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Passion Pheromone Attractant
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Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-12-2011 8:47 AM

Passion is my first Pheromone i bought after severall years without using any kind of pheromone cologne. I got it from a Norwegian web page. For me, this product looks to be sold from many companies, among them Liquid Alchemy. Please dont mix up this product as if it was produced by Liquid Alchemy as Liquid themself clearly say that this is a product from Stone Independent. The same goes for "Alter Ego" and "AFA" who Liquid also sell (Or do you say re-selling?).

About Me : I am 38 year old, and at the present time not in a relationship. I look normal good for the age and have an average veight and fit. As a person people often see me as a kind and a bit too "nice guy"

Were i live : I live in a small town with a population around 6-7000. It is situated far north of the arctic circle. It is a town being somewhat isolated, and it takes hours of driving for getting anywhere.
The climate can be harsh and so can the people be, with many behaving very macho. The town have a huge mix of different cultures and ethnicies who origin from all around the world. However the most present are Norwegian, Sami, Russian, Finish and a group of people calling themself Kven.
Common works in town are : Fishermen and industry related to this. There are also many office workers related to governmental administation.

Where i test Passion : I have tested Passion for three weeks. I am running a convenience store and usually work 75-85 hours each week. So i wouldnt have much other choice than testing passion while at work. The one being exposed to Passion would be customers and of course my employees. I have 8 employee, 6 women and 2 men working shift. All in age 19-27.
About 3 out of 4 are male customers.

Relation to my employee before test-start : We have an relaxed and friendly working environment. I dont think any of them hold anything against me. I think they see me as a kind and helpful boss who give them much freedom and responsability. But they also know i dont accept shit and they have seen my reaction to this a few times. But of course, that is how i like to hope they think of me.Yahoo

The scent of passion : Passion have a very mild, almost weak scent. I would say it smell rather pleasant and somewhat sweet. Since its no intense smell, it would be perfect if you want to use it with other products. Its also great for daily use as a stand alone, as i intend to get tired of scent being to strong.

The bottle : The bottle comes sealed and together with the label, this looks to be professional made, and not from a single amateur guy trying to make some money. Other of the Stones products comes with a dropper. Passion do not. This might look hard, but getting right dose was rather easy. Just press a finger at the opening turn the bottle, and there you go : Your finger is wet to a size of about a drop.

Allergy reactions? : After three weeks of use i recognised three customers getting spontanious reactions as sneeze and red eyes. One of those customers was/is a regular, he looked rather upsett and have not come back yet. Compared to the number of customers, i would say number of this reaction is low.

Is my test reliable? : Of course not! I pay attention to reaction when wearing Passion, but did i pay attention before start using? Can i see signals that actually have been there all the time, i just havent seen them before now? Or do i want Passion to work so much that i give it credit for happenings, who would have been there even without using Passion?
But when using Passion over three weeks i should be able to see wether things and attitude in people are dramaticaly chanced or not, compared to normal. During test time i tried to behave as normal.


Week one :
My first day using Passion was Monday. I didnt want to scare away my customers, so i started easy. First day, only one drop on my neck. I got no reaction from anyone.
Rest of the week i used two drops, one on each side behind my ear. I got no signal telling me of any extra attractivnes. No either from employee or customers. But i did see some chances. It looked as 2 out of my 6 female employeers was behaving more friendly to me, but a sort of respectfull friendliness. I did notice that one of the two who reacted respectfull friendly had lowered her intimate zone against me.

Weekend : I was going to my friends house for an party at saturday. Nothing big just 6 of us drinking some beer and wine. I used the same two drops of Passion. One of the people was a woman i had never meet. I was sitting beside her at the coach most of the evening. She treated me as if we had been friends for a very long time, but the same as my employeers ; in a very respectful way. There was absolutely no signs of attraction, just friends. She was talking swedish, but did look as she came from northern Africa. So i asked here where she came from. And then it started ; it wasnt enough for her to tell me where she came from, she also told her entire life story. Some other wanted to put on some music, but she yelled that they couldnt, as they had to wait until she was finished talking. Someone else said something, and she "husssshed" them, leaving the other making comments to her : "Whats up with you?"

