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LIIK V2 Test Vial
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Post: #81
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
11-04-2013 9:40 AM

I revived my bottle of l2k v2 a while back. I've tested it a few times. Here are my initial impressions:

I got this unscented. The scent isn't particularly strong. Yes it smells like mones, but almost any cologne covers this up nicely.

First the self-effects. I noticed I get a bit more cautious of other men when I wear this. I seem to worry that I'm doing things to piss them off. Also, the first few minutes I seem to be always try to rush out the door when I wear this. I start feling like I need to be at my destination as soon as possible. The self effects are subtle though, and I wouldn't have noticed these things if I wasn't specifically trying to observe self effects on myself. It could be possible that these were placebos.

As for how this works on females, this stuff is GREAT. In the bars, the girls always opened up. It didn't make every girl I talked to instantly fall in love with me, but eery girl I spoke to opened up almost immediately.

I used this for street approaches. Let me preface this section by saying street approaches in Japan are not easy. Girls are used to being approached regularly, and so many are on guard, and I've been straight up ignored doing street in Japan..Now, I feel like l2k v2 really made itself shine during street game. The majority of my approaches went smoothly, many of the girls who were clearly trying to ignore me at first eventually stopped and had some playful banter with me.

One girl, about 26 and extremely attractive, actually told me "I won't talk with you!" Despite the fact that she told me that, I pushed forward a bit with her, and actually got her to have a nice hour long conversation. Even got her phone number with no real problems.

Also, one other note, while wearing l2k v2 I've managed two one night stands. This may just be coincidence, but both of the girls I was with while wearing l2k showed no resistance when I pushed for sex. Afterwards they would not let go of my arm and seemed like they wanted to cuddle the shit out of me.

L2k V2 is great stuff, and will find it's way into my lineup.

PheromoneXS: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, Xist, Bliss, APi, Love Boat, Taboo, S.O.B.

Alpha Dream: L2k v1, L2k v2

Love Scent: SoE, Chikara, Alpha7
11-04-2013 9:40 AM
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Post: #82
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
11-14-2013 2:09 PM

Hey Zcorps,

Nice review! I'm a fan of L2K v2 as well. I wrote a review of it here) this past summer and have tested it a bunch more since then, so have some additional thoughts on it now. It's probably the most effective standalone product I have, in the sense that it has social, alpha, attraction, and comfort wrapped into one. I found that the way it becomes more sexual over time as the Glace-esque side of things burns off makes it great for long exposures with a single person or a few people (like a date night or a house party). Was at a house party a few weeks ago with L2K on and a girl actually came up to me to tell me, "You're really attractive." haha

Lifeisgood described it as "a rollercoaster the second you put it on" and I think that's a great way of putting it. This is a really unique product in that I probably feel the strongest self-effects from this than anything else. When I first put it on, I get really pumped up, makes me feel like the man. Then I find that I get this amazing sense of calm sometimes with this, where I really feel at peace and completely relaxed. I thought it was just a coincidence at first but this has happened several times now for me when wearing it. In lifeisgood's review, he talked about the "slow motion/trace-like eye contact," and I've had that before too. I don't know what it is, but when you get hits and girls stare at you, time feels like it slows down and you're almost in a trance, staring into each other's eyes. It's really weird because it feels like you're just staring at each other forever, and you don't want to look away.

Because this is a dienone-containing product which I am sensitive to, I have gotten depressed before while/after wearing this, but it can be controlled with something like TAA or Bliss, and by wearing it farther away from your nose. In general though, if I'm having a good time (which I usually will be when I wear this), I don't feel any depression. I think it really just amplifies whatever emotions I'm feeling at the time. If I'm feeling happy, I feel really happy. If I'm feeling turned on, I feel really turned on. I may get more emotional about things, but that's probably a good thing because as we know, seducing a girl is about emotion, not really logic. Sometimes I have trouble thinking (like a brain fog) with this on, which might actually be good for me because I tend to overthink things sometimes. With this I just let my emotions control my interactions and just go with what I'm feeling. And if a girl is into you, she will go right along with you. So perhaps it's disinhibiting for not only my targets, but also for me, moreso than just what I would get from drinking. I tend to rely more on my intuitive sense of whether a girl is into me based on the IOIs and hits, without letting my brain convince me to not act on it.

