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My epic February! A detailed look at my exploits for February.
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Feeling Positive

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My epic February! A detailed look at my exploits for February.
02-26-2012 3:21 PM

My February

February started for me with one goal: Break my fear of rejection.

Aside from a little snippet here and there, I’ve kept what I’ve been up to quiet, working on myself, my goals and my fears. I confided within a member here that I had a lot of anxiety issues and I was going to work on them in February, and that it was going to be a lot of fun! When I started writing this out I realized I had an entire month planned before February even started… So Instead of putting post after post in my journal I went ahead and decided to write it all in word and make one large summary of February instead.

Some of the entries were better than others, and one in particular was the hardest NOT to share, it was a gigantic personal achievement and it really made me feel confident !!!!

February 1-10th Goals
I spent the first to the tenth at Starbucks and the mall, just trying to get a feel for reactions and working on reading faces… I’ve come to find I suck at that, so it was my goal for early February, while seeking a ‘blowout’.

February 13-21
I spent this phase working on increasing my game and comfort level while talking with strangers.

February 1st
Mones: 4” AV applied to jawline
Weather: Mid 60’s
Place: Starbucks
Time: 8pm
Specific Target: Anything without a penis / BF in close proximity

So for my first day out trying something new, I decided to play it relaxed with something I was familiar with – Camping a comfy chair at Starbucks. I look around and wait while my green tea is getting made, suddenly an older gentleman walks out, leaving the best seat in the house available, a big comfy chair right next to two college girls. I quickly drop my phone on the chair and wait the last few minutes for my drink. When I sit down I notice the girl next to me also had a green tea, she was about 20-22, blonde. Her friend she’s talking with glances at me, making her turn around to see me looking, I nod at the drink in her hand and say “great minds think alike”, she responds right away with “great minds think for themselves”, immediately I belted out “You’re going to become a teacher, aren’t you?” (I’d heard that one before!) she slowly smiles and I smile back wryly, extend my hand and say “gojira”, she grabs my hand and says “A” (what we’ll call her). I don’t shake her hand at all, I just kinda gently squeeze it – I’m not sure why, but that always seems to work for me.

So we start talking, leaving her friend alone with her drink for a moment. She tells me she is going to school to be a teacher and she wants to teach Kindergarten, I tell her it’s great that she wants to be involved in shaping the minds of children. At this point her friend gets up, and I can just feel she wants to GTFO, so I tell A, “you know, you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders… So many girls are just ditzy around here, I’d like to talk with you again, can I get your number?” Her friend grabs her arm, pulls her up and looks at me and says “were leaving!” and out they go…

Awesome. Fuck you friend! Oh well, I think I should have included her.

February 2nd (this one is in my journal)
Mones: 7" AV, 5mcg Alpha AndrosteRone
Location: Started at shopping center, ended up at Starbucks

When I first got to Starbucks it was packed, I found a little seat in the corner and waited for something more in the middle to open up. I moved from a little table in the corner to a lounge type seat right next to a girl that gave me eye contact as soon as I entered the room, this seat was also prime because anyone who entered would see me right away, and I would see them... Giving me a million opportunities for eye contact...

Anyways, I had been there about 5 minutes before the spot next to her opened up, so I move next to her and within about 5 minutes she's wiggling her foot, almost nervously. I kept one eye on her, so to speak, in an effort to catch her looking at me. Sadly she never looked back. Just kinda nervously wiggled her foot, she left about 10 minutes after I sat next to her. She was studying and listening to music.

While this was going on a really attractive slightly older woman came in and sat down with a bald, older man right in front of me. At first I thought they were on a date, but then I overheard them talking about networking and work type stuff, it was obvious then it wasn't any type of date.

Within about a minute I noticed her feet and breasts were facing me, pretty much the ENTIRE time she was there. I watched her change seating positions several times while keeping both feet pointed directly at me, I let her catch me stare at her up and down and she fumbled her words a bit with the guy she was meeting.

Nearly all the women I tried to keep eye contact with quickly broke, there was another really attractive Asian woman there (9/10), but she was on the phone pretty much the entire time!

All in all, there were very, very few women out today! But I suppose that's to be expected on a Thursday afternoon...