Week two : I decided to increase the amount of Passion to see if there was any chances. I added both behind ears, two drops on my neck and also two drops upon my hands. The reaction was not pleasant. I felt dizzy and annoyed. A male employeer also looked annoyed at me. So i went to the toilet, cleaned myself and tried over again. Now a total of three drops, behind my ears and one on my neck, and the result was better and more pleasant. I have used this for the rest of my test time.
I got nothing special from males but a few responds from female customers above age 35. I got responds from my female workers : 2 absolutely attractive responds, 2 slightly attractive responds and 2 friendly respectful responds.

This is the two largest hits i got this week :
Hit 1 - one of my employer is a nice girl of 23 year, she is very attractive, witty and social. I never even got any eyecontact from her before, and she usually are very fast getting out when her shift is over. She simply have been the employer i had least contact with. Yesterday when she had a day free, she came in the store for delivering her tax card and was about to leave when she stoped and returned to me. She asked me if i was happy with her cleaning of the coffemachine yesterday, while she was looking stright in to my eyes and giving me a flirting look. She looked in to my eyes for about 5-7 seconds before she was looking down and blushing, becoming all red. I answered in a funny tone : You dont think i should be happy? She was lost for words, giving me no answers. Strange, because she always have words ready for my comments. A customer came, so she left without saying goodbye. But an hour later she was suddently here again wondering if she should rent a movie. She tried a joke once on me, but mostly she was surpisingly silent, but looking at me severall times, specially when she tought i wasnt paying attention to her. But getting any conversation now was almost harder than normal.

Hit 2 : The woman releasing her intimidate zone against me last week are showing me more body language of attraction. One evening we were working together. The weather was bad, and the customers few. She should split for buying a lottery ticket. And we should scratch each on second turn. While doing so she satt so close to me as possible. Once while i scratching, she sniffed me on my neck. We won on the ticked and got enough to buy two more tickets, but at that time a male friend of her came in and had something to tell her. Maybe i am wrong, but it looks for me as he are hot for her, and his strategy for getting her is to become her friend and stay with her as much as possible. That gave me a chance to get her on a little distance, so while he was talking, i went to to the backroom for getting some Cola to fill up. She came after me and asked if we wasnt going to scratch the tickets, so i came back to her. Then the strangest thing happen : She totally ingnored her friend who was still talking to her. All she did was sitting close to me as possible with a total focus of the ticket. He looked rather confused, as he wasnt shure what to do. He asked her a question, but she didnt answered. He then started to walk around in the store as if he was waiting for her to finish scratching the ticket. Then we won again and she was extatic cheering and giving me a hug, as if we won a million, but it wasnt, we won about ten dollar. Her friend then decided to leave and said goodbye. She didnt even looked up at him and just said "ehhh....yeahh"
Later on the evening i added another drop at the neck, i then went to get a paper and walked pass her with a rather fast walk. Then i returned and passed her close again this time also speedy walk. About four steps after passing her, she breaks out this sound "Aahhhhhhh". I stoped, turned around and said "Did you say something?" She just answered "ehhh... No ... I Think..."
By the way, this woman usually have no troubles with words.

Week Three : After thinking over the last two weeks of experience, i can see that the generall effect are women becoming rather shy. Its kind of "I like you, but are affraid of making you annoyed" behaviour. There are not much flirting but many sexual signals. After looking around on internet, i find that use of Scent of Eros could make things better. So i make an order of two bottles. One scented and one unscented.
What i got from week two have now become more intense in week three. Actually all of my female employeers are now giving me strong attraction signals. One of the two male employeers are now also giving me much more respect.
I will not write much about all the hits i got in week three, but one from a customer who in my opinion was a little scary :

