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New Product Triple X Review
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New Product Triple X Review
08-11-2018 9:18 AM

I order this a little while back and here is a report of what I got so far. I am not done fully testing, but wanted to report what I got.

Initial Thought

I made my order and received this maybe 3-4 business days later in good order like I am used to with Copulins X. I open the package up and take the bottle out and inspect everything, and no leaks and everything is good so far.

The bottle is a 7.5ML just like the regular cops. It has a black label, but for some reason the contents look darker than the regular Cops bottle from them. It looks more of a clear viscous type of fluid than the thicker regular cops. Seems much thinner.

I carefully unscrew the top and take a whiff, and whoa this is very heavy on the ethanol and could seems that this stuff could easily be up in a spray bottle instead. I was expecting a heavier cop scent, but the Androstenone comes thru more. The Androstenone is very high quality and would compare it to Stevo`s Pheromonexs. I am very intrigued because the Androstenone seems to blend perfectly with the cops.
As far as scent from the bottle seems to go in this order to me anyways.

1. Ethanol
2. Androstenone
3. Cops

1ST Run/2 Drops

I got this one a week day and of course could not wait to test this out. I applied to neck and waited 10 minutes to write down what I feel. This is a very heavy Ethanol base for a dropper bottle IMO and could be put in a spray bottle. The Ethanol scent dies down very fast and there is this unique scent of the Androstenone/cops to where about 70% of my 10 minutes the Androstenone came thru more than the cops. I am having a slower ramp up of the energy surge compared with the regular X cops. With regular X cops it is a massive surge of energy, but with this it is more of a steady ramp up. I put on my cover scent which is ADG over this and head of to work, yes work out of all places!

On the drive there the energy is steady increasing and finally peaks in about an hour and just holds there.

I walk in and everyone greets me and I say high like normal. We work with a Dyke kind of butch chick, she is 37 Hispanic and she has some issues with people in general and can be a total bitch, but with me she has not had her attitude at all which is a nice change. In fact her pupils are dilated and she is offering to help me which is very weird for her.

Next one of the guys I work with I don`t notice much from as far as hits, so no change here.

I have to get ready for an Audit of the work place and 2 women will be joining me, both white one of them is 60, and the other is 22.

We meet up at the office and right away the older lady lights up and even puts her hand on my shoulder and is more excited than normal to see me. The younger one I have never met before, but she is somewhat shy and after shaking her hand she drops her clip board and seems borderline intimidated. I work on the younger on to put her more at ease, and within an hour she is opening right up.

Most of the audit over 2-3 hours the older one can touching me a LOT, and giving me a lot of compliments, which is out of the norm for her. The younger one kept giving me a lot of smiles and IOI`s, by hair flipping and biting her lower lip, especially when I would talk to her. They both kept looking at me to take charge of everything even though they are both in a much higher position than I am.

After all of this I went to work at my normal area and I work with an Hispanic women maybe 50, about an 8 as she is very pretty by most standards.

I start working with her like normal and with an hour she is just being very antagonizing and making comments, like "I don`t think you like working with me", then she would say "You need to stay up her and be a team with me and the hell with everyone else". I laughed about all this at first, but over about 2 hours she was getting pushy and really frustrated(at this point I honestly forgot I even had this XXX on), so it really thru me off.

At the end of the day this got so bad, that I told her "you know what you do your job, and I will do mine, how about that". She then stops talking, then I leave for the day.

I was driving home and now it is about 9-10 hours after I put this one in the morning, and the Androstenone/cops hit me and then it clicked I just got shit tested hard! I have had this happen before, but to no where to this degree!

So just to give everyone an idea my norm day to day mix is 2 drops of True Alpha, to 3 drops Swoon. So what I did is take a break and go back to my normal mix for the next day and it took me about an hour and everything with this women seemed back to normal.

2nd Test

After that first initial and break for a day, I decide to really dial this shit up to see how far I can take this women at work before she does something!

