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Post of the Month Winners for March!
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Post: #1
Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 7:01 PM

We are happy to announce the winners of post of the month contest for March, sponsored by HAX Pheroceuticals are:

Post of the Month: Alfa Maschio + Glace + Erox is a WINNER!!
Posted By: eyeofra
Subject: Alfa Maschio + Glace + Erox is a WINNER!!

And, eyefra will walk away with:
1 bottle of Wingman Element 7
1 bottle of Wingman Element 9
1 bottle of Wingman element 9+O
1 bottle of Wingman Black Label
1 bottle of Wingman Blue Label
1 bottle of Wingman oil based Lab Series M512
1 bottle of Wingman oil based Lab Series C4
1 bottle of Wingman oil based lab series X22
3 bottles of Wingman Element X
3 bottles of Wingman Extreme
$125.00 cold hard cash!

And, in addition to the HAX Wingman products and cash award, there's also the $25.00 Gslinger has donated, and PheroTruth's matching $150.00, making a total of $300.00 in cold hard cash!

Message: I've had a wonderful day yesterday. So forgive me if I am positively exuberant. Yesterday was so spectacularly wonderful I had to share it with you. Maybe you can have a wonderful day too haha!

I havn't had many chances to wear my mixes "in the wild" so to speak, mostly tame mixes at work save for a few exceptions. So I went out with a purpose. I wanted to wear something powerfully sexual, simply because I hadn't done so for a while. Thinking back on as3's journal, I decided to give his 3 AM + tons of glace + Androstadienone combo a twist and use Erox as the source of Androstadienone. I figured the er303 would make the mix something special.

And special it was!

My Wonderful Day MiX
3 sprays AM + 6 mini-sprays light silicone glace + 3 sprays Erox - applied to throat and temples and spread with wrists along jawline.
Setting - Out on the Daytime Prowl in my hometown
Conclusion - Homerun!

Today was my second OMG moment. But instead of being a moment that made me realize that pheromones worked, it was an entire day. It was as if I were glowing today. Aphrodite's beam of godlike sexieness was shining on me. You would think where I walked I left gold leaf footprints

Buy enough gilding the lilly. Forgive me, you want details I know. Haha here's what one of my journal pages reads like (from today). It's what I use to remember all of the hits and details I might otherwise forget

3-16. 3 AM 6 L.S. glace 3 erox
None (this means did I notice self effects). Day prowl
SK, redH w bread bitch cheerleader & friends
Coffee. Do my glasses look. Girl.kino
Glare from fatso KC
Omars cold shoulder to warmup emo/shy 2-15

(2-15 is the girls birthday so I don't forget lol)

Imagine that being scrawled into a small journal I keep in my pocket. Hehe today was three pages. Usually a day takes one.

SK - the name of the supermarket I was grabbing some chips, dip, and beer for the party later hehe. I was also looking to start a conversation with any of the lovely ladies in the store. So, the red head with the bread. She was standing at, you guessed it, the bread. I decided to try my luck, so I stood beside her and pondered the bread before me to let my phero-cloud envelope her. After a few seconds I use an opinion opener. A lame one if you ask me. I asked if she knew if Dave's bread was any good, my friend had told me to try some, but I was leery of it because it said it was "sprouted bread".

She looked at me, and seemed to evalute if she should talk to me in a split second of eyecontact. I guess I passed that test, and thank you Glace, we had a great conversation which ended abruptly when her friends showed up out of nowhere. Bitchy Cheerleader was the alpha chick, and I guess she didn't like me chatting up her friend LOL. I played it really cool and introduced myself to the rest of the group, but they were just fixtures, it was really only me, bread girl, and the cockblocking bitchy cheerleader who wanted me GONE. Well, she had a terrible attitude, drug the convo down, and I decided to bail.

Hehe I said my farewells to the group while shamelessly ignoring bitchy cheerleader. I could tell bread girl didn't want me to leave.