Last summer a sweet and beautiful woman in the mid twenty entered the store. She bought an hamburger, and while i made it for her, she told me she had just moved to town. She also told me that she is waiting for a late airplane, because she is going for a week to Svalbard. I didnt see her again before two months later. I then asked her how Svalbard was. She was surprised and happy i remembered her. After she left, one of my staff told me her story. She once had a boyfriend who is a real jailbird. He didnt treat her well and was very violent and beating her constantly. She got pregnant with him and decided it was safest for the baby to move out of town, to get away from her boyfriend. Later on she met a new man, who also happened to be a jailbird, a real fitness man. But this man is belived to at least be nice to her. Her ex-boyfriend heared about it and went to look her up. It didnt went well for him as her new boyfriend beated him so much up that he ended at hospital. He is now at a mental hospital. And with her X being out of the way, she decided to move back to town.
At week three she came in store, did some shopping with no reaction. Next day she was back, and this time wearing a tight small top who was revealing more than hiding. This was a strange thing to wear considering it is very cold outside. She had her boyfriend tagging along. She bought a hot-dog. While preparing her food, she hold her chest up and her arms pushed down in a way her breast was pushed up. It looked as her breast almost about to popp out. She was almost constantly smiling and giving me flirting eye contact. She started to babble about what hot-dog is good or not. I tried to awoid lookin to at her. I gave a look at the boyfriend, and he stood there with his mouth wide open and staring at her. It reminded me as if he was looking at a car crash.
When she left, she asked me if i was going out on saturday. I said maybe, and she answered that she and a couple of girls are going, so maybe she will see me. After they left and the doors closed, i could hear him screem to her "What the f... was that about"
I didnt go out that Saturday, and i havent seen her in the store anymore.

Weekend : The Scent of Eros arrived Saturday. It was realy fast shipment. Only four days. I tried it out Sunday together with Passion. I used it the last four hours at work. The effect i got was amazing. No more shy respect. Just normal respect. Relaxed effect with more hits in four hours than the last three weeks together.

NOTE : At Liquid, i find their description of Passion, containig three pheromones. Now i just had a look at Stone's web page, and there i actually find that its not what i belived. Its actually only containing androstenone as a stand-alone pheromone. This would in my opnion make sense to all the shyness. And when using Scent of Eros together, i got a mix with what Scent of Eros and Passion dont have as their own use. It looks to me that Liquid's description of Passion is a mistake / mix up, as the description actually belongs to Alter-Ego
02-12-2011 8:47 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-12-2011 7:21 PM

Awesome report. So far I haven't gotten any hit with Passion yet - interesting observation. I do see some girls checking me out at bookstore but yeshh they are all shy...plus I was more interested with the books than them....

Makes sense if it's actually naked none
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2011 7:21 PM by ppHamelin.)
02-12-2011 7:21 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-12-2011 9:13 PM

Age and attitude also paly a huge part in how others perceive androstenone. If you can carry off the signature you can get away with insane amounts of it and not get ghosted. I once wore 225 mcg's of androstenone and high doses of a couple of other molecules to an outdoor fair, but even when inside the indoor events I had no negative reactions and even had a couple of strong hits.

You can find the thread over at pherotalk, it was titled: "Lets Play With Fire".

Nobody changes until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change....
02-12-2011 9:13 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-22-2011 5:05 AM

I didnt mention anything about the self effect i had from using Passion. And since this only contain Androstenone, i guess this is a description of my self effect of none in general :

The good side : I actually felt more masculin. More MANLY so to speak. Many times using this i felt more confident in myself, but also more interested in taking care of myself. I once went to the bathroom and started shaving, when i then i cought myself wonder why i am shaving, as i didnt need shaving at that moment.
Before i started testing Passion, i had for several months tought about start going to the gym again, but i just didnt have the motivation. After using Passion, i am almost a regular at the gym now. And if i one day is not in the mood to go, all i do is give me a drop of Passion on my neck, and few minutes later i will be heading for the gym.
I also notice a more calm way of thinking, but not necesary more focused.
Sometimes it also feels as i easilier get turned on by women compared to usual.

The bad side : My mood do not get any better when using Passion. If i am stressed or tired, i get significantly short tempered (but in a calm way). There have been several times at work when having many customers at once, where i also stand there making hamburgers and being very busy. At those times i had an urge to just yell at the customers for no good reason, and would have to start controling myself for not doing anything stupid. Of course that is not good, and if i had a short-tempered nature from the begining, i absolutely do not think none would be a good thing to use.
I also could get tired of using Passion and would find that it is at times good to take some days free of use.

Of course this are things i have noticed, but can not promise are real self-effects. After all i had expectations when using Passion, and maybe what i feel only reflects my expectations.

