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Androtics Smartmones - The Sidetracked Thread
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Post: #31
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 7:24 AM

I think a lot of people were taken in by the shiny frame on the tarnished mirror. I know I was. (okay, even that didn't make sense to me...)

Well, hell. I've been up all night again! Let's toast the new day! And here's to the future!


08-15-2009 7:24 AM
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Post: #32
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 12:31 PM

I noticed Diane and Selva saying that their journals have been deleted. I went ahead and saved copies of my journals and other random threads that came to mind before anything happens to them. It sucks losing all your accumulated thoughts in a blink like that. I don't want to compare it to having Alzheimer's but...well, it seems like a familiar situation.

Anyway, I unfortunately don't have the time right now to go around backing up ppl's journals, though I had planned to.

Instead, I'll share with you a quick way to back it up. When you surf the forums, the php software generates an html page, based on whatever. So you can save each page of your journals as if it were any other html file. When you click a link leading to your journal's first, second, third, etc page, you can right click and hit 'Save As..' and save the .html file anywhere you want. Click the link to your 2nd page, and continue. You don't actually have to surf to the page, you just need to right click the link. If you are having any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be back when I can.

Mark, how hard would it be to transfer the contents of those saved html files onto this forum? I can't think of any quick way, as the formatting and such is different. If it comes down to it, we can do it the old fashioned copy and paste way. Smile

I'm sorry for those of you whose journals have already been deleted. Hopefully we can still save our work and memories this way. If they don't want my reports, this forum might as well have the information, no sense in it being lost forever.
08-15-2009 12:31 PM
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The Phero Faerie

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Post: #33
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 12:46 PM

Ah, I checked out my journal again today since renny pointed out to me that it's still there. I took a look at it and it was still there which was so weird but at the same time a big relief. I could swear that yesterday night, there was only 1 post in my journal. Maybe it was a glitch? Anyhow, I still took a copy today cause it might disappear tomorrow, who knows.

Anyways, I copied all my reports from the journal. Tisha, I copied all your recipes as well. Diane I was able to copy some of your reports based on the androtics products. But I couldn't find the post where you explained how to dilute the EST from Love Scent. Maybe I'm just not searching well, but I will try again Smile
08-15-2009 12:46 PM
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Post: #34
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 12:56 PM

Hey at least you got a second chance. Smile Man, the digital age is so ironic. Yes, we aren't filing things anymore, but things seem to be lost easier than ever. Just..*poof* and it's gone.

If private companies can be this unscrupulous, what about our own government? Projects Carnivore, and Echelon anyone?
08-15-2009 12:56 PM
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Post: #35
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 1:48 PM

(08-15-2009 1:09 AM)Diane999 Wrote:  
(08-15-2009 12:58 AM)mark-in-dallas Wrote:  Diane,

You weren't the first and you wont be the last! Those of us in the know, realize what happened, the rest don't matter!

We love you for who you are and what you've accomplished and will build upon as time goes by! Heart

I hope you know that! You are an incredible person who earned far more respect than some gave you, but not us! Your delimma is a huge part of why this forum exists!

All of us here love you Diane,


Thank you, Mark. I appreciate that more than you know.

I can't take credit for the birth of this forum, though. You guys (n gals) have done a tremendous job with it, and I just stumbled on it. And really it was your own inner response to the craziness and drama after I left that lead here, wasn't it?

So, really, although you feel for me (and I thank you for that) it is your own good natures and own inner strength that lead to this. And you should give yourselves all the credit that you are due for all your dedication and hard work.


Here's to having been up all night! I raise my glass to you! Even if it is a cup of strong darjeerling. I'm trying to stay with my little project here.

Diane, at least give yourself credit as a catalyst. You certainly were for me.

You'll remember that I made a series of pointed posts about copulins even long before the SteveO Sexi dustup. It never made business sense to ignore an easy opportunity to sell a product (actually a whole line of products) to already loyal customer base. And then to ignore the clamoring requests of that large group of customers when their patience and loyalty was nearly exhausted. Then it becomes time to do whatever it takes to get your customers the product that they have so insistently requested. If you can't make it in house, go outside and buy it! Do whatever it takes. At that point it makes sense to even sell that product at a loss in order to keep from losing those customers accounts altogether by inaction. Androtics effectively refused sell their customers what they had clearly, repeatedly requested. No matter how I put the pieces together, there was no way to make the least bit of sense out of their actions or inactions.

Then there were a series of other projects they had supposedly put a great deal of time and money into. None of those projects showed any results.

I was an avid reader of the old threads, which only made it all the more puzzling. Micheal Harris was a truly brilliant man who had a extraordinary understanding of human behavior, organizational dynamics, and leadership. He was certainly capable of planning and executing complex projects. He had delivered results time after time.