One question--how many sprays do you typically use? I was using one or two, but I feel like I should experiment with higher amounts. I feel like it might not have been projecting as much as it could have, but when a girl was close enough, it hit hard. I have fairly dry skin, especially in the cold weather months, so just this week I've been putting cream on my application points before applying the mones, which seems to be helping a bit. With the skin moisturized beforehand, the mones don't get absorbed as much, so will have to try this with L2K this weekend.

PXS: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, XiSt, Taboo, Love Boat, SOB, Exotica, Mascot, Crush, Bliss, Connections, Vibe, Odyssey
LAL: Bad Wolf, SXD-9, Max-T-150, Overdose, Nude Alpha, Nude, Dirty Primitive, Asian, Wolf, Aqua Vitae, Hypnotica
Alpha Dream: L2K v1, L2K v2, Corporativo, Glace
Apex: Core, CV3, APX
Androtics: A314, Ammo, IS, IO, IH, IJ, TUTH, TAA, P74, MX432, MX297
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2013 3:06 PM by OmegaM41.)
11-14-2013 2:09 PM
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Post: #83
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
11-20-2013 3:33 AM

(07-11-2013 10:43 AM)alphavitea Wrote:  I was researching this stuff yesterday and was ready to pull the trigger. One thing concerned me though...... Depression. I got rid of my certo months ago because it made me feel like shit. Really bad depression and jealousy and neediness. I actually got jealous of my wife hanging out with a gay dude... That's not me at all.

When I looked at the ingredients in l2k v1 and 2 I noticed the first ingredients were Dienone. That brought me to researching it on this thread am I'm glad I did. I will not be getting this stuff. I have Dienone straight from lal as well as cohesion from xs. I have no negative effects from the straight stuff if I use it sparingly and cohesion oil has never given me a problem and my max dose is two drops. I have a distinct feeling that l2k will act much like certo on me and make me want to fucking die.

It's a real shame because Dienone is a very potent molecule interns of getting the ladies comfy and close. I'm a little bummed that I can't use more of it. I primarily stick to alpha blends. Androstenone and Androstanone are my best friends and I love the feeling I get from alpha blends. I have had negative effects from long term use of hax blends as well. It seems like they put Dienone in a lot of their blends. I wore elementx for a week and it made me feel real shitty. Not as depressed as certo but a lot of negative self talk and beta feelings. Once I showered and applied domination and sob I snappe right out of my funk immediately.

I would heed this advice if you are prone to depression or have bi polar tendencies and atatements away from alpha dream stuff specifically l2k and certo. I don't think alpha maschio has much or any Dienone in it but double check before ordering.

If you do buy this stuff I would only use it sparingly and for specific occasions like one on one dates or second dates.

Thanks for making my decision easier. If you really want to use Dienone (and it is a good molecule that always snaps my wife out of her pms) co with cohesion oil it is much much mellower.



I *HAVE* bipolar so if anyone knows about depression and mental health its me. I have found l2k v1 doesn't cause depression for me.. AM mixed with glace DOES. I have never tried l2k v2 and I am fearful of trying it for my own minds sake.




11-20-2013 3:33 AM
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Getting comfortable

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Post: #84
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
11-25-2013 12:02 PM

I wore L2K v2 out to a housewarming party two Saturdays ago. Worked great at the party and I felt great as well. I was wearing it mostly on my wrists/arms, but put half a spray on my lower neck. When I got back to my apartment that night, I washed the places where I had put the L2K with Scent-A-Way liquid soap and Witch Hazel (two products that were recommended on a thread on here for washing mones off of the skin). Although I'm not sure if I was very thorough in washing the areas since it was around 4 am and I was exhausted, or if these products work as well on silicone-based mones as they do on alcohol-based mones.

