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Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
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Post: #11
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
10-11-2011 8:39 AM

Ur not as brainwashed as the people from communist countries ;) Compared to those, USA and other countries are still free as hell...

[Image: 2d3nzo.png]

10-11-2011 8:39 AM
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Post: #12
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
10-11-2011 12:04 PM

(10-11-2011 8:30 AM)NewAlpha Wrote:  More people in America are understanding about the Federal Reserve scam (just a couple of years ago, very few people knew it was a 100% private bank that had the right to print the US dollars and lending it to the US governement with a big interest rate...), and that they are endorsing the cost of all foreign wars, while all the "benefits" from it go to some specific lobbies.

People are waking up more because the Federal Goverment, Federal Reserve and entire banking industry has gotten bolder and and even more criminal in conduct over the last 30 years.

Before the savings and loan scandal in the 80's, sub-prime lending scam in the 90's and 00's and the bank bailouts, illicit wars were financed by trading weapons for drugs, using black money, or other under the table means of providing assistance.

Prior to 9/11 the United States had a policy of defense, Bush has since changed that policy to one of pre-emptive offense.

As to the banking industry, here's what's happened since federal regulations loosened up in the 70's, as pushed for by the Federal Reserve. All four monoloplies have ties back to the Aldrich group, the secret meeting at Jekyll Island in 1910 planning out the Central bank (Federal Reserve), diviing out control over it and figuring out how to sell it to the U.S. government and American people.

[Image: banks.jpg]

The older I get the less threatening a life sentence sounds

Sympathy for the Devil only results in victimized angels.
10-11-2011 12:04 PM
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Post: #13
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
10-11-2011 4:20 PM

People need to wake up as those they oppose move from both sides of the coin. A communist state would only give an even scarier police state than the current one they oppose =) lol. They think they are fighting the power, but they are only helping it. People do not know what they have in this country until it has been lost.
10-11-2011 4:20 PM
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Post: #14
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
10-12-2011 4:25 PM

Ron Paul 2012

10-12-2011 4:25 PM
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Post: #15
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
11-18-2011 9:45 PM

The NATO troops have been training here for many many years. I have worked with many of them during my military experience. What bothers me is how we take an oath to uphold our constitution.........but some American troops are forced to wear the NATO flag during operations..........I OBJECT!

BEWARE THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! They and the bankers RUN THE WORLD and we are only the peasants that pay with our tax dollars to do AS THEY PLEASE. Crazy..........but true!

WILD night of club fun and after hours parties=Alpha Maschio by Alpha Dream

Close contact date at a pub=Nude Alpha by AL +A1

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11-18-2011 9:45 PM
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Post: #16
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
11-18-2011 9:51 PM

(10-11-2011 12:04 PM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  People are waking up more because the Federal Goverment, Federal Reserve and entire banking industry has gotten bolder and and even more criminal in conduct over the last 30 years.

Before the savings and loan scandal in the 80's, sub-prime lending scam in the 90's and 00's and the bank bailouts, illicit wars were financed by trading weapons for drugs, using black money, or other under the table means of providing assistance.

Prior to 9/11 the United States had a policy of defense, Bush has since changed that policy to one of pre-emptive offense.

As to the banking industry, here's what's happened since federal regulations loosened up in the 70's, as pushed for by the Federal Reserve. All four monoloplies have ties back to the Aldrich group, the secret meeting at Jekyll Island in 1910 planning out the Central bank (Federal Reserve), diviing out control over it and figuring out how to sell it to the U.S. government and American people.

[Image: banks.jpg]

Damn.......the more I read these posts........the more I feel like I am among like minded individuals! And I thought I was the only one crazy to know this stuff! Hell, after my experience in the Marines during Panama at the Embassy during the invasion, my eyes were opened up to a different world. Drugs play a HUGE role in all CIA operations as this is where they get their funding. And yes........our military was involved in the transport of cocaine into this country during that time!!!!!!!!
11-18-2011 9:51 PM
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Post: #17
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
11-19-2011 3:16 AM

(11-18-2011 9:51 PM)RoguesScholar Wrote:  Damn.......the more I read these posts........the more I feel like I am among like minded individuals! And I thought I was the only one crazy to know this stuff!

Then I'm guessing you probaby know about abovetopsecret.com? You can't believe half the stuff that's posted over there anymore, but every now and then there's usually something worth reading.

I'm prior military myself, but I went the easy route and joined the Air Force. That was back in the 80's, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, when we still had a viable threat capable of at least somewhat keeping the U.S. in check, at least when it came to military and decisions of international interest.

I used to be very patriotic, that's now changed to being disappointed and ashamed of our government.

Remember all the Tomahawk Missiles lanched in Desert Storm? Know why we used them? The were also used in the Ground Launched CXruise Missile, which was to be deployed throughout Europe, but was scrapped as part of a Soviet Treaty signed in 1986 or 87, and they had become obsolete and excessive stockpile.

The gulf wars were never about Kuwait or WMD's, they were all about oil. But, I'm sure that you are already well aware of it.

And, I'm sure you also knew Bush junior went into office fully intending to go after Saddam. One of his very first actions in office was to have the Pentagon map a new contingency war plan for Iraq.

Then again, the man was responsible for turning Texas into the State that executed more people than anywhere else in the world, COMBINED!