Anyways -- I'm going to have to give this another go soon, I really love the self effects of A-Androsterone, it makes me feel like I've got the biggest cock in the room and I want everyone to know it, I'll try and go out when the sun is setting/down next time...

February 3rd
Mones: 4” AV, 5mcg AndrosteRone, 2 spray MX430 (TAA molecule)
Weather: Mid 60’s in department store
Place: Burlington Coat Factory
Time: 1pm
Specific Target: None

I walk into the store, usually a lot of cute females here. So I walk upstairs and I scout around… Nothing!

Head to the restroom and back down and I notice an attractive young lady (blonde) picking out guys shirts… She’s probably 24 or 25, I doubt her son is wearing 2x shirts so I decide this girl is probably taken, or possibly buying for her brother… Who knows.

I head on down and say “Hi, could I get a quick female opinion?” she looks a little skeptical and says ok, I say “I just got these glasses and my buddy says they make me look gay, what do you think?” she scoffs and say “no way, your friend is jealous”, I say “oh really?” in a sort of questioning tone – She says “you dress well, but not gay guy well” and we both laughed for a moment and I tell her it’s always nice getting a compliment from such an attractive young lady. Here is where I decided to throw in a little obvious attraction and look her up and down, and lick my lips (something I saw on a pua video, I’ve come to find I can do this and make it look really natural, it’s a good skill to have). She says it’s nice to hear a well spoken man once in awhile, I ask “English major?” she says “Hair Stylist”, so I ask “How’s mine look” and turn my head giving her a sideways profile, and she just explodes words everywhere!!! “Well with your face shape, the faux hawk makes your face look less round, the rectangular glasses also fit you well and lengthen your face, the faux isn’t too long which is good ‘cause that looks outdated (giggle), V-neck shirts also make lengthen your neck and you look good in dark colors”… There’s a moment of silence and I break it by saying “So… Good?” she laughs and says she thinks so. I tell her my name, she tells me hers, another small silence.

I look at her and cock my head a little and say “You’re human, right?” She looks puzzled and says yeah… “So you like coffee?” she says “I live on it”, perfect, lets go get some. She laughs and we head off to Starbucks. I order my green tea and she interjects, saying “wait, we go out for coffee and you’re not getting coffee?” I tell her I’m an unconventional man, I insist she cheats on coffee with me and indulge in a chai tea. She gets a sugary whip cream topped iced mocha and gives me a look that says “COFFEE”, I laugh and tell her she has a cute coffee face. At this point when we sit down we just kinda BS about school and work, music, coffee. Just the standard crap. She says she really likes what I’m wearing and asks what it is, I tell her a gentleman doesn’t divulge all his secrets right away and I flash a wry smile. By this time it’s almost 2:30pm and we’ve been chatting for over an hour, I walk her to her car, grab her number and give her a kiss on the cheek, it sounds silly, but when I kiss a girl on the cheek I really try and make it feel sexy. Not geeky, not friendly, not sloppy or overly long… Just a tiny bit longer than a friendly kiss, and a slightly softer voice when I say goodbye. Her name is J.

I’m not sure why, but I find when I’m gentle it goes well… I have no idea why, I’m just not blind, so I notice it is all.

February 4th (This is in my Journal)
Went cruising the mall again trying to work on daygame, nearly every good looking girl had a guy on her, I'm going to have to find a better place to practice !

Mones: 7" AV, 7.5mcg Alpha AndrosteRone from androtic
Temp: 79, breezy, sunny.

So I started walking clothing stores looking for women, I couldn't find a single young lady without boyfriend with her, did some more walking into other shops, same problem.

Decided to get some green tea at Starbucks and noticed immediately... All men inside! So, get in line to grab the tea and a young lady with friend get behind me, I give her about 15 seconds of smelling my mones, then turn to talk with her and I catch her looking at me, immediately she has an awkward smile and walks right out of the place, leaving her friend in line!

She was white, maybe 20 or 19.

She must have snuck back in at some point, I parked myself outside on a chair and when she walked out I caught her eyes and she sped up and walked off again! All in all it was amusing, unfortunate all that was out today were guys and couples.

