r both sexual. HEAVY sexuals for that matter. For me anyway. And this is only me own experience and observations.

Cos when I ran'em separately/solo on Rideshare clients, some got hit amd they got hit hard to the point that they start chatting naughty 18+ rated topics if ya know what I mean. Lol. But the ones who DIDN'T get hit, were COMPLETELY quiet. As in they give simple yes no answers to open ended questions. Some even ignored me.

Amd that was the pattern for both of'em. It hit everyone randomly too. Meaning when it hit a few youngins it missed a few youngins. When it hit a few oldies it missed a few oldies. Racial demographics were the same. Except Asian ladies. Almost EVERY Asian lady was quiet. (Known factor for Asian ladies for that matter. The fact that Asian ladies r negatively sensitive to E-none. Not that they're scared though. They're just very closed about it) although the Asian ladies who DID get hit, were the ones who were 2nd or 3rd Gen Australian. They were brought up in a western culture like here, so they're more open.

01) One common thing in general was that when they hit, they both hit HARD. That's why I personally thought that SM was the best product for that chick I slept with that night at lefties, when I was wearing m3x and Titan. (Or core. Can't remember exactly which one it was. I need to go thru me notes) am out and about atm but I can send u a pic of the notes if ya like when I go home.

02) Another common thing with both N.p.a and SM (solo usage) is that they're both monthly cycle dependent. When I went down on the chicks I slept with, they had that taste and smell when they're on the peak. The lemony melon taste. And the lemony melon mixed with banana smell. (I know it's too personal, but I rekon it's critical info) with many ladies I slept with I felt that in common (while on either nnpa or SM. But with SM that happened only once cos I was able to sleep with only one target while wearing SM. With that chick that night and she had that exact smell and taste down there. To confirm, about the cycle peak matter on SM I need more targets but it was prominent with N.p.a). When they're on their peak, their response for both SM amd N.p.a r VERY strong. Hence me conclusion of the fact that they're HARD hitters. Also most of'em act very feminine. Cos of their peak in the cycle. Also they have that skin glow. When it comes to think of it, only 2 chicks were on the pill when I was wearing N.p.a. The most of the rest of'em were on their peak. (No pill usage for birth control) so yeah.

03) 3rd commonality is that they're both VERY strong LMR (last minute resistance) droppers. Meaning when ya approach the target, ya need the social sexuals. When ya escalate ya need a good LMR dropper like SM or nnpa to isolate. (It used to be Ammo for me back then when AndroticsD was functioning properly. But the PROPER Ammo, is long gone. But N.p.a or SM r pretty damn good substitutes for that matter. Am happy to say that they're even BETTER than Ammo.

04) they're both heavy kino mixes. For both giving kino AND receiving kino.

05) they both make me super horny after about 4 5 hours on me skin.

01) N.p.a is a complex product in many shapes and forms. Meaning ya need to test and see what way hits the targets better. Mixed, alone, dabbed, mixed with other colognes, covered with other colognes and dosing N.p.a is a massive test in itself. Where as SM is simple to use.

02) nnpa both oil (new version of LoveS) and alchohol (new version of LaCroy) act a bit social at times. SM is pure sexual. With SM ya can DEFO see the "I wanna rape ya" eyes from the ladies.

03) nnpa is orderless (at least to me) where as SM has a VERY masculine floral scent with a strong male musky fragrance. I love that smell. It also has a hybrid smell. Starts with a strong floral and ends with the musky smell. I like that change in smell.

Hope this helps. Smile

Good luck.
01-17-2017 4:52 AM
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Post: #26
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
01-17-2017 3:12 PM

I took my first real experiment with SM solo yesterday afternoon. I rolled about 8" on my wrists and decided to see where things went.

I wasn't in position to generate hits, but the self effects were amazing. I was very disinhibited and generally much more relaxed than usual. Made a few new friends at the pool hall and did not get wound up when my opponent started interrupting my play and trying to tell me how to make shots. She was a very butch woman (mullet, shorts and sleeveless T shirt) with anger issues, and last night wasn't unusual for her according to my teammates. She kept varying between criticism of my shots, criticism of her own play, and trying to make friends with me. Again, no baseline for this so no idea how the SM affected her or her teammates.

I was relaxed, in my zone, and had no trouble with frustration, which is frequently a problem for me as a noobie pool player.
01-17-2017 3:12 PM
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Post: #27
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
01-17-2017 4:22 PM

(01-17-2017 3:12 PM)BarefootOxford Wrote:  I took my first real experiment with SM solo yesterday afternoon. I rolled about 8" on my wrists and decided to see where things went.
Try 4" Ox. My sweet spot was 4 sample dabs. So am assuming 8" could be a tad bit too much.

Quote:I wasn't in position to generate hits, but the self effects were amazing. I was very disinhibited and generally much more relaxed than usual. Made a few new friends at the pool hall and did not get wound up when my opponent started interrupting my play and trying to tell me how to make shots. She was a very butch woman (mullet, shorts and sleeveless T shirt) with anger issues, and last night wasn't unusual for her according to my teammates. She kept varying between criticism of my shots, criticism of her own play, and trying to make friends with me. Again, no baseline for this so no idea how the SM affected her or her teammates.
True about feeling relaxed. I second that.
I wonder if SM has a positive/negative or neutral impact on butch ladies.

Quote:I was relaxed, in my zone, and had no trouble with frustration, which is frequently a problem for me as a noobie pool player.
True about feeling relaxed/lose. Helps to play pool. Smile Except for the initial break shot. For that ya need all the power of ya hand. Just messing with ya. Smile
01-17-2017 4:22 PM
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Post: #28
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
01-18-2017 3:06 PM

(01-17-2017 4:22 PM)DrChocolate Wrote:  Try 4" Ox. My sweet spot was 4 sample dabs. So am assuming 8" could be a tad bit too much.


True about feeling relaxed/lose. Helps to play pool. Smile Except for the initial break shot. For that ya need all the power of ya hand. Just messing with ya. Smile

No worries! Received in the spirit you intended. ;-)

I'll try less next time to see how it works out. I wasn't expecting such small applications when AV starts at 5" / drop.
01-18-2017 3:06 PM
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Post: #29
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
05-22-2017 5:54 AM

My first impressions are:

- Strong beautifying effects
- Disinhibition in females
- Very friendly males
- Works best with people I know
- Red HOT when mixed with M3X

my testing has been very small so far.

You may be better off wearing nutella, maybe some chick might want to lick it off
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05-22-2017 5:54 AM
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Post: #30
RE: Sex magnet = a good add on
05-22-2017 7:27 AM

(05-22-2017 5:54 AM)Pheroman Wrote:  My first impressions are:

- Strong beautifying effects
- Disinhibition in females
- Very friendly males
- Works best with people I know
- Red HOT when mixed with M3X

my testing has been very small so far.

What was your testing dosage/s, and the dosage you used for SM:M3X, Master P? popcorn


I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
05-22-2017 7:27 AM
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