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Needs to be said............
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Post: #1
Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 8:42 AM

I am speaking strictly as Tisha here, not as the administrator or for my fellow administrators.

Today when I was cruising my usual forums something came to my attention that left me quite upset.

Diane from Paradise 7 made some untrue comments about our forum and some personal slanderous comments about one of the admin here. This should not have surprised me as this seems to be a frequent habit not just against us but against myself and other companies such as Androtics.

On the comment she made about this forum

Diane paradise 7 Wrote:Dear Tezza, since the Admin at Pherotruth is actively discouraging anything being said about my products

No one here has discouraged Diane's products. In fact that is quite the opposite. I suggested in more then one thread that people try Men at work as a alternative for A314. Even though I had no luck in the early testing of Diane's copulins we have suggested people try them when they complain about the smell of Essence of Woman . We make people aware of her copulins when the subject comes up.
We have encouraged members who try her products to review them for the benefit of all members. We have a thread to her store dedicated to her products just as we do other companies. How are we discouraging people from using or talking about her products ?

Both Snoop and Tezza have practically been advertising for her here. Announcing every sale, sample and the opening of her forum (which was rude by the way) and we didnt say a word. We have respect for other forums here. We dont post links to our forums on there's because we know how hard they work to produce traffic to there sites and we work hard for ours to. Still when it was done to us we allowed it. Again I have to ask how are we discouraging people from talking about her products ?

We have asked one thing from members. Review the products and give your unbiased opinion of them. Good or bad. Some people will love her product and some people wont. It comes with the business and every pheromone company deals with this. However every pheromone company does not feel the need to attack every time someone disagrees with them. When I gave my honest opinion of her copulins she attacked me and would not let up, not just in my reporting thread but in other threads and in emails to members. Truthfully the attacks started way before when she was at Androtics. Another member here mentioned the smell being disagreeable and was attacked for it. Having a opposing opinion and responding to that is one thing. Running to the company every time someone says anything remotely negative about your company is entirely another. If you disagree with the report then tell the member about your experiences but dont attack there opinions.

It came to a point here where we knew as administrators to keep the integrity of the forum we had to enforce the rule that no pheromone company owners were going to be allowed to participate here on a verbal level. Not in person or by proxy of sending there reps. We want people to feel comfortable posting there true opinions and experiences. Diane the member was banned for personal differences and attacks on this admin but her store and her products were not banned from this forum and we have continued to support her store despite these personal differences. These differences should not and do not reflect on the fact that she offering a product in the pheromone arena.

Diane Paradise 7 Wrote:And as far as the 7X comments, look at the source. This person holds no love for me for personal reasons that have nothing to do with the science behind real pheromone blend design and everything to do with his own psychological difficulties and challenges. I don't take his responses to me or my blends personally because I know of the demons that grip him. And believe me, they rend him more than he could ever rend me.

This is a slanderous personal attack on Mark. We have never attacked this women on a personal level or on any level. How dare she. Evil Mark is entitled to his opinions and to discuss mixing of pheromones. If snoopy didnt agree he could have addressed it in his thread. Hell I said I didnt agree with it right in the very thread we are referring to without attacking anyone. I know Snoop works for her as a beta tester but come on. I respect Snoops opinion of pheromone products. I have known him from here and over at Ptalk for a long time. I would like to think he respects our opinions as well even if some may differ from his. We are here to share our experiences not convince people.

As for the rude and uncalled for remark Diane made about Mark. Mark is a great guy who has always been a kind, helpful and loyal friend and it pisses me off to no end the Gaul of this comment, Since she decided to play on a open forum I will respond directly to her in the open. I am sure Tezza or Snoop will convey the message if she doesn't see it.......................

Dear Diane.......... If I wanted to get into mudslinging and who truly has some psychological problems I can give you a fucking ear full backed by proof from other people who have had to deal with your attacks. I wish I would have listened to them when they tried to tell me but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you proved them right. I am sick and tired of your bullshit. I said this directly to you once over at PT and I will say it again. "Get off your fucking high horse". I am glad your pheromone products are working out, I find your site very nice and I like what you have been doing with it even with the hype (cant be worn in public) snort......and the indirect attacks on Androtics posted there....oink oink. But your not the authority on all things pheromonal and before you say it neither am I . Your a very smart and clever women. Your products have merits on there own. Why you feel the need to attack and slander others only speaks to your ego and your own personal issues. I know you understand this because you posted a long dissertation on the ego over at Love Potion. I know you in some ways feel slighted but if you would stop attacking for just a while you would see we are not against you we just dont want to fight with you. We are looking for unbiased feedback. Have some faith in your products for goddess sake.