Otherwise, my body language is getting more natural, on my daily walks its becoming more normal to have women double or triple take me. I seem to get the best looks when I see a glance and then give her my full attention. I've had two girls unable to keep their eyes off me, and made a girl nearly snap her neck double taking me today, too bad she was driving!

All in all, I'm improving. Just need better testing grounds.

At this point, I had gone ahead and tried to do a lot of new things I’ve been weary of, and have had NO bad experiences… The next few days were a little more rough…

February 7th
Mones: 4” AV, 7.5mcg AndrosteRone
Weather: Mid 70’s
Place: Mall
Time: 6pm
Specific Target: Groups of women

So today I wanted to up the ante and go after a group of women and try and make them comfortable with me.

Walking around the mall today I didn’t spot many women that weren’t without boyfriend, after about fourty minutes of walking I spot a group of 3 women, all early 20’s in line at the food court, I walk over and try to use the “My buddy says these glasses are gay” opener and they just stare at me… Finally the girl I spoke to said “You’re not getting in my pants, I don’t like fat guys” ouch!

That was exactly what I was looking for… A blowout. That being said, it kinda sucked and I left after that. I really wanted to get used to that kind of reaction, but when the time came It just made me feel bad and I split...

February 10th
Mones: 10” AV, 5mcg AndrosteRone
Place: My House
Time: 8:30pm

Earlier today I texted J and asked if she could hang out later, I was feeling particularly bad after the last girl I talked to basically told me to fuck off, luckily she was available, I was making sushi and I wanted to know if she was in. (Truth is, I wasn’t making sushi if she said no!) She said yes, and I gave her my address and she showed up later.

So, I’m a good cook. More importantly, I’m good at devising cooking dates where the girl has to get her hands dirty and we can have a good, memorable time. Sushi is the perfect date, especially if you’re not good at it, in the end it’s messy and gets all over the place, it looks terrible, but since almost nothing is on you to cook it tastes great.

She shows up, gives me a big hug and says “you smell like coconut”, (androsteRone scent), I treat it like a compliment and thank her. She’s not really dressed up, jeans with a tshirt and a hoodie, medium length blonde hair. So she sits down and I look at her and say “oh no, you’re helping”, “I can’t cook” etc etc, I talk her into getting up and helping me make the rice, while it’s getting prepared we start dicing up fish and I do everything in my power to find an reason to grab her, guide her hand, touch her hips, get close. So after taking our time with the fish and other ingredients, the rice is finishing up. I have her start making the rice balls for the fish to lay on (They’re not called rice balls, but they take the most experience to make… They’re sticky, hard to make, and troublesome, I knew she’d need a lot of help ;p)

Of course, she can’t make them. Giving me more excuses to grab her hands and guide her, then she gets a little rice on my shirt and I tell her she’s going to ruin my shirt and, if she gets rice on me again I’m gonna bite her. She goes back to making rice balls and then wipes her finger (full of rice starch) on my nose, I look at her and tell her “One more time, I’m biting”, she does it again and I grab her hands and she squeaks and closes her eyes, after a couple seconds when nothing happens she opens her eyes and says “no bite?” I said I had a better idea, I put my hands on her back and slid them down to her ass, and pulled her onto me and kissed her, we kissed for a few minutes and she stops and says she doesn’t normally do that so soon… I tell her that’s ok, lets eat.

So we joke around and eat, and I ask if she wants to watch a movie, she says yes so I take her to my room, I basically flip the light on, close and lock the door and immediately pickup where we left off. Within about a minute I literally throw her on my bed. Within about two minutes of that were both undressed and this girl is soaking wet and breathing heavy and we hadn’t even done anything but kiss yet. She keeps saying she doesn’t normally do this so soon, etc etc and I reassure her everything is fine when she’s with me.

The night ended very well with J !!!

Not gonna lie, this was the first time I’d gotten laid in a long while, and I’m so fucking proud that this came out of some random girl I decided to talk to on a whim. I’ve never been the guy that goes looking for women like that, and I was so down on myself due to my weight I felt like giving up before I ever did anything. I’m not sure this would have been possible if I didn’t find Scent of Eros on Amazon one day, and come here searching for pheromone reviews… Joining this site has helped me dedicate myself to being a better me !!!