So I go for 4 drops! 1 each wrist, and 1 each side of neck and then my ADG as a cover. My goal is to really piss this woman off and replicate the shit test, and then put her in place and have no fear doing with even though this is where I work. The tough part is her husband is the main HR guy to! More about that in a minute.

So I am feeling very powerful, like King Kong now! I get to work and everyone is friendly like normal and I am getting major IOI`s especially from all women 40+, but I had very limited interactions with them to write anything solid yet. I get settled in and go work with the lady from the last test.

I get there and slowly walk and greet her with a smile and sit at my desk and begin work. We work in a very small office maybe 12X15 with 2 desk, so the mones are really strong in the room. Right away she starts being fidgety and looks very flustered. I look over and she is giving me nasty looks. The more she does, the more I smile.

I let this build up for about 20 minutes, then I try making small talk with her and she starts in again about how she thinks I don`t like her. I laugh about it, then she mentions about her husband being a big guy and in HR. I laugh and say "I don`t care how big he is, or what he does and if there is a problem lets go see him".

Then she shrinks back and just stays quite for the next 3 hours and starts making small talk with me and I go with it. Over about a 5 hour period she transitions from trying to be an Alpha standoffish woman, to being very playful and giving me IOI`s like the smiles and giving me compliments on the CB radio.

By the end of the day she was in a good mood and happy and upbeat.

Conclusion so far

I really like this stuff and for me put this in category of a power mix and put it in the same class as,

1. True Instinct
2. Turn Up The Heat
3. XXX

not necessarily in this order, just in the same class. This stuff can be useable for day use, but I highly suggest some steer others. I am by far NOT DONE TESTING, as I am waiting for my wife to get over that time of the month so she can test it to.

This is a solid product, and will more than likely be using this in very small doses for a lot of mixes. The Value is very high for this product. For $40(I think I spent $46 shipped) as the effects are clearly there and at 7.5ML bottle the price point is great. I like categories and this is up there with

1. Swoon $68 for 30ML bottle
2. GOA $40 for 30ML bottle
3. XXX $40 for a 7.5ML bottle

My top 3 value mones are these and in this order for me right now. I go off of quality, effects, usability(Why Swoon is #1), cost, length of effects. This is more of a thinner liquid than an oil. The Androstenone/cops actually blend to gether very nice and BAG has done a great job of this. What I really like is the slow ramp up of energy and I did not have any crash and with a cover I easily got 8-10 hours out of this with no crash. It seems the Androstenone to me is responsible for helping make this happen.

Hits women very hard and all the signs where there and this hit almost all women in some way I encountered. I am not done testing and this is a more preliminary report and not a final of what I got so far.
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2018 9:20 AM by justintime469.)
08-11-2018 9:18 AM
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Post: #2
RE: New Product Triple X Review
08-13-2018 12:38 PM

Love your findings, Mister InTime! Drinks

I am MORE than a sausage with feet, but you, Miss, since you're sexy, you can treat me as such if you want! ALL NIGHT LONG!! Preved
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2018 12:39 PM by MMM.)
08-13-2018 12:38 PM
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Post: #3
RE: New Product Triple X Review
08-18-2018 7:43 AM

I thought I would finish up from my first report about the XXX. This stuff is very powerful to say the least!

Follow up testing with woman at work

I went back to my normal daily mix of 2 drops TA and 3 drops swoon for Monday. She was still somewhat standoffish and closed off a little while giving me slight IOI`s like the lip biting and hair flipping. She was closed off more and quite. It took me all week to get things turned around, Tuesday I added 1 drop of GOA to soften things up to my baseline mix of TA/Swoon. This seemed to comfort her and help smooth things over, so I ran this Tuesday and Wednesday. Then Thursday I added 2.5MCG of B-nol which really help things and she opened up all about her personal life which caught me off guard, and then the same Friday.