Anyway, was fine the next day (Sunday), no issues to speak of. Then, on Monday afternoon, I had a minor disagreement with a girl at work who I'm friends with, and shortly afterwards began feeling depressed. Uh-oh! I knew it was probably an after effect of the L2K. It went away later that night after I went to the gym, but then came back the next day until I could finally shake it off for good. It was affecting me enough that my friend at work noticed that something was up.

I love using L2K, but I really have to pick and choose the times when I use it, and make sure to completely wash it off, or else I have to deal with the depression issues afterward which are frustrating, to say the least.

PXS: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, XiSt, Taboo, Love Boat, SOB, Exotica, Mascot, Crush, Bliss, Connections, Vibe, Odyssey
LAL: Bad Wolf, SXD-9, Max-T-150, Overdose, Nude Alpha, Nude, Dirty Primitive, Asian, Wolf, Aqua Vitae, Hypnotica
Alpha Dream: L2K v1, L2K v2, Corporativo, Glace
Apex: Core, CV3, APX
Androtics: A314, Ammo, IS, IO, IH, IJ, TUTH, TAA, P74, MX432, MX297
11-25-2013 12:02 PM
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Post: #85
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
04-22-2015 11:03 AM

I know this is an old post, but was wondering if there are any new reports users would like to add in here. I been wanting to get LIIK, but I'm not sure whether to go for v1 or v2. And also can anyone make a comparison as to what the Leather and Steel and Black Spice scents smell like, in comparison to the designer colognes..
04-22-2015 11:03 AM
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Post: #86
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
05-14-2015 2:48 PM


I understand your indecision about v.1 or v.2. I had the same feelings. Good reviews about both.

Sounds ridic, but I relied on a coin flip and LIIK v.1 was the winner! And it is DEFINITELY a Winner for me!! I love it and have had success with it. I had already had Black Spice for AM, so I went with Unscented for LIIK v.1.

As far as the scent of black Spice goes, I am not very good at describing smells. But I would say it is like a powdery spice. Not woodsy or green at all. A little sweet. All of that works for me. it is a little different, but good in my opinion. I definitely like it and feel very comfortable wearing it. Keep in mind that my Black spice is AM, not LIIK.

The good thing about Unscented is that you can use whatever you want for the cover and it sounds like you have a decent knowledge of colognes. I usually just pick one of my many LPMP scents to pair it with.
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2015 2:50 PM by HappyGoSkillfully.)
05-14-2015 2:48 PM
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Post: #87
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
05-17-2015 10:55 AM

(11-03-2012 6:25 PM)lifeisgood7 Wrote:  Hello,

I ordered glace and told Chris if he gave me a sample vial of LIIK I would post reports.

He sent me a test vial and I going to keep my word. Thanks Chris.

2 Sprays Glace
approximately 6 dabs of LIIK
(dab under each ear, 2 dabs under my nose, dab on my Adam's apple)

I planned a reconnect date with a super hot girl from high school.

Half German, Half African American. Hazel eyes. Perky breasts, long curly hair, very light skinned complexion.

We used to hook up and would randomly check in with each other over the past few years.

I am looking to start a new rotation of girls (I got tired of the last rotation) and is perfect candidate.

So we plan to meet up at Starbucks.

I get there and walk in. Look around and dont see her.

Walk around and I still dont see her.

While walking around, I was getting a lot of stares. I was also dressed well. The stares were similar to Wolfs celebrity stare.


I call her. I find her.

Turns out she gained at least 100 pounds and cut her hair. She got SUPER fat.

This is why I did not see her...because I did not recognize her at all.

I wanted to leave but I decided to be nice and not to burn any bridges. Heck, I'm already here, I take a Loss for the sake of science.

I sit down with her and at first she was doing the normal girl stuff. Sizing me up and just watching my movement etc.

It was a great beginning. We connected really well. She kept making eye contact with me for long periods and sometimes she would break off the eye contact. Lots of laughter.

During the convo, I did have some sort of attraction but then I lost it once I saw she was going no where in life. She is stuck in a circle and I sense a layer of self-loathing. I still hid this from her and kept enjoying myself nonetheless.