The older I get the less threatening a life sentence sounds

Sympathy for the Devil only results in victimized angels.
11-19-2011 3:16 AM
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Post: #18
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
11-25-2011 1:19 AM

Well, the best way to hide information regarding the truth of these websites is by mixing the good info with the bad. Special forces and CIA members are often given the wrong info in case of capture. Only the bits and pieces of the truth can be understood by those who have had experience in decyphering the message. Some garbage.........some truth.

I am a very patriotic person, but not in the terms of the current Govt. like the one we have now. I took an oath to uphold the constitution of the US.....and therefore I am in the Constitutional party. What better party to be a part of then the one we took an oath to uphold and protect.

Not only is the war about Oil but also of riding our stockpiles in the name of technology upgrades. It gets EVERYONE in the club RICH and were NOT in it!

Want an interesting little rabbit hole of truth.......look into the history of Standard Oil and it's members past and present. Then take it just a step further and study the Carlyle Group, it's members and their Secret society affiliation. One name will be of GREAT interest. Then cross reference the history of the Thule Society of Germany and then........The Union Bank and AG Farbin! Then AG Farbin with the gas that killed the jews and the study of Flouride and the experiments in the camps on population control.

Then for a crazy rabbit hole that caused the entire thing.......9/11! Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb in those three buildings........yes. What about building 7? Nothing hit it and it fell just as if it were loaded with Bomb Bomb Bomb

Hmmmm who owned the twin towers prior to it being purchased by Larry Silverstein......yes........Rockerfeller......the head of the Intelligence committee with a strong history of working with Israel. Hech each building is named after his sons. Who owned the security company that had the contract with not only the towers but of Two airports involved with 9/11?

And lets not forget the one act that allowed this entire disaster to happen...........the election of GWB? Who was the gov. at the time in Florida? How convenient, his brother has control of one of the largest voting states and it's outcome. The recount was staged as well.

And just WHERE does it say in the constitution that the SUPREME COURT can determine the outcome of this country's RULER and President? And how many favors were owed to the president's father for their election onto the Supreme Court? They are all puppets of others in Govt. with the Banks being the Puppeteer.

America has been hyjacked and all service members should remember our oath placed before GOD////// TO protect this country from enemies both foreign AND domestic. Pleasantry

WILD night of club fun and after hours parties=Alpha Maschio by Alpha Dream

Close contact date at a pub=Nude Alpha by AL +A1

Dates with dinner=Glace by AD + A1

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At the office=Wolf by AL

11-25-2011 1:19 AM
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Post: #19
RE: Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
11-25-2011 8:27 AM

The last president I actually liked and respected was Reagan. Bush Sr. wasn't that bad either. He was better than anyone else since, but Reagan was actually a president of and for the people!

Can he be blamed for contributing to he economic issues that came after him? Sure, but just think where we'd be if the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed. And yes, I credit him with being responsible for pushing it until it tore at the seams and fell apart.

Bush wasn't elected! he was put in office by a Supreme Court ruling. Talk about overstepping constitutional authority? And you are also right in that it was daddy bush who called in favors to give him the office and hand over the key to the front door.

Jeb would have made a much better president! I actually liked McCain in 2000 though, but by 2008 he had become nothing more than Bush #3 and my hopes were on Ron Paul.

I have known in my heart that 9/11 didn't go down the way we were told since 9/11! Come on now, both towers of the world trade center are laying on the ground in rubble, and we allow a 757 jetliner to circle within a half mile of the White House and smash into the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters? Not a chance!!!

I have read all the arguments for and against the OS, and discovered things that blew me away: The 4 israeli's standing on top the van in New Jersey ready to film the event! The work taking place inside the towers in the weeks before the attack. Cheney taking authority away from NORAD and his comments about firing on the aircraft inbound to the Pentagon. And, the military exercises taking place on 9/10 and 9/11.

BTW, I think most people missed this, but on 9/12 Cheney made this comment "I guess this gives us the right to go after Saddam too". I only heard it air 1 time and never again. And, then and there I knew we were in for one helluva ride with these war mongering fuckers in office, and that they had no respect for anyone!

Osama couldn't have accepted aid from Saddam even if he wanted too: Osama was radical right Islam and Saddam was far to moderate. He would have lost support from his other financial backers.

I knew there were no WMD's. He would have used them before then if he had them.

Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq, and one way or another he WAS going to do it. And guess who we ended up fighting? Some of the same people we accused Saddam of murdering. Only Bush killed thousands and thousands more than Saddam ever had.

Oh, and what about the Anthrax attacks 1 week after 9/11? Convenient timing! I also remember not long after the attacks seeing a news clip saying that the batch used had been traced back to a lab in Iowa and was manufactured in 1947 (I believe it was 47 anyway). That I also only heard air once. With a place and time of manufacture they would have known everyone who had access and surely would have found the person responsible. 54 years later and there couldn't have been many of people still alive and in the U.S. that could have been responsible right?

So why the Anthrax attackes in the first place and why the cover up? Well, it just so happens that they'd been trying to push a bill similar to the Patriot Act through congress for the last 4 years, but could never get the votes. And, that bill was a watered down version of what did pass in 2002, when America was on its knees reeling in fear and willing to give up just about anything to feel safe.

What a fucking crock!

As to the rabbit hole you mentioned, you've got me curious and I'll have to do a little research now, but just from your mention of Standard Oil, the Carlyle Group, Thule Group and gerrman funding in WWII, I'll take a little stab and say that you're probably referring to Prescott Bush?

The leaves don't fall far from the tree, do they?

The older I get the less threatening a life sentence sounds

Sympathy for the Devil only results in victimized angels.
11-25-2011 8:27 AM
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