So it took about 3 days for things to get back to normal really and the 1 drop of GOA which seemed to comfort her. I did not even read the strength on the website till after I wrote all my notes down on paper and seen that it is 9MCG a drop!

Wife testing XXX

I put 2 drops 1 on each of her wrists. The very first thing she says is "Really the cheese smell again", so she covers it up with some perfume and I don`t know what the hell she put on TBH, but it covered it up fairly good.

I am not one to give my wife a lot of attention and I do admit I lack in this area, but within 5 minutes I am really into her and giving her more eye contact and holding her hand much more. I not only find her more attractive, but for me I am looking at her with more respect of her being a woman and what she does for me. I can`t stop looking at her and undressing her in my mind.

She says she is more turned on, but not a night and day difference, and what is turning her on is the attention I am giving her more than the XXX itself, so I think there is a synergistic effect and my actions are working in unison with this product and very inline with exactly what it is designed to do. What I am feeling is a very in the moment and the physical and is not so much emotional as it is a hardcore physical lust felling.

We decide to go out to eat at a local Chinese place. On the car ride there the feelings I am having are hitting me hard and by the time we get there I have to work a little to control myself. We get there and walk in and my wife takes control of things and talks to the waitress and choses the seat, which is not like her as she is very passive, normally she makes me decide everything. This turns me on even more because I find a woman that is assertive very sexy.

We sit down and the waitress comes over(she is about 20 white) and asks what we want to drink, and the whole time is looking at my wife and not in a sexual way, but more of a deep respect I look up to you way, she even comments on the perfume she is wearing. My wife thanks her and she stands there for a good 5 seconds, and then goes and gets our drinks.

We get up and go and get our food(it is a buffet setup) and as my wife walks by people a few guys turn and follow her scent trail. Now I am normally not jealous, but I got slightly irritated by this which is not like me at all! We get out food and sit down to eat and I feel like I this women is new to me and on my first or second date and really enjoying it. As we are eating the 20 yr old waitress keeps coming over to check on us more than normal and really looking and talking to my wife the whole time she keeps coming over. We get done eating and the waitress comes over and looks at my wife and gives her the check, which 8 or 9 times out of ten the look at me and give me the check. We end up paying then go.

We go to get some groceries, and now that we are full we won`t buy unnecessary crap. We get there and grab a cart and start shopping. We run into a long time male friend and the whole time he is looking at my wife and he keeps looking right at her chest as he is talking to her and he don`t care I am right there either, but I don`t mind so much with him. After 10 minutes we need to get going and he keeps finding ways to keep the conversation going, and this lasted for 20 minutes total before we get going.

We are getting fruits and the little bags are out and we watched 2 others ask about this to one of the people working there and they said they were out of the bags. My wife is now the third to ask and the guy which is Hispanic about 40, and he says "I will check in the back". Now we watched him turn 2 others down, so he goes in the back and by now we are already 3 aisles over. He tracked us down to let us know he found some bags. We finally get our groceries and leave.

Final Thoughts

This is highly effective not only in attraction, but to get respect as well. Can help bring a more dominant and assertive side to women. I don`t know about anyone else, but if I don`t respect a woman, it does not go very far with me, and with the XXX I saw my wife in a new light like I never have before. The dose could have been 1 drop or even lower. Other women seemed drawn to my wife and this did not seem to intimidate them. I was full of lust for my wife, almost like thins were new again and we just met.

I have been finding the value of this is very high because this can easily be cut in 1/2 or 1/3 as far as dose and I will be using this make mixes. For a sexual and at $40 you can not go wrong with it. I find people will respect you with this, but you have to be careful because it is very easy to OD with this and why I will more than likely cut the dose in 1/2 at least. I have tried this in combo with stuff, just hard because I have not made a mix where I cut the dose yet. With Swoon this hits really hard if you have good social skills with people. One of the best setups I have used, just takes warming people up to you with this setup. A fun/dirty sexual.