She also had no sense of obedience or submission. I noticed this in high school too but when you are older things make so much more sense. She was sweeter back then so it was tolerable.

It was really sad. She let her self go at such an early age.

I did the fake particle swipe (pretended something was on her face and wipe it off). I did not go well. She tripped out.

I also took her sunglasses and told her she would have to work to get it back. Did not go well either. She tried to slap my coffee out of my hand and then she slammed my car door in my face.

Big no-no for me. I have to pat myself on my back. I kept my alpha frame the whole time and remained calm.

I laughed everything off up until the car slam. I still had a sly look but that made my dick go super limp.

She is still in high school Undecided Oh well such is life.

After she did that, I calmly gave it back to her and explained to her I was flirting with her. She got really awkward and tried to save herself by smiling and doing a half-ass apology. She gave me the vibe that she knew she messed up and still wanted a sliver of a chance.


To be honest, I think she perceived me at such a high value, she subconsciously ruined the interaction.

Looking back at it, that is exactly what happened. If she wasn't fat, I would've given her a chance.

Here I am looking sexy as hell, many more knotches on my bedpost, SWAG, gained muscle, business in fruition, great position at a job, etc

I honestly believed, she jacked it up the date subconsciously.

Later on, I see my mom. I am not reading into hits that are not there. She was definitely acting different around me. A lot nicer.

Saw my stepdad and stepbrother. They are usually tense around me. They were very chill. I also felt huge around them. Like I had an immense presence.

Self-effects: I felt like THE SHIT.

Very cool, calm, relaxed.

I know if it was the right girl, the interaction would've been a million times better.

Out of the all the products, I have tried I have never felt so COOL.

Hours later as I am writing this, I still feel very cool and relaxed. Like the world is my oyster.

The smell initially is amazing. Really clean but rugged at the same time. I don't like the way it smells on me hours later. Not a good smell. Smells really weird hours later. Would like the smell to last longer.

I like it so far. Very, very, very chill.

The more relaxed I am, the more relaxed she is.

The more relaxed she is, the easier it is for me to smash.

I will continue to post here.

Wow talk about shallow maybe if ya gave her a chance she would of worked on herself for you and you could of had a nice side chick ps ain't nothing wrong with a girl with some T not A and can pretty smile big girls try even harder and more than not succeed at it.
05-17-2015 10:55 AM
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Post: #88
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
08-23-2015 10:32 AM

Anybody using this lately? I am pondering a bottle from that big bottle promotion AD is doing.

What are feelings about V2 compared to Alfa Maschio?

(This post was last modified: 08-23-2015 10:42 AM by dorfmeister.)
08-23-2015 10:32 AM
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Post: #89
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
08-23-2015 9:51 PM

I'm glad you dusted this thread off, Meister.

L2K has been on my radar, as well. I have to say that during the first 7 pages of reading through this thread I was like "yup, definitely going to be one of my next items" but now that I have read through all of it I am back on the fence.

Looking forward to the updates
08-23-2015 9:51 PM
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Post: #90
RE: LIIK V2 Test Vial
08-24-2015 8:48 PM

(05-14-2015 2:48 PM)HappyGoSkillfully Wrote:  Dss,

I understand your indecision about v.1 or v.2. I had the same feelings. Good reviews about both.

Sounds ridic, but I relied on a coin flip and LIIK v.1 was the winner! And it is DEFINITELY a Winner for me!! I love it and have had success with it. I had already had Black Spice for AM, so I went with Unscented for LIIK v.1.

As far as the scent of black Spice goes, I am not very good at describing smells. But I would say it is like a powdery spice. Not woodsy or green at all. A little sweet. All of that works for me. it is a little different, but good in my opinion. I definitely like it and feel very comfortable wearing it. Keep in mind that my Black spice is AM, not LIIK.

The good thing about Unscented is that you can use whatever you want for the cover and it sounds like you have a decent knowledge of colognes. I usually just pick one of my many LPMP scents to pair it with.
So would you care to share any reports on your successes with v1? And what are LPMP scents?
08-24-2015 8:48 PM
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