So I stow the snacks and head to a popular coffee shop for a cup of coffee. Its now about noon, and there are a few people in there on laptops. There was also a hottie reading a book. The tables are small and round with two chairs each. I guess its to promote socializing? So I get my Mocha and sit at the table next to the hottie so I'm "beside" her facing the same way. Not to appear awkward, since my real purpose was to test my mix and test my game, I start reading posts on this wonderful forum.

After about five minutes I laugh at something I read in an old post by Terry. My laugh rang out in the small coffee shop (I have a deep rather booming voice) causing heads to turn my way. It felt right so I looked over at hottie and quietly said oops with a grin. She closed her book, turned in her chair to face me (hehe pointing) and asked me out of the blue "Do you like the way my glasses look?

I stroke my stubble like I'm thinking and raise an eyebrow in a contemplative expression and say " Well let me get a look at them before I render judgement." They were pretty basic slim black glasses with rectangular lenses. I told her I did, and why. We talked about fashion, how its changed over the years. We commented on everyone around us.

Then the focused on me. Skooted her chair close to mine, started describing thing she liked about how I was dressed and presented myself. She started Kinoing me hard, touching my arm, shoulder, and ev entually she even put her hand on my knee. I think the longer she was exposed to my cloud the more it was kickiing in.

Anyways, this fat chick on her laptop was glaring at me while this is going on. I feel the need to end this encounter on a high note before anything changes, any bitchy friends arrive. We trade numbers and a kiss. (Hehe I ran my fingers through her hair as we kissed and I could tell she liked it).

Okay if I keep up this level of detail, this post is going to be a mile long. So now I'll summarize the rest of the day's experiences

Pizza by the Slice
Girls in line in fron of me turn and look me up and down. I did nothing to attract their attention, my cloud made them turn and look

See buddy "J" at library
He seems odd. 19 year old in red dress is relatively unnaffected. Strange. J finds excuse to leave. Seems glad to go?

Walk through park in downtown
Two failed attempts to open, one lame short convo. Wind was carrying my cloud away. Bad testing grounds. Convo open from game not mones.

Chill with hippies in town square. Dude downwind from me might have been affected, or he was just talkitive.

Check out Omar's - pop into the hotspot for a quick peek. Open group of two hot emo/gothic chicks after a bit - cold shoulder. Then while I'm hanging out with the jocks, they come over. Strange, they somehow warmed up to me without even speaking to me, perhaps that brief exposure when I tried to open them was working on them. Or it was the social proofing from how I handled the jocks (hehe somehow I just became the alpha of their group, I could tell by how they deferred to me, looked to me for my response or approval.

Anyways, the emo chicks join the group of jocks I was with. It was obvious that A: they didn't know the jocks and B: they were only there to talk to me. (Funny because I would have considered one of the dude's there better looking than me Laugh1). They were very shy, but they had a purpose. Eventually the emo chicks managed to isolate ME from the jocks. I was completely aware of what they were up to, but the pretense of me "helping" them was fine with me lol.

They turned out to be sisters, very shy; but they were comfortable with me P. I didn't try to kino them, its backfired before with shy women. But after a while they started very gradual kino with me that slowly escalated, resulting with me having my arms around two girls who were snuggled up to my chest in the corner booth. It was a good feeling having these two sisters snuggling up to me

But suddenly a switch flipped. As if they had awoke from a dream they peeled themselves off me,streched, and made up excuses as to why they had to leave. I tried to number close them but the tide had turned against me and there was no swimming against it. I failed. But it was a very fun and pleasurable failure.

I take a break from my daygame for a bit and go chill at my friend's flat on the edge of downtown. He wasn't all weirded out like J was. Glace hit slowly. I decide to wash my application off for the rest of the chill session and observe A, then re apply a fresh Phero-cloud before the party for maximum effect.

The difference was immediatly apparent. The conversation slowed and became less involved. We played MW3 untill it was time to hit the party.