When thinking back to the effects i get from women, i see that Passion is very unpredictable. One day it can be almost magic, but a week later i see no reaction or almost repulsive reaction, before some days later it is effective again. But maybe menstrual cyclus depends on none's effectivity? If so, i think it can be a good explanation to what i seen. I know for shure that one of the women giving best effect, started on pills, and now she doesnt look to get that thrill she used to.

Maybe its just me thinking to much, but sometimes it doesnt look like Passion as a stand alone make the women attracted to me, but attracted to the feeling Passion is giving. I have seen many become shy or intimidated, and that looks to give a kick. Kind of a "Forbidden Fruit" kick.

However, as i seen the effect mixing Passion with Scent of Eros, using Passion as a stand alon product is just no point in doing as those two mixes are great.
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2011 5:19 AM by Q-Tips.)
02-22-2011 5:05 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-22-2011 7:23 AM

That's nearly a textbook explanation of Androstenone effects. Very astute!

And yes, menstrual cycles play a large part in the effects it has on women: when they are ovulating and their bodies are telling them to mate, Androstenone tells them that you'd be a good choice. When they aren't ovulating it can be perceived as aggresssion and repulsive.

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02-22-2011 7:23 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
02-22-2011 11:46 AM

(02-12-2011 9:13 PM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  Age and attitude also paly a huge part in how others perceive androstenone. If you can carry off the signature you can get away with insane amounts of it and not get ghosted. I once wore 225 mcg's of androstenone and high doses of a couple of other molecules to an outdoor fair, but even when inside the indoor events I had no negative reactions and even had a couple of strong hits.

You can find the thread over at pherotalk, it was titled: "Lets Play With Fire".

I can only confirm this. I've worn high doses of androstenone many times now and I've never noticed any negative reactions from people around me. When I first started with pheromones I read everywhere about the potential overdose so I was very carefull with the dosing. But since I've got my dirty primitive I went as far as wearing 5 drops of it (about 44mcg of unbuffered Androstanone) and saw no signs of overdose. Or better said, I have fun no matter how much Androstanone I wear. It may be, that some women are intimidated, but then again those are the ones I would not approach anyway since I find to have the most fun with the alpha type of women and from my experience they don't get intimidated so easily.

One note though is that I have an intimidating look, so high Androstanone level is something that goes well with what people are expecting from me in the first place.
02-22-2011 11:46 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
07-11-2012 9:59 PM

(02-22-2011 11:46 AM)Intrique Wrote:  I can only confirm this. I've worn high doses of androstenone many times now and I've never noticed any negative reactions from people around me. When I first started with pheromones I read everywhere about the potential overdose so I was very carefull with the dosing. But since I've got my dirty primitive I went as far as wearing 5 drops of it (about 44mcg of unbuffered Androstanone) and saw no signs of overdose. Or better said, I have fun no matter how much Androstanone I wear. It may be, that some women are intimidated, but then again those are the ones I would not approach anyway since I find to have the most fun with the alpha type of women and from my experience they don't get intimidated so easily.

One note though is that I have an intimidating look, so high Androstanone level is something that goes well with what people are expecting from me in the first place.

Hey there,

I'm quite new to this mones stuff. Has anyone tried the Perfect Ten product? It really has the highest concentration levels after looking at the various products.

07-11-2012 9:59 PM
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Post: #8
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
07-11-2012 11:17 PM

(07-11-2012 9:59 PM)jeriahkwok Wrote:  Hey there,

I'm quite new to this mones stuff. Has anyone tried the Perfect Ten product? It really has the highest concentration levels after looking at the various products.


Concentration levels aren't that important. What's more important is the balance of the mones in there.

Compendium still under construction, no ETA
07-11-2012 11:17 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Passion Pheromone Attractant
07-12-2012 7:37 AM

(07-11-2012 11:17 PM)DGamer Wrote:  Concentration levels aren't that important. What's more important is the balance of the mones in there.

So i see you used to use TA & TL in the past. So they didn't work well for you? I put 3 drops of TA usually and although i like the self-effects I don't really see much hits.
07-12-2012 7:37 AM
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