February 13th (This one is in my Journal)
Took my grandmother grocery shopping today, decided I might as well put on some 'mones and see if I can get any interesting hits.

Mones: 4" Aqua Vitae, 2" on wrist, 2" on jawline and rubbed wrist on adams apple.
Temp: Inside grocery store -- AC, mid 60's? Outside it's high 60's, overcast
Clothing: Blue jeans, asics running shoes, blue polo shirt (I know, too much blue! But polo shirts make my shoulders look awesome).

First hit: I'm standing around my grandmother as she's picking out Banana's, as I notice a young girl walking my way (White, 20-21, cute) texting on her phone. I see her coming and give her a look, she catches my eyes and looks away then looks right back, as she's just passing me I was gonna pull the "I'm looking for female opinions" and ask about my new glasses, then the grandma grabs my arm and asks me something about bananas. The girl randomly decides to slow down and walk behind me and stand next to me looking at the oranges next to the bananas as I talk with my grandmother. This girl was texting, and didn't have a basket, wtf is she looking at oranges for? So, I glance over at her and catch her trying to sneak some looks at me, catch her eyes and they widen immediately, mouth opens very slightly and then reality must have snapped in that girls mind because as soon as I moved just the SLIGHTEST she looked down and took off... That's the second time that's happened to me now, I'm wondering what's eliciting that reaction. Maybe it's because I'm still a big guy, and relatively intimidating.

Second Hit: So a few minutes later again, I'm standing guard by the purse as the grandma picks out some chicken. This girl was never in range to get a taste of my mines, I'm proud to say this is was all body language.

I see another girl in the distance walking down an aisle, she works at the grocery store, keep in mind the aisles are LONG here... So this girl is really cute, 21-24, brunette with dark skin, I think half mexican and half white? Anyways... Really good looking girl. I catch her eye's and she continues walking right at me, I keep eye contact with her for a good 8-10 seconds while she's walking towards me from the other end of the store... I decide to push the body language up a notch, I look her up and down and wet my lips, she puts her bangs behind her ears and breaks eye contact and looks right back up into my eyes. I posture up just a bit, stand a smidge straighter and slightly raise my head up just a little and relax my eyes, she fixes her apron and rounds the corner and goes right into the back room!

Shit, well I know she was working and not on break, but I keep having these timid results then the girl bails ! Ah well, at least I know I made her think about me and I did it purely with body language.

Third Hit: This one was short but sweet (mother, early 40's), I was standing in another aisle helping my grandma pick some canned food, and a lady with child in tote was blocking the aisle with her basket. I've been standing around her for a good 20 seconds, then she realizes she's in the way and moves her cart, as I pass I just say "thank you" but with a little subtext, I said it as sweet as possible, as if I were going to say "thank you sweetheart" but without the sweetheart, she looks down while keeping eye contact and bites her bottom lip and says 'you're welcome'. It felt really intense for such a short moment.

Fourth Hit: This was from a guy, we were standing in line at the checkout and man in his mid 40's was taking an older lady in her 90's grocery shopping, he was talking about his hobbies with the checkout lady and he kept looking at me and smiling, I suppose it was the mones? Either way, if he made a joke he made sure to look at me and guage my reaction, he seemed to want to make me laugh more than the cute checkout girl. I don't know, I can't put my finger on it but it just felt different.

Possible Hit: The checkout lady (mid 40's), a little older but damn cute! She was really talkative and happy, but when I went up with my grandmother she all but took a vow of silence, and she couldn't keep eye contact with me. I'm not sure if this is a hit, or if I just intimidated her, or if intimidation counts as a "hit" since it's a reaction... Either way, that's what happened with that one.

February 14th Asked J what she was up to for Vday, she told me she had dinner with her Boyfriend………..

I don’t judge, but I’ve been on the other side of that, and I want no part in making some poor guy feel like shit.

I feel so bad, I didn’t know, we didn’t talk about it. But the whole “I don’t normally do this”, and her looking at mens clothing when I met her… I should have been smarter than that, I was pretty on top of the world, now I feel like shit, but whats done is done and I’m not going to stress over it too much.