I find this is a must have product and at 40$ you can`t go wrong. I get a solid 6 hours out of it with slightly less effect very well into the next day if I don`t shower. For as heavy as it is in Ethanol I am surprised it lasts this ling, but it does. I would suggest a social with this as it can come off very string, but with my wife she had no problems at all with no social. This brings out IDGAF attitude in me and wants me to listen to some Too Short and bone my wife. A bad boy attitude in a bottle, just needs something to take that slight edge off for day use. Power in a bottle. Needs a strong cover because there is also a synergistic effect of the scent from the cops and Androstenone.

A must have for any serious phero enthusiast. The energy surge is more consistent and is a slow ramp up verse the regular cops or X stick. If you are in a bad mood I would not wear this because the cops/Androstenone setup will bring this out. Overall I have been extremely happy with X copulin products.
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2018 7:45 AM by justintime469.)
08-18-2018 7:43 AM
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Post: #4
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-03-2018 12:27 PM

Wow thanks for the detailed reviews, justintime469! I went ahead and made samples of Triple X available so people can see what its about without having to spend that much.

- B
09-03-2018 12:27 PM
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Post: #5
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-15-2018 6:50 AM

(09-03-2018 12:27 PM)BAGreat Wrote:  Wow thanks for the detailed reviews, justintime469! I went ahead and made samples of Triple X available so people can see what its about without having to spend that much.

- B

Yeah no problem, I know you put a lot of hard work and effort with your products no doubt.

I wish more people would test and report on this one, as the XXX is extremely powerful. Maybe have another sample offer like before, even if you don`t send out full bottles like you did with the regular cops, just the samples maybe 10 of them I was thinking. I know people on here would test and report back on it what they got out of it. I really think if people tested this they would like it. This should help you sell this product IMO.

I also had an idea for a Cop sample pack to, like maybe samples of both the regular Cop blend and the triple X with X stick. Something like $15 for all 3 I think would be a really good price point and people would buy this as a sample kit.

These are just some of the ideas I have had and think people would go for it. What does everyone think of this?

I just looked at the website and seen the regular Sample of $0 with a limit of 1 per customer.
(This post was last modified: 09-15-2018 6:52 AM by justintime469.)
09-15-2018 6:50 AM
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Post: #6
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-25-2018 8:45 PM

This looks great. I am surprised there are not more review. I am going to buy a sample once the copulins stick come back into stock.

09-25-2018 8:45 PM
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Post: #7
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-25-2018 9:09 PM

I'm not pissing on anyone's parade and I haven't read this thread yet, BUT I'm not crazy about the name of the product when M3X was referred to as xxx back in the beginning days. I thought this may have been a cute new thread about M3X...
09-25-2018 9:09 PM
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Post: #8
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-25-2018 9:59 PM

(09-25-2018 9:09 PM)HappyGoSkillfully Wrote:  I'm not pissing on anyone's parade and I haven't read this thread yet, BUT I'm not crazy about the name of the product when M3X was referred to as xxx back in the beginning days. I thought this may have been a cute new thread about M3X...

Kind of makes sense though because the name of the website is

The flagship product is Copulins X so the name Triple X seems like a play of that. I imagine all the future products will be followed with an 'X'.
09-25-2018 9:59 PM
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Post: #9
RE: New Product Triple X Review
09-25-2018 10:22 PM

(09-25-2018 9:09 PM)HappyGoSkillfully Wrote:  I'm not pissing on anyone's parade and I haven't read this thread yet, BUT I'm not crazy about the name of the product when M3X was referred to as xxx back in the beginning days. I thought this may have been a cute new thread about M3X...

I did not even think of this. Now i am thinking of it I seen in a True Instinct thread someone call this product xxx also. I dont know if I can edit the title of this thread or not, but if i can i will for my clarity, thank you for pointing this out.
09-25-2018 10:22 PM
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