House Party
Reapplied - 3 sprays AM + 6 mini-sprays light silicone Glace + 3 Erox

I wasn't "officially" invited, my bro A was, and he called me up to crash it with him. So other than A, I knew none of the people there. I think this played in my favor, there were no pre-established ideas of who I was to overcome. About 40-50 people were there, smoke hanging in the air and some preppy chick as DJ (prolly her house?). Prolly 60/40 dudes:chicks

Bunny ears Girl - I get a beer from the keg and join the group standing in a circle around it. Girl beside me gave me my first deer in the headlights look! Muhaha! So that's what you guys were talking about! She was 5'6" blondge and petite, and when she snapped out of it she abruptly left the circle.

Girl in Green - I post up on the couch across from A on the loveseat trying to game a redhead. Haha I see closed body language from her, and she leaves. Lol. After a few minutes it seems like everyone around me is talking louder. Glace? I spot a girl off to my left who it appears is being hounded by a couple of jocks rather resembling neanderthals. Its obvious by the way she's turned away with arms crossed and an expressonless face that she's not enjoying the conversation.

I go over to A and tell him to watch how its done. I have an idea, one I stole from a friend of mine who was a real joker and ladies man ( I saw him try this once, BUT he failed! Haha). So I approach the Girl in green from the side she's facing (away from the jocks at a 45 degree angle). We make eyecontact as I walk to her, and I smile. When I reach her I say "HEY! There you are we've been looking for you!". She looks confused, I wink with my eye that's away from the jocks so they don't see (they just see her confusion). But she makes up her mind and takes the out I gave her. Haha she plays along and we ditch the jocks. "Oh thanks!"

She thanks me, I say it was no problem, it looked like she could use some help escaping. She said that she didn't want to be rude, but she had been trying to end the conversation for a while. We talk for a bit, and part ways.

I go get another beer, and notice a cougar at the party. She looks like preppy DJ's mom, prolly 37, and still a smokin MILF. Hehe I have always enjoyed flirting with older women, so I decide to take a more direct tack

I walk straight up to Cougar and introduce myself, offering my hand. She takes it, and I kiss the back of her hand OLD School and start flirting with her right off the bat. Hehe she really liked it when I said something along the lines of "your the only real women here among all of these silly girls". So I flirt with her for about five minutes, then do what I call a Kino-close, where I end the interaction with a hand on the elbow, say it was really nice meeting you, and slide my hand a little down her arm trailing off about 6-8inches before her hand as I leave. Think of it as a last carress. Hehe I got her warmed up.

So as I walk back into the kitchen for another beer, #3 now, I see A arguing with this fat dude and some skinny guy wearing a starwars shirt (lol). They're accumulating a crowd, and their voices were rising. Preppy DJ girl and her hot momma show up, and all three get threatened with the boot. They calm down and the party moves on.

Bunny ears girl comes up to me as the crowd of onlookers breaks up. She starts small talk about the fight (heh nice opener girl) but the conversation turns really sexual really fast. A song comes on that she likes, and so she grabs my belt and pulls me to her for a grind session! While we're grinding to 50 cent (lol) she tells me "you smell so good".I smell her neck as sensually as i can and tell her she smells good too (she smelled great!)

After that I am basically the hottest shit, every girl wants to dance with me and I get all sorta of dirty looks from the other guys. I guess my social proof went through the roof.

Cougar tracks me down when I'm out on the back patio sharing a smoke. She grabbs my ass as she comes up beside me and all out eye rapes me. I say "How long are you going to just look at me?" And I look right at her lips."A" gets weirded out, he must know preppy Dj's mom, and he bails like we were carriers of the black plague.

After that Cougar shows me the master bedroom, and we have our own party. The rest you can imagine.

In Conclusion!
My wonderful day mix was a success! Soft enough for day game, and still a real panty wetter for night! Some intimidation from dudes and younger women, but highly attractive and arousing (er303?)!