I won’t be talking with J again. =/

February 15th (First time using Glace outside the house)
Mones: 3 Sprays Glace, 2” AV
Weather: Gloomy, low 60’s
Place: Starbucks
Time: 3pm
Specific Target: Anything

I feel like shit about J still, but the point of joining this forum is change. Old Gojira would sit around and sulk, new Gojira is getting out and doing something about it.

Today I’m wearing nothing but Glace and 2” AV just for a cover scent (it smells great), I sit down with my normal green tea at a crappy table, the brown sofa chairs are taken and I notice a really cute brunette, she looks mid twenties, maybe a smidge older not doing anything with nothing at her table but a coffee. I walk over and say “The light coming in the window makes it really hard to read my phone, do you mind if I sit here?” she’s sighs and says “no, it’s ok” clearly not 100% thrilled… So I mess around on my phone for a moment, look up take a deep breath and say “What are you wearing?”, she laughed and said “I was just going to ask you the same thing!” I tell her I don’t give out all my secrets, but I’ll tell my scent if she tells me hers, she agrees, I tell her I’m using Aqua Di Gio, which AV sorta smells like, and she’s using Hilfiger girl.

So we start the basic BS, exchange names (her name is C), what are you doing, hows life, blah blah, (glace wins at small talk) we talk for about 20 minutes.

Then I ask her what she’s doing there all alone (she had no computer, not reading, not listening to music, she was just kinda there) she hesitates and says “nothing”, I tell her it doesn’t sound like nothing… She said nobody had asked her out for Valentines day, so I think she was just sulking a little, I told her in a kinda joking voice “that’s a shame, but you know we can make up for it another night”. Again, she looks hesitant but I just smile and try to beam ‘confident’ through my eyes and she says “but I don’t even know your number”, I told her I wont hold not being psychic against her, she smiles and pulls out her phone, I decide to give her MY number, but not ask for hers. I told her in my joking voice “I don’t have your number, so it’s on you to call me. Don’t stand me up now”, she laughs and texts me immediately “now u have mine, no excuses [:” this is the first time her foot bumped my leg, at this point I also noticed she had a black lacey bra on, some flesh was becoming visible from my point of view.

So I decided to have some fun! I start talking about the weather and text her “k, so when u free?”, and we basically make stupid conversation out loud and plan a date via text while were sitting at the same table. At this point she’s continually bumping her feet into my leg and I decide to slide my leg up against hers, verbal conversation died down after that, but we kept the texting up.

It sounds kinda dumb, but she had the biggest smile everytime she got a text, so I know she was enjoying it. When I got up enough courage to push a little further I told her in a text “U have a black lacey bra, it looks good with your hair”, at this point she reads her text and her face is STOIC, not a flinch or laugh or anything, my first thought was I fucked up, then she starts writing back so I start conversation back up with more small talk. I get the new text and say “Hold on, this might be important”, it says “it matches something else im wearing”. I tell her I was right, this was important, I text back saying “how about tonight at 7 instead” (trying to change the date to that night), she says “c u tonight [:”, so on that note we had been talking for a little while, and I didn’t want to run out of shit to say, so I told her I was going to head off, gave her a long hug, she had her face turned toward my neck, just kinda breathing in Glace and AV. (That seems to happen a lot with mone’s I’m coming to find).

Later that night…
Mones: 5 spray Glace, 6” AV, 2.5mcg AndrosteRone
Weather: Indoor, mid 70’s
Time: 7:30pm
Target: “C”

I put on more glace and 4” more AV, I didn’t want to put on like 14” of AV and overdue it, she responded to 2” so I figured a bit more wouldn’t kill it. I threw on some AndrosteRone too, to throw out a tiny splash of ‘alpha vibe’.

We end up going to a cheap dinner, honestly on this date I’m about to blow every damn penny I have – Another complaint for another thread, I can’t find work and money is TIGHT, one of the other things that fucks with my confidence is not being able to take a girl to dinner because I can’t even afford my half =/

Anyways… I’m trying to get laid, so to hell with money.