I am going to tell you what I told them over at AD. I suggest you worry more about your own business and products and less about competing with everyone else or trying to discredit others. It comes back to bite you in the ass in the end. I like to stay on the positive side of life but if you push I will bite. Word of mouth can work for you or against you and I am not selling anything. I am simply asking you for peaceful end to the attacking in the future. Snippy little comments included and from both camps


For those of you in the forum who dont like my comments, the drama or my perspective on things. I am sorry, I just cant ignore it and I hate to bring it up but I am no longer gonna sit back and take it. I had hoped to leave the drama behind when I quit being mod for PT and just share pheromone knowledge experiences and opinions with my old friends and new ones here. While I am considered a expert in the use of pheromones I do not and have never claimed to know everything about them nor have tried to discredit any ones Else's opinions or experiences. I simply tell you the truth as I see it. I know that although I may not always agree with an opinion I never personally attack people unless pushed to my limits. I am in no way perfect. I have been continuously attacked by Diane not only on forums but in some slanderous remarks made in private to other members (yes Virginia people dont keep everything you say a secret) and while I have struggled to ignore it in the past I find it much harder to ignore when a person I care about is being attacked.

The comments made by Diane in her forum may seem small and insignificant to you but you can only take so much before you have to speak up. We have been taking it for a long time and no matter how many times we try to............ ignore it, make peace, put it behind us and move on in a positive direction. The viper circles and bites. Eventually your viper bite back. Its human nature.

I just want a place to hang out with like minded people talking about all of our interests without myself or my friends being attacked for it or being forced to war with another. I want to be able to voice my true opinion with respect and courtesy

There I said my piece. Like me for it or hate me for it I dont care. It wont be the first time and I am sure it wont be the last. Its out in the open and I hope now we can all just stop the negativity and move on in a positive direction. I hope to try out Dianes products very soon and I am looking forward to giving you my honest opinion on them. I have faith they will be as good as many people have reported.

06-28-2010 8:42 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 9:32 AM

Well, since I am the one that was attacked I guess I should weigh in too.

Someone put a bug in my ear about what was posted in her forum and told me that I NEEDED to go over and read it. I strolled on over, fully prepared to be totally pissed off, instead I left laughing my ass off!

Yes, I am deranged! I have psychological issues and demons in my head. :dash2:

I'll not even bother to defend myself against those statements. Many of you have known me for a long time, some on a more personal level than just somebody posting on a forum. I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

I am going to point out that this was not the first forum that Diane was banned from, I am not the first person that she's ever attacked, nor am I the first person she's claimed has psychological issues.

I could say a lot more, but I'll not stoop to that level.

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
06-28-2010 9:32 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 9:46 AM

I have to agree that Diane certainly went too far with her comments about Mark and her statement about 'psychological challenges'. That was rude and uncalled for!

On the other hand - at least for me - Marks personal problems with Diane did clearly shine through in his statements regarding her products, which probably led Diane to her making her - unappropriate - statement. Snoopys comment over at P7 was probably regarding to this.

I really hope we can all overcome this drama and the personal attacks some day...
06-28-2010 9:46 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 9:54 AM

(06-28-2010 9:32 AM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  Yes, I am deranged! I have psychological issues and demons in my head. :dash2:

Don't worry Mark, we all are like that! Mrgreen
06-28-2010 9:54 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 9:55 AM

Quote:I really hope we can all overcome this drama and the personal attacks some day...

I agree I hope we can to and I am truely sorry for the drama. If this were the first attack I would have ignored it but they keep coming.

I am hoping getting our feelings out will just put a end to it and let us move on. I want to test and enjoy her products to and be able to suggest them to users but I dont want to have to tiptoe and second guess every damn thing I say for fear of another attack. A lot of people think androtics was kidding on the attack thing. It gets to you after a while.

We dont sell a product here there is no reason to be attacking us.

06-28-2010 9:55 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 10:05 AM

Quote:Dear Tezza, since the Admin at Pherotruth is actively discouraging anything being said about my products

No offense but this is very ironic.

I was going to get one of her products and then I was told that it may be too "dangerous" so I thought okay, well... I wont get it then. Nobody discouraged me other than her own fans from trying it. I wasn't hugely disappointed, but please she should get her sources right.

Quote:I don't take his responses to me or my blends personally because I know of the demons that grip him. And believe me, they rend him more than he could ever rend me.