Try it! Have youself a wonderful day!
It received nominations.

Congratulations to eyeofra Smile

The next highest nominations go to:

Alfa Maschio + Glace + Erox is a WINNER!! by eyeofra
RE: My journey of growth with a little fun mixed in. by tascov
Weekend of adventure, Wingman BL and AM,TL and HS by Sptsmed
RE: Nice guy to Alpha! My journey... by as33156
RE: Data4's non-Journal by as33156
Wingman X22 Spray by preck
RE: For those from the other PT... by Phya
RE: The start of something awesome... by Gojira
RE: Pheromones or: How I Claimed World Dominion Using Chemistry by Injektilo
developing dominant eye contact by Pheroquirk
03-31-2012 7:01 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 9:50 PM

WOW! I can't believe I won! Thanks mark, HAX Pheroceuticals, and everyone who nominated me!

Heh, want to know a secret?

That home run with the cougar was my first "score" in four years.

[Image: 34t60p1.gif]
AM, Certo, Glace, Corporativo, L2K V1 & V2, Aquagen, AV, Wolf, Nude, Hypnotica, OD Gel, Erox, N.P.A., EoaW, TL, TA, TI, TrueTrust, XXX, TrueEssence, Wingman 7, 9, 9+O, Black, Blue, X, Extreme, X22, C4 and M512, Ascend, Evolve, Cohesion, Bliss, Vibe, Prowl, ienone, anone, Androsterone, Pregnenolone, Androstadienol, Androstenetrione
03-31-2012 9:50 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 9:53 PM

No wonder you were in an awesome mood when you wrote. he he he Big Grin It was such a fun, flowing, beautifully written piece. Congratulations!!

Life's a garden; dig it

my journal:

03-31-2012 9:53 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 9:58 PM

Thanks alternative girl! Yep, I was pretty ecstatic. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, sometimes I think I'm being too detailed and I'll try to tone the level of detail down. But before you know it I revert back to my super detail-oriented mode.

[Image: 34t60p1.gif]
AM, Certo, Glace, Corporativo, L2K V1 & V2, Aquagen, AV, Wolf, Nude, Hypnotica, OD Gel, Erox, N.P.A., EoaW, TL, TA, TI, TrueTrust, XXX, TrueEssence, Wingman 7, 9, 9+O, Black, Blue, X, Extreme, X22, C4 and M512, Ascend, Evolve, Cohesion, Bliss, Vibe, Prowl, ienone, anone, Androsterone, Pregnenolone, Androstadienol, Androstenetrione
03-31-2012 9:58 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 10:15 PM

Congrats Eyeofra ! Well done ! ClappingClappingClappingClappingClappingClappingClappingClappingClappingClapping
03-31-2012 10:15 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 10:20 PM

Congrats ...

think that you´re not going to run out of some mones the next few weeks Big Grin



just away ... Anyone
03-31-2012 10:20 PM
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Post: #7
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
03-31-2012 10:53 PM

Now you will even have a bigger collection of mones. I look forward to reading about your prowlings. But yes I already have enough stock so therefore I will just read.

Congrats, Ra!


Mone Stash:
Damn near everything!
03-31-2012 10:53 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
04-01-2012 1:25 AM

See, just last month you were upset about not getting a chance to enter another contest, and this month you walk off with $300.00 and a boat load of pheromones. Funny how that works isn't it? Big Grin

Congratulations eyefra!

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
04-01-2012 1:25 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
04-01-2012 2:36 AM


Now, Thast´s an impressive set of products and a some good cash to buy new toys.

Also congrats for breaking the dry spell.

Talk to you soon.
04-01-2012 2:36 AM
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Post: #10
RE: Post of the Month Winners for March!
04-01-2012 8:12 AM

Congratulations, eyeofra. Detail is great - one never knows what may turn out to be significant...
04-01-2012 8:12 AM
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