I ask for a round booth, so I can sit next to her, not across from her. We BS for about 10 minutes before we order, we decide to get something we both want so we can share. Earlier, there was almost no keno except her foot towards the middle of our talk, tonight I decided to be pretty touchy feely, so I ordered pasta (bad for diet!) she got salmon, and when she got a fork of it and tried to give it to me it fell off the landed on my pants and shirt. I laughed but she felt bad, I told her after dinner I need to take my pants off, she said “I can help, I mean I can clean them” I tell her that would be great, I fail at cleaning stains.

A few minutes pass and I look at her and she says “sorry”, I tell her ‘it’s ok, you’re cute”, I go in to give her a little kiss and she blocks and says “I’m eating fish”, I simply say “I don’t care” and go for another, this time no block and I get a little kiss!

Again, I feel fucking great at this point !!!

The rest of dinner is kinda quiet, when were leaving I tell her we should go do something childish and fun, but first I need to go get out of my salmon pants, we get to my place and I warn her, my room is a little odd – And a little empty, I moved like three times recently so I left 90% of my crap in boxes in the garage, so she asks to see whats so odd about it… No problem !!!

I let her in my room and go to the rest room where I apply 4” more AV to my chest. I meet her in my room and I tell her to find me something to wear, she looks in my closet and I come up behind her and put my hands on her hips and pulled her close, she leans back and looks in my eyes and it’s on. Start kissing her right away, and work my hand down and rub her pussy, again, this girl is soaking wet too !!!

I get her to my bed and she tells me “only oral”, alright. We still had a lot of fun, but It was only oral that night. This girl gives the best head I’ve ever gotten though, by a mile !!!!

This was such a huge victory for me !!! I wouldn’t have even said a word to this girl in November, but after joining, finding mones, learning some basic confidence building and working on my image I’m becoming a totally different person !!! I’m not the most experienced guy, but I’m no virgin… This girl gives great head, I want her to be a FB !!!

February 16th
Mones: 4” AV, 4 Spray Glace, 3 drops Corpo (samples ftw)
Time: 10am
Weather: high 70’s, sunny
Place: Hollywood

I went to my old college to get some help with job placement the other day, every girl in there went to great lengths to greet me or chime into my private conversation only to apologize and scurry back to work ! I had one girl put someone on hold to come over and ask how I was, huge smiles the whole time.

Unfortunately they were busy, and I was trying to get my resume on track, and the person helping me wasn’t any of the lovely ladies.

I think corpo was responsible for the hits from the ladies. With glace and AV, people are willing to talk with me. With Corpo I noticed people approach me, or try to chime into my convo as if seeking approval of some sort… Everyone there lives in LA, I mention the city I live in and the girl in another cubicle busy with another student chimed in saying “Oh, my parents live in ___, where do you live? I love it there, I like to visit whenever I get the chance, I love the beach. Oh, sorry !” and she went back to work. My first thought was ‘that was strange’, but I think I’d been sitting about 4’ away from her for a few minutes now, and it might have been the corpo that got that reaction. Short but sweet.

February 19th
Mones: 10” AV, 6 sprays Glace, 4 drops corpo
Time: 8pm
Weather: indoors, low 70’s
Place: My room !
Target: C

I texted C and told her to come over and watch a movie with me.

She came over, but we didn’t watch a movie.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

After the 16th I was pretty much busy trying to get a job, and I hadn’t been out in awhile, but it looks like C might end up being a FB, which is exactly what I needed in my life. I’ve always been the relationship seeking kind of guy, I never had the opportunity for a FB!

[bold]February 23rd[/bold]
Mones; 10” AV, 6 sprays Glace, 4 drops corpo
Time: 11pm
Place: C’s room
Target: C aka, FB !!!

At this point I feel comfortable calling C a FB, because we’ve had some fun and haven’t even had a conversation about dating. I wore the same mones because they seemed to work well last time, and they didn’t disappoint this time ! FB texted me around 10:30 and I was at her house pretty quickly.

I’m going to make it short and sweet. C has butt plugs and anal beads. She asked me to use them on her tonight.

One of the best nights ever, I want to plan a trip to a sex shop with her to pickup more kinky stuff !!!