That is filled with venom. How unbelievably rude to Mark. Specially when he helped her design her website (for free considering how expensive websites are these days) when she first started launching her products. That is so unthankful. I am very disappointed by her.

This kind of behavior from her strongly discourages me from trying her products. And you know what I'm sick of the drama she keeps bringing up in this forum so I'm going to make a pass, I don't want to get involved with a company that does not have an open mind and keeps shoving it down people's throat. Sure androtics does not have an open mind when it comes to other companies but at least they never shoved it down my throat.

I feel sorry for you mods, I mean... how much shit can you guys shovel? It seems to never end.

For others in this forum. Please get over your bullshit, if a product works for you that's fantastic. If if doesn't work for someone then please shut up and listen to what they have to say before pouncing. I am sick of this, save your bloody drama for another forum instead of ruining the happy atmosphere here. Which is by the way, uncalled for.
06-28-2010 10:05 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 10:10 AM

As I tried to denote - I think Diane felt attacked herself by Marks comments that showed his resentment towards her. Sooo in the end - to stop the drama - one has to start biting his tongue instead of saying something that could be interpreted as an attack. There's the german saying 'Der Klügere gibt nach' - loosely translated to 'The more clever person will back down'. Question is - who will be the clever one? :wink3:
06-28-2010 10:10 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 10:30 AM

(06-28-2010 9:46 AM)petrucci77 Wrote:  On the other hand - at least for me - Marks personal problems with Diane did clearly shine through in his statements regarding her products, which probably led Diane to her making her - unappropriate - statement. Snoopys comment over at P7 was probably regarding to this.

Let me just make it clear. That was NOT the first time that Diane has attacked me, nor am I the first person that she has attacked. Take a stroll though some of the older threads in the forum and you'd see that she relentlessly went after Tisha and got some jabs in at Bella too. Renny she just ignored and wouldn't even acknowledge him as an admin, because she didn't like him going back to pherotalk.

I do not have a personal problem with Diane, at least I didn't before her statement.

The posts I make questioning her products are because I am fully aware that Diane continues to this day to try to use our forum as her personal advertising platform and exert influence over our members and guests.

People need to know that she is not the final authority on pheromones and that some of her statements, claims and opinions are not the only train of thought, and that some are not standard in the pheromone industry, among other legitimate suppliers.

Diane may very well be trying to offer the best products available, and want to do right by her customers, and I truly hope she is and that she does succeed.

And, members are welcome to review her products here. But, when a thread is made solely to PROMOTE her products or store, and I know that a statement or claim made flies in the face of what other legitimate pheromone companies are saying or doing, I am going to call it into question.

Our members and guests deserve that much.

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
06-28-2010 10:30 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 10:30 AM

Quote:As I tried to denote - I think Diane felt attacked herself by Marks comments that showed his resentment towards her. Sooo in the end - to stop the drama - one has to start biting his tongue instead of saying something that could be interpreted as an attack. There's the german saying 'Der Klügere gibt nach' - loosely translated to 'The more clever person will back down'. Question is - who will be the clever one?

Again I agree but I have to ask. How long does one bite their tongue before they end up biting it off and causing damage to themselves. We have been biting our tongues for a long time and it hurts. If I stopped biting my tongue and just showed all the attacks here......in emails I was shown......... and in other forums. You would be surprised I have a tongue left LOL

I am not biting my tongue anymore. We make peace now and the only way to do that is to say it like it is.
06-28-2010 10:30 AM
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Post: #10
RE: Needs to be said............
06-28-2010 10:50 AM

Let's look at this from another perspective: If it were another company that had a few beta testers they were giving free products to, and we started seeing nothing but glowing reviews on their products, would we not call those reports into question?

When that dude posted a thread raving about AlphLure and how great it was, then started having a conversation with himself, did we not jump all over him?

Did anybody question our motives for doing so?

Would any of you not have been upset if we didn't stop it and let him continue?

Yet, my integrity is called into question for doing the same with Diane's products?

Would you guys prefer that I just bowed down and gave Daine free reign over our forum? Maybe we should change the name to Dianesotherforum.com!

Believe me, we don't want the drama here either. By the same token though, we are not going to allow the forum and our members and guests to be manipulated.

If I or any one of you see something that just doesn't ring true or is questionable, I'd hope that you'd too call it into question. Otherwise we become a personal stomping ground for every pheromone company that wants free advertising and promotion.

[Image: flying_dragon.gif]
06-28-2010 10:50 AM
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