And then Diane, you popped out from under that homemade vent hood, grinnin' from ear to ear. You have created an entirely unique method of manufacturing copulins that has the potential to separate copulins into an entire class of pheromonally active compounds. You have opened the possibilities for a whole new field of study in pheromone science. Your process will eventually be used to create a whole new branch of perfumery. A tremendous innovation.

You gave Androtics what was clearly the opportunity of a lifetime to license your technology. And they were incapable of making even the simplest business agreements. They never even made a legitimate offer. And then to lose you entirely by the inability to make a simple phone call....

Incredibile. Unbelievable. Irrational. And then it made sense. For the first time in a long time, it made sense. This was a long pattern of pathologically dysfunctional and irrational behavior. And then the things that would have been incredible and unbelivable just few days before, started to fit together, one after another. Week after week, the story got more amazing and incredible, but it continued to fit together into a pattern that in a reflection of a funhouse mirror kind of way, made sense. It appears that a person who I formerly respected is well on the way to turning a company that I loved, into smoking wreckage. God, I hope I'm wrong.

I don't know why I stayed so long. I watched the people I respected peel off, one after another. What was left of the old crew didn't do much more than wave on their way through. Watching the pieces of the puzzle continue to fall together, I rediscovered several emotions that I hadn't visited for a long time. lol

It was not much more than a week ago that I gave up. I wrote my last post. As you might imagine, I was prepared to drive it in. All the way. But there were a couple of facts that I needed to confirm. And Bella knew that part of the story. We had both earlier agreed that we didn't have the stomach for any of the other places. Even the best alternative was just flatass boring. I scratched out an e-mail telling her that I was about to become a homeless refugee. And I launched into some wild eyed ramble about how 'somebody' should do 'something different' and reeled off a handful of blue sky possibilities, a forum being only one of them. Honestly, at that point I didn't think that another forum had much chance of success. But even with nowhere to go, it was time for me to stand and speak my piece. Consequences be damned. I followed that with the piece of my post that I needed to check. And directly a call. My dear friend Bella persuaded me not to fall on my sword. (Why do I want to say again? Have we done this before?) She managed to persuade me that we were as much 'somebodies' as anybody. And that even though there was no place to go, that it was absolutely certain that we were going to do 'something'. Even though neither of us had any idea what we were going to do. (Am I a sucker or what?) Just hold off a day or two until we figure this out. Besides, we have friends who will help with whatever we decide to do. Well of course, they're homeless refugees too with no place better to go. Why didn't I think of that? She managed to give me just enough hope to seriously consider the possibilities.

By the second day I had seen a progression of events with a forum at it's hub. I had written the e-mail and not yet posted it when I found out that this place was up and running. Mark and Bella had this up and running in the course of a single phone call. Pretty cool, huh?

So yes Diane, your story is where it all came together and finally made sense for me, which in turn, led to the cascade of events that brought us here. Thank you. I certainly appreciate your sacrifices. I am equally certain that you have a very bright future ahead of you. You deserve it.

I'm going back to the mindmaps and try to see whats out in front of us.

Y'all party on!
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2009 2:06 PM by Tisha.)
08-15-2009 1:48 PM
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Post: #36
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 1:48 PM

(08-15-2009 12:31 PM)Phya Wrote:  Mark, how hard would it be to transfer the contents of those saved html files onto this forum? I can't think of any quick way, as the formatting and such is different. If it comes down to it, we can do it the old fashioned copy and paste way. Smile

There is no easy way to do so, aside from writing a script to parse it into the database, in the appropriate tables and rows. However, even though your entries in the journals are your intellectual property, they do contain posts from other members of pherotalk, who are not members here, and the entire compilation of those journals could probably be considered to be the property of phertalk. So, I am not comfortable with transcriubing entire journals into our forum.

Arguably, you could post those journals into our forum, without fear of having them deleted, and we (pherotruth.com) would not be liable, because postings are not censored, moderated, and do not require admin approval before they post to the forum. But, it's still a slippery slope that we probably shouldn't get involved in.

I am not going to tell you that you can't repost your jounal here, but I'm going to make the suggestion that it's probably not a good idea to do so. If you're dead set on maintaining the integrity of your journal, you could enter it into a blog and make it private for buddies only.

The older I get the less threatening a life sentence sounds

Sympathy for the Devil only results in victimized angels.
08-15-2009 1:48 PM
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Post: #37
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-15-2009 2:33 PM

I don't have access to Pherotalk at all. If someone wanted to rescue any of my posts to put in a blog or whatever, I give my permission to do so. My posts are my posts, written to the public on a public forum, and not in a private journal. So, even if they are on someone else's forum, it should not cause any legal hassles to copy or transfer them.

However, that having been said, I am not requesting that someone rescue my posts.... just giving my permission if you want to do so.

And be aware that they can edit any post at any time or even create fictitious posts under my name. So unless I can see them and verify that they are my posts, I can't guarantee that what you grab will be what I actually wrote.