[bold]February 25th[/bold] last event of the month, didn’t invite FB
Mones: 10” AV, 4 sprays Glace, 4 drops corpo / 5ml ToGo with 1ml AV/Glace/Corpo
Time: 9:30pm – 4am
Place: Giant house Party !!!
Target: The bday girl (hottest girl at the party)

Tonight I was looking forward to seeing a very, very hot girl I know that throws a huge bday party every year. It always gets out of hand, DJ’s, booze, bartenders, almost all asian women (my kinda party).

The target is a girl named L, she’s the bday girl and smoking hot, she’s an 11 (at least to me).

I walk in with a buddy and see L, she greets my buddy, then yells my name and gives me a HUGE 10 second hug, yup – It’s the L from one of my first journal posts. My goal was to avenge my mistake tonight!

L grabs me by the hand and escorts me to the bar, another girl says hi and goes to hug me, L says “no, he’s mine” and pulls me away. We have a shot, followed by two more and some more hugs, I brush her hair behind her ear, kiss her cheek and say happy bday L. Were all of 5 minutes into an all night party and I’ve slammed three shots, and reached for a beer from the keg and already started working on L. She poses in a picture with me kissing my cheek and get’s pulled away by a friend after. I figure I have the whole night so as she moves away to greet more people I decide to go back to the other girl that said hi to me when I entered. Her name is P. We talked for a little, and I was pulled aside by another friend and his girlfriend, we talk for a little and I decide to walk outside and scope out the smokers. There I meet S. I talk with S for a few minutes and initiate some kino and joking, then P walks out so I start talking with P again and we go in for a shot, lots of touching and kino, lots of smiles and laughs.

At this point another buddy showed up with a shot… Alright, another shot then! At this point I’m a little drunk already… But it’s ok.

L walks back into view and I yell out L !!! and she yells out Gojira !!! and I get another hug, this time grabbing her ass, then out of nowhere an arm goes around her and I meet her ex (who plays the role of protector). Awesome.

So her ex pulls L away from me, I go back outside and catch up with S some more, and P walks out again so I include her, but S takes off. I pull P close and wrap my arms around her and say I missed her, she sniffed my mones and said I smell really good compared to everyone else (picture a living room and kitchen with a bar, DJ’s and about 80 people, it’s not ‘cold’ anywhere in the house). She tells me she’ll be right back and she takes off.

I wander back inside and spot L, I walk up and grab her and tell her “It’s unfair to the other girls” she looks puzzled and said “what?”, I say “The way you look in that dress”, she giggles and I pull her in closer and I grab her ass again, and like magic… Protector shows up and whisks her away…


This is obviously going to be a continual problem…

Alright, what can I do… I go back around and find S and try to initiate some Kino, since I bumped into her a bunch of times already she says “you stalking me dude?”, I tell her I think she’s cute and I like talking with her. She smiles and I try to initiate more kino, I pushed a little much I think, because she got a little withdrawn.

Thankfully, I know I can find P, so I go grab her on the dance floor and ask why she’s all alone. She looks confused and says “idk I’m drunk”… lol, alright so P is beyond talking at this point, at least she’s having fun… But it’s ok, because I see L on the dance floor too.

I walk up to L and give her another BIG hug and she says “can you carry me, my legs are tired, I’m 135lbs” (She's about 5'10"), I tell her “I could throw you around all night without getting tired” then I grab her by the ass and lift her up until her belly button is by my face. Immediately the place explodes with “Whooo!”, whistles, YEAHs, and she’s yelling out “This is awesome!” and I take her to an empty couch and sit her on the arm, before I get a chance to get in the empty seat and pull her on my lap, PROTECTOR SHOWS UP AND PLOPS IN THE COUCH SEAT NEXT TO THE ARM I PUT HER ON.

L puts her arms around both of us and laughs saying “I have two guys !!!” Then he pulls her on his lap…

Fuck this guy. He won’t give me a fucking minute with this girl and it’s tanking my plan!!!

At this point the party has been going on for 6 hours, so I pull out my ToGo and spray 2 sprays, and go around… At this point, people are passing out, puking or just too messed up to talk…

I find another girl named C, and she’s really cute. I start talking with her and within about a minute a guy shows up and puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him. A friend of mine walks up and whispers “that’s her friend” in my ear…


This is why I don’t like hitting on women at parties. This happens ALL THE TIME.