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2009 2:35 PM by Diane999.)
08-15-2009 2:33 PM
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Post: #38
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-16-2009 8:22 AM

Hey folks

We had some technical difficulties and new forum bumps to work out in the back ground so if you notice a post is missing of yours rest assured it will be returned shortly. Comes with the territory when your learning the ins and outs of the back room of a forum.

That being said...........................

Quote:Mark, how hard would it be to transfer the contents of those saved html files onto this forum? I can't think of any quick way, as the formatting and such is different. If it comes down to it, we can do it the old fashioned copy and paste way.

Once you post in a forum that post becomes property of that forum. So while posts are your intellectual property you can not copy them to another forum. You can save them for reference though. You can quote small sections of them but you can not move them. I strongly urge that no one take posts even though they are your own from Pherotalk to use in other venues.

Quote:And of course, what is deleted now is gone for good. Unless you saved a copy. Does anybody have a copy of posts or threads that are now deleted??? We are approaching a thousand (1000) missing posts.

Nothing is ever gone for good you just need to know where to find it.

Quote:Arguably, you could post those journals into our forum, without fear of having them deleted, and we (pherotruth.com) would not be liable, because postings are not censored, moderated, and do not require admin approval before they post to the forum. But, it's still a slippery slope that we probably shouldn't get involved in.

Now I totally understand your need for a uncensored forum where you can talk about anything you wish (as long as its not offensive or slanderous) without fear. Being able to express your opinion, views and knowledge (in a civil manner) and in your own style is what forums are all about.

Here comes the but..................... Big Grin

I have moderated forums for years. No forum can be successful without a certain degree of moderation. I am sorry to say it but this is Phero "truth" and I am not going to lie to you. As admin we have a responsibility to protect the forum and its members as well as any outside people who are mentioned in that forum. A unmoderated forum will end up containing no useful content and members will lose interest. A forum that is over moderated and stifles a persons personality and opinion will also lose its membership. Its hard to find balance and that's where I come in. Your moderators and admins are here to serve and protect the forum and the membership.

Quote:Ah, I checked out my journal again today since renny pointed out to me that it's still there. I took a look at it and it was still there which was so weird but at the same time a big relief. I could swear that yesterday night, there was only 1 post in my journal. Maybe it was a glitch? Anyhow, I still took a copy today cause it might disappear tomorrow, who knows.

Anyways, I copied all my reports from the journal. Tisha, I copied all your recipes as well. Diane I was able to copy some of your reports based on the androtics products. But I couldn't find the post where you explained how to dilute the EST from Love Scent. Maybe I'm just not searching well, but I will try again

Let me explain what MH is doing. He is not a evil person he just lost his balance because so many problems have hit him from so many directions all at once. His vision no longer matches many of the members. Thats ok he is entitled to his own vision and all visions change and transform with time. We are entitled to ours as well. Its when you force that vision and do not respect the vision of others that you cross a line. If he doesn't balance his attempt to control I am afraid PT will dwindle and die. You cant control other peoples beliefs and opinions. I truly hope it doesn't come to that because I do love all the staff and the members there despite what they may think about me. I harbor no ill feeling towards any of them. I can still feel for a person even though we look at things from a different beliefs and perspective. Some people cant do that. I wish them well on their journey but I can no longer walk with them because there path doesn't lead to where I want to go or who I want to be. It doesn't make their path or mine wrong it just makes them different paths.


He is most likely going through all the threads and removing or editing any blatant reference to LP, Bad mone companies and most likely copulins since he has declared all people interested in them evil trouble makers in one of his posts on the forum. Do not go by post count. They are deleting many dead posts as well just to trim the forum and make it run smoother. We did that all the time.

(This post was last modified: 08-16-2009 4:52 PM by Tisha.)
08-16-2009 8:22 AM
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The Phero Faerie

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Post: #39
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-16-2009 11:23 AM

I don't understand how you can still support the people who underestimate your work or sound like they don't like you. Don't take me wrong, I'm not asking why you are not bashing them yet! lol

I'm just so confused. If a company didn't want anything to do with me, I would try to not talk anything about them but definitely not defend them or say something hurtful... I don't understand why you're being too nice.

Anyhow, good luck to them.
08-16-2009 11:23 AM
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Post: #40
RE: Androtics Smartmones
08-16-2009 1:22 PM

(08-16-2009 11:23 AM)esmeralda Wrote:  I don't understand how you can still support the people who underestimate your work or sound like they don't like you. Don't take me wrong, I'm not asking why you are not bashing them yet! lol

I'm just so confused. If a company didn't want anything to do with me, I would try to not talk anything about them but definitely not defend them or say something hurtful... I don't understand why you're being too nice.

Anyhow, good luck to them.

Because to not be nice or truthful would be to become just like them and I dont want to take that path. Its really that simple. They do not determine my worth or my character and nothing they can say or give me will ever change that.

I dont need to not be nice. Peoples misdeeds have a way of coming back to them.

08-16-2009 1:22 PM
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