At this point I’m really let down, and I decide to just count my losses and get smashed, and enjoy the evening with my friends and L (without being too aggressive with L, or protector will show up).

That’s pretty much all that happened as far as hitting on women, the rest of the night and a lot of stuff I didn’t mention was just talking with guys or girls that were clearly WITH boyfriend already (therefore not targets).

In the end, I feel I got a lot of great experiences in February, I didn't exactly meet my planned goals, but I met other goals and started the ones I planned to achieve. I'm also pretty happy I picked up a FB. No lie.... It's been a little while.... Getting laid by two different women in a month is (sadly?) a mind-blowing improvement on what my love life was like before.

Again -- I got screwed over on L... This time, it wasn't completely my fault, the first time I just dropped the ball...

Anyways, February was a truly epic month in my transformation, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as one epic saga instead of disjointed posts in my journal !!!

"The juice is worth the squeeze",

Being desired is a desirable thing
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2012 3:22 PM by Gojira.)
02-26-2012 3:21 PM
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Post: #2
RE: My epic February! A detailed look at my exploits for February.
02-26-2012 5:45 PM

Such an inspiring post gojira, I wouldn't worry too much about getting shot down, it only makes you stronger as I'm sure you can clearly tell.

What I like the most is your feb 15th post, first paragraph. Mate, I've been in that position too and I respect your morals.

Keep up the amazing self discovery, time to check out your journal
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2012 5:48 PM by Moredots.)
02-26-2012 5:45 PM
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Post: #3
RE: My epic February! A detailed look at my exploits for February.
03-03-2012 1:54 PM

hahah "anything without a penis" made me laugh... i'm sure you've got more standards than that though!

Here's something I came up with the other day that might work for you:

next time there's a hottie in your area for a while and you want to meet her... walk up, smile and say

“Hey, I just wanted to apologize for before”

Right away, she'll say... "for what??"

You say “Look, I’m sorry that… I didn’t hit on you earlier. I saw you. You look amazing and everything but… you know – I was with my friends, and STARVING for food. I’d had a long day. But, it’s not you. Really – I think you’re hot – i Mean YOU ARE TOTALLY hot! Under normal circumstances, I totally would have hit on you. It's not you, it's me. Honest.”

She’s just giggling/smiling at this point

I said “So….. seriously though – you and me we gotta hang out at some point”

BOOM! IT's fun/flirty/direct .... everything it needs to be. Add in your own reasons as to why you didn't approach her before P

TRY IT Smile

03-03-2012 1:54 PM
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Post: #4
RE: My epic February! A detailed look at my exploits for February.
03-05-2012 4:08 PM

(03-03-2012 1:54 PM)SashaDaygame Wrote:  hahah "anything without a penis" made me laugh... i'm sure you've got more standards than that though!

Here's something I came up with the other day that might work for you:

next time there's a hottie in your area for a while and you want to meet her... walk up, smile and say

“Hey, I just wanted to apologize for before”

Right away, she'll say... "for what??"

You say “Look, I’m sorry that… I didn’t hit on you earlier. I saw you. You look amazing and everything but… you know – I was with my friends, and STARVING for food. I’d had a long day. But, it’s not you. Really – I think you’re hot – i Mean YOU ARE TOTALLY hot! Under normal circumstances, I totally would have hit on you. It's not you, it's me. Honest.”

She’s just giggling/smiling at this point

I said “So….. seriously though – you and me we gotta hang out at some point”

BOOM! IT's fun/flirty/direct .... everything it needs to be. Add in your own reasons as to why you didn't approach her before P

TRY IT Smile


lol, thanks Sasha. At first, I was getting over the rejection, so I was approaching anyone that was female. Hot, not so hot, young, older, etc. Was good times, but I got sidetracked from some marginal success (compared to the likes of some, great for me).

I like that direct/joke/silly approach, that's exactly how my personality is already so that's what I'm looking to integrate into my game. Next time I get the chance, I will throw that in.

Being desired is a desirable thing
03-05-2012 4